rM!SCl5LIVAlW tiumi(wsiiiirf4 Sale of fc7CT' Ji'i&leS&i li IS , f Tk Critic. . - k - CHOICE iaa They sly it wsa a case of lor ; K I5 --I r7TffiS P3ks, -at IB AYcffetabiePreparallcnForAs- slrrulatir.3 ireFcxrtandBegula luuj theSSomedBcndUcwelsor Promotes Digestton.Cheerfuir' ness andRest.Contains neither Smim.Mcf phine norlincMl. OTXAHOTIC. MhJM Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- uuii. ouur oiuutttcii.uuurouea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of , NEW YDBK. . tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. MM I " . MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 SeTentoenth St., If everv suffering' hu the same (xpericace with Win of Cardui that I had, your medicine will be mot popular. About a year ago I began to have a worn out tired; feeling with lasthuds, paint in the back and head which kept increasing every month. 1 felt that Inecded something, but to get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally decided on your Vine of Cardui and only needed to take three bottlei when I was fully re covered. m IHEN Misa Rose Owons, who has a responsible position in the Government service at Washington. D. C. decided to try Wine of Cardui, she made a wise choice. Over a million women hare been relieved of female weakness by thia same Wine of Cardui. It is not a strong medicine but may be taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit. It does not force results, but corrects derangements of the menstrual organs. It strengthens the nervous system, gives tone to the bodily func tions, acts' directly on the genital organs, and is the finest tonic for wo men known to the science of medicine. WINE of CARD THE "CELEBRATED Garland Wood Heaters We'are the agent. Breech Loading, Single and Double liarrel, Hammerless Shot Guns. Full 'line Ammunition for Sports men. 8a ah, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. 'Jnde Motel Chattawka, The Farmers & Merchants BANK. foaltMl. Surnlna ana trafltl ill.lM.oa ATMIfMfh, 01J What We Have Pom, Do, nd WUrGratlntM to Do. This Baak conducts IU business upon nrt-tA.tinrr-aitthfvll- A.' It Is omr purpose to. deal Juitly aad liberally with ail,.- - " 1 We care fully safeward the Interests of our customers! Moreover, we fre- ' qaently do It uakaown to them; as op i portonitles often some to ai la eon Aden. tUl ways, and yon cannot over-appeclate sues coDsioerBiiou. - Wear sot disposed to overlook the , fact thai the Interests Of the Baak and - those of the beopia are closely Donna to- - Thi wn -eoM as repositorr ror ' Villi an4 af elf .keep thera . till the ' proper time of wrrender. Will alao act U toe oaatoaiaw oi raowey or papers ion - with tw lit atoraw, Ho charge lorti ' lervioav r'' ''''s-' - We procure Ltttcri of Credit fof la tending traveller. We aim to be prompt, progressive nd k In the matter of accommodation, tblt Bank meet every requirement wlthla tha limits of nradent banklna. . .. If von have never been Identified with s as a patron, w ask yon to consider the advlaaWllty of becoming one. ' la the early f utnre, we propose ddlng a lovel. yrt sulistuttlal Hartnrs Bank j feature io,juj oireauy prugt..iT am U Jltloa. JONMMOtMNk Elkfaoi ?1 - For infants and Children. : i ii i i The Kind. You4 Have t Always Bought Bears Signature 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. If von are a suffering wo man we would say to too that Wine of Cardui seldom fails to completely core any cue of female ills. We say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Every day hun dreds of sufferers are writing to oar Ladies' Advisory De partment. The letters are opened by persons compe tent to give advice. Mrs. Jones was cored br follow ing the advice which was freely given her by the Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. Miss Owens was cured without advice by just buying a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from her druggist and taking this great medicine in the pri vacy of her home. No doctor's ex amination, treatment or advice is nec essary. You have read what these two cored women have written. Is this not enough to lead yoa to determine to be rid of suffering? August 18, 1900, Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes: "I suffered terribly at monthly periods for three yean. I would tomrthnn ro for seven months with no flow at all. Now I have my health back again and am t spavlliig to bs confined in January. 1 VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. Execution Sale. Pursuant to an execution In my hands in a certain dower proceeding lately pending before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven Countv, entitled Z. D. Toler and wife, vs. Elizabeth Morris widow of S. E. Morris et al. I will ex doss to sale for Cash at the Oonrt House 1 door In Craven County on Monday the Oth day of Feornary 1908, all the right title and Interest of Jesse W. White hunt and Nancy L. Whftehorst his wife,. Id a certain tract of land situated In Craven County on Little Swift Creek adjourning the lands of A. Purify and Stephen Toler being sixty three acres more or less, alto one tract In said conn tv In Big Fork adjoining the land of W f Toier, f u Normans ana U H Blakrty. containing 184 acres more or leu, It be ing tie tame land oi which tne sal a a. B. Morris was seised and poateaaed at the time of hi death to satisfy said si ecutloa. December M 1901. J, W. BIDDLK, . Sheriff. IGB 0B HOKB VBS dean, par wholesome, guaranteed to oe onemieaur maa rrom aisuuea a-d free from Imparities. Specially in tended aad prepared for hnrnan CJn. sumption. Ice delivered dally (exoupt Sundays) g aaitotpm. Sunday a (retaU only) T a mo It noon. ror pros l ana otnerniormaviou, ... - ' " Addreai, -." J New Berne Ice Co.!, Good one 8BRYIOS IB A BUSINESS KIOXS81TT, i BOHI - CONVKNIKNCX. A COM BTNID . . . . V. : 5eeeftdsrv r ConTenIenc, Ordor Yotii Pbona af Oncol; ?? F, U. RtMoas, .' -) v ' ' - A. DJWaHl 5lHi10NS ft WARD,'. ITTOKXIl sal COCXSXLOKS 4 LA 7 ' ' . ' '1 Offle Bemrrved across Street to beeond Story of No. 08 (above Teiograpa Ul- -l t (Ice) South Front 8treet, rxt to ,'4 f Ilot4 Chattswla, ?,, "J '. Practice In the counties of Cravr i, Duplin, Jones, Ontlow, Carteret ra ui 0 and Wake, In th Supreme and fed eral Courts, and wherever services ars deelred. ' ' s f Know Ona But Romany . ttotat!iuitey)4, .Ittaatnabirjnjr Maara, La. M m u tut w nijf' Use W For Over Thirty Years tfce Mt MxtecBtli of a 8eeoa4. r If one grain of aand on toe ahore or the ocean were lost and seientlstawere to upend tears in trying to find it, they would be attempting a task resembling that to which leuaing astronomer or England' and France are now devoting themservea-v One-sixteenth of a aecond. te missing, and no one enn' tell where ha gone. ..Between the .Bun'e time aa recorded at Greenwich, and as un derstood at Paris there Is that brief and -'seemingly unimportant dlacrep- anqy, . No expense la being spared to trace the missing fraction, A special bulldlnor has been erected at Pari. costly instruments Installed, a corps of mathematicians engaged, and a procese that may take years ta complete, has been commenced, I'he; vnaccuracy is more important than iwlji appear to the lay mind. Longitude la calculated pn the bast of Greenwich time. It de termines the boundaries of many coun tries. A slight variation: of time may change the nationality of thousands of people. " The pursuit off the missing, fraction of a second ir therefore of. worldwide Importance. We, stall, all be much relieved when it has bees foond, for then not a grain of the songs w time will be missing. Toronto Mall and Empire. Tribe of Eskimos Found, The remnant of a remarkable and hitherto lost tribe of Eskimos has re cently been discovered on Southampton island, at the extreme norxl( end. Of Hudson pay. It is said that,nnt3fre-' cently these people .have never" bad an opportunity of seeing K Their huts are built of the greaj or whales, covered mxa auna. 10100, middle Is an elevation, on, h)ch.lfl a stone lamp used for lighting, heating, cooking, melting- snow Sp4 orrlng. clothes. - The lamp is only a oish, of whale oil in which is pi Of dry. moss. Indeed the whale IS tha Kuet, means by which these people lire, the bones being utilized for making plates. cups and sledges, but they also use sledges of walrus tusks, with deer an tlers for CTosspleces. The tribe la al most extinct, as only some sixteen are left: They speak a dialect peculiar to themselves and are very da rug hunt ers. A Tender Hemrted Girl. Softer than swnnsdown was her heart, more tender than spring tints1 In the sky. She could not bear to give pain to any Uvlog thing. As they walked through the woods such was his lore that he went first and brushed away the spider webs with his face. AH about them lay the beauties of nature and the habitations of civiliza tion. Seel" he cried, pointing to a forest giant "See!" And on It she saw a graven heart with their names cut Inside it Oh, cruel, cruel!" she wept. "Our engagement Is broken. I would not marry a monster who thus inflicts pain on" Whst!" he cried. "Whst have I done that is so cruel?" You hare cut a live oak tree!" A Ralnmaklna Canaona. Storm cannons are very commonMn Italy now along the southern slopes of the Alps, where damage from haO- storms during harvest time is always Imminent says the Argonaut They aro the invention of a Padua firm. They look like a huge megaphone, and they are sot, with their wide moot us gaping skyward, beside little houses that look like sentry boxes. .When they, are fired, they boom like "sure enough1 cannons, but instead of a ball or shell! or other similar projectile they emit ai ring of smoke which grows larger and larger as It ascends until at last be-. fore it breaks It is big enough to sur round a ten acre field. Instead of hall only rain falls when the guns are psed. and damage to crops is prevented. . madlrtaa Mail. Tho postofBce department has pre pared a set' of ' statistics, says the, Springfield Republican, which amount! to an Indictment against every fourth person In the country for misdirecting; maa The department handled 10,951,-1 437 pieces of mail last Sear which were" wrongly or tmpei recUy, directed, near ly 10,000000 of these were either for warded with correct addresses or re turned to the sender. The money taken from the tetters that found their, way to the I odd letter office and fori which no owners could be found, vy gather with the amount realised from the auction sale of nnclatmed articles' accumulated In the Office, aggnegatedl 18.4683. . "v" Tasvlaar" the TeJ.ph.me, In Stockholm slmsrt every noose-' holder is tho'telsDhone," and prac tically every, ktnd of tmalnea la dls bv nauis hf uM instrument Thia fact lias been turned to account by the police authorities in a curious way. The creditor of a , bnsiness man who hadsertoo doubts of his Integri ty Mnptoyed k Oarectlv to obtain in formation about htm. - The detectix "tapped" the telephone , wire xrom a bouse atfwhlch tb. suspect was stay ing and 'overheard jnany private eon rersatlona The action of fheydetoctlve, bowsver, sutmsed conmderableVndlgna ttoo amqhg the commnrdty. - ' ' 1 " ','. Th 0rl mmmgmw. ', -V TlMrottermonger has foutHlfsin pol bgistlo th London Lapeet jit Is his bushiest to watch the i marks ds and to buy extaislvely When I, there lata glut and : to 'distribute the , purchases as nmckly as possible. Ha thus 'prevents the -wbcfessU destruction of pWlshable guods, and b alaoisnscorirageffttbs in-; ellnatloo of small .shopkeepers tDmaks cxtortjonate charges. j : TJnconclou From Croup. -- ; During soddea and terrfbl attack of croup out MUM girl Was snoonseKms from atrurulatloa, tsn A L Spsfford, postmaster, Chester, Mich- and a doe of One Minute Cough Curt -was admin. Istored and repeated often. It reduced the iwV'p and Inflammation, ont ths mil - ' ' " . i i" 'y the child was resting eaur A k r recovered. It cure Cot .a, Co..., LaGrlrne, and all Throat snd Lung trouble. One kilnute CoURh Cure llnfnrs In the throat snd chest snd enr.Mi the 'lrifi-s to rontr:!:tit pure. h- si-dvhn o , ;".a to the blood, Jf B Lu..y. . 1 Bt Bret sight with him. - May What a pity he wasn't a B- Dlum and could have taken a second felghtTexas Times-Herald, i . - ":j;;,,:i;i;i?r;': ;,. for. . i . 1 1. Oaly tke ea Wet Tena- , "Prepare tor the worst I" said Dr. Gin, ' 'Ami avarv vote new bushed and StlUt . Relations from far- and frlenas xrom near - i- ' tHd crowd with a vim bis words to hear. "Prepare for the worst !" said ur. utu. There's plenty of life In Robert stlllP Bmart Bet., War Johnnr Was Kept la. . " Teacher How. many silent letters I are there in your first name, Johnny! Johnny All of 'em. ma'am, nrhen II spell it in the deaf and dumb alpha betChicago Tribune. Bow It Happened. There was a young- man with poor sight, I Whom a lady to call aid lnvigntj He kicked her pet Skye As he tried to pass bye And ran when he got a good bight Baltimore Herald. A Philosopher. "He's a philosopher, isn't he!" "Yes. That Is, he has found out how I to be happy in every other condition I but the one he happens to be in." I New. York Times. What He'd Do. If I were culrassed knight and you Were lovely queen of Hay, I know what I would do I'd ride Up to the fellows at your aid And chase 'em all awayl Beauty Triumphs, 'Tim a Prkflma Treaeiw. n wiimi!!! objreti to being bmutiful. DiMtity Is w .iin.iii' charm, Juy, pride and Ktrtrti h. Tli world lin ulvvuyl! petted ana adortJI!H'l.frl woiiht. A pretty woman dr.!!it' . m.iti'i i..ly lur luarof lothitr this pow er end Inrinciire over men. What can b done to puri. tnntettie race und keep women ueautliulf I hcre Ian h.ilin universally uaed by cultured and iim-uitiircd women In the criV.:i. lfuAndii wiil di, well to Invefttlrnta thin rein-iy InoiiU'r to riUHWire tueir wives on th j.iint of ri wiin whu-ticniiiirencan I snd nil ovuuly of lurui and figure lie h. retail. Mother's Friend IsOrfodimV name by which tiiia Invalraibl reiiit'r hiMvn. It will diminish All pain ullitd t iiiiilherhood. Usxtl tliroufhout pr-KiiaiKr It will dlil nrnrnln fJcfineu, ruru rt br-ftU, niake clastic all tendon rnitl fil-rrjta!li il iiptui to lioldln pntitlon tho xpatifliiir; iNirdcn. Mnwcltn snftui unsJer its f.iothlii(liiltiaiCfiinJ tlw p.itltjnt mntlclpVtM favorably tit Uauc. In tha cuuifort thua bestow nl. Mutltfr'fl Frlvnd Is n liniment for trx tern iti piilcj.tiM. Wt.intm'i own pretty finjifrii rub It fiitlr on lite part o aeveroljr ta.xl. mA It li Instantly al)t,orbtd and 90 tlricHtn tlif prtrtf. Your d runlet sella It itsr ft per bottlsx Yos mar huv uur butslt " Mother hosi' THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. (Hale For Partition. Stat of North Carolina, County of Craven. J. F. Rbem In the Supe rior Uourt Kallo B. Spencer snd husband J H Hpen- cer, Carrie W Cole and husband T K Cole. Pursuant to the order of sale In the above proceedings, under which the un deralgned commissioners were directed to sail the lands nere-in-sner uescrioea for nextitlon: We will on the Snd day of February, 1908 at the hear of 12 o'clock m. at the Court House door of Craven county In the el tv of New Bern offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the f ollowie lots of land situated in theclty of New Bern, Stat of North Carolina describes as follows, to-wlt: All that lot of land situated In the Southwest corner of Broad and George streets and known and described as lot No. 103, according to the elan of the city of New Bern: Being tract Two in th petition Died la the above nrooeedlnas. aad commonly kswwaa the Bhem homestead. Also that nortlon of lot la the city of New Bern knows aad designated as lot No. 80S, on the plan of said city which was fnrnarh owned b Thomas Goodies aad which Is fully described in Bool 90, Pas.es 174 end 175, office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. The same being tract Three ia the petition filed Is lb aoove Prol orf. sad being ths sasoe UDoa which Is located me omos building of Dr Joaeph T Bhem. Report ft kla-hest bid to be mad to the Clerk of ae rjupenor uoun ror oonnnnaiir. TBis ueosmosr na, tv. WiTtTOLARIT. ''.Commissioner. FHPELLfmXR, Commissioner. - at JEASTJEJON .AND A W DAH.T MME. FRIIfiHT. fc PASsiiflta, For All PolnU T$ortuClTJZETiny The Cteamer NEUSB Is scheduled to tan as e p. m , unuaj WMnesuay ana maay. v .- i... The Str..Ocracokevi fcaJTuesdayf, Tharsdayi aad Bsaur an at 1p.m. r:. -'". 'V-- '-. 3T Freight reoeiTarl not later than one nour preyioui vo saumg. for further Information appl j to. 1 i GEO. CENDEIICON, Agi. U, K. &sa, Oon. Vgt., n.0, HpDQiT8,Oon.Frt.o, rasa. Agt , Norfolk, Ta.- " - av n a m 4nnn ruw.Lcrn, . Aff. ,i . n ' Tha treat rheumatic remedy not only cures every form of rbenmatism, but make Contagious Blood Poison V Scrofula, Sores, and all diseases arising; from Endorsed by physicians and , where after thorough trial. A DOCS NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. ( Hainan, W. 0. 5 Gentlemen t I take pleasure In bearing testimony to the eu rati vo properties I ef your"BHScmoiDB.'' Two bottlee cured my eon of a bad case. IftbiawlU r be of any benefit to yon in advertising your meritorious remedy, you can use It. J Tours truly, W. H. BAND, Steward State Blind Institution. 1 All Druggists, $1.00; or Bobbttt Chemical Co., Notice ot Sale. By virtue of a power contained in a judgment rendered in the Superior Court of Craven county in that certain action entitled I. B. Humphrey vsThe Commercial Building and Loan Associa tion appointing the undersigned com missioner. I will sell for cash to the highest bidder st the Court House door in New Bern, North Carolina on Mon day, the 3nd day of February, 1903 at the hour ot 12 o'clock m., the following real estate situate, lying snd being In the county of Craven, state aforesaid, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: A certain piece or I nareel of land, adlolnlne the lands of I Jos. C. Kornegay snd others, bounded j as follows: Lying on the soutn siae or the A. & N. O. it R. north 71 west 70 yards, thence south 79 west 70 yards, thence south 71 east 70 yards, thence to the beginning, contain ing one acre more or less. Also one other piece or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Craven and State of Worth Osrollna, known ana aescrioea as follows: Adjoining the lands of Thos. Cammack, Lovitt Mines snd others snd beginning at s red oak and running south 83 east 77 poles to a ditch, then south 18 west 80 poles to the A. N. U. K. u , tnen wttn tne it. it. north 71 west 90 poles to the Stringer line, then with the Btrlnger line N. 40 W. 20 poles to Ass Hawkins line, then with aald Asa Hawkins line N. 60 E. 68 poles to his corner, then N. 64 E. 21 poles to the beginning, containing 12 acres more or less, together with all Im provements thereon. M. II. W. BTKVBNSON, ComnMssloner. January 1st, 1908. Notice of Summons. N0!;r' jB-.-orOo.rt John E. Mullan v Atlantic Produot Company, a corpora tton. The defondant above named will take notice that a summons In the above en titled action was Usued against said de fendant on the 81st day of December 1902 bv W M Watson. Clerk Superloi Court of Craven county In an action for the recovery by plaintiff of the defend ant nf the sum of three hundred and five dollar and seven ty-alx ($305.70) eats and Interest from July 87th, 1901, which said summons Is returnable to the Feb ruary term of said Craven Superior Court The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was duly Issued from said court at the day and date above named against the property of said defendant which said warrant oi "Mnment ta ""J? ,Mid tsoaTt-- Therefore you are notified to appear at the next term ot the Superior Court to be held In the County of Craven at the Court House In New Bern, North Caro lina, on the 8d Monday before the 1st j Monday of March, it being the Oth day of February 1908, and answer or demur to the complaint filed In said action now ou record In the office of the Clerk of said Court or tha relief demsnded In said complaint will be granted. This Dee. list, 1902. W M WATSON, Clerk Superior Court, Craven Oouotv. P. H. Pelletier, "" ATTOBNIT AT IAT7. 1441 Street, lawyers Brick Balldiag. will nruiaM t ah oouttas ef (nns OamnC Jeaas, Oaalew ax revaUieojO. UoartaHw Bene aa4 aoareaM Ooert Real Estate For Sale. On Monday the 9th day of February 1908. at IS m., I will sell at public auc tion at court boss for cash to ths hlgb- bldderth following real estate la Ktw yj N.C.lot No. 86, on west side of Cravsa street, bosnded on the orth by lot known u the Cox lot, on th west brfHoUCHaaeltoa wton th oath by brick butldlnglknown as b ohln shops, being tha hous and lot la which J, R. Joaet . bow resides. The sals Is made by order of court to make assets DUITT, Guardian. D. Xu-WAIID. Aforttwy at Uw, 74 Bo. Itob 81,'Opp. Hotel Chattawka - 's-, KIW BXBlf, If. 0. , Craven County Attonsy. Rlrrmli. Cravfrn. JotaasJ Onslow. Cars. leres, PamUoo, Ureena, LsboIs, aad th I Bupreme snd Federal Oourts. I. A. rata ,ras. BL BL Usaiawa, T. Trm bsU Jsta' MrVvMi VAsWMsy , not ararw o. ooi,,, attm DaaUng ttMM f March 1, 1901, Surplus aad tJadM - Tj led ProHta. tie.000.00. Proas rA and careful atteatioa given to all husine entrusted to as. . Aseounts reeeived oa favorable term. ,. ttwrd s BtiasSsrs. ' ; " nrdinaaS Oinsfe 1. A. ."lrwa, nuiii W.llMMlh c. a. t aAowa, Chaa. bnflv. Jr. li. a. H . roaisi. jf- r r.r Haun, TiHimae A. is; W.h-fniiwc C.s.Si.v. w.r. croecsts Mark Disomsy. I .a C::: I f a i n radical, cures of Boils, Catarrh, J Impurities In the- food prominent people every' prepaid on receipt of price. 4 Baltimore, fid. P A. & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 28 To Take Effeot Sunday, Nov. 9, 1908 at 7:05 A. M., E. b T. Qoing Eatt SoHiDnLX: doing West ! No. 8 Lv. p m 8 30. . . 8 69... 4 22... 5 40.., 5 60... 715... Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. stations: ajt, a m ....... Goldsboro. 11 06 LaOrange 10 82 Kinston 1018 . . .Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 00 ...Lv. " Ar 8 87 .Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 05 No. 6, I I No. , Passenger I stations: I Passenger Train Train. DAILY. Lv. A. M. Ar, p. M 8 00 Uoldsboro 8 80 8 18 Best's. 806 8 26 LaQrange... 8 37 Falling Oreek. 8 48 Kinston 902 Caswell.... 7 57 7 47 787 785 717 9 13 Dover . . 9 80. .Core Oreek. 7.00 950.... 9 50.... Tuscarora.. B OU Olarka 6 42 1010.... .Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 No. 1. 2d Class. DAILY EXCEPT HUN DAY No. 2. Id Class Lv. am Ar. p S 00. ..Uoldsboro 5 40 6 83 Best's 5 00 7 00 LaQrange 4 85 7 15 Falluur oreek 4 10 8 30 Kinston 3 45 8 40 oaawell 21 9 42 Dover 810 10 07 core oreek 1 18 10 82 Tuscarora 18 48 10 52 ...dark's 18 40 11 25 Ar. New Bern, Lv 18 10 No. 9.t I I No. 10 Freight Stations: Freight Only. Only. P. at. A. 1 30 Lv. New Bern Ar 10 45 2 12 ltiverdale 10 10 8 20 oroatan 9 68 2 41 Havelock 40 8 09 Newport, Lv 9 06 8 20 Wlldwood 8 47 8 28 Atlantio 8 88 8 56 . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. .. 8 80 4 05 . .Ar. U. City Depot, Lv 7 80 P. M. A.M. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, B. A. NEW LAND, G. P. A. Master Transportation. rCN BO YEAR8 EXPERICNCK jA Tsianr MajaR Aiivonn PtniHna a 1tMfis and (Jeaption may nnlntriw aiistwtrLailn rttir nDlnWtfi frsMa wf inTOTtlt'MI IB pnniaoiy mriiLaM)rw. ivniwiiiw Units strloi 1 oonndtMilliU. I Und book oa PatataOj ont frtjsi. OMeat amway tor Bwrhj6U , umhsbr aaaway ur mwmi rnaj Maswiia i taaaa tTiruoaTh Munn Cb. rtmtm laxnia laaen lunKsan aunu m vas. rwasjaw tpMlsil ftactsM, wanoM onarg. I metal not tea. wnnoM onarvaw ia lam Scientific Jlnericatt A hamAanmatT llrsMMMtatf aMaklr. t on)Uon of an aolanttlle trpunuJ, T fr t iimr mtHilDs, l bom Dail wawaoaara, Kr.iM4i nasa OS 9 St- WsakllaMlm. I. O. Notice. Application will be mad to the next session of the General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter of the Pamlico, Oriental and Western Rail Road Company. This December 11th, 1901. W. T. CAHO, President P. O. sad W. R. R. Co. Mom! Mbnej ! ! IToMi ! ! ! The undersigned will make yon n Loan, or will direct the use of any Idle money yon may have on hand. Torn security absolute Signed, ISAAC H. SMITH, 180 Middle St, New Bern, N. C Admliristrttaf i Sale of Und. NORTH CAROLINA ffi" vmv ywV. , . Watson. C 8 C Thos f. McCarthy, Admlatatrator of Chsilty Ambrose, aeceasea VB Jobs Borden, Kilty Hill, el els, By virtus ot ea order of tha B parlor Court of Cravsa county suds Ibis tha 5lh day of December 1901 la Us above entitled actios, I will oa the (th day of January, 1901 at tha Coart House door lath City of NswBera,H. C. atU o'clock m. offer for sale ua. following described tract of land to auk aasets,to wlti la No, f Towsabip, near raver dais, beginning at a llghiwood stake at lb end of Horsspea Breach, sear the edge of tb Beaufort Bead, which leads between Beeuron sua rtsw oera, swa runs with said road to th wood road, and with thelatd Wood Road to tha Great Branch, tbeaoe with aald- Ones Branch to the mouth ot wBovaepe Branoh. and with said HorsepeB Branch to the beginning. - Less aboa 69 sores heretofore conveyed by Charity Ambrose to Joha Burdea aad others. ;Ths tract to be sold said to eontrin a boot 19 sore more or leas. Terms oi sale caahv Tbl Oth day of Iwwwntiar, 1'i't, -j ; TUO&r,Ai-UAttriiV,i. Administrator. usmrn At. r It- :il KM ate. D vliltic uf a jnilBment rendered In I im. . 'f of John A. Garrett acalnat N-ill'Hi Ii I J.ilnmin. hud bis wife. Harv. 'lit- IhII li t in 1C0 of the Superior ti'i nf Crnvcu county. the undersigned a. -..iiiii,: , K.rier. will on the 22nd dav J i t a i IW.H, hi 12 o'clock m.. of still lnv, i ilic 0 unly court Donee door In 'he cltv nf Ni Bern, sell to the hleh- vrl hlililcr Ini tush Ibe following de- wriln(l lni;il LtM-ati d In that part of theHiy of St Hi tn common lv known as Kelzt nsieii vlllu us laid off into lota and fUrce'n m il iltrcrihe In a certain plot br plan nf salt! sen lenient called Relzen stelnville as lots numbers 21 and 28, and Donnaen ami tiencriritti as lollowf: Beginning at the nottbwes corner of lot number 25 on said plot on east aide of Chspman street and running thence north - along Chapman stret t to the south western corner of number 19. thence south along the west lines of lots numbers 22 and 24 to the south nest corner of lot number 24, thence west- wardly along the north line of lot num ber 25 to the north west corner of lot number 25, thence east to beginning on Chspman street. For fuller description see deed from Chas. Iteizenstein and wife to the said Nathaniel Johnson. It. W. Williamson, Commissioner. December 22nd, 1902. Publication ot Niim- mons. North Carolina, 1 In the Superior Court Craven County. Before W. M Watson. Thos F. McCarthy, Administrator of the estate of Mary Banks, de ceased. vb' Matilda Wells, Susan Nixon, FeterC, Nixon, her husband, Susan Heath.Blmon Heath her husband and Nora Oden. To Nora Oden: It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by affidavit that Nora Oden Is a non-resident of ths State of North Caro lina, you are hereby notified, that a sum mons snd petition for sale of real eBtate for assets has seen ouiy nieo in tne clerk's office of Craven county N C, In the above entitled action by Thos F. Mc Carthy, administrator. You are hereby notined to appear Detore said uiera st the Court House In New Bern, N. C. on Monday the 2nd day of February 1903, at 12 o dock m. and answer or demur to said petition as you may deem best, oth erwise the prayer of the petitioner will be granted. It la ordered that this notice be pub lished once a week for six weeks In the New Bern Journal. This 18th day of December 1902. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. Administrator's f ale of Land. By virtue of an order of sale obtained the special proceeding entitled Thomas F. McCarthy, administrator of Venus Simmons deceased, against Lavina Hatch and others, before the Clerk of the buper lor Court of Craven County, the under signed will, on the first Monday In Feb ruary, 1908, being the 2nd day) at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door In the City of New Bern, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property. une House ana lot on tne rv est siuo oi Ash street In the city of New Bern, be ing lot number 148 In the plan of the city of New Bern, fronting on 64 feet on Ash street and running back 102 feet, bounded on the North by lot number 147 and on the West by lot number 153, on the south by lot number 140, and on the East by Ash street. Dec. 81st 11)02. THOMA8 F. MCCARTHY, Administrator. For any Information as to locality or title, see R. W. Williamson, Attor ney. Administrator's Sale oi Iiand. Bv virtue of an order of sale obtained In the special proceeding entitled Thorn, as F McCarthy, administrator of Thomas C Battle, Jr., vs. Cells Battle and others, deoeaacd.before the clerk ot the Superior Court of Craven county ,the undersigned will on the first Monday in February, 1908, (being the 2nd day), at 12:00 o'clock m., at the County court house door in the City of New Bern, N C sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property: One third undivided interest In s lot of land at the north western intersection of Queen snd Bern streets In the City of New Bern, and beginning at the said Intersection and runs along Queen street, 96 feet and 0 inches, thence northwardly and Sirallel with Ben street 80 feet and 6 ohee, thence eaetwsrdly and parallel with Cedar street 88 feet to Bern street, thence southwardly along Bern street, 8ft feet and ft Inches to the place of be ginning. Being s part of lot, number 46 In ths plsa of the City of New Bern aad the same lot oi land conveyea ny ueea Joshua Scott to Cells Banton, which deed Is dated 7th day of February, ituv, aad recorded la Book No 66, page 121 . In the offlos of the register of deeds of Craven county. THOMAS F. HOUAHIU I , Administrator. December 81st, 1902. For any information as to locality or title, see R W Williamson, Attor ney. 127 lUddle St, Fall Hue of Drugs and Medicines. Perfumes, Toilet Boapa, etc, also the following Mineral Watersi Matchless Xtnsral Spring, Buffalo Llthla, Hunny adl Jsaos, Hunyadl Matyas, Oarbana, Tsronlca, Apenta, Red Raven Splits. Combs, Brashes, Tooth Brashes, , , . , Pastsrine Tooth Paste. COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, th Great Dterafaotaut and . '.v. Bad Bug Destswyer. ' Brom-Cliloralum AluratTOVINTATiyMot toiectlonot eonagioB of DIPBTITJER1A SMALL lTiyskrkuisTWripoP "wTcMt7' cMicHtfaraa-a US,. n:,Vi;3XAVrl;jy2 I Via ITT- A !. rJsJ ' - ssilUl lilKH N KN4Lss?f la Ri D and i.id twaasim sismMs InhMMsbssav Hrv 4 i . i irWrwes wbtltMtlsal sasaw aatl " SaTi lasaal 4)a sYsWIIitu 4as Henrys Pliarmacy,

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