VOL. .XXIO. 17( ,4- ; 5 t. rllW BIBS, I. C, PATPRDiT; UORIIIfl, OCTOBER 25, 190? it - ; TWENTY-FIRST TEAR . i ., ... I' aaa - a t V j ' ft" g will give you an opportuni- I ty to save money 3 times a v $weeK. For Friday and Saturday he offers the latest thing for Waists Black Moris Vetonr, can fl not be told from Silk and costs jon half the price, 86 inches $ wide, regular price 76c, w will sell for two dajg t 60c. 4I Remember- we hare Something New in Skirts too. tjj) black Mercerized Satin Underskirts, with 8 inch flounce V and 2 inch pleating" with doable folds, cheap at $2 60, Special for 2 days $1 75. And another with 2 rows pleating on bot- VaW await .alia iionnllw 6m 0 AO Qnuilnl f 1 1 OH T and fl 00. A leaves with pink and bind roses, I $3.00 Per Yard. Rirr0N BRAND EKlflfHl n At S GOPLON'S. Why P Because wo sell GOODS CHEAP 1HMX CASH. Deiow we state a few of our Special Prices on Saturday's and Mon day's. We give you a few prices on domestics : MEN'S CLOTHING. ' 00 Wonted Suita - S3 98 10 00 Casslmer Suits - - 7 98 ft 00 Men' Pants - - (OS 2 60 " " - It8 DDI a Dili ID. $1 00 Suits - - - fti 17 S 50 Suits IN pyFor other prices see our large Circular. We are strongly recommended everywhere we roam one and all to examine our stock before buying. Very respectfully, 75 Middle St. int lo fitiklll Cotton and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive VUW mmjvm wwu AMmum vyv bandies Cotton Ties. Send us your orders. Prices are ins lowest. I. E. IjaUtam ft Co. y'i nriiig 1; hew .V if yoar earrtags ads repalrim. Ws will Ntir it se that (t is m rood u tw. Bagging .. I I ft - VI ' W irnMaatM oar work. Ohi enstoinart ar atwars satisflod with ni woik and prtoM. Voa wUl Mtis&td Uyoo Srad font work bsrs. Th only plans la towa to g ny tad verythlos; to imatr bnfTK1. Bt us before tntjint and savsmonay. ' W po Bobber Tins oa your old or , new wheels. - We shrink yon loose tins in a machine without catting them. KTerybody it invited to see the work of the machine jmttlngnew bolts In same n!f plaive u. ii. x7tAzr tm: r: ?i, -. ;n,.: r;. - .. 7i Br 'iV, J' r. CJ aa, ek . f t a W I the Swellest thing out, at Fall 2 Snappier, Lancer, Better tliai eter Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth ingMen's Suits in Extra Fine Worettds and all the real thing. Youths Suita in Elegant Casai mere, Ohilds 2 piece, 3 piece and Norfolk S'niU in fullest assortment and at piices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. When jon buy herd you buy right! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street II 00 Boy's Knee Puts, - - ' D6c 1 M Han's Shirts - - . Mo 100 Men's Shirts - - - 74e 1 00 Man's Fat Leather Shoes, J87 IMVkaKIdBhoes - - 1 OS IMXea'sBoots - 196 1 03 ladies Shoes " 140 60o Wktt sad Esd Flannel 87c We lnrite Hdw. Co,, lew Ben, H. C. MURPHV & CO., Commission Btoms Direct wire to New: Tork fi hloago. r. Instantaneous reports received of erery mors on oxohange.. ; ; E. F. PATS, Manager, , ;1 'V';i't iW.;Crawn Steoet 2 U-4 J eaa atv aetiilnt but-rood of bl Tall salt it it's made bere. Y,r dm't know verjaanf, bnt we do know how to maao food, anwT, lor wtarii olothM, as our pitiwt j" ' '"i.i InfM tn t yu. i i, - ul Slirlnk' , nt Titer" k .ul r- tiMntt i tne i i, t. j mi- ata so t lur a a. i u 1 1 1 1 w h f zv n. c Clot STATE ClrlTCl; Cotton Kill Icrger Committee Sears ' v an Jaterests.' ' PaMIe Beheal Fm4 Dtstrlbatlea. SUto Qeaw flat Seesea For Cettea.-1 Seaseajl ,Bb.; t laas Baralaf Wsw. -1 :" r HeiW.'-': " : : Rhjusk. October 14. The" State iSa- riateadoat Piftdlo lastrnotloa has Btade ap On flgam ihowtat; 4hs dis bursements of public school fund OuV sldeof eities aad towns with graded tools, tas total balac 41JW7.0M. Taere wss paid to white teachers 0098,- 507, colored $238,568, Croats Indians for the first time eoosty sniissiatena- eats wore asked to fivs the; asmber of. oaudreabetwoaaths ages of U aad 91 who cannot read and write. 43otaa failed to report. Those who do report give toe naotber as 10,878 whits malee. There are now 7 stadeats at the Med ical Department of the State University which was opeaed here last month. Quite a large sale of gems from Masoa county, mainly ent stones, is being mads In this Btate. Tas Kappa Alpha alumni associa tion of North Carolina will give i smoker" hers next Wednesday even lag. Cotton dealers and farmers unite In saying that there was never such a sea son for the opening sad picking of that crop. Witt the exception oi a tow aaa "stNaks" where the drought was really severe, the erop is a very fine one la quantity. The quality It very high. On this division oi the Seaboard Air Line 15 freight engines are bow burning wood., Superintendent Huger says It is satisfactory and that there are no de lays. He adds that there b) fall supply of wood on all divisions. Passenger en glnes will all ban ooal. The oottoa oosaprsss here, disused for several yean, it being put la repair aad will gat at work Moadsy. Oottoa is now arriving to be pressed. This press Will take the place of ths one burned at Hamlet Next year it may be' removed to Hamlet. The state fair committee, tas chamber of aommeroe aad the marchente ex- oaaage here have salted lo providing a bureau of pablle comfort, la order to provide aooommodsttoDe for all visitors to the Sute fat aext week. In (he Superior Court here jury bss bssaoal oTst SO hoars oa the Smith ease. Boolth Is a?outh who Jost an arm aad a lag la an soddeat on ths Seaboard Air Line near here, tad sues for f 50,000 damages.' " ' The oottoa mill merger committee was m ssstloa here aatn very late last night aad resumed its session today. Heart aVFrlea, the head of this great scheme. says the session will sontlaoe to morrow, la order to, hear all later. ssts. - Iteontlaueslobssery dUBcalt to get idleness- of aay sue s the polUical rpeakinga, It Is said taatatoae plaee where a very able maa spoke there were only 10 hosiers. iiiaaSM- m44 ItrlM. Jrla Ntxan rdatea a story ef a rood parent who devoted mack' ears and thought a teaching hi young soa the habit of pwMtoallty and promptneaa. Tba father kmara Thamaa ar BMm SAd took hi aoB tn nail nm tha naa sieelrlelaa. Prior to 4be leave tsktaf tne ranter saaea an, BOison to gtre a, Saw tmrai as adirtM tn at m .-a Ut Bdiaas) twDOed, My boy, never wa at isiimij'. i " .-. f OR TEB RANCH. - ' Westera Air sal Proper ' hod & Loaf - -; tite.; Ths fine bracing air of the far West Is sometimes counteracted by bad food. A oomblnatioa of good food aad air, how ever, is pretty hard to hsab.' -...'J.;..- Oat la Wood Lake.. Nob. . Mi. Paul Keantoott Uvea oa raacbj she hat le sand la to Omaha for ssost of the aeoet si ties of life and got her lirst sepply of Paatnm la that waw. She trrltss Oat for. asarry jS year she has ased'Postum Co (at exoraslrely aad maay who stopped with htr, as they frsv qasatly do oa the reach, eoald aot tsll Ufromlhr beet bread- ef aoffee, - We quote t portion b( bet letter a br rea son fat "Stag Postaa sxelatlvsly la lbs household. . i;vi;'-7i-'r(''f!. : Has ssys, t kaow It hat had a baaefle Isl effent sa say family, I hear my little complaint of dall headache at I used to when s drank coffee; u for myeslf, 1 was so troubled rith palpitation sad aching ef my heart that I oasulted a pkysicUa- aad was told, that I had se. rloat heart trouble which would necessi tate my giving Bp everything but the lightest housework. But bow aftar s busy summer's work, doing ths cooking for my family, which With (he hired help numbers 8 sod 10 persons, I can say thtt I have had no trouble with my heart and my general hUh It rioel- WnU- 1 with til ec?se d-'-Vers eoold re!' -e how U'T are osJc" . tholr heaUh by lis e .4 wou'J ' " e to tiiat b-t of sH d.tkis, rostnm (' ev 1 wl 'i t- Ml' t c r- :' " ; A FAMILY REMEDY Pe-ru-na in Use in Thousands oi . Homed. Mr. Harry M. Stevens, of Midland Beach, L. I, New Tork, proprietor of the Riohmond Bote. , write : . . "It given me pleasure to testify to the Hany SI. Btevent. value of Penuta. I have used it for years sad have found it to be a most ezoeUent family remedy. For , colds, catarrh and similar ills, it is unsurpassed." HARRY M. STEVENS. John L. Burnett, Member of Congress, Seventh Alabama District, writes : "I take pleasure In testifying to the merits of your Peruna. At the solicita tion of a friend my wife used It, and U Improved her condition generally. It is a remarkable remedy. I can cheerfully recommend Peruna as a good, snbstan tttl tonic, and a very good catarrh rem edy." Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo cated. Peruna la not a guess nor an experiment It ts an absolute scientific certainty. Peruna has no substitutes bo rivals. Insist upon having Eeruna. , If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartmen, giving a fall statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad ve free. Address Dr. Hartmen, President of The Hartmen Sanitarium, Columbus, O. la Other Warts, Tempanirtlr. "And so he's married to an actress r "fes. For the present" Town Top ICS. Aa It Is Bar to RaLe the Price. The saddest words of tonrue or pen: "Ths pries or coal has lis again I" Baltimore Herald CASTOR I A . 2 For In&nts and GMUxea. TuiKted.Yoa HaTiAlwayiBcsght Market Letter on 'Cotton. By private wire, J. S Lstbun ft Co. Naw Toaa, Oct. 84. Ths market today acted about at expected. Had re ceipts been fall the large estimate by Mr. Buttls, the English expert would have oaassd s fharp break. As It wu prices rallied snd mads a substantial ad vance sfter the figures were received. The Bus tin report says, 1 am convinced ths dsmsgs dons has been greatly exaggerated. The erop has tnffsrsd in Texas from the Mexican weevil, boll worms snd drought in some sections. . The erop as whole Is an average one. I started la to examine it in North . Carollas and at first glanoe thought ths crop had suffered, as the plant was small, bat was surprised oa coasting ths bolls to Bad five the aver, age, which wu la sxosss of but season. Ths plant wu green and growing. ; Ia Sonth Carotins it hat bu sxoellent stand and there wss a total absence of dead plants. The fields were well worked, very even tad good ' prospects for a top erop.' Ia some localities ths plant had taken oa a second growth, which with flos weather daring October It bound to add to the erop.-J -, ; . .. , kMI oo nalder this Btats ass s better erop (ban I have sees for years. My estimate tolM00,000tales.1 ,n , V ? Bat to bring about a lower ssarket It til rteulrs mors than this' amount. Is view of ths fact that Mr, Bustla U aa Xngllahmaa and' working - for the best interest of his client abroad, ws do him ao injury wbes we tay alt tendency It to overestimate, tbe erop.- We do aot ltks to see him advising the sals of oot toa.. As far as the plant Is concerned this takes swsy from the. value of hie es timate, wbea the New York cotton ex. change authorised tbe same thing iaj July and put the erop at 13 mllllos bales wa said It didn't look right. We would havs ' mora con 11 denes la Mr. Bustla, if hs eonfloed his energies to sa estimate ef the erop, and aot to advising to large sad to sbls s community st the cotton world of America. As ths ma jority look at It, the crop It probably 10,750,000 bales. There. Is nothing in this to sell cotton short on. ' On the sums lias the amount In light this week wet placed at 413,000 vs. 60,000 last year. Next week we will compare with OSl.COO litt year and there is likely to be snolber hisry Ios. Under tlill condl tln pile's will Dot brrdtt much, bnt t li e ( - r I, g M and on spy a-!t nee we '-i ! ' l!n'!':"""l to t ' t" Tl-e eooo m.m1 ! Testimonial. X Dr T U Ivuv. Rrliftr nf th s fiateign utirisuan Advocate, tayf:--''! have need the (hi X cago Typewriter and am bo well pleased with it hat I would not cnange it for one of the high priced machines." 6. H. Ennett AGENT. .OKI NI'iHT ONLY ! Sfonday, Oct. 27. First time in New Bern of the Delicious- ly Funny Comedy BY WILFRED CLARKE,' A Wise Woman. Introducing Petite and Winsome Marie Lamour. AND A METROPOLITAN CAST. PRIOE3-S1.00; 75c, 50c, and 25c Beat on sals at Water's News Etror, s I PEPSI-COLA I DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING. Not Injurious. Helps Digestion. 5c. AT SODA FOUNTAINS. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company's BEER which Is said to be the Purest and Best of Been by the United Btatei Health Bulletin, which it the highest American authority. It it not a cheap beer that will burn ones stomach and produce a strain on the system. A full srock of the above beer in bulk and export can be had at 18 Middle Bt. J. F. Taylor, Agt fo the Prospect Brewing Co. IN HAND. . I have now in hand the city tax book lor 1902. Call and settle your tax now the act will be much appreciated, ). J. Tolson, City Tax Col To Friends l;ii!iT)iis, , I have moved my place of business to ths8mallwood Building, oorner of South Front and Craven Streets,1 snd will be pleased to, serve yon as in the past, ;';.;., ' Thanking yon for past favors I remain - . Yours trulyv, r. sauyer;-: ,'TAILO. DISIIOP'S FIREPilOOF COTTCI) STORAGE WAREHOUSE .Why soil your cotton at these depressing the m&rXet whoa you can store rt nominal cost, and tike adr Yantege of Wghtr prices Inter In the season.1. '. v ;V' V! - -t A!I";ctt"n covered 17 Ir-'orance,. and Ut cral r 'I v if C. : -1; .1. C'uu yon beat this ? THE ELM CITY FILE... A good quality file covered with a good quality fibre paper. This quality fi'e has never been offered before at this price in this city. ONJLY 18c each, or f 1 80 per dozen. OWEJf . DUJfBT, 50 POLLOCK ST. Prize Competition I The makers of the Famous Queen Quality Shoes For Women offer 100 Cash Prizes; First prize 1000, 2nd prize $500, 3rd prize $400, etc., lowest prize being S, making a total of PAYABLE IN GOLD. To be awarded about January 1st, 1903, to the 100 women who give the best rea sons why "Queen Quality" is superior to all other shoes for women. In order to compete for the prizes your article must be written upon blank fur nished by us with each pair of Queen Quality shoes. D.F.JARVIS, 63 Pollock St. For Home Enjoyment nothing can equal the Edison Phono- grapn. I nave lust received SUO Edison moulded records and the "Standard" Phonograph with Edison's latest repro ducer together with tne wonderful reo ord produces every pleasure that sound can give, making every word distinct If you have not beard this machine call at once and let us show it up to you it is simply wonderful. WM. T. HILL, Phase US. 91-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N, C. BRADHAM'S IMPROVED ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS are nature's mildest and mots effective remedy for a slueeish liver and disorders of the digestive tract generally. They remove impurities from the blood and clear up the tallow com plexion often teen In persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases, nice ssc per box, Sample box two dotes for 8c, BRADHAM'S PHARMACY, Cor. Pollock A Middle Bta. Valuable City Property for Sale I Pursuant to s resolution of the Board of Trustees of the New Bern Academy, the undersigned wUl offer at publio sale for cash at the Court House la New Bern, oa Saturday November the 8th, H0 si II o'clock m. thst valuable City lot situated at the oorner of Middle aad Broad streets fronting oa Middle street 814 feet 0 Inches, and on Broad street 107 feet 8 inches. This ssls offers a rare opportunity for purchasing tome of the most valuable property In the City. . . ....... ' At the same time aad plaee, bids will also be received for the lot adjoining tbe Co art nous lot sad socapled by J. W. Turner. (.' . ' ' - Bale tubjeet to tbe approval and cob Ormatloa of ssld Board of Trustees .' '' ' W.M.WATSON, . Seo'y. sal Trees. . J3 i 1 , V- extreme low prices w!Ui'YeTytbing $5000.20 vwmiMiiW H. J. HEINZ'S Best Prepared Mustard Only 20c Per Quart. Fresh lot Ontario Treparcd Buckwheat, Cream of Wheat, Pettyjohn s Breakfast food, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter fresh from dairy, Map'e Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrup and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, Nice DrieJ Apples and Apricots 10c lb, Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, The best of everything in to select from. l ricea as low Respectfully, a. 'Phone 91. MfiDANiU MMBHI1IUB A Short Shirt Do you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that wears the longest ? It's "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ot patterns These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 46. Cor. H. Front V fklen Hit. HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTIUNU IN THE GROCERY LINE. Just in a Fresh lot of Oatmeal, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Force, Grapo Nuts, Cream ot Wheat, Buckwheat, Pos tum, Cheese, Macaroni and a general assortment of Canned Goads. Mackerel and Halt Mullets A new barrel of Sauer Kraut ai tj i i i n i Aiuo a rresii iot oi uanes ami uracKern ot ail kinds Justin, in packages and bulk. tySend in your orders, Respectfully, McGehee & Willis, Broad St. Grocers. Phone 137 aiVTVVVTVVVYTVTVWTWWWWVVTWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWW. 'W m m . m asmBaaaBBnl BTB1 BafmuuBBnuV je i ii st "TT j saT fv I . Car load Flour Ground 2f job want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial. H' - . we are reoemng iresn gooas Dy every tram ana dost ana I,, can give-youfntire satisfaction both in qnaity and prioes," we - .' mention a few artioles as follows: Pettviohn's Breakfaati Toad. - -- -, suaaex yau, jerosa iwoe via unui) x out to inips, ooareaaea - . - -Wlieftt BiflcrJti FuU' Cram Cheese, Imported and Domestio MsooaronJ, Canned brook Trout, Mined Mackerel, Imported v "and Domestio Sardines, Deviled Crabs with shells, and: a full ,line o everytjiing to be found in a first olaes grocery .stoTel' .. ;. ' ''$ Youri to . ssssstttttISttltSttSSSSSStisaf Vtttttfttfttftffttitttftt.... Cc!ery nalachcPowtfcri. . 1 i .. , . .... ., f " . Tbm-s Is aot sny hetter remedy tor - " '! ' n t' pow-'i. TV"y the Grocery line and a big stock as possible. II Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 1 71 Broad fit. Story. these are very line. just in. X i , ......... sit. naunaaiam SI - aaasaa ; i ii iiji y5-ii MM MM U saBBtnBSW' mm '? m m - I II irr wxw from new wheat just received. - If ; please, ; .... I Z'traaWm tt lit,: bsvlsPreeoriptioarharm ; a specialty of . prescription i, snd curcful attentloa it " !'? t'i lat drr-t -