THEKIOURNAL. New Ben, M. C Key,. 1, 1908. . Index to Heir Afrertlsemeats." Wstjonyiuncn Cerates' today, J J It Parker, jr-Corned Beet eto r Brtad Bt Fruit rtoro-Chestnuta, etc, The Bee Hive Ladies child wraps, '"- Simmons &HonbweBColovee,te Bnslie$jXcli.S:fe' -COOL weather has oome end my restaur- f: nA ltttM.1, AnnntAr fmoMn In fotH blast, The lunch .toaster will be enp- puea icmigai - wiu - sun . wwiiimi -.-. tongue sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, . souse sandwiches blood padding sind ' - - wtchet, tftteken sandwiches, oyster sand ", wlchee and choice barbecue. The ret , taorant wiU be supplied with ball abeU . 'oysters, raw bytten In plate, stewed oy - tan, hied oysters, ateamed oysters and -.' baked oyttera Youtt to please, 3. BT Watson, Prop. 'v , , i - PRESH Celery at J. R. Parker, Jis to- ' day. CHESTNUTS, Malaga Grapee and in- - ' fact everything in ' the frnit line ean be ' found today at the opening of the Broad . . Street Fruit Co. Phone 88. Ladles es- ' - .peelally Invited to attend. .BEST, Butter In one minute, by the Halllott Batter Separator. The wonder of the 80th centnry. Made by the ait ' process. Entirely new but good. Call ' on Tyson & Co., at Hszelton hotel and J seonre a County agency before all are gone. Any live agent can make 88,000.00 In 80 or 90 days by patting out 500 ma chines. The machine does all the talk ' lng and sells Itself. : MALAGA Grapes, Dried Figs, Bananas - and Apples just received yesterday. ' ,. line oysters In any style. James B. V Dawson, 103 Middle street. Phone 209. LABOR WANTED-We want a nam' ber of colored laborers for work In log woods, sawyers, loaders, wood choppers - etc. Good wages, good quarters to lire la. Goldsboro Lumber Co. --.I ' PARTIES desiring Lettuce can be sup- plied by sending their order to the fancy grocer John Dunn. . FOB RENT In best locality, two or . 'more finished rooms, with or without board. Apply at this office or box 867. H AC KNEY'8 steamed Ovsters. IS cents ' per basket; milk and plain stews, 15 and v, ' 83 cents; half shell, 30 cents per dozen Families supplied by the quart, MEET ME at Hackney's. LOST Between Bt. Peter's church and ; -Greenwood Cemetery, a lady's gold V watch with hanger. Reward If brought r to this office. .,' WANTED A good black smith and v horse shoer. Apply with reference to J EG Drown, Wllmlngtan, N. C. Racket I.,' store alley, opposite Front street mar- , " ket. MR HENRY E. CRETEAU says he atlll requires plenty of work to uphol ater furniture, cane chairs and make ' over hair mattresses. He also kindly : . quests all those who have such work to call at his shop, 72 Craven St., as soon . . as possible. VACCINATION Shields. Try B. W. i -Woolard's new invention for sore arms. It la unsurpassed. For sale at Henry's i. Pharmacy. Only 10 cents each. '-.'VERY Desirable Flats to Rent At 84 Pollock Street, My House either lower or upper Boors, singly, or the entire I house. Apply to J. W. Stewart NOW IS 1HE TIME-and here the i place to buy the : finest eating Apples, Pears, Bananas, Grape ends all kinds of ' the finest fruits of the season. Barn el (ft Fruit Store Broad street Phone 206. NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M, Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street. New Bern, N. C. Advertisers! it ,'- Change of ado. most be In lb Im office by noon to Insture change In the following day's uwne. ; Qood Board can be gotten, by apply in to tills offloe. or bv addnaalne- P. O. Bos B84, New Bern, N.O. Hot and cold oatns tnmtsoed. " .- , f- -( ienaej-s uuaj tiDtTBV ,c " A fresh assortment of Tenner's Candy has Jost, been received at Davis Phsr fV; ;w- &J-, '. Pig Feet, IFreth-Tripe and Boneless Hocks at theOakf Market, , ; ii;V Fresh'Crisp Celery at the Oaks Mar- For Fine Corned and Smoked Beef, nd Tongue call at the Oaks Market to- ' y- i. ;.J,.:,a 'wT':1 ijc watt, bi . , Ji.ii lti, : i i T"2 HEABT. ! (..1 Iicolores. " TRENT LUXLS CO'S VLkXt bestroyed By Fire, ' Saw and pkulnf Hills, Two Dry Kilns. Ltrre Amoknt ' . Lwntcrr ' Other Property J :-r: l Threatened. Jb f" (Shortly before 8 o'clock last night, an alarm of fire sounded and at , the same time Ike light from the , biasing building showed plainly the fire's location, which was hi the plant of the Trent Lumber Company on the Trent "jlver between Ota: market dock and W Trent 4w warehouse of the R. 0. railroad By the .time : the ,tn department reached thafire,Vwhloh aeemed 'to hare been burning- some time and thus se cured good headway.lhere was a roaring flame rushing throogh the mill, which soon gained full possession of mills end dryUlns.:::;,.v:'"'W'J.;' f While there was a tittle wind blowingt the fire tended towards the AT A N. V. warehouse, this property "being serious ly threatened for some Ume,butwlth the assistance of the Button Steam Fire En gine a number of lines, of hoee were run along the dock and on the root of the warehouse.preventing the building from Catching fire from the terrlfle heat of the blazing mill. The warehouse paint smoked several times but the water wsi there to cool It off. . " The work of the Fire Department was unusually effective. The Department got quickly to work and kept at It,, work log where work counted. : . v The origin of the fire la not definitely known, bat Is supposed to have origi nated in the engine room, although no fire had been burning there since 1 p. m. The plant was owned by Thompson Brothers of Philadelphia, Charles H. Ball, being the local manager: The prop erty destroyed consisted of planing and saw mills, two dry kilns, the latter being filled with lumber, aad considerable lumber on the dock,' which 'was ready for shipment. The Company's lug and lighters were towed sway and saved. The amount of lumber burned is esti mated at 100,000 feet, and the entire loss of plant and lumber Is put at $30,000 with no Insurance. ftwstW TstwtollwtejMJ A Good Invention. A very Interesting and novel exhibi tion was on South Front street yester day, which attracted much attention. The feature was the separation of butter from sweet milk. One half gallon of milk and a small quantity of cream pro. duclng eighteen ounces of fine yellow butter, and the most wonderful part of It was, the short time required for the separation, only forty five seconds from the time the milk was put In the vessel the butter was' produoed. The product wss of granulated appearance, resemb ling Ice cream, but In taste wss equal-to the best average dairy batter. The sepe rator Is a very simple Utile machine, en tirely mechanical la oontiivanos requir ing no special skill to operate, out la constructed on a strictly' scientific prln ciple. Card ot Thanks. I desire to thank the Hew Bern Firs Department which by its timely and effective work at Friday night's fire. saved valuable property that was la danger and would, except for the good work of the Department, been destroyed. Trent Lumber Oo Chas. H. Hall, Manager. For Pence Fund. All are Invited to the parlors of the Craven club on Tuesday night next, November eth.from Itollp m. tosa entertainment given for the benefit ot the Kplseopal church - fens And. Ad mission 86c Including the opportunity to each, to secure one of the handsome souvenirs which will be given away during the evening. Dining parlor opea from 0,80 to 11 p m. Oysters tSo. Coffee 100. , v I Ml l" II L ' JarM a LWt Claara. - It Is not always because a cigar Is badly made that the wrapper curls Bp and works off, says the, Tobacco Work er, it Is often because right handed man la smoking left handed Clear. A "left handed cigar" Is one roHed by the) maker's left hand, for all cigar makers must be ambidextrous: ': A piece of to bacco for the wrapper le-cut est tM bias and Is rolled from left to right on the filler. ' The other piece for reasons ot economy is tbed need and must be rolled the opposite way by the opera tor's other hand, Bene i smoker who holds s cigar In his right hand, some times twisting It a boot, rubs the wrep-' i : ?. 1 ' 1 , " .f'"3, r , A Taathfat SWlMtr" r f- "Now,"eaKl the Busday school teach er la ber most winning tomes, "which little boy can tad m about the still Small voice that Is within nr " " j rpletae'm,'' said the (redded boy at the end of the 'seat, "my uncle has hrPi'; tie near ,( ,i s "yssm be-e teotrOwjulstrrBal- tutors Aaertcaai -,,1 u i$'- t-".'Uesnrtta WeeOes?. i-V W. .:" A waiter Whn had been a' old ma rine wsrrhnl lis Wng as he could bear It while. bl taiiMit tried to draw the stufflna tlirmiKli the side of-a bird. Farthrt oft. sir." he ventured In an embarraekiig wblaper; "farther Sftl" .- Ping Pong Balls at Mofckwler'sv Itv Bidnnt'8 Agency at Ct1'. . Davis Pharmary has been very tortus ate la securing the sole agency here for Hudnut's Perfumes and Tollat rr-rs-tloei. 'Their quality l of m U ei 1 lenee sad superiority that they are Urg-e ly used by the d!irlm!na;iog e"M throughout ths country. - , I , . ID' ' r Ab$o!utc!yruro : THEKE S f,'3 SUZSTlTlfTE AROUND AND ABOUT. Ons hundred bales of cotton sold on ths loss! market yesterday at $7.80 to 800. - Mr D L Ward hu purchased the 1 L Cooper property at 81 New street end Is oscupylng the residence. 1 Back From Black. Mountain. The last Of -the New Ben colony, which made Blsck Monntaln Its mecca, arrived hers yesterday, and while glsd to get home, seemed sorry that ths sunv mer was over, and delightful Black Mountain had td be (eft by Itself for seversl months.', ., ' - V" v Those returning were Mr and' Mrs 0 S Slosr, Mrs KB Sills, .Mrs N O Bey- moor, Mrs A D Patterson, MUs Bessyi Patterson. Miss Elizabeth X11U came as far as Qoldsboroj remaining there to visit frlenda. : -':.- M: . The retoraed New , BernlaaS report perfect 'weather during Summer and Fall at Black Mountain. On Isst Wetf- nssday lnbw Could be aeon pi some of the mountain peaks, whloh gave an ad ded utersst and eham to ths scene. Card ot Thanks. ' I desire to thank the Firs Department and these friends who assisted In pre serving my property during the burning of the Trent Lumber MUL - "k B. Davenport. ; Fresh Diphtheria Antitoxin andVao cine Virus at psvls Prescription Phar- COUEt CALENDAR. Craves Couly Superior Court, llovtmber ;termX i MOHDXT, HOT. IT, 1909. 20 Wood VI Kallroad. 14 WUcojf ys Bhute. - -81 Barker v Hanff. 85 Jackson vsBoplt. ' j 60 Lane vs Bed. tcxsBir, Kor. 18, lVXL 81 Meadows vs Telegrsph Co.' 86 Whits vsLokey. ; 58 Whits ts A A K CTR B Co. 58 Adams vs Wethsrlngton. ' ' , 61 McCarthy, Administrator vs Bat . . . . ., us. " V " Hanff vs A O L Railroad Oonv ,psy. WESXtsDir, n-oT. iO, 1002. . 86 Crooea TS Pritchard. 4 48 Arnold ts SAL Railroad Com 1 -ptij('.! t. 47 Jewell rs Paul 7 , ' 48DanlelSTS.ity. IV -' , 87 Tsplor Ts Daegherty. X ;68 Whltehurst vs GsskUL : ; ? ; . 67 Butte ys A 4 N C B Co. . . Seynvsut vt Septt sad Brows. so uuny va smsoows. 45 Behaffem Jaooba.- t 68 Wsthsdngtos ys Wnilsms. f V f'H !Unk VsBpe-osr.,-:.r . 8t PaUts Belangia, .;,-'r. y. I Hi Biakop n KsasCy .. - i :-:'88 BoyalTS Electric Oo.Jt"'--.".-'.-- I ; 84 Bd. f Id, ts City of New Bent, v Csrtle ts Crtls.iM.--.. -'iif y-VQreeaTS Orssr:jrijti4. :i;lTkosm TIkss.':"-i 1'V OulowTS Qulon. 'i y U Aaaersoa ts Asoersoo ir Fssjajst t Fsiinsr.s.t-!r"'fS ii',y,iii -.. - jl a. x a.1, " 1 desire to state to my patrons and ths public, bat. I am now able to be out again and that I have not had smallpox as wss reported; the cause of my few days U neubelnga bilirni attack. I. can still be found at tliei Corner of Metcalf and South Front Streets; where I will ton- ttnne to sell yoa grtioerlei cheaper than anyone In Vf elty, '-. . . ': . ' . -u Respeotfullf, I;'.' 1 - , -i N. F. VINCEST. f it iftt stt te .' to Cwi c::Lcr.:r;.3 it l:v 2 Joit Krcelve-l . X 2 -' 10o ami ire tlie cn J at' r Kirket Lc'.ter on Cotton. By private wire, J. X Winn fit Co.' New Vork, Oct. 81. Mav sold at 8.S6 this a. m a low record for the move ment. After this In face of liberal esti mates for tomorrow and a decline In Liverpool to the low point of the month, prices rallied sharply 8 to 8 polett. The rally came on shorts ooverfne; and sup port by the January rd, There was not the speculative buy bur noticeable OS declined heretofore . and the feet that May sold at "practically 8- against 8 awhile ago, and at even 8J after the Qov ernment report, is not skull , argument; For soma Urns there hu been -declining tendency In Southern spot markets, The January premium In New York has been retained, but other markets hsvs gone lower. - As s result cotton Is being sold in this elty bt rather liberal quanti ties as h is a profitable transaction.; The outlook at 8.80 for May seems so mors encouraging than at 8.00 some time ego. We can not account for the condition, Until there ts a change sad such new as will bring buyers Into the market, there WlR not be a bull market ta eotton, Next week we will compare with 500,000 bales last year, '' and the best informed here say the movement next week will exceed this week's figures. The oompar Isoo cannot be favorable to the market as we are 800,000 bales ahead of last year's movement, and : 100,000 . bales ahead of the movement two years 'ago. Should, receipts begin tc reach - last year's figures or happen to exceed last year for o week or two ' tn November; the crop would; begin to look Minors like an eleven million crop- than anything else.; As epeeulatloti Is St low"" ebb the lufluenoe on ths market would be jey unfavorable. ; As long as the crop Is un certain and cotton Is being eolld hers be cause no market , can be found ta lh South, we cannot find oar way deer to do more inan to scaip. tne marxet. i nsen condltlone ehsnge It. win he then time to boy for s long pU. : CoirM 'Democnitic Ticket: ' For the informatlou of democrats, the Journal publishes ths corrsot ticket, so that there may be no mistake made by the voters t BepresenUtlTs in ' the Fifty-Eighth Copgress, Third District: ' Charles R. Thomas, Craven County, Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jesses Y. Joyner, Guilford County, Member of the North Carolina Cor- porstlon Commltteei Eugene E. Bed- dlngfield. Wake County. Chief Justice of the Supreme Cpmt; Wslte Clark, Wake County. Associate Justices of the Sopnme Court: Henry Q. Connor, Wilson County, Piatt D. Walker, Meokleab irg County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Second Judicial District, Robert B. Peebles, Northsmpton County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Fourth Judicial District: Oka. M. Cooke Franklin County.. - Judge of the Buperlor Court of the Sixth Judicial DutrloU William & Allen Wayne County, Judgs of the 8upsrlor Court of ths Blghtk Judicial District: Walter EL Neal, Bootland Coonty, - Judge of lbs Superior Court tof ths Tenth Judicial District: ; Benjamin F. Long, iredeU Couaty,. Jodgeof ths Superior Court of the Eleventh Judicial District: Eras toe a Jones, Forsyth County. . ; ; : Judge of the Buperlor Court of the Thtrteeatk Judldsl Distriok .WlUlsm B. Ooundll, CaUwbs Couaty. . : '' ' Judge of the Soperior Court of the Fourteenth Judlolal District: Michael H. Jnsticsi Rutherford County. i ' ' Judge of the Superior Court of the Fifteenth Judicial DUtriot: Frederick Moore, BunoomUXJouuty. Judge of the Buperlor Court of the Sixteenth Judlolal DIstrlotj Garland 8. FergusoB, Haywood OonXfiMA'.'':- . For Solicitor Third Judlolal District: Larry L Moors, of Pitt County, I For Senators Eighth Benatorisl D& trktiTJtomss D. Warrea of Jones Col, John A. Pollock ot Lenoir County. - For Hoots of Representatives: Owen H.Gulon,.rf;A.rr'J"v-y1 For Clerk Superior Court, ''William M. WsiBOa.Xv.?; '-S-.iS i. For Tressursti L) an lei u. Boberts, N. For Register of Deeds: George B. Waters. '.-.J,, r-.-..- . M For Burreyor F. A. Fulehef. -. 2" V' To rinffAnAr, Jntanli 1ST' Tlrtmil '' ' For Sheriff: James W. Blddkv'W-J fA 'For OonsUbu No : 8 - Township Dwlght M, Btyron, r Str. DIcr.bliD. l On andi after Tuesday, .October 28th, 1903, the tr. lanoh wiU sail or , Bajboro, Etone wall . and Vandeaaers 00 Tnesdaj'd and FrU dflj's at 0 o'c'o3', a. m returning Wednesday's and 8stnrday'B. ' , Freight received for abovs point daily. 7 - ' J. B. ARKNDELL, 1 It. He ' ra -a. o-4 . it c C f. (. 1 Vst EkS0NAtTARAfifRS. ; f Mlts Elisabeth Ellis Is the : neat of Miss Annabel Borden, la Goldsboro. -4 Col 8 B Tavlof and Mrs Tavlor. of Catherine -Lake, are visiting In ths Mr. John Sevmonr Is here from Tn. on a visit to his mother, Mrs 3Sf, O. Sej Mrs MO Wlndle and ' Mite" RMHe Wlndley, hare returned from Brevard, tvwnsre tney nave Been Spending ths summer. . - Mia B SHnntar. and B-raniUns1,ti. Miss Brownie Buck, of 'Richmond, Ya? arevlaitlng the family of Mr R A Rich ardson, j h ' X1 . Mr-Thos P Warren and fit John. A Pollock the Democratic nominees tot the 8enaU from this, the 8th District are In the city. These gentlemen speak at Vanceboro sndTrultt's today. - Western North Carolina Sheen Noss Applce, Baaeaas and Oranges af Me Surley's. .., Vaccination Shields at Jayls'. MolfonTs Vaccination Shields are'the best.; Easily applied and. protect the vaccinated surfaoe from outside contam ination and lbs contact ot clothing. Re commended by local physicians. On sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Mothers. If your baby has a troublesome cough, cold or croup, : AswaT's Cnour Stbct wlll relieve it . This Is the only remedy tnade exclusively for babies eougha ana eroup. It is safe, prompt and certain. Every bottle guaranteed. No cure no pay. ; 86c at BRADHAM'B Pharmacy, and by druggists generally. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the MSI. Middle atreat. Ve can and will THY One lot Childrens Heavy Cotton Union Suits, one size only, at 20o suit. New All Wool Flannel Waistings New line Black Dress and Skirt Goods, irom 25a to $1.50 1 The Best 11.00 Warranted Kid Glove on the Market, all colors. New Models in Corsets 25c, 60c, 76c and f 1.00. Our nuilnery Department la kept Betsy Day and Night, 1 Hata from 25c to $25.00. BAREOOT 43 Tolbck Street. c n -V !" It's winter nowiThe lfi secUon wlUi Uie Newoet an3 Beat Merohaadlae. These J goods we shall sell at A pwjfit. Tw peot'jto gtjf ' profit if yoa bay them, but it "la a . nawoable' wofi . ! X profit Ihst yon willj pay with tdeaaroe, feeling . aaewed r . - that for erery dollar spent Hloritst return: nrn MM 1 'JUlUht tailor-made finiiia again "th thing". :?Win?rX' terial foi these are many and yaried. Ws show this season aa never before, a ial.M inchVeaetian in aQ eolora and bUci at f5o,Vf i '. Biud Clotha. ia almost anv ahada. 61 In. at $lio." t .A - Chevfot Eerges, all woo 44 inohea wide, at 60a,1' ; t X X .ilTbeas) arq jery good vataei all bJgb oUsa fabriosVj, t -;' I -,"3 'r - 'i - ;:'' ,' . Can't fiddle too strongly or too load on thitt' Kid . Olovo string. We're modestly proud of the Stock -nd ' prond of Ihepjlccs- . vt".,'.' JSC, eioo re? emm t x. t z yOOL COLFGWVESMS; ia all tbe V'hit(. fed and Hack 60c. eni:d:c clovi:.', ir -a, Only 35? You looi fit least 0. .Restore color to your grayhalr.Whynot?laKL: CLARXS. Oct. 80, Mr Jsy Lee Humphrey tookJ- tbe ears for Raleigh - this a. m, : Do will spend a few days there attending the BtsuFabv . ' Mr Archie G Lyon took the cars for Raklgh, - He wiU attend the Bute Fair aad from there he will go to Henderson, North' Bids' sad other "points Tlsftiag trtonda end relatives. . " ' i Ths Klnston-Olarke's Brick ; tile CoJ have closed Iks yard at Clarke for tblsjcBson. X 'v .'- ? Mr Fred B Ipock made a business trip to, Kinstoa, Tueedsy. n.v& The public school house at this p:ace Is being r finished. i,W bona to have e good school this wlnte There Is about twenty-five children to go. r Xvarvhodr la wall Of Dinhtheria now. Miss Smlly . Clef TStttrned to her homo st Vsaoeboro last Thursday after spending several 4 days rlaitlng Miss Humphry of this place. Mus EUsabethlpock of Bemar visited Miss Clars Humphry last week.. : Quits a number of people from Clsrki attended the dreuS at KlnstbnTsee- day. i , i- ti,;; fC "Dsisss WontTeU." Chocolate Gretna 80 cents pound at oSortoy'sV -s.:--. KepnbUcaA CooBtr Ticket, For Sen store from the 8th Senatorial ' district, James M. Mewborae, of Lenoir county, Charles D Francks of Onslow ' county, For House of Representatives, John BIddle For Clerk of Superior Court, Gabriel L Hsrdlson. For Treasurer, L H Outlaw. For- Register of Deeds, W C Ti ler. For Coroner, J W Duguld. . For Sheriff, William R Dixon, save you money, VHl 49oand25o yard $f M stow, ia torMed.ia erery Itere jott. are- rsoeiving . aa ii . t Tariety ot wide oloths to ohooae - - i - hjt:: - - . irfJ lending colors. , ' i, ; . X Children sizes 2r0. X 13:1k lined at ti ca. , ; BROS, -v ' i:-, -1 I ip rarr Once heard a man that .he'd "rather be coed on Broadway, N. Y., than make money in any other city." Couldn't have been posted on this town's advantages, tor where could he liye so cheaply P Thanhs in part to this store's bargain sales. We are sticking to our text least 10c on the dollar to porchasers. our store, the pnblic is finding it is Ladies' and Wraps of all kinds. Ask to see Our Monte (Inrlos in Tan, Wack ,,nd ( nsUir, running in prices from $7.50 to $20.00; I .Lick Black Pan dc Boie Silk Monte Carlo The Bee Hive, PATTERSON & HILL, 67 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church. BISHOP'S FIREPROOF COTTON STORAGE WAREHOUSE s " Why scU yonr cotton at these extreme low pricej with oeiy thing depleting the market when you can store rt nominal cost, uinl t ke ad Tantage ot high r prices later in the Seagon . I All'cotton covered by insurance, and lib eral advances made if desired Terms) f storage given onjapplioation. E. K. Bishop tm 7ATHKB Of TIME. A. very heaVjf'eofta gold ease, as heavy as a fllled eSse besSytarfybaiMi carved, fitted with all JeweWd rfgln aurveinent, perfect thns DleoV Only' gW-Oft while the laei "BUT BT nSLVr.,j. MAH CBSAP AS TBI OTHtB. Agency, BRADBAtt'd PHAfiMAOY. Car load Slocks fceet raicntDla- dom and Rosa Bud Flonri". 100 White Tnrbcll Cheese. I Pofitura and Grape Nuts.' -r 'V i Oat llenl iind Ilomlny, Dried ipplcs. i i v. - ; Corflt 1 1 1 ui", f , Alamance Cotton Tine Bud Coal Tar. '-' '.. All (,!d Cbn-p for Cnfh-'V hi . i i r, i, r i I, i , , .mi in,. ne is weu Paid that is tsfied. Sutinfauiio'abteltl with v.-i-y suit we (!'!. We show lee N-weet Styles Dont buy before seeing ou line. - Sat ?J.OhduKo., 57 PoUoch su boast bun else "sp - il cadi to i ln i lv .-wing at We are having no dull Uae in New Bern's Bargain Store. Childrens' TaffeU -il'- Monk- 'urlo $in.0O; $12.50. M REWARD ! I will .pay the above rewind for the detection and coo Taction of the party or rmrtiee who- blew up and rifled the contents of my sitfo n the night of October 8th, 100-2. " W. A ITIL-ON, Out, lit, 1902. Dover, X i: The kind of Fine Toilet Soaps We Carry : Olds flrowa Wlndaor Soap, The famooa "O-L-I-V-I-L-O ", Crrnddock's Bloeloep, fikth food rhlghly seeoted), Wrlsley'e Farina Violet, fstroavaeUothrope, I "lureka" Boee-FioJet-llellathrop Transparent Olyeetlna, . Boneymooa. . ipota Btoesoea. ' OA l.tV BvMD BBB TMKmR fDI WAW AT l..;,-i..'4M j . A. . ,v ; f'0V7 Js2j P to buy a Bew Cook CtOTe. K'-Sk I hliu T"An ' tinnll ..11 ltn . Cock ?UTa of lirj most improved Strles The " Nasf fionth ainA . "New Enterprise" ia all aia.'; Kr.- eryonegaarantoed as represeuted, '''). ,1 l J viii Lt I m. :i M- i I 1 I I J . ' a 1

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