s h - ;.- 't U." THE JOURNAL New era,-H. Oct. 2, ttOS. ' Index to Wew i4Ttftement. , - 'Henry' Kuurmacj. , h t j ' i fiimon ft Hollowell Co Ultras Business locals. FINK Una of Fresh Cake and ciMkm jnrtrooelvedM James RDawBon1, 103 Middle Street Phone 809.; THE enrolment of students In the ' -Glasses In Expert Bnslness Writing hss ' passed the eighty point and "The cry is - 'Still they come'." Mr. Thome arranged for Ike ample accommodation and crlti- ; callndlv'doal training of each student. Be will open another class when nece fr iary. This is the school children! op ', portanityT-the classes acting In perfect ; harmony with their work and enonnous i ly to their advantage. No one feature 1 " In their training wlli prove more practl ' cal and permanently helpful or be half rao easily imdlcheaply 'acquired as bread - earning writing. The best that Pough ckeetale affords in this subject is dupli cated In this classes. The fee is $3-00. ' Stationery is furnished without extra ' charge. Tho time given is sufficient. Two classes. Three and eight p. m. Join either, Mr. Thome feels especially com '.' 'jpllmonted by the large Attendance of ! businessmen. Exact, fast writing Is an t enormous commercial asset snd once gained the question is settled for life, Join now. "Now" is the word that wins Now is the time to lay aside that outra geous scratch. Now is the time for the ladies to realize in their penmanship that 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever" A card to F. W. Thome, Patterson House will bring explanations In full. WANTED District Manager for the Pennsylvania Casualty Company of Scran ton, Pa. for the lines of personal, accident, health, all kinds of liability elevator and plate glass insurance. Will pay extra commissions with lowest rates and liberal policy. Bequest, Dudloy & Mann, Resident Managers, Charlotte, N.O. NOTICE Mr. Uenry E. Cretean begs to inform his customers and the general public that he has removed his TJphol ' storing business to No. 72 Craven street and solicits the continuance of their kind patronage. FOR RENT Dwelling formally occu pied by J. E. Latham. 17 Johnson street O. Marks & Son. NOW 18 THE TIME and here the place to buy the finest eating Apples, Pears, Bananas, Grape andi all kinds of the finest fruits of the season. Bsrfield's Fruit 6tore Broad street. Phone 200. TO RENT A good brick store, oppo site Baptist church, formerly occupied ' by Eaton tlic Jeweler. Apply to E. K. Bishop. NOTICE if you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do it all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. MISS SPEIGHT, Voice and Piano,, Armory Hall. Fridays 6 Saturdays Madam LaRose The Qreat Palmist Has Moved to 78 Middle St. Dp Stairs i a uusiness, kv , .marriages, ii I you are in nouot consult ner at " AAA A A s a A AA J t "Advertisers ! i Change of ad, must ; ,:tr, be tn HiIh office by ; noon to Insure change In the following day' ,. - Ink ue. tlttU Li.US-X.-l,- '.'. Notice l;f -After Sunday, September 28th, the Oaks Market will be closed on Sunday - I n . .-i .1 j tpvmogs. i airons please mko nuuuo. i t- Choice Venison ateaka and Roasts at , ) the Oaks Market today." w Speclal Notlce. : Our buyers are now In the Northern markets selecting the latest styles In .JaH and Winter goods,. ,: -e , BABFOOT BROS. ."fa '"' ' 1 - v ' Miss Smallw oofs School ,C -lllss. SmaUwood will . re-open her vi .School Mender, October 6th. " Those de- tslrlMrdaeea annlv' to her 'al her resi- )dnc. 11 Craven ftreet,-.on '.Thursdays fnoays iron lour to blx oxiock (Uf' : f ' i m - ii ' 'tfti SP1 Hotlc.:. .1- ' .'4 tOir bayeri are new' la the northern markets aelectlnc tht latest style ia fall ff"W wlnler good.,, ?, viWt' 1 1 . 1 ' . I i BABFOOT BROB. 4 . "k Tine Canned Beef and Best;' fiognm CutUColdssLaGHppe ' rieassati ,to Uke.-f Toaf mono .goLD'ii'ltiuBLccaiisTS:' AROUND AND ABOUT, 'Wl :' fair weather la, the forecast tor W day. : " ' --- '. ; ' -yi: Cotton'sold in Mm local market yester day at S8.40. , v j , Seats for "Reaping JhHirvastM Will be op tale at Weterrt store this morn ing. . - ' i -. Mr. L. O. Tolsoa who hss been with the National Bank, has accepted a poai. tlon with the Blades Lumber Co., In this city. The boats from down the river bring In a lot of onions now and then, enough to about supply tbeotne market Seventy-five cents the bushel Is the usual price asked dealers. : -ii"': With one exception all the members of this year's graduating class of the graded school are attending college. This Is a splendid record and one that should be emulated. The number at col lege Is eleven. , . Mr. P. A. Willis la painting his resi dence on Pollock street. The color scheme will be entirely changed, and the residence which Is already a very nice one, will be greatly Improved In appear ance. The electrical effects at the play "Reaping The Harvest" will be the finest ever seen In this city. The company carries its own scenery and electrical apparatus and makes exceedingly beau tiful tableaux with their lights. Mr. O. Q. Dunn, the young stationary and school supply merchant, was mov ing his stock yesterday from the store on Craven street, heretofore occupied by him to 50 Pollock street, where he will henceforth supply his customers. A representation of the eruption of Mont Pelee done In oil was posted on the Marks' store building yesterday. The picture waa so realistic that many ran off fearing that theymlght be hit by some rock or burled beneath the lava. Lint cotton sold yesterday on , this market for 8.42, only a few bales beipg offered. Several years ago New Bern was a very lively cotton market and the sales would run way up in the tens of thousand bales in a season. Four thous and bales now, Is a fairly good season's business. A sharpie was at the market dock yes terday loaded with sweet potatoes, of the popular red yam variety, but such a great number of potatoes have been brought to market the price for then was unusually low. Only 60 cent the buabel being offered. A few weeks sgo they easily sold for 80 cents. CJ j, 'P r Tn ,A Bnth Thi Kina' Ywt Haw Mwiya mriataa iff , VVAM. V PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. B. Bender o( Pollocksvllle, is In the city. Mr. B. J. Lane of Vanceborn, was here yesterday. 1 Mr. P. II. Pelletier, ia In New York on a business trip. Mr. E.C. Potter of Norfolk, waa In town yesterday. Mf. D. S. Aman of Palo Alto, was in the clly last night. Mr. John B. Reel of Reelabnro, was In town yestorday on business. ' The. Runaway Match Company are registered at Hotel Uazelton. Mr. W. W. Jackson will leave today for Norfolk, on a business trip. Mr. flyman Cohen left yesterday morning to visit bis family who live In Wilson. Dr. George R. Hughes and Mrs. Hughes of Pollocksvllle, spent the day here yesterday, Mrs. D. L. Roberta returned yesterday from a visit to Smyrna and the straits, In Cartoret county. , ' - ' Airs. A. K. Hitman and children re turned yesterday from a visit to friecds and relatlvos at Ktnstoo and OrlfUn, N.C. Mr. Richard N. Duffy left last night for Baltimore to enter the Johns' Hop kins Hospital where be will panne his studies. i ... Mr. Dalton Whtlford who has the guest of friends here during the asm mer Is attending school at the Aslriahi Bute normal ocnooi ai J act son pile. Ala. k Gem of FUl- "Reaping the Harvest," a four-act drama, by Tom Fitch, la precisely what it was represented to be, a strong blay full of deep hwaaa Interest, t ft was presented at matinee yesterday and again at night, and ft Is safe to say were It repeated here tomorrow sveryoas who saw the performance yesterday . or last night would make an effort to see It OABTonjAt:;1 feuttts rlhlWfaMWwrsiiisjjt wuw mm mm u., : - I Reaping the Harvest" la well wrjtiih tne sttuauoaa ana enmaiot ,weu nrawa and Is exceedingly well staged, and js a truth a gr m f n play, .Quite fortaaate- ly.Ur, J. R UPeerl, the owner aad saaneg " uf ptodaetloa has snsronnd ed Mr, Fittk with aa excel lest eomMnw of men and women, real actors, who act thennee and soenes interpreted, ina.Oo not simply enunciate,' 1 The' stpport throoghout is goodt' and there kreab less than iU leadlris; 'Vsrls-HDafly Herald, Tlekaberry, ' Mlt ' Karcl 1SU, :-..,-.,sxj-tva3frerr Bsssslke . ySlMt-m " 't - ' -ii m 1A00B8" Baletgb ByS V beat. Kiddle street. tksM I ts the Waai 'isi' Batalre f 111 "v" .Prakakly be'Kore VudiOb0i: ' ; pipiu. Yesterday was the first day of school at the graded school and the at tea dance was very gratifying rather unexpected for the beginning. j The ' number enrolled yesterday waa 448, all o them having been pupils of the school before. , , i . ?, Today new pupils will be admitted. A large number of applications for instruc tion nave been received, and It Is expec ted that when the school (Jets, fairly ad Justed it will folly be op, and Brill possi bly surpass any previous year In point of attendance. Three new teachers are In- the sehool. Miss Beamey of KarUnsrlUa, Va wUl have charge of the English work of the three highest grades; Miss Etta Nunn of this city Is teacher of the fifth grade, and Miss Pace, of Wilson teacher la the third grade. The other teachers remain as they were last year. The colored ; schools , began with the large attendance of 420 atudents. The pupils are under the competent instruc tion of Prof. W- G. Avant. Craven Club, Tonight. There will be a business meeting of the members at tho Craven $lobtonlght at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of mem bers Is desired, ; .- . Children of the Confederacy. The Children of the Confederacy will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. F. 0. Roberts, on Pollock street. A full attendance Is de al red. Death of Mrs. Thompson. Died, in this city.on Wednesday, Ocio ber 1st, at her home on Pollock street, Mary F , aged 64 years, wife of C apt. Augustus C.Thompson. Jlfrs. Ttyompsob had been an Invalid sdsuflkr for years, yet wu patient through It all. She leaves a loving hus band, who has tho sympathy of this com munlty in his bereavement. The funeral will take place this after noon at 4 o clock at the residence 84 Pollock street. Democratic Address. Hon. R. B. Grenn addressed the peo ple of New Bern, at tho Court House Wednesday night, on the Issues of the day.- Owing to the attraction at the Opera House only a comparatively small audi ence wu present. About one hundred and fifty persons. Mr. Glenn was In his usual good shape and made a very strong and forcible ad dress which wu received by the audi ence with unusually strict attention. His comparison of Democratic and Re publican administrations of State affairs wu strongly drawn, and seemed to be an answerable plea for tho success of De mocracy. Frequent applause showed that the audience was In full sympathy with his argument, and the tribute to denator Vance, met with a feeling response from every one present. Won't Be Crashed. To the Editor of Ihe Dally Journal. Dear Blr: I sent you a poem last week and aaked yon to publish It tn your pa per. Ton declined and returned It to me with the crushing reply that I wu no poet, and that you could turn out better poetry oat of a aausage machine. Now I won't be oroshed, and I propose to show up your attempt to throttle bubbling genius., Publish this card and the fol lowing poem In your columns and charge me at your advertising rates. Yours, JAMES METCALF UILBY. - THE POEM. I stood upon the ocean's sandy beach And with a rced I wrote upon the sand these, words, , . 'fc Agnes, 1 love thet-f But th wind same and. the waves ro'.led mountains -blgh, Aad blotted Out the fair Impression. Cruel waves, .treacherous sand, fragt'.e reedi .,- Ho longer will I-trust to thee. But from1 the highest mountain peak I'll pluck the tallest pine. jLpd, dipped In the orate of Vesuvius, ! wua n i wm write Upon the high and burnished heaven ' tbbSe word; "A Wh Woman" is drawing the larg est stodienees ever known, Andfvinffa entertainment that will tak VOQr breath away. Atidji wou4Tlk,.te ee any dog-gone T i wa ve twsM that .ou L ; Uil 1 t'-'vaniy fcxtenu. nAM fooy'soe't literary effort pre dflctyro-of returns y asked the Inter anted visitor, i rtf K ) : t : "Oh, yea; -Jadesd," replied the proud mother. Scarcely a day passes that omethlng does not come back." I najjoBsewa.,.,., Te shi sua. rtmut bov imbS Ooer aald he'd bet be S!lXSLSllS IH1I HW V-B. . .. .. ll. ,. rvi ewawe Tow.saaw mm wpr- "Naw, I aldot He aald he'd nave to to the tyUc.-'-Hvsland ruin Dealer. ,-W)HMt .'al.H'i'l ' 1 's . U.-...f As .nbaalteaa.vt..yti rAOh, mjr r. exclaimed the pretty type wHUe... Wnralsahl I'm ,a wretched aneller."-.!!., ... k;.,n u "Ahuol" sighed lier ensmored em t)WL. a "Too are mUtrwe of all aorta t-jbi sprthj'-otuo mate fonrnai ; ; i ii a'srui I . -. . - l v" . '. . -. u v Hl.oaaSaS.4 - 'flroiri , What ante Jones kicking about! You'd think be never got What be wanted. - 8lth-)t ons thaa that Bessys f be never gets even what be doesn't wantt-Detroit Free Free. Pig Feet, Frarifc Tripe and Boneless fg I' -"s at teOfis Market, MILUNERT OPENING. ElabntaatvlBeittfnl Display of PaU The Fall opening at the Bee Hive wu one rare beauty, t in addition to a fine display of teeJetest styles of ladles bats ia rich and varying styles wu the beau tiful draperies in the store. A person could almost Imagine . her. Slf in a' Turhlth bSzaar, so deftly and artistically were .the rugs, Curtains and blankets arranged,' All the prosaic af fairs of the i ordinary dry goods store were concealed and palms and ferns added'- Immensely to the beauty of the scene.1 f Borne of the rugs displayed were of beautiful design and of the very best material and workmanship. The blan kets were of rare design, many of them pretty and were woven by Indiana, The whole store wu a sample of Mr. A. Patterson's decorative art and a splendid success he made of It. For Ladies Inspection. We welcome October! the month when lavish nature with unstained hands paints the forest In gorgeous colors, and and decks the fields In golden rod; and with Insinuating mildness of Indian Bummer Would deceive the unwary Into believing that tho time of wlntrv winds, and icy blasts is unreal, and re mote, and would tempt the negligent to delay the many necessary purchases that means so much to the comfort of the home, and well being of the family No so the Simmons & Hollowell Co I with their usual promptness and charao terlstlo forsight they have studied the the needs of their patrons, and have pro cured unexceptional values tn their var ious departments. The housekeeper cannot fall to be pleased with the handsome draperies, table linens, towels blankets and comfort ablcs, wbllo their selection of black skirts and dress goods, waist patterns, hu never been surpassed. V, Those who are artistically inclined will find in the stamped linens and tin ted pillow lops ' with : ."silk to match most congenial employment for the Ion; winter evening. The millinery department was aglow with burnt orange and golden rod and was thronged as usual with animated visitors. The hats were the recipient of feminine favor, and many econluma were passed upon the combinations of fur, feathers and lace. One specially pretty was castor velvet enbroldered in chenille, another compos ed entirely of black pinked half Im h taffeta ruffles. Black and white braMod felt wu unique, while an all feather turban had many admirers. Ping Pong has become such a oraze, It hu Invaded the realm of millinery, and claims one style all Its own, and s pretty style It Is too In black moire, plumes and chiffon. One featuro of opening day of this en terprising firm, and .in this they are ex- elusive, is the gift of some little novelty to each visitor u a souvenir On yester day an after dinner coffee spoon, with pretty design of Electricity Building, Buffalo Exposition, wu very muck ap preciated by pleased patrons. Fine Mountain Apples at McSorley's. Taxes for 1902. The tax books will be onen at the places and days stated below for the col lection of taxes, and it is expected that all will avail themselves of this onnor tunity to settle their taxes and avoid paying costs: Vanceboro, Saturday,, Qctober 11. Maple Cypress, Gardner's) Baturdav October 11. Trultt's, Monday, Oct 11. Core Creek, Saturday, Oct. 18. Dover, Wednesday, Oct. It. ; Fort Barnwell, Saturday, Oct, 1. Morton's Store, fiamle,j,,Oot. 2'. Croatan, Saturday, Oct. .18. Jasper, Saturday, Oct 85. T will Ka In m,jfflN,.li tliA f '(in rf House from 8 o'clock a. m. until 5 n. every day in the week except Sunday J. W. BIDDLiB, Sheriff Clven Co 187 Middle Hi. roll line of Drnxg aW Meaicloea. Perfumes, Toilet Bobds. etc . also tbs following Mineral Watersi "j1 Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo LI th la, Bunny adl Jaaoa, Hunyadl, Matyea, : (Jerbena, Veronica, Apenta, BedBavea gpUts. Combs, Broahes, Tooth Brushes, -'. -r ' Paaterlne Tootb.'Fasm. COLUMBIAN INBRCTIcrDF. ;' Oreolnm, ' the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bn( Destroyer. . J J Brom-Chloraltjm A sure PREVENTATIVE of Infection ni oontagloa ot. DIPHTHERIA j&MALL PhTllolsPreecripUoM';'e I Ml' .LL i II III I HI I if ? is. ' A. flflf .On ;&' Cut CA ill ".t ( , .' ' Care thai case with V I pfrwln!-tX 1 IsslS'Tv $latbr-:i4er . . fcuptTM S"n L ST , iui.mnil,U. , Bold niy;t.v;JAUa !:tt;iuarMaoy, ' rr'O-'. U - Pectoral. 60 years ' Another Landmark Gone. The bid well on South Front street will now beoomea memory, Its reality and usefulness gone forever. Situated u It wu, on one of the city's busiest "thoroughfares, It was ever a drinking place, for man and beast. Warriors and statesmen have cooled their browB and slaked their thirsts from its limpid flow, and for years, tire some to the memory of man to recall, It has freely given up its water to tho necessities, snd delights of tho rich and poor, high and low alike, bnt now Its waters are stilled. The well was one of tho old time sur face wells, and for some time It has been feared that It had become contaminated and lately the water assumed a dirty, greasy appearance, which was sufficient to condemn It for drinking purposes. The city hands lato yesterday evening removed the pump and top curbing and with a few loads of dirt, In a little while demolished and obliterated this old and well known landmark. The authorities will cause to be erected at an early date, a large fountain at the corner of South Front and Middle streets, which will perhaps in the course of time be as useful and popular as the old well, and a good deal B&fcr for one's health. Tbe Runaway Match. The "Runaway Match" gave a large audience some sore sides last night. There never haj been a more roaring farce on tho local stage, nor one that was more highly enjoyed. Without commending the plot we can honestly say that tbe actors aro surely"onto tbel Job, and produce a comedy that Is worth going miles to see. It Is a clean comedy with tho most ludicrous situations I mag Inablc. Thero were good specialties In troduced. OASTOniA. Bwn th Tho Kind You Han Always Bought At Davis. Freeh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vkc clno Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. Received freph today, a tino l Lemou, Orange, Lime, lionchomuil Anneseed Drops, at McSorU-y's. I f and Celery Headache Powders. There is not any licttc r rmcdy for headache thn Ihete powder They never fall to relievo Mmle anil koIiI only at Davis' Prcsrrlplinii Pharmacy V ,V Nft.l 1Ih14 .'-P.Xl-'.6't f-, -v.- ? Have mined 67 Police!; Ctrccf of, cures. J. e. itoto., wu,abM., OpJ, I. Quite a number of onr people are' attending coatf at Beaufort thl week. Rev. B. F. BUlley, of New Bern'attend ed his quarterly meeting at Mt. Zlon Saturday and Sunday. Miss T, Annie Hancock of Hark era Island,! visiting relatives and friends at this place. --5?v Arrangements are being made to get Mr George Wiley ,a Invalid of Russell's Creek, off to Johns Hopkins hospital In Baltimore.' . . '". BRADHAM'S LIVER and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can be given to very old people and children. Mild In action, their effect Is far-reaching. No pain or discomfort follows their use. They have been called 'Health' Housekeepers," which Is quite true. Does your liver hurt you ? Better try these pills. Price 2Ac. at BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. We are Now Ready to do all repair work to your stoves for winter use. We carry a nice line of Cook and Heat ing Btoves that will be sold cheap. Stove pipe, Roofing, Guttering and work of all shape and sizes made to order. Don't forget us on Plumbing. Phone 230. Foy & Wood Co., Draisey'N Old Stand. Mouth Front St. School Time linds us well prepared to supply the ris ing generation with everything to aid in increasing its store of knowledge. G. N. Ennett. n it JOWL?. 'liiaeB'OS'-' -n l-i'S tit Suits to fit )$ of all ages in alt the NEW STYLES. Prices Bight too. Wow ia the time him up for school. 'mamViA-v ttt.. a-- Y every Suit. IJ. G. Tkmn&CoJ. 9t?n'N A 57 ollocl Street- mii;k. b: almost If nothing to say, say not h lug. Nothing is more common than for thosi to lion their companions with their history, who have lieithiT done nor suffered anything that can excite curiosity or iiffonl instruction. Upon the same principal "doga delight to bark ami bite, for 'tis their nature to." Many advertisers are afflict ed with a like complaint. They bore the public with pros aic announcements of every day occurence, f. w, if any, nf which are worth printing, being mere inventories of goods and prices. Not so with our ads. No ordinary doings is counted there. Only the uncommon, the extraordinary are deemed worthy of inentiou. We are showing today A Soft, Fleecy, weighiug abonl 4 lbs That's colorings arc unique, the lines being of Ihe abori. iiml lype I'.ir, Tbe magazines are dwelling at great length o i the nm. lt ami n l of Indian corners and room ornamentation. PATTERSON & HILL, The Bee Hive, 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church. WE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS iot Stoves A full stock of Wood Heaters, Wilson Heaters, and both aiv per feet with front feed door. You will find on our floor tho kind ym want. Wc aro prompt in putting them up. Iu'; our .stuck ovc before placing your order. We carry a good stock of Saab, Doors, Blind-i, l.uuc, ( Vment, I'las ter, anything you may want in Builders Material. Special 15lack .lack stove BUckine. Rail Hearing Castors. 14 7 T.i M - OK So Good I" Whst innkes our 8ln ater tJi.ste so pncid is Its quality. 1'vprv thln nswl in the mnfcinjj is l-'irst tjuality pure. - Tin waUir is pure mulsicirk ling. The ice Is iiiie sail clean Tli ir"ni is pure iiml rich. The llavors pure nml delirlmis. The fruits aru the bent and fiesli People wlm know mir soda k ont of their way, If nei'esxary, to get it. ll i ki Milii'viue, x, ip- freshing, so full ( wlml tllCVViBIlt I in rooil soda. I hey route and come auin tiiat s wnat we're working; for oonsliitly,boeaase we want refriilnr ctutUtmrr whoknow tHirOualily. Hit A 1)11 A Mv-t FOUNTAIN. -i- One on "tlroad Street, 114 feet front, 214 feet C inches deep. A good dwelling, store and ont build ings. A auiUble place for a tobac co ihe4. 'One on George St. about 80 feet front; 76 or 80 feet deep, Two good Wildingi "that Would rent for 110 or 112 per mo., eaoh, oould be built upoi' it with 1 plenty of out-door rooiu.., , Apply to -rtvi'iii.ii J. K LAND. tunnKrt''tAii a 2 la the moat refreshln aad tavlar- X ; ;, oVnf drWta od( TounhOna.: ; Gnre hsatdaclM aad tapovea Umk ; I wpnatrUw .!; '-' -W ! ; U Try, ft - ,fir(;ia;';toaaol'at e tij '-i.U) OCe !! '"V ; " 3 to fit Re- a. Roy'n Wear, QQCOi Pure Wool Robe I h- I'.iidMot, Iml. i., i:..i. Ili- ! (iaskill Hardware Co lMil., Hi '.'VW It tC I ' CUT GLASS Just Received. A lieu line nf ut l.l.i - ;ihil Slerling Siiver. Kmc Kugiamig liv.-ot char.' ou all gnoils Mild. EATON, The Leading Jeweler. ITS TIM K OW ; to have that hiuw repaired. J cold wiuther is coming. 11 me 1 fix your stove lxifore the rush 1 btgins. I.. II. CANNON, 138 M id.l l St.. FRESH VACCINE VIRUS Jott Rkccivrd. BRAIjHAM'8 PHARMACY. I Have Taken The Agency For the Greenaboro Fire Insurance Companies. SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL SOUTHERN LOAN and TRUST ,,.00. UNDERWRITERS. I wlH gite) joo Protection at Lowest Coat In good Reliable Home Companiefc - U r'.-.',i-.'-

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