4; volA XX-KO, ft? 'Sw- - IIW BIRI, I. C, SATURDAY . UOKXlXff, .OCTOBER" 4, 1002. TWIHTT-FIEST THE ft 1 f J. . jk jan& jaw .eea. .esta. .aw ak asaa. .as. .. I $4;000? Given FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS JS best reasons why the "Dorothy ft others. rirst Prize, $1,000.00 Second Prize, $T50.00 In order to write intolligeotly, if will be tieoessarj to pur- X ,.l n A ,.t uT iv T-un ai. j ti ij . i v tun do u pan ui "tsvtuuij vuuu,, Duwe auu wfiR) jour uruciv on the blank famished hj ''in at the time of purchase. No lit erary ability reqnired. " Only plain, nnvamished facta are wanted. - , Sole Here Exclusively By. GRirrON BRAND The Winter is Molhera aiid fathers bring your Clothing and Shoes. We will give you a few prices in MEN'S ( LOTUINO. I in 1J lac k Worttedn - $6 40 - 4 08 te J8 50 6 I II 5 00 3U8 2 9 4 873 CXKNIMKRK SUIT8. nils, Uroj) into our store and let us HUne, New Goods, New Bargains. Very respectfully, Miaaie Kt, next to Uasklll Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 8,500 Kolls Cotton Bagging, 800 bandies Cotton Ties. Send us your orders,; Prices are the lowest iSyf'ti'ty''- - J. lUtrfailiam & Ca. Knocked the rtnffSha siji-iHwit'ot iu?iimr M' end broke 11 Into splinter, Wy have .1. bean the fat of your carriage when It wa run into bf omethtnri bat "there U balm In Oilead," or there I pleasar , t knowing thai In oar (hop yo can , ' bar It made food a new. we do all 0 kind of larrriaee repairing aad black- amlthlng in a killfnl and inperlor aaan- nr. -i :'. ' r We pat Rabbet Tire on foot old or . new wheel. We ihrink your not tin In a machine without cutting them. Kverjbody Invited to to the work of the macula putting new holla In same nM Jilncwi. , . o. ti. X7r'-j r; , r - v. ' 7i r- t , . ; . " .aaw .ww .oak .tee. .v .em, ji tdtVVomen 1 g are offered in mrlzM for the li Dodd" Shoe is snperior to all ; Third Prize, $500.00 HACKBURN. Fall Clotriiiig. Snappier, Larxer, Betterthaii etw Our line of Griffon UmikI Cluth intr Men' SuiU in Extra Fine Worsttds and alt the real tiling. Youths Suits in Eiegaut Cassl mere, Child 2 piece, 3 piece and Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. When yon buy here you buy right ! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street boys to this sale and fit them in Men's and Children's clothing : CHILDKEN'd CLOTHING. as 00 BnlU - - - t8 88 4 00 ' tH 3 SO 2 50 1 50 1 00 198 18 08 68 show jou what we have. New Hiw. Co., Raw Btn, R. C. MURPHY & CO.; Commission Brokers. Cottca, Stccb, GralB & 1t13 Dlregt wire to New York aid htoago. . "f Instantaneous reports reoeired of every more on exchange. E. F. PATB, Manager, 17 OraTon Street. cAFdrCr'Mc - can ny ninlilng bat good of bii FU (fit W it' Biade here. We doe't know everytlilng, bat we do know bow to make good, dretijr, long-wrlnf olothf, our p tron of voar1 (lanii Ingwi.l tell you, Clolh llrk, rantful liriniii'v, aocnnit enttlng, tkllHul ar tisan t'.i tli tnt. Lt in t? your Bicaiur for a Autumn buit. T C " ' - ! f't ' VJmSt' " ' '"'1 ' e '! PRESIDENT'S VAIN APPEAL Woe Operator! ad MlocaPole Kedt - , Ktuul terms ef Atreenat. Special to JMraatHV.y. i ' ' WASHiHetoif, Oct 8. Ta (neeting Of theeoalnlM ownenand Kf. XlUhall at Um Whit lloaie today, restlted la wbat appwn to be a complete failure. j The Frcatdeat appealed to the patriot Ism of both sides,. A reeesdat taken and then Mr Mitchell said V was billing tolrava the matter to eommlssloii of arbitrator to be appointed byibo Preaf The salne owner declared they would not la any way leeogalae Mr Mitchell or the Mlnen Onion, and the only propoal tion they submitted, wa that My miner who had a rteTaa afln fao mm oners,; eetbn''ioiWrM Jnolbir-eliithiiiJfc '; The Pwldt mid both ue he had no power to take other aorkm than to appeal to them at be had done! Market Letter on Cotton. Bf prlrau wlra, J. E Latham ft Co. Kew York. Oct. 8. The Government at laitimaed it aaal oottoa statement, and it boeeef the wore In the annal. OondnSsa of-SaS-lO, or 10 point below the km year average, and lower than hut yea- or 1899 or even 1898. It I omethlag' to came oommenL Tht bowlagt Important enough to bring altoot lerlott thought on the qneetlon ofenpply and demand. It' really of Utile Importance whether the condition 158,60 or 64. There I ao hop of much more cotton than Uat year. Thb I the Important Item. Last year there wa brought Into sight 630,000 bale from the njevkms crop. Consumption Is not likely to be lem thl mason than last SelUag on thl report may reach a large total. It will be largest la January, but thl liquidation I not likely to have bat a temporary effect. There may be a et back in price bet on the whole we am balltth on cotton. Shot Robher Dead. William port, Oct. 2. Five ataaked men broke Into the MontoUrtvtlle trol ley power hones and opened lira on the engineer who wa twice wounded but he Mixed a revolver and hot one dead STEP BT STEP. Coffee Gets la Its Pine Work. Watch eofee drinker and obaerve iat practically everyone of them ha ome form of incipient or died die- Mr, r. N. Wright, of Ban FrancUoo, CeL, telle her experience; "I wa SO yean old before I ever knew the teste of coffee, and before IeomawneeddrlnUng It, I never wa troubled la the least with oaastlpottoa, bat after drinking coffee for ene year, I became eoaetlDeled to h a degree that I had to retort to dree to overcome It. After three, yeart drinking coffee, 1 had cultivated a chronic state pf eonstl. nation and ether annoying symptoeu maairett. Tne Orat thing la the morning, I bed a headache eocae eo, a ftelUgof aaaaea, aad theeo symptem would peraUt nnttt I had drank a qnan- ttly of eolfee. At srtt,Idld not eti symptoms with the aablt of eoffot eMnkingv. I thonghtmy eatem be ran .dowa, and I felt tied that eofee, butted of proscribed dreg woeie relieve the weajtnemv Like many people, 1 4)4 aet teeeen from eaase to effeot, , - - Aboet this time I had an elderly nam in my employ, who complained every morning otatmUaraympto, aad when isaggeeted mineral water, etc. to her for hat bmanensss, ihe said, "Hothlng In the world but my coffee wUl relieve me, when I Teat so hedty.' My haaband be gan to eomplala, 1f ha' did not ' get him coffm at a eertala time, of queer sense tloas la the stomach and head. Ibeeeme alarmed m thee aotnddeeceo, aad came to-the eonemalon that coffee had at troeg a hold oa a m whiskey has with, the vtrlett draakard. About this time. I I wa taken HI with Inflammatory then-1 matlam,sul thetwe doctor who attended aw, told me I would have to atop drink- tog eolfee or remain a cripple, as they could not leant me If I pemleted In er- Ing drag euooge taea the drug 1 My hatband ami I agreed to Uj an i pwVaent and enmmeeeed Ihe uee of Piat urn rood Coffee, "The effect wa mention aad langat at tome ralnabl truth, and now we would nottonoba eapofeoffeeforaaythlag. Hlabuilaei damaads the Utmot eoaceatratloa of brain force ooattnoouJy, He now lookt like a new maa.thebu had ao bead aches or bilious attack for some month, and digests all hi food without any dlttrem I feat tare that he would bur been a wreck If he had kept oa with eoffoe. After I began uilng, rottam, I toon recovtred from eiy tttat k of rl)wiml!m tnd la t fnw :., I couM w'k about "-'u. 1 1 a no lni'"!r trnnMJ . a, I :-.! . , intot rlicu ': n. I jn-'y 1 'ert r.i.t t!ce con I ie of r " i t i In' - THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrh; Coughs and Colds. "F WiTO w,, MB. AMD MB8. PETEB HOFFMAN, ETLERT0WN, FA. MB. PI P., R. PETEB HOFFMAN, Kylertown, I wat deaf for five years and could find no help. I wae completely deaf; wa afflicted with thortneu of breath, bronchltla, trouble In the throat, to that I wa In mltery. Through one of Dr. Bartman' almanac I decided to try Peruna, and bought a bottle. "I took three bottles and now feel real well; my hearing it good again; I can breathe without difficulty; my throat ia no longer inflamed. I followed all the direction, and can now say that Dr. Hartman' Peruna hat cured me. "I recommend it to all tnSering with catarrh. I am ttrenty-oae yean old, autre an appetite again andean work. I Mel ten yean younger. " When old age comet on, catarrhal dls eaie come alto. Systemic catarrh Is al mott universal In old people. This explain why Peruna hat become eo Indispensable to old people. Peruna la their safe-guard. Peruna it the only remedy yet derived that meet these cases exactly. Such caset cannot be treated locally ; nothing but an effective ayttemio rem edy could cure them. This It exactly what Peruna Is. CATTLE IN CONDITION. State Officials Campaigning. As To Registration. State Charters. M1U and Warehouse Building. Raliioii, Oct. 8. Slate Veterinarian Talt Butler returned today from a tour InAibe and Wtlket countle, looking after cattle. Be ay that he found the condition 61 cattle very fine, and that the people are manifesting great Interest la the quarantine work. Auditor Dixon left today for Baadolph and Montgomery countle on a political campaign tour. Treasurer Lacy aad At torney General Qllmer are absent in the line of work. It was stated last week that Democratic State Ck airman would register' under the "grand father olaute" of the fran- obtet amendmeat, and jesterdty be dld i. The law doe not require payment of poll tax at a prereqalalte to registration bat ee to voting. Thl I done so ai to give all white men an opportunltylto gat en the "permanent roll" of person eligible to tote, aad then whenever tbey wlah to vote hereafter they have only to pay toe poll tax. By thl mean ao white man In the State can fall to be registered and to be oa the .eligible Hs. The State charter the Athevill Of- Ice-Building Company, capital 1100,000, and the Crowell Grain Milling Company of Charlotte, capital $30,000. - . Additions to the Pilot aad the Care- letgh cotton mills hen have been cok Pleted., v. , . Ground wa parch seed today on which large tobacco ttemmery and prise buna will be bollt, . ? Letter Butler, a brother of ex-Senator Marlon Butler, Is given n clerkship la the revenue department here. ; . MerrlmoB. Oct a. We are having "some floe weather at the present and hope It will oontlane.'-'-'i..' vV'rWi Mrs n B Bell went' to Beaufort lest Satnrday to visit Mrs A M Hceoa aad be reteraed home Sunday In the after noon, . '"',:" : :'4"-;s;iW('' Mr aad Mrs D M Salter left for Beau fort todsy, '"'..;,.; Tkr are lot of people gone to Bean- fort thl week to attend court . Mr W X Salter and Son are rebuilding the iharpie Bunny South.. ' . - . The (mail pox has all gon from Merrt- mon, there I not n tingle case. ' All of thoeo that have had It are at liberty now. .. - Mr Journey Ball of Honth Blver wa her today, V "' ' i:v O'lot will protract hi meeting t Hit old Bonih River church tl 9lh of Ms month. T! y tsy that there It a follow In ' n rs'! l.lirmelf "l'liv k" but ' r (' t ' nr- 'l ! .) g'- 1 ... .UIVIWUVV. KHtHnilUWHNliVV Mrs. Peter Hoffman also writes : "I was tick for many years ; suffered with the liver, stomach and kidneys. I had seven doctors, but none could cure me, as they did not know what ailed me. "Every one who saw mo said that I could not live very long. I began to take Peruna and grew bettor every day. The severe pains in the stomach have disap peared. I am now well and bare a good appetite. I am aeventy yean old and can do my work without getting tired. "Peruna la the beet medicine In the world tor catarrh. Your good Peruna baa saved my own and my hmbandt Ute." Mr. Robert Metters, of Murdock, Bast Co., Neb., Box 45, writes : "I hid catarrh from my head all through my system. I took Peruna until I was entirely cured. I am eighty-three and a half yeart old, and feel as young as I did ten years ago. "I visited recently among somo old friends, who said I looked as young as I did twenty years ago." Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Co lumbus, O, for a free catarrh book. Masonic Opera House ONI MIGHT ONLY. Saturday, Oct. 4 th. mm. Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. geata on sale at WATER'3 News Store Thursday. kWeet,! Weia.4 fern m. JUST ARRIVED! h-: Latest Styles In .'f 1: Clueen Quality Shoes Also call especial attention to 0njx" Brand Black Ilosierj, and BlttC Dress Goods Department " D.FJARVIS, 63Pc!!ochSt To La X'uUIc. We, the undersigned give notice that the Undertaking butinoss conducted by J. G. Button nd Bon will be continued under the samt name, In the best end, lntpt ilytp. Thsnklng tlie public for! past favors mil soliciting a portion of their pnlroii'i-1, we remain ! : "y i i, .1. . 1 I ' Don't Forget TI1AT YOU GET A PENCIL FREE with each .purchase of a 5c Tablet. owen o. Blum, 9 POLLOCK ST. THERE are two makes of loaded shells known as THE BEST U. M. G. and Winchester. I Also carry the Cele brated Austin Loaded Shells. Just re ceived thirty thousand shells, both black and smokeless powder, drop and chilled shot Do not accept the so called "just as good." My line of laggings, Hunting Coats, Vests, Caps, etc. is the finest ever shown in New Bern, also full line of Single and Double Barrel Guns, both hammer and bammerless. I make a specialty of Sporting Goods and if I havn't just wliat you want, can get it for you at short notice. WM. T. HILL, Phou 115. 31-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. C. Now is ,ta time to buy a new Cook Stove. I have on hand a full line of Cook Stoves of the most improved styles The "New South" and "New Enterprize" in aU'sizes. Ev eryone guaranteed ae represented. P. M. VRANEY, 07 8. Front HI. rick FOR SALE. Best Machin e Made Brick at Lowest Prices. Nicoll 4 Hy man Insurance, OFFICE : Cob. Bourn Froht.& Hancocx Bra. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company s, which la mid to be the Purest and Best of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which It the hlghett American authority.. It Is not a cheap beer .that will bum ones stomach and prod oca strain on the tyttem. , ' , ' "..',' 4' A fnB srock ef the above beet in balk end export can be had at 18 MlddJ 8k j. 1 1 Agt. fo the Prospect Brewing Co, Cream of Rostsl--y. lis btrmles liquid preparation for removing Bunburn, Freckle, Tan and Improving tht compleilon. When sppllod It 1 lnvli.!',!e tnd can not be W'.'-l.rn! n(T. Thn d'ulr line -n';-it'' J3JljJliJtv mm UJ AVA Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, New Crop fust receded at J. L. Mc Daniel's. New Darrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Pigs Feet . Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter; ' Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Postum Cera). " " ' Fresh lot Giuger Snaps 5c lb. Codlisli, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of,, everything usually kept by a flrst-class grocery establishment.: i J. L MflMNIFJ. ! Ml IJJgJ 3 'Phone 1)1. 2....... A Short Shirt Do you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that wears the longest P It's "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt, have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ot patterns- These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 4G, Jor. fome of our Fresh Pickled Pig are fine. Also our ColTceH (irecs and 15c to 40c per pound. Our 15c wuere. just iry a in anu wc are wire il win ue a repeater. We arc carrying a general line of Fancy Groceries, and WO) retectfullv solicit votir business. ' Truly, McGehee & Willis, Broad St Grocers, 1 T TT- 'i Oar load Flour Ground from new wheat just received, ' If 3b jou want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial. , ' ' . ' ev Wo are reoeiving fresh goods by every train and "boat, and E- can give you entire satisfaction both in qualty and priced we - jamalloaa few articles as follows; Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Quaker Oats, Fresh Ripe and, Grits, Potato Chips, , Bchml ' - fv - meat BttsciUtrull Cream - ifaocarouJi Canned brook Trout, ana juomenuu oaruuien, ev ucu. vmhub wiws bukub auu a i line of everything to bo found In a first class grocery stoi c. ; ' 1 ' Youra to please, v . J, ' II,. : . WhoteutU nA lottatf.QroGtw, H : : 69. Cor. Broad s& XIeUieoc th MMMeeei -V,ftttvtttttiftfttttfftffftt. Tooth Brushes atlfcTlsV. ; Davl Pharmacy hu Jntt received a tnr i.qnrtment of Tooth Brushes made f ( 1 1 oonen of Tart. Etch brush ' I ) 'srrnncy" ltnlpBll on the i to r'vo p ''i- Wholcal ft Detail Qrocer, 1 71 Broa4 St Story. H. Front afc Eden St. Feet, Tripe and Beef, they . r f TtoaHted, prices range from : Coffee cannot be beaten any'- Phone f 37 Z It Cheese, ImDorted and r Canned Mackerel, ' la;; ii' 1 Prescriptions : . Datl' Preeorlptlon I " t Specialty Of prese and careful attention Only the be d r f ' fa restiins'-'i. a' a