r ' ,.,' w '1, V . i . " ' 1 V 4 .l-M'i'4 '-a''',",-.e.Jiffijf'1 - JS. jf 1 PLJ liluhitl His ; rj i i i i .- . to It 'r5JV Aw " -, -Ji AWgetable Prcpatu.ioafor As similating ttteFoodandfiefi ula- tliigtheSloinaclisawlBcwieisef Promotes DigeslioniCheerlur- ness and Kest contains neiihrr Sjium.Morpliine ncrl!ii.jral. ot "Narcotic. Outfit tfOUCr. 'HUL'J.L IHTOHSR Jmmmtt - Smd- Aperfecl Remedy forConslina Hon. Sour Slotnach.Diarrttoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Mrs. Fred No. 228 Territorial Street, "I am pleased to trive my experience with Wine oi Caraui as I am very grateful for its help. After my first baby was born I could not seem to regain my strength, although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My husband came home one evening with some Wine of Cardui and in sisted that I take it for a week and see what it would do for me. As he seemed to have so much faith in it I did take the 1 medicine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly returning. Ia two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties, I am very enthusiastic in its praise.' rTIOTHERHOOD is the noblest duty II and highest privilege women ' 1 can achieve oraspireto. With out this privilege women do not get all there is in life too often they go through the world discontented, wrapped up in their own BelfUh cares and troubles. How different is the happy mother, watching her children grow into manhood and womanhood. A mother lives as many lives as she has children their joys and sorrow! are mi nr WINEofCARDVI Str. Blanche. On and after Tuesday, October 28 Hi, 1902, the Hr. Blanche will sail for Bavboro, Stonewall and Vandemtic on Tuesday's and Fri day's nt i o'clock, a. m , returning Wednesday's and Saturday's. Freight received for above points daily. J. B. ARKNDELL Agent. M The undersigned will make yon n Tian, or ill direct the use of any idle money you may have on hand. Yi nr tecurity absolute Signed, ISAAC II. SMITIT, l.'iO Middle r-'t New Bern, N. C CsplMt, surpln"and iroffi')tMS.o H' APROJJOthi'lJiii.' What Wc Hye Ooa,rOo. 404 ulli fwii..'ri.'t'l-,'r' T 111 WI1UUUV IV UV, Tblt Bank condaotsj fca bntlsMstrpoa "UD-to-now" methods. 'fkxii It Is our purpose to deal lastly and liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the. I teres ts nf our customer, Moreorf,l W fre quently do It unknown to litem; tt op Dortonltiea often come to us la confiden tial ways, and you onmn.qrMppeclatri We ate not dlspoc9 so joverlook the fact that thf Intereau of OA Bank and thoM of th people art closely boaad to : get her, aad caaoot bj any BMaai bi .eparatad. , TbU Bank acta aa npoaitarr for. f Wills, and afdy.kewpaFttMW. tllLtha 4 proper time of surrender. Will also act ;. as the oustodlaa of ney or papm left with oi Jn escrow, No charge lot these .''ervtoet, -' T, -t) ' We procure Letters of Credit for to. . 'loading travollara."" " - We aim to be protapt, progressive aad 1 liberal. . , : - la tbt mner of aoeonmodatloai, this Baok meets every requirement wlthla ; -the llmlta of prudent banking. If Jon have never baea Idtotlfled with , us as t patroa, we ask yoa to consider ; th advisability of becoming one, la tha aarly future, wo propote adding ' a novel, yet lubstaatlal ttarlng Bank feature to .our already progressiva , tti uoa. . ...".v mmw m m mm m Tor Infanta and Children. In Use Over Thirty Years T:- -r -fi eoKPnr. new VONR OITT. VivraLth, Benton Harbor, Mich. hers, as art their ambitions, triumphs and defeats. Healtny women ao not gol fer miscarriage nor does a woman who is healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It is the woman who is ail ingwho has female weak nesswho fears the ordeal of becoming a mother. Wine of Cardui builds up the wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains irregularities which are re sponsible for barrenness and miscar riage. It makes a woman strong and healthy and able to pass through preg nancy and childbirth with little suffer ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wine prepares a woman for a speedy recovery to health and activity. Wine of Cardui, in re-inforcing the organs of generation, has made mothers of women who had given up hope of ever becoming mothers. Wine of Cardui will core almost any case of barrenness except cases of organio trouble. How can you refuse to take such a remedy that promises such relief from suffering? Wine of Cardui simply makes you a strong woman, and strong, healthy women do not suffer. They look for ward to motherhood with joy. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. CHICHBTCIIB sTNCLiaU EHHYROYAL PILLS AV OHhnJ an.l Oulr Uea.l.a. .AFC. aim.hm I ..lies ut Drafrt m cumins! i:k'i knguah In HE1 u'l UM ttlllfl turn ml SJ wjDuceroii Hah.tltatUn aaS Imtt. lump k, Parth'ilar, Tattaaalala X 'Rtllef IWr law, ra- iara Hall. 1 H.OOtt TMtlBoaWla. Uj. all Draulni. Oalaaaatcr Caaailaal Oal kkaarat. Maala.a aaaa. PH1LA. Pg THB CELEBRATE Den Garland Wood Heaters We are the agent. Breech Loading, Single and Double Barrel, Hammerleaa Shot Guns. Full line Ammunition for Sports men. Sash, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. r If si"' ' ! VMtr Hotel Chattswka, Clean, para wholeaome, guaranteed to be ohemlcally made from distilled wafer a.d free (rom imparlUea. Bpoolallr in. tended and prepared for human 000. Mimptlon. , loo deUrered dell (f oept Sundays) ) tmtolpm, ;. Cn ttanday (retail only)"? a m'to II noon. Tjror pnoesana ouer,uuormauonr , lifew Brniio' ice tC ff' A flood :.y..l', 1-". T w- ; UIIC ' BKBVIO 18 A. B0BIITI88 v:.'i BlSftD , , , 1, , ;v fv ConTcnlence, '. --.Xfuxury ! Or dor VoMi Phone at Oncel ' .' ' CJjwita what o-J e- ?, " 1 . a Bears thra . ul SiDTiatnrfl 11 cW 1 JTW iJ For Ma EaWiini 1 rAcrs VLtm urfS :Jr "V-v l-T-'.S'-. '..""V... Milwaukee has a bowling club four of whose member weigh 1,000 pounds, A 'sparring exhibition ' was recentJT held in Eanaaa City for the benefit of a church. - - : : - ? ; Two motor care are now carryinf passengers betweea Bnlawayo and too natlyinc district. , , , ;' Licensee were taken out for 422,803 dog last year In Ireland, the amount paid being f4268 6ji. The cholera In Egypt la decreasing. The latest statistic give 798 a the total number of case. There have been 647 deaths. Twenty year ago the total bitumi nous coal output of the United States was about 60,000,000 ton a year, whereas now It 1 not far from 250, 000,000. An order for 18,000 eight horse plow to be used for breaking np the virgin Boll in South Africa has been received by the Furquhar Agricultural work at York, Pa. German manufacturers of machinery have recently received order for 100 locomotives, representing a value of t,000,000 marks, which will go to Slam, Italy, India and Denmark. A writer In the Bevue de Paris de clares that many Frenchmen hope that some day Spain, the most fertile and most ill governed of European coun tries, will become French aolL General Andre, the French, minister of war. Is seeking to Improve the head gear of the French army. The present headgear Is considered to have con tributed in no small degree to the many recent cases of sunstroke.' Among the most interesting feature of southern Oklahoma are the remain bf the grass house formerly built by the Wichita Indians, who to a certain extent keep up their novel mode of architecture to the present day. The criminal court of Bodes, Avey ron, France, has Just put on record a decision against two newspapers and n doctor for calling one Lacombe a Freemason, "using the term In an In sulting and defamatory sense." In the average wages paid to employ ees the Industry that stands highest among the large undertakings is that uf smelting and refining, says Mabln's Magazine: Here the average for the IU.CiOU workers Is $051! per worker. The ivport covering coffee and tea Importations for the last fiscal year Intensifies what was shown by the re port for the year before namely, that we AmiTieiuis are becoming the great toffee drinking nation of the world. Germany lins a new university. Mini ster, in Westphalia, which now has the complete number of faculties. For many years liu::ster was called en" "academy," us It had only u double theological faculty. Catholic and Prot estant, and a philosophical faculty. The strait of Canso, between Cape Breton and the mainland of Nova Sco tia, Is to be bridged. The task is an immense one, involving great engi neering dilliculties, and the outlay is about $5,000,000. The bridge will be a cuntalever, with a span of 1,800 feet, the longest In the world. While In New York Prince Henry saw and admired a keyless clock w hich was In course of manufacture. It was the first timepiece of Its kind. The prince ordered one, which he will present to his brother, the kaiser. It will run continuously for a year with out the change of battery. Police pensions in Chicago have been cut down 20 per cent in compliance with the law which provides that they shall be scaled it necessary to meet the condition of the fund. The pen sioned widows of policemen are much distressed over the cut, many of them having large families to support Shad were very scarce in Connect! cut waters this summer, but appeared in large numbers In the Ohio river, a profitable catch having been made Withln'flve miles of Cincinnati. Before 1870 shad were never caught in the iOhlo river. The first one taken in that year was considered such a curiosity that It was sent to tbe Smithsonian In stitution. An English physician who has been making a study of disease In' Alaska reports that cerebro spinal meningitis Is very prevalent, scorbutus 1 wide spread, rheumatism Is frequent, pneu monia Is almost unknown, strange to bay, and Insanity Is by no mean rare, Ills report indicates that a vigorous bhyslque Is required to resist the Alas kan climate. f A research steamer belonging to the Norwegian government 1 recently car ried on In tbe North tea sotne elperl koental fishing which yielded Impor tant result. In three day 117 halibut had 800 largo cod were caught at a Iflepth of 200 ' fathoms, thus proving the existence Of largo quantities of. these fishes at a time of the year when they are not to be fdund on the coast MKorway. ' ' Tbt Botanical Gatette states that the magazine known a "Contribution to the United State National Herba rium" ha been transferred from the department of agriculture to the Na tional museum, with an Increased apv Sroprlatlon of 17,000, thus enabling the mseum to hire an editorial assistant hod an artist and to republish certain valuable number that bar long been out of print " " "'' 1 The skull 'of a'prchlstorlc man was Hag up on a farm p.r. Lansing. Kan., borne weeks,, ag jipilor ,well, defined strata of earth and rock, tbe scien tist who bar examined It aroiof th opinion that the man to whom It be longed lived during th . glacial period, brobably 36,000 year ago. If this Is to, the ."Ursiag skulk; at It Jjai.beea; named, furnishes 'the first . tangible proof of the exlstanc of prehistoric btan In America, though such remain bar been found In various putce to DISTRESSING STOMACH DEEASB, Permanently cured by tha masterly power of ."Bocth Avibjcas Nairn a Toinc," Invalid need suffer ao lonrer, because this great remedy can cur them alL It la a ear for th whole world of stomach weakness and lnV" ,ron. Tt eurber!ns wlth thefliTt bv .o. Tbi re lief It bilngs 1 marvelous aad lui pii , T , make ao failure) BevrjdInrpoluU. Mo matter how long you bte suffered, your cur la certain mukr t " i;eof this great helth p'vlr foro. I'lntaatit and alwi'vs sure," Bold tjyO, I"1' UrmUiain, It- t IFOR" f HE " HOUSEWIFE I, . '1 W ,11 n.n. . ' :- i As IWfMtu M IMfekeMka, la this ag of Inspectors, health offl !er and various other officer it may Ajrovuuiyi vvua iv ug,g,i win, , w Did yon ever look for your dishcloth aE wnjUUUUKS UB IBU UUU V n Ullsmelllng tump? pernaps yon iva not. hnt there are dozens of DeoDle who have. I have compared note with them, and this is my reason for sug gesting an inspector to go. from house to .house, seeing to it thai this import tant article Is not neglected. I think one reason for carelessness is .the fact that we use "any old thing.! jfor a dishcloth, thinking that it can be burned np when badly soiled. A good way to avoid this Is to have square of coarsely woven toweling, neatly hemmed,' then have it understood that these are to be washed and scalded carefully after each dishwashing and 'hong where they will dry sweet and 'clean. Crumpled newspaper will clean your stove and the bottom of vessels nrhen they are blacked, so tbe cloths (need never get beyond redemption on completely worn out. If this warning seems nseless to tne ilder housekeepers please think that it as meant for those who have not yet d the time to acquire the knowledge t you have gained by jour long 'ears of experience. Lulv Linton In dies' World. Cabaua Chicken. Cut up chicken as for a fricassee. ry each piece and dip in beaten egg nd roll in cracker dust, season with (pepper and salt and fry each piece ery brown in half butter ana hair lard. When browned, add cup of hot ater, cover and simmer half an hour. 'hen take out chicken and put on late in warming oven. Have ready a bowl of rice cooked in the following manner: One cupful of rice washed in 611 waters, the more the better, ten well washed, pour over it two 'quarts of hissing hot water, add a tea spoonful of pure sweet lard aid two jteaspoonfuls of salt Let It boll rapid ly for fifteen minutes or until tender; some rice takes a few minutes longer. Stir but once, and when perfectly ten der drain at once through a coarse 'sieve, put into the frying pan which the liquid chicken has simmered In, add two tomatoes (canned or fresh) chopped fine and a chili pepper, also chopped fine. Toss all together lightly with a fork. Pile in the center of plat ter and lay around It the pieces of fried chicken. Garnish with parsley. Rural New Yorker. Hlnta About Lamps. Lamps are generally supposed to spell danger, and as we are not all able to afford the massive standard lamps In our rooms here are a few . hints which insure safety in the use of cheaper lamps: A table stand for a round bottom lamp can be boxlike in shape, the exact A Mill L&mfiholder LdmJ)hMer TO arUBD AGAINST ACCIDENT. depth of the lamp, which Is slipped In la hole through the top cut the size of jits greatest width. This stand can be stained or decorated as desired, and If wished the sides can be arched or cut Into fretwork. I An easily made stand for a passage lamp has a straight wooden back and Ui.nHnff sides. It hangs from copper ping fixed in the back or ha plain hole bored. In this stand the lamp also fits through a hole in the bottom. By using these easily made stands all 'danger of upsetting the lamp is done away with, and a lamp that has lost Its pristine freshness, so to speak, gains a new lease of good looks when blaced in a stand which can be prettily and artistically decorated. Fabrics Out th Ptotaraa. . Tbe fancy for fabric wall covering Which people of wealth are Indulging in to a considerable extent make it a difficult matter to bang picture with out injuring the costly substitute for wall paper. A young matron who ha recently taken possession of a new house, the room walla of which are fabric covered, solved the picture ques tion in a satisfactory manner. She transformed a large square hall Into a 'picture gallery. Tbe pictures were lung Closely together, and as they Comprise a well selected collection tha gallery is a very interesting and at tractive place, especially at night, when softly shaded Incandescent bulbs fur nish the Illumination. Imitation Stalmcd Glaaa. Imitation stained glass, which may be turned to good account for flower or landscape tablets -to be hung before windows to add, in addition to any. at traction of the design, color vivacity to a room, may be executed by cover ing tha glass with a thin film of turpen tine and painting on this in tarnish col. 'or, somewhat thin. The glass 1 to be placed In a warm, dry place for a few slays." ' ' Tbe design may be placed be neath th glass or outlloed on It face by. mean of transfer paper and a 'tracer. ' . ' " ... , i;i.;..'.j-.; V ' . .- ..r : Wewtfc- Kaowlaar. , ,..' ., beautiful mother of pearl surface can be given to article of glass, card board or wood by applying to them with a brash an extremely thin Coating bf a strong solution of salt mixed with (dextrin. Other beautiful hues, may be Obtained by adding to tha salt solution either sulphate" of magnesia, acetate of Soda or sjolphat of tin. . ' :;"T:i::k HUUon Voice. .117 " Could hardly axpretl th Ihtnti of Boater Hall, of West Point, I. Listen whyt A, severe cold had settled oahd lungi, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said' he hadooniump. Uoa,hut could aot help him. Wbea all thought hs wis, doomed ha began to use Dr. King' Few Discovery for Coniump tlr a and writes "It oomplolu'y cure! me and saved my life, I now we'rh T 1 lbs." It's positively gnar' ' ' r Coughs, Colds snd Lnnj tm i. 1,,. a r."o. "d tl.H. Ti'.J b' ' f t C. D 4p "tadoM4 tke Kins;' Cendact,.',' Headers at. the Sketch, will recollect that on the occasion jof tbe recent visit nf the king and queen to the Isle of Man aa illustration of the royal party, Winding Half Caine, who acted as lcerone, 'was published. In that pho tograph there Is a picture of a small boy srearlng his hat He Is Derwent, th younger son of sir. and Mrs. Calne, and is tea year old. Only he and tbe Marquis de Soverah the Portuguese' embassador, remained covered In the 'presence of the king, tbe marquis be cause he does fealty to another sov- "I KEPT MX BtlM ON THB KINO." ereign and Master Derwent for a rea son of bis own, which came out when the photograph had been printed and be was looking at it with his mother. "Derwent," she said, "why didn't you take your hat off? Didn't you see that all the gentlemen did so?" "Yes, moth er," be replied, "but I kept my eye on the king, because I knew whatever he did would be all right, so when he kept his hat on it would be right enough for me." London Sketch. The Human Lottery "Ala, Uonlr I wor bMtlfal how happy lift would b." Many a forlorn maid hat Mid this as th looked ij) to the mirror. For beauty women have sacrificed home, love and friends. It Is the one possession In the lottery of human life which women would not refuse . . BR AD FIELDS Female Regulator for young riris on tha threshold of womaa hood, hat been InYmlnabl. When they ba come pale and languid, the eves dull, aching Dead, feet ana hands cold, appetite gone or abn )rmal, obstructed periods end painful raenaea. ana tneir system general it run aowa, tney neea ou their blood needs eteeneine:. BredAeld's Female Regulator tor women ia particularly reluable and useful owing tolts tonic properties to build up the sys teen, and aa a reaTuUior of tee menstrual Sows. Painful obstructed aod suppressed menstruation permanently relieved and ell ahwasaa peeulier ao her genital organs are cured by it. Regulator clears the complexion, bright ens the eye, sharpens the appetite, remorse suddy aaq blotched ooodllloos of the skin endouresWokheeeteohetoaoertainty by remorlng the causa. Ot druggists I.OperjMrttle. Perfect Health (or Women " Is free end will be aaaOea on receipt of address. THt BtraDPIILORfOOLATOaCO. a, . ; iiaain, 0- EArVTEItff CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND 0 d Doffludop Steamship Co TBtlgHT fcPASSlHQER, For All Point tforth. to' sail at' S n. in'. Honda Tf eanwuoy aav r may. -fTpff&t: Ocracoke t)n'lTnesdays,.'l'hundays and Ba)ur rtS.f'Treli'ht received not later thka inaJTonr pretion to sailing. "For farther fnformation applj to H.G;Wrb8trt.Gn.Trt.4 PascAict ci-"fn-tfl rAinrlnlotiittjr'i Sale of JLind. ThosF.WcCsrthy Administrator of Charltj Ambroaa, deceased '. .- 'vw art m Joha Borden, Kitty Bill, t all. ' B vino of aa order of the Superior, Oonrl of Crarea ooantjr made Ul the Sth day of December 1901 la the ahoy entitled actios, 1 will oa lb Bis day of January: 1808 at th Gourt Hons door la lb City of Jtew Bern, K. O. at IS o'clock as. offer lot sal the following de scribed tract of land to auk asste,to will Ia No. Township, near RlTer dale, beginning at a llghtwood stake at th nd of Hotsepsa Breach, near the edx of the Beaufort Road, which leads betweea Beaufort end New Bern, and run with said mad to the wood road, snd with the said Wood Ttosd to the Great Branch, thenoe w I Lhsnld Great r ranch to t r "nth of Horsepen I ran 1, en ' iih t Id Horsepen Branch to t) n. Less about 63 sores I ' '' yey 1 by Ci.arl'r Ambrose toJuunbti a s 1 others. The tract to be sold s 1 to cutaln about 19 acre Bn) or b'l-S. T" s of sle C" h. 'ililsB.ht! to! 1 1 . i . i . . V, uvsohetftiled ,!. !? leatlfk? cempojbni atade' ar esatea ner pohwns. tt rlfias I. Vr" ff "sasse. ayeew cen uu KnuunAtlUK with tats safety. Uses net lajure the l(esthrs ergam. Fu)aasos,aa.As.ls,W(B. -Oentleme tI btsaa to auCer front rheumatism about three years ago, and had it vary bad In my limbs. At time I oould kardly walk. Was treated by a physician without benefit. More than a year ago, htr. Ooorse Wileoo, en sngt Baer en the Coast Line, Mrlng ia nop enoe, told me that "BasTraiMroa' eured him. I got a bottle and it bette attedj me. I took five bottle aad am' now as well aa I ever was la my lite. i regara xuiacsiAcrDB" as a (rest medloin. 1 know of others tt ha cured. Truly, 8. T. BUBOH. Sold by Druggists. Will be sent Bobbin Chemical Co., . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS 1UW OS SALS' VIA To all the principal Winter Resorts, at VERT LOW RATES. The Fesorts of the Foutli, Southeast and Southwest; Cuba, California and Mexico offer many inducements to the tourist. Some Prominent Resorts A re &t. Augustine, Falm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Brunswick, Sa vannah, Thomasville, Charleston, Columbia, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Oamden, Summervllle, Asheville, Hot Springs, "THE LAND OF THE BUY," And "Sapphire Country." TICKETS ON HALE Up to and including April 80, 1908, lim ited to return until May 81, 1903. 8TOP-OVER8 Allowed at important points. THRJCJGH SLEEPING CARS of the highest standard between princi pal cities and resorts. Dining Cab Sbrvich Unexcelled. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for copy of "Winter Homes in Bummer Lands." W A TURK, B H HARD WICK, Pass.Traf Mgr, Gen.Pass.Agt, Washington, D. C. V. M. SimmOBB, A. D.jWara SIMIONS tt WARD, ATTORNEY aal COCNSELOBS at LAW. aw aicsiBSt, . c. Office Removed across Street to becosfd Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of- flee) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice In the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake. In the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever service are aestraa. P. H. Pelletter, ATTORNEY AT LATT, Middle Street, Lawyers Brlea Balldlag. Will oraetlee Ia tha Counties ot C.-av Carteret' Jones, Onslow aad Pamlico. O. Uourt at Hew Berne as Saareaee Oowrs Notice of Summons, NORTH CAROLINA, ) Before the Craven County. Clerk. i Thomas F. McCarthy, Administrator of Tenus Simmons, dee'd VB. Lavina Hatch, Mary Hatch, Cenus Simmons, Zenus Dewey, Adeline Dewey and Edward Dewey. The defendants, Zenus Dewey, Ada line Dewey and Edward Dewey, will take notice that a special proceedings entitled as above has been oommenoe before the clerk ot the Superior court oi uraven county to sell htna to tnaJce assets, that the said defendants will further take notice that they are requir ea to appear oetore tne clerk of th sais county at the county court house In New Bern, N. 0., on th 18th day of Decem ber, 902, and aoswsr or demur to tbe petition ot the petitioner In this proceed, Ing or the petitioner win apply to tad oonrt lor tne relief tumandsa in said petition. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Snperlor Court. Directory of tbe Malls' tt the New Bera Post pfflce. Mall for all points North, South 'and West vis A. A N. a B. B. snd A. C Line close at 640 a. m. Mall for n point East fla A. A N. 0 R. B. cloe at o:W p. bv ,v v Mad for all point North and West Tl A. A H, 0. K. B. dose at fcOO p. as. Mall for Oriental, Maateo, Elisabeth Oltr ana Norfolk, via. Btr, Neusa oloae at)p,m.n,, y Jfv) MaU for Orients!, KanteO, UlsebeU Cltr and Norfolk via Btr. Oeraook close at S:80 p. ra. . '-' ' . 1" teait' otma. r , Mail for OlTmpja, Qraatsboro. Bay bo ro, Btoaewall, Vaadermer and Orien lal oloae at 6M a. as; - , , Man for Bellatf, Llnui, Oeddy, Chip and Dobbi oioea at fe80 aw Ba. fji ".v- Man for Askla, anlZorsV Wasp and Vaaoeboro olose at liOO p. at, Man for Whltford close at 10 p. uj : .- V , ' Bstmocb W. Hiaooca, P. M. ' n fir V'ef''wr?at mo IUII IIUWUWI i uasis el narphlae. titulars on home a li:ia 'ilws.- .i J ( So f (aUlIiaUaula tteerr .. SoutherD Railway ireew note, herbs and barks-con ti as tha hkead and removes the causes of DABLia-gTox, 8.C,, Aug. Uth, UCtt. Gentlemen r-About two years ago I bad a Tery aerere attack of inflamma tory rheumatism. I suffered great pain aod was oonfined to my bed for Are weeks. During the time I waa treated by two Physicians without permanent relief. Oapt, Harker, a ooDduotor on the Atlantic Coast Line heard of my condition and sent me two bottles of "RaarrmoiDa" I began to take it and in a week I got up and walked on crutches. After taking three bottles of the remedy I got entirely well and went back to my business. I personally know of a number of other bad eases that were cured by the use ef your medicine, in this town and Tlcinity. It Is all that you claim for It. Truly, J. L. 8I8KR0N. express paid on receipt of i .oo. . Baltimore, Id., U. 5. A. A. & N. C. R. R. TIHS TABLE NO. '2H To Take Effect Sunday, Nov . i), 1902 at 7:05 A. M., E. h T. Going Eatt Bohkuclk (ioing West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: r. a m 8 30 Goldeboro 11 06 8 59 LaGrsnge 10 88 4 28 .Kineton 1018 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 00 5 60 Lv. ' Ar 8 87 7 16 At. Morehead oity Lv. . 7 05 No. 6, Passenger Train No. , I'HHfX'Dgur Train. DAIl.Y. Lv. a. St, Ar, P, M 8 00 (ioldsboro 8 80 8 18 Boat'B 8 08 8 26 LaGrango 7 57 8 87 Falling Greek 7 47 8 48 Klnston 7 87 0 02 Oaswell 7 25 9 18 Dover 7 17 80 Core Creok 7 00 9 89 Tuscaxora 0 50 66 Clarke 6 48 10 10 Ar. Now Born, Lv. 6 80 No. 1. DAILY EXCEIT No. 2. SUNDAY 2d Class Ar, p m . . Goldsboro 540 2d Class. Ijv, a m S 00 6 83. Beet's 5 00 '00 LaG range 4 85 iu railing: areea ail 8 80 Kins ton S 40 oaswell 2 45 2 88 9 42 Dover 2 10 1 12 12 48 18 40 12 10 10 07 core Greek 10 82 Tusoarora .. 10 68 dark's 1125 Ar. New Bern. Lt No. 9,t 1 I No. 10 Freight BTsTloRg: Freight Only. I I oDy. - A. II. 180 Lv. New Bern Ar 10 45 8 18 Kiverdalo 10 10 80 Oroatan 0 58 8 41).' Havelock 9 40 8 09 Newport, Lv 9 00 8 20 WUdwood 8 47 88 Atlantic 8 88 8 66 . .Ar. Morehead oity, Lv 8 20 4 09 . .Ar. M. oity Depot, Lv 7 80 a . m, 'Monday. Wedneeday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, B. A. NEW LAND, Q. p. A. Master Transportation. Atlantic Coast Line. WlLMINGIOH & NKW BeRHK It. K. TIME TABLE NO. 5, laEffeot Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,:Daily Except Sunday. Going South I bohkovu: I Going North No. 83, Passenger Trains No. 62, Lt. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 00 New Berne 6 40 M ....Pollocksvllle 6 04 01 MaysvUle 4 49 IUI Jacksonville 4 18 1808 Wilmington, I Union Depot LS1B ...Ar. Wilmington: Lv. ... 8 86 m p, No. 8, Pasbknobb A Fbriout No. 1 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednee day and Friday. Leae New Berne Tueev oar, Tnnraday and Saturday. A M Ar. p M T80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 840 Scott's Hill 18 66 80 Woodaide 1815 WW HollyTldge 11 40 1011 Diion 10 61 11 80 Verona 10 80 is wo Jacksonville. 945 1880 Northeast. 8 66 8166 Whlteoak 8 80 1 80 MaysTiUe 8 06 116 PorTocksville 7 80 1 68 Debruhl's 6 88 140 Ar. New Borne. Lv 000 "Daily Bxeept uvnday. J, R KENLY, General Manarer klA44 . bo YEARS' t- VEXPERIENCE at "at TftAn Mamta DeaioNa 4 'rise' CofvnioHTa Aa anfrme senmni s ikelMi ana OwcrlTiOon uin tuloklr eacertalu our uplnloa free whether en ' BDTenlWm Is probably jNOeri table. Cnaimunio. ttouaatrletlreouftCeiitlaL Tlandhonkaa Heteata ' sent free. UMaat aaenor for smrtrajReteata Patenie taken tbrotuth Menu A (Je reoef 1 tMtatiasMwlllMeaebaretathe Scietttinc JTtncricasu t haiiesceillr tthstrate emehlr. I .irises et . Matlon of any actanLlfle toumal Terms, tS a re'! four months, L AVM Isy aB aewsdeekwa. Harlnv this day Qualified as laeentor of the last will aad testament of Mar garet A. Holland, aotloe la hereby given to U creditors of my testatrla to present their claim to the lnderslgned Xzeoa tnr for payment oa ot before th (th day of November, 1908. ot this aotloe WtU be d leaded la bar of their reooverv. All dot eons Indebted to the estate will pleat make Immediate settlement of the am. ThU the Oth cay of Not. 190J. - - ' . . ; li. a HOLLA ND, ' " " Kxecutor. D f laMlhSOl 1 rfJtUXrUKI Dissolution of Partner ship. t The partnership heretofore SXlltlng between P. A. WUlls snd W. A- Mcln ' b under tin firm name of Willi and vi. Imoh has been this day dlssolfei by mutual consent and the retirement of P. A. Willis, he having sold his Interest to Eugene H. Williams who Is hit succes sor. ; This Nov. 13th, 1902. P. A. WILLIS, W. A. MclNTOSH. McINTOHH & WILLIAMS MACHINE- SHOPS. The business of Machinists and Fonn- dert heretofore conducted on Craven Btreet, New Bern, N. O. by Willis and Mcintosh will hereafter be carried on by W. A. Mcintosh, and Eugene H. Wil liams, under the firm name of Mcintosh and Williams. This Nov. 13th, 1908. W. A. MclNTOSH, EUGENE H. WILLIAMS. Real Estate For Sale.' On Monday the 6th day of Januarv 1903. at 12 m., I will seU at publlo auo tton at court house for cash to the hlrh- eat bidder the following real estate In New Bern, N. O., lot No. 55, on west side of Craven street, bounded on tha north by lot known ss the Cox lot, on the west by:HoteI2Hazelton lot.'on the south by brick bulldtngjknown Tas ma chine shops, being the house and lot In which J. R. Jones now resides. The sale is made by order of court to make assets F. P. DUFFT, Guardian. Notice. A certificate of stock No. 897 for on share of stock of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company having been lost or mislaid, notice ,1s hereby given that application will be made to the above named for the Issue to the under signed for a duplicate certificate In lieu of the one loBt or mislaid. Mrs. S. C, Scbbobdkb, Administrator of Thomas H. Allen, (de ceased). I. L. WABD, Attorney at Law, 74 Bo. Front St.Opp. Hotel Chattawka' NEW BEEN, N. O. Craven County Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jones,,OnsIow, Cart, eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Bupreme and Federal Courts, . A. Qreen , Pres. BJ. H. Meadowe, V.rhM) B. If. GroTea, Cashier. CITIZEWsF BAJfJE, or iiirw natiusr, nr. o. Doing (General Banklnf Business March 1, 1901, Surplus and Dndivi- ,ded Profits, $18,000.00. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Aocount received on favorable terms. Board of Directors. rerdlnand Cinch E. H. Meadows, Ohaa. Dnftv Jr. Bamnel W. I pock Chaa. H. IMwier, J. W. Grainger, . W. Smailwood James Bedmond, Merer Hahn, Thomas A. Creen, O.B.Fov. eo. n. iTes, w . w. urooaen.; Mark Disoswsy. 127 Middle Ht Fall line of Drags and Medicines. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, etc., also the following Mineral Waters: Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Llthia, Hunny adi Janos, Hunyadl Maty, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Bed Raven Splits, Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pasterlne Tooth Paste. COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bug Destroyer. Brom-Ohloralum A sure PREVENTATIVE of Infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA A SMALL POX. Physiolans'.Prescrlptlonj specialty. Executrix Jfotiee. Having qusllfted.as IBzeontrU of U last will and testament of Graham Daves, I hereby notify all person hav ing claims against Estate of ald Gra ham Daves, to present tame to under signed for payment on or before Nov ember 10th 1908. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. S This Sth day of November 1908. JANE DAVES HUGHES, Executrix of Graham Graves, Notice of Partition. NORTH CAROLINA, ) In the! Hernys Pharmacy, umavsm uoujitt ) BuperloT Court. , Katie E, Sn wifcaaland . it1 r opeaoer, uarna VT. cole, tad " -husband. T. E. Cnla. ' -V ToT. E.Cole Too will take aoUoa that aa actios ' entitled a shor aa beea coasatsnced la tha Bonarla (Vm Afn.a.... . ... tor partition of eartala real property n ; " SrS? 8WIBy. North Carollns, ' , I1!v.fu11? 0criD,d .'n tht petitloa , , filed In th boot entitled ease, and yoa will further tak notlo that yoa are rs- ' , anlraat tn anryae hefa Ht a .1 -Kr WBV Maw VWIB Ul UIOJ i'- ' Superior Oonrt of said County, st his of- aav aw aaiw V1.J U4 ilVW MiHTH OU in BOta 4 day ot December 1909 at 11 O'clock a. m. "d ," or demur to th petition UedUsWdaotloa,orttv plaintiff till annlv tA tha fWwirt tnm ka mII j..a 1 . - - . - w aaawa iieiliailia . ed la said petitloa. , inis u isia aay or noremDer, 1903, ' : W. 1C WATBON, , ;,v.(',!,;.-: . , - O.B.Q, .' 1 1 Btaw On Swt Raanear fetta obtthne oollIt nan bj Fr-y-I' ' "'