bid skg;;i;;b nnnaiiftirricin and co.s IsiaUtUHiLLL TILLU WAREHOUSE If Fov Ten Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by Pe-ru-na. if. Of Softool Houses la Cbttoi Hill ' 'yuiajcs. 5 I li .1 HOLIDAY Useful Holiday Presents. A WELCOME FOB A Lis $ , Ml w 1 ?'& buying the Christmas Present " "9 -i i..- i.v... i . v yi tib your leisure tiiau m a ihbu. xueu uieia u uiawj uuuu rn yfc advantages to:. . For instance: n Stocks, are in better shape 'ok than they will be later on, thus you choose from better assort- jk ments thau to be had a few weeks hence- jk Ladies Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkeichiefs only 6c. ly Ladies Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs 1-8, 1-4 Hemstitched, Jfc A at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c. lis fa Ladies Embroideried Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, J& fa zoc, wo anu ouc. . fa Gents Handkerchiefs, Pure jsv new at 100, zuu ana aoc. y Gents Silk Handkerchiefs, size 28x28 in., li inch hem fa at 50c. Umbrellas with fancy handles at $1 25 to $5. Just the thing yon way want for a Christmas Present ox rciimimiiiimmmiiiimiimiiiiniiiii aasHsssHSsa. in CHRISTMAS p W TOTS. 1902. Christmas ABE AT i47 YOU THOUGHT OF IT) V have three stores stocked OV HOLIDAY GOODS. Kverything to make the children happy, and presents that will please grown up people. The Finest stock of TOY'S, CONFECTIONERIES AND KUtflTS in the city, at 3 ! 1902. OnUi'lM). 5SS3S3SS. o nnniiiiiiiiiiTiTmniymmiiiiTiiiiiiiiTTii !m A nice lot of Jamaca Oranges, Fine Baldwin Apples, Ex- tra Fancy Large Lemon?, Raisins layer and seedless, Cleaned Cumin fx, Crystal Citron, Cranberries. Alto a fresh lot of National Hiscuit ( o's Cakes The Mag nolia I'uuiid ( ake in 1 lb packages are extra, fine; Graham Crackers; Sooial Teas, 5 o'clock Teas, Banquet Wafers, Uneeda Ginger Wafers, Oatmeal Crackers, &o. Ut your orders come this way, thv will be fUlod prompt- , Iv and carefully. YonrstrulT. McGehee Broad St. Grocers. Citron, Raisins, Dates ana Mtxea nuts, at Broad St. Fruit Co., Phone 33. Tn Frinnrk a- and Patrons. if ( uved my plaes of WlneM to v i?mlHrood Building om of Booth front a4 Cred fltweti, "and. tMll b liieu4tMnyouM la tbsjpub ' '1 . Thanking you for part trorI R. I 11 IB.... I. TA1LOH. PEPSI-COLA ! 1, INVIQORATlXa Fancy Unci Figs omw I cn OPEfilklG early; :lVu much bette? to shop ml J.L Sjf, a Linen with 8 4 and 1 inch o CHOICE n FBUITS 17 '2525H525H5a Holidays HAND. with a COMTLETE LINE Tor Pollock and Middle Streets, 97 Middle 8t, Eaton's Old Stand, 75 Pollock Street: & Willis, Phone f 37 , .. , , j.bbauch office . . MURUJIY & CO, 'Coiurnissiow:., Brokers, v UrMoiiM'& froTMori 17 Cntm Itrect, . Ptoni t88 ... HI V BCRir, H. MalnCfflo, II Broadway. Mw Tort Moderate morflu. XzoalltntMrrii. Pr!T vbM SO Vw York,'. V H i fllghstt baoktog and iMrculJls Nf- "UNIVERSALE ...:-.v - - . J , r: li5Hi eSHSHStSE"! sszi " AbsolutefPurft THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The volcano Vesuvius ts threatening another eruption. The rebels of Morocco, Africa have surrounded the torernmant troops and unless help list hand the Sultan will hare to surrender his whole army. The authorities ol South Carollta wll1 not permit the bull fight whlsh has been contemplated at Charleston. A bill li being prepared by Oongre s to appropriate $1,000,000 forth treat ment and eradication of infeetloui dis eases among commercial animals. Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate and philanthropist has arrived In this country after' an extended visit In his native country Scotland. J. P. Morgan his volunteered to Sid the Salvation Army In Its efforts to supply coal to the poor people In the cities. The great Mile reservoir, located at Assouan, Egypt, hu been opened, Thl, It Is claimed will be a means of redeem ing much waste land and will Increase European revenues. - - OA8TORIA. Bntb yTli Kasl Yos Im alwsrs Boeght gaatme ST r JJ3ZZ5?i X No matter how hard yon are to suit, we can suit you in the most beautiful ions. iHNmS BOOK ETOEE. : WatchjBgams.) ; ) For the next two weeks we are ! ; selling the following: grades -'-of ', ', ; Watcbes;trlctly first elasa,' Jny;-; ; ' personal fuarantee, as well s the' ' ' ', factory guarantee oa all of them, " ', tot cash only, as quoted. A Gentlemen! or Ladloa, ft) ) ear f Oold CUled Caae, Guaranteed X - $7.10; i J -'-'' 'Oven Face: 8rw Back and Front, Rieket Case, Ilgtn or WaU 1 . tnasn movsmsm, iar r - s : ' Same Wateh as above only; tO year goW-filled oaae, for ' " . ".- tM':' y-j -" , Ladles small slae.14 karat heavy' ' seat, Guaranteed movement, lor r J ' , IT' f One 1 siiie, Mytar, 'serew back' and (rent 17 Jewel adjusted move- ' Mat, tor ' 4' -;' '""I I ; Brhif this list with you?, , ; V J. O,' BAXTER. ' 1 1 T eeteti weeeeeeee ; .We desire to .Inform-our pa trons and the public generally that we hare" aucceedei .in secn'rlpg a supply of 'Ibe- justly Oolebiatcd Christmas select Iplint Coal, which' s " nndoutk'dly the most satisfactory substitute for Aathracito, bciug all.lumpand free froa dust or dirt, will en-1 vlnceyou.1, . ; . , , ' ' y7e h'ao have a' full tUxk ' tbe be t qaalUy Bt tin co..l. Ot !c,i i( n pnm j t a 1 1 ja souilI si 1'iitiun, T r " , ' r ,- Sai Case efSuieIde. ABdl1.IaaT Pub- lie Aeeeuattv Inmate Trent leldlers Horn Feuad. Libraries la Bural v Sebtel Houses. Elks Basaar. BaUnaB, Dec' 18. Testetday after- aooa Mrs Edward Jones of this city bad a stroke of paralysis. This so affected her Blind that at 5 o'clock this morning, while her sister, who was nursing her was oat of the room for a moment, she committed suicide. Near her bed was a bureau and oa this. In reach, was her husband's pistol. She took this and fired a bullet Into her temple which caused instant death. Her age was only 88, she was a native of Frankllnton and a sister of Biohard I. Cheatham of Atlanta, as sistant general freight agent of the Sea board Air Line. Her hunband a young man, is an tmplojee In the 8. A. L freight office here. At noon.her body was takes to Frankllnton for burial, A report to the Slate Superintendent of public Instruction on public schools la cotton mill villages In one county says there Is not one good school bouse among them all. A county superintend ent makes this repoit and says he favors the lavage of a law making It a misde meanor for any mill owner to employ, or for any parent or guaidtan to allow to woik In a mill any child under 14 years who cannot read and write. This is along the line marked out by the State labor commissioner. The 1 1 mate of the Soldier' Home here who ran away yesterday has been found at the Catholic orphanage, His mind Is quite affected. His name Is Ford and he Is from Edgecombe county. The legislative joint committee, hav-' Inf finished Its work tn loo State treas ury is now in the Auditor's offioe and expects to complete lis work there to morrow and give out a repoit covering both offlcep. Thla report will (how in brief the Slate's finance, ete. There aie now free libraries for rural public sch ols Id 87 out of the 07 coun ties in the State. The Eika are to have a great bnziar here In January to raise funds for an or phanage. The railways giro a reduced rate to thK CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Rib Kind Yoo Hais Always Bought '"Bears the Signature of FOR SALE! At) A WHOLE OR ANY PART. ' One Self Feed Blp Saw, One 7 inch E ft B Holmes 1 S Planer, One 80 " Sharing Blower, One Drop Tubler Boiler 80 H P, One U x 18 Center Crank Skinner ffn ginc, i, One M'V Woods Planet 4 8, - One 8" Lramat Moulder 4 P, outside, One 71" Rogers sutomatlo Knife Orinder, ' , One 78" Covel Automatic Circular Saw Grinder, Also Pulleys, Shafting, Boxes, T Ralls Dry Kiln Trucks, MO! Trucks, eto . , The above machinery has all been S'.ignuy damaged by nre. - Address, . TBBHT LUMBER-MILLS, .,' ., . : . Hw Bern, B. C. SAVE f.lONEY I Compare these t prices 4,.wlth those you have ' been paying: . f Ple-nle Hams, sliced,.,..; lte lb. Beat Lard,... ,..;'...lo " Compound Lard,: ,10o Plia Feet In vuegarf,,-.,, Be " Tripe m vinegar, . r . . . ... t ..,. ' Oo . Good Hour,..,- l ;L:U w Better Flout,, a.,. :t,l' j,. li Beet t ie Peaohes. -T; . 0 j eaa. I for c. 1 able Peaches, v .,.le S6c Canned Coru,. .....10e. t "U - TomatoeS,;.'. i.......-10o can. Graaubu-d Sugar Bo per pound. A Good Table Butter, 80o per lb. print A lie have a snpply of Oranges, Applt Banana, rears, etc. i ry a peck of my t9c apples, uive me a uai Tours lot business, m,v:'y mean's,1 Cor. death Front Betealf f treats s eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! minfc SOCasnsCrj.Or.IDEOFLIMii; Just Rocslvml. , 10c and l"s t-i can AT r" i-TiA Vo rriAr'rcY. HOK. JOH5 T. SBXAHAir, OF CHICAGO. Hon. John T. Sheahan, who has been for seventeen years manager of Marshall Field 6 Oo.'s wholesale warehonae, and it eorporal 3A Regiment Infantry, I. N. G., writes the following letter from 8768 Indiana avenue, Flat Six, Chicago, 111.: Peruaa Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, Qentlemej-"La8t summer I caught a cold which seemed to set tle la my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kid ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One ot my foremen told me of the great help he bad received In using Peruaa In a similar case, and I at once procured some. "If was Indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large part of tilt day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Peruat fared me entirely and I would not be without It for three months salary. "JOHN T. SHEAHAN. Mr. Jacob Fleig writes from 44 S run ner aveane, Brooklyn. XT. T.: "an mewaamvmaa mttheageof eeveatyart yen, tnmaks to your wenatrtul remedy Peraam. "-Jacob Pklg. Catarrhal Inflammation of the mucous lining of the kidneys, also called "Bright' disease," may be either acute or ehranle. The acute form produces symptoms of snob prominence that the serious nature of the disease la at once AFattUne-of hurlbert's Christmas Paper. OWjEIT G, DUNN, HPOLLOCX HT.; Stop and Think Just how you can fare Money by Buying your Groceries from M. Land A Co. All pork sausage, I2i lb, 2 lbs for ?6c. 8 lb Pa Rice S5o, Mixed Nuts 18c, 8 lb can Tomatoef 10c, Canned Peas from IBe to for 28c, Cod Fish ICe lb or 8 for Mo, Minced Meat ICe lb : for 85c. Try a pound of our 80c Coffee If not better than any you have ever purchased for the money we will refund the money smilingly,' Headquarters tot Chickens, Eggs and sweet potatoes fresh from our farm. . fl E. Land & Co. .Plone 162. ' '69 BroatUSt,; l, 4 J, '111 ' in 1 ; 1 if' i 1 in 'hi,7--! "1 ; ; li , 1 1 -1 fMAX L. JAU-J. ninimiTi f 'ff.ilani far Xcim Clfix. ' Yoa will finJ here the brgAst and finest stock of Xmas Goods ever befme alicwn In New Bern. A Few J',' v Kruahos,. , I'-'rJ iiOn-s and Comb,- . ; '1 1 njn, " ' t'- -r , t lr 1 tr't razor, I'-'-t I ' ?., " , suspected, but the ehronio variety may come on so gradually and Insidiously that its presence is not suspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly upon its victim. At the appearance of the first symp tom Peruna should be taken. This remedy strikes at onoe at the very root of the disease. A book on catarrh sent free by The Peruna Medicine Co.. Columbus, O. Valuable City Property for Sale! I will offer for sale at publio auction at the Court House door In New Bern, on Monday the 15th day of December, 1002, at 1 o'clock, midday, the house and lot of bind situated on Middle street between New and Johnson streets, be ing the same formerly occupied by Miss Betsy Green, the lot is 70 feet front by 107 feet, 8 inches deep. This a very de sirable property. P. R. STREET, Dec., 1902. Auctioneer, Baskets I Baskets I Of efrery style, size, and Color. From Bo Baskets to Hampers at ft 80. Work Baskets, Glove Baskets, Hand kerchief Baakets, eta, eto. . Indian Bows sod Arrows, Match and Card Receivers made of sweet grass, Birch Bark Frames. Bee the display of these goods la the Cof. Middle it 8. Front 8ti. '- , t ; ' Jortaa'a lira Fills., n : The Jordan's Liver Fill continues to be a popular liver ajediolne." It Is a veg etable pill sad does not contain calomel. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescrip tion Pharmacy. : - t' , Bupgcsttons .. 4 -' . ;., . a-- Fobs, I . 4 i Cork Screws, . i'"r,. Watrb and Chain, ' - CuH Buttons, engraved, Tooth Ticks, ' ' .' ,' reoclU. .'. - Dap e ginning today I will sell you good Yellow Table Peaches for 10c per 3 lb can Fancy Malaga Grapes, Nice Apples, Bananas, Raisins, Brunes, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Currants thoroughly cleaned 5c and 10c package, Mince Meat, Cocounuts, Cooking Butter, Spices and Flavoring Extracts, cklesjind Sauer Kraut. A large and well iifsorfed stock of both Staple and Fancy Groceries. Yoursto 'r hour ' 91. mm MiflAMT. wvavuBiauaa WeWete Right Store Dep't, Elm Phone 40. Cor. H. A Drop of Ink Hakes People Think, so do Our Low Prices In our clothing department they are sieaking in highest terms of the quality as well as our Low Prices. MEN8 DEPARTMENT. S8 Mens Suits worth $ 7 50, cut price 4 78 I) 8 75, " " 8 80 10 4 00, " " SOS BO Overcoats, " 10 00, " " 8 78 IS " " 7 80, " " 6 08 IS " 6 00, " " 8 98 SS "a Job, worth from S 00 to $15, " 8 78 78 pit Creedmore Shroes, worth (1 50 " 06 80 " Black Vlci Kida, " 8 25" 160 80 " Veal Calf, d. sole, " 180" 98 .88" Vlcl Kid Patent, " 8 50 " 8 89 LADIES BHOEB. 60 prs Ladies Vlcl Kids, worth tt 50. at 81 98 60 1. 8 00, " 1 48 1 78 " " " "- " 1 60, " 98 ' 100 prs Cblldrens 8chool Shoes" 1 00, " 09 . Space wlU not permit us to name more prices hate. tT8ee our huge circular. Goods delivered to any part ot the city. Yours Bospectfully, 71 Middle St, aeit to Gasklll UHtunniumvumuummnummum ririff nni - nnDMcn DCCr :: HLM DDL. , ounutu UtbUI , JUST I Sweet Pickled jPeaohes,' BOo'perjJquart. B. AjsortedMg80o perquart, Standard ft lb Tomatoes lOo per oan. Standard 2 lb Com lOo, 8 (or 26o. j , ' Loose Olives iOo'per quarts 1 - " Attmoreli Pure Minoe meat lOo per lb. i ' ' Nabob Pancake Flour. lOo vet ; . Hooker's (Jd Bomeeiead Panoake 'FmwIOo IwokagK ; . ; ; We want your business and v'iE3nft4s 3 : ; than any other house In the eity. Thaning yon for pass ,i fT J i 'ors rod trusting to receive a shaxefif your' future badness, I am - : ; . Yours 1 " ' ' please, 1 Whol3tale A Retail 'Grocer, 71 Broad Hi' in our selections'of Fall and Winter apparel, and this has been attested by the approval of many men of fashion who have visited our store during the past week and made their purchases. We want your approval now. We want you to come in and see the new soason's styles and make yonr selection while the stock is new and fresh come in to-morrow mornin. While we have both Suits and Overcoats at a great variety o prices, we want you to note particu larly the especially large collection each which we have marked $15. If you compare the qualitiesand and styles with others you will find them equal to any sold elsewhere at $18. City Lumber.Co. FrontJAJEden Htn. Hdw. Go., New Ben, Hi C. -sTIj11RW"IATI)- , 1 ' MokaM. j i 3 '"mi"'" t " Ts'se; MM I "if If t5 I A D Heort i ck ala, tws ml'di" I 1 ( r t 1 , 1 - I ,1 i Vfc- "s!e and' Retail drocer, i - f - -r- - V ,-T "r-, - n. AT SODA OVMTAmt, ;$' T- " s' y