VOL. XX-NO. 21)2 TWINTY FIRST TUB t THE STITE'S SflOBUGE $325,000 For Two Tears. Legisla ture at Fanlt. Appropriations Made Without Con sidering Income. Lively Chase or Illicit Distillers. SUto Charter. Election Connty Snperla teadent.Coal Scarce. Kaleigb, November SO. A charter wu granted today to the Badloal Rem edy Company of Hickory, capital (100, 000, The Charlotte Tromser Company was authorized to Increase 1U capital stock from $65,000 to $100,000. There Is only a few tons of coal In the way of supply for the Capitol and Sup rime Court buildings. There Is none for the Agricultural building, so in the Utter the steam heat la not on. Revenue officers had a lively experi ment last night. They went from here to a plaoe near Pocomoke, Franklin county. There they made a dash upon an Illicit distillery, and found the moon shlnors and their friends, a doxen In all, not at the still, but seated arOund a big fire of logs, playing cards. The twelve dashed off Into the darkness. The two officers pursued. One man ran Into a deep hole In a creek and one deputy ran r'ght on top of him. Bo h were over their heads In water. The deputy held to his man and brought him out On the bank he found a negro hiding, one of the party, and collared him also. The uiher deputy hal alsj cspiorod a man. The ellll u destroyed but the moon shiners were rt-lt-ated. The excess of appropriations for the two jeara ending November 80th on the tilalc'a lincomo for that period is $835, 000. 8 ate Tieanuror LaoyJ sayi. His chief clerk, Mr Moody lutukii the amount may be aa low as $315,0ti0 The main ctuae of this is of course the grrat ln creaao la appropriations. The legisla ture of 1901 made a great mistake as to the amount the taxis It levied would yle (I. It ie i)ly dl.l not know what would Iki ihu imoniK. Tliat was the real trou ble. The KN-ntcst fulling oil In taxei is in i hi' mrrrbanla purrbnse tax, the tap ing .IT hi-lng fl'i.O Hi Of course there arc mo e laxre rullccud than there were two)raia ago. In the aggregnle. The railway prlvtlcpo tix, which is new, yields $14 000, anil the inheritance tax, a'm new, about (4500. The hank tax falls off $8000. This la became the for mer law impoaed a $35 lax on banks with $10,000 or leas capita), while the , new law taxes inch $1 on tho $1000 of capital. The excels tax on corporations is a failure. It cosls more to collect It than It amounts to. That tax ought to be abolished. It falls upon only do mestlc corporations and is really a hard ship. The Slate Superintendent of public In structlon Is advised If the election of four new county superintendents B. G. Crisp In Dare, A M. Moore la Chatham, A. (J Reynolds In Burke and W W. Bod dlo In Franklin. Immense Fire In Russia. Oileua, Rostla, Nov. 19. -Nearly 8,000 000 gallons of petroleum, stored in reser voirs on the outskirts of this city, have been destroyed by Are. THE LIFE OF The Han Behind Ihe Desk. "Coffee aoaked me hard for about I h re years and I was troubled with In digestion, bxailachea sad drowsiness; 1 had no appetite and could not sleep and I wu steadily losing flesh all the lime. I had apent a small fortune on medi cine and doctors' bills; I consulted sev eral doctors, one told me that I had liver trouble, another told me that I had kid ney trouble, others prescribed remedies for numerous complaints, bat none helped me and I Anally looked upon my bad stomach as a part of my miserable existence, giving ap all hope of ever r being myself again. 1 knew that the cause of It was all due to office work, which precluded sufficient bodily exercise and the eating of aoa .,: nourishing and abn-dlgeetlve food, and .the drinking of lea and coffee" 1 bad to ; f : quit mj work, as I lost my menial and "A physical strength. f': A friend of mine, who weighs about Bill tha. Mil aL lnnka tka . g! health advised see te see Qrepe-ZUU aa i ' a food aad drink Poatum Cereal Coffee. - He eald that his perfect, health was doe to toe aae of ihese two para eoreaU. Be said thai Ifcay would build ap, the deli eate cells of the brale aad body aad re- store me to health. - I ay-ted on hhj advice aad ksva as ease to regret It, ( here now beea leg (trape-Nuts aad Postasa Ooffea for tome time and am In perfect health and weigh 10 lbs. more than J. aver did." ; drape-Matt reed Is the crystallised ee 'sence of all eereals. ' I eat four timet a day, prepare-l with aetata, and also by peering : aoate of It oat of the boa Uto : my hand, aad 4hea eating It Posts m 1 Coffee . hae alto helped .aae greatly." ftaioe give by Poatum Co. "suit Creek Mich.--v .;'-v : !.-:' DBWBT ORDERED TO EA. Gets His Official notice To Take Charge Of Maneuver. WaaHoraToa, Nov. 19. After a shore servtoa of over three years Admiral George Dewey has been again assigned to tea duty la an official order today is sued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Admiral la not only the oldest naval of ficer on active duty on shore or afloat, but Is to oommand the moat powerful fleet of warships assembled In peace time during the history of the navy. As announced laat week the Admiral will have the President's yacht Mayflower for his flagship and a staff composed of high ranking offioers, of which Rear-Admiral Henry O. Taylor will be chief. The other members of this staff are to be Captains William Swift and John B. PUlsbury. Commander Nathan Sergeant, and several junior officers not yet selected, as naval aids. The Mayflower sails ou December 1 and proceeds direct to Culebra Islands, where the Admiral will assume com mand of the entire fleet, with four rear admtralt acting as his assistants In charge of squadrons. The flagship now Ilea at the Washington Navy Yard, where workmen are engaged In placing two modern 4-Inch rapid-fire guns upon her and an addition to her armament of small gens. The Installation of these guns will be completed In a few days and the ship will then be In readiness to take part In the coming maneuvers. Orlavtn at "Watered Slock." The expression "watered stock," which describes so well the expansion Of the stock of a company beyond the value of the property, originated. It is Bald, In connection with Daniel Drew, who was once the wealthiest and most unique manipulator In Wall street Drew had been a drover In his younger days, and It was said of him that be fore Belling his cattle in the market he would first give them large quantities of salt to make them thirsty and then provide them with nil the water they could drink. In this way their weight was greatly increased, and the pur chaser was buying "watered stock." Leslie's Weekly. OU Polo. In "The Arabian Nights" we read of a wise sage wno cured a great, king by a decoction with which he anointed the handle of a stick with which the king wot In the habit of playing a game ft ball, to the end that when the royal hand peraplred In the rigor of the play the open pores might receive the med icament. The translator speaks of this stick as "golf stick" (sic), but It is plain from the context that the game was played on horseback. It was, in fact, polo. Indeed the illustrations of the very samo edition show the said king play ing the game on horseback. Taa Great QaMtlosu "We are to be made one," she sug gested. "Yea," be replied. "But which oner she asked. And in the attempt to settle that question another promising matrimo nial future was spoiled, for woman Is not so unassuming in these days aa the was once upon a time. Chicago Post A Daaeitfal Cat. Mamma Yon wicked little girl to tay that the poor cat has eaten the Jam, when I can see the stain of It on your face! Winnie Bo it was pussy 1 She stole the Jam, and after she'd eaten it the started licking my face to make people think rd done it Tka U-ralUr tha Bette. Young Man (In grocer1 a Pound of cheese, please. Grocer Tea air. Oorgontola or Ched dar? Young Man Oh, I don't care. Start 'em both across the counter, and IH take the winner. Market Letter on Cottotv By private wire, J.JKJ Latham A Oe. Maw York, Zlovembtr 10. Ma ch and May told at S SO,' with January $JN. This rap reseated aa advance of aboat a0 potate la January, or t dollars a bale. It la about what hat beea expected, aad what as wa seid, yesterday, we looked for Si cents for March before Ihe bartaa report. The advtnot hat eot quicker than we had expected. -Xrom a basis ef 8 for March aad May every. thing wUl depend on receipts and the action of Boa then spot markets. Ualets there la a. decided Improvement In the Soata, s will be difficult to get lbs mar ket mack over 8ie.-Too much oottm to offered hare for eeUrery. Holders of December will welcome the advaaee aad have done all la their power, to aasltt p riots to a higher level. There It an evident lateatloa of delivering notion oa oontraoU la January aad for this they have hough! December aa welt tt March.' Oa any id ranee the holders of OoUoa la the Boalk will sail here for de ll vary aad add their cotton to that held by spot people,; For tha reason ire woeld take profits around tyo. most cer tainly. There w!H he aehaaee to bay at a lower laral. ' There fa likely to be a tot-beck after a straight advaaee of 40 potate, thoagh we may aee a rather ex cited opsalng in the a. as. This will give holdera a. eaaaee to liquidate and get beck their eottoa later. - There hss beea taoh a tttorourh cleaning ap ef the loaf Inteseet that the tone la much Bet ter aad la likely te ha for a time. May aad March may get to 1 10, bat ws look for a te-actio towards Bo. before mack of ba advance above K , ' , -t . v v , 3, E. I.Twtit 4 Co, Torture ftr Broieman,: . BrjTTB.MoHTlfov. lJ. Advlon re ceived front tha Crow Wing Agency lest night tay the' death of a squaw JAero nearjy hmw an uytiouia,, . -.. The Indian on her pony wu struck by a freight train yesterday , and, Inatantly killed. A brave who accompanied the woman summoned a number of hit followers and they captured the brake man. ' ' : ' " The Indian police were summoned. When they reached the tepeea. the exci ted braves were holding a war danoe about their victim, who was bound to a tree, while the Indians were preparing to torture and burn him. ' The bucks 'objected to Interference and for a time a clash threatened, but the police succeeded In rescuing the man. Germans Eat Horse Meat. BEBnsHov. 19. Quotations here for fat 600 pound horses for slaughtering have fallen from $87.60 and $40 to $2, and for fair to middling and lean from $?5 to $18.76, la consequence of the ex posure of the fact that large quantities of horse meat are told at beet or used for making sausages. Horse flesh hat long been a regular article of food, but municipal ordinances In most German cities require that it shall be sold at such. The extraordi nary high prices of meat, however, have caused extensive evatloni of the law and a great increase In the tale of horse steaks and soup bones as beef. While the German frontiers are closed to the Importation of Uve cattle the pro hibition does not apply to old, broken- down horses, which are brought by ship loads from England and are fattened for butchering. Pimples. Blackheads, Red. Rough, Oily Skin Prevented by Mnuoirt 09 PaOKB TOT GuTICRIBA BojLf.asalstedbyOuTBxrBAOivrBrJore.tor preserving, purifying, and beaaUfrinf the skin, tot elaaoatng the scalp of erosts, aBil AAm0 mmA tha atntmlna- of t tailing half, for soften log, whitening, and toothing red, rough, and sore hands, for any raanes, .iwninia, bu nnannga, fcr all the parposesoi the taUst, bath, and nursery. BilUona of Womaa ass Ccn ooau Boa in the form ef baths lorannoy mg Inltationa, Inflanrmastons, an axcett Bttons, or too traaor caTanatvepaivplrarton, la tha torn of waaberlor aloaraliTwsak DBSsss, spa for many santttve ssxpeest. Cplsii"Jmtat fcr Haaoni, $1. OoiwBitlajt ' OTmotTBA BOArfc!.)oelari the aUaofemataaad acalaa,aBd aoftaatha ihlekaaail nttole; CtmonaA Onmnorf (SOeVtalaataatly allay rtealng, laeWiaUkiB, ana Irritation, and oolha ud teal ; aad Cutj camkBMtaumtmtA (u.k Se eaat ana elaaaat la blood. A Bniula Sn Is one saSadaat lo ears las savaisal aaia. - " cgnooma , Raaunswl TtuM ftaneaatat aomtoal satatttata tocaSabmatHqai imiii a nt rmwr ta aoaaa. nrtaa.au. . Pji..rk.lTiTgl.D " Oa"' 0B,M a ' 1 New Firm! New. Ms! Ail Unas . ox. Fancy Family; Groceries, Can Goods, .and Pickles new crop Canned Beef, 2 cant 25o. 9 lb can Tomatoes, )V. ... Wpped Beet 3 can Sc,'f Beat Porn per ean 10o.:.- ; Best Laid mjbi -U' 20 lbs GranvUted Sugar I1.0O for next 10 W?A&ii:eH f.t E; Land & Co. pSone tei FACE IlUWiS 88S? .' z . ' Bnntin;Lodee at Carteret Special lo Journal . ' r . r BaXiiaR,' November M. A charter wat granted today by the Bute, to the Carteret Gun and Bod Club, which wUl build and occupy a club hoaie at Car teret. "- ': ' The capital stock b fire thousand dol lars, and B.F. Votburgh of Mew York practically owns the entire stock. No Populist Left in Senate. Washington, D. 0., Mor lfc-IJp to yesterday afternoon there wat a Populist In the United States Senate officially. He wat Senator Earrlt, of Kansas. Yes terday Senator Harris went to the Gov ernment Printing Office, where the new edition of the "Congressional Directory ' la being prepared, and said: "Change my political designation Put me down at a Democrat." CASTOR I A For Inihnta and Children. - flu Kind Yob Hit. Always Bcsguf Bears tha Blgiafre of OV.t3FO!R.XL. Bawjtks y imlllii IWHiH alaift BaagM yjjtfgTT tz7UcJUU Ogsatais ef YOU CAN FIND JUST WHAT YOU WANT In Ghildrens Un-to-date School Shoes the Beat Values for the least money. Boys sizes lis to 5;, at $1 25 to $1 50. In Ziegler's we have for Boys and Misses, sizes 9 to 2, at $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 and $2 00. For Men we have all kinds. We carry the well known Charles Reiser shoe in all the late, up-to-date shapes and styles Box Calf Lace Hopkins toe, at $8 60. Regent Kid Lace Monarch toe, at $3 50. Patent Kid Lace Majestic toe, at $3 50. Patent Calf Lace Navarre toe, at 4 50. Patent Colt, St. Charles toe, at $3 50. Velonr Calf, $4 50. Kress Goods and Cape Sale! We never try to make big money on many tales. Oar store hag justly of low prices LOOK 1 LOOK 1 I H Inch Dress r lannel, worth 7oc for 48c ow coc 40c " lc CAPE8. t7 60 Canes. 94 M 4 CO Canes. 9 98 8 ' 0 Cspoa, .... 179 For this week' we have 50 dozen Hose, worth I0o, will sell this week Ladies Underwear 25 dos, valae 'Just received a big line of Hvu mention; also a full line of all kinds Very retpootfeUly,' v75 Middle t, Beit (e Otiklll Sale mi ''J J LAKGZ3T AND A mm )air r i mm . BtBWiBsaBltWlaWtnwawy .'-. ever offered fof ih'o in. t: cify, A car k.. let each Jast In.' ' " : ,, Also a complete line of Erfie, 'R'Bj .r , IT.irn-i, Itobcfc, 'YTUps, 0art;Tlw-!3,V.V ' . TELEGRAPHIC BREYTTDES. - v.. .- .- '. . --- .- .- .- The survivors of tha British steam ship Xllgamlta which wu wrecked near Haw Boath Waletufferad antold tgoay until rescaed by a pasting boat,. They are aaid to have tacked each others' blood to keep alive, they were In a perl lout condition 70 hours. ' Kenttworth Ian, one Of the finest ho tels in North Carolina, situated tt Athe vflls, Wat told Wednesday for $50,000. It cost about ISOO.OOO to build it Owing to a difference of opinion with the- Board of Directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, President Walters hat resigned. Resignation to take effect November 80. Stillman Gives Harvard $100,000. Boston, Nov., 19. James B. Stillman, president of the National City Bank of New fork, hat presented $100,000 to Harvard University for the endowment professorship in comparative anatomy. Thli fact wat known at a meeting of the Harvard overseers today. At Davis'. Freeh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vac cine Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure OtoMta wfcat voej aat on a few tales but a little money earned the title of the birth place CHILDREN JACKETS. J GO Jackets, - . $1 88 1 00 Jackets, 1 U 160 Jackets, 1 00 Jackata. i-aaiea nea ana gray riannei unaer- skirt goods at 10c, 15o and 88c. Miasea and Children! Black Rib at half price to. S71o each, this week 22jc. and Boys Clothing prices too low to of Shoes. Hdiv Co., Re Ben, & C. am i - - r-T a - " t - -. r-" VCZZt t -OCT. '' :T .TOTyTTflR 2 f l . KEEP YOUR BOOKS CLEAN By using Collins Improve?! Ink Eradleator Will remove ink and other staina from paper or cloth without damage FOR SALE BT 69 POLLOCK IT : OIL The Improved Best, and Oheapest, Whftehursfs 45 Pollock St. Phone 228. An Up-to-date Big a regular cock of tha walk for Thanksgiving day and for every day is what a driving man wants, and he need seek no farther than onr carriage repos itory, where all that is new, novel, smart and stylish in pneumatic tired and spec ial made vehicles can be had. We have the beat la design, make and flaish, and our carriages of all kinds are noted tor their extreme ease of riding and ran nlng qualities. The onlv place in town to get aay and everything to repair baggies. Bee at before buying and save mosey. We put Rubber Tires on yoar old or new wheels. We shrink yoar loose tires in a machine withoat comas them. Everybody it invited. to tee the work of the machine potting new ooits in old places. G. H. Waters A Sou, Phons 188, n Broad -.,' New Ba", N. O All persona having claims against the Trent Lumber Co. will please present same at once. And all par ties owing the Trent Lumber Co. will please be prepared to pay same upon presentation. CEAS. H. HALT., Mgr. Trent Limber Co SheWSmfoZ Suit when you ask her head If the anil you admire men who are careless hi their at tire careless in eiotn. or ttyte. we u do an we oaa for yon-end that's a treat diJ.tA mn la hav food srsia- If von let nt bare tou order, r We will probably make yoai weading ton atesr. rru 4 . .t . ''3EBT BT TEST." , -A8 CHEAP k Till OTHEB.' I '. Fresh Weekly. ". Asanry, ETfAPTIAK'S TnkTJSkCT, aaft lie tot he Public -mmmmmammmSM eBssBBBw-- All the necessary Thanksgiving and Xmas Fruit Gake. Such as Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Pure Spices and Flavoring Extraets. Also Fine London Layer Raisins, New Prunes, JSraporat ed Peaches and Apples, Apricots, Atmore's Mince Meat, Cran berries. A complete Btock of Canned Goods and Vegetables, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Tomato Catsup, Tobasco Sauce. Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, Finest Cream Cheese, Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, and hundreds of nice articles which we cannot mention for want of space. Yours to please, j. l urn 'Phone Ol. We Weie Right I Jitti a rrcvm n y ) aay Store Dep't, Elm Phone 46. Cor. VsVmVsV 10 If you want one why not buy a good ono and save money. We have recently received a new stock of Brooms which jou will find to be up-to-date both in quality and price. Also New Mince Meat just in, Atmore's Keystone, which yeu know is very fine, 10c per pound. e carry everything kept in a Grocery store, and will be gladto have some of your orders. Respectfully, McGehee Broad St Grocers, av a a a a a aav n a spbb a a a a a a a a a urvi nni JUST .5e'.v Sweet Pickled Peaches, 80o per quart. , 'e i Assor!ed Mangoes 30o per quart, .: Standard 8 lb Tomatoes lOo per can. 2at StonJard 2 lb Corn 10c, 8 for 26c. .'" Loose Olives 40o per quart. - jjj e v Attmore's Pure Minoe meat lOo per lb. a Nabob Panoake Flour, lOo per package, at Beokerli Old Homestead Pancake Flour lOo package. S ; We waat your businesi and are selling yon goods for than any other house In the city. Thanking yon for past on tnd trusting to receive a shars of your future bruinesf-, Yours to a .ji-' a. -I- 3"ai 3E5 satwa!aawEt ;L iiih ) . .vc: Whnlaaala amf aMtan Orskeaa. : : PBOIC ,TCor. Creatt Cl ZXaneack Cta. ; - :?4tiMMtaeSMestM4Mtltaa. ' VI tt miiiiiMiiti tut i tett tt tttsttt.tt. v ' Celery BeaOutw Htien, ' There Is not any tetter remedy for hea!v.:;e than ' theee powders. They ".t f-1 ii r-""ve.. ' and told only i i , ' -a fv'-n articles to make your Wholesale A Betall Greeer, 71 Broad St. in our selections of Fall and Winter apparel, and this has been attested by the approval of many men of fashion who have visited our store during the past week and made their purchases. We want your approval now. We want you to come ki and see the new season's styles and make your selection while the stock is new and iresn come in to-morrow morn in, While we have both Suits and Overcoats at a great variety of prices, we want you to note particu larly the especially large collection cf each which we have marked $15. If you compare the qualities and and stylos with others you will find them equal to any sold elsewhere at 18. City Lumber Co. H. Front eft Eden HUu & Phone 137 AAtatlFPi B B f- 3t iiiinitru nrrr r ni s aaa.BB a OPHJTbEB. " f v'v' ; .las'' fat-: lam ' please, V v PrtscrlptKu at UtIs. DBrk'reterlpUon IPaamaey atpeolahy of peeaoriptlona, - Pro-;'. aad oarafol . attention la (tveu t' Only the beet dregs art 1. 1 prli at reatosable, ' lend yo 1 1 Willis. to he tu.tx -

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