i ,1 tA- THE JOURNAL. New Ben, K, C'feby. 4, IMS, ' LODGE MRBCIQRX , CRAVEN T)DG KO. i MIGHTS ;0? HARMONY, Jleett tad ni 4th ' ; Wednesday nlghta la each month la Bountree's Ball FoUook street, at 7.80 H 'O'clock, Bam&el B. Ball, President; J. v ,. ttmlta, 8e7s aitiHlU, Financial . 'Secretary. - .. ; . . Isdu to New Aerertlsanents. Brooks Caie. Owen G Dunn Books. S Ooplon For a lev days. - . but H Bmlth A chance for you. ' fla&kil HdwCo-MUl supplies. The Pee Hive Percalea. Simmons & Hollowen Co Shoe tale. Buslaew Locals. DESK WANTED A second hand, me dium size, roller top. Geo. A. Nlcoll. DESIRABLE Boomi for rent. Apply at 106 Craven street. SPECIAL Lemon Sale Monday, 20 for ' ..25 cts. One day only. Broad St. Fruit Co. Phone 83. TURKEY sandwiches (today also fancy fruits, at J. B. Dawson's Middle street, Phone 809. LOST A girl's open face enameled gold watch. Letters I. fl. engraved inside cover. Liberal reward for Its retnrn to W. B. Blades. FARM FOR BENT Or sale on Pem broke Boad, about mile and half from New Bern. Mrs Anna Dlnklna. MB. W. R. MXON-has opened a re staurant in the store opposite Henry's Pharmacy, and will serve oysters In any style desired. Barbecue every day. AFTER JANUARY 1 1908 the first floor of No. 84 Pollock street residence with five choice rooms, toilet, etc., will be for rent. Apply to J. W. Stewart; NOTICE If yon want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do H all, 178 Pollock street. New Bern, N. C. Garden Seeds I A Large and Select Assortment of Small Seeds, Peas, Beans and Onion Seta. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. Meet Me at Duffy s Pharmacy and get A Hot Chocolate or Bouil lion. SUPERIOR COURT Craven Connty February Term 1903. Monday, February 9rn. 85 Shaffer vs Jacobs. 52 Nixon vs Mourning. 53 Green vs Green.. Hi Rountree vs Rountree. 65 Williams vs Williams. 48 Flake vs McNett. Tuesday, February 10th. 18 Tripp vs Brewer. 44 Mayo vs Mourning. 47 Butts vs A. & N.O. B, B. Co. 66 Kinney vs Tladale et al. 28 Croom vs Prltchard. 49 Crawford vs Hoye. Motion. 8 Solicitor to the Court. 9 do 10 . do 11 Bank vs Spencer, 24 Pate vs Belanga. 88 Smith vs Green. 40 Garrett vs Johnson. 42 Humphrey vs B. & L, Asso. 50 Board of Education vi City of New Bern. 1 Bryan vs BaanlghL 46 Burrus vs Wise. WE when you bay a piano Jfrom the Cable Co, yon do in reality bay direct from the manufacturer, we do not make only one grade of pianos. And thus having the rest to bay like some of our compe titors, bat we manufacture all the pianos we sell. Look for the manufacturers name on the piano and see If It I really made by the factory telling It, If not yon are undoubtedly paying a large pro fit Anyone desiring a piano even a year hence, It will certainly be to their inter est to call upon W L Royaler, factory agent for the sweet toned Kings burys aiedeby the largest piano makers la the world. At Mrs Richardson. Phone 18 . Tni Oabli Co., Chicago 111 . . Notice to Supervisor. i. ' ' Pnrsaant to an act of the General Ai tembly ratified January 21 1008. I here . by ive notice to the Magistrates of the tvatalStowntMpi of Craven eounty to -tafeYene at the Court Boom la New I'Befli at 1 o'clock on Monday the 0th - flay of February 1008, for the purpose of Mgahhtng at the Board of .Supervisors i- f public roada. Tblt It an Important j i -meeting ana It earnestly hoped that (be - Magistrates from ever .township in the 1 connty wp attend this taeetlng. ' .c'''' A , ' : tt'v- .itttLJom,' j" i Chalrttaa Board of Commissioners. January 81, 1908. iivf-;::'?-r; V- Xnaigtwtlon Fain RBLIBVED MlMEDUTELT' 1 IpAPUDINEg S0OTHBS THB STOMACfi.! Jrtttt?tttmtfH IWO PITlABLB CASES." Insane Men Have to be Placet ' la CeWty - Jail tor Safety. :f - "Sunday Mr.T? H. Grlffln, Ot the Hew Bern pollot force brought hit father, W, H. Griffin, who Is insane, from the home of the older Mr. Griffin's near Yaaoeboro and put him In the custody of sherUt Blddle. . : ': About foot yean ago Mr, Griffin suf fered a stroke of paralysis whloh affected bis right side. He had recovered.the ate of hit limbs to tome extent taMt mind hat never wholly been sound since. The attack of acute insanity It the second he has had since he was stricken. He wandered away from hit home in Dover and went to bis brother's. Application tor hit admission to the asylum at Raleigh was telegraphed for Sunday and acceptance came yesterday. Sheriff Blddle and W. H. Griffin, Jr will take him to the asylum today where It Is hoped that his case will yield to treat ment. Sunday the police were notified that a colored man named Kennedy was tent fylng his family at his home on George street. Policemen Bryan and Lupton went to the house and learned that the man had looked himself In a room and defied any body to get him threatening to kill them, having armed himself with an ax. They broke Into the room and overpowered him before he could asa any weapon and he Is now secure In the county jail. The authorities are await ing word, from the superintendent of the colored Insane asylum before com mitting him. Kennedy has been to the asylum once be foe and discharged as cured. He has had several attacks of Insanity but few have been serious and some have lasted but a short time. His attack Sunday was one of the worst he has hvl. Elks Minstrels. Mr. C W Hollowbush of the greatly celebrated Hollowbush Orchestra of Wilmington arrived last night evening to take charge of the trel which will be given on Monday night next at the Opera House- This show will be given by both ama teur and professional talent, and Is away ahead of the professional troupes. Mr Hollowbush gave his performance at Wilmington last week to a packed houee and was most highly praised. Mr. Julius Taylor the celebrated "Monk" ;Taylor and Frank Terrentine of Wilmington will come over and aid the boys on the Ends. They are greater than the greatest They will be tup ported by Messrs James B Dawson, Tom C Daniels, W E Smith and O O Thorn ton as burnt corks artists. Mr Hollowbush will have both his celebrated band and orchestra with him also the great Perctno the most marve lous performer, now doing double trap eze act In the country. There will be sweet melodious solos and choruses, and end songs to make you cry with laughter. The opening scene Is grand and great. Seats will be on sale Baturday at Waters Book store. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Father Leo went to Wilmington yes terday. Mr 8 W Ferrebee of Stonewall was la tho city yesterday. Miss Sadie Cook went to Havelock last night to visit friends. Miss Sadie Brown of Vanceboro it spending a few days In the city. Mr and Mrs G C Hughes of Brooklyn are guests of Mr Moses Patterson. Mr J A Patterson went to Elizabeth City on the steamer Nease last night. Mrs H C Moore and son returned last nlght,frem a visit In her former home lu Goldsboro. MrAF Holleman returned Sunday night from a visit In Raleigh, Charlotte and other cities. MrL E Bryan and bride, nee MUs Annabelle Cook,- returned from their bridal tour last night Hiss P E Watson returned tojher home at Wlldwood, after spending sev eral days visiting relatives la tha city. Mrs W 8 Burkheimer and children of Wltmlngton are visiting at the home of Mrs Dudley Burkhehner on Craven street. MltsToison who hat been visiting friends In this cltyf or a few days re turned to her home In Wlldwood last and Mrs H II Katpp and MUs Bait who have been guests of Mr and Mrs Q A Nlcoll returned to their home In New Tork last night. Mr R W Haywood, editor of Ihe Greensboro Teelgram was In the city Suadsy . to attend the funeral of George Boott He returned to Greens boro Sunday tight . Mrt Haywood will remain her for a few days, v,uVV Mr E Clayton Burkheimer of New Jer sey Is visiting hit titter Mrt Dadley Burkheimer, he It touring through the Booth visiting the tcenee of hit boyhood after a lapse of 10 yean, From thlt city he will go to Wilmington to visit hit father DrG D Burkheimer. - :." cause a weak body and Invitee disease. Kodol ; 0jtpeptle Cure- cures and strengthent the ttomach, and ' wards off and overeomet disease. - J B Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriesmaa, Tex sayti "I eould pot eat because of a week ttomach,- I lost all ttreagta and ma down In weight All thai taoaey eoald do wet done, but til hope of reoorery vanished. Hearing of tome woad trial cures affected by the ate of KodoLIeoa eluded to try ft Tha first bottle bene fitted me, and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to my oiiel strength, weight and health," F 8 Duffy. V .AROUND AND ABOUT. The ground hog saw hit shadow yes terday. I f- . - 7-fiubtertbert to the telephone system will add to their lisle, Edwards Bar No. SSI, Catholic Bcetory No. S58.: The air wu warm yesterday, the mer- oury registered 70 degrees.. Jhe foro oast f or today ta fair and colder. , The rite of baptism was administered to Claudius Paton, son of Mr and Mrs O B For, at the Presbyterian church Bun- day. : ;-. s . All the young ladles interested in the dance tonight are requested to meet at Lowthrop hall thlt morning at eleven o'oloek. The three matted schooner, Win Par ker, lumber laden, went aground off East Front 8t Saturday night and has not been released. Tobe Fonvllle, colored was tried in the Mayor1! court yesterday for carrying oonceakd weapons and wu also disor derly. He was bound over to Superior Court under 950 bonds. A part of the estate of Thos G Battle, J r deceased, consisting of building and lot on corner of Queen and Bern streets wu told at public sale at the court houu yesterday to R A Nunn for $K0. Tbyttng son of Mrs. William Hand wu ran over and painfully Injured by a horse and carriage Sunday afternoon. No bones were broken and the extent of Internal Injuries cannot be determined at present. Deputy U. S. Marshal Jewell arrested a young colored man named Oliver Blount Saturday night on the charge of stealing a letter, preferred by one Lucy Jones. The case will be heard by U. S. Commissioner Hill. Mr J A Conner, representative of the Globe Tailoring Co., of Cincinnati Is at J J Baxter's with hit line of Spring samples in the piece. Today is his last day here, and all persons who havo not placed an order for a' suit will do well to see his beautiful line before he leaves. A fit guaranteed. One of the moet disagreeable features yesterday was the dust blowing on the streets. Thealr being full of dust is In jurious to health and very harmful when It geta Into houses and stores. The streets need to be sprinkled as much these days ai In summer. It Is to be hoped this matter will not bo neglected hereafter. Hundreds of people, who, by reason of their occupations during the business hours of the day, havo in the past found It difficult or Impossible to provide for the safe trartmlstion of their valuable letters, can now have them registered at their house doors, and be assured of their safe transmission and proper de livery. All that It Is necessary for the tender to do is to hand his properly-pre pared letter to the carrier and receive the letter's receipt therefor. Tho sim plicity of the transaction is evi dent. '. PLKASCKK WORTH MAVIHO. One of the greatest pleasures human beings are allowed to enjoy ii the pleasure of knowing other human beings. Associating with old friends and con stantly meeting new is the emerywheei that smoothes out the furrows of care and polishes np the idea of happiness. Nature has offered no better means for attaining this end than good tobacco. Piedmont tobacco Is but one of nature's special products. And one of Its mis sions is the meeting and greeting of old friends and new In Piedmont Cigarettes. So it might be said of these cigarettes : " They are nature's emerywheei." Rnrtl Free Delivery Subscriber'. Subscribers to the Journal, on the new rural free delivery route number two, are requested to notify thlt office at once how and where they want their mall tent, and It provided with mall boies, which will insure prompt delivery. A prompt compliance with this re quest will be appreciated at this office Making a New Law Necessary. Memphis Commercial-Appeal (Dem) Ii Jim TUlmaa it acquitted South Carolina ought to pue a law making It a misdemeanor for an editor to saunter about with hit hands In his pockets. One Year Ago. Extract from a diary report in New Bern, "Feb. t, 190J, The tun thont at 9 SO a. a. for the first time In 5 days." A Good Thing. German Syrup It 'the apeclal prescrlp tloa of Dr. A. Botchee,' a celebrated Ger man Phytlchrn, and It acknowledged to be one of tha most fortunate ooovtrlet In Medicine, It quickly cures Coughs, Colds aad all Lung troubles pf the sever tat aetur,retnoTln at It does, the cause Of the affection aad leaving the parti in a Itrotg and healthy coadlllon. It It not sa experimental medlolae, but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction la every case, which lie rapidly Increasing tale every season confirms. Two ml. Hon bottles told annually. Boachee't German Syrup was introduced la the United 8tatcolal88 aad to kow told la even town tad village la - tho elvlllxed world. Three dotes will relieve any ordinary cough. Prlee 89 aad 78 etc- At your drnggltfa,-'. TVvfv ,, ,;. - , 0, Be ... Be , ft Oct ' Oet , & CesjM, Cared, Cere It" case whti .i.acl . t:Mkaan aMllole Itelfcrt, tlatlr:lser , I tiMceo sweetie, ki44wi-i'ietJila7, ' . ... utajLtiia.LA. .- Tl m O . byJQARGT'C(rHABMA6 Broad Et "THE MASS MEETING. Kuch Discussion Indulged ln Endorsed . the. Committee, rrimary tobe ctde Ion Third Term Question. . The adjourned matt TOeetlng of last Tuesday night met at the .Court House last night to hear the report f the com mittee tent to Haleigh to confer with Representative Gulon on the bin creat ing a commission to take control of the water works and electric llghte of the City of New Bern. -, i v wl' There wu one sent Intent expressed above, all others,- "Keep it out of Poli tic!," Thlt wu - what tjtc - Journal ad vocated three yean ago" and excited the enmity of the Board of Aldermen aad others In authority. The Journal advo cated a commission at that time that public affairs should be administered In business like methods and for doing so suffered wLat injury Ihe "insiders" could do. The course of events hu shown Who wu right. There was "heap talk" for two hourt and a quarter and at' the end the majority did not know what action had been taken on the final vote. We are enabled to enlighten the citizens of the burg on this Important question, if they have not already discovered it. The report of the committee wu adopted and the bill u amended and printed In Sunday's Journal It to become a law. The question of whether a Mayor shall be allowed to run for a third term will be decided -in a Democratic primary to be held three weeks from yesterdty, February 23rd. It it conceded that thlt primary will decide virtually the question whether Mayor Patterson will succeed himself. The primary will be held, of course, to vote on whether the Legisla ture shall be SBked to Change the charter of the city so as to permit a "third term" by a bill introduced for that purpose. At this Is advocated in the Interests of the present Mayor, the question can be sim plified by letting the matter bo under stood u It will be taken u an endorse ment or otherwise. It wu a very noisy meeting, and there were useless interruptions of all the speakers, although reasonably good feel ing seemed to prevail. Some serious charges . were brought out and a good many things not strictly before the meeting were discussed. The meeting wu presided over by Mr. Henry R. Bryan Jr. aud Mr L J Moore promptly took the floor and moved that the question of the "third term" be re considered. This was objected 4o by Mr J A Meadows u being out of order. Mr E Gerock made an argument against It that a change in office wu a good thing, that it prevent cliques and broke up rings In the city government, this led to an active discussion by Mr J J Wo I fenden and Mr , J A Bryan on whether the matter would require a two thirds vote to bring It up after being tabled In the first meeting and there wu a good deal said about "parliamentary rules. Mr J A Meadows took the floor to advo cate a primary to decide the two ques tions, whether the Gulon bill should be approved and whether the "third term" bill should go In. He said that the ques t'onshould not be decided by a fewln the Interest of Mr Patterson but the people should decide It, He made the motion for a primary but this wu not voted on until the close of the meeting and then the point of the real motion wu "lost In the shuffle." Mayor Pattterson made a statement that he had never autlclpated.uklng for a third term but would have prevented the question coming up but Tuesday as the people were not in a humor then. But since that time he had carried around a petition and only four men had objected to signing it and two of those were candidates for the tame offloe. That a primary had been suggested tad that It wu a good eolation. Mr. H. O. IWhltehurtt spoke against the proposition, that the present law prevented an official from using the In fluence of hit office to secure t re-election and prevented the formation of rings. That u to the petition, employtJ had been threatened that if they did not sign It their heads would come off. Mr. R. P. Willlami revived tome po litical history. Coming down to data he utd that the Guloa bill had never beau beard of by two of the aldermen, that the city aooonnti had been "doctored"' to make tha operation of the water works thow a profit of $8,000. Thlt ltd to a positive statement from Mr. T. F. McCarthy that" he had "never heard of inch thing." Mr M D W Stevenson, oa behalf of the committee, made an explaaatloa of the bill, the necmlty for sanitary re strictions aad other points ia the meas ure. Mr 8 W Saullwood made a motion that the report df the oommtttee be re ceived and a voto of tbaaki to the com mittee wu also tendered. - . , Mr W D Molver tald that the present bill wu two ttepstothe wort of the first bill, that at the first awetlng -tat people had clamored btoaa to - they were being Ignored and now they war wore Ignored than aver. He spoke agafntt the terms of offloe la the bill aad touched on the f ten o'clock closing" aac;tpea be roonuoaBunday.-?'..'.-; . ;,-,; . Mr Gerock aaU that not a dollar had been set aside for tha slsklag fuad, with the Board of Aldermen la control aad that It wu time to call a halt,' that they had aot been faithful terras tt and had spent every dollar they ootid get a hand oa aad had tqoaadersd f and fatted It for general purposes. . ' . ; . Mr I A Bryan stated that there wat "SEEDS M t ONION SETS, white, jeltow and red varieuea just received Large consignment of Spring , feeds from 'Bulst, Land re th '..Ferry; Co."' " " f- ' BKAblIAMS riUllMACY. Cor. Pollock' Middle F'a, HW0 aow" ii bank, of which $4,000 could be need .JO put tha eewert in re pair,. Ha then made acme suggestions to change tha time of electing tha conv mlttlonera, so that next year three mem. ben could be elected, and oa each two years following to that on off yean It could ba "kept out of politics." This proposition wu lost sight of In the later discussion. ; Mr J A Meadows said that this bill wu a pet scheme of Mr Gulon but that ha had "promised to accept any bill not not materially - different from hit 00." It wu ; evident that there wu a large number present not favorable to the bill but, that It wu a qood suggestion liH Our 36 inch Percales, Light Spring Col ors, at 5c Yard. DRESS GINGHAMS At 5c yard, ABE DUE TO ARK DIM, FEBIUL4HY 2nd. The Bee Hive PATTERSON & HILL, 61 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal jChurcfi Sale Continues This Week. e Entire Stock Stamped Linens consisting of Table Covers, e Doylies, Bureau Scarfs, Center At Wholesale Cost. Bedding Bros., Celebrated 4c skein. It will pay yon to put in a supply. BARFOOT BROS. Going A Shoe Sale. Anl this sale will last until March 1st just one month to buy shoes cheaper than they were ever sold in New Bern. The mild season la responsible for this sale and in a measure forces it upon us. There is a long winter before ut yet, but the profit making season in our shoe section is ended. We have too many shoes. They must be cleaned np. If you are truly wise in money spending, and not above being economical youll be among the first to attend this Bale. All our Ultra Shoes .'All our Brockport $8 ttCT the Pricg hU sale Our 3pecial 8. 4 H. ' IT 60. We bars these in atom and low nee is: Portsmouth School Shoes in all sizes and styles, II 50 Quality- at f 1 15, 11 25 Quality at f 1 00. Portsmouth Little Gents, 12 00 Quality, this sale 140. . . young Ladies Spring "aizea 2t ft 4, few sites at f 1 v -v . , Maloney Bros, Welt Shoes tor If sees la sizes 2) to .4," worth $3 1(0, few rises, at 11 76V- Wt hare theae $ Patent Viol and-Kid. Strictly high data footwear. ;V;Maloneys, Woods; Bastion and Portt mouths Shoes , '.'for the little folks are aJQ marked way down,lot enough ' to' surprise f:Xi-MP-Jl3:"' ;':. j Tho Entire Stock of Shoes -J.lUSlr.liU; UUIUK. Are above prioeS Interesting t " Will Oerialnlv tat i X t t'' ton to invest now." ' ' l--' .' .... i' ? 67 Felice!: Ltrcjt. to hold tha election every other year; Tho prevtootqUMtloawM hen called but a nbttltute wu drat voted oa to leave'ont tha worda.."freo folder', and thlt being carried wu construed to mean that the bill at amended by the committee wu accepted and that the only question to go before the primary waa whether the charter should be amended u to the third term prohibi tion. . The primary election wu left to the executive committee and they will call It for February 83rd, It being a special primary for thtt purpose. A motion to adjourn wu carried after thlt decision. Pieces, Etc. Embroidery Silk, all shade?, at to have worth 8 50, thlt sale $2 60. 00 Shoes, none made that are 13 25. Co'a $2 00 Shoes, this sale light and medium tolei, me- 2 Heel $2 00 School Shoes, 25, '. , .s r - X O O O l ediaetiea 1 On all Mens & Boys X SUITS, OVERCOATS, PANTS AND UNDERWEAR. HEN 'S S7-SB a f Your Choice Now ( aN'O. These are sure enough Bargains, and you will lose money if you tail to call. O c. G, Thnn & Co., Men's A Boy'n Wear, olloclr Street. Gaskill Hardware Co., Have added MACHINERY & MILL SUPPLIES to their stock. Orders Solicited. We carry a good stock of Sath, Doom, Blinds, I.ime, Ceim nt, Pias ter, anything yon may want iu liuildera Material. Special Black Jack Stove Blacking. Ball Bearing Castors. PHONE Gaskill Hardware Co. 147. 78 Middli Bt NEW HBKN, N C AGENCY BUADIIAM' S I'll ARM AC Y. Fresh Every Week. DEALERS IN General Hardware, Etc 79 SErOlh M Slftel, NEW HF.niV, N. . Do you ever have an Accident ? It yon do never mind it, tor O. B. Waters A Sou can repair it at once. Yon are out nothing: if not satisfied when yon have your carriage repairing done here. We guarantee all our work. It pays ut to do good work. It will nay Sou to have your work done here. We o work that foq caa depend npon, and prices ate right, like our work. Respectfully, G. HV Watern A Hon, ", ,'. - ' Phoaa 188. . W Broad Si, New Bam, If ' i Wall Paper, I Vall Paper;! Hew 190t Saespla Book Jna . - - Received, . t in styles tnd ail prlcee-e to ; ; iaooperroit . : ; Rrxrm Houldlng le to t(Je too QWe me a trial, all work fnar- , : ; anteed.. vv,: ' i . ; EOOAR T. HOLLOWELL, ' talatav A lt BffiY . Foy & km 9 SB t X t Eastman Kodaks and 'Photographic Supplies AOhNcY IiUADIIAM'.S I'lIAKMACV. Just Atttvcd White Goods, Piques, and Etimines: D. F. JARVIS, 63 POLLOCK T. Early Summer Fabrics la a wide variety of tasteful oal- tfina, crrprli the assortrrieals from hlrn we ir now maklne ud the dree- sirs! evening anil hntlnrsa lults. Theee worsteds, ratin n, cheviots, Ulbete, and mtet show paitrrns that an verit able plctaiet la w ol. Itnadv-made toll b tjers mast take what fits them, bet onr customers $t what Is mol becoming In tl, flnlfh, out-lloe, pattern, and mate rial P. 91. C!bdwlck, ; PEfel-COLA r ;'i HKAXTHrOL AMD '';MvTopiUTmOr;.f.r - Curee Nervousness, Ralieree Est banttkm, totnotee DlgeetkM, ;. " ., ; . atoa lomuM,',.',; II A i :Matfttf ttttt't i : : -