w. a. ti ltli,IMJm, liiTuitiI.nuiiiiiHin iw AVfcgctable Prcparatiflfllbr As similating HerooddndBefiUia luiglbeSlDiaiiteaiilBawustir, ST is: Promotes DigC3tionhecrTul-nessandltest-Conlalns neiUfcr SoiumJtorphim fTOfMiueral.4 OT NARCOTIC. nmffouh-atn'ajmmii eeAe tear1 Aperfecl Remedy forConsHpn Tian , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lobs of Sleei. Facsimile SigreVere of NEW YORK. MISS MAY A Society Belle of PI of London, Ontario, ' Canada, ia a beauti ful girl who knows what suffering is and Wine of Cardui baa brought her back to health. She is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted ber to enjoy the company of her many ', friends instead of lvinir on abed of sickness and suffering. For the health she now enjoy she gives credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes: "I have found Vint of Cain&daa axel lent remedy for female trouble. Isuftcnd for three yeais with terrible bearing down pains at the menstrual period. I oold hardly stand on my feet and was never realwelL Wine of CanM was the oaty medicine tfut I could deptod on to do me any good, as I tried several with nosoc ccst. Vine of Cardui cured ma and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two yean, and give you all the credit for I know you deserve ft." For a young girl Wine of Cardui Is the best remedy to (ruide her through womanhood by -starting the menstrual h ... -. y EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I J II K-J jl I Mil I - MiMollortU, WINEofCARDVI Sale Under Mortgage, By virtue of a power of sale con tained In a mortgage made and executed on the 18th day of December." 1901 be. tween James M. Moore and Cornelia Moore hts wife of the first -part and Clyde Eby of the second part, said mort gage having -been dulyV assigned, for value by said Clyde,'. Eby to J. C Moore I wilirtell tor cash to the highest bidder at the Court house door In New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina on the 10th day November, 1903 that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Craven uounty. Nona Carolina more particularly described as follows, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of laud la Number 8 township near Tueetrore oa the north side of the Atlantlo di North Carolina Railroad and west of Drymona road adjoining the lands of J. 0. Moore, Martha Harper.Bryaa felede,W A Moore Edward Wetherlngtoa and O-H. Wtth erlnrton beginaiagVon the east corner of J. C. Moore's line runlng north to Rrvan Rlade'a land helne the lands nun. chased by John Moore from Jerry Pon- vwe by deed recorded ta tne office of the Register of Peedt of Craven County North Carolina, Book, Page. CLYDE EBY, Mortgagee. J. O MOORE, Assignee of Mortgagee. Oct. 4, 1902. The Farmers & Merchants BANK. Capital, Surplus and Fronts MM APRIL SOth, ml. ua. u. n..' ru i , n, aaaavw www tfrni ni'tt rxJ I ' ' It la oar ntrnoae an nasi: laualw and . udotbuv wiia au. , ( We carefully safeguard: the Interests - quently do it unknown to themias op , a .1.-4 .... .L C.l. 'i I ' thoaa af tfae mnnla era alneal Wttinrf Ia. This Bsnlt ecu ae a ipoattorr for ti m 1 1 im.. smieru smiaiw sr asawna inssni tna :, proper time of nrrender. : Will alee not ' as the eustodiaa of money or papers left ' Wai.MMi.fe. IWtSM Af OMvItt fnr I. Kl'mmA1mm trmmmlXmmm ' ' . . i 'i ' ,1 ' s We aim to He nrottnt. nrorrweilv anil liberal. . . - ': la the matter of sorammodatloas, this . Bank meets every nqnlremeni wUbm ' the limits of brudent bauklnf.. If you have never been Identified with, us aa a patron, we uk yo to consider tbe aovtsawiity of rmi- )a the early future, j S bovdI, yt sn'-'sr-. 'ul i f nrm to onr a ' ft t - t, - t ona a'' 'ng in ah Th' . BeaKJtiie Signature 4 In Use Far Over Thirty Years Hi 3 MARKELL, London, Canada. flow in a healthy and nat-J , a am manner, mwmruawun started right if very easy to keep regular through the years of mature womanhood. Then the "change of life" need not be feared. Thus Wine of Cardui is woman's best relief from youth to old age. A million women have secured blessed relief from their sufferings by tak ing this treatment It relieve) men strual troubles in an incredibly short time. In a simple case of .deranged menses Wine of Cardui never fails. To relieve disordered menses is to remove the cause of othar female troubles. Any' physician will tell yon that to remove the cause of a disease renders the core easy, ia fact seldom fails to complete the core. - If yon would have the same relief which Miss' Markall secured try Wine of Cardui. Ton can take it with out aa examination and without any pubiicity whatever. You Ban take it is the privacy of your home and secure just as much benefit as if a doctor had prescribed it for yon. Thousands of wo men are feeling the vigor of returning health by taking Wine of Cardui. A million snffarinir have found relief in Wine of Cardui. Russell House. , While In Beaufort be sure and stop a ll- seU House. First-Claas Board. A home .eVeimg people. Fishing anil hunting uawteeBesV 'Terms 81.35 t ay or 88.00 per weelT--- 9 A. RUSSELL. Prop THE CELEBRATED BarlaniJ Vccd Heaters We are the agent. Breech leading, Sbgle and Doable Barrel' CWUniirfe Shot Gang. Full1jtD AjBuanltioa for Sporta- men. ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. E$Si!lioi VmUt Hs Ctsawlu, Hm ion vsi . e Oeaav atira eriioleeOaie. rnaranteed be ctManloally mad frota dUillWl water aad free from latxnritlftsv BmoUUt la tended and pteparei for ha man e anarntioa. . : - . loi eUvesieel sUTi (exospt frea4jr) Bundaya (letaQ ealy) t a m to U aooa. ! ror pnoee asm satmrynjormatteeit - r Addreaa,:? i, vW, tTew Jlerne loe r. A Good w ii.it, '.'. Telephone PKRYICH IS A BUBtftSSfls, ntCtilTT, A'. BOMB OONYINfcrCB.- A'. OOBV BIN XO i . . , . , i tv-t .9 - TsOnrn IXJlEU TTfla'rittte gwwn or -Cpirr wow or cdtt'oa goods h very oalntyand Is sim ple W tnake. Thf Testis inched troata separate o-dtaflossit ami nave Ibe effect of revers., (The vest may be tlBU&M'hC0&imm trimmed with rows of tr'd Instead of tucked. The tmt" plait 'are toldeil and smcbed to h'l,- Bfl4ttie Bklrt ntbeted' and sewedT fast' to toe waist Stitched latrape'ar applledi a stitched belt New York Jour nal. Pretty DW1iaterlata.' This new eeaMn tberwtll j m great exhibit of drees inateriala mllr and wool effects, and economical shop pers, who seek' th'eTjeet returns for their moneys haveome to plaee great value upon these beautiful weaves. Fine, soft wfoj'tt taoat desirable of Itself. Good silk alone fs always pret ty, but for teaataiV worth and beauty there la nothing that -will quite com pare with silk and wool mixtures. The silk of tbe weaving gives a sheen and very slight rustle that Is most at tractive, and the wool, which ia nec essarily of tbe finest and beat. Imparts velvety finish and softness to It. These materials lenn successfully, and they can bo washed equally well and make over as no other goods ever do. For tbfs renson very many wo men purchase them, knowing that they will ontwear any sort of tnffrtn and. while quite as handsome, aro much lighter then cheviot doth or oth er all wool fnbrles. Among these ma terials arc silk warp collennc. ben- rletta cloth, drap royal, cashmere and drap d'nlinn. Wimtar Hate. For tbe winter there Is confident prophecy of 'white fur. In tbe show rooms of the milliners white fur Is al ready put forward. A tempting hat has an ermine brim, turned up at the sides, and a crown of mottled autumn leaves and pink roses. A' second er mine hat Is, smaller-and turned up sharply oa the left bilrr votes of tbe Alice Roosevelt .pint that 1s being pushed Info favor. A largo picture hat with a soft clack velvet crown has Its brim faced with white fur and Is trimmed with two black perfect ostrich plumes. Held in frdnf ty a' buckle of French brilliants, rhey wweep swsy ut each side In the AlserBan-'wtrls.- Tt1sv a' stasou of fine ostrich plumes. Two black beauties are the principal trimming of a picture hat of white Angora fur and black velvet' ISmkmlaered eta. ' The embroidered effects are riehM' exceedingly handsome while emhie'trrly well edited to their use. Many of the plain colors sre exquisite and Include a variety of atia.de. The newer basket Weaves and crape flauieHuw-clMrmtaf l and will add mnteriaBiiVxaalWt'k as weD as the beauty Of tbe tea Sort W come. - They are Ughter than flannel of the accepted sort, yet retain much of Its quality and offer a wide range of shades and emblnatiori' OeiataMq mast. Bilk blouse trtmmed diagonally with pipings or narrow bands of the 'tna terial . formings Vs ta- front aad-.-tu WaM M OBIOAJi YM(ac Mck aad which appear to extend over Off to tbe tops of tbe sleeves, where they are flulsned wftVittafbt- ' I The roka.'' tucked: U, ver la fine tutaVjrms a deep point lu front Tat swertrir tohiw vrltli g group- of tuofca at the bottom and flnlshed with t Cuff -trimmed fcrth - tbtfxa, h ties tts eoiiar, stoae Elegants. tBTKSSSIS &T02ACB KS2ASB. , - : ... ; rsrmhueatrf tmred"-trf nhc "fcaiteily power of 8ouva Aaaaicus Naavma Tosio." Isvaltds aeed suffer so loujrer, haejtuae this great remedy ssa ears them all. It Is t ture for tie whole world of Stoma'-'. vkn 1. 1 a. Th ore lf It l.tr r . swl'h i l . i 1 nxr i 1 1 rl" OS I f t 'l''';-, BalMlae- la lUlae- ' They do things oddly In the Pine Tree State sometimes, r In the out- skirts of the shipbuilding city of Bath saw-recently the front wall under the roof of a new house torn out and tbe bow of a twenty-four foot boat ixrctrudlng. ' A : long distance from the .water the owner had passed the winter building the boat In his attic kneekea out the front of his house to remove It to the yard, and then transported It by skids to the Kennebec river, says the Boston PceV; And on the same trip in the elongated township of Phlpsburg my driver pointed out an isoiatea bouse, a .modern structure built by its owner personally and entirely Inclos ing . bis smaller and more ancient house. The Inner one he and us ram- By occupied during the constructing of the new one and then demousneu u and ejected "the remains" through the new windows. A Bird Killer. - Every spring and fall large numbers Of birds are killed by the Washington monument Tbe city of Washington seems to be directly In the route taken by many of the migratory birds In the flight between the north and tne sown. and twice a year thousands of feath ered songsters meet their deatn by Dy ing against the tall marble shaft In tbe night Just now the fall slaughter Is at Its height and every morning many birds are to be seen about tbe base or the monument The dogs and cats of that part of tbe city have learned that the base of tbe monument Is a good place to get an early meal in the morn ing without trouble, and many of them are regularly on hand. Most of tne birds killed are yellow and black throated warblers and small thrushes. Stone Ace Picture Gallery. A picture gallery that dates from the stone age has been unearthed In a cav ern near ByZles, France. The pictures, which are nil of prehistoric animals, were not only cut In the rock, as is usually the case with such representa tions, but were painted In several col ors and give some evidences of artistic skill. There are eighty pictures, of which forty-nine represent bisons of various kinds. The pigments used, which are shades of red and brown, have been found on analysis by Mols- san, the eminent French chemist, to be ochers mixed wtth minute fragments of transparent silica. A Detective In m Barrel. A Paris detective recently concealed himself in an empty wine barrel at night to find some explanation of the frequent thefts of wine from tbe stores at Bcrcy. As be expected, the thieves took bun off In his bnrrel with others holding their proor contents to their headquarters, a disused factory, and so enabled him to get all the Information he wanted and to secure tbe arrest of the four thieves. A Ooo Shot. A peculiar Incident happened at the Tarran (Victoria) rifle ranges. A man wss taking aim at 400 yards, and just as he fired several magpies flew In front of him about 200 yards distant The bullet struck one of the magpies and brought it to the ground, and a bnllseye was registered by the marker for the shot A bullseye and "magpie" Were thus scored for one shot 127 Middle St. Full line of Drugs and Medicines, Perfumes. Toilet Soaps, eto , also the tdniwtug Mineral Waters: Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Llthla, Hunny- adi Janos, HunyadI Matyas, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Red Raven Split. i CombS) Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pasterine Tooth Taste. ' COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bug Destroyer. Brom-Chloralum A sure PREVENTATIVE of Infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA ft SMALL POX PtrrstcbVW.Prescrlptions a specialty. . A. Ore em, Ti m, K. B. lfeeAewe, V. Free BU at. Orrree, Ceekler. vitizexw bank, Doing flaoral Banking Bun Beta March 1, 1901, Surplus and Undrvt ' .ded Profits, 116,000.00.' . Prompt and careful atteatJoa riven to all business entrusted to as. Accounts received on favorable terms. '.ewMttsTe Vm sMsfsMtOffafs) , rmek - S. et. Meadows. 7 A-Meaoows, , -' Oha. baSy.ir. QhM.a.roTin, ' MaverHaba, J.W. ttralneer, TbomM A.ttreea . w.anauwooa. - o.a.rov. .. tree, v w.r.Oroekett . , . ; . Mark Dtaotaiy. . P. XX. Felletler, l:- ATTOBNIT AT IiATT, A Middle Stmt, Lawyers Brki Btlldlag. Wlll praeeiee ta tbe Conatles ef Cyea artcree1 Jeaea. Onalow aa FMllee. O. a uoaitas kw aerae ana suprae vm Directory of the Kails at tbe, New liHjf ', Bern Post Office, : & - Mail for all bolnu Forth. South and West via A. 4 N. 0. ft, H. tad A.U Lint close at 8-SO a, m. -, : :-. , MaU for ell point East via A.&N.C H, it close at S:30 p. m, w Mall for all points North add-West via A. A N. O. K, B. close at 0:00 p. m. Mall for Oriental. Manteo, Elisabeth City and Norfolk Via Sir. Noose close at Jp, m. . :-. v: -:.r- v Mall for Oriental. Manteo. Elisabeth City and Norfolk via Btr.Ocraooke close M IM p. m. . - - Btau Routes. . Kali toy Olymnla, Graataboro, Bay- boro. Btonewall, vaodermere and Orlen lid close at 5.30 a. tn, . V for Tollalr, Urns, Oeddy, Cbtp ,. 1 uo!,i;t close at v ,j a. m. V -'1 for Anliln, Frnul, Zoroh, Wapp anu V anfX'iioro c f M ' ' p. r. Henry s rharaaiy, o (MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW tbe many so-called birth medicines, and joct remedlea for women In the treatmeot ct her delicate organt, contain more or.leu opium, morphine and strychnine Om Vea Staew that opium and morphine areetapefringnareotiopoleonsr D yea Kaew that in moat conntriea drur glita are not permitted to sell oarootice with out labelinr them poleone I Do Vea anew that yon ehonld not take InteraaUy any medicine for the pain accom panvinff preenancv t Do Vea 1 Know tbet Mother's Prl.od ( e perely veretable preparation, end that it ie applied exteroally only. Do Yea Kaew (hat Mother'e Prlend la e elebreted pioacrlptioa end that it haa ben In use over torty yeare, and that each bottle of the genuine bears the name of The Brad neld Regulator Co. Do- yo know that when you nee thie per fect Mmedydnrfngchildbtrth or throughout the entire period of geetation that yon will be free of pala and bear healthy, clever hlldrea. Well, theme thlnge are worth knowing. Ttwer re facts. Ofdniggiate,S1.0l. AcceP' ae aubatltute. Our book " Motherhood " free, THE BBADF1ELD RE0UIATOR CO, ATLANTA, OA. -NDr. Woollens SINTFBSX to all users 01 morphine. Ionium, landanum, elixir of oalum, eo ealneor whlikey.i MM large aooa or par tloulars on bcr- " lanatorlni tree ment. Bddrcs.. L M. WOOM.EY CO.. I W AND HrWliisJis 194 N. PryorHueel. tHv: ovai MILS a. . .tl!e-., ask Urunrlit Pitt, I .vm f. It:i .- W. . t.;,t, twalad win, i- i-i-r . TIirso,.;... vu-rutm tkmsttrvu-' . Wtt'Jst). ik.: 4 ImltaV Usinie. Bu f .: 1 r -nrl 4e. rt.snt fnr .- i 1 "..r- l' JeUliaMleU Ab4 "tjHa far l.Ji.-e.'t'M U((er. by rt ttra !11aJL !' ' r- -tiap-ulals. Ooldbr all Dra,vietv. t hb Ut-i.- i U. smleyatl Oea, mLnniasjei r4"v, 1 illle area F. MJSlmmois, A.'D. Ward 5IMH0NS & WARD, ATTOBNEi ami COUNSELORS at LAW. w sun, a. c. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 09 (above Telegraph Of fice) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice in the counties of O raven, Duplin. Jones. Onslow. Carteret r amli- co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are aesireu. Lodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each month In Rountree's Halt Pollock street at 7.80 o'clock. J.J. wolfenden, President; J. H. Smith. beCy; K. K. UIU. Financial bee rotary. CABOLIKA DISPATCH LINE AND Old Dominion Steamship Co DAir.1T LINE. FRII6HT 81 PASSKNQKB. For All Point North. The Steamer NEUSE is scheduled to sail at 0 p. m , Monday Wednesday ana maay. The Str. Ocracoke On jTueadaya, Thursdays and Saiur days at S p. m. t3sT Freitrht reooived not later than obo hour prevloui to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDEKSON, Agt. It, K. Knra, Oen. Mgr., H.O. HuD8iaD,Gren.FrtA Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va. HevBern, N. O, Aug. 8, 1803. XhS'44. 60 VtARr ' VT VeX'ERIaMOC D A. Ttt Mamia DCSKUM OorraioMTt Ae 1 ' anrene tmmnf a tUttiM ei.d demrlpuon may eeleklv aauTUln our optnloo free whether ea aiTenuoii ha probably ratentKhle Cuaimuniea. ehMBtrtoUreonUentUL Handbook aft reunea Sent rrae. Omeat umm-i for aorhiejMienle Patenu Uke-i thruueh Mann Co reoelw Sjatiel aatka, -wKhnue obino, la the .. ,. A keneewnely tlluatried veeklft leet ere. enlalion of anr ac4enU0e Viamal. Tama. SS a 1 fouraunUa,at, tukl kyaa. keeeaeelara, , e.ar Waafcleetge. D.Q. ', ,V?o The Ifnblle.: 4 We, the tndertlgaed give hotlct thai ths Undertaking easiness conducted by J, G. Button and Boa will be continued Under the tame name, in the, best and latest styles.' Thauklng the public for past favors -and soliciting t portion of their pattcaige, wt remain ; - V.. s ' Kindly yon re, :' 'i. jf.' ' r . 0. SUTTON 801C Jo. 0. Battot. - 'H. Franklin Button. Office No. 1 Scott's Alley. ' " ' f'nn j ti.w J I r-mr-n I I I , The niKlori'giied till make you a Loan, or will direct the use of any Idle tnonny you nmy have on bund. Your s- ;:'.')' C ' -! P VI llnttH Cosdeased Sthrdale, TRAINS GOTNa piSrriT? DATED May 2A,103 (Oorrectedy PMJ. if. a.m. pTm JMI , . 10 aa A.M. Lv. Weldou 11 601 Ar. R. Ml 1 1H1 Lv. Tarboro 18 22J 7 S3 Lv " 1 1 I M 4VI2 , n 48 3 'ill Lv w;:nnn! Lv. M- 'nia. . Ml! Lv Faj'vlllc Ar. Florence 4 it : m I', at, 1 w H 80 A.M. Ar. Golds.. 8 80 Lv. Golds.. 7 81 8 15 Lv, Mae'llal 8 871 4 86 Arwum'ton 10 10 0 00 P.M. A.M P.M TItAINS GOING NORTH. d'3 0 J d'a o3 o ?-q r.t ko A.M. PjE Lv.Floronce 10 05 8 SO Lv.Fay'ville 12 40 . . . . 10 88 LT.Selma. . 2 10 1140...... . Ar. Wilson. 2 67 18 80 A. Bfe Pe U. A Me LvWilm'ton 700 080 Lv. Mag'lia 8 80 U 05 Lv. Golds 7 86 8 8713 80 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Lv. Wilson 2 86 8 80 18 20 10 85 1 18 Ar. R. Mt. . 8 SO 8 00 13 10 11 28 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv. Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt.. 8 60 13 48 Ar. Weldon 4 58 1 87.... ..... P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 8 10 a m. ar rives Fayetteville 13 80 0 m. leaves Fav- evievuie is a p m, arrives oamora 1 i . . . ,n .a - n . . S p m. Keturning leave Banford 8 10 p m arrive Fayetteville 4 80 d m. leave Fav etteville 4 40 p m, arrives Wilmington 7 80 p m. liennettsvllle Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 810 am, Maxtoa 8 06 a m, Red Springs 8 83 am. Hope Mills 10 56 a m, arrive Fayetteville 11 10, Return ing leaves Fayetteville 5 00 p m, Hope Mills 6 25 p m, Red Springs 6 68 p m, Mazton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 85 pm. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Mazton with, the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad. at Sanford with the Besbovd Air Line and Bouthern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Heiimati. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 815 pm, Halifax 8 29 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville 5 47 p m, Kins ton 6 46 p m. Keturning leaves JUnston 7 80 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 05 a m, Weldon 11 20 a m, daily ex- cepi Dunohy. Trains on Washington Branch leave rvaaningione warn and 1 46 p m, ar rive rarmeie 8 00 a m, and 8 10 p m, re turning leave rarmeie V 10 amot5 28 m arrive Washington 10 86 a m aad 0 11 D m, dally except Bundav. Train leaves tarboro, N O, daily except ooauay os p m, ounaay, too p m, ar rives Plymouth 6 85 p m, 0 80 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth dailv ezotmt Sunday, 7 80 am, and Sunday 9 00 a m, arrives Tarboro f 66 a m, 11 00 Cm Train on Midland) N O Branch leave Goldtboro dally, except Sunday, 6 00 a, m, arriving Bmithfleld 6 10 a m. Return ing leaves Smlthfleld 7 00 a m; arrives at Golds boro 8 85 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p m-arrive Nashville 10 20am, 488pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m. 4 46 p m.Retarning)eave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, S 15 p m, Nash ville 11 46 a m, 6 45 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 12 10 p m, 8 20 p m, daily except 8unday, Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, -except Sunday, 8 80 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 m and 1000 pm. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon foi all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Agent. n jukntii, uen-i manager, -T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. Executor's If otlee. I, the undersigned having qualified is tzecutorof the last will and testament of the late Eliza J. Cox, deoeaewL No tice is hereby tivea to all mhooj hav ing olalma against the estate of tbe said deceased to present them to the under signed for settlement, on or before the 36th dty of September, 1808 or this ac tios will be plead la her of recovery. All persons Indebted to said tstatt ut noU- ned to settle the sasae promptly. Sept. 16, 1908. PEROT & COX, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S M0T1CI. - Notice Is hereby given that the under signed having been duly-- appointed ad ministrator of J. A, Paris, deceased, that ail parties moebtM to said estate- win oome forward and soUlt the same, a that all persona havrng elsirmv tjaan the tstatt win present iba tamat witfajn one year from tlie' date hereof or. -this notiot will be plead tn bar orthtir re covery. This Sept. 87th, joot - , , JA8. 8. BYNCM, Adm'r, ,'. ,'- Metmv X CU . f, '.,- ,,.'.1; '- ;. -ft :.njii: e0-1 - Notice of SummonSy ' , " NORTH CAROLINA, I Before the ' li i'. Craven Couuty. . J Clerk., ( Thomas T. McCarthy, Adminbtmtor .?. -. of Venus Simmons, dtt'A '. . 1 VS.... - -l" Lavlna Hateh, Mary Hatch, Otnttl Blmmons, Zenus Dererey, Adallne Dewey and Edward Dewey, . - The defesdanta, Zenus Dewey, Ada- lino Dewey ami xawara uewoy, win take notioe that a special prooeedinir entitled as above baa been tonunewoed before the clerk of tbe Bupsrior court of Craven county to sell sand to make aaaeta, . that ths said dntendaaks will further take notice that they are requir ed to appear before the clerk of the eatd county at the county onurt home In hew I orn, N. 0., on tlie 18th day of Decem ber, Viti, and anawer or damnr to the put ,inn of the ptltloner In this prnoeed iw or the rtitinr will enp! to the t. I r Mm srtt. f !- -1 In s-.id Notice ot Male, House and lot on Metcalf St. NORTH CAROLINA, ) raven Utunty. f W H Lewis, dministrator of the t s- tate of Mary Htsnley, dee'd, Mary E Planer and Isaac H Pmitb, Mort gagee and Assignee. By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, N C, in the special proceeding entitled as above, now pending in said Superior court, tne undersigned administrator will expose to sale and sell for cash to make aaseta, at tbe court house door in the eity of New Bern, county of Craven, N at 18 o'clock, M, on the 17th day of November, 1903, to the highest bid der, the following described real estate lying and being situate in the said city of New Bern, bounded as follows: lie ginning at the north-east corner of W J Delamar's lot on Metcalf ttreet, abont one hundred and thirty-four feet, from Johnson Btreet, thence running north westwardly with Metcalf street twenty four feet, thence westwardly parallel with Johnson street one hundred seven and one-fourth feet to the line of lot No. 882, thence southwestwardly with said line to Delamar's n w corner, thence eastwardly with Delamar's line to the beginning, being port of lot No. 331, in plan of the city of New Bern. It being the same property conveyed to "The New Bern Co-Operative Land and Build ing Association by Mary E Roberts bv deed recorded in the office of the regis ter of deeds for Craven county, N C, in book 78. folio 821, and conveyed by the said "Tne New Bern Co-Operative Land & Building Association to Mary Stanley by deed dated August 1st, 1889, record ed in book 142, folio , in the office of the register pf deeds for Craven county, to which reference is made. The said lot is on the west side of Metcalf street and contains a small dwelling. inis l tn nay 01 uctober, VMS. W H LEWI?. J E & R O'Hara, Administrator. Attys. LAXATIVE TASTELESS HILL TONIC. Combining the InxatlYe property of Cascarit, beneti3lal a cener 1 tone. Guaranteed. fiOo. Only sold at BRADHAflrt) PHARMACY. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day qualified as admlnis trator of the estate of W. H. Cully, de ceased, late of Craven county, N. C. notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duty verified to the undersigned administrator, orJ. E. & R. O'Hara, Attorneys, on or before tbe 2Wth day of September, l'Jira, or thlB notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate sre requested to make Immediate payment. This 29th day of September 1902. Geohoe W. Cully, Administrator. D. Li. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 So. Front St , Opp. Hotel Chattawka NEW BERN, N. C. Craven Count Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts. Atlantic Uoaat JLliie. W-u.mington & New Behnr II. It TIMS TABLE NO. 5, tn Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,;iaily Except Hunday. Going South schedule.: Going North No. 03, Passenger Trains 'No. 03, Ar. p m Lv. a m, STATIONS : . . New Berne .... ..Pollooksville . . . . ..Maysvillo. ... .Jacksonville.... Wilmington, I i Union Depot I 900 8 88 8 51 ... 640 ... . 604 .... 449 .... 4 18 1002 1806. 182 1315 r m .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 2 26 r m No. 8, PAB8ENGKB A FREIGHT, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leae New Berne Tues day, Tbursday and ba tin-day. l,v. am Ar. p a 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 840 Scott's Hill 12 66 9 80. Woodside 12 16 1006 HoUyridge 1140 1051 Dixon 10 51 1180 Verona ...1020 18 06 Jacksonville. 9 45 13 80 Northeast.. 31 66 Whiteoak . 1 80 MaysvUle . 8 65 8 80 8 06 815 Pollooksville.. 865 Debruhl's... 7 20 6 80 8 40 .at, new mrne. L.V. , 800 Daily Except Banday. J. R. KENLT, General Manarer Notice oi Summons. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Craven County. J Court Lucy Curtis, William H. Curtis. The defendant above named will take notlct that an action at above entitled bat been commenced In tbe Snperlor court or uraven county, to obtain dl vorce a vinculo matrimonii, from the de fendant, William H. Curtis, and the mid defendant will take further notioe that ht it required to appear at the Novem ber term of the Bupsrior oourt of said county, to be held on the tenth Monday after the first Monday . In September. 1803, It being tbe 10th day of November, 1803, at ths oourt house In New Bern, N. 0., aad answer or demur to the com plaint tn Said action now on file, or the plaintiff will apply to tht court tor the relief demanded In said-complaint, This ith day of Soptembeiv 1908. ; . " W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Oourt, Bradbarn'i'AnU. BTJiotu Uvw, PUltv. , " - aranurelv VoMtahtt and tot bv stimulating ths liver, causing Increased Bow of tut tna proxraemg natural mow mania of tht bowels. They do not pro duct griping or sick stomach. Sure curt for Voaatipsnon, flatulency, neanoura etc - Prios 85 ota. Manufactured byCL D.Bradham, wholes alt tad retail drug gist.,. Cola lieadacht Powder i t ' , Contain do Aatlpyrlne, Morphia tr olhef Injurious drugs.. They do bo d- Brr bnt stimulate the stomach tad , I aooreUiMi. tluaranteed mire r; i 1 rinnr I i'i"ftrh. Price tr 1 1 f i l t. fir- Hendersoa Telephone Toll Rates. The following Toll Bates will' be ia effect on and after May 1, 1901, subject to change or correction. From New Bern to - Ayden 80e Littleton t 66c Boydton 70c Loulstmrg - 60o Buffalo Springs, 70c Morehead City 80c Burlington 80c Nashville "45e Beaufort 86c Newport ' 35c It Chase City 76c Oxford 65c ' Clarkesvllle 70o Plymouth 40o Chapel Hill 660 Raleigh 660 funn 50c Roanoke Rpdt 50c " Durham 5c Rocky Mount 45o Enfield 50c Scotland Neck 45o Frankllnton 50c Belma 45c Goldsboro 40c Smlthfleld 45o ' - Greensboro 90c Spring Hope 60c Greenville 30c Tarboro 40c : Hamilton 40c Wake Forest BSn New River 80c Warrenton 660 Henderson 00c Weldon 60c High Point 96c Wilson 40o Klnston 80c Winston 181.00 F. C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Supt. ACTION FOR DIVORCE. NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. in The Buperlor Court, November Term, 1902. John Thomas vs. Mary Thomas. The defendsnt above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven Conntv for an abaotntn divorce, the cause being abandonment ana tbe defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of Superior Court of the said county to be held on the 2nd Mon day in November, 1903, being the 10th day thereof, at the Court house In said county in the city of New Bsrn.N. C. and answer to demur to tbe complaint of the plaintiff In this action or tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. W. M. WATSON, Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 23rd day of September 1903. Notice of Summons, NORTH CAROLINA, I In the Craves County J Superior Court. Florence F. Guloa vs. Alfred Guion. The defendant above named will take notice, that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven county 'to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant Alfred Gulon, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the November term of the Buperlor Court of said county to be held ou the 10th Monday after the let Monday of September 1901, being tbe 10th day of November 1903, at the Oourt house In New Bern N- C. and answer or demur to the complaint In said action now on file, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Tuts 28d day of Sept. 1903. W. if. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. DIME CATARRH SHUFF loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus In nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arlslne from Its UBe Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABU HO. 26 To Take Effect Thursday, June 6, 1903 at 12:01 A. M., E. b T. Going East SoBEDUiJi: Going West- No. 8 Paasenger Trains No. 4 Ar. am ....1105 DAILY. Lv. p m STATIONS: 8 40 Goldsboro , 4 09 LaGrange , 4 82 Klnston , .1083 .113 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 8 On 5 50 Lv. Ar. 881 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead ofty Lv 7 09 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Paasenger Train. aTATioBa: DAILY. Lv. A. M. Ar, r, 8 00 Goldsboro 8'80 8 18 Best' 808 8 26 LaGrange 7 57 8 87 Falling Oreek 7 47 848 Klnston 7 87 8 02 Uaswell 7 86 18 Dover 7 17 8 80 Core Crook 7 00 844 Tuacarora 6" 60 8 48 Clerks 043 1000 Ar. New Bern. Lv. 8 80 10 80. Riverdale , .8 47 . 648 1088.. 10 46.. 10 58.. 1104.. 1180.. A. M. Oroatan Havelock Newport Wlldwood .Ar. Morehead City Lv. . 086 . 031 . 015 . 800 r, Mm No. 211 DAILY 2d Class. Except Friday Lv.p.n. and Sunday. 480 ...Goldsboro 4 68 Best's. No, 313 id Class Ar.rjf.4 .... too ... 886 olwj LaGrange .. Falling Oreek 6 27 Klnston... OstwtU.. 4 57 . Dover.... 6 04 Cora Creek. 114 1 81 138 1SS8 UBS 0 10 Tusenror...,, ....M BO i,,lltl' list ,....11 30 .....JO 08 Clark's , Neuse Crossing.. 40 Ar. New BernTLr. r. a. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT ' ' No. 1. 3d Class. SUNDAY ..Id Chut A.pm 800 Ooldsboro.,,. (a J v'S' ...48a " Ifranga.,...,,,,, 4 2 1 1 raiting caeek...,.,,.. g 41 8 SO Kiastoa, , 111 840.,,,; OaswoJl.w. ....... Ill J)ovtr..M.;..,,. s 10 1007 oertttssh. ......... 11) 10 83 Tuaoarora....,,,,,18 4 i 10 63 ctarkt in i 1186 Ar. New Bera,Lv.,....l, 1 ' Ko, S.f I -I - No. 10 Ez'drKaad I tufltMi Mt'tl' - ' PssaTa. I is.. . .. : V " '."'V-j ' . . 180......LV. New Beta Ar...... 8 18.......... Riverdale, 8 80,, oroatan S0S,,,.M Havoioak.. ........ S 84.., aa.aaa Newport, Lv. ... .. 1 S47....,..WUdwood S6...,.......AUantio 408 ..Ar.Moroheedclw.l 4 83 , , .Ar. M. dty Dept,., i t ' ..-! ,- . V , Monday. Wednetdsy Mr" , Tuesday, Thursday t" 1 : '" '" ",. B.I, ' b. a. rr''tJ-"). l ,.:,'-r Tne - "

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