IWaGK - doesn't protend to sell yon cheaper goods'than other people, j g BUT- ; ' -.', , - j M Better Goods oncy. You can be the better Judge.' COME AND BEE. 1 . JV ' We hare Everything New tn the Latest Wears Broad 2& Cloths, Ladies Cloth, Zebeline, Popllnes, Frenoh Serges, Oam- M ' els Hair, Granites, Fancy Trench Flannel, Liberty Satlnsin y all the Newest Shadety and other Fashionable Fabrics. " i M Every Department is g Compl juui. xvcuoiveu new voisew .xne.ftojai vrorceaier, me ft latest thing Princess hip, assures correct fit, the only Corset M made that will properly rednoe stout figures to correct propor- M tions.' Gives grace and comfort. Sole agent for "the Dorothy Dodd, Thoe. G. Plant and 3& Ziegler Shoes. , ' p i l n i .t j GRirrON BRAND BiiinH At S C0PL01TS. WhyP Because we sell GOODS COE1P FOR CASH. Below we state a few of our Special Prices on Saturday's and Mon daj's. We give you a few prioes on domestics : MEN'S CLOTBINO. 16 00 Worsted Suit! 3 06 708 803 18 $4 27 1 00 lOOOCasslmerSnits -5 00 Hen's Pants - 8 00 " " BOY'3 BU1T8. $".00 Suits 2 CO Bnits E7 P or other prices see our large circular. We ore strongly recommended everywhere we roam. We invite one and all to examine our stock before buying. Very respectfully, S. COPLGM, 75 Middle St. next t 6 1 skill Biw. C., Hew Ben, 1 C. Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in itock; and to arrive '3,500 Rolls Cotton. Bagging, 800 bundles Cotton Ties. Send us your orders. Prices art the lowest. I. E. JLatkam A Co. :::0;:Jlvinz'lhtre, iff If yonr carriage needs Wpalring. Wt will repair it so Ihkt kt is si food m mw. V We guarantee onr work. Our customers " are sowars satiaBad with- oar work and prleM. Yon wUl he satis&ad tt 7011 send yimr work bare, -.T.-m, -.'..,- . The only place la town is get any end -everything to repair haggles. - Bee ns befnra baying and save money. .' . We pnt Rubtxw Tires on yont old or ' newWIieels. We Shrink ytr loose tires ' Inr machine-without ratting (hem. Krerybody Is Invited to see the workol the machine patting new bolts m tame o'-l piaAfc ; a. UX7tXrs d C$n, ' " Phone ..', 7J Broid El., i;tr ts, K. 0 MiiniiSlf for Same sr ' tw w i m i i . Fall Snappier, Lamer, Better kim' Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth ing Men's Suits in Extra Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in Elegant Cassi mere, Ohilds 2 piece, 3 piece and Norfolk f-'niU in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argU ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. When yon bny here you bay right I J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. 91 00 Boy's Knee Pants, - 96c 1 85 Men's Bhlrtt - - . 88c 1 00 Hen's BhlrU . . - 74c S 00 Hen's Pat. Leather Shoes, f 3 7 i W Viol Kid Shoes - 103 8 60 Hen's Boot . 1 88 8 00 Ladies Shoes 8 48 SOc White and Bad RUnnel 87c MdRPHV & CO.; Commission . Brokers. ., Dlreo rafrt to New York and nloagoi ft'.!;, Instantaneoni reports-reoeiTed of every move on exohange. . K. F. fATB, Manager, ' ' , " ' 17 Craven Street. . ' " 'a. ' " ' can say nothing but good of his Phil salt if it't mad here.,. We don't know everything, hat we de know how to make good, dressy, lons;-wearlnr clothes, as our f .irons of ynus' stand ing will tall yeu. (Jloth limt, careful shrinklne, aM'urate cutting, skillful ar tisans tea tl tele. I us take your ure lor a Astumn cult. a- e j- - a . Clothing if r - -.i - i it i:. ., r-.x. L-1 t f - : Coal Einen are Pleased. -Special to JoaraaL' 'lf , "f LI & Wiuaiauasa, Px-Ocl. 14-The ool miners say they wUt trost Piwidant Mitchell. Taw wuit labor repMsented om the commission to be appointed. v They an delighted at the wllllngnesi of the operators to arbitrate, Adthlak4ht Sad of the strike Is asst. ?! TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. J A Stree battls It- lastaf bstwsea the gorenaMBt ferns, ol y taetstla aader President Castro :and the wfcd The rebels have the stoat men-sad goat tat tt Is aot kaowa 'Whlokr sUe U win The street oar strike at New Orleans is ended. The sstUaaasat wssaeoss. proulsa. ': y'i :t.' Capt Aasoa, CUoagVt tattoos base ball player, familiarly known as "Baby" Anson, has raterad the political arena as a Democrat. He Is a candidate for The old Bngllaa prison sale used by the British for the Incarceration of their American fttaontss-darlag BevolB tloaary war was found la the Brooklyn navy yard la a good state of preserva tion. Hundreds Of American soldiers sad patriots were tortured on this boat. The strike of shopmen on the Union Paelfle may be titeaded to all the Harri man Unas. Union labor In Portland, Ore., Lu raited tWOO for the striking miners la Pennsylvania. A aew starch factory to ate 1000 bush els of corn dally hat been started at Cedar Rapids, Is, Blxty thousand dollars were sab- scribed yesterday In New. York at two meetings of the Christian Missionary Al llance. Orated by drink, Lloyd Nelson Touag a planter at Pembroke. Ky., brained an aged colored woman with an as yester day and fatally wounded a colored man before being Imprisoned. Ping Pong Bella at McSorley't. elsamt from the Steitswsm Weed an ia Pysflalssm, Ike ttrtaia earn lc eaafks. REELSBOR0. AUltle Rcgrs Bey Killed la a Cotton Oa. Oct. 14. The farmers are having One weather for eora gathering and potato digging. Mr. Bebert Harris, of Kershaw, patted through Reeltboro yesterday on hit way to New Bern. Mr J B Bennett, of New Bern, was a visitor In Reeltboro, Friday, Saturday aad Sunday. . Misses SUnale Barrlngtoa and LIUlt Brlnsoa Tithed Baybore Friday. Mr W B Diton and wife went lo New Bern Friday. Mr David Barrlngtoa and aaat, Mrs Emily Barrlagtoa went to Kershaw Sunday. . .. 4 i - Massif. Daniel Cutlerraad 8 A' Brln soa aadsoa Fatten, vrehl Arapahoe Xohdsy M Iratlasts. ij U : , ' Rev.Jette Qolton aad wife went to Amity Batarday where he goat to nil his regular appoUltasat. it Meters Arthtt Hardy aad Da Hardy, were visitors at Mr. William Brlasea's Rnada. ' Mrs Holland Holtoa, of Olymplt, who is btea visltiag Mrs Kitty 'Barrlngtoa ' 1 .!.', . , "i . t reUmed son baaday evealag. -, A small , eolortd boy , was lattanuy killed in Mr. J. B. Reel's gta . last Tats- oay evenlag.' ., ' ,. . T MrWO Brlntoa and wtte' west to Hew Ben Friday to vWw the Floral paraoe, : GRATEFUL FOR FOOD. ; Uvel Seven Week! si Bilk. r "Tkrat nan tgo thts moath. I was a great tutttrtr wltkf atdmaca 'troable,' wines Kys, WtUIa .Lfllglif Tralre da Baa, Wkv "I had to give up eating meat potatoes aad sweats, aad lived simply oa bmd aad tea anally that toe had to be gtrtatp. I got to weak I eouldaot work aad I took nothing Into mf stom ach for seven West but milk. I had tried three doctors aad an for no purpotej tht lett doetor sdvtted mis to stop all medl cine. I had to anyway; I was so weak I was prostrate la bed., A friend advised me to try Grape-fats but I Wat afraid to when ataaspoonfal of milk brought tears to my eyes, my sinmoS vm sojaw, Bat I tried one tea spouuturadjiy"of tht Qrade-Kuti for one week, and lading It tirreed with ma, Increased the quantity. In two weeks, I oould walk oat to the kitchen; In foar weeks I walked half I block, tnd tod,-7 I do my ewa V.ghl bomt -keeping,' - litre on Orope-Ku't aod know tly ssred ny U 'i try p - : 'e s'l tlion-'.t I oould not lire a month : Ic-n uifim. - i .!i.g t!.;;a, end are ve;y iurr " 1 at t";t c' - ,la p s, I ! t t f Hlf t rimso Crops Sbow Great Improremfjnf i - During Past Month. Btoto Charter. Mixed Political Beav tlmeat Reward For Maraerer - Timber Land Case. Bap- ; tlsts Iaereaslig la Nnaiher. Seheel Enrolment. Ruxioe, Oct. 14.-A charter was granted by tht State today to the Cape Fear Rice Company, which will operate a rice mill at Wunttngtonr The capital Stock is 800,000, and the stockholders are H. Barton Anderson, John H. Gore and JssT W. Bneeden. - The Buprenw Court today took sp the 8th district appeal docket Among the attorneys here are J G Bhtw, Q M Rose, HLCook, Fsyettevnie; J A Lookhart, H H McLtndon, Wadeaboro; J W. Keer tnt, CharloUe; N A McLean, Lumber ton; L D Robinson, John T Bennett, Wadeaboro; N J Adams, Oarthsge; John D Shaw, Jr., Laurinburg. i 'Folltlet appean to be mixed. In molt sections there It apathy, but In some there Is 'interest. For example John A Lockhart said today: "Thert it no political Interest tn onr section, peo ple art attending to basinets;" while W J Adams said, "There la nothing but politics In my county." The prediction It made by tome Dem- oorata that the party will carry all the eouatiet tare 10, and will make gains In these. The murderer Frtnk Wihn of Wayne county, who was trailed and cap tared by hit nephtw was taken at Fay etteTtlle. There It 8230 reward and part of this an amateur detecllre claims. The detective had another motive also, for the man murdered was hit brother. A lawyer was here yesterday to see about the claim for part of there- ward. it it not denied now that the crops In this State are mnch better than was ex. pected SO days ago. The farmers are In good spirits tnd have recovered from the worries due to the crop failure last year. Judge Purnell heard argument here In the case of Trenchard 4 Co. vt Sell Co Involving 840.000 ol Umber lands and other properties In Northampton conn ty. A report on the white Bapttsta In this State shows they number 173,000. There are now 57 associations. One is a new one. It It the Wilmington association This denomination tt now doing a great missionary work in tht North Carolina mountain region. 1 The number of white pupils' enrolled In the publto schools of the State It now 292,000-, t mtrked Increase over that last year. ' Bud Foster, colored, who murdered a white man named Johnson nttr Louls burg.and was for weeks kept In jail here to prevent lynching, was today put on trial tt Loultburg. Tht State charters tht Norfolk & Caro Una Telegraph and Telephone Co., with headquarters at Elisabeth City, capital two hundred thousand dollars. It It owned by Portsmouth tnd Elizabeth City people. CASTOR I A Vox Infants and Children. 1 . Tit Kb.il Yea Kan Alvas Bs?bt . liters the ffgaatiTt of New Begistration Began, Oct: 2nd, Ends Oct. 26th. v Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. B Latham A Co. Naw Toaa, Oct 14, There was gen. oral disappointment over the action of the market today. Ia ftot-ef reported settlement of ttrtkt situation, tht light receipts tnd large exportt,prtoet worked back to yesterday'! low level., March tadVty after an early advance oft points working down to lowest point of the day oa the oloas- . The tone should have beta Wronger and yet was hot. There was at first an artlflolal character to this market owing to January aocu- mulatloa aad the premium 'of SO points over both Immediate and distant post tions, at beat tht; position la bad for general speculation. The ttrtkt situa tion makes tht slock market unsettled and tends to makt holdert otutlous. The season It mnch tarlier than last year tnd with good weather for I Weeks more, a big crop It promised. Those who talked of t small crop art enlar ging their estimates tnd ss long as this continues buyers will be few. In the end crop ny prove moderate owing to sum. mor witstber but sentiment Is havlnz its j"i -! of opllmhm as to tlie s!?. of crop t J r . Liliiilsm, at to ad ranre In prices ' f.t t!o moment. Until something turns - 1 to slut the hi vfc':t :'n we s-s In. I to f fir t 'i ! " ; f 1 1 - ( - . Supreme Court Opinions. ? Special to Journal. ' : I RitsioH, Oct. 14th3npreme Court filed the following opinions today. Martin vt Bask, from Cumberland, rw trial 1 Coleman vt Howell, from Columbus, no error. Brlnkley vt Smith, from Columbus, rw trial. Jones yt R. R., from Cumberland, er ror. -. Souse vs House, from Wake, rerer- sed. Arrlngton ts Arlington, from Wake, error. . Whltefleld vt Oarrlt, from Wayne, af firmed. - - Flanner vt Butler, from New Hanover affirmed In both appeals. Baraga vs Davit, from Edgecomb, in plaintiffs appeal no error and In defen dants appeal, error. Lewis vt Lumber Co., from Pitt, no error. The following were disposed of by per ourltm order: Carroll vt Telephone Co. from Wake, affirmed: . Rosamond vs Railroad, from Wake af firmed. McQueen vt Falrley, from Robeson, affirmed. Gibson vt Gilmer, from Gullfordt af firmed. WIthrow vs Gallerl, from Rutherford, affirmed. Haxzard vs Lyman, from Buncombe, affirmed. OA.BTOXIZA. Bsantat Bigsatan of tlhtaindtos Haw Always Bonght MASONIC UPEItA HOUSE Monday, Oct1. 20. THE DEVIL IN A NEW PLAY nARIE C0RELL1'5 Absinthe Drinkers of Paris. Stage version by Chas W Chase. Oast of well-known Actors I Wonderful Electric Effects 1 Beautiful Special Scenery I 8tartllng Illusions Management of Atden Benedict. PRICKS General admission SOc, Re served s ats 75c, Gallery 85c. Best Mac bine Made Uriel! at Lowest Prices. Insurance, omoE: .Cos. Sours Faoat ft Havooce Sts, EFfiiiMfYBlfaDjXEat! .Car load Stocks Best Patent Dia dem and Rose Bnd Floor. : 1W White TarbelljDheese. Pogtum.and Grape Nuts. Oat If sal and Hominy. ' Dried Apples,U.v -A Corned Mullets, Alamance Cotton i Pine and Coal Tar. i- r " All sold .Cheap for Cash.;' - ", V r IS. S. Davenport - r-'"K"n---i: u MIDDLE BT.' rr,t . .tt.'-j'Hi- " SProperfy for Sattl Pursuant to s resolution of the Board of Trustees of the New Bern Aoademy, the undersigned will offer at publto tale for cash at tht Court Hons In New Bern, on Saturday November the 8th, 1903 tt 19 o'clock m. Ihtt Ttloahle City lot situated tt the eorner of Middle and Broad streets fronting on Mlddlt street 914 foet 9 Inches, tnd on Broad street 107 feet I Inches. This salt offers s rare opportunlty'for purchasing tome of tht most valuable property In the City. At the same time tnd place, blda will a'so be rci!yrd for the lot adjoining the Court House lot and occupied by i. W, Turner. ,....'' f 'o i i! t to the arrroval and con " n o( f ' 1 !' Iff T ' . s , IIM Brick FOR SALE. A L BOB LOT OP -' -r. B0K PAPER, Visiting Cards, Envelopes, Flaying Cards, Fancy and Mourning Paper in boxes. . No. 605 Tablet, Ledgers, Journals, etc Just Received. owen o. Duurar, 59 POLLOCK ST. cPtize Competition I The makers of the Famous Queen Quality Shoes For Women offer 100 Cash Prizes; First prize 91000, Snd prize $600, 8rd prize $400, etc., lowest prize being $5, making a total of PAYABLE IN GOLD. To be awarded about January 1st, 1908, to the 100 women who give the best rea sons why "Queen Quality" is superior to all other shoes for women. In order to compete for the prizes your article must be written upon blank fur nished by us with each pair of Queen Quality shoes. D. F.J.ARVIS, 63 Pollock St Cream of Roses Is a harmless liquid preparation for removing Sunburn, Freckles, Tan and Improving the complexion. When applied It la Invisible tnd cannot be washed off. The dark line around the neck, caused by wearing tight fitting collars, Is removed by Cream of Botes. 26c at BRADHAH'S PHARMACY. The most complete line of 14 karat Elk Pins. Fobs and But tons ever shown in New Bern- EATON, The Leading Jeweler For Home Enjoyment nothing can equal the Edison Phono graph. I have lost received 100 Edison mouiaea reeoros ana ine Tjianaam ; Phonoirranh with Xditon's latest rento- duoer together with the wonderful rec ord produces every pleasure that sound can give, making every word distinct II yon nave not neara tnia msMinuit call at once and let us show it up to you It it limply wonderful. . ; WM. T. HILL,, Phone , tie. 91-93 Middle Street. NIW BERN, N. C. " IS the to buy a ne w Cook Stove, - : . I hare on hand a full line of Cook Storeo of the most Improved styles Th. Kew; South and 'Netr'kntOTpriae'inaH Izea.VKvl eryone guaranteed as represented p:m;vraney, 07 B. Front KU : etttttttttteteeeteee! FRESH , , " : V . i i 4 m v , $5009.22 ELK EMMS FRESH CAR LOAD H Volgt'N Snow Drift, White Frost, and Admiral Just receded at J, L. McDaniets. New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackere'. Spiced-Pigs Feet. J Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Postum Ceral. Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5o lb. Codfish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment. 'Phone Ol. A Short Shirt QDo you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that wears the longest ? It's. "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ol -patterns These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 40. Cor. IIow essential it is that the the table ia more important and the day's results than the morning cup of coffee. R. B, Coffee stands at the head for superior strength and wholesomeness. It is a regular 30c Coffee, but we are now offering it to you for 25c per pound, or one pound Free with every four pounds. Give it a trial and you will never try any Other. Yours I McGehee k Willis, It p . jf. ' Car load Flour Ground from new wheat just reoeived. "i t ' " ' jj OU want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial, "s'.f .' -2 ' We are receiving fresh goods by every train and boat, and - -3 can give you entire satisfaction both In qualty and prioes, we mention a few articles as follows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, -5 Quaker Oats, Fresh Rice and Grita, Potato Chips, BchredJo I ' II .Wheat BnacnlsvFuU Cream Cheese, Imported and Domeetio ' . Maooaroni, Canned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel, Import ! . andj Domeetio Sardines, Deviled Crabs, with shells, and a f u l 2J line of everything to be found In a first olass grocery store. II 4 v: ' V ;, - yotopletae. . : i ' ;.0-ii':va'.WsiolmIt8Ji4 Retail Qreost, . ? : PHOSI 69. 'x.Cor. tZro&IIneotZi f : -. 0"ltaatatttttt4ttttttttttttttaaas ii titt,Mttifttfitttts it... Tooth Crashes at Davis'. Davit Pharmacr bat Just received a assortment ot Tooth Brashes made ? j Cl at Loon en of Paris, Each brash ! "T--y rharmaoj" ttsmped On tht M f'iirn trod to give satlt- r " " ' 1, Flotfr Wholesale ft Betall Qroeer, 71 Bread St. Story. H. Front aft Eden Hi. coffee is good. No article of exerts a greater influence over truly, B Prescriptions t. DtTU'.rresorlpUoair: t specialty of ' pretor!, tnd careful attention ' Only the best dreci prices srt reasoDiil', to 1 f ""i ' IT k . '

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