lilliisiiii VOL. 1X-K0. 176 SIWvfikEI, R. C, SUNDAT UOBHIS, OCTOBIft 26, 1902 TWENTY-FIRST TUB ti f ,.vW- I It ' t 'V;.' f I ADVISES YOU TO READ CAREFULLY. i1 NEW HMD JaLWEN. $ Just Received the best line of Sheets, Bolsters and Pillow 2? Cases ever put on this market for the money. The best quality Anchor Brand Hemstitched Sheets, 90 z fa 90 at 70c. Columbian Mills, Androscoggin Mills, Popperell Mill, '' these are well known to everyone: i Size 90x00 at 60c Size 81x90 at 66c & Hemstitched Bolster Oases, 45x72, at 35c. ' JUST THINK OF IT! A Hemstitohad Pillow Case, . 45x36, I inen Finish, at 20c. M Tlain Hem Pillow Oase, all good brands, 45x36, at 10c, 12c and 15c. Here is a drive in Bed Spreads, we have them from 75o to $5.00 each. CRirrON BRAND M mm At S COFLOITS. WhyP Because we sell GOODS CHEAP FOB CASH. Below wo state a few of our Special Prices on Saturday's and lion day's. We give you a few prices on domestics : MEN'S CLOTHING. 00 Worsted SuiU $3 96 10 00 Cassimer Suits - 7 98 R 00 Men's Pants - 8 98 2 60 " , " - 1 98 BOY'3 SUITS. 9 00 Suits ... 4ST a no Suits .... loo HP For other prices see our large circular. We are strongly recommended one and all to examine our stock before buying. Very respectfully, 75 Middle St. Dtit to Guklll Hit A I IUM'd IMPROVED ANTI BILIOUS PILLS are nature's mildest and most effective remedy for a slogglah liver and disorders" of the digestive tract generally. They remove impurities from the blood and clear np the sallow com plexion often seen in persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases. Price 85c per box, sample box two doses for 6c, HKADHAH D fMAKHAUY, Cor. Pollock ft Middle Bts. Ask the Man Wlie Ksoti all about carriages from A to Z, and the old stager who has held be -reins for fifty years will Mil yo be 'hat had experience aad that experience Just. ' Ifles him m stating that the best ear. rmges for style, comfort and durability are made and sold by .Waters Buggy Factory. . . -i-. w . The on tv place hi town to let any and . everything to repair buggies.; as before burins aad save mutter. -. We put l st Kubocv Tires en yoos ova or - . . - ... new wheels. We shrink your kmee tires tn a machine with oat eatttaf them, everybody e tavtted to see the work of , the maoblne I putting Jnew bolts ht . old plaoes. ,'' n. I7istra & Ca, i iPhone. 181, V' A- ",i W Bread BtJf HswEitr.N.O hi 3 5CS Fall Clothing. Snappier, Laner. Better ihai erer Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth ing Men's Suits in Extra Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in E'egant Cassi mere, (Jhilds 2 piece, 8 piece and Norfolk Knits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may lie some clothing ai giiol in ours lint not at the price. When yon buy lien you buy right ! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. WMM 1 00 Boy's Knee Pants, - Mo 1 26 Mao's BhlrU - 96a 1 00 Men's Bhlrts 74c 1 00 Men's Pat Leather Shoot, $3 97 60 Viol Kid Bhoes IBS 9 SO Men's Boots 1 98 8 0) Ladies Shoes 9 48 60o Whits and Red Flannel 87c everywhere we roam We invite Hiw. Ci., lew Bin, I. C. MURPHY & CO., Commission Brokers. Direct wire to New York sad hicago. - Instantanooss reports received of every move on exchange. X. F. PATE; Manager, 17 Craven Street' . - can mr nothma' bat toed of his Fall suit If It's made bera. We doa't knew everything, bat we de know how to snake good, dressy, toogwearing elotbes. as our Mfawns of years' stand ing will tell yea. Cloth Brit, careful Shrinking, aoeurate cutting, skillful ar tliaaeteU the tale..' Let as take your measure lor a attama eaia , f'vP. Ha Cr.ff: TBt STITE FAIB. Preparations Active For Its Opening t This Week. Atwater Talks Cealieatly f Cen rressloaal Prespeets. Great apple ExMbUDlversiletl T Crops Meai Prosperi ty Per Farmers, RaLsioH, Oct. 85. Little else Is talked of hers except the State Pair. Decorators are buy tasking the streets gay, while workmen ate baUding floats Sad decorating carriages, bicycles and automobiles, for the floral division of the parade on Wednesday. There will be tea companies of the Bute Gaud at the Fair, these being from Winston, Durham, Lumber Bridge, Warrington, Henderson, Prankllnton, iQoldsboro, two; and Raleigh two. These will spend one day here. It is certain that the general Interest la the Fair was never greater. Eastern North Carolina was never so prosperous as at present and people want to enjoy themselves. JohnW. Atwater, the Independent candidate for Congress to this district, when asked this morning how his can rats was progressing replied: "The rnral districts are for Atwater. Ton can say that. Down In Hash county where I had audiences of 186 to 800 Ed. Pou had only 6 and 88, and at the place where there were only 6 he did not speak." Atwater when asked if the Republicans had endorsed him yet replied no, and added that he did not care whether they did or not. The military company at Wilson hat been mastered Into the State Guard and Its officers commissioned. President George T. Winston of the Agricultural and Mechanical College says that, by reason of lack of room be U dally turning down applications for admission. Be says moat of these appli cants are working boys, who want to be machinists. Twenty-live barrels of carefully select ed apples arrived today at the sgrlcnltu ral department for the apple show at the Bute Fair. These are all from that wonderful apple region, Taaoey and Haywood counties. From Haywood O. L. HePeeters sends 89 varieties, W. B. Ray 40, and from Haywoed, J. A. May sends 66, John Farrlor 4, and J. E. Hall 7. State Superintendent of Public In struction Joyner says letters from the County Superintendents show install of them except oae will attend the State convent Ion of superintendents next month. Hothlng more Is heard of the scheme to effect a merger of the electric power plaal at MUbnrnle, sear here, and the electric railway and lighting company of this city. There Is some fear that the arrangement will fall that there will be ao extension of the system of rail way. Observant leatlamea from eastern North Carolina say that, thanks to the dlv erslflcaUon of crops In that section the farmers are la better plight now tfcaa la 40 years; that more mortgages hare been canceled and more old debts paid than ever, before. A LITTLE ACODBrrr. Saved sLttsf Money. Food that will safely and surely carry amaaUrongh sxhaastlag mental work is worth knowing of. s A man In fit. Louis, Mo. ssyss-Ia my work. It Is nsoemsry to begta at Stvaa o'clock and work straight through without UachaatQ two P.M. Ten can readily see that this is ;a strata on Us ordlaary person, ad 1 was frequently ton oat and sick with hanger aad weak w. On numerous occasions wbea two o'clock earns) aroond, I was so utterly exhaasted and nwstruag 'as to be forced te loss the' feaaatader of the day, and that earrled with ft a loss of inoney. . Tat Srst packsgt of Grape-Nuu csme lato our hoaae s llttls over a year ago by accident. Then has beam oae by-de- alga ever since that time. .Almost Im mediately after begtnntng teassQrapo NntsJ felt 1U good effect , la my ability to work those long hoars In comfort Then was no skknss or weakness, sad a loss of time from tibaustloa. If my bsslaasa, it is also aeoeesary to work every Wednesday alghl of each week. Thaahaage tram day to night work, sad then bask agate Is certainly no ught sail ea the reserve fores of any one, sad my (avertable preparatloa for this task ta s generous ' saucer nf Orapa-Nsts aad ertam, light lunch' but s most sustain ing onA' ;jix..'7w 4-M An old friend was vUltlog sat recently and while eating the evening meal, ( wattxtoUtng Oraps-lfuU to him. He rather doubted the dettdousness of the food. My three children, aged four, sit and eight yeare, were at the time watch tag a large cream cake on the table, sad enjoying la anticipation the treat I used the three which they would prefer for dessert cream teaks : Or Grape-Nuts. Without hesitation, they answered la chorus,. Grape-Nuts My friend wee ooavtacad. ' . a' " ' The only breakfatt ' the chlMrea kars ItOrtpe-Nots and rich' milk, and joe not And t more healthy trio:" , ., ( gTea by PotumCo. Eattls Crr-k TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Senator Hanna started his stumping tour In Indiana Thursday. , The volcano of Izalco, la Salvador, is reported la violent eruption Secretary Shaw has receded so far $1485,000 of the $15,000,000 In bonds he was promised by the New Tork syn dicate. The Kentucky Confederate Veterans' Home, at Pelrce Valley, was dedicated Thursday. President Roosevelt will speak before the New York Chamber of Commerce December.H. A legation at Washington, D. C, with R S Lopes as Minister, is to be estab lished by Salvador. Bev. Washington Gladden, of Ohio, was re-elected yesterday as president of the American Missionary Associa tion. The city of Rome wss shaken by an earthquake Thursday. Frank Mousey, the owner of Munsey's Magazine, has purchased the Boston Journal. He now owns 6 daily metro politan newspapers and four monthly Magaxlnes. Magistrates Meeting. As per notice given' there was a meet ing of the magistrates of Craven county yesterday noon. Chairman K. R. Jones called the meet Ing to order and stated the object for which the magistrates were called to gether, namely, to levy a tax to oover the expenses attendant upon vaccination and the necessary matters connected with the small pox cases. The chairman told what had been done and what was proposed to be done by the health board, also made a statement ef the expenses Incurred, and an esti mate for future contingencies. After discussion the motion wss made and carried that a special tax levy of IS cents on property and 45 cents on the poll be made. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Kotsol Dyspepsia Cure OioosrU what yes oat. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. E Latham ft Co. New ITobi, Oct. 15. Temperatures are higher than usual at this season of the year and this hat a great deal to do with the absenoe of speculation. To this absenoe is to be attributed the fall are of prices to sdrsnos on an estimate of 10,000 bales at Houston Monday, as compared with 81,000 last year. The movement is small enough to put the market np, but it does not go up. The movement the coming week wOl com pare with 050,000 bales last year and wUl lose from 50 to 00,000 bales. If the market will not go, up on small receipts. we are beginning to br afraid it will go down when receipts la crease. At least wt would advise caution at the moment. aad would buy and tell for tarns rather than bay to hold at the level. There Is very llttls trade aad this at the present Is likely to cause a sagging mi Today the market was doll In the extreme but the tons ruled steady. CURJ3 FOR SMALL PQX Simple Remedy Which WUl Work ' WoaderM Caret. In Small " Pox or Scarlet Fever . Casts The following Is said to be a sure ears for small pox.' Oae man speaking ofltsayst r ; "; : . . v, It Is ss entailing as fats, and ooa- onsrs la every instance. : It fs hsrmless when taken by a well person. It will also cure scarlet feveri here It Is ss has been used successfully la small pox aatar-7::'-', , Sulphate of sine, one gralnt foxglove, (digitalis), one gralni half teaspoon sol of sugar mix with two table spoonful of water, . when thoroughly mixed add four ounces of water. .- Take a spoonful every hear. Either disease trill disap pear In II hoars, ."for s child smaller doses may be given according to age. ' If counties would compel physicians Mass this remedy there would bono need of pest boasts. If yea value advice yon will use this medicine for this terri ble disease.- ' rVVtvV.n' 'j Pine Cottoi Weather Special Journal, New Tork, Oct 85th. TheJhronlclS sayti-Reports by tele graph from the South Indicate generally the weather hat beta Very favorable for gathering the Cotlon crop. Llttls or 00 rain In mot dlnttlctt, and tlie t"iipera ' i -'. 'artory. 0- -"r!'y U.k- The Chicago Typewriter, The Only First-class $35.00 MACHINE on the market 6. N. Ennett. AGENT. .ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Monday, Oct. 27. First time In New Bern of the Delicious ly Funny Comedy BY WILFRED CLARKE,; A Wise Woman, Introducing Petite and Winsome Marie Lamottr. AND A METROPOLITAN CAST. PRIOE3-I1.00; 75c, 60o, and 85c Seats on sale at Water's News Strop, PEPSI-COLA DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING. Not Injurious. Helps Digestion. 5c. AT SODA FOUNTAINS. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company's BEER which is said to be the Purest and Best of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which is the highest American authority. It Is not a cheap beer that vlll burn ones stomach and produce a strain on the system. A full srock of the shore beer in bulk and export can be had at 18 Middle 8t. J. F, Taylor, Agt. fo the Prospect Brewing Co IN HAND. I have now in hand the city tax book tor 1902. Call and Bottle your tax now. the act will be much appreciated, J. J. Tolson, City Tax Col, To Friends and Patrons. 'I have moved my pace of business to the BmallwoOd Building, corner of South Front and Craven Streets, and will be pleased so serve you as In the peak ' . Tbanklnf jon for past favors I remain , , Tonrs truly, v"! '.- fl. SAWYER, TAILOi. BISHOP'S FIREPROOF, . , COTTO.J STORAGE WAREHOUSE , ';: - Why soil jour cotton at these extreme low price with everything depressing the market when yon can store rt nominal obst, and jhke ad vantage of blgVi prices later to.ttn.ieW:?f x v. Alljcotton covered by ixisurance, and lib eral advancb made if dccIredc-;Sjv' terms f etoroge given on application. '"'Trv din yon beat this ? THE ELM CITY FILE. A good quality file covered with a good quality fibre paper. This quality file has never been offered before at this price in this city. ONLY 18c EACH, or $1 80 per dozen. OWEN O. DUNN", S9 POLLOCK ST. Prize Competition I The makers of the Famous Queen duality Shoes For Women offer 100 Cash Prizes; First prize $1000, 2nd prize $500, 3rd prize $400, etc., lowest prize being $5, making a total of $5000.52 PAYABLE IN 60LD. To be awarded about January 1st, 1003, to the 100 women who give the best rea sons why "Queen Quality" is superior to all other shoes for women, In order to compete for the prizes your article must be written upon blanks fur nished by us with each pair of Queen Quality shoes. D. F. JARVIS, 63 Pollock St. For Home Enjoyment nothing can equal the Edison Phono graph. 1 have lust received 800 Edison moulded records and the "Standard" Phonograph with Edison's latest repro ducer togetner witn tne wonderful rec ord produces every pleasure that sound can give, making every word distinct If you have not heard this machine call at once and let us snow it up to you it is simply wonderful. WM. T. HILL, Phone 118. 91-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. C. Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 8,500 Rolls Cotton Bagging, M00 bundles Cotton Ties. Send us your orders. Prices are the lowest. J. E. IAtham eft Co. Valuable City Property for Sale I Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of (he New Bern Academy, the undersigned will offer at publto sals for cash at the Court House In New Bern, on Saturday November the 8th, 1909 at 11 o'clock as. that valuable City lot situated at the comer of Middle sad Broad streets fronting on Middle street S14 feet ( Inches, and on Broad street 107 feet I inches. - . This sals offers a rare opportunity for parcnaslng some of the matt ral sable property la the City. At the same tints and place, bids wOl also be received for the lot adjoining the Court Bouse lot and occupied by 1. w. Turner. Bale subject to the approval aad eon flrmatloa of said Board of Trustees , . . W. M. WATSON, -Bec'y, ind Trees. H. J. HEINZ'S Best Ptepatcd Mustard Only 20c Per Quart. Fresh lot Ontario Prepared liuckwheat, fJream of Wheat, Pettyjohn s Breakfast food, Fancy Elgin and Fox Kiver Print Butter fresh from dairy, Map!e Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrup and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, Nice Dried Apples and Apricots 10c lb, Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, The best of everything in the Grocery line and a big stock to select from. Prices as low as possible. Respectfully, .! I. MaTUWTPI rn22S" 1 'Phone 91. A Short Shirt Do you know the Best Shirt to wear and the one that weara the longest ? It's "The RENSSELAER." The Fall Patterns in this Celebrated Shirt have arrived and we are showing an endless variety ot patterns These goods can be had with either attached or detached cuffs. Store Dep't, Elm City Lumber Co. Phone 46. Cor. HEADQUARTERS FOll ANYTlIlNU IN THE GROCERY LINE. Justin a Fresh lot of Oatmeal, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Force, Grape Nuts, Cream of Wheat, Buckwheat, Pos tum, Cheese, Macaroni and a general assortment of Canned Goods. Mackerel and Sal t'Mullets these are very line. A new barrel of Sauer Kraut just in. Also a Fresh lot of Cakes and Crackers of all kinds jost in, in packages and bulk. ty Send in your orders, Respectfully, McGehee & Willis, Broad St Grocers. FLOUR ! Car load Floor Ground je jou want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial. 6 X ja We are reoeiving fresh goods by every train and boat and ea-;',.-; J can give you entire satisfaction both in qnaity and prioeey ws m mention a few articles ss follows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food," ' 3S Qnaker Oats, Fresh Rice and Grits, Potato Chips, Sobxeddad y Wheat Biscuit, Full Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestio -. jg Maooaronl, Canned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel, Imported ji ' and DomestTo Sardines, Deviled Crabs with shells, and a full t - . J, line of everything to be found In first class grocery store., -- . Yours to please, ' .a. . Wholesale and Tiers Is not sa'r better teraedy tot h'adaobs . thut ' these powders. , Thev e?Tr fill to relieve, , snd sold only t r.'v,"'"r"-!Oflptfo rharmacv.,, . , 71 Bread Ht. g Story. H. Front afc Eden Nt. Phone 137 vmmmm from new wheat just received. H3T Retail Qroosr, ' ', Prtscrlptlou ti Davis'. ' svb'rYeserlpUonSFluurinacy ' a spedaltf of 3 prescriptions. IV aad oarafal attention Is gWr .1 t Only the oast drags are e prices are teasonshle. . Bee ' tots fllled. .-j,;. A VS.