ni... ' j ii itii'm "jwi- i it mi mi stjii irt-'iiiinitfri in Wi' 1 1 1 1 m sj i m . lii c. m-iim rtr- """ ' "" lWW' ' ' '" mr m' ' J-v11 't1 r 1 ' " " ew.e,.,:rw een----'"'i IIW Iiai, I, C, TUESDAY U0ESII8,' OCTOBIR 7, 1802. TWINTY-FfRST TIAR y. ft I -if f V- . ltVjttUJtr' ' V1-'. V t B t.W II - l.'fywv II jtij-.. , ,. ha V' doesn't pretend to sell you cheaper goods' than' other people, BUT Better Goods for Same i if Yon can be the better Judge. we nave averytning jNew Cloths. Ladies Cloth, ZebeUne, ela Hair, Granites, Fancy Irench jc all the Newest Shades, and other Every Department is Complete. j nut received new vonew latest thing Princess hip, assures 1 A. Tl . J W made that will properly red ace stout figures to correct propor tions. Gives grace and comfort. ? ' Sole agent for the Dorothy it Ziegler Shoes. ?M CRirrON BRAND The Winter is Mothers and fathers bring your Clothing mid Shoes. We will give you a few prices in MEN'S CLOTUINO. 910 Rlnok Worsteds 8 5 9 1 no CAKHIMKHE 8UIT8. 8 80 fulls, (100 " B4S 4 88 8 98 ten Hit 469 878 5 00 Drop into our store and lot us Store, New Goods, New Bargains. Very respectfully, i 75 Middle a BMt to Gtikill Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 8,500 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 800 bandies Cotton Ties. Send us your orders. Prioet are the lowest J. E. Latham A Co. aol broke It Into splinters, majr bM bttm the (kit ot jomt ewrltn baa it m rna Into by tomcthlftfr bat Hthr Is balm la GiUiul," ot there la jikmn in kaowlnf that hi oat shop yon a ' have It nude food as ew. W do all , khwli of cantata famlrtnf and fcbvik mitblnf la a skillful and Mparior a . -. . r , . We pal Robber tires on yont old ot navwbMla. We shrink rmr loeee tires In a mMhlne wiUoa-.aaUtiif .thera. KrorytHtaV b iartted t the wtek of the machiaa patting new bolts bj nine old pbvwti O, lU X7citr &, ,'i j Fbotte 188, ' ' iu 7S Broti tli Vtw Sinn, W. 0 Money. if CQMJ AND SEE. J in the liateet weaves Jiroaa Jfr Poplines, French Serges, 'Gam- 5 Manned labex-ty Satins in Fashionable Fabrics. MM - Tk 1 WTT i xne noyai Worcester, me correct fit, the only Corset 1 Dodd, Thos. G. Plant and Fall Clothing. SaappiEr. Larger. Better Ihai etct Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth. ing Men's Suits in Extra Fine Worst ds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in K egant Cassi mere, Ohilds 2 piece, 8 piece and Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. When you boy here you buy right! i J. BAXTER, ft Middle Street Approaching ! boys to this sale and fit them in Men's and Children's clothing CHILDREN 'd CLOTHING. 0OBnlU - 91 98 4 00 ' IN 8 80 " 118 too " in 1 50 " . 98 100 99 show yon wliat we have. New a Biw: Co., lew Ben, IT. C. MURPHY Si CO., Commlssbn Brokers. Cotton, Mi, Graii & Mm Direct win to New York sjmI hlcago, Iuitastaaeous reports received of every more on exchange. E. F. PATE,.Manager, ; r , i ;17; CtTsn .Street. A Flt Critic can say nothlnr bol nnd .oi tilt Tan salt M It's awde bat. We dont know avarythbif, but wa de enow how to make . good, arT, kt -wawljir (flothM, as oar p troni of vaan' (Uid1 Iff will UU you. Cloik 6 rut, careful hrbikbitE. aoarats onUtnc. skllUal ar- wauis tU tita tale. , Ut ui teca yoqr lor a Autumn buii. . - . tiz: u - z ' s4ru "- ''."ti 'J1--- ' I FX PGDE. ;a;ii Irltn' J'''!-'f' ' t1 LUEISH. One Hundred Varieties of Worth CaroUnt Apples. Te BxhlMt at Btat Fair. Craakerrj HIae Ore Oatpat Oeed JBaU FalL As te Water Way Bekte. Parades For 8UU f air. Rauqok, Oet. e.-OoreniO Ayeoek rttaraed today from a eampatgn toar In the piedmont section, and now goes to tht 10th district, the aztreme western ooutles, right lathe asldst of U8e pablloaa stronghold, the oaly doabtrol district of all the tea Gea. Robert V. Hoke left today for Ms iron mine at Oraaberry, in Mitchell eoDttty. He says the output Is aow )0 tons a flay, this all going to the laraaees at Johnston City, Tennessee. He Is mock pleased at the rapid buOdlngef aaotket rail way late Mlteheu. Good rains fell here yesterday, whlok benefitted fall tows, crops, No daauge was done eottonjgabre thaa three foartits of which Is said to have been picked. Secretary .Broaer of the egnowtaral department and J. Van Llndley, the president of the State pomologies! so ciety have returned from a toar through the wading apple-growing eoantles of the piedmont and mountain sections. It wss Mr. Yaa uadley's first visit there, and he was astonished at the fruit Mr, Bruner his seen red over 100 varieties of applet, Including seedlings, for display at the apple show here daring the 8tete Fair, October 17-91. He says that aever before have over SO rarities been shown. He pate the apple crop this year at S3 per out- though Tancev county, which grows the largest quantity, gives oaly 80 per eent as 1U estimate. Ha found some ot the rarest apples on the upper ridges of Caldwell oooaty, these being the Spltseabert-, Northern Hpy end Grimes' Gulden. 1 The Supreme Court la devoting this week to appeals from the 7th dis trict The State board of adueatioa today re ceived a reqaeat from the United States engineer corps for Information as to the level of Lake Mattannakeet at low wa ter, this Information to be need la eon neetloa wtlk the Inland water-way tkroegh the Forth OaroTina8oundi, ai the level of that lake has some sort of relation to the Sounds. Arrangemeats are well under way for an extensive Industrial parade here dur In the State fair. There will alio be S floral parade. Prize, are offered fori the best float, and decorated V.b lo de.. Market Letter 01 Cotton. By private wire, J. E Latham Co. Naw Tojuc, Oct. For tome naes- plaiaable reason the market broke about 10 petals early, and (he eaatlmeat wss sock that the market failed te recover. It stay hare been the better wtattrsr, the aerroasaees la the .took market, or doe to profi t taking. The simple eiplaav stloa Is the easiest, that the market eaa't always advanoa. The good sews ea the market b all oat, a change eaa bakMked foe. Improved ; weather wul late aalnflneneo tor the rime bring. but wt doabt whether the good weather SIT act will be aa aterialaa seatlsseat sredlcta. U will, reqttra good waaiaer to pick what we hare this you, wUhoat good weather the grade will be poor. : Ii ssoslptsfaU of before the latter part of this month, the world will conclude that the erop ts mederate, and the, bay. lag of sptaMta will prsreat any ktoak. For the present a steady market mssss 4 strong nmritat. Areaotleaef npsend downs Is In order, and we betters la bay lag Spring months. 9p liners ar bay-J la Texas at Ste nad ae kmc aa this oondlUoa exists there le ae grant chanes for a leriooe break, : k .r.;r. " . -: rite Mountain Apls at MoBorieylt, , Celery HesAufts lderiH j There Is not bat better 'reitefly1 for headache than) taeeepewden. tbey nverfaUtoreUev.Bdesn4s(ldeeJy at Paris' Preaerip4lna4lharmaey. j StaedtStteKcmory sJiiTSat- ,lorvJr . .Ile4 icBb lSta:-.t. i,iifji; ify Ii '.. .,(' I we stkmtly laid ewr csmtadt swayi u Meeesia the green grate sod. . . ,, . o more to meet with ns agtla,, ,' , Be made his peeee with God. " VJ"" If o store will fevers aoorca hit bfoWjy i nut pu wi gwr wnu. , ua hyonder bright and neaeefnl ihors,"" (Wall amet eer eoaarade neat.-"- . Blow ow eohly, blow.b, Zephyr wtndsl. , Blow Ughtly ever kit grave, " ' 1 be It not dead, bat sleeping,'"' S ' Blow for ha i. mat awL hot UnU i7? .1 .la victory 'at the graves v km-, WP ae bum my comrades,'! f r'x Ween ae bum for hi. .If. For la that beautiful city, i saow tnere't room for aim. , ... -cl --' '' M '... Xmts the TtlEOin niLIACLE ' 1 V . . AbMlufe!y?nire THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Belgium Is beselged with anarchists. The King has been warned not to leave his palace without a strong guard- A systematic traffic In dead bodies is said to have been discovered in Indiana Ghouls rob cemeteries and dispose of the bodies to medical colleges. Crown Prince Ooastsnlin of Greece, wss severely hart In an automobile aocl dent near Vlllatator, Greece. J. Plerpont Morgan has negotiated for 00,000 tons of coal which he will dis pense to the worthy poor people of New York City. A plow combine Is again talked of at Chicago, IU., two other efforts having failed. For ordering a strike of Iron workers without authority, W, B. Francis bust nets agent of the Iron workers at Chica go, Di., has been fined 9300- A violent earthquake was felt at Rome Italy, Friday night. Considerable dam 'age was done. The Kansas Otty Btar, Independent bat with strong Republican leanings bat noma ont anlnat the oartv. It It an In- Inentlal paper la the Bonthweat. A Cardiff firm on Wednetday booked en American order for 18,000 ton. of steam ooal. Aa apoetollo t lea rate has been order ad for the Island of Mindanao, in the fafllpplnea. tftn General erop prospects In India are rery encouraging. 1 Kew eholera cases In Egypt yesterdsy lumbered 964, with Ml deaths. A PSJOOOJOOO Japanese loan It to be it OB06o List of Letters iteamlnlng in the Post Office at New Beta, Craven county, N. C. Oct. 8, 190fi Hairs U8T. B-f R Bloseeogalr, ears of J W Karv neegh, Harvey H Baker, W K Bryat. !0 Alien Cotton (col.) D Charlie H Dary, ears of tug Car On. j G-B H Gssklnt. John toe. 'L Koeh Lewie. 1 M-J A McKay, Oriead Moore, care of schooner Jennie IX Ball. IB W 0 Robinson, Arlah Bnsseilare ot&aHnL B Mack Btetea, Banjlmaa Sasallwood, once of Gloere Cooker, Joha Smith. T-JL Taylor, , H-A H y laeeak (W-John Ward, Id A Watte, F H Williams. wowars u'st. B MUa LoCy Bray, 11 Chapman Bt, AbbU Bennett i jOFloreaee Caaaoa, 100 North Front Ltwij. ; .1-: '- -T-MraMX.Foy. H Boae.Aaaa Harris, Aaale Bat- L-MUlle Lenta. . , M-Mary Jtarbles, Delay Milks or B Sarah RoyaL . B-Mary Klaa Bmatt, 149 Boath Front 8 1, Annie Smith, Ho. 188.' W-MgrteMereWmia, Persons eelllng for the above letters will bleate say advertised aad give date of st,,.,. Tae regalattoae aow require that one (1 , ant shall be eollected oa the delivery M etch advertised letter. ' . ! t 9, W. Babooo,. m.- REDUCED RATES. G. A. R. Encampment at Wasntnr- The Norfolk A Southern Railroad will tell ticket, at Norfolk to 4o-Mct ind v!: t!nrt returning from WL' ion it one I ' I the rcgul.r fare te all point. on tlio!r line, npon certHlfi!. sorted by in lCHlrv T. T. Wlittroaib showing attilinee. CiO. 1' ---I---'I - "t. ?' v t y.. c, r ' . Friday, Oct lO. Who What When MINSTRELS RIGINAL IN NAME. Original m nattjbb. RIGINAL IN DESIGN. A Fete day for the Ladies- The Most Perfect and Complete Min strel Organization extant A HOST OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES 10-Big Laughable Vaudiville and 10 Specialty Acts. Celebrities culled from the World's foremost artiste. More than any other Ministrel Organisation traveling. A Galaxy of OPERATIC VOdOLIBTS. 35-PEOPL.K-35 Lauded by the Millions. Not a cheap priced combination 25c, 60c, 75c, $1.00. Don't Forget THAT YOU GET A PENCIL FREE with each purchase of :t 5c Tablet. OWES G. DUKTBT, 49 POLLOCK ST. JUST ARRIVED I Latest Styles in Queen duality (Shoes Also call especial attention to "Onyx" Brand Blaok Hosiery, and Blao Dress Goods Department D.F.J.ARVIS, 63 Pollock St Cream of Roses Is a hsraiiess liquid preparation for removing Sunburn, Freckles, Tan aad Improving the complexion. When applied It to Invisible and cannot be washed off. The dark line around the neck, caused by wearing tight fitting collars, to removed by Cream of Boses. 89c at BBADHAhfS PHARMACY. To The rnbllc. We, the udorstgeed gire notice that the Undertaking basinets conducted by t. O. Battoa and SonwlU be continued under the sane name, In the best and latest styles. Thanking the pabllo for past favors and soliciting a portion of their patronage, we remain Kindly yours, J. O. BUTTON A BON. Jo. O. Battoa. H. Franklin Button. Offloe No. HSoou's Alley. Lfoery, Feed Sale and -1 Exchange LARGEST AND J. A. JONES, zxor:.c3 oxiOl MTU ever cr, rtd fur sale in this city," Alao a complete line of Bnio?, u.irt i iiik : c Now is "" time to buy a new Cook Stove. I have on hand a full line of Cook Stoves of the most improved styles The New South" and "New Enterprize" in all sizes. Ev eryone guaranteed as represented. P. M. VRANEY, 67 S. Front St. ECD&O D Line. The steamer "Ocracoke" will not sail from New Bern on Tuesdav. Thurs day and Saturday, October 7th, 0th and nth- Geo. Hsndsbson, Agent. New Bern, N. C, Oct. 4, 1902. Best Machin e Made Brick at Lowest Prices. Soil Hyman, ItiMiirnuce, OFPI3E : Cob. 8odtii Fbort & Hancock Bts. For Home Enjoyment nothing ran equal the Edison Phono graph. 1 have lust received 200 Edison moulded records and the "Standard' Phonograph with Edison's latest reoro ducer together with the wonderful rec ord produce, every pleasure that aound can give, making every word distinot If you have not heard this machine call at once and let us show it up to you ii is simpiy wonaerrui. WM. Z HILL, pih,5?' 31-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. C. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company's BEER which is said to be the Purest and Best of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which Is the highest American authority. It is not a cheap beer that will bum ones stomach and produce a strain on the system. A fall trock of the above beer in balk and export can be had at 18 Middle St. J. F. Taylor, Aft. fo the Prospect Brewing Co. FIN8ET STOCK Of iES, A ear load of each Just in. Tflgonr, llamegs, Robe, Whips, . . . , ; Brick FOR SALE. FRESH VoIsI'm Snow Brifl, While JbTOHt, unci Admiral Just received at New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Pigs Feet. Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. " Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Poetnm Ceral. Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c ib. Codfish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment. 'Phone 91. A Short Shirt Do you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that wears the longest ? It's "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ot patterns These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 4G. Cor. H. Front A den Bin. Eome of our Fresh Pickled Pip Feet, Tripo and Beef, they are line. Also our Coffees (ireen and Roasted, prices range from 16c to 40c per pound. Our 16o Coffee cannot be beaten any where. Just try a lb and wo aro snre it will le a repeater. We aro carrying a general line of Fancy Groceries, and w6 respectfully solicit your business. Truly, McGehee 1 Willis, Broad St. Grocers, i m mm anaTaTtsTaant Ea. Oar load flour Ground from new wheat just receiYe& It jou want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial a. V.f - s 1 . , i we are reoaving irestt goods by every train ana DCstf, ana - -can give you entire satisfaction both in quaity and prions we - mention-a few articles as follows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Quaker uau, resniooe ana writ, rotato vnips, Bcnreadea J WbjBraofst Cream Oheian, Imported and'Bbmce:; ; ; Utkt0ti, Canned brook Trout, Canned MaokereT, ' ImporUd M Domestio BanUnes, Denied t. Wlwteai) aad Jine of everything to be found In first class grocery store. 35lJ-' - ' ' ' Yours to please, S 3":' ' si: hrv ; XSS4SSSItSSSSISSSS4MSS'S - V t.nii i ttitttititt 1 1 ti f its ittttttt . ' toota Brashes at DaYlsV' Darls Pharmacy has JosWreoeiTed a targe aaaortnent;f Tooth Bmshes made by Chas Lootien eflParla. Each brash i"t "V Pharmacy, stamped on ths bn!:e a-.l k'narsateed to tire sella- CAR LOAD J. L. McDaniets. Wholeaale eft Retail . , Grocer, 71 Inroad St. Story Phone 137 y 2t Crabs with shells, anda f" Retail Qraotr, - .h-estfiptjoa.1 at r DarU1 FNaerlptleairba I kpeolalt of praeorlpl! and cartful attention Is r Only the best drnjt a , prlcos are reasonable, f tOiiS tV.r-X ' - " n, cr 1 "t wfundod.