VOL. 1X-NO. 203 TWENTY-FIRST YIAR 4 4 f is cnrji lid: -?-flw-,Jr YOU CAN JUST WHAT YOU WANT la Ohildrens Un-to-date School Shoes the Best Values for the least money. Boys sizes lis to 5a, at $1 25 to $1 6. In Ziegler's we have for Boys and Misses, sizes 9 to 2, at f i zd, sjsi oo, i a ma p w. For Men we have all kinds. 1 TT 1 . .11 Box Calf Lace Hopkins toe, at 13 50. Regent Kid Lace Monarch toe, at $3 50. Patent Kid Lace Majestic toe, at $S 50. Patent Calf Lace Navarre toe, at $4 60. Patent Colt, St. Charles toe, at $3 50. Velonr Calf, $4 50. Dress Goods and Cape Si ! We never try to make big money on a few sales but a little money on many ealbs. Our store has justly earned the title of the birth place of low prices. LOOK ! LOOK ! 1 45 inch Dress I lannel, worth 75c (or 48c 38 " " " ' 50c " f3c 40 " " " " 40c " 21c (APRS. 7 50 Capes, - 4 98 4 .'.0 Canes, 3 98 3 ' 0 Capes, - 1 73 For this week we have 50 dozen MisBes and Childrens Black Rib Hose, worth 10c, will sell this week at half price 5c Ladies Underwear 25 doz, value 371c each, this week 2'2jc. Just rec.ived a big line of Mens and Boys ( lothing prices too low to mention; also a full line of all kinds of Shoes. Very respectfully, 75 Middle St. next to Gatklll J. A JONES, Livery, Feed Sate ana Exchange -LARGEST AND FIKBET STOCXOF- ever offered for sale in this city, Also a complete line of Biggies, Cartwheels, Ac, J A JONES, Vjhrt A.u Up-to-date Big a regular oock of to walk lot Thanksgiving day and fat every day I of every flay I ota, ami be aeed WDM a amine ; seek ao farther than oat carriage repoe- nor y, inn au sua is mww, i(m,Hsn ! nod stylish t pneumatic tired end s; ' ial Bade vehicle cm be had. We I .. . ft-, -.' the keek la deslrn. make and flalah. . our carriage of all kind are noted tot .'- the b. extreme ease of riding and rem- nlneanalltlea. .'. ' i s' ..a , -4 i-. V - ; The oalr Dtao In tow to ret aav and everything to repair baggie. Ha aa ? - before baying and save aaoaey. f . l? We pat Babbet Tire oa yoer old or . . ' HI wheel. W shrink yen loose Urea , ra soaebln wlthoat cutting shea. . - ; Everybody I Invited to see the work ol . rf .the machfo potting new bo He la sane K. , old pieces. ' ''", '7 t. Ha t7fttew Bon, .' v , rtooe m,f '. ' - r - HJEroad't Kf Cam, H.O.' i '"'"V : '"E1-'-i;;."' FIND asy We carry the well known 3K .- 3 L 1 nnf1 .Ulaa 3?f " CHILDREN'S JACKETS. $3 SO Jackets, - - - - 81 98 1 00 Jackets, - - - - 1 24 1 50 Jackets, .... 98 109 Jackets, .... 69 ladies Red and gray Flannel Under- skirt goods at 10c, 15c and 25c. Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. tables A car load of each Jut int Wagons, Haras, Robes, Whip, Bmi St. Stmrt'i Old Staid. KEEP YOUR tiOOKS CLEAN Bj. using Celllm Improred Ink Eradlcator : Will remove ink and other (taioa from paper or oloth without damage All persons Jbavjngclatan .against tha Trent tnmber pcv'will ' please preaeot aama atooc. i And all par ties owing tht Trent lumber Co will pleas bt prepared U pay same npon pretoptatlon f -' ejus. II. HALT, ': : Jfgr. Trct l' Ur Co. HI ATI A A f A 111 A Dnkl THE OLD niUZZLE ": Abo!utery:Nre THERE JS NO SUSSTTfllTE TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Pres. Roosevelt has returned borne from his Mississippi bant boerless. He was accorded warm and enlhntiasttc receptions at Memphis and Kn'oxvllle Tenn. The volcanic eruption of 8anto If aria, In Gastamala, ts said to have caused the death of hundreds of people' LWestock In Colorado are perishing great numbers on account of the drought there. Revenue officers raided six UlloItstUU In Booth Carolina Thursday. They had little trouble In securing the moonshine material. Mrs Carrie Nation of hatchet fame, made one ot her periodical sensation by attending the New York hone show Wednesday evening and criticising In a loud strident voice the wearing apparel of the ladle attending the show. 8be wu escorted oat of the room by the police. Ulsi Helen Gore, an American artist studying In Paris was killed Thursday In the room of a Russian Nobleman In the French Capitol. The affair hat caused some sensation and there is con siderable mystery as the police authori ties are not certain, whether It la mur ler or suicide, RAILWAY TIES. Special 'Yescue" trains are being or ganized on all the German lines., More than 80 per cent of the em ployees of French railways get less than $31 a month. The heating surface of the boiler of a modern locomotive is equal to s space 60 feet long by 47 feet wide. A long burning oil font for switch and semaphore lamps Is now being pot Into use. It holds oil enough for seven days and nights with one oiling, and the wick needs no attention In the meantime. AFTER MARRIAGE. Different Living Affects Some People. "I never drank coffee until after I was married,'' says a lady from AdalnrlUe, Oa. My hasbasd drank coffee and" I thought It was nice to drink with him, and we enjoyed It together. After a while I found that my digestive organ wen much disturbed, bat aot knowing the cause, I weal oa drinking coffee and growiag more wretched each day. In die time, three Uttle girls came to what osght to aavs been aJtappy home. bat I wu nervous aad unhappy myself and could not aake anyone els hsppyt to my gnat consternation, two of my little girls bad spurns, and I, a nervosa wreck, foand ft Impossible to eat any thing that did not hart my stomach. I finally concluded I had heart dis ease, my heart pained lee so mack after eating, and my head wu so dlxsy J of tea thought I would fall whsa. trying to walk aorosstM room, . " I tried every medicine 1 heard ot, aad had different doctors tteat aae, ' but-wlth no benefit I oould aot sleep half tha night, sad avr sleprsownd I would wake oat of a fright fal dream Only to dote and wak again. Finally,! read of Poslum Food Coffee and my hasbaad got a pack age from oar grocer, I mad torn sooordlag to direc tions.? I Uk4 Its flavor very mack sad the first cup seemed to help my stomach. I used h-evsry meal, sometimes making a whom meal oa, Fostam aad a hit of rsax , .K'.n?. is kfVf. I Improved so -- fsst that I mold sooa eat anything I wanted. ' I hegaa to look so maob bstter my Meads were wt- prised am) said I looked u well as when I Was first snarrlel I oould sleep as sweeUf u a chad. Of ooarso th child res e,tlt coffee s&d dienk Postum, and they all began to UUaa aad th spasms topped. K I wu I ootid tm press It oa every weak, amott persoa to abandon coffee aad as Post urn Cereal if every ntrv ou ptrsoa'wotnd hv -see roe la my nervosa sfQlotloa from drinking oollse, aad could sow see m and my little ones round the table enjoying oar Postum, they surely aever would lndslge la cof fee again, for thare Is so more nervous prostration; no mors headaches; no more spurns, end I am sble to do my own work snd oare for my chllilren." Name smn by Poitnm Co., T "-s fruV, mm. American Cigar Co. Headquarters EstablisHed at Dnrham. Important yTJ, S, Cases at rTIlmlsg- toa. Eegret for Death efBev. Wettoa( B. Qales. : A, 'Day Nursery" Opened. Thlr teea CoBvlett Seat to . ; State Farm. Rauioh, Nov. 81. The American Cigar Company hu domesticated itself In this State, with headqusrters at Dur ham and Frank L. Fuller as Its repre sentative. Its capital Is $10,000,000 of which $,W5,000 Is paid up. The pension warrants are now being rapidly prepared, so that all can be sent out by State Auditor Dixon December M,Flrst class ' pensions will this year get t0. Snd class $48. 8rd olass 85. and 4th class, Including widows, $14.50. United States District Attorney, Harry Skinner left today for Wilmington, when a term of the United 8tatee Dis trict Court begins Monday. Hs says there are some important post office cases on the docket Judge Purnell snd United States Marthil Dockery will leave here Sunday for Wilmington. Great regret is expressed here at the death of Rev. Weston R. Galea, a native of this cliy, at Montreal a colony of which he wu the founder. He wu an Independent evangelist and conducted services here during the week of the State Fair In a Biptlst Church. He had for a long time been in weak health. Ht wu a son of the late Ma J Sealon Gales, who died in 1879, and great grandson of the noted Jouph Gales, who wu known all over the United States u one of the editors of the National Intelligencer. Judge-elect Charles M. Cooke of Loulsburg wu here today and wu s caller at the executive office. He was on his way home from Shelby, where he spoke at large re-unlon of ex-Confederate Veterans. News reaches here that J. L. M. Car ry, for some time sick at Ashevllle, is now Improving. The stockholders of the Oak Ulty to bacco warehouse and Investment com pany, met here today and elected officers and directors This company hu bought a lot now occupied for city purposes and next will build a large leaf warehouse, s stemmery, etc. The "day nursery," which Is for the special benefit of working mothers, wu opened here today. It U maintained by one of the circles of King's Daugh ters. Thirteen convicts have been sent from the penitentiary to join the large force at the State farm on the Roanoke river, leaving only about 65 convicts In the main prison. This afternoon the funeral of Mr. J. R. Berkley wu held here. He wu widely Known for yean u a commercial trav eller. His health broke down some months sgo. He wu a Confederate Vet ran and the local camp paraded at the faaeraL He wu a prominent member of tne Baptist Tabernacle. THREE KINGS. Kaiser Wllhelm accrue to bnve gone In to cultivate the Poles wltb on ax. Atlanta Journal. King Alfonso set ns though be In tends to be his own matchmaker. Plttsbur Clirootcle-Telegrapb. The sii 1 1 ii ii of Turkey Is not alurmed by the M-twicct of another ultimatum. He it '.m nllve MoMrwHl Herald. Market Letter on Cotton. By private Wire, J B lth im t Co. NawYoBi, Nov.Ol. According to Nw Orleans the total In sight aow Is (30,000 bales over last year and 800,000 over two year ago. -Th crop two yean sgo showed a total of 10,490,000 atead of season, and but year 10,700,000. This woald Indicate from 10,70,000 to 41 millions.'-. When th movement falls be low tost year thare b aot likely to he mack of aa advance In 81n this market Th reaction -this a. m.came quicker thaa wu expected. From th aotloa of th market that were , moat points of comparison with 1900 thaa say market seea last year. la that year then wu a strong-statistical position Jnst ay aow, oa oa side, alargcr crop than been ex posted, oa th other. Between tlajwo the market flaetaatod In : ware. . Ta pretest market seems to b doing lost that prlou starred apfrom tJH.eeme srtthla I pels la of 7 and are aow book to 8JM. - W deal see muck la th sitn tioa Jut aow to buy for farther ad tano aad woald take profit. , The mar ket should' hre a sharp break u re covery hu been vsry .rapid. ' Shorts are getting well under cover end say is ortsssla pressure, would leave much baying power u market is getting mag again, ,Oa this advaaos w cao expect ore cotton to be offend from the south and this will supply buying orders. Above 8.85 for December th south sells bet jast u it did before, unleuweget mors of a demand the selling wUlhault tbeadvsnoev We would wait ;.; ;;. , ' ' J.R Letham k Co. v-rorIii.nts-l( x rir:v:ir : '! Inclement Weather Brings Cougiis, Colds and Catarrh. wthtr btghu when aotuma oorfs. Ffto jraaf nbttctiom to Oar cfimwn H that H aUtmatea he- twta tha Stat ot tin (ropfes and the rtgonot tha Arctic Thaajttam bacomaa rtlaied by tha Users at tba kaat, ami tha Orat coM aaap ot wtatar torn tha aaad ot thomaaada ot eaaea ot chronic catarrh which a larga per cent, ot cases will aoatatalty. Ptpaktaot Wm. Ubetakar Vaea Pa- room aa a aataguara Agatoat ) Inclement Wamther. a , Wm. Ubelsker, President of the Lake View Lodge of Foresters, writes from 8837 North Clark St., Chicago, 111., the following letter i The Pemna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. : Gentlemen For years put when I have been exposed to wet or Inclement weather, my chest would hurt me and I would have serious indigestion, and I would be laid up for a day or two, caus ing Inconvenience and pain. On of my lodge friends advised me to try Peruse, u It had helped him, and I found that a bottle cured me. If I feel badly now I at once take two or three doses, and I find it keeps me in fine health. Pemna is worthy of every one's confidence, WM. TJBELAKER. It I only tast ordinary good, common sense to provide against inclement weather. If you have the slightest cold, cough, saeeslng, or any other indication that yon are "under the weather," a few doses of Peruna will put you right SAVE MONEY ! Compare these prices with thoBe you have been paying : Pio-nlc Hams, sliced, Beat Lard, Compound Lard, Pies Feet hi vinegar lYpe inyinegar, Good Flour,. 12c lb. 18c " 10c ' 8c " 5c " . 2s " Better Flonr. Best Pie Peaches 10c can, 8 forSc. Table Peaches, 15c " 8 " 25c. Canned Cons, 10c " 8 " 85c. " Tomatoes 10c can. 20 lbs Best Granulated Sugar, any time you want it, lor si ou Also have a supply of Oranges, Apples Bananas, Pears, etc. Try a peck of my 5c apples. Give me a trial. Tours for business, JT. F. YKNCENT, Car. Soata Proas letealf Streets are mor o lovable when a glau of Bud- wels beer goes with the turkey. This beer, a a table bevenge, ' is widely re nowned as th nneat brewed In America. and la fully oqual to the best German maa. w sre ready to oil year order. J. P. Taylor, ' l' : ' MEW BERN, H. 0. v All. kinds' oi" Fancy Family Groceries, Can Goods, and- Pickles new crop, .':if- - Canned Deef, 9 oans 2So, , lbnTomatoeariic; ' ' ''; hipped Beef, 2 cang 3S-'r Best Corn per can Xfo.-wyiW. "Beat Lard I3o lb: , , 20 lbs Granakted Sugar 11.00 for next 10 days, - r, .LLc-ilCiGo. .." Pbcse Ull C9 Broad El.- I"' ' " 's A' '"'in snlVi- . tlatb'iiiici fesiiii ' Congressman Horace a. (mover, of Port Austin, Mich., writes from House of Representatives, Washington, D. C as follows: "I have found Peruna a very efficient anil speedy remedy for a peralataot and annoying cough reiultlog from catarrhal trouble. "Horace O. Saover. Mrs. La vlna E. Walker, who holds the highest state office of the Lsdles of the Illinois a. A. R., which Is Department Chaplain, writes the following letter: Westers Spbihos, III. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. I Gentlemen : "You have my sincere gratitude for placing before suffering women a medicine which has proven such a blessing u Peruna hu. "I have used it myself when much worn out, and found most gratifying results, and a number of the women of our Order suffering with weakness pe culiar to women, have been wonderfully helped and cured by Peruna." Lavtna E. Walker. Address Too Peruna Mediolne Co., of Columbus, O., for a rroo copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh. UiHSI The Improvefl Universal. Wewest, Rent, and Cheapest, Whitehurst's 45 Follock Hi. Phone 228. If AI L. A0OB8, She'll Smite on jov whan von aak hs? hand If th anil VOU wear Is of onr making. Womea dont admire mea who Sr carelew In their ae tlr oareless hi cloth, at or style. We'll do all w oan for you end that's a great deal to get you la her rood graces, If you let os have your order.'- W wiU pTOOaDry mace josx weuauig sun suer. "A3 enr ap as Trt oitrv on. All the necessary articles to make your ! Thanksgiving and Xmas Fruit Cake. Such as Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Pare Spices and Flavoring Extracts. Also Fin London Layer Raisins, New Prunes, Evaporat ed Peaches and Apples, Apricots, Atmore'a Minco Meat, Cran berries. A complete stock of Canned Cloods and Vegetables, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Tomato Catsup, Tobasco Sauce. Fox RWer Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, Finest Cream Cheese, Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, and hundreds of nice articles which we cannot mention for want of space. Yours to please, J. L. McDANlBL, 1 'Phone 91. 71 Bread HU We Wefc Right ''aMaMsaswiswe sf Store Dep't, Elm Phone 46. Cor. If you want one why not buy a good one and save money. We have recently received a new stock of Brooms which you will find to be up-to-date both in quality and price. Also New Mince Meat just in, Atmore's Keystone, which yeu know is very fine, 10c per pound. e carry everything kept in a Grocery store, and will be gladjto have some of your orders. Respectfully, Broad St. Grocers. 1 NEW BBL. CORNED BEEF,! JUST 8weet Pickled Peaches, 80o perlquart. Assor ed Mangoej 30o per quart, Standard 8 lb Tomatoes lOo per oan. g Stanlard 2 lb Corn 10c, 8 for 25c. Loose Olives 40o per quart. Attmore's Par Minos meat lOo per lb. ' NttbobPanceke Flonr, lOo per package. Hooker's Old Homestead Pancake Flonr lOo package. j f ' We want your bneiness and are selling yon goods t ot losi than any other house In the oity. Than ing yoa for past laT-i ; on md tnutlng to reoeiv share of your future hnsinessj I am ; '.ZZ-: : Totirs to $z CTss r":iZE3- 3?i . Wholeaala aad : PHOHI.69 " -J. a. a a I I t 1 1 1 t 1 A;a illlllllltlillltllillltlllllllH ; X celery Hadiche ttoi, Z4 '. Wer Is aot' any heiter remedy' Jtor h" ' ' tHa lhe powders. - They - ' ,. . m ioH en'.y Wholesale A Retail Groeer, in our selections of Fall and Winter apparel, and this has been attested by the approval of many men of fashion who have visited our store during the past week and made their purchases. We want your approval now. We want you to come in and see the new season's styles and make your selection while the stock is new and f resh come in to-morrow mornin, While .e have both Suits and Overcoats at a great variety of prices, we want you to note particu larly the especially large collection ef each which we have marked $J5. I f you compare the qualities and and styles with others you will find them equal to any sold elsewhere at 118. City Lumber Co. N. Front A Fden Hta. Phone t37 OPENED. please, 'lai(lt90itti :-x ... v - Cor, Broad aft ZXanecjek Cu. 4 'TitscrlFlloM tt Cavis. ' Davis J"rsorIpUoa ;Phannacy t Specialty of preeerlptlons. Fr o aad careful . attehtloa Is i'j i t Only th best drugs are" . frlreS ressonaUe, t. i f wke l h