The Kind Ton Have Always" BobgWandwhicli liM been in me for over sHy years,- lias . . anil lana - All Counterfeits, Imitations and4 jBst-as-good?are Btot -Experiments that rtflf -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What'ts CASTORIA Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pafow goric, Drops an SoAthlng -Syraps. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kamatio substance. IU aga is its guarantee. It -destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and WW. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, - GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Boars the Signature of The Kind Youlto AteaystBought In Use For Over 30' Y&trs. THg OCWTUH OOWMUIV. TT I MISS IDA M. SNYDER, Treasurer of the Brooklyn East End Art Club. . ENSTRUAL irregu larities are gener ally the beginning bles. With the Titality at a low ebb, the blood weak ened, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and hag gard, a piteous contrast to the blooming health of her former self. Bat over 1 .000.000 women hare found health again by taking Wine of Cardui. As a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Cardui has never been known to fail. It has seldom failed to restore perfect health, even in the moat persis tent and aggravated case of weakness. Miss Ida M. Snyder, of No. 635 Ber gen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., has wed Wine of Cardui and the says it helped her into a new life. Health - to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies the position of Treasurer of the Brook lyn East End Art Club. This position marks her as a person of intellect, cul ture and refinement and it speaks highly of the respect and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes: "If wtomea would pay mot attention WINE of CARD Hale Under Mortgage, 4 By virtue of s power of sal con tained In a mortgage made and executed on the 18th day of December. 1801 be tween James M. Moore and Cernelln Moore his wife of the first part and Clyde Eby of the second part, said mort-14 gage having been duly assigned for value by said Clyde Eby to J. 0. Moors I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court house door In New Bern, Craven Oounty, North Carolina on th lOih day November, 1909 that certain tract or parcel of land lying and. being In Craven County, North Carolina more particularly doacrtbed a follow, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land Is Numbers township sear Tnscarora oa the north side of the Atlantic ft North Carolina Railroad and west Of Drvmona road adjoining the land of J. O. Moors, Martha Uarper,Bryan blade, W A Moors Rdward Wetherlngtoa and O. H. WetS erlogios beginning os the east comer of J. C. Moore's line rantng north to Bryan Blade's land being the lands par ch swxl by John Moore from Jerry ron vllle by deed' recorded In the offloe of the K glslrr of Oeeds of ' raven County North Carolina, Book, Page. CLYDE EBY, Mortgagee. J. 0. MOURE, Assignee of Mortgagee. Oct 4 1902. The Mmi BANKv Capital, Ssrplas and Profits tMSs.M APRIL 30th. ItSl. Whst We Have Dons, Do, Will Continue to Da. . , I nia sans ooauuci lie Dauasas spoa "uo-to-DOw" mhod. It Is our purpose to deal Justly sad -.1 t . n 1 J . . .. . W carefully safegaard IkVlnteMts of our customer. Moreover. ra fra- - qoaoiiv no nvvnasowa foroera) as op 1 .. IHWIin. VOTB WW .U U. IH WB IUBH Ual ways, sad yesr sassst over aspeclat . inch ooasldorattoa,- - - . - - f - i'r " Ws sis not disposed, Jo overlook ths fast that tse latere ef ths Bank- Snd thoas of the people arecloeel bound te- , get her. snd esnsot by sny mean U v Thi Bal 'tsoWss'V repository' for proper that of sorfeadetv Will also set , as ths custodian of avwey or paper left -with a la escrow. . No charge for thsss services. s v Ws proours LeUws of Oradll f or h- tending travellers. . - - , W aim to b prompt, ptogrssstrs taa . Ifberal. y '.. . - . la ths sssUsr of aooommodatlon. this Baak meets every reqnlresMBt wlthla . tb limit of prndest banking, u -If yoa have never bees identified with n ss s patron, ws ak yos to eonddet the advisability of becoming one. la the early future, we propose ' 1!ng a novel, yet substantial Hnvlr-t lnk f - -i to cnr. aires 'jtc' In. I -NT 1 corn tntf slrrnatnre noAii mMmuli hiftWIh - aoaal supervision sines lts inraneyw -Allowntodeelvyoalntlilui ' v arrMCT, mw v to their basks w vw have mocc happy wives, mothers and daagntcn, and if thty would ass own fattk. Omc lath matter of medi ctacs, observing ttstdts, they would ftod that thedocton' pfsscchitlem do act petfonn the many eons tkcranffotO'i credit for. "In consulting wiA sny dreggMhcaeMKdMcEbt In of Canfcd and Thed- lori'i BacfeOsaoght, sod so I took and have every season to thank him for a new life opened y to me with restored health, and it only took tfcn months to con me." Ton may eour the same relief as Miss Snyder, if yon take Wine of Cardui a the took k Thedford's Black Draught is the companion medicine of Wise of Cardui sad it is sliver and bowel regulator which assist greatly is effecting a oure. If you take theeej medieines according to Erections, tns relief and cure is simple. Some eases are cured quickly and others take longer because the disease ha run longer. Bemember how Miss Snyder took Win of Cardui sad ha health. The medicine are offered you to-day. VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. "RYETAB" WHISKEY BEANS Something abaotuaely new and with which we have experimented for years. j.-. One Beas anaks one glass ArtlfloW Whiskey Rye or3oarben)lx Bensbthpn. -Just the- thing foi srassswsf E 2 SI and eoerrenlent dor spier n tea, sxeun loss, eta. vxmtahis atl'tiis thsus of the best whiskies with out ths deleterious effect Made from ths purs veg etable matter, snd guar anteed to contain no poi sonous or narcotic drug of any description. : IJ a beverage I not de sired, a Bcaa may be takon in th saoath with out water, and the saort exhilarating effect wiU be fxperieooed. toxsfUtesusk . The Beans retail at 10c ssch, sad ess be procur ed from any druggist, fsacy groeer, or 11 rite las baz,, For sale en dining 5 Ons boa sens postpaid oa receipt of S4 cents, s (iiiStlfl PlSTILUia CO., minns mt v tr ssaS pnthmt Walasies, , ' .inrutn$tnrrfti Admlnifltrators Notice Caring this day osalifled as Adminls- trster of ths estate of Mary Staaly, deceaaed,. 1U of Craven eooniy, S. O., Soties -m hereby gives to all person having elalms against the eststs of ths deceased to exhibit them duly verified to Us underlined administrator, at J. E. and B. O'Uara, Ataoraeys, . oa or he. tor ths tod day of September, 1908, or vusnouos wiu bos ptaso la eat of their feces or - t y ' .'"r. - i AU perspat ladsbtsd to said sitsts are requested v to mak KimaMdUt pay- Thl led day ef Sept 1909,- '- - . f - ; ivraa. u. tji.wio.' - j 'f - Admlslstrator. be chemleall mad from d,u.lrd waUr awl fre from Imtmruie. Specially In tended and prepared for humaa ejtw (umntlon. Ioe dnlivsrsd daily (except Sundays) a smtotpm. f'inday (retail only) 7 m to 19 noon. 9 I OT price BBd Oilier" itimi tsasssnm ssnasS H. r. Bkrrr mm 1 usisa T Td fed ereoitef the-Dobest. tnv the English ' tennis eaauuns, I wha ViUi;Di'.'aoslHi Pim recyu. Inreded the.Unlted States hvao.en- desvorto esjrysway thevtuuuiI WapidiuijitrTnnBrTw-Miajtt taey ere spftsnMiHenwratS"iUtt 1 . ..Mr- ;"Tne rame.has e snrprlslx,degne py.yim Yankees and 11 '"J r Mi a. r. DOHXBTT. has been given any number of new turns which we in England had never dreamed of. I cadnot but admire the cleverness with which some of the shot and their application in s hotly contested match have been worked out ; 'My criticism of the American stylo and its future must'te-lefbrto- store mature consideration of the subject "I will say this, however, that I think the Americans depend too much upon scoring quickly upon A single stroke. They-do not play safe as we try to do and then try to score when the open ing Is made. Nearly all of the Amer ican -'experts -take- too much out- of themselves by trying to use great force without anything else to back it This uses np strength at a consequent loss to their gams in further it progresses. "An example of what I mean can be had from the fire set match we played against the western champions, Collins sad Waldner. Tbey had burned them- "Selves out in the first three sets, and my brother and I had little difficulty 1 In taking the fourth and fifth sets be cause we had saved oor resource and strength for tho real test of the match. "Malcolm D. Whitman, is the great player of the-'Ameriesa -tennis courts today because he plays-, in this way. That I my idea, and until the Ameri can learns to save himself he will not he suacnasful in long and trying con- testaV.- Llvrnf VhtreT CaaUes. It has been announced by a member ot the Kew York Yacht clnb who has lost come back from England that Sir Tnemsa Upton's .third challenge for the America's sup aasw be expected ln- sldsof ten dsyx. - Sir Tbbmai wjaWS $ aaU the rM-a ssdy la the sesieiiaagssfWe oSoi avoid the flulu?wrAsrrt tb-fttft toi which be aoJbesrihfhMyeari Unoer tne MmmMa jnmmmra , raoes (or theism) ths (laAcvmssf give tetf monthsVawtlcst swit;sa,sl rsos is desired thsshaaesge taayiratoii i New York st stsyiaoaMnvr In EncUsh nob tins ckcles it is saioT that, at the rSilSset of BiaThoma. Mir MOeorg L. Wafcpn has turned over tei LifrX Fife sU Rfe data relating to th 'design ef Shsmrock IL, so that as amy (Choose fa tae-taar-s4 Shamrock UL Shore is no truth, it Is said, la the re port that thcT near challeuger Is to be ths Joint protactioa'isf the two fssjoas flcotch luvaisrcnHscts. -- . CaatUtoss Sffaraart. TJsaphw Jos- CasMlS-'agsik ItheJifrem the Naauaagaa. aatili I os sccosnt of his mother's Illness sad partly tg glvs his spar time to arrangy lag, forvtbst.Oillfqraat evtttstfisjosnp Big latest aigsgeaisBts.are iFltehsM TsanshUl and Chesbro. , Ths. veteran Arts Uthsny-has bsea-'awshitsd'sn Caatllloa'a place sad has been psJNd With ArthatlrflB., , Salkihavsbeaaleiasmdfaitstwasa Ihte- seeaoo. -Just seven, players have hees ggnty ' or th-mispuy-f orphr sad Dushau of BtXeflrsc-ncnippeof Httsbntg, Dttggleby and .ToortMes g I rtaadetphia, Matbewsoo ,asV UfGlBy a rraf tsTk. - ' - "- One si the srsys ths Chicsga golfers have ef making their players mors cao- ttoas tale bold driving contests ever water hsssrds, ths plsyer forserttng his baa on hi failure to clear the haaard. XXrecter Joe, ths gresa pacer la Mart Demaresfs string, by Director, JUT, est of the dam ot Joe Pstchea, tiu, Is havlag an s Tar asdiartll sat be sa la senile this seasosm -- n . 1 1 mVh SaUTiani, ,; It h) reported that Jake Beckley will eaptatn of the' All American team thatt-UUriatt-nonolultt. Bid slcPbee m;, .9 along ss auasgw ' ! i ! . ' l Psrauaeotly cured by the maaterly power of "Booth Ajtiaioas Kssvixs Toxra." Invalid sd luffer so tosrer, pebaui tils great remedy can ears them X It I S car for the whol world of atomarh v5V--- and tnu';;-w ' . Tbt! Car I " t f ,t c! . ffkt i 1 r I Auaiau i.ypt"ytf.n ?."v v' C I Newport Jhei taiier" of the pair! O?: That young Bpudklns, who Is psy- bi Miss Friable sttenon, is a mere apology tor a man,? said Mis Kit f "I knowr out she" seems toeUns e accept the'' apology,'' added Mist Frocks. Detrdt Free Press.?. -vj-.. Settla Mania, fe taatwsea.-, "Do you think I so- as good looking si. was, pspsT - 1 . "What difference does ft nskV toy dear, it your character Is spotlessr,. -5 "But, papa, there Is something higher la; life, than the. mere BCflrdsltiod'pf character.'' Llta' .- - Bee Me f It. "What ass made her so haughty had nwadl: - 1 fShe thinks she's a Daughter of ths Bevolntion." imolsahatr ;"6he sreatrsronnd the Ferris wheeL" Chicago Post an l"e t Beafci OpttmlstThera is no doubt that ev erything in this world Is (or. the hesti - FessiausVnXou're, oaite.Hgbt.' Bv- erything is tor the best-off, andhere Is precious little left for us poor devil. New York Daily, News. Hlcfct la Thai Una. "Bow. did your baseball game come out?" "Their mopped the ground' "I thought they, would .when. I. heard yoa, calling them s scrub nine." Chi cago Tribune. , got EaeoararImT. Bastern Dentist I suppose it would keep a man busy ont here drawing teeth? Amber Pete Not half as much ss it would drawing a gun. Detroit Free Press. Hla Aaelatiau "This dog"-. " The cannibal passed his plate for s third helping of the chefs new dish bf mock missionary. "is almost human." Town Topics. A DlstlnetloB. "Does de raxzor pull, boss?" asked the barber. No," replied tho man in the chair. The razor only catches and you do the pulling." Chicago Post it-. Here is an easy one: If a tigress named Laura should eat Alfred Aus tin, what would It suggest? The poet Laura ate. Lyre. Bloaaom aad Blvalvee. Goodbr to de roses An' de summer skies so blue. But de frUnds keep on arrlvln'; Ulstuh Oyster, how-dy-dol Washington star. A-voa'staMa Uaoid for (mvsratsuf or attaining us new at woman a meoe which occur about once in every lunar . BRADFIELD'S FemoJc Regulator I the eeamMafqaaHtyef powactal brb. Bflaotlv. rellabla and harmlaaa la Bat mm. simptistty and sotaM. It U a euouaiKiatad aasMoa bast adapted for wobmo's dalloata orcmniam, and put in aaeh form that it Is not only paiatabM, but an b praterty aaalsaUated and takaa late Saaayafam; - . ; . , stoppaaier'rppt'easwa, palufat obatrae Hoo, irncBlarity, of tea nanaM and aiokly Sawaaraaorraeud and aarad bv th raralar atiaiaiatratiTra w tbl sniiai iiif eaaotaaui afaaetraaUos, se aerlodle Sew, a imp tate a braaklnf Sowa of ealla llalDf thi tanaa. altar avary alakaaaa, watah ta aoaompanl' aaaaoaa - wmm. aaa wna saarkas eaaaaai ack. 'ahangM aa vary apt tepredaoa kraoia aatarrtj. Laaaorrbaa a Sraitaa la aaauiM aaa Me t a si ak tha ri ,ha rvaalt at thaa irrHatinc Siaekartaa, hasaJataSaaraa thaaa traablaa aad raati tMl to Bn haaUkt taarpatlantwbe aaSarad TIta BltADRBLD RBOULATOR Ca -: ATUUITA. OSl-i - ... , (HICIIfcxrMtlt KMULliuI m m w a Mi iwi Hiia in. 1.1. MbMV a. im Tmijulia .rfcuZTrS IBADHAM'fruyxS snd BTOMACH PILLS are parely vegetable sad esa b gives to very old people sad ehildrsa. Mild Is sotloa, their effect Is far-rsach-ls. Ho ; pais et discomfort ; follows their nia Thev bars besa eallad "Health's . noatskeeDers. which quite true. Does your liver hart yoa f Better try- these pill. Price toe. st BRADrlAMW Pn A KM ACT.' s Full lint of Drni inj Medlclnei Psrfumea, Toilet Soaps, ete , also th following Mineral Water! Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Llthbt, Hunny. adi Janos, Bunyadi Vatyaa, CSrbsna, Varnnlca, Apenta, BedHavea Split, -- Combs, Brushet, Tooth Brashes, : ' rasterlne Tooth Pat. COLUMBIAN INBECnclDK.; CiC'.lum, t Great Disinfectant ai ," Bed Bug Dentroynr, . - . , r" - . . . .. . t - : ' vr "T.n : : ,,t t. " v.- ' ij- cWWlt-s tltlw " Blonde's d,Ht show more plainly than a brnnetres but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. EIAGAIN'S MAGNOLIA mm will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, -Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickh applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. OOllOtlnaarsonBOTIaa! I f laPAlMLIM uinun, . uuniaaa, elixir of opium, eo saiae or whiskey, a large book of par tienlarsookomeo! auatorlum treat nest; Address. B. H. WOOLtBYOO, UHN.Prjor Street, atlaata, 6eorrla! lu linra t. MSlsiBieas. A. D. Wsrd 5IMn0NS & WARD, ATT0BNS) sal COUNSELORS si LATf. sew a aaa a, m. c. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) Booth Front Street, next to Hotel Cfaattawka, Practice in the counties of Craven, VHyJUlVm V1UIUW, VI1WI.I, I Will oo and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Oourta, and wherever services are dealred. Tnnll. T n i f- ... . n 11 Iodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets snd and 4th Wedneadav nkrhta In each month In Rountree'i Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 O'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; J H. Hmltb. Bec'v; H. K. Hill. Financial Secretary. EASTJEIttf CMIKA DISPATCH LINE AND- Old DomiiiioD Steamship Co DAILY LIJJE. FRIIflHT k P&SSKH6IB. For AJ1 Points North. The Steamer NEUSE Is scheduled to sail at a p. m , Monday w enneaaay ana maav. The Str. Ocracoke Oa Tnesdsys, Thursdays snd Saur days st 8 p. m. 17" -Freight reoeired not later tun one hour Trrevioui to sailinf. i For further inforaatlon apply to I GEO. HENDERSON, Agt k, K. Kxsra, Gen.' Mgr., B.O. Hmm,0a.Prt.A Pass. At Norfolk, Ya. Hew. Beta, H. O, Aug. s, 1901 4 lif BO YEARC LV VCXPCRIRNCC i mm a 0'' ' CKaN . rHf . CovrohtAo Atryw tvetinf rMHi tutst 6mmijMm wmf falnktr aovrtAin oer x4niu frej w&thr as - tssti. hit UsKlbook oa Paiewta, MrwrlrtaT Daisys ta. t surss FaUsMiLtl tasasMl Ihr , Wllhosjtl rx (A U .... isns m sjaj. tsmflrlsWrtMt 1lrMrafHl JrwiT. lisMMft SaftS entwiion nt mf tvisM'Uaa tryuriuaL Tssmis, M MWMtasmlsMrm. .Koi-il&COj n.ti. Afrvm i (, putaDjui iiitM.NptTrtrt . UWi . nun iuii, Olna. aa r ft.' WaakNwtan. DM. 1 Admlnlatrntor's IJotlce Havlnrqnallfled as administrator of Jao. H. Harris deceeied, late of Craves oounty, N.O thlt Is to notify all par sons bavins; claim against the estate of taiddeceeaed to aihlblt them to the ondera' ncd on or bior the 10th day of BcplemUT, IImjB, or this nolle will be plead Is I r of their recovery. All per son Indb '! to said sslats will . pleas mak Imnietlial pavmimt. 1 - .Thl6thdsyofbi "'niter, 1901. 'i'-, '.,,4, . . ' , Wa. A. Brao, . i"-' ' Admlnlntralor, r -7! 7.r r -r 1 1 1 ill ! J I I ! 'icd si'l niako you " t UiO une of ; ! y i 7 ! " 0 on 1 1. Tho ti.vl a Iwrer v I r i r A. & N. C. R. R. TIMB TABLB NO. 26 To Tske Effect Thursday, June 5, 1902 at 13:01 A.M., B. b T. Going Eact BoHssou: Ooinf West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m btayioms: Ar, s m 340 Qoldsboro 11 OS 4 09 LaOrange 10 OS 4 88 Kinston 1018 0 40 Ax. New Bern, Lv 9 5 60 Lv. " Ar 8 7 18. . . . Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 05 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Paasenger Train. statiohb: DAIL.Y. Lv. i.. i Ar, p. st. 800... 818... 8 26... 8 87... 8 48. . . 9 02... 9 18... 9 80... 9 44.,. 9 48... Qoldsboro. . . . Best'a LaOrange. . . . ...Falling Greek.. . 880 . 808 7 67 . 7 47 . 787 Kinston. Caswell 7 25 , Dover 7 17 dors Creek 7 00 Tnscarora 8 60 Clarke 0 49 Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 80 10 80 Riverdsls 5 47 10 88 C roe tan 6 48 10 46 Havelock 6 85 10 68 Newport 6 91 1104 Wildwood 618 1180....Ar. Morehead OitvLv ... 5 06 p.M. No. 211 DAILY No. 919 id Class. Except Friday Id Chus Lv.p.m. and Sunday. Ar.rjt. 4f30 Qoldsboro 8 00 oa Best's LaGrsngs ... ......Falling Creek. Kinston.... 5 97. ..Caswell... 4 57 .Dover. 6 04 8 16 Core Creek.... Tnscarora..... Clark's . - Neuse Crossing . . . .Ar. New Bern, Lv.. 6140. P.M. No. 1. 2d Cm. Lv. am 800.... DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No.9. id Cms Ar, p m ... 588 Qoldsboro. 8 88. TOO. 715. . Beefs.. LaQranrs. ...... 458 498 Falling Creek. . 845 . 888 9 98 . 119 .110 .1148 680 8 SO 949... ........UVTW. ...... 1007 oorscaeeh. 10 81.. Tuecerora, ....... 10 69.. Clark' 1940 11 5...... Ar. New Bera,Lv.,....1919 No.9.t I I Kr'dFt. end mnoat I MxtFfc. sad FsssTa. I 1 PtsaTs. r. n. a. at. 180......LV. New Bert Ar....,.1847 IU fflvsrdale.. .1810 190 osaataa... ..10 80 1 05?;. Hsvelook.........v 840 884 Newport. Lv 101 47 ..WUdwood..... 847 869........,..Atlaatie... 188 406 . Ar . Morehead pity, La. ..... 1 90 498 ..Ar.M.dtyDspot.L,... 780 r. au . s.a. 'Monday. Wsdnesdsy aaa Friday. , tTuesday, Thsrsday aad Batarday. - t " . S. U DILL, . B. A.' N1WLAND, " , QTrVA ' .' Master Transportation. - - 1 at- .v . , Ve At OftMMf) sleee Bs Be MAatBrWV IrVstal "". v ' sasassss y .Ll-t4 f'V'", . i car mmw JSaus?t ar.t. Doing Osaeral Banklnf panlatW Vsroh 1, 1901, Borpras aad Vadrrtr f' vrsle Freflts, 118,0000; Prompt aad Careful attention givsa 9e illbusinees entrusted ta as. Asc easts received os favorable tstsjav.;.;.,' , Vaard 4 tMreeSaea, iitnl'i.aj( rvi1a4 Ulnae - . . f4ewaj,l'i n.muni w.lpoasi - 4me . W. -raiir, tu .!. a. fcrex . W.hD.,od, , ,1 0,....v. -., H.Itm. w. r.uookett, . Mark Disossiy. ' . ' 1 - 1?. AI riii ! irn: I -1 The Tourist Season tiPKNh Willi TBE MONllI IK. JUNE; and the South em 'Railway announces the sale of LOW HATE Slier Hod Tictets From AH Mm Points To the delightful Resorts located on and reached x ia its lines. THESE TICKETS BFAR FINAL LIMIT OCT. 81, 1902. Tliat section of North Carolina known as " THE LAND OP THE SKY and the !' SAPPHIRE COUNTRY', Is particularly attractive to those' in search of mountain Tesorts, where the air is ever cool and invigorating, and where accommodations can be hadeitlier at the comfortable and well kept board ing houses or the more expensive; and up-to date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CXr3 Placed in Service from Various Points to Principal Hesorts, thus affording GREATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For reaching those points. Particular attention is directed to the Elegant Dining-Car Service on prin cipal through trains. Southern Kailway has just issued its handsome Resort I older, descriptive of the many delightful resorts along the line of Its road. The folder also gives the naines of proprietors of hotels and boarding houses and number of guests they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application to any Southern Kailway I icket Agent. 8. U. HARD WICK, General Passenger Agent, W. A. TURK, Pass.TrallieMgr. Washington, 1). C. Atlantic Const IJne. Wilmington & New Berne I. K. TIME TABLE NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,;Daily Except Sunday. Going South 80DKDDLS: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains "No. 50. Lv. a m, 8TATION8: . . New Berne . . . . . . Pollocksville . . . Maysville. .. Jacksonville Wilmington, Union Depot I Wilmington; Lv. Ar. p m 9 00 9 36 9 61 ... -.. 040 504 . . . . 4 49 ... 4 IS 3 89 10 02... 12 08 1915 Ar 296 P M P M PassENOita & Fbjugdt. No. 4. No. 8, Leave Wllmlnirtnn MnnH.. wi. o J I i . unr day and Friday. Leae New Berne Tuee day, Thursday and Saturday. LV. A M Ar. P H 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 8 40 Scott'aHUl 12 66 980 Wnndairia l IK W 06 Hollyridge . . ' ill 40 10 61 lHinn in Kl 11 90 Vorona. '. '. !l0 20 1906 Jacksonville. 9 46 19 80 Northeast. 8 65 8155 Whiteoak 8 80 1 90 Maysville 8 05 915 Pollocksville 7 20 9 56 Debrubl's 6 85 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Huday. J. R. KENLY, General Menarer ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of W. 11. Cully, de ceased, late of Craven county, N. C. notice 1 hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duty verified to the undersigned administrator, or J. E A R O'Hara, Attorneys, on or before the 99th day of Beptember, 1908, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. - All persons indebted to said estate are tequeated to make Immediate payment. This 99th day of Beptember 1902. Grorgb W. Cullv, Administrator. Directory ofthe Nails at the New Bert Post Office. Mall for all point North, South and West Via A. N. 0. R. R. and A. 0 14ns cloae st 6-80 a. m. Mail for ell point East via A. & N. C B. B, close st 6 JO p. m. i Mail for all points North and West vis A. A N. C. R. B. dose at 6KK) p. m. Mall for Oriental. Manleo, EUzabeth City ana Norfolk via Btr. Nouse close st 5:80 p, m. ' Mail for Oriental, Manteo, Ellaabeth City and Norfolk via Btr. Ocraooke close stii80p.av . ! " Btab Routis. r Mail for Olympla, Grantsboro, Bay bore, Stonewall, Vasdsrmere snd Orlen n close st 5:80 a m, all for Bellalr, Lima, Geddy, Chip snd Dobbs close si 9:80 a sv Mad for Askln, Brnnl, Zorsh, Wup fad Vasoeboro dose at 1KW p. m. - sfaB for Whitford:elos at 1:00 p.m. BsTMona W. Eakcock, P. M. !. . -; -a- -9.."-. arrni iwi mw m 74 Bo, Front Bt, Opp. Hotel Chattswks Siv-. mw Bvmr v r , iamn ihuui,.i v. Circuit, Craven, Tories, Onslow, Cari erst, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, snd ths Supreme snd Fsdstal Oearta LAIATTVB TASTELESS 5 !i-Tc::ic; HARDWARE Stoves, Heaters, Cook r Btofcu--Kangec. Limo, OemmFlMtat,''. i'ainta, oik, Varnish, Putty,' Bash, Doort, Blind , Jntlery and all the tisoful articles usnallv found in an v; UD-to- lete Hard warn Rtnrn. -.rr EADQUABTEBS FOB Ana all Kinds of' Iowcwt Prices.' ' Under Hotel Chattawka, STEW 1JEIIN. Iff. C. Notice of Summons. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Craven County. ) Court. Lucy Curtis, vs. William II. Curtis. The defendant above named will tske notice that an action as above entitled lias been commenced in tho Superior court ot Craven county, to obtain di vorce a vinculo matrimonii, from the de fendant, William H. Curtis, snd the said defendant will take further notice that he is required to appear at the Novem ber term of the Superior court of said , county, to be held on the tenth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1902, it being the 10th day of November, 1902, at the court house in New Bern, N. C, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action now on file, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 26th day of September. 1909. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Notice is hereby given that the under signed having been duly appointed ad ministrator of J. A. Paris, deceased, that all parties indebted to said estate will come forward and settle the same,, and that all persons having claims against the estate will present the same within one year from the date hereof or this notice will be plead in bpr of their re covery. This Sept. 27th, 1902. IAS. 8. bYNUM, Adm'r, Moyton, N. C. ACTION FOR DIVORCE. NOKTH CAROLINA, Craven County. In Tho Superior Court, November Term, 1902. John Thomas vs. Mary Thomas. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County for an absolute divorce, the cause being abandonment and the defendant wlU further take notice that she is required to appear at tho ncit term of Superior Court of the said county to he held on the 2nd Mon day in November, 1902, being the 10th day thereof, at the Court house In said county In the city of New Bern, N. C. and answer to demur to the complaint of the plaintiff In this action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the rcllof demanded In the complaint. W. M. WATSON, Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 23rd day of September 1902. Notice of Summons NORTH CAROLINA, In the Ciiavkn County ) Superior Court. Florence F. Guloa vs. Alfred Guion. The defendant above named will take notice, that an ac Hon as above entitled has been commenced In the Superior Court of Craven county to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant Alfred Galon, and the said defendant will further take notice that he it rej quired to appear at the November term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 10th Monday after ths 1st Monday of Beptember 1902, being tbe 10th day of November 1909, st ths Ooart house In New Bern N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action now on file, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 28d day of Sept. 1909. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTICI. Having qualified a administrator of l nomas u. Battle, Jr., deceased, late ef ' Oravnn conntv N.fl. I hMkh iwkfcltv ll persons having claims against the estata of the said deceased to present thsm for payment on or before th 8th day of '-' September, 1908, or this notice Will S plead In bar ot their recovery.. All per , make Immediate payment This 8th day of Bepfc 1909-1 . V & t' thob. f. McCarthy, ' - Administrator. ' Sale for ParUtttit !;? NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior vH,. Craven Oounty, J Court. Pursuant to an order obtained oer the 8th day of September, 1909, before- the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven County, N. O.. in the Special-Proceed Ins to tell land for division, entitled Edward P. Jones, Mary K. Bykes. Ann Maria Wilson, Fannie Oats and J. W. , Stewart against Susan Jones, 1 will of- for for sale snd tall to the highest bid der for cash, at ths ooart house door in New Bern, N. 0. on Monday the 13th day of October, 1909, st tbe honr ot l a o'clock, M., the following described rml estate, to-wlt: Lying and being sitim in the City of New Bern said state an.i county, on theaetide of Brad's ': beginning at th northwest con-r . CarollnsBilTl lot, and running ' northwardly along the aaa tem ' , ssid alley en hundred and el't ( tost, more or less, so the -sontiinm I of the lot formerly occupied by I D, BIH, dsosaasd, tlisno slong said southern line sf (78) feet, thence southwardly i with said alley one hnndrd a i il08J feet, mors or less, to Urn Ins ot said Caroline HIU's I. i i weatwardly seventy -elRhtfT i her line to Point of beginnh the land Inherited by said Jones, Mary & Bykes, Ann son and Fannie Oata, as heira-at-lsw of their father, . ' r Jonea, deoeased. Ihis 9tfi diy of -- ' f 4 1