- A A. 3 V J . v "..- .... i. -V - 4 .' 4 W"? J VOL XX--H0. 17$ ta4.-.: ;j(IW BmH. C THURSDAY MOMIXfl, 0CT0BI1I 30, 1902. TWMTI-FIRST TIAR i" ..-I...' "V Jf1 cno i rnp !i nAV'.Q.nrji Y o Special In Table Linen and m o( towel : - 1 . , flS 86x20 Extra HeaTT. at lOo 49x20 Damask hemstitohed at 80o m 86x19 "linen 15o 41x30 extra hear? 35c A 44x32 26o 41x30 " fringe 25o A 40x20 Hack hemBtiich 26o ; Lonen urasn, au unaa ana pru to mv ererjoBe. Good &eary Twill Crash at lo per yard. . : The BeatBosBia Crash, all Linen, at lOo yard. And here ia another good Yalae Hereerized Linen Oraah 8o J au otner grades in liinen at too, am, loo. Table Linen at S6o to $1 00 per yard. Mercerized Linen at SSo. Mercerized Hemstitched Linen, at 78e. 72 inch Irish Linen at 11 00, 18x18 Napkins to match, f 8 50 per dozen. 18x18 Colored Napkins at 8c, Round white Fancy Napkins at So each." 27x27 Tray Corers at 80c ORirrON BRAND NOTHING BETTER NOR PRICES LOWER THAN BIGHT HEBE. Come In please and .You Will Go Away Pleased. A Short Story of Long Values. Wefim to add to 'our reputation while others aim to add to their profits. - LOOK FOR THIS WEEK'S SALE j We will offer 1500 yards W. Q, at tio per yard, only 10 yards to a cus tomer, eaoh customer to their own buying. 1260 yards Ginghams, 6o ralue at 4o per yard. Red Flannel from Ulo up. 2600 yards Cal ico 6c Taloe at 4jc All kinds of Worsteds from Oo yd up. Men's; Boy's and Childrena Clothing to fit ererjbody little and big, old and young, rich and poor. Coma one, oome all and examine oar mammoth stock before you buy. We offer this week sale 660 pairs Childrena School Shoes, talus f 1 for 60a. The Greatest Bargains erer offered in New Bern. . ' VeryKspeotfnlly,.',' ' 75 Middle St, lext U fluWH BBAI'HxM'd Tit PROVED. AlTO BILlOUa nLLS an mtara'i stildMt - and mott efleetfr Naady'fot a daggtsh Htw and diwidws of the dlfttrs tnM Maenlly. Thyrmov baportUas tmm ' Vh blood aodlaat mp the sallow torn plaxkw ottm Ma In penes aSering Iroai Ihret or bowel dtoeaMS.-, Price sOe per bos, sample box two dooM tor Bo, ' . BBADHAJf'M PHi.BMA.Oy, Ooc Pollock A Mlddls Bis, 1 Vy&Ai . 14 aOabovl aairiatetxram Ato t i andths old staKw who has bold too Mini tot fifty 7n will tell roe. ho hot had eipsrteoco ad thatsxmrtanoe Jut lOo him U stating that Ue bwt cr riafW lor ityla, eomloH and dun bluiy are autde'snd sold by, Water Ivj faotoqr. ft ,'w!.- Th ontf plaos la towa to Ket any' ind erotythtng to temlr hner'-. Boe as beCoro hnyinf ana frs nujiiey, - Ws pot RoDbot Tlie on yont old or MWWMel. WothrinkyourloOMtlNS In a msohlno" without cuHInf Hum. Krorybody la lmrltH.to fit Vio work of i t nuvofalns puttlngjnew holla hi MM t, J piMOt. t. - ).; n. x-, , rhonsTJ, ' 78 f id 1, r I , If. 0 ., ' - i'V-V-'W'1 " P4 I Toweli Note prioei and alza Fall Iff. Saaynier, Lrter. Better tii'mr Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth ingMen's Suita in Extra Fins Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in Elegant Casai mero, Ohilds 2 pieoe, piece and Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing at good ai ours but not at the prior. When yon bay hern you bay right! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. SsVp Hit . Ci., lew Btri, t C. MURPHY & Ca, Commission Biotirs Direot wlr 1 to Her-Terlt. and ; hioago. v:v i- Instantaneoma reports rsoeiTed ef etery aoTson exchange, .- Of 1- W PATE, Manager,. " - 17 CraT Btres A Fdf CClziK '.' - . 4 mA -.m fit.. Vtt .ta. tm ahi. , W Jua, sr saj u s s. y v mwi v i uvi know t nl w do lnow bow . . j i.. . . . . vivmi1 awn jisattv ut - at sww Inf tuil yutu Cloth L k, mrful shrinking, cct)fftt4 otitvin, ivU':aI fc feisMuie Vi. iu ws!, lt ii te jotr mauarw for liUmq Qotnlii f O! mETJBtasvzsminE RetistfitioB Returns For Sttte Not nib. Farmer Cats JU Paairereislr. Pertrait PressnUUen te the Stats Library. Iaerease la Sale ef Fertiliser Tax Tags. Bjllm6b, Oct. The State today granted a chatter to the Loom Lumber Oompeay of Wilson, etpttal Mf)O0, Sttas Loom tad others stockholders. There was bat little colag east the State deperUMaU today, astheiaahot Tutors was so great. Tomorrow will bt a holiday and all the departmenU wffl be eloaed. Tire thousad persons rttlted the State aMsetm today. It is one of the city's greatest attractions. Oonualulonar of Agriooltaral Patter- ton says there was an laereate lathe aatoaat of th salee of fertiliser tax tags p to October 1. He.basbeea sway all the stonth and dees aot yet kaew what the sales bars beta staos that date. Be had expected t large tneremae In the acre age of astaUgrsia, Inqalry was awde today at Democratic State headqaarten as to the reglstra- tradoa. Secretary Fefld.sakl "AH onr letaras are aot yet la, bat we bow know tuat.tho white registration Isrertinll mnehaioreto than was generally ex- oted. leu not say as to the negro ragUtralloB total, bat His small. Ws oaght to wis by at least 00,000 major ity." printer, George Holder, 11 ring here. was UtoxJeated and was being taken ma. Be staggered agalnal a whUs farmer, Joka Habbard, who retsrned sad oat Ua dangerously sad then Bed Parsolt we hot sad after a long ohass he was eaptand. At noon today the portrait of the late Dr. Charles J. O'Hagan of Qreearllle was presented to the Slats library, ex- Seaator Matt W. Ransom making the address of p recantation la behalf of the BUtS Medical Boeiety, auay of the bus of which wets enseal. ' : TELEGRAPHIC MtEYTTIBS. Work will be started at oaee apoaa big blast raiaaes sad steal auH at Gads dea, Alaby the Alabama Steel sad Wire Compaay. The Idlsoa Ulaauaating Compaay, of Detroit, Xleh., has been botght by Mew Tort and Boetoa eapltalista, who Ulead te doable the plank " . men were sererely kartatOht- eago,in yMtsrdaylaarrbt semaed by Strikers laterferrtng with MDosters who had taxea their plaess. ' -mm Vi' TTk'Ji W. rt M-. W.l. Bryaslt eamruag'utolOfs; eW . Taeaday hh) special trala was wrecked near Dearer and- Sr. Bryan wffered sosm Braises. . - " V .; Bduirr Afeacy at DtrlsV - DarmPharaueykssaemn fertaa. ate la assarkg the sole egeaey here for Hadaat'i rarfomat aad Toilet Prepar. tlbas. .Their aaaUtr la of saeh1 excel- lease ta4 saperlortty that they are large tj need by the eTserlmlaatlag eHte tuejegaoatiheseoatry., ' ItnC. baeeelp-l euptwar you're care ful to stab yoes . hneUadtea yo ererytbloo; that haupuoa to blav . , httft afneiriad--BetSar thea thai Tm earerni to see that aotbiog happens te ajmv--rhlledlpbla Preea. r ,- 'A. '.i-tA-- mkm -- an. ',--if-il He-Ara 1 good enough for yon, 'dar- SheHo, Oeorswi bat foa are toe good tor any etner girl : - : It h a weal kaowa fact that oxen and aheap fatten better la company than wneo kept alone. ,.; -: . ;.v It I eaay fludlug reaeooe why other fotl abould be pattent . . 1. 1 r.i r : r t: ecume:::.!; it- At SUteThir- Attendance Breaks Ersry Ixhiblt ef Interest . te Tlal- tort.' Amusement la Pleaty. A Clean Midway. Floral, Industrial aa Mil itary Pa , " , radea. Sped! to Journal. Balkke, Oct W-The prediction that thfi Stats Fab would be a reeotd-braak- erf proTSd mors than aecarate. ' Lut night President X A. Long of the State Agricoltaral Society said be we sure thli would reeult. There wu nerer be fore so great a throng of people here on Wednesday of Fslr week. , As early a 8 o'clock people began to go to the Fair ground, by railway and electric cart and 1b all sort of resides. People from the country la great num ber drove la, ' The crowd tomorrow, which Is always the great day of the Fair, will no doubt literally over-ran everything. - Hot aa exhibit wu misted today by the sight-seen. Farmers Inspected the loag lines of agricultural products, the quality of which ha aever been equall ed; poultry fanciers saw with delight the 600 specimen of poultry, cattle-lor- j ert looked at some of the finest cattle ever shown here. The horsee and the pobiee, oa view in large number, were sarroaaded by many Interested people. L. Bank Holt of Alamance county has a remarkable eahttrit of ponlee, mainly Shetland, are the imaUeat ever teen hers. There are plenty of amusement and good one. The Midway ha clean shows this time, and better attraction than heretofore, the Layton IS (how being a feature. The clay pigeon shoot bsgja today and coatlaaee tomorrow and Friday. Thatsstdaylt will be for the ehamptonshJpof the .State. There are rations free am moment in the great oval of ths raoe course. The day was superb. It wae a Joy to be alive and la such a happy, well dressed sad well behaved throng of peo ple at that at ths Fair aad oa the streets It wall represeated the beet element of Morth Carolina. Oommlaeloner of Agricultural Patter- ton said Too. caa My from ma that It Is a splendid fain the beet I have ever Ths floral parade, the Industrial pa rade and ths military parade wat one of the great featores ef the day. It mads the toar of the city, watched by thous ands Irks military of the Stat Guard, companies, wars under command of OoL J. F. Armfleld of the lit Regiment, the cadets of the Agricultural aad Me- College being also la line. Mist Jslla Howell watla charge of th loftl parade,wUch was by far ths flneet here. Heary W. Miller and Sherwood Hlgg were la charge of ths Indsstrlsl parade, which was easily the nest tinoe 18W, when Raleigh celebrat ed jhs' eeateMlaX VThers was also a parads . of dsoorated JJcy- AU .these tsstniat saade aa impos ing piotart wkea they reached ths fair groaads, made the dioult of the track and that grouped 1a the oval. ' There wu music by low 'bead, a angle eorpt sad a dram corps. The are departmeat sada aambet of wild animal wtre in ths big parade, which was so htadtom that it will long bsreaMbsred, ! ; ; Ths orchestra and bead of bliad at ths fair: proves to be s decided altraotloa. The aehool for the bliad . hu a One ex klbli ef maaaal work. " 80 have ths school for deaf states aad Agricultural sad Mechaalsal College. '- ; . BMaim yIlliiysiH"i-n IMllNliti4snt fegmttat . .- at ' tcterans Elect 0flctrv'; Special to JoaraaL- T'1:t JUitioH, Oct. , St. At ' ths annual meeiiacefthe Horth Carolina Ooofad erate" Veterans tonight, JolIsat.Csrr wu reelected. Piesldent, W. P. Wood and Jsmea. Bamaey were -made Vice Prettdeats, A. B. Btroaach, of Balelh, Secretary, vloe O. B. Deneoa, whode- allsed reelectlos, ' , i-'.'y.f ''Zr . rcr.oCTxtic Koney In New Tork. ",c!al to Journal , - " Tsw Toaa, OoUM-Thers wais ' -t of (; 5,000, wllheddi two to one la rof Culer Demoeratte csrn aite for ;T"ior mala In Vl i' 1 1 '-r. WxkindofJ: Fine Toilet "Soaps We Carry: I Okie Brows Wmdaor Hoop, . The Famous "O-L-I-V-l L-O' V Crsddock's Blue Soap, ' 8km Food (highly soented), Wrialey's Parma Violet, Savon Hellothrope, "Kureka" Bose-Violet-Heliothrope, Trantparent Glycerine, Honeymoon, Apple Blossom. CALL AMD SEX TBEbK FBSU8 SOAPS AT 'S 45 Pollock St. Phone 228. The Chicago Typewriter, The Only First-class 35.00 MACHINE on the market. &. N. Ennett. AGENT. S s i 1 PEPSI-COLA DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING. Mot Injurious. Helps Digestion. 5c. AT SODA VOUBTAINB. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company's S!E!!Ej!Eij which to said to be the Purest and Beit of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which It the highest American authority. It is not a cheap beer that will bum ones stomach and produce s strain on ths system. A full srock ef the above beer in bulk and export can be had at 18 Middle Bt, J. F. Taylor, Agt fo the Prospect Brewing Co IN HAND. -. . ... I have now In hand the city tax hook tor 10O2.. -;10all and settle your taxnows the act will be much appreciated, ; J J Jolsdn, City Tax Col, To 'v..', and Patrons I bars saoved my plaos of bntinessto the faUwood Banding, corner of South Front and Oaten Streets," and win be pleased to serve yon as in the jest .' Thanking yon tor put favors I remain ''fer T trnryv-.C.W' R. -SAWYER, TAILOB.: GpTTCaSTpaAGElVAREIIOUSE . , Why toll yonr eotlon at these extreme low. pricoi with everything depressing the market when you can store rt nominal cost, and tike ad- rantoge of high r prices later in the acaaorf. A112ccttsa covered ty insurance, and lib cral cCrrncti n'a if C: :!rcd. ' - "- Terms'd t' i ; v l n i" '!. " TV Sail. J i Can you beat this ? THE ELM CITY FILE. A good quality file covered with good quality fibre paper. This quality file hu never been offered before at this prioe in this city. OJ.LI 18c EACH, or $1 80 per dozen. owxar o. dum , 69 POLLOCK ST. Prize Competition I The maker of the Famous Queen Quality Shoes For Women offer 100 Cash Prizes; First prize S1000, 2nd prize $500, 8rd prize $400, eta, lowest prize being $5, making a total of $50GO.oo PAYABLE IN GOLD. To be awarded about January lit, 1903, to the 100 women who rive the best rea sons why Hueen Quality" is tuperior to all other shoes for women. In order to comoete for the nrize vonr article must be written upon blanks) fur nished by us with each pair of Queen Quality shoes. D. F. JARVIS, 63 Pollock St. For Home Enjoyment nothing can equal the Edison Phono graph. I have juat received 900 EdUon moulded record and the ' standard" PhonoeraDh with Edison's latest renro- duoer together with the wonderful rec ord produces every pleasure that sound can give, making every word distinct. li yon nave not beard ton macmne call at once and let ut show it up to you It is limply wonderful. WIIL T. HILL, Phona 118. 91-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. C. Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 800 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 6500 handles Cotton Ties, . Send as vonr orders. Prions are the lowest JT. . Jtliam eft Co. Valuable City Property for Sale I Pnrsuaat to s resolution of the Board bt Trustees of the New Bern Academy,1 the undersigned win offer at publio sals f of cash at the Court House In Hew Beta, on Saturday JTovember the 8th, 190 at IS o'clock m. that valuable City lot situated at ths oomer of Middle and Broad streets fronting oa Middle, street lit feet 8 Inches, aad ea Broad street 107 test I Inches. :' This sale offers a ran opportunity for purchasing sons of ths moetvslutbl property la the City. ' r At ths ssme Urns and ploe,r bids wOl also be received for the lot adjoining the Court House lot aad eeeaplsd by . lf .; Sals subject to the. approval, and eon- Uf HUM'S VI DWH W IHHHVO.j klif A V; Ste'rand Trsssv', " , i. - . New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef lust received at ). L. McDaniets. Fresh lot Ontario Prepared Buckwheat ream of Wheat, Pettyjohn a Breakfast food, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter fresh from dairy, Maple Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrnp and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, Nice Dried Apples and Apricots 10c lb, Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, The best of everything in the Grocery line and a big stock to select from. Prices aa low as possible. Respectfully, J. 'Phone 01. We Wee Right Store Dep't, Elm Phone 46. Cor. HEADQUARTERS FOB ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE. Just in a Fresh lot of Oatmeal, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Force, Grape Nuts, Cream of Wheat, Buckwheat, Pos tum, Cheese, Macaroni and a general assortment of Canned Goads. Mackerel and Salt Mullets these are very fine. A new barrel of Sauer Kraut just in. Also a Freeh lot of Cakes and Crackers of all kinds just in, in packages and hulk. HPSend in your orders, Respectfully, McGehee & Willis, Broad St Grocers, UHHvMMMfvMvUtvHUvumrmmmuuu IP LOUR ! r ; Oar ioad Flour Ground from new wheat just received. II lyon want a barrel of Good Floor give me a trial : i t.We are receiving freeh goods by every train and boat, and 25 'can givs yon entire satisfaction both in qnalty and prioe; we 'mention a few articles as follows.! Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, ; Z ; Quaker Oats, Fresh Rice and Grits, Potato Chips, Schredded ; ; jwheat Biscuit, Full Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestic: '. f Maccaroni, (Janned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel, Imported 'and Domeetio Sardines, Deviled Crabs with shells, and n full ; . Jine of everything to be found In a first olass grocery tan. .':.; ; V A'; Tourt Her: FdizraB, rx, t : Wholesale and Retail Omar, Vfr'b"; I- PEOSI 69.". Cor. Croad Cc Usuieock Ca. " L . , tfttttttftttttfttttttttttttttttttf ..... , . "' Celery Headache Pswders. , J - , f. . . - ... . ... There It aot any better remedy lot bradr'e tha tieee'eowder. They rt Ho f'lcve, ) and told only ' " n riirm Wholesale ts Betall GlJtjl. 71 Broad gt. in our selections of Fall and Winter apparel, and this has been attested by the approval of many men of fashion who have visited our store during the past week and made their purchases. We want your approval now. We want you to come in and see the new season's styles and make yonr selection while the stock is new and fresh come in to-morrow morning. While we have both Suits and Overcoats at a great variety of prices, we want you to note particu larly the especially large collection cf each which we have marked $15. If you compare the qualities and and styles with others you will find them equal to any sold elsewhere at 118. City Lumber Co. H. Front e& Eden Hin. Phone 137 j to-pleaje, ' : ITescriptioM at CaTl. IHvb'reecripUoalTliarmary a specialty of prescriptions. . r sad careful attention Is g'? " Only the beet drags are.t . price sr reasonable, tm. 3 r tott Clled. "

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