.'V litiifi' v. r a: i r. ML,1 U-KO.- VH :KW KM, FBtDAI :MOMIIVOCTOBI& J4, 1902, TWINTY FIRST YIAB 4 V m II- ; -4:'" - 1 Hcnvn lllhiri mnS (S U H U k 6 will nivo unn ty to save money 3 times a f : t week. Foe Friday and Saturday i he offer the latest thing for WeastJlaok Morle Velour, can ' W not be told from Silk and costs wide, regular prioe 75o, we will sell for two days at 60c. Remember we hare Something New in Skirts too. UlanV Varwaliuul (latin TTnAaraVtvf with R innll flftnlMA - Q Hans 1 IK Anil xnViBf sOm, very swell, sells usually for $2 00, Special at f 1 60, $1 25 and II 00. Ask to see the New Chiffon Applique, green vine and leaves with pink and.Wue roses, the Swellest thing oat, at $3.00 SPer Yard. GRIFFON BRAND. gin At S COPLOITS. Why P Because W9 sell GOODS CHEAP FOB CASH. Below we state a few of our Special Prices on Saturday's and Mon day's. We give you a few prices on domestics : MEN'S CLOTHING. 5 00 Wonted Suite IS 88 10 00 Cwslraer 8uiU 7 98 8 00 Men' Pwite - .8 98 2 50 " " - - 1 98 BOY'd 8DITA IOOSniU ... - 4S7 SftOfuits .... 196 ; - Ce" For other prices see our large circular, a ry; ; We are strongly reoommended everywhere we roam . t"Swe and hII to exami te our stock before baying. -1.: Very respectfully, GOjRILiO-Kr 76 Middle Bt. leit to Otiklll Cotton Baaairia and Ties. Ve have in stock and to arrive 800 Rolls Cotton Bagging 8S00 I handles Cotton Ties. y Send us your orders. Prices re fl 7 the lowest .,.. S'd' J' Istuhmm & Co. . ; Bring li here Ufonr carriage needs repairing. We will repair It so that it is as good at new. We guarantee ear work. Oar eostomert are always satisfled with cur work and prices. Yon wW be satisfied It roa send yonr work here. ' i i , '' f The only place in town to get any and erythtng to repair bojrjfie. , Bee ns before bo j In f and sere money. - We pot Rubber Tires on yonr old or now wheels. We shrink your loote tires In a machine without cnttlng them. ( Tftrybody is inrlted to se the work 04 t n nikchine putUngjnew' bolt In cam i I tiliwwe. ,. ' . li' T7rtm' s-; r SetV V1V J U U U V, an - nnnnrfuni- V yon half the price, 86 inches w with mwa nlnatinir n hnf. ft Fall! Snappier, Larscer, Belter man ever OurTlne of Griffon Brand Cloth. ing Hen's Suits in Extra Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in Elegant Casfli- mere, Ohilds 2 piece, 8. piece and Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as goo 1 an ours but not at the price. When yon boy here you bny right 1 J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. . mmm 100 Bos EnaaF-nta, 98e 1 85 M BhlrU ... We 1 00 Men's Shirts - - - 74c 1 00 Men's Pat Luther Shoes, . f 3 97 8 lOVIci Kid Bhoet ,193 50 Men's Boots - -198 8 03 Ladles Shoes 9 48 50c White and Bed Flannel 87c We invite Hdir. goy ley Bin, V. C. MURPHY & CO., Qmmbsion Brokers; Cotlcii, Stoch, Gnii tProto rDbect wire to Now York and hioago. . ( -y - " ; -' Instantaneous reports received of every move on etohanga. Br F, PATE, lUnager, 17 Craven" Ctrest' ' caa Say nolhlr hot good of hi. fall salt If li's nuue bere. We don't know, everything, bnt we da know bow t make good, dressy, lort-wrir eloUiwi, as onr pttrn. of yoam' i!.m Ing will anil yon. Cioth flnt, f,r,iu! Iirinklnf, otite euHii , r ul sr tiuns tuU tiie lu. I t i t : yo.r MHDH lor a A.ntiran fcnit. :.c: Clothing W i ll vvMl EXETTIIES. " 8aew fall at gebsaactaiy, HT. Taev dsy, ,-5.' t Beru koadred foldW" bezttakers oa strike at Chicago, m, Wtnraed work yesttrday aader a pkwe work teals.; V Tht 0osuKn Oouacil or Ohtoago, 111., at thsaksd Dr Adolpb Loreai, of Tlsmas, tor his work assoaf tht poor child ran, - The Southern Textile Oosapaat ,kacws at the Files Mm Merger, heoocaet effeo- tivt December 1,70 alUs being lathe oombbie. Oneof the greatest gat walk ever strtck m Pennsylvania wasstnekoa Wedaesdav U Worthlagton, More than W.O00.0QO enble feet of cat are reported escaping every day. Efforts to eoattol theeecaDlnscas bare been nnsacoett- fal. Hill Aeia In Ttmminy Hal Niw York. Oct 89w-For tbt first tlrae la 10 Tears DavW Beaattt fllu, former Governor and foraaer United States Senator from the State of New York, spoke tonight la Tammany HtlL The occasion was the ratnoanoa 01 tht Democratic Bute ticket; Former Prett- dent Orover Cleveland sent a letter ex pressing nit regret that a previous en gagement prevented bis attendance. Those who spoke were Chat, N. Better, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, John a Btenehfleld and Martin W. Lit tleton. - Market Letter ob JCotton. By private wire, J. X Latham ft Co. Haw Toaa, Oct 98. There tti ao change In tht lrregalar dlsappolotbig character of the market It was receipts, tagging at one end, and fine weather at the other, between tht two prioes moved la first one direction, sad then la the other. We are free to con fess ws don't know what Is the tronble. Ia some ways the market looks at though It wanted to ease off, but ost ss soon at It gets started, oae short of Jan aary gets frightened sad covers. Thlt advances January sad ceases baying In March and May. Then Instead of a de cline, the market halts and before one It aware of It, advanoes several points, and so It goes Aawe said the market is much disturbed and the only way seems to be to bay on a good break and at soon at the cotton shows a profit let It go. The advance In January to 8.71 and a pnmlaat of N points over March attracted selling of J an aary and this was partly responsible for the break. Another reason wee the report that Mr. Boston whecame last year win estimate the crop tomorrow. We would place about se maoa eoafldenes In hit views as we would la "a prominent Hew Yorkers." He Is unbiased by any Inter est In ths market, whereas the Hew York gentlemen oonfees to extensive Interests. . the MotormtB to Blame. Boms, Oct. tt. Ia a report ape the accident la which President Roots ve'.fi bodyguard, Was. Craig, wsa killed, and .the PreaMeat and Secretary Cortel. yet were Injured at Pltltfleldjast month made pubue today, the board of railroad eommlssloaerl find that the respoetlbu lty for the seeldenl rests with be motor man of the eleetrle ear which ran. Into the Prettdeat's earrTage. v.-': Euclid Madden, wee the taetormaa. His asms It sot mentioned In the report The cemnlssloaers Ind that the ear was going at reck leu speed aad that Ike auaageaBcaJ of the street railway was at fault la not establishing raise to reg ulate lbs speed of ears at a dangerous potat like that at which the accident happened. The report says -The mo- tormaa had good reasoas to believe the effort which he wss plainly making to reach Ike Coaatry Uab before the car riages, met with the approval of peseta- gers, Including a promlneat director of tat company . a r r ' 'imm ' ' ' r " - v CASTOR I A x for infMts anl CMUrea,' Beers the flinaluss of 1 will sen el publlo auction -on the farm Of the late J. H. Vinson, Nov. St h. 1901 at U o'clock, a. at., the entire stock of the farm consisting of the latest Im proved farming Implements, such M I mowing ssacblnet and 'rakes, 1 of the latest unproved potato scrapers doubls wagons aad t carts, 1 top ba-;y, I cuta way harrows, plows, harrows, shore'i nd boat aad everything that Is e'1 on ttt ei-to-dtte farm. Also a!0'it 3 toi of hy and ebuBuance of corn, 4 n ' 1, 1 born and the entire bra whoM am! lure, 'a r- T"' 1 f S' ! TELEGR1PEIC r Public Sg!3. . :::i!lISBr, Sixty Thousand Democratic Major ity Predicted Favors Compulsory Bdncatloa. P ut ile State Beperts. Bevlyal of, ButUr's Opinions. 1 Inmates Soldiers' J Heme., KalghU of Heaer Salt. ..- . Baitton, Oct 88-The Bute commit- sloner of labor Is making up his report. The first compilation Is of reports from farmers. Of those who report 83 per cent declare themselves In favor of com pulsory education. Their returns also show that crops were made more cheaply this year than In a number of years and that hence the profit Is great- Bute warrants were Issued today In aid el. free libraries for rural schools In Johnston, Mitchell, Caldwell, Sampson aad Franklin counties. The annual report of the Bute Super intendent of publlo Instruction Is so well underway that he hopes to have It in type by the end of the year. The tickets to the State Fair here go on sale tomorrow, which is a day earlier than usual. The State Auditor Intends to have his report for 1908 In the bands of the legU latere by February 1. The report for 1901 was not Issued until the summer of this year, the delay being due to the printers. The demand for wood for fuel Is so great that all at any points along the lines of railway has been secured. The Supreme Court affirms the Super ior Court by deciding thst osteopathy maybe practiced In this Bute without a ucenae; In other words that the pres ent medical laws do not cover It Ex-Senator .Marlon Butler Intimates that be may make a few speeches In the campaign this year. He had an inter- I view In July, It appears, with Senatoi Pritchard, and wanted, the latter to en courage Independents; to hold no Re publican State convention, but to en dorse Independent nominees. Pritchard at first assented, but later decided to take the other course and as a result the Republicans put up some men, while they endorsed one Independent Butler says Pritchard Is not acquainted with political conditions In the eastern por tlon of the State. Democratic Bute Chairman Simmons' present estimate of the Democratic ma jority in the Bute to at least 60,000. There are now 91. inmates present at the Soldiers Home here. Of these 14 are In the hospital. . The entire cadet corps of Bute Agrl cultural and Mechanical College le now uniformed,. The last uniforms arrived yesterday. Governor Ayoock has received an In vltation from Chauncey Depew and James H.Hyde, to meet French Ambas sador Jules Cambon at a banquet at Sherry's, New York City, November IS, The receipts of the fund -for the pub lic schools, not including graded schools for thomrrenl year are $ll!01,whlch to 1191,000 greater' than the reoelpte for 1901. The, Increase 6a property tax alone was 184,000. Tea - members of the local lodge of K.ulght of Honor here sued the Supreme lodge ; for 13000 each, for Its refusal to reinstate them. . They had paid their dues to the Unsocial -agenvbut the latter had not sent them to the grand lodge. though h Informed' them they were la good standing. .. Btais taa ' " A lbs IM Tot Hra Alwwvi Bosji L00IHTG POR LOWER PRICES. Hew York Expects and IT Cos! las ' . "j Short Time, ' Hew York, Oct 32 With the resump tion of opsratloBt la the anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania, tbs people of the United States who hve been paying ex orbliant rates for f ml for months will oca be able to buy ' coal at something near the rate which, was charged before tht Strike was Ordered) that wsa 85,85 s tea for this city. -:-vj .VK; .;.' Thlt to lbs' statement, mads; some of the large retail, dealers here, who, how ever, say It may be some weeks before a figure approaching this pries will be quoted. While It all depends, they My, cs amount mine' owners will tend out they are reasonably sure that even by aext week there will be aa appreciable reduction from the $15, which lathe pre vailing rate sow. The day Is not far dlitant, all agree, when the publlo will be enabled to got coal at a prloe ranging between t.8 and f 7. ' It Is the general Idea that the mine owners will be aMe to turn oat, bMn eing with tomorrow, at leant about two tiih 'i of tfiolr usual tonnis 1, and there It bo rmw-a to believe the E scrn cities will nt 'receive th.:Ir proiior'Ninn'.o !.. ,'' m'j;b there a'e f"'i,e v ' i H !!i v t' t a In; n p., K 11! t:. v- 1 1 ' . u ! l 1 , .1 j 1 r 1 V - - 1 , . Miners Resume Work. Special to Journat Wtf.aasBSBBS, Pa , Oct 1, 88.-Gne hundred thousand of the former coal Ikera resumed work tnls morning. Miners of Mar ale and Coxa brothers re fused to return to work because poeud notices requiring them to abide by decis ion of arbitration tribunal Pnbiic Speaking, Hon. Locke Craig. Corritncki Oct. 23rd. Roper, " 94th. Colombia, 85th. Swan Quarter, " 37th. 'Washington, (night) " 88th. Warrenton, . " 80th. OHi mm ONLY ! Monday, Oct. 27. First time in New Bent of the Delicious- ly Funny Comedy BY WILFRED CLARKE, A Wise Woman, Introducing Petite and Winsome Marie Lamour. AND A METROPOLITAN CAST. PRICES-fl.00; 75c, 60c, and 95c Beats on Sale at Water's News Stroe, PEPSI-COLA DELICIOUS,' HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING, Not Injurious. Helps Digestion. 5c. AT SODA VOUHTA1N8. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company's which to said to be the Purest and Beat of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which to the highest American authority. It ia not a cheap beer that will burn ones stomach and produce strain on the system. A fall stock of the above beer in balk and export can be had at 18 Middle St J. F. 5 Agt fo the Prospect Brewing Co. IN HAND. I have now Jn hand the city tax book for 1002. . ::., pall and settle your tax now; the act will be much appreciated, J. J. Tolson, -City Tax Col, To and i Patrons. I have moTeAmy pmee of business to the Bmaliwood Building, corner of South Front and Craven Streets,' and' will be pleased to serve you as In the psst 4t JJThanking yon for past favors ! remain Yours traly, r- rV n: SAWYER, s a a a a m. - m m mm mm mm. All! 1 VI C0TT0I1 STCHAGc IVAREIIOUSE 1 Why soli your Cotton a); these dopreEBing Uie market when you ran store rt nominal ooatf and tke ad van t-i"e cf Hrh r pricos Inter in the Benson. , - . '; , Allied! -a coy-reel 1 - tv r Tt Ml,.') ( f ; Can yon beat this ? THE ELM CITY FILE. A good quality file covered with good quality fibre paper. This quality file has never been offered before at this price in this city. ONT.Y 18e J2AC1T, or $1 80 per dozen. OWE! G. IUWW, 69 POLLOCK ST. 'Prize Competition I The makers of the Famous Queen Quality Shoes For Women offer 100 Cash Prizes; First prize 91000, 2nd prize 8500, 8rd prize $400, etc., lowest prize being $5, making a total of $5000.90 PAYABLE IN GOLD. To be awarded about January 1st, 1903, to the 100 women who give the best rea sons why "Queen Quality" is superior to all other shoes for women. In order to compete for the prizes your article must be written upon blanks fur nished by us with each pair of Queen Quality shoes. D. F. JARVIS, 63 Pottoch St. For Home Enjoyment nouiing can equal trie jcataon mono graph . 1 have lust received 900 Edison moulded records and the "Standard" Phonograph with Edison's latest repro- aucer together with the wonderful rec ord produces every pleasure that sound can give, making every word distinct If you have not heard this machine call at once and let us show it np to you it is simply wonderful. WM. T. HILL, Phon. 115. 91-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. O. BRADHAM'S IMPROVED ANTI BILIOUS PILLS are nature's mildest and most effective remedv for a slunrlah liver and disorders of the digestive tract generally, iney remove imparities from the blood and clear an the sallow com plexion often seen In persons suffering irom liver or Dowet aiaeaaes. - meesoc per box, sample box two doses for So, BRADHAM'B PHARMACY. Cor. Pollock fe Middle Bts. Valuable City Property for Sale I Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of tbs Hew Bern Academy, the undersigned will offer st public sals for cash' at the Court Honso la Hew Bern, on' Saturday November the 8th, 1909 st 19 o'clock m. that valuable City lot situated st the comer of Middle sad Broad streets fronting ea Middle- street 914 feet 6 Inches, aad oa Broad street 107 feet I inches. This sals offers a rare opportunity for purchasing some of the most valuable property la the Ctty.'i''-?- : ; At the same time end place, bids Will also be reoelrad for the lot adjoining the court House lot ana occupied by j.. w. Turner... , . y.f:. f ' ' Sale subject to the approval and con Jrmetloa of said Board of Trustees - '. -:. v W.M.WATBON,. ' Wt i. i.aT- Bee'vi aad TManD: pti'-'f' 'i'.V; tpKy-t iwjs-. mm. a. a., . j . Mr- extreme' low prices with everything 7 ir-uranco,'-and Jib- He J. HEINZ'S Best Pcpa-pcd Mustatd Only 20c Per Quart. Fresh lot Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Cream of Wheat, Pettyjohn s Breakfast food, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter fresh from dairy, Maple Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrup and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, Nice Driei Apples and Apricots 10c lb, Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, The best of everything in the Grocery line and a big stock to select from. Prices as low as possible. Respectfully, I J. L, McDML, W I 'Phone 01. 71 Bread HL A Short Shirt Do you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that wears the longest ? It's "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ot patterns These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 46. Cor. Why not eat it ? You will find them to be as cheap or cheaper than meat. We have just receive a fresh barrel of No, 1 Shore and they are DneJ You can send in your orders for Sauer Kraut, a fresh lot just in. A complete assortment of canned and bottled goods. Give ns some of your business and we will appreciate it. Respectfully, Broad Si, Grocers. iUtMlvvvvMrvMUvvvvHUvvUvmunUUHV,, mi Amt ; rr ii: 1l jn n 11 v Car load Flour Ground from new wheat just received,; Jl . ; "jou want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial. s -'; r;; 4, We are reoeivlng fresh goods by every train and botA, and j, V can give yon entire satisfaction mention a few articles as follows! Pettyjohn'! Breakfast Food, r Quaker Oats, Fresh Rice and Grits, Potato Chips, SchreddVl ; Wheat.Bisoni Full Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestio f Kaooaroni, Canned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel Imported ; and Dotnestio Sardlnefl, Deviled Cntba with shells, and a full : . line of eyerything to be toona Y4t'Xvm to ::3V en w m Wholesale and : - PB0H1 69. Cor. KroadSIJsuieekni i a s i s a a a a a it a a s V ttttMIMMIIMtltlMKIMMIMItllftttlll., . Cc'wy neadache Powders. . .' T'.. Is not ' say better remedy for " i t' i t'-o.e powders. They f s I f ' 1 O! 'y Story. H. Front fc Eden St. ft YT7 111.. l s sin Phone t 37- 1 both in quaity and prioes, we in a nrst olasi grocery stow. please.H; Retail arocer, Prescriptions tt tar.V. Dsvia'.PresorlpUoalPham y s specialty of prescription a. : and careful attention la ' Ou?y the best dniga ae i r ' T r ' nm,'Je. t

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