THE JOURNAL, New Ben, N. O, Oet, M, 102. Ialex t Few AAfertisemnta. Lost. ". ,V 1 S . McSorley Banana. . McGehee WUH-Coffee.1 J J WoUendenTrnst combination. Simoons ft HoBowell Co Dressgoods Bnsliest Ltads. : RUBBER NECK BAXiLS at Dawson's. LOST A small Pearl Brooch Pin on East Front street Inside enclosure last night ; Finder will please bring to this office and receive tewardi sij, o FOR RENT Seven desirable rooms, olosets and bath, upper part house No. 84 Pollock street. J. W. Stewart. TO RENT Part of the Hark Dlsoswsy residence oa Hancock, street Five rooms and kitchen. Modern improve koeat Inquire, Mrs.M. Dlsosway, 14 Johnson 8k MR, HENRY E. Cretean requests his In tending patrons to hnrry up and bring their chairs to cane, furniture to recover and mattresses to make over to his new quarters 71 Craven St., as he Is greatly in need of work. NOW IS THE TIME and here the place lib bay the ' finest eating Apples, Pears, Bananas, Grape ands all kinds of the finest fruits of the season. Barfield's , Fruit Store Broad street. Phone 206. TQ RENT A good brick store, oppo site Baptist church, formerly oc opted by Eaton the Jeweler. Apply to E. K. Bishop. ' ' NOTICB If you want your house umvmI. raised or reDalred. call on J. M. '' Rrglster. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street, Hew Bern, N. U. MISS SPEIGHT, , Voice and Piano, Armory Hall. Fridays A Saturdays Advertisers ! Changes of ads. most bp in litis tflce by noon to Insure change in the following day's Issue. ..' For Fine Corned and Smoked Beef, and Tongue call at the Oaks Market to day. Schooner Ella R. H11L Will load general Cargo for New Bern at Baltimore. Beginning Thursday, Merchants ordering will direct shippers to call on National Lumber Co. for Schooner's address. Cam. J. J. Dat, Master. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not sny better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davls'iPrescrlptionPharmacy. At Davis'. Fresh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vac cine Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. . Extra fine Western Beef at the Oaks Market today. ' Flower Bulbs at Davis'. A supply of Hyacinth and Tulip Bulbs has just been received at Davis' Phar macy. Fine Canned Beef and Beef Tongues at the Oaks Market. Fresh Crisp Celery at the Oaks Msr ket' ' - 1 New Registration Began Oct. 2nd, Ends Oct. 25th. ' Western North Carolina Sheep Nose Apples, Bananas and Oranges at Mc Hurley's.; ,1 i" Special Notice. Out buyers are now, la the Northern markets aelacttn tha 1ilt ilclM ! Fall and Winter goods, " ' i ? BARFOOT BBOS. icnney s tanay at Daw. A fresh usortmentof Tenney'i Candy , has Just been received t -pstV Paa - macv. ....... ,.i ... ; -4 t ' Special notice. Oar buyers irs new in the northern markeU Mlectlng the latest styles In fall and winter goods, n" 1' ' BARFOOT BROB. You' tliut; Register to Vote, ?;ITew Begli tratlonv v '.f ? -4. rig Feet, Trass, Trip aad Beneless rig Uooks at I be Oats Market, 4 ,: JACOBS' 'RaklghRye Whiskey is the lt. Middle stress. ' . vor C.iPUDE'IE Colds LaGrippe "Attlkzdzchis, t to takf. Tour money tU H it fiiila. ..- . AROUND AlfD ABOUT. v Fair and cooler Is the forecast for day. yf:fiiiS's-':''' Register at oaos, do not delay. Reg ister! Register II -. - - There were 73 bales of aottoSKSold here yesterday at 1871. .. t, h The poet offloe at Belgrade bat been discontinued, Msil Intended. for that office should be directed to JPeppe. O wing to a slight dassage to the ma chinery the gas was that off last sight but will be in opera lion again tonight ' Reserved seat for Who What When Minstrels at Waters' this morning. A good many seats are already reserved for the performance tonight , " ' All voters who have not done should register at once. Do not wait nntll It's too late and then make a fuss because you were not allowed to vote. Do It to day. Mr. Frank A. Hackney has established an oyster house and restaurant in the room on Mlddlo street near Hahn's sta bles. He will keep the very best stock of oysters and clams In the city. ' Officer W. H. Griffin arrested a col ored man named George Bmallwood yes terday morning for stealing a pistol In Schenck's barroom. When searched, a deadly weapon and a pair of metal knuckles were found on him. He was taken before the Mayor and held for trial In the November term' of the Crim inal Court under 50 bonds. Bananas 10 and IS cents a dosen to day at McSorley's. Confederate Veterans Attention. Headqarters Camp New Bern, No. 1101 United Confederate Veterans New Bern N. C. Comrades: A meeting of the Camp is called this evening at the office of & R. Street at 4 O'clock. By order of, K. R. Jones, Commander, J. F. Clabk, Adjutant. , October, 10th 1908. The Best Ever. Tbeoompany which will present "A Wise Woman," the latest muslcsl farce at the Masonic Theatre in the near fu ture has a really wonderful array of well known people enlisted In the ranks of the organization. The management do not believe In the too common system of "one or two giving thejwhole show," but hsve organized what is undoubtly one of the strongest fsree comedy casts evei brought together. Minstrels Tonight. The Who What When minstrels will be here today and give a perfomance In the opera house tonight. There are 80 people in the company and they travel on their own car. The Grand Rapids, Michigan, News says of them: "The Who What When minstrels, presenting a really meritorious performancej open ed a week's engagement at the Grand last night, to an audience that filled every available bit of space long before the rising of the curtain. The rapid-Bra Jokes of the comedians, the singing of the different vocalists were received with shouts of laughter and applause, while the ,ollo presented an array of artists seldom before equaled, and indi cations point to s week of record-breaking business." Notice. The following measurements and site of the County ticket for the November election were adopted at the meeting of the Board held Oct. 4th, IMS. Size of County ticket Si Inches by 8 Inches. Township ticket SJ inches by Inches. MARK DISOSWAT, Secretary Election Board of ,' Craven County. Votlnf Precincts. The following are the places to Regis ter In the City for the November elec tion. 1st Ward City Hall. Snd Ward Court House. Sd Ward X 8 Street's stables. ' 4th Ward Hsrgetfs shop. Berne P reelect Engine House, oppo site Farmers Warehouse. Every one should register atones, this Is an entirely new Registration aad, nlres you Register at oaee f on will aot be able to vote in November. F-BRSOIfAl FAtAGRArB. ' Hr. Andrew Eanett of Cedar Point ie in tOWSJ. , . y l ..-.; Mr. W. O. Brewer, of Chlpj' was here Mr. H. A. Brown, , Jr., left foe Hew York, yesterday.; ; y - Mrs. L. B. Ennett, of Cedar Point is vlsitlaglathacity. ::i',; Mr. E. C.' Duncan, of Raleigh was a vislur here yesterday. .-,.?;:' : Miss Lulie Ives returned froa iv Ml si Black siooatala yesterday. ' t, ., Mr. and Mrs. W.T.Oaho, aad Hum eoa of BeyhoN were la the- city testes' Mm I, II. SlnKletary of Vaeebmnsnd Miss Julln SlngleUry' of Wllmljioe, are vUlUng this, week at, Mr, C.V, Mrs. John B, Ives aad family. returaed yesterday frmavUlt with friends la Btateevllle. They . were aocoapaaled hither by Miss Jetlie HarrlU. ... vi "X OASToniAr BasMtas 1 elM liM.Ytm i t" CARNIVAL'S CAPfiRS. :, ARIotoas, Joyous Berry Crowd. , Pro- - s ceedlngsln Brlefof Tes-;yf ' ;r" jter4ay.-4:;?'- Testerdsy wsa another good day for the Carnival. There wu lota doing aad the crowds seemed to be enjoying them selves hugely. j s. f I Admission to the Midway began yes terday. Ten cents Is uked. - - "Rubber Necks" hsve been ruled out. The free and unlimited use of these lit tle toys was endangering people's eyes and disturbing their peace of mlndK so the authorities had them cut out . The trapese artists gave their perform anees at the appointed times and were well received. Their acts are daring and olever. J ' The balloon asoension at 8:80 in the afternoon was very fine. Prof. Baldwin the aeronaut, is a man well known in this line of work and -he managed the act admirably. The air ship arose almost straight for 600 feet and then it went eastward. The balloonist out, the para chute loose and lit in the river about 800 feet from Broad street. The balloon remained in the atr'a half hour and also eame down in the river. J The eruption of Mont Pelee was one sf the most weirdly bsnstlful sights ever seen here. The conditions were favor able to reproduce this wonderful event, The display of fireworks on the river enhanced the beauty and grandeur of the scene. This feature is one that should be heralded long and lond by those that saw It last night. It certainly was worth the price. There were 8,000 people witnessing the Mont Pelee. It Is estimated that five tons of paper wss used In making confetti - Jt The Elks, Trades and Floral Parade will form on Johnson street between Middle and MetcalfatlS o'clock shsrp and will move by 18;80, down Middle to Broad, up Broad to Georgetown George to Pollock, down Polloek to Middlr, dowa Middle to 8. Front, down S. Front to X. Front, up B. Front to Pollock, up Pollock to Middle, up Middle to New, down New to Craven, down Craven to Pollock, np Pollock to Middle, up Mid- die to Broad and will disband on Broad at Elks Halt; The Who What When Minstrel Band will give concerts on Mid wsy from 1 p. m. till ( p. m. The ball will commence at 10.80 after the eruption of Mt. Pelee and minstrel performance. The ball will be Bal Pond re and every one Is expected to dress accordingly as the members of the Queen's Court will be present. Formation of parade, Police on horse back. Who What When Band and Min strels. Naval Reserves. Floral parade. Elks on horseback. Trades display. Jt Alt the New Bern Lodge of Elks are expected to be la parade on horse back aad silk hate and Prince Alberts. Visit ing Elks are cordially , requested to Join parade. Hooligan and his band will be present. Invitation to Gypsy Social." Ton are cordially Invited to attend a "Gypsy Social" at the church parlors, Monday evening October the thirteenth, fron 8 to 11 p. m. Given by the mem bers rf the Epworth League. Mono alone sets the world in mc ! "tlon. It's, lack luggett this, Gypsy notion." ;Ta above invitation is extended to the feriblio a large ;snd !1 who at end may expect aa evening, of stnueement Sad f aa. Veritable Gypsv maids wlU rs ceive the guests st the door and escort them to the reception roca.' No One should fall to visit the "Seeled Otaela Pepnrtami" where Egypts will be fousd..ieady to present her guests with 'healed en vetoes' -which contains Tdrses" Shedding light spoa the future of tha purchaserMAnotherery Interesting feature of tha . evealsgV eatertslnnn at wlU ho tha 'iLoea Art Collection." " hef reshaseaU win be eerfed sad those Who attend 'wmhayeihsasos privi legeef having pretty gypsy girls supply their waste. -Other stttaotioas will be MBweedlaWi ;" Oet,8Ths Mnflnaed drouth was scewbs broken Bunday by showers Buaday accompanied by , fresh southerly winds.) - :-;;,',;rr ' Mrs, Hopey Davla ofHorehead City is wtipchfra . , $ m-, '.. Mr. Alonso. JTaabms of Jeaafert wu hsM yesterday, .r.-j..-.'-. V f?f . fb l4nhdi a fish Ud vsrj ekUn slvely la the aaaaaaolars el fertillaer Is very plentiful Is, or wtri now. These fish are used by a -great, nisay of our fstmers tor sneaara Ukea In those ends etsts right frees the water and eosnpor tei la the Fail sad the following spring this eotapoet ledWrlbeted among the various orons with' ' usual good results. It ft said that a IbM WO! mske Shy thing from a food strong -ceat dnW to a cab bage. wt:..;. A' . The pes' cop Is short la tble section this year, ceased we believe by 1b con tinued dry weather,, bat this short will be somewhat covered by the emtio sod earing of the vines, for wbloll work I be weather La Wa fine. ' 1 -OysUrsaiela saw, tbe far t!, thwi,f;!iHit lh county buve slart 1 up. The I""S I a I n to l' s TRIED TO BAKE HIS WIFE. i Dastardly Act of a CotoixaTUn at five Ths rare sad succulent dish of baked wife wss tried by a negro in the vicinity of Five Points yesterdsy afternoon snd her ecreams and resistance brought the timely help of poUoemaa Montagus who was lath neighborhood, or there might hsve been a tragedy. - He was in tha act of thrusting tha woman ia the oven. : . WhDe np la that part of town Mr. Montagus heard the cries of k woman In distress and whan . the trouble was lo cated he secured the! assistance of a man to catch the 'Offender. Upon' the offi cer's entrance " the man escaped by a doer not covered by the assistant and had pot .. quite a little lead on hie pur suer. . '' 'i , 'r ' Mr. Montague followed him op Queen street to West street, along West to Cy press street, thenoe to a small pond where he gave up, only after three shots from the officer's pistol, The man was arrested and will be tried today for murderous assault. The stove though small was hot and would have burned the woman severely. He is a desperate negro and should be given a heavy panismnent for his fiendish ac tion. GALILEE. . Oct. 8. Cotton picking is about fin ished around here, the next work Is rloe cutting. Mr. J. W, Everlngton Is repairing his house. The Sunday School had its first sen- Ion In the new church last Sunday. Miss Maggie Jones is vlsitlnc at her home. The Sunday School Is preparing for a fine entertainment which will be given soon. Mr. R. C, Wsyne was a visitor in New Bern yesterday. Mrs. Maggie Wayne held a quilting bee at her home Tuesday. . Rev. Moore, of New Bern held revival services at Trultt's last week. Nine con verts were bspttzed as a result of the meetings. The Christian church will begin pro tracted meetings next week at the new church here. Rev. J. P. Uolton will conduct the services. Whero is snipes is he buried with snap 1 COVE. Oct. 8. Our public school opened Monday morning- The accomplished HIbs Lizzie Ewell of Vanoeboro is teach lng. Rev Townsend Is conducting s series of meetings st the Methodist church thl week. Capt L. F. Whltehurst of Klnston wss a visitor here Sunday. Mr AD Hawkins spent Monday at Dover on business. Mr Walter Glover of New Bern was among Sundays visitors here. Mr M A Hill of Tuacarera has accept ed a position with the A AN Cat this place and will be here in the future. Mr O D Lane our former R R agent has accepted a position as night opera tor st the A A N O '.shops In New Bern and will move his family there In a few days. HlKON. REELSBORO. Oct. 8, We are having One weather now for cotton picking. Mlssss Ethel and ArmetU Barrlnglon of Trults visited Miss Msggie Brinson 8unday. Mies Birdie Lee of New Bern Is visit ing friends snd relatives st this place. . Rev. Petree of Klnston pessed through Reels boro Saturday on hie way to Ara pahoe. Mr. Ernest Hearn of Wilmington psseed through this piece Bundsy on his wsy to New Bern. ' " 1 - Messrs J. X. Delsassr snd W, H. PhU pott of Arspshoe were visitors st Reels boro Saturday and 8unday - . .. , j Mr 9 A Brinson aad -eon Feltoa went to New Bern today oa business. ' ,, Mr J M Reel of Arspsaos visited bis father Mr J B Reel of this place Sun day. i . Baowa Eria. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur f ( Dirjasta wis vsjsj tutt . fv"' REDUCED RATES. B.C,D.IaiXUNE.. G. A. k. Encampment at Wssnlnfi- The Norfolk it Southern Railroad wUl sell tickets at Norfolk to delegates Sad visitors returning from Washington atans half the regular fare so all points oa their Use, upon certificate signed by T. T. Whlteom showing attendance, , , v.i V . Oso. HssDSHson, . New Bern, N. 0. Oot. i, 1901. a ; It. io . 1 tor ff. Be - lie ' r 1 " & Oa (M ' C Sxi&. Ceied. " - r ll : o. J i I C.:-e !-' 1 I cane ... I 4 I.G.C. -I J (Her gray hair makes! hmMmly&rs met. (And if s ifftTell herall about Ayer's HairAlS m ; , , Confederate Veterans. Headquarters Camp New Bern, No. 1U8 United Confederate Veterans, New Bern, N. C, Oot. 8th. 1903. Comrades: Our Camp will have the honor of greeting at Lowthrop Hall, at half put eight o'clock Wednesday evening Oct. 16th the North Carolina DIvisl6n of the Daughters of the Confederacy. The oc casion ' is one In which we should take the greatest pride, as It affords us an op portunity, or testifying to the fatthfu) devotion of those noble ladles to the cause of the South, and to their constant efforts to relieve the suffering, and to succor the invalid Veteran. Every member of the Camp Is urged to attend, snd welcome those whose noble acts, are the highest glory of our State. Mrs. T. J. Jackson and Mrs. t. B. Vance will probably be present. Please wear your Camp Badge. Respectfully, K. R. J oris, Commander. J. F, Clak, Adjutant. OAOTORZA. Betratiis ) Ttl Kind You Haw Mwyi BwmM (agistor Floe Mountain Apples at McSorley's. Ping Pong Balls at McSorley's. Combinations I The insurance combine or trust, known aa the South Eastern Tariff Association, a few months ago raised cost of insurance on .certain lines lb per cent. The Greensboro rate, feeling that the parties paying Wednesday the combine met Greensboro's must go, took off the 25 cent, additional. Now I ask the people of New Bern this question or these questions: If the Greensboro Companies were not here, would they have made that reduction t Don't you think that if the would promptly put rate back t Is it not to your interest to free from a merciless combine, J. Interested in DRESS ! I GOODS? lOar Exhibit is Educational True, it's not usually advisable to enumerate one's chickens before they are hatched. Yet, we feel safe in predicting that never in the history of this house wss such a dress goods business done as there will be this season. The Reason T Simply that by rt " successes we have become emboldened, and in lien of the normal in crease, have literally doubled last Fall's selections. The truth is we are after not only the biggest but the best trade of the town, and show this season a range X of weaves and colors that 9-m m . a. - d o; jeity wiunotbeejsewnere towelled, i - jUlx" Our beautiful all wool Venetians and Granites in ! : .'all colors, at 50c per yard are due first mention. . These are unusuai vaiuea. no - low. Boo per yard Is a oheap price lor the heavy 50 In: .'-Vsnetisn Suiting." Just tie thing for ooat suits. . Has t the weight and value of $L25 goods. ; mtoA& ciXntBK ' ' Are the goods this season? ' Very. No fabrlo makes a ' handsomer gown than Broad Cloth.' We have1 air the PPn,ar "Mel, j50.mche jit la cheapest to boy ths slwsys ths chnpeat. Bach a T - "Goods, Wntinl qoalitleeat X, l.MM Jvery nroaalnetiti'tonoeUkUsMtlsem i "choicest models from lbs world's1 most noted mlUtoert ' No ' : t 11-1. s.1 Wll . sm . a ... -m. . . a . ' IMOT HgJlHI UlU AVsXUXOfrT VaVTlWr aUKI V irOI, OIIMsV T m aisnr-oAal tJ Mrnt ' Wsa la. m sn stvmbvw mm vw vi v t , would be unable tf oomplete : w ith Europe's end a merlca's 'deceive the "elect"-- ', . it.' Li ii yon laiiea so maae a saiisiaetory inspecuoa 01 on pat. , w , ' tome on Qjienlng D We would be glad' you woulfr make this X " repartmenta visit and let as show yott 'thrrmgb; !5 '" T ' 'V BLEW UP THE SAFE The Safe' Ik A. Wilson's Store at Dover Dynamited and Robbed of $350. The store, jot WA. Wilson in Dover was entered by burglars some time Wed nesday night and the safe dynamited and looted, The report was not heard by any one and tha thieves had every thing their own wsy. Ths saff contained about $260. " Mr Wilson joonduels a general store snd uldefrom his personal find there was some money belonging to the Southern Express Co., of which he is agent and soma money belonging to the village as he Is clerk. : ! The deed was unquestionably. done by experts, qulokly and cleanly. They were after lucre and nothing else and they got it No due has been obtainable. Two suspicious characters were arrested here yesterday. They came down on the train from Dover, giving tha conductor money to psy their fsre instead of buying s ticket. The presumption wss that they kept out of sight nntll the train left Dover snd then boarded it. There was nothing more than a general suspicion against them and aa they bed no large amount of money nor anything to Indi cate they were the guilty men tbey weie released. companies refused to advance Hie the insurance were paying enough. at New Bern, decided that the per cent, and ten cents, or 10 per Greensboro's were driven out, they patronize the Greensboro's, so as to be J. WOLFENDEN, Agent Greensboro Companies. for variety, beauty and nov-. X .. rcneap gooaa, u me prme is wlsjjoned and shruns: "at beet, but the most expensi ve Is not varied lot of medium priced Bklrl,; t 9oah4 B9si ,, .ir; 4,ni Mi I -X Vml -M-f" af.u.1 MmiUit i HBf astMa jb u uBaa asstiti VWl ST suh orders for years to come. best and make copies : that .wooW.J X 1 -j -... a ,. . ' .. 'C :. " . 1 .. . ."., o Headquarters Boys Clothing, and Furnishing Goods. All visitors cordially invited to in spect the New Styles. Satistaction Guaranteed or your money back. c. G. Dunn & Co., MKJIITV POOR POIsICY Is that of "drawing the long bow." What's to be gained by overestimating one's self 'f If we present a draft greater than our deposit, won't it in.vt rortainly be protested f In affairs commercial, exaggeration and all misrepre sentation has come to be regarded as a species of asininity, apart from principle, or the want of it. Where's the use '! What a merchant may say of himself, his goods, or his methods, is either true or false If true his ads will develop a drawing powi r never before dreamed of. While if false, detection and punish ment must inevitably follow. Our business is growing daily, the reason is obviom. Boys and Girls School Shoes fresh and new The Warranted kind, back of us stands the manufacturers. Nutli ing letter made, from $1.00 to l.!i0 according to size, at The Bee Hive, PATTERSON & HILL. 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church. WE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS for Stoves A full stock of Wood Heaters, Wilson Hrtitor-i, uml both are per feet with front feed door. You will find on our fl or die kind you want. We are prompt in putting them np. Lu ( our stock over before placing your order. We carry a good stock of Sash, Doors, Ulimli, Lime, Commit, Plas ter, anything you may want in iiuilders Material. Special Black J:iek Stove Blacking. Ball Bearing Custora. PHONV MS. M "OK So Good I What makes our Soda Water taste so good is Its quality. Every tiling Died In the making is First Quality pure. The water Is pure and sjArkling. The los is pare and clean. . The cream is pure and rich. The flavors pare and delicious. I The fruits are the beetand fresh X . People who know our soda fro iut of their way, if necessary, to I fes It It is so satisfying, so re- tiresome, so run oi wuat tney wans In nwd endm. Thev come and T Jo me arsin that's what we're z jrotaws;ioronnsianuy,DecBosewe want regular customers who know f FOUNTAIN. -' One on Broad Street, 114 feet front, 314 ft 6 inches deep. A good dwellipgi store and out boild 1 qga. A suitable place for a tobae- Cashed, , ,,'!:)- Iv -,;' I J One on Gexrrp St' about 80 feet front, 7(J or $0. feet deer, two good bnildingi that would rent for $10 of 112 per mo-i eaoh. teonld bo built pott it with' TiicnlT or. out-door room. Apply to h tut i Is ths most ni nshiag aa4 savlg ; orating drink at Soda Fovatalns.' Cares headache tod Improves ths;1 sppetile. . , . , . j i Try It lor .four, stooh's 1 sake" , ' . , t for Hens and g Shoes, Hats, Men's fc Itoy'd Wear, Q ZePollocli: Street. X Gaskill Hardware Cu. li Hi? W I K -N. School Time finds us well prepared to supply the rid ing gom-ratlon with everything to aid in Increasing its store of knowledge. G. N. Ennett. We are Now Ready so do all repair work to your stoves for Winter nee. t We carry a nice tine of Cook and Heat ing Moves that will be sold cheap. Stove lpS, Roofing, Guttering and work of all shape and sites made to order Doa't forget ns on Plumbing. I'hone I'M. Foy & Wood Co., Dmitry' Old Mnnd, , Mulh sVrssMt Hi. . The slRency For the ,Creensboro ' lira TnsnrsBos rompanlea,!, SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL SOUTHERN LOAN and TRUST 00. UNDERWRITERS. : ! l;l(-,'1'''"'"'',. f. ", w r I ,11 glTe ' bd 'Prolai'Uon a.v Lowest Cost In good Reliable Home ' Companies. ('i. 'v . m .7e sr. rci.rr:nf) Eii ' At