i 6 , '4 J- i - J . Ci.iJ-Tt'.'eparatiDnrorAs- iiiiieaaiiaiicguia- , .! janaiiowclsof F. :":irri a Lcsh'onjCteeriul- wss aid itest Contains neither 1 OT NAUC OTIC . , . aj w- TXarJiMMi c km : A perfect Remedy forConsupa Hon, Sour Stoatach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fewrish- ness end Loss of Sleep,? Fac Siirale Signature of ..-' II jJlL EXACT COPY or WRAPPER., -r J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed Sale r LAUQEST AND FINSET STOCK OF HOESES etaajfl. - MTJXBS; ever offered for gale in this city, A car load of each joat in. Also uncomplete line of Pnggiea, Wagonf, Ilarne, Kobee, Whips Cart'Wheels, &c J A JONES, Bread St. Stewart' Old Stand. THE CELEBRATED Garland Wood Heaters- Wcjare tho agent. llrot oJi Loading, Single and Double 1 urrol, Hammerles Shot Guns. Y ull line Ammunition for .Sports men. 8sb, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. 'Jnder Hotel (Itaattawka, " Mamcrsf - AriULtMth,' ihij r-w;- . . - .' 'i'iJfm What W Have pout, Do,; and Will rntlntu to Do. -i .7 This Bank oondacta Its baiiness npoa ao-to-now" aMthods. ; !;, It It ear atirpoM to deal Justly .and .ihemltv with all. ( .; ' ' ' , Wa earefullr safcrnard tha In ta rests , of rof coitoaiert. Moreover, -w frt 'c qneotly do It unknown to themt as op", ' Dortaslttes often oorne tons In eonlden- ' Ual ways, and yoa nhotover-appeolte " , saoh cvnslderatlon. . 1 - W ms not disposed to overlook the ' fact that ths Interests e tha Bank and . those of the people are closely bonad to gather, and; cannot by say means be '- apavated. f f ' . ' " This Iitnk sets as a repository .for WlDavTand sfelf keeps tl'm till tho ' praner time of surrender, Will also act . as tha oustodian of money ot popen left whb. la escrow. . io charge for these ' services.--. , . . j Waproeurs LetUrt of Credit for in . Jondlng trsvellers. ' . -Wa aim to be prompt, progressiva and ;.-! 1 liberal, - , -- f la tha msttor of soootnmodsttnnl, Oiil 'f.Raak meets ever reflnlremctit wlti.la t- ' IDS HmltS Of prndunt t "' - V yoo bTo never i - n yir'M as S putrnn, vr k y"il t" w ' "HI Li . uui For Infants and Children. TSa Kind : You Have ? Always 1 B ought f r : Bears the Signature In Use For. Over Thirty Years Notice. Application will be made to the next session of the General Assembly, of North Carolina to amend chapter Ml laws of 1899 establishing graded schools In the City of New Bern, to Increase the rate of Ussilnn for the support of sold schools, W. II. WATSON, ' 8c'y, Tnsa. tuls 6th dat of Jsnusry, 1903. aoaa, purs wboteaoa.0, gnaranteed to be chemically made from dlstiUed wattr a a tree iron imparities, .openauy tended and prepared for hamaa ean- tumption. . ' -'j "i loe delivered daily (except Boadays) intoipn. : tmnaays (rouui ooiyj iibhu auun For pnees and othernf ormatlon, ". : ; Addnsa, -- JIew.JBern Ice Co. A Oood c one BXBVIOB IS BUSINESS NECE88ITT, A HOM ;-! ' 0OHYSNIXN0X. A , 00' i i-. I : . ! r T ... t .V Ordar Yoai Phone at Onxal . The undersigned will make yon a I-oan, or will direct the use of any idle money; yon may have on hand. , , -Tour aecirrity absolute , 8Ieued, ISAAC H. BMITn, 180 Middle Bt, ; - ITew Bern, N.'C, - X P' r,l,NTTBltoan Wit I. 1 iiu.n of fn')fltint, ee onium. Ifciularian. , p,.l,iirftfrftm,eo. wrfi or, ft fhf ' Hoaltrton hem!1 , . . 1 'ir,.."fi',' lrat t "".'J M. WOl M.I.I. T (..,. ' . .-n I:'1 N. l'ljurrf'rrw' . ...... j 4lU ,llMJt. OoiMl'l" 1 ' ? 1 I o 7 r 1 ft ' ! ; ..... iATmimiMmiitiiiii-". h Hi it n- J-1 I IH t OK nOMK USK HINTS FOU FAPJXIIS -r Tho Satire ! Uet Clever Seed. ' In cooperation with the United States lepartmout ot agriculture the Maine agricultural experiment station bat dur ing, the. jwiBt season conducted a com parative study, of red clover, obtained from different parts of the world, The object of this study la to determine, If possible, the best source from which to obtain seed for general farm- purposes. To this ent the questions considered veres Bate and per- cent of germina tion, date of blooming and consequent earllnesa of crop, date of cutting, yield per acre find general condition of the stand. 1 -if i:fe?C: JTlivS ..- Borne striking differences were noted, but of course no general; conclusions can be drawn from one season's work. Seed was sown May 19 on fifty-eight plots of two square rods each. The flint bloom was noted Aug.. 2, on plots with the seed from England, Itussla, Nebras ka, Tennessee, Iowa and Missouri. The first plots ready for harvest (cut just in bloom) -svere thon from Indiana and one- lot libra Bohemia,- The largest yields were obtained, In the order glv-. en, from plots with Seed from Bohemia, Indiana, Minnesota, Wlscongln, Britta ny and Ohio.: Plants from American seed .were invariably very hairy,-. while those from European seed were almost as Invariably smooth. The experiment trill be continued through another growing season, and the results will be given in detail in a station bulletin. Ronnd'Type ot Seekel Pew.' 1 SB peculiar type of Seckel pear was brought to the office of the American Agriculturist by Fruit Grower 0. J Allen ,of lyong Island. The pear is nearly: round and in' general shape re sembles that of an apple or sand pear. In color, quality and other character istics it is a typical BeckeL It was grown in the orchard of .William F. Bearing, Cayuga county, N. X. Mr. Allen says that Mr. Bearing has grown Seckehr successfully for many years and has Just noted this peculiar, type on one limb of each of two trees. The tears on the other trees in the orchard fere of the normal type. Thla peculiar .variation Is about the average size of the ordinary Seckel and possesses in a very marked degree all the characteris tics of the true type, with the exception of its general form and shape. The skin is a brownish green, later turning to a rich yellowish brown, wltn a deep red cheek. The stem is rather short, while the calyx-" end is quite distinctly marked. ; The .flesh is fine grained, sweet, juicy and very agreeable to the taste. - Weather Predictions at Vur Door. New developments are taking place In the free mall delivery service. The latest suggestion is to convey the weather predictions through some kind of weather signals taken out by the car riers. Where the plan has been tried It has .been welcomed by farmers along the route. The difficulty Is in getting the predictions early enough to go out with the carriers. Of 8,000 rural de livery offices it has been found that only about ToOcsn be conveniently ar ranged in deliver; forecasts. Averaging two carriers to an office means 1,500 carriers - who oould deliver forecast cards to 150,000 farmers' families. This would make a fair start, and it would doubtless be found that other places can make arrangements to Improve the service in, this direction. American Col' tivator. PonHrrvPer tke Fmrater. None is so well situated for growing poultry profitably as the farmer. He who buys ,bls teed, and spends many weary boars In labor to properly corf for a nock of confined birds must cal culate to a nlcety.all the elements of cost,His well as receipts The poultry products sold by the farmer are practi cally all profit for hit fowls fatten on what would otherwise be wasted; and their wide range Insures health and prolificacy. The grain thrown to the fowls amounts to little, for at night their crops are already well filled with seeds and insects, and but little addi tion is needed. The farms are and al ways will be the chief source of the market supply of poultry products. ; ' Valuable fceaorta. A number of experiment stations are charged' wlta enforcjug the laws, re lating to the sale of concentrated stock feeds. . Once a year they publish a re port giving tile composition of all the feed on -the market- - For the man who buys feed this is the most Impor tant bulletin of tk Jrehr, although Its columns. .of. figures lusy oppear,' Ory The real character M the feeds is ap parent, and by s careful study of the analyses It Is easily possible to com pound the most economical ration, Pre aerva these reports and use tbenv- Amerlcaa Agriculturist -l";A?a':, - Take dure at the artUr,V - ft la lima farmers Wjcr giving mors attention to the preservation of the fer tlllty of their fields. Steady cropping to the old method will surely. exhaust them sooner or biter, Thla bad end la soon reached -on soudy uplands, bnt should not be reached on any. By green manuring and other fertilising the soil may bo steadily unproved. -This re quires work, but it Is work that pays, and pay la what most people work for. Boom work for pay they never get Earners who impoverish their soils by bad farming are losers In tho end, . j Ueavr-Tnstt Predaetloa. ,' A million head of lettuce per year are grown under, glnss by W. W. Rowson, the big Massnchusetls market garden er,. encumbers are ;rown at a cost of a cent encblhnt la, It costs about $0,- 000 a year to run the cucuuiber houses, and 000,000 Jcukct" are produced each year. About t.OOO per dnf are grown in March, 4,000 in April, 10,000 In May and 10,000 Jn June, uis largest aay i picking jras CO.OOO "cukea.7 , '. tISTRESSKG STC2ACH t!SrAS2. rennancntly cured b tha mastort; powor of "i3oirrB Amtnroia Nbrvik Tohio. Iavollili nood suffer no m?ty b"cn tills great remody can cure ti It U a cure for the whole 1 of Actlac Versa. Drawing. To a group of friends Ellen Terry once aald: "Acting is not like drawing. Yon make a Hue. It It is wrong, you rub It out at once and mats another. With acting that is impossible. There la no altering it must stand. I often feet aa if I must cry to the audience, Oh, that is wrong, not aa I meant it to be; let me act that part or sentence over again.' " . ' ' " . 1 -1 . 1L1I- itl'i Wf v-Two Kind, of Cariosi tr. . ' v :. Philanthropic 'Visitor (to jailblrd- My friend, may I ask what brought yon bom? ?fesi-r& - - " 1 JaUblrd-The same thing that brought yoa Jiero the-deslre to poke my nose Into ' other people's business. Only 1 used generally to go In by way of the basement window. . i-'-TaaFIret'Horae nrnti" In the month Shebnt, in the second year of King Darius, "a man riding a red horse stood among the myrtle trees, and behind him were horses red, sorrel and wblte, ' Wasn't that the' earliest horse show of. which any authentic record still abides? . ' ., :i - A perfect understanding of self tt a perfect anderstandlng of all things, for man Is the condensed whole. " From ouch a man no power is withheld. AO things are obedient to blm. Freedom,- Hary Khew. y Qoverness What Is the future of the verb "to love," Mary I Pupil after a" pause) To marry, ma'am.. Laws ore like cobwebs, which may catch flies, but let wasps and hornetfl brer.V throujrh.SwIft. Beauiy Triumph, - Tib fviosW n o woman obecU to being tMUBttfuL noauty la woman's charm, ioy, prida and iUenxth. ThawoHdhualwayapttUdand aJ-irrd beautiful women. A pretty woman dreads materittty for fear of loslncrthlspow er and Innuenc -over metu What can be) dune to iwrpetuatatharaca and keap wi oman t used iMiauuriur Titer la a tralm uiUvyrsaui t by cultured and uncultured woman In crisis. Husbands will do well to invaatun.1 this remedy In order to rOMsnra their wires on the point of ease with which children c ucn child ran can form and Apm na nom ana au Uemuty ot I Mother's Friend la tha simple name by which this Ihralaabla remedy is known. It will dlmtnlah all pain 11 ood ailied to inotherhoott. Used Uirouahaa orrumsncr It will dispel morn In sr sic! cure sora bransta, make elastic nil tendons :kneai and fibres calked u upon to hold la position tha ax pan dint: bui soolh 1 ng Influence and the patient anticipates favorably the Issue, tn the cocniurt thua bestowed. .. .. ' . roen, si use tea soften unset its Motbsri ftimu is a ummant iorx- temal appHcation. Wiwnen'a own pretty finarers rub It cently on I 1m parts so severely taxed, and It Is Instantly absorbed ami. so lubricates the parts . Your dntKirlst sella It lor ft par bottle. ' Yoti may Lava our book "Mothsrhswd" THE BtUDHELO REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA t OA. '0 , Garden Seeds Eastfortha "Sunny SDUlb," because they are specially grown and selected with a full knowledge of the conditions and require, ments of the Boutbv Twentv-flve years - expert enoa and practical growing 01 au ta ainerent vege tables enables us to know the very best, and to ofier aeeda that will give pleasure, satisfaction and profit to all who plant them. Weed's Kow Seed Ecckfof 1903 'fMslled on Maneettlafnll of mod things, and gives the most reliable lniormauon a Done au aeeua. bow tot tha Farm and Garden, -A c . , ; Tt W.WOOD dSOIilB, . Seedsmen, 'lUdumondaTal WOOD am BOOK also tolls all beat I ureas rw Bad Clevw mitJ I Petateea, asd airT" Pana imH. - -A Writs for Bea Book sad prleM of say . . fetm feeds reqllrxU ,. Sale For Partition. State ot North Carolina, sVjlatl the Snpe- vouniy oi vraven. rlor Von'w Kata B. Bpwcer and husband S U Spen- ! .'i eer, Carrie w Cole and huiband :, TR Cole. ' , Parsasat lothe order or sale lathe above proceedings, under which the un dersigned commissioners were oireciea to sell the lands here-ln-after described for nertlllnnt Wt will ob the tod day of febraary, 1008 at the hear of 18 o'clock a. at the Court Bonne does of Craven county I the olty of New Bern 'offer for kale and sell to the hlgheit bidder for ouh the following lots of land sltnated Intbeclty of New Bern. Huts of North Usrolln denorlhed ai follows, to-wltt All that lol of lnd tltnMnd In the Bouthweat corner Of Jlrood snd George streets and known and described ss lot No. xo.l, accordlo to the plan of ths city of New Bern; Being tract Two In the petition filed In the slKive procwilings, ana common i known at the 1.1mm homestj-mi. Aim that portion of lot In the city of Nw I -"-n linowu and dculrnnted lot o. i ,t. on tiia plan of fild city wll-h w fmniirly owned by In "nun (lo"'tlnir n v , a In fully floncriMU in j i I : -174 and 175, oilloe of 1" i;'1.? of iil of Craven countv. 1 1, l-'lnj tract Hi In t!.e p-. 'n t:A the a.J)v rr"' ' '. 1 ' ' '"X 1 '7 Tha neat rheumatic remedV not only curei. everVl Mm M HMttttlat llll. till tnalrae M1l-al mm ; -.. ' ' Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, and 'all disease arislnc from! Impurities In M;.Mojoa A Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every ?:.wtotsi aftsr, .tliofeagh trial. DOia WQT INJURE HB DIGESTIVE ORGANS. i ' Oentlemen tX take pleasure' In bearing teatiuwny to the curative propertl er ronr " UHinmoiDl." Two bottles .be OT any benefit to yoa In advertising- j:--.Tmrstnily' H. AU-Drnggiiti, fi.oo; or r BbltnlChaanfeeJ CO'. Notice ot Sale. By virtue ot a power contained In Judgment ' rendered in the Superior uonrt or ti raven , county in tnai certain action entitled L. B. Humphrey vs The Commercial Building and Loan Associa tion appointing -me unaersignea commissioner.- I wilt sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door inNew Bern. North Carolina on Mon day, tha Snd day of February, 1908 at ine noar or is o cioci n., ine roiiowing real estate situate, lying and being in the county ot Craven, state aforesaid, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: A certain piece or Saroel of land, adjoining the lands of os. 0. Kornegay and others, bounded aa ioiiowi: laying on toe aoutn siae or the A. 4 N. C. fi. R, north 71 west 70 yards, -thence, south 79 west 70 yards, thence south .71 essi 70 yards, thence to the beginning, contain ing one acre more or less. Also one other piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Bounty of Craven and State oi Korta uarQimo, known ana aesoriDea aa follows: Adjoining the lands of Thos. Cammack. Lovltt BIhea and others and. beginning at a red oak and running south st east 77 poles to a ditChMhen south 18 west 80 poles to the a.K.J. &.K., then wiu ineit.it. north 71. west M noles to tha Strinaer line, then ' with the Btrlnger line N. 40 W. SO poles to Asa Hawkins line, then wnu saia&sa .uawuas-une . oo m. oe poles to his corner, then N. ME. 21 poles to tha beginning, containing 13 acres more or less, together wllh all Im provements thereon. H. U. W. BTKVBMSON, Comvlssloner. January 1st, 1008. Notice ot Summons. NORTH CAROLINA Superior Court uraveu vouniy. ) John E. Mullan Atlantic Product Company, a corpora tion. Tha defendant above named will take notice that a summons in tha above en titled action was issned against said de fendant on taenist day or lMcemoer IB03 by w H Watson. Clerk Bapertoi Court of Craven, county In an action for the recovery by plaintiff of tha defend ant of the aunt of three hundred and five dollars and seventy-sli (6305.70) cenU and interest from July s7ta, loi. wnicn said summons Is returnable to the Feb ruary term of sold Craven ' Superior Court. - - The . defendant win also take notloe that a warrant of attachment was duly I lssaed from said eonrt at tha day and date above named against the property of said defendant which said warrantor attachment la returnable to stid court: Therefore yoa are notified to appear at the next term of the Superior Court to ha held In the County of Craven at the Court Hoase In New Bern, North Caro lina, on the Id Monday before the 1st Monday of March, it talng tha 8ih day of February 1008, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action now on record in tha . offlos of the Clerk of aald Gob r I or the relief demanded in aald complaint will ha granted.. . inn uoc. B1SI, ivus - - . . - WM WATSON, Clerk Superior Court Craven County. , v.P, Ja.-Plletler, V :. - ATTOatNKY AT bATTi'- . audi aueet, Laer Br lei ,-.." '--. 'v:,.-.aii4iBg.. . Will praeMea la the Ooaatlear at C-avan oanerer aaee, vwu mma '."u-r- Uwrtat Bew Hrn a4 Oamrt Eeial P4tate: Porvjiale. - Oa Moaday the 9th j day oi February 1003. at 18 I will aaU at publlo aue tloa at court house for eash to the high est bidder tha following real at tale in New Bern, N. C.lot No. 55, 08 west slde 'of Craven street, bounded on the north by lot known aa the Cox lot, on the west by.Hotel Hoaoltoa lot, oa the south by brick .butldlag koown as mo ehlne shops, being the house and lot la which J. H. Jones now resides. The sola is mod by order of court to make assets y;v F.S. DUFFY, , .. ' ' i Qaardton. "iyn::';- Attorney at 74 So. Front 81, Opp. Bote Cbattawka - '".-i HEW BERN, H. a ..'.. Ctaven County Attorney. ';t'Tv' Clronlt Craven. Jones. Onslow. Cart eret, Paralloo, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and rerteral uonrts. - , a. Oreea , free. K. B. Mea4aw TTrae .-. . at arerea, Oukler. -t .a as as. OF JH BTW 3BBJW, W. O. Doing General Conking Business March 1, 1901, Surplus and Undivi ded r-reBU, 18,0CO.O0. , Prmruit and r ' ! aH.-ntlon given to all l'"i.. i f 1 to ut.' Accounts r. rrii fin f v i tnna. I "I'l I ' '.in I T 1. .'1 .',..'!.. . ;' I 4rarHmtrrif)rt Boils, Catarrh, lea .1- onred mr son of a tad eeee. If this wilt your meritorious remedy, yoa can use It, IUND, OeuxirdataUSHndinittttttion. prepaid on receipt of price. - - , BaKlaiore, rid. j cieesecj ntrAyrtxrt mm c: Rsf; TIMl TABLB SO. 28 To Take Effect Sunday, Nov. ft, ,1908 at 7:05 A. M., Kb T. Going Katt Bohxdtjlz: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. BTJIOm: , Goldaboro Lv. p m 880.... 8 50... 423... -6 40.... BOO... Ar, am ...1105 LaGiange Kinston , . . Ar. New Bern, Lv, . ...Lv. " Ar.. .Ar. Horehead Olty Lv. ...1088 ...1018 ....000 ... 887 ...705 715.. No. 5, I I No. 8, Passenger I btitiomi: Paaaenger Train Train. DAILY. Lv. a. at. Ar. r. 8 00 Goldaboro 8 80 818 Best's 8 08 8 80 LaGrange 7 67 8 87 Falling Oroek 747 8 48 Kinston. 387 785 717 003.... Oaswell... 018 Dover... 0 80 Core Creek. 850 Tuscarora.. 7,00 660 56 Claris. 848 680 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv No. 1. 3d Class. Lv, am 8 00 6 8? 7 00 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 8. 3d Class Ar, p ..OoMsboro.. 140 Best's 600 415 410 3 45 888 810 .... LaGrange 715, ..Falling oreek... bbu junaton. 8 40 oaswell. t e e v Dover... 1007 rjoroonak. 10 83 Tuscarora. 118 ......1848 1840 10 53 olork's 11 85 Ar. New Bern, Lv. . . . . .18 10 No. 9.1 I I No. 10 Freight maTlovs: I Freights uniy. unly.at r. X. A. X. 180. 818. 680. 340. 8 09. 8 30. 8 38. 865 Lv. New Bern Ar 10 45 ....... wmuu.,, ...... oroataa Havelock Newport, Lv. . -.Wild wood Atlantic i: i.i- .1010 8 940 06 847 868 830 .Ar. Morehead City, Lv.. . 400 ..Ar. M. Olty Depot, Lv 780 r. . a. a. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. U DILL. B. A. NEWLAND, a P. A. Master Transportation. .Vt4i. BO VCARS V.. VEXPERIENCa. 'V ' '-' av-if j CorVRiaie7ra 1 - A nrwt wntilnf a fa. rh anet cleeortBtfOft saat nut' t? tfTtruiat osir ofrlnton fna wbatber aa Intuoitoii m irtiniiy wttotiuaiio. cum tttiiiajHrrrtlyronnrtanUal. iiandbooaoai Hiti (rne. Oldest Mueiiny for aeenrtuftsatanu rti'tiuia laami inmnini wuim Ki. pioaiit ti awacsq wn noats cnatTre, m Haej . ,. j Scientific Jlerlca- A hamAamnfvfr mnaAfVatMl syeaare. fsi nnlUun r any Uflo ywniaaV .Tarnss, fJ roart rntjrisaonttisfl aVtd fcysfl fclfaiaia, t, a. Slmateaa, -,-:, 'A.. D.f are - ' 5IMT10NS WARD iTT0Nli aat COimSELQta.jd ' . ' hw Biua a. c. - Offlos Removed across Street to-ovieond ' Btorv of No. 60 (above TelerraDh Of-I , - UUSJ1 KTUUbU M IVHt DUaaoSav Kysa W ? Hotel OhrtUwka, U at U.it. V a gaa-a .-a Ma ' : traaatlaa ken' tka Ayvel a. laaa avtf flaeaaWsMB. A iBUMve ass saaj vutuatsjai va ' yai Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Fanur eo and Wake, in ths Supreme) and (Fed aral Oourta. and whaiavar aarvioaa are '.;-llABTJEIlS:: -AND ; f ESI GUT Si PASSESSIS.. aa i aaa n niiaa aa t, Ver All Pclats TZcrilu Tlia Cleaner II2Ui la icliednled to nil at 6 p. m., Monday Wednesday and r rtday. Tho Ctr. Ocracoe rPnJTueilays, ThurttlayS and Bator tvs at 8 p. r - Ytr. V. a oner 1 jrfj;- - :i7l not to if," r i i ' "on t i'j to Cotnmt&Hlout'rit Mnle ot '.- Ileal K ae. ; - Ky virtua: f a jixIanH iii : w t rf. n d I. rtee of! Jfoiu K 1J,i. t avaiuai NiLaih-l.Johnsoe kbd LUII, Uniy, t KhPUll leim i;01 fif-ihr. mM-,,ir r fiua of Cr.vru i-- iiiuv.iIk- hh '. r.(,.,i SioinuulMiioner, .wili oM- Hie 22nil day ul JaliMNry.,;. 1901, ,' ' 'S cVI-r-L ni., i,f luiayi. M ine ooun y uri bim .e door UitlH-clty ut New B ri'.l to iha kiirh. eM Udder fur cuah llir follnwlpir de- tcrllHai lanil.. Locaii d. Ur iliat- pari of he city of New Ri rii rnmmnnly known s HelwinsiHnvilb- aa laid off Into lots anil steeis and deccrlte In a certain plot r plan fit laid aenlenient called Kelzen lelneillcss lots numbers 91 and 88, and bona Irdnad described u folloaf: Begutn(nat the noubwes corner of lot number 26 on saM plot on eaat aide ot Chapman street and running thence north along Chapman street to the evih . western corner of number It, thence sooth along the est Hoes of lots nombsrs S3 and 24 to the south west comer of lot number 84, thence weii- wardiy along the north Una ot lot num ber 5 to the nonh west corner of lot number 85, thence east to beginning on uuuu rewt. ror loner aeecnpilon ee deed from Chas. Relzensteln and wife to the said Nathaniel Johnson. K. W. Williamson, Commissioner. December 22nd, 1003. Publication ol Sum mon!. . North Carolina, 1 In the Superior Court Craven County. J Beton S.'o! ' Thos P. McCarthy, Administrator of the estate of Mary Banks, de ceased. tb' Matilda Wells, Susan NIxod, Peter 0, Nlzon, her husband, Susan Heathlmon Heath her husband and Nora Oden. To Nora Oden: It SnneaiW to the satlefsctlnn nf iha Court by affidavit that Nora Oden is a non-resident of tha State of North Caro lina, yoa are hereby noUfied, that a sum mons and petition for ssl&of real estate for assets has been duly filed in the clerk's office of Craven county N O, In the above entitled action by Thos F. Mc- uanny, aaministrator. Xou are hereby notified to appear before said Clerk at the Court House in New Bern, N. O. on Monday the Snd day of February 1808, at 13 o'clock m. and answer or demur to said petition as you may deem best oth erwise the prayer of the petitioner will oe gran ion. It is ordered that this notice be pub liihed once a week for six weeks in the New Bern Journal. Thla 18th day of December 1003. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. Administrator's f ale of Land. By virtue of an order of aala obtained the special proceeding entitled Thomas F. MeCarthv. administrator ofVemna Simmons deceased, against Lavlna Hatch ana outers, oeiore the Clerk of the Super tor Court of Craven County, the under signed will, on the first Monday In Feb ruary, 1008, being the Snd day) at 13 o'clock m., at the Court House door in the City of New Bern, N. O. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property. una nouse ana lot on the west side of Ash street in the cltv of New Bern, he- lag lot number 148 In the plan of the city of New Bern, fronting on 64 feet on asa street ana running Dock vn feet, bounded on the North by lot number 147 and on the West by lot number 158, oa the south by lot number 149, and on the East by Ask street. IMC S1SI 1MB. thomas f. McCarthy, Administrator. For anv Information as to localltv or title, see R. W. Williamson, Attor ney. Administrator's Sale ot Xand. By virtue of aa order of aala obtained In the special proceeding entitled Thorn, as F McCarthy, administrator of Thomas 0. Battle. Jr vs. Calls Battle and others, deoeastd, before the clerk of the Superior Conrt of Craven county ,the undersigned will on the first Monday in February, 1008, (being the Snd day), at 18:00 o'clock m , at the County court house door in the City of New Bern, NO sell to ine nigneat wader for cash, the fol lowing described property; One third Bndjvfded Interest la a lot of land at the north western intersection of Queen and Bern : Streets In the Olty of New Bern, sad beginning at the said Intersection and - runs along Queen street, 06 feet tad 6 inches, theaos northwardly and parallel with Bern street 85 feet and 6 laches, theuoe eastwardly snd parallel with Cedar street 88 feet to Bern street, theaM southwardly along Bern atreaL 08 fast and 6 inches to the plaoe of be ginning. Being a part of lot, number 46 la the plan of the City of New Bern and the same lot of land conveyed by deed Joshua Boot ta Calls Beaton, which deed ti dated 7th day of February, 1850, and recorded in Book No 66, page 181. la tha office of the register of deeds of Craven county. . ., . , thomas r. McCarthy, Administrator. December Jlit. 1003. -For any Information alto locality ortltla, Nt-B W Williamson, Attorney...-'.;- M . .i-i-.- PIS Middle Bt ni liMe Q( Drugs and. Jledielaej. 'Perfumes,' toilet Soaps; eta,, also the following Muaeral. Water Matchless Mineral Springs Buffalo LIthb Huaay. adl Joaos, Hunyadl Vatyaiy Oarbana, -Teronioa, Apenta, Bed Rave Spllta. CombaV BMUhea, Tooth Bruahae, , ' f ..vi-ri -I Pasterlne Tythwtsv CJOLUMBIAS r58KKCll).: ; Oreolunt, the Great rhrfeetant had ; . ' rf '. Bed Bug DeatTOfent'-: - .-' r:t Eroxa-CMoralumv k lure PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion ef DiniTHEniA ft SMALL POX. . ' " - i '. PhTawW"Praoriptlon8. a .apaolalty.r "S- isv """WW f'fa" O Arr" be n a-le to tLa praa' ' a eft' 3 IT-' L"-!iI:.'-areta H e c1 irt ir of tl.a ei!y f PsW f- l '. . " U advlastii' nil '" In Hie en if f ; Stur., I . , tl 6