...;. THE JOURNAL. New Bet H. C Jm. 7, 1I0&V LODGE DIRECTORY, fi CRAVEN LODGE HO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meet! ted aid 4th Wednesday nights In each month in Rountree's Hall. Pollock street, st 7.80 o'clock. Bamuel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Bttfji B.& Bill, Financial Secretary. Index to New ldrertlsemeits. Lost. The Bee Hive Driving a bargain.. Simmons & Hollowel Co Inventory sale. Business Locals. LOST A pair of gold rimmed spectacles Finder will be rewarded by leaving them at Journal office. WANTED Board In private family by gentleman and wife. Address, "Board ers" 84 Broad St. EVERYBODY stop and look at J 8 Miller's WUlIamsport "Bird's Bye" Ma ple snlt. Oar show window finest out for bridal presents. J. 8. Miller. COW LOST From my lot 43 Craven street, late Saturday evening. Brindle color, medium height, good horns. Re ward for Information of cow, or her re tarn to me. L O Daniels. FURNITURE FOR RENT. Kitchln, dining room and bed room furniture. Terms reasonable. Apply to this office or P. O. Box 464. A FRESH lot of Nunally's fine candles received last night, J. B. Dawson. MR. W. R. NIXON has opened a re staurant In the store opposite Henry's Pharmacy, and will serve oysters In any style desired. Barbecue every day. NO. 2 REMINGTON Typewriter In Perfect Order at -reduoed price, apply at Whltehurst's. AFTER JANUARY 1 1908 the first floor of No. 84 Pollock street residence with five choice rooms, toilet, etc, will be for rent. Apply to J. W. Stewart; STERLING SILVER-A very Urge consignment of the latest Raleigh beaded design of Sterling Sliver, especially for weddings engraved free at J. O. Bai ter's. HOUSE FOR RENT The honse on Metcalf Btreet formerly occupied by Mrs Yeomans. For further Information en quire of the owner Mrs Anna Dlnklns, 84 Metcalf street. OUR make Breakfast Bacon,, something fine 15 cents per ponnd at Oaks Mar ket. NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street. New Bern, N. C. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. E Latham? Co. New Yobx, January (.It would be dlf Icult to Imagine a more demoralized sentiment that was prevailing on the exohange today. Belling was general and continued throughout the day. More or less buying appeared on theory that a break of 20 or 80 points was to be followed by a reaction but so mioh sel ling came from Wall street that the ball side had little show. The market held around 8.80 for a time only to crash to 8.65. Liverpool was weak going off about as fast as the market went up a week ago everything wss In such con fusion traders hardly knew what to do this was the result of sudden change of front by the leader of the January pool after saying January was worth more money and the pool would put price up, he comes oat and says the price Is high enough and looks for fo break. January today selling sbout same price at which It was said to be worth more money W don't care to assume any responsibility for rumors circulated I or 8 days ago on the floor. It will be re membered that people who tendered cotton on January were Pong of March. It will be remembered also thai January longs hedged themselves by selling March short. Now It Is said the firm carrying January had an interview with the gentleman not a member of the exj change and as a result relation an sow trained. Cotton was thrown overboard and this has caused January to go to a discount at the same time the March In terest has not been taken In. To bring about a break the manifesto wan sent out. i. B. Latham 4 Co. OASTOniA. -Una lUwUwm berk. STotiee. Application win be mad to the next session ef Uw General Assrmbly of North Carolina to amend chapter 047 law of 1880 establishing graded schools In the City of New Bern, to Increase the rat of taxation for the support of (aid Mhook. '. i .. - . '; - W. M. WiTSOK, ,.; ' hWy. Treat, ' This Ilk day of January, 1908, Sachet Powders at Davis. " - '. OOOOO000MM00 P i t'.i otrUB WBtut too wait, r X X , . rtf t trt tat in'""'-' t VO ZriECt ON TBI HEART. ' 0 Soli at all Drugstores. : A bfcLlGTHFUL EVENT, yl Sapper (ilven the Attendants of the Mil Green Wedding farty. , - ' A fiVe course supper was served last night at the home of Mr. TV A. Green, to those who will attend tbo bride and groom, Mr, A. .T. DDI and Mies Clara Green, at their wedding, today. ; : The dining room was tastefully trim med with bamboo, palms and ferns and the table adorned with rich flowers. The gentlemen guests who attended were Messrs. E. M. Green, J.H.Wed dell, D. F. Foy, 8. E. Eaton, M. C. Dill and B. B, Williams; Groom Elect and Groomsman, Messrs A. T. Dili, and S L Dill, Jr. The ladles were Misses Alberta Ulrlch Annie Foy, Mary E Btreet, Mattie Green Katie Moore, May Moore, Bride Elect and Maid of Honor, Miss Clara Green and Miss Hattle J. Watllngton.of Wash ington. In addition (o these gnest were tLe family and a few friends. Following was the Menu. o OjBter Rolls Pickles. Cold Turkey. Cranberry Frappe. Bread and Butter. Sandwiches. Calory. Chicken Salad. Beaten Biscuit. OLlVfiS. Frozen Padding. Angel Cake. Whipped Cream. Orange Ice. Nut Cake. Coffee Cheese. AROUND AND ABOUT. Cotton sold on thoMocal exchange yes terday at 8 81. A cement walk Is being laid in front Of Big Hill's store on South Front St. The Children of the Confederacy ire requested to meet at the school house at half past three o'clock Thursday after noon. The Woman's Missionary Society of First Bspttst Church will meet this af ternoon at 8:80 o'clock .In the parsonage rooms of the church. There was all kinds of threatening weather, yesterdsy, with the tempera ture about 40 degrees. From threatening snow or rain, It cleared np. Fair with no special changes in temperature Is the forcast for today. Colonel Not Without Honor, Etc. Ed Journal The many old friends of "CoL" A. M. Baker, who have known him since boyhood, were doubtless quite amused at reading the article copied from the Seattle Post Intelligencer, giv ing the account of the redoubtable "Colonel's" exploits In the Civil Wir As the "Colonel" was but eliven years old when all this occurred, the article reminds us of our lamented filend, Dr. O. W. Blacknall and of the numerous titles created by him and the good ''stories" he wrote. I OASTOXilA Btantfc Blfistns r jf ine Mira iito nam umjz ooupr Shoes at Cost We are over stocked In shoes and In order to make room for our Spring line we will sell our line of W P Taylor shoes at cost. Also our line of E P Heeds shoes for ladles. Our new stock will soon be In and we must mske room for them. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTKlt J. J. Baxter Is offering for the next 30 days, heavy double breasted flcoccd line underwear at 85c, heavy ribbed under wear 85c. All winter goods at some re daction. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs Cobb, of Norfolk, is tbo guest of the Misses Green. Mrs 1 B Latham and children arrived In the city last evening. Mr L J Taylor left yesterday on a bus iness trip to northern cities. Mr Zsoh Brown has returned to the Rhodes school at Klnston. Mr Fred Tucker returned to hit stu dies at Davidson College yesterdsy. Mr and Mrs Frank Hymsn, Mrs O Marks and Mrs M M Marks visited in Klnston yesterday. Mr O V Richardson, of Dover, was in th city yesterday attending a meeting of the County Commissioners. Miss Llzsls Parker who has been pass lag th holidays at her horn has returned to her studies In Littleton Femsle Col lege. New Bern S.F. B. Co. Election. At the, meeting of the New Bern Steam Fir Engine Co., on last Taesdsy night, th following offloers were elected for 1808. . T 0 Daniels, Engineer. J J GaakflL Foreasao.' L A Taylor, Asa't. Foreman. O T Harrington, Dept. of Hose. H D Wood, Beeretery. O A Kafer, Treasurer. A B Htbberd and F A Oasklll, Repre sentative. . Halliard's and Tssuey's Candles! : : ONION SET white yellow 1 ! and red varieties Just received . Large consignment of Spring ,'. X t Beads from Bnlat, Landreth . X '., Parr Cn. ... ' ' -'.'...i1' 9 I ERAbllAM'S rnARMAOY. . Cor. Pollock A Middle Bis. . ;:7' , NOTHING" vDOING " " r In the Council Last iflgtL A rill and an Application op. - , - . At the regular monthly meeting of the Olty Council last night an Itemised bill for 8,O0O was presented In th name of the New Bern Bleotrlo Railway and Light Company by R P Williams The bill was for damages to the poles, wires, ropes, pulleys, transformers, and other property done by the city .between May Uth, 1903 and Jan. 1st, 1908. The Council passed the bill up without any action; all desiring to know more of the details of the bill. ' W. R. Harper made application for a license to run a saloon at No. 08 Middle stree.'Schenck's old bar. This proposi tion was also given the marble heart, ad journment being made before considera tion or the question. The application will probably be presented for a saloon In a different place. List of Letters Remaining in the Post Ofllc at New Beii, Craven county, N. C. Jan. 5th 1903: MEN'S LIST. B George M Brown (col), Bowden Lumber Co. D Haver Dauve 108 8 Front st. F Louis French. G -John Gasklns. II Capt Louis L Hayman, Major Hill L H Hill, William Harper. K-J T Klnsey. L-W R Lewis. M R G Morisey, care Capt Owon Uolmcs, H T Mooro, A J Moore, W C Mos 'ley, Thaddeaus Murphry 53 Queen St. R Benjaman F Reed. Joe Raterford care Mr C C . 6-J B Stewart, Samuel 168 Middle st, Tom Simpson. T N L Tsylor, Hoyt Toatle. W-G 8 Walker, care Hotel Albert. WOMEN'S II8T. B-Mamie Boyd. O-Elizabeth Clark, Lulu Clark, Liner Carter, Llnner Craidlt, -Bottle Cook, Hallow Cox. E Fanny Ellis, barge Vuloan. F-Clem Franks. K Emma Koonce, cire Ohrlstful Dixon. M Mrs Jas B Mase, Lin "User Mer rill. P-Mlas J S Picket. R Llns Russell. B Fannie Hykes, 12 Craven st. Vine Rmith. V-Maggle Verble. W-AHce Webb. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. The regulations now requlrethat one (1 sent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. S. W. Hancock, P. H. GLEANINGS. At St. Angustlne, Fin., Is the only mlil in the world that gets its power di rect from nn nrteslnn well. Great Uritaln buys over 11,000 Ions of German toys nnnually, while the Unit ed Htutcs ranks next, with an lmporta tloffof about 0,000 tons. A Ocrmnn geographer complains that north ikiIc exploration is in danger of di'Ki'iit'i-iitiiig into a sport. In which the establishment of "records" Is the main tiling. Ocoh, formerly one of the principal Mexican ports on the Pacific coast, has nlinoHt completely disappeared in the son owing to tho Blnklng of the harbor bottom after an earthquake. In the census of 1000 there were twenty-seven states in which the number of children who could not reed or write was less than 1 per cent In 1800 there were but thirteen states in that class. Within twenty-five years American astronomers have won as many annual uiednls of tho Itoyal Astronlmlcal Bo ciety of England as astronomers of all other countries, except England, com bined. Ilnron Pierro du Coubertln and the mu lingers of the international Olym pian gnmce of 1004 have expressed a willingness to assent to the proposed transfer of the games from Chicago, aa originally intended, to St Louis. Eastman Kodaks and Photographic Supplies AGENCY BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Wishing you a j Prosperous aridll Happy NeVD Year. ' . : - .... 1 INNETT'S BOOKSTORE. mA m 1 n r mm I OUMH5, I Itelesys. $1 st brsnlst M j ' bfrni prrpai& . f) ik. neistaw wscvs Hiui,ma - W HXWOUl.tAMS.i4. Soldo byJDABQETTJI'HARMAOT ' Broad 8t a ot oaf I ;s . C Cssfkt Cared. I y--r' A () C.rftt .1 ' f V cewitk V .4 l ti.ac. I f-1 V-.-- 3 Thiiswliat Ayer's Hair Vigor does : Restores color to gray hair, makes the hair grow, stops falling, Rockefeller's Dollars Seal Lips. Chicago Special to New Orleans Timer Democrat. "John D. Rockefeller's dollars have sealed the Hps of every Instructor at the University of Chicago, and that In stitution will never become a great place of learning.', Dr. John Basoom formerly president of the University of Wiscon sin, but now a professor at Williams College, said today. "In the East." he continued, "it Is considered necessary to teach political economy and sociology In every large Institution of learning. How are pro fessors at the Chicago University to do this? They have accepted this man's money and In fairness to him and them selves they must not . tell the young men and women who come to their school how their benefactor gained his dollars. "Now that he has gained his dollars he looks about him for a way to get rid of some of them. He says he will en dow a university. la there a motive other than liberality? We see his money in the coffers of that institution. What is the result? The command Is silence. "A discriminating beggar would not accept a penny of Rockefeller If he could get one anywhere else." I am firmly convinced that the Uni versity of Chicago would be better off if Rockefeller had never given it a dol lar." Fine Poultry, Turkeys and Chickens, at Oaks Market today. BRAt HAM'S IMPROVED ANTI BILIOUS PILLS are nature's mildes and most effective remedy for a sluggish liver and disorders of the digestive tract generally. They remove impurities from the blood arM clear up the sallow com plexion often seen in persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases. Price 85f per box, sample box two doses for 6c, BRADHAM'S PHAKMACY, Cor. Pollock & Middle Sts. Budnuts Perfumes at Davis. l Ladies Silk Waists I Reduced. I a. Black, Navy, Lavender, Light Blue, BARFOOT BROS. This Store Big Inventory THIS MORNING AT 9:00. Today we offer to close all open stock A- F. 41. ami oilier floe worlli from 10c to 20o per yard This entire lot most be X I Inventory. A .A. Wednesday Morning, j j Children, and lOo Quality 7o. ' 16c Quality lie 10o Quality lSo. . Let na here call your ular 19o Ladies Hose, Splendid Values at 25c, but to oloso all open atpjk prloe will bo l5o. k Thursday We will offer' our entire atook ' of VlNB LACK. E DOING AND IN8ERTLNG AND KMBROIDRBY .EDGES AND INSERTING8 a' about SSi ner oent. f loss than regular price. - It A "' 1 . -II -, . . . m cii'nn up au oiu swck oi AmDroiaerto so iDrtf wnen we ': offer our Ne Spring Styles yon will know tint they nro absolutely the newest designs. v ."''' .v BPSpeoM valoea offered each day tbia weelr. .. ! 67 Police!; Street. r cures dandruff. t.e.iTo., Lwil, Mmm, WINTHROP. Cnrlstmas Festivities and Utiles. Pros pective weddings. - Jan. 6. The Inclement weather of Sunday was a severe disappointment to many of oar young people. It was a long day on this old monotonous hill. We had a fine time Christmas. Pres ents were fnumerous and all were mer ry. Mr Johnnie Neal who has a position at Norfolk Is visiting his parents here. Everybody Is glad to see the young man and to know of his prosperity. Mr Harvey gave a party to a few friends on Tuesday night which was a very enjoyable affair. Mr James Taylor of Bachelor was the host of a very pleasant party last week. Mr J H Hudson was here last week on business. Mr A H Stevens has moved here from Oriental. He is working for the Pamlico Lumber Co. Mr and Mrs W W Hollls returned lsat week from a visit to their former home In Plymouth. Rumors are In the air of a few wed dings that will take place in a short time. Wlnthrop will have the title of Bride vllle some sweet day. Some person will need a pocket com pass In order to know where he Is at if he keeps playing In the strange roads around here; so beware. Messrs Harvey and McLean left on the boat last week. Slikpt Head OA BTOniA. Btaistlis Blgaatan of iha Kind Yua Haw Hlwars Brushes, Pocket Books sad Card Cases at Davis. AAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt WWW WWWWWWWW VWWWWl Begins Its aie cleaned np before we take T Ladira Hosiery. Special Attention to our Reg- has been our custom to. . . -a . iilorninn CC2Z0ww4wwwvCZZ30 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! ii o o O Men's Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined i Underwear, all sizes, 90c A SUIT Men's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Under- wear, all sizes, 90c a suit T -Also Special Values in Half Hose, in blark and colors, 2 nairs for 25ri 8 i J. G. Dunn & Co. I OOOO 4 While you are driving a bargain do lose your head. There is something else to consider besides low prioe, and that is High Quality. We have both low price and high quality. Hamburg Edging and Insert on, 2000 yards, 15, to 85c gradtt u w 10c vard. These nro not odds and ends but whole pieces. Ladies All Wool Vests and I'nnU, dollar grade, 76c Ladies Fleece Ribbed Vests and i'antg, half dollar grade, 36o. Ladies Fleece Ribbed Vests auil Pants, quarter dollar grade, 20c. Ladies Black Hose, full regalur made, high spliced heels, double toes, for 19c. These are bona flde 25c goods. We will have our V hit Goods Sale in a few days REMEMBER we give rebate checks which we redeem at 4c on the dollar. The Bee Hive PATTERSON & HILL, 6 1 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal Church. WE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS for Stoves A full stock of Wood Heulerg, Wilson Heater, and loth are per fect with front feed door. You will find on our floor the; kind joii want. We are prompt in puttiug (hem up. I-ooi our stuck ovor before placing your order. We carry a good stock of Sash, boors, 1 Hinds, Lime, Ceiuhut, I'hw ter, anything you may wai.t in Ituildem Material. .Special Black Jack Slnve Blacking. Bull Beikring Castoin. I'llONr: 147. 7H MlDDLI NT IIllliH, Spokes, II A :t( inch, liini.", 'riir,", A xU'8. Great Anieiic n, i Lightning, V Cross Cut Saws. Plain Tooth, ) Also a full line of Axes, File, Wedges, Humes, Traces, Cart Box es, etc, which will bo sold at the Lowest CASH Price. P. M. VRANEY, G7 N From Nl J. W. WOOD, (Successor to Foy ic Wood) Tinner and Plumber, Will continue business st chop of the late Arm. All work Quurinteed First-class, Stoves, Piping and everything usually found in a good tin shop. Thank 1 1 g lh patrons of oik firm lor their business ttnu work in 'lie past, I tiUot tlwy will continue their pub on age. J. W. WOOD. Boarding House, 3. fl. Ward, Pwpr, p v UYgVILL", . .,(. O. . AU ot Uif ran uleiws asnaltf tmni In a flrt ehtsa boMdliitf hiimr. talil , anil Careful AOentlou. . Katos II 10 per day. Special attention paid (o traveling men. . ' -u :; ;.-: rOR'TBUlKIIU. :.','X. M. 1 JEFFREYS, ' v , v ,:Goidjhore,N.q." 8 olloc3s Street. 8 MT0. not (iaskill Hardware Co. NKW MKKN, N i e to on A Prw Pn . so society, ditto to baarness aaeeeea. nowadajs Is feoareel obtahmbls anleas Mil ll dnsMjit. That aaeaaa ank only elothlnf of food tuaurlsl aod well nude, bat well fitted - We supply the very best material, rmr shrinking (son oalf It sponging), and oar sewing are ot the best also; but we also make salt) to A. 1- 1 1 1 .1 J . . ' Mai Walk Porch Floor Paint lpplyCo 4 1 1 V