s . f ' m ' t '"V ? ? - J r e " r jot. n-ioiiitr.r m vl; W4. lIMr CT TUESDAY BOMIKft, IHOVIMBItt 4," 1902. TWENTY-FIRST TIAIl 4 - s f- i US f 1 : w ivy If yon ore dinatisfled about what to get ' and ask to see-the Dorothy Dodd all the New Shapes and Stylei they ate only 18.00. .-. ... A ? lust Received U ' A a New line of the Victoria Shoes. m all the ladies and the price il oalg f '2.00 t Best Values in the Uf ft Ziegler's Shoes at f2.00, t$Q and 13.00, in all the . late M Agent for Thos. 6. Plant f - J. -A.. Livery, Feed Sate ana Exchange 2w LARGEST AND FINSET STOCK Of . . HOBSES arid. 2vT7XxBS, ever offered for gale in this oity, A car load of each jost in, Aboja complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Sober, Whipa, CartWheels, Ac, . - J A JOHTES, imi St. SUwirt'i 014 Uld. NOTHING BETTER NOR THAN RIGHT HERE. Come in please and You Will Go Away Pleased. A Short Story of Long Values. We aim to add to . our reputation while others aim to add to their profits. JLOOK FOB TlUft YTEEK'S SALE We will offer 1500 yards W 0. at 8Jo per yard, only 10 yards to a cus tomer, each customer to do their own buying. 1250 yards. Ginghams, 6c value at 4e per yard. Bed Flannel from 11 Ic up. - 4600 yards Cal ico Gc value at 4 Jc. . All kinds of Worsteds from 9c yd up. ' Mon'n; Boy's and Childrens Clothing to fit ererybody little and big, old and young, rich and poor. mammoth stook before you buy, . - i . ; 1 We offer this week's sale 660 pairs Children School Shoes, value f 1 forflOc The Greatest Bargains erer offered inNsw Beta, ' " Very respeotfuUy . .fr;:. . 75 Middle St. lext U fiuklll Prtze Competitbn I Th makers of thVfanutas' Queen duality: Shoe Fc Women oflet 100 Cadi Prlaesi flirt ptUct'OOO, tnd prim tiOO, W prise ' ' 10 etc., lowert ptta belag $3, wmMog 4- "t-Wfc rium IK aOLB, msmm To be avarM aWat JtnKf 1st, lsOt, ;('v"lthe 100 womea who fe the bast wa- ;vV'!;r;.soisway,iisssj..ialllis fnftriar - toajl other shoes lot wosassv.i ".S-i ' la ordsr to eostpaie lot thejrfU your article arast be wrttiea trpoci Vtaott far nthed by'.ni wltb, sack jeW'C tjaiMS)' ' Qnalltr abessj ! ili.f i.i.jn.j; DiF.JARVISj ; ' It rout btbv bai a tnwblatone oooph, rold or oroun, Arwav's Caocr 8tur rill nllar H. Thli li th onjy remtdr mad xolaitTely for bM oagh nd croup. ltniia, proinjn na wtnin . Kr bottl rnrnti. Ho curt bo Iy. t5 at BtlALiil AM'8 f hari..cy, tie, your shoet and cannot decide 3 L , .. mJs 1 Shoes for ladies, they have 3 2 ThU shoe is well known by V Jj money Ketundea, hoea. PRICES LOWER Com one, com au and examine our Biw.'M'. ni' ; MURPHY: CO., Cottoi; Steely Graii ft Fr8Tl Direct ;wir to Vtw: Tork' aid ' bstaotamons, reports ieoelTed of TWj mov on eohang.: :V;-vi'v..0aB.1 51' 5!: a tout: Salt whra von uk W hand if the tatt yon Wf to of oar Waking. Woman don't adnlra nun who ar curri hi thor at ilra oarelnaa In cloih, til or via. Wa ll do aU w can lot jnn and t i a er;il dnal io g"l TO" la ')nr r i r . , ii you tft Bt lia ymr '" prol ' l-'ir f- i .' JOITBS, fT s .4 CUTICm 80WfoetiitMtaatbi elcrittaiH sealamxl aofUa ttttalda. 1 art Bttcta,ePWDAf3I5TKiax, te iastaatr slUjr tteWsf,-laljama-. thaa4irritsuM,aa4 aoataaanaiaal, aa cimcufiA mtsoivxsi imu, to coal aadclauMta blood. ASIIQLa nef taws ftaat, skta carsttvas to eftea sattidMit to tore tas B0tt tortor iag,Aflgaiiaitcl,bfam tug, cramo, amy, juhi punpiy aauu scale, aal blood hamars, witt loss of hair, wfcaa aU aU faile. , , Millions of Peoplo un uvnovM aur. aad btCctiouba Onrntan,' for iiaaarTlai;, vmVnb aa4 baaaOTylBgtha Ua.torelaaBatag lha aoala iaiiaia,aiiai,aBaqaaraaaaa taaaaap. ftaa of faUiag bair, for aafttntag, wkMaalas, aDdMihlard, nth, and aprahaada, tor baby naaa,UealBga, and abaflagt, and (or aUateparaaaaaottha tolla, kad and aura, try. MlUloaaof WaaaaaaaOoHcinueoi latbafonaof UtthilaraiiaOTiiig irriMleaa, InSamaiaaom, aad aicorUtlooi, or too traa a oSanalTa penjilntkm, U tha tom of waaliw fur atoanttra wuhlaii, aad far any Buattra, aatiasptle biaifaiai waieh raadUy aaiiaal Biaaml lai to woaaa. - OnriCTTaa' KaautaiTf Pnu .(CbooolaM -Ooatadtara a aa w, amalaw. uilaiitai. oo aaoksalaabatHata for tba eAabtmlad Hqnid ConoDma Baaoi,rBiiT,aa U aa for all oUiar awaaporuunuakaMmrvana. Ibm aap TiaU. oaatatauag at aaa, Prtoa Ma. TELEGWPHIC tJRfeVITIES. Captain F. P. Gilnorewu retired yaa- terday ai rear admiral. Manntaia lanrei bat been adopted u tha State flower hi Jfasaebnsett. Secretary of tha Iatorior Hitchcock Mo., yealarday to want to 8t Loalt, vote. The bill polar' strike In CMeago, nL,aas been daolared off pendlig arbl trittoa. The Xak tabmarlne torpedo boat Protector was launched it Bridgeport, Conn, yesterday. Five man fell 80 feet down a aunt shaft at Xewtoa, Iowa yesterday, all belag probably fatauf Injured. General Iiaae Khan, Perttaa MlaUtor to the United flutes, reached New York yesterday from Hamburg. , Coal shippers baUets, famine Ira panda la Tanneaaaa, 7f onh sad Boatb 0arottaa,Tulataaa4 Oeorgta. ""J.- The eoisailaf lo4 of HagllshaMa eom- fato over to study . Aawrtcea labor prob- lea will reach Hew York thli week. ' The aaoarvtilnr krehltect'a offloa ves- lerdajr erdered 4. H. Healy to Pakin, Oalas to everiM the ooBf "rotloi of tae 180,000 Asurieaa legaUoa, T The eosoeoraUom, of PataerCWei Xohr as IrsX. abbot of M. lo ibber hi Ptoriaa. wul M oatobratod Thanka- gtvlag Day, at Belmoat Jf. fj. f ' i - Kov. 1-Paople rre being vaccinated here aad soaae are tick. . MaaarsOMBtatk and Jacob Harpar areoa the iosad tor a abort vtalt we f tth a aaerry food, thee aad pleaty-ef lab and ftumv-. jfr-; , l ottoa is nearly all picked aad crops are good, as good as eaa M sxpeoted bat orioaa era low. l-; 1 i X'i ' ' s Kr P Q BlmmoM bad goaetoOeBtl- J(i fair.;. He wtallaat Boaday. : i Olivers Oroae. roads looks like sew p'aoa. : There has baaa ae mock paint need and also baprovemonto. ' : kjr J D Eeatk Is very stek troa vaoeb ea:iefc'r.t'-.y;'f.;v.s. ,iv.--i: i We are terry to' say Iff Tom Roaae was bsrled at Olivers tending bat Baa day eve at 4 o'clook, His bareaTad faia Ity have eatr. stoat hearty sympathy. ; Mr 9 0 Parker yetierday was la your lOWa, -': 5 : :,. ' Mm. Columbia Ward spent moat of ail weak at Trtaloa at bar Danbtert Vri B K Fsrkera," - ' . - '". arayr.yee." c r . LIST EGESS &T000 democratic . iajority, Say JLeaders. .Teteraa Dead. Fig ares ea State Craps, (lereraer'a last Speech ;:at Goldsborel : Eastern Be- -.i j f abliesas Tbeagkl te DIs - appear. - .Batnoat, HoT. . Dr. Daggaa, an. Inmate . of the. Soldiers Home here qied. tods, aged L i He enlisted -laj6o. H tb HaOi Bgt la 1881nd la 1803 patted examination for assistant surgeon aad was asllgaed to daty at the receelving totpnalat 'rWtriorj The latter ptt of inrwar aa waa oa aaiy,a uu fargsaa, t 'ins iMtsocrauc waaers; watiasue toai Ihe vole wuthe l tX od think aboat 100,000 votes will be polled, on which bNsjtbey took (oraboat7,000 majority If ; the vote oatt- Is larger 4ben the ma jority will be eomapondlngly so. ,Ths Sapreme, Oonrt will devote this week to the hearing of arguments la ap peeltfroa the 11th dUtricl. .The funeral' of George H. Bnow tra bald here " yesterday afternoon, from Carirt Chares. He died at ConmMa, B C, and the caute awlgned waa Beats gastritis. , - ' Weather Observer Van Hermann hat eomplled some very interesting figure regarding crops In this Slate. . Tha crop Of cotton In 1899 was 459,707 bales., Kobasoa Is the largest producing county. It made 87,157 balee, which la 6 per eenl of the entire crop. Wake comet next With 7180 bales, or 8 percent of the crop; the third county being Kecklen bnrg with &,98, and the fourth John ston with 20,480. North Carolina that fear prodaeed 197,508,400 lbs. of tobacco. Thslargeat tobacco producing counties are Pitt, 10.788,010; Rockingham 9,189,- 9Mfc Rath J8,450j Wilton, 7.830,410; Stokes, ,790,020 Sod Granville, 8,775,000- thea In order Franklin, Catwell, Greene and Perton, each with other 5,000,000 lbt Govaraor Aycock made hit law t peach Of the campaign at Goldiboro this even leg. He wlU vote there ani return here tomorrow afternoon. Private Secretary Paartall left today for New Bern to1 Vote, bur will Hop at Goldtboro to bear Gov. Aycock tpeak. Btraoge to say. he bat never heard the Governor make1 speech aave that at hit Inaugura tion. Auditor Diion went to Cabarrus ooun ty today to tpeak. having been atked by wire to speak there. A charter waa granted today to the Oarotlna Land and Lumber Company of atovock, Currituck county, capital. 175,- ObO, the largest 'stockholders being John Self aad Edward G. Scbeddler of Chilli- eothSkOblo. It Is etpeotod that this year the Re publican vote will practically disappear la aU that part of the State east of Ral eigh Market Letter on Cotton. By private wircj J. X Latham ft Co. KawYoaa, Nov. 8. Being before a holiday there was more or lets short covering. This usually takes place be fore s holiday and today more tbaa uta- al, owing to frost prediction!. Traders were afraid of kilUag frosts la section Where they have not occurred as vet.and aa advaace la prices Wedaesdsy a. The few who were short bought aad this turned the market ; from 8.J4 for March to f.8ti -The buying In December serried it from 8 89 te 8.47. Then la a few atlas, . tha whole thins seemed to reek, and osubr sold back te 8 49 sad January 8Jft. . For a firm market this Is not a good tigs. The fact Is the market it sot a bull market. It may de velop aU abrts i of strength later, bat for the preaent It Is aol a good market, and we believe the reason Is a simple ,one. The manlpulstloa in January has cat. tiad that month so far above oust, mar ket, that Urn Mocks of ebttoa are be lag sold hsre by .houses with 8outhera. oonneotlont. ' The reasoa for this Is aa seoBomlc one,' aamely,' that a man hav ing goods tessu, sells la the hlghett market.' About atvea weektago South- era spots were i seat higher thaa . aow, tad ye January here Is sow 10 points low, thaa toda) t price. This . mes that New York teettracilng cotton from the South aad we cannot advance until the South goes up ok legitimate spot 4eaad.--"v;V'-:':,;Vfv-r. lam at , M tot Ira Bos ft T HndnnVs Arcncv at Davis. i)nit Pharmacy bat bees very fortun ate la ttcurlog the Sols ageney here for Budout't Perfume ted Toilet Prepara tion!; Their quality la of tech eioel- lence and toperiorlty that lhy are large ly uted by the dlacrlmlaatlDg elite throughout the country ' . Yacc!aatioaj5bIc!ii at Davrs'. ( Ku'.ford I Yaocloatluu Blileld are the bnl. Eatlly applied and protect the V 'nlt!d tnrfct frora outsl le coaUrn-! a and the contact of et'?:i'. j. lt t- -r..' 1 by lortil ' a, On ' . at T v:' I'f i I ' - i ., Iteiter oaty Traction Lines. Special to Journal.' : 'r 1 1 ; cMbw Yobbv Nev.r-Ttia sccount of Horgan't pretence oa change last week, rumors are raatwed in rtgardto the merger of thet dty'rallaay with the Union Traction Co, , , and the Jisue of $la000,000 beads for the Improvement of the property; ! - -- This Islhesame merger telked of left Spring, 1 1 84TUKDAI ArTERNOON, i i,; JDCL0t!K ' jroTEnnEu nth. S and Ills BAND Accompanied by the following eminent SoIoisUr BOHT7MIR KRTL The Great Bohemian Cornet 1st. FTLTPPO 8SVASTA The Renowned Italian Harpist FRANCES BOYDEN Prima Dona Soprano. PKIC3-1.00; 75c, 50c, and 95c Seats on tale at Water't News Ptore. I LBook Store f 44 Em City L.OOR DOORS ) While They Last ta. N. Ennett. : Valuable City Property for Sale I Purtuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the New Bern Aosdemy, the undersigned will offer at public sale for cash at the Court House la New Bora, On Saturday November the 8tb, 1909 si 19 o'clock m. Ihst valuable City lot situated af tha corner of Middle and Broad streets fronting on Middle street 914 feet Inches, snd oa Broad street 107 feet 8 Inches. ..' This sale offers a rare opportunity for purchasing some of the mott valuable property In the City. At the tame time and place, bide will also be received tor the lot adjoining the Oonrt Hoaa let and occupied by .. W. Turner. - ;: Sale subject to the approval sad eon Irmatloa of said Board of Trustees . . -V , '. J-jW.M. 'WATSON,- fr See'y. sadTreas. it win ssl ai public .suction on, Q S farm of tha late ! H, Ylntoa, Nov. 8th, 190i at 11 o'clock-a-ua, theeaUre stock of tlksara eoatlstliig of the latottlm, proved farmtog'mptsmeaia, such as 9 ntowbg auchlaesaad rakee, .1 of, the latest Improved pototo sprarers doable wagoa aad 8 esrts, top buggy, f eata way harrows, plows, barrows, shovel and hoes and everything that to'nsed oo aa apHo-date farm. Also aboa( S3 tons of hay aad abundance of coni, 4 iriulea, t horse aad , the entire .household aad Wtenea furniture, y&t'r Xsrml of sale eaWv nx v .'Sf.- MBS. B. AYINdOK H. R. ttreet. Auctioneer. " lOIIQP'S FIREPilOOF GOTTOII PHAGE UAREI10U05 -i v J e0'' J001 'ottoa at these extreme low prioei with TeTytbiDg deproeslng Uie miultct vhon you can Tanfeo of b'gh r prioca later in the : Atl.cc tt-n. coT:rc;l A V - A K - w . J A . .. i. SllViltT i J I'" ' mm I ha1e Ammunition to Burn. The bleeeat asaortment of loadt in both Winchester and U. M. P. Shells ever carried in New Bern. - Alae a torn line of HuntnrtrCoits. Lee- a-iniK Gun Cases aad evenrthinc that goea to nt out a sportsman. If yon are thinking of buying a gun you can get suited here. WM. T. HILL, 31-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. a Phona IIS. Try Applegate's INDELIBLE INK. Will not wash ont Can be used with a pe i or stencil, FOR SALE BY OWEN G. DTTIOT, 59 POLLOCK ST. Fine Colored Paper by the lb. lib paper M 'FTT j-fc 2 pks env's TMjm SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. VVhitehurst's 45 PoUoek Hu Phone 228. I PEPSI-COLA DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING. Not Injurious Helpt Digestion. 5c. AT ftODA VOUSTAINB. ttm'H" Mallabontearrhurestrom Ato Z and the okT stages who has held the ' nu imwiMiM iiwi tnaiinwuiui 1Mb ifies him In stattnf thai the best car riages for ttyle, comfort aad durability are made: aad sold br Waters fuggy factory, " .. . .. ,- The only bums m town to tret any and everything to- repair buggie. . as before buying and save money, '.jui'c .. We put Rubber Tires on your .old- or new wheel. We shrink your too Mr In a machine without-ea Ulna them. Everybody la tori ted, to see the work of to macmne putungnaw votts a same old places.;',. ..--f , r I G. U. TTntePw Ct (San, HVr Cf. Pboa18J, '. 1 fld Broad 8k, 1 New Bl at; N. L store rt nominal cost, and tike ad- season; " 1- C ; ; ' -M .' " ' v by Ir.raraacor find. Ub- V ' -4. 1 tt I it .KSi nuuv warn TOP Special Is M New Bbl. Fulton Market i I Corned Beef Just receded at J. L. McDaniel's. Fresh lot Ontario Prepared Buckwheat ream of Wheat, Pettyjohn s Breakfast food, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter fresh from dairy, Map'e Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrup and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, Nice Drie j Apples and Apricots 10c lb, Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, The beat of everything in the Grocery line and a big stock to select from. 1 rices as low Respectfully, Phone 91. We Weie Right Store Dep't, Elm Phone 40. Cor. filiSlionO If you want one why not buy a good ono and save money. We have recently roceived a new stock of Brooms which you will find to be up-to-date both in quality and price. Also New Mince Meat just in, Atmore's Keystone, which yeu know is very fine, 10c per pound. We carry everything kept in a Grocery storo, and will be glad to have some of your orders. Respectfully, Broad St. Grocers. life BBL. CORNED BEEF! JUST v Sweet riokted Peaches, 80o per quart. 'tZ V Assorted Mangoe? 80o per quart, : Standard 8 lb Tomatoes lOo per can. I SUrtdaH.a lb Corn lOo, 8 for 26o. S v: Loose Olives 40o pet quart. Attmorei Pore Uiooe meat lOo per lb. - - ,:- Nabob tancaks Flour, lOo pet paokage. I f'- Heoker'i PiHomest.PsjvoaieFloiir lOo pfokage. , r Zt We want yout Ituineei and aw aelliag you goods lot less 22 ihan any other house In the city. ; Tbankbg von tot past fat-, - on rod trusting to reoelve a idkare 6 your future bBsiaeat, I am ; - ' Yotpe to : ,; r..w'ht4eaal and 1,!Sitti4i0.2 ; ".ttttiattattttMtetttltttatf.. , ,,,,MIII tttttttttttttlt.tVt tt . . . . v Celery Headache rowlcn. TTiwe It sot any better remedy for ' ' t' !.n these powders. ."They -' :t snd stsl only as possible. Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 71 Brtiasi HU in our selections of Fall and Winter apparel, and this has been attested by the approval of many men of fashion who have visited our store during the past week and made their purchases. We want your approval now. We want you to come in and see the new season's styles and make your selection while the stock is new and fresh come in to-morrow mornin , While we have both Suits and Overcoats at a great variety of prices, we want you to note particu larly the especially large collection nf each which we have marked $15. If you compare the qualities and and styles with others you will find them equal to any sold elsewhere at $18. City Lumber Co. H. Front efc Eden St. lis, Phone 137 OPEWED. ML '4 pleasej,4 , t: , Prescrlptloaa it Dai! A r lHvls,lrescripUoalPaanna y a tpeolahy of prescriptions. I and careful attentloa Is r' 1 ' Only the best drug are.i ' prlnm ar. reasonable. C- 1 r tilttt.iv-i. I V

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