YTV wmm. VOL. XX-NO. 263 NEW Bill, I. C, WEDNESDAY MORIINfl, FEBRUARY 4, 1903. TWENTY-FIRST UAH ----- - - -- .... e:rf-.;--r-- 1 it List of Letters Remaining Id the Post Offlc at New Beia, Craven counLy, N. C. Feb. 2nd 1603: MEN'S LIST. B-Rey Blogles, Rev R Butler. Q J L Gosnel. H J E Harris. K A B Koonce. M-Thomas Mill, G H Mumford, N Barn at, No 26, Capt John McKeel (3) O Soperlntendent of the Colored Or phan Asylum. R-Danlel Rldock. 8 Noah Simmons (2). T Samuel Tomas 22 Button Alley. W Bishop A Watterg D D, 28 Oak t. Capt Sam Way. WOMEN'S list. . Ai-Mrs R Ardner. 0 HIM Fannie Case 98 Queen St. D Hiss Oebracar Dee. Hiss Emma Dees care A J Yeoman box 541. F Mrs Lizzie Fisher, 92 Metcalf at. Q Mrs Minnie Green, Mrs Hoilan Green, Mrs Oscar Ginon, Mrs Annie L Gooddlng Jones st No. 18. M-Hiss Mollle Marshall. 8-Mrs Lar Single care W H Loeff (2), Miss Mary Swlndale. T Lucy Tillman 183 Queen st. W-Hrs Lizzie Willis, Miss Bottle Willis. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. The regulations now require that one (1 cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. S. W. Hancock, P.M. Great Reduction in Shirts. We will sell all f 1.00 stilt bosom col nred shirts at 00c. which we areshowln in our windows. We have a ood line of them on hand, but they won't last long at this price. Respectfully, J J. BAXTER. 1 lb can Itakod Sauce 5 cents per Jr. B ins with Tomato no at J. R. Parker, Fresh Pork Parker Jr. Hansage 12 jc lb at J. R. Special for 3 'Days 100 pieces Best Quality Satin Gros Grain, Satin Faille and Satin Taffeta, all colors, Note Price and widths No. 2, 2Jc, 5, 2lr, 7, 5c, !, He, 12, 8c, 10, 10c, 22, 15c, 80, 35c. Remnant Sale 50 pieces DreBS Goods, at 1 Venetian, Courts, Granite, Serge, el ties. None of these remnants will be cut. SOMETHING SPECIAL in Ladies Belts, all late styles, and iip-to-datr: 25c Value at 15c, 50c Value at 25c. THIS HAJaE FOB 3 DATS ONM. NEW BERN GROCERY CO., Successors to J. A. Parris & Co Our connection with Manufacturers. Im porters and I'accrs on everything in ,the W buy in rar lots' bing business. , Try us tor prices NEW nrVANCH OFFIOB a. 0. mxtet cd co 'Commission Brokers. StocU; Coitim.Graiii & Provlsloiix ' ViV-',? 1 Craven Btnea, FhoM $3$: lX&W BURN, N. O. , Mala Offlce,' 6f Broadway, Mew York. Moderate motglfts. Excellent service. Prtvat Wires to Hew York, A' ' fllgbejt banking aw) mercantile 'irt- venose, .' : ', . ,. f fotB'Pfim '-TaUxtm 'PbVider jr'I lb. atyxet 25c. TUESDAY'S LEGISLATION. To Increase Pensions. Ho Head CoverlBf To Obstruct in Pnblic Halls, negro Trusties Removed Account of Politics, Special to Journal. Ralbxoh, Feb, 8. In the Senate bills were introduced by McBryde, Increasing the pension approprlaton from $200 000 to 300,000; by Baldwin making it a misdemeanor to entice a laborer or ren ter Into violation of his contract; by Baldwin making It an offense punish able by not ovfti $15. line to wear a bat bonnet or other head covering which ob structs the view of any one in theatre or public hall where money Is paid to witness a performance; by Shruel abro gating the penalty for not listing notes for taxation. A bill passed for removing certain trustees of the negro state normal school at Fayettevllle because of their partici pation In politics. Justice's bill requiring railroad trains tojwarn persons walking on their tracks by blowing the engine whistle and ring ing the bell, was made a special order. Bills were Introduced In the House by Drewry, to establish the North Caro lina State Veterinary Medical Associa tion, and to Incorporatejhe Raleigh and Eastern R R to extend from Raleigh to Washington a distance of 88 miles, with two million dollars capital. A bill passed amending the charter of the Grand Lodge of Masons granted In 1797, by allowing it to Issue bonds to build a Masonlo Temple. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tba Signature of 3 their value in Broad French Flannels and loth, Nov- UBS makes us Headquarters grocery line. and do Strictly a Job and be convinced. BEEN GROCERY OO, Splint ior use in grates and stoves, and best ; quality Bitumi nous , for air steam purposes. Oak, Ash and Fine. fIromptdliveiT Hollistet &:Cox ;v;;;h raven ' PboM i4. , Goal Wood iitisum iirasis. Senatorial Gossip is Nearly Ex- - batiste! Sheriff Pay Up More Promptly. Corporation Returns. Thomas Pegead Funeral. Long and Faltbfal Service. Again The Dog Bill. Ralbioh, Jan. 3. The expenses of the legislative session up to today are found to be exactly $15,120, made up as follows: Senators $3,112, Senate em ploys $1,817, Representatives $6,830, employes of the House $3,509, enrolling department only $190. The last Item shows the greatest saving record. The Supreme Court began its regular term today. There were no special cere monies, merely the Usual forms. The following members of the bar of the 1st district are here: Charles F. Warren, B. F. Aydlett, H. S. Ward, B. B. Nicholson, h. L. Smith, W. M. Bond, A. O. Gaylord George W. Conner. The Fuller bill for union passenger stations will be presented In the Senate by Mr. McMullan of Pasquotank. State Superintendent Joyner left today for Apex to deliver an address on the matter of local taxation for schools. Up to date 13 sheriffs have made full settlement of State taxes; 80 have nearly settled in full, 4 have paid nothing. The other 61 have made partial payments. The officials of the State Treasury say the payments are. more prompt than evor before. It Is now learned, as we may say of ficially, that of the 80 Craig men In the great contest for the Benatorshlp, two thirds were for Watson, athe other third for Overman. Of the 11 Craig men who held together to the last it is learned that 8 were for Watson and 8 for Over man. This Is told me by one of the Craig leaders, Theodore F. Davidson of Buncombe, whose second choice was Watson. Corporations have made returns ex ceedingly well to the State Auditor. The increase In the number reporting over last year Is said to bo 20 per cent. The funeral of Mr Thomas Pescud, whose sudden death here yesterday gave so much pain to his many friends, was held this afternoon from the chapel in Oakwood cemetery. He was a great-qreat-grandson of the noted Peter Fran cisco, a revolutionary hero in Virgin- la. A charter is granted by the State to the Carr Hardware Co. of Red Springs, with $25,000 capital. Toiay 24 years ago Robert H. Bradley took the oath as marshal of the State Snpreme Court. His service has. in all that long time been falthfnl, zealous and valuable to the last degree. Every law yer in the State knows htm. The number of law students examined by the Supreme Court was 46. By the end of the week the lucky ones will be announced. Superintendent Robert II. Brooks of the Soldiers' Home, who broke some of the muscles of a leg while lifting a weight, is now out of bed, sitting up and able to wear.hts clothes. The bill to tax dogs has made Its blen nlal appearance. The January Internal revenue receipts for this dlstrtot were $160,640. HIDDEN AWAY. A Discovery Worth While. It startles one when he oomes to know absolutely that wrong ssltotlon of foodJ la the direct cause of the weak eyes, kid ney trouble, dyspopsia or whatever, nay be the form disease takes, aad that Tight food will work a natural cure. But it Is easy to prove by actual test. The follow log Is an example: - Five months ago I was In despalr.not knowing the cause of my desperate con. dttlon. I bad run down to 103 pounds and suffered from a chronic sore throat, soro eyes and what was hardest to bear an awful nervousness and hysteria which at times almost ran into insanity. 'Finally a large swelling appeared la the throat and I feared oanoer. The ner- voaaness got worst aad when I found I oonld stand it no longer and no medicine I oonld take would cure me, I concluded to take the advloe of the Posts m Cereal Company aad change diet.' My stomach never hurt me so 1 thonght that was all right anyhow. Bat I learned a thing or two. 'Well I qnit tea and coffee entirely and began eating Grape-Nuts thro times a day. I began to improve and get well. What a relief. My sore eyes, throat trouble and terrible nervouinesa?gradual 1 grow leitnd Ihave gained $9 pounds In weight. It proved to be a hidden stomach trouble that did not ahow as oept la other parts of the body, bat the real trouble cams from, stomach aad so when the right food Uks Crape-Nats was uvea m us stossaon. n oaieur cot Wall and (aad good blood that cured the other ills." ; Warns, furnished upon ap plication to ,Potum Co., Battla-Oroek, Mtck. '. , . v - : V People don't 'realise the great truth that the stomach and, the food are re sponsible in most all oases for man's happiness or distress' . ' , ' Noiiilng Is more sure than for people to Improve In health if they will .change thedlot and Use Oraps-Nute Ibree ttmcs a it. J. TO CUT AND SHIP TIMBER. Discussion Over Bill to Repeal Law i?ol To Report Favorably on Watts Bill. Special to Journal Raleigh, February 3. Senator Pharr was added to sub-committee which will go to Marlon to Investigate the charges of cruelty to convlots. There was long discussion this after noon before the Senate Judiciary com mlttee, on Gilliam's bill to repearthe law of 1901, forbidding corporations to cut timber and ship it outside of this Bute. One of the speakers said the bill ought to be repealed as an act of justice, as It was passed through the Legislature in a very outrageous manner. The bill as originally introduced was tabled, and later It was tacked on to two sections of s little local bill, and the whole affair sneaked through as a local bill. It was contended that the act was really unconstitutional, and in violation of the Interstate commerce law. Justice offered a substitute, striking out all of the bill, except that part pro hibiting the shipment of timber out of the State. Gilliam antagonized Justices substitute, and so did Blow. It was stated In the course of discussion, that some persons outside the Btate,who own large timber tracts as corporations, had transferred these to individuals, who of course cannot be reached by law. Jus tice Bald he did not think there were many cases of this sort. He said the act of 1901 had stopped Pennsylvania and Michigan lumber men In their work of deforesting Western North Carolina and rafting timber down the Tennessee river to KnoxvIUe, and had forced them to build local mills, and thus cut timber more slowly, employ more people, and put more money In circulation. Gilliam said that many saw mills just over the line In Virginia, were owned by North Carolinians who were there for convenience, and the timber trade in Eastern North Carolina had done more than anything else to develop railways and later other Industries there. The committee decided to report Oil Ham's bill favorably. The House committee decides to re port favorably tomorrow, Watts' bill which prohibits the manufacture and sale of liquor. Favorable For Panama Canal. Special to Journal. WasHiNOTOif, Feb. 3. The Benate committee on foreign relations today ordered a favorable report on the Pana ma canal treaty. Murderer Utley Escapes From Jail. 8pectal to Journal Ralhigd, Feb. 8. Utley who mur dured . Holllngsworth In a Fayettevllle hotel and was sentenced to life Impris onment escaped from jail last night. A federal prisoner was found to have (10. in his pocket. The jail door had been opened. A hot pursuit Is being made. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. E.Latham ft Co. flew York, February 8. Traders pur sue the policy of buying on every llttleJ break for a reaotion. This policy proved profitable, 'btit if this movement keeps up, we are afraid buyers will not And, a ready market at an advance some day when they least expect it. No break of Importance should take place this week as every one expects the large movement. May oonld easily get back to 8.70, which would mean but ic tioa, then would oome the tost ' A great many have bought the oottoa at 8.78 on the theory that receipts will not pare favorably later la the month. Should the movement continue large and holders attempt to realise, the sit uation would look very different, We ean not see anything in the market that tells us to ask you to boy at the moment one week at a time. Next week th out look may appear more favorable for bay re.' On a good break la the morning though. one might buy , for a quick turn. 1 C.W. LeeAOo. laanu. . .i '.' v I hereby extend my sinoare thanks to the friends, both . white and black, for their Uberlsl financial aid, which en abled me to secure astonefor the West street K X Church thoagh not yet quite paid for. . . . . ' .. : v' . . - . Also I wish . to express my apprecia tion of the assistance rendered me by Ren Avant, Weeks, Taylor and Martin, aad through them - to the good people they represent, in the' way of gifts for the mission cause. I Invite similar co operation from other friends and brelh L. W. Tnvus, leaty's Boob Books by G. A. Hen- ;y ana otner writers, bound in paper, for Only 10c per Copy. OWEN . BtJNN, 59 POLLOCK ST. The Old Reliable i News & Observer X for Daily Reports of the Legislature. EMETT'S-BOOK STORE. e Have You a Cough Or Sore Throat ? Duffy's Cough Killer will cure you. . Antiseptic, Dealing and sooth ing. Guaranteed. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. "PEPSI-COLA At The Fire 1 There was sufficient of this popu lar drink saved from fire on Monday night to supply the dealers' needs. The factory will be in operation In a few days and then expect moro business for New Bern. Fine China, Salad and Cake Plates MARKED p DOWN Wednesday, May and Friday AT VVhitehurst's 45 Pollock Hi Phone -228. Brooks' Cafe. (Watson's Old Btanrt) Lunches and Heals served in first-class style. OYSTERS, Sandwiches, Salads and every delacy of the season al ways on hand.' Coca-Cola and all other cool drinks on tap. IlrookV Cafe. NIW BBL. FRESH TRIPE Just opened, 6c lb, Pig Feet in vinegar So lb, Pickles 10c doz, Pickled Pork 11c pound. Dates lOo pkg, Violet Brand Scoded Balslns lo pkg. Old Fashioned Back wheat 4c lb. Fox Kiver Print Bntter 8(5c, Fresh El gin Batter 80o & 85c. (jnakerOats 10c pkg. Mothers Oats lOepkg. Miller ft Miller Best Pure Lard I3c lb Compound Lard 10c 8 lb ean Tomatoes lOo. lb can com lOo. All kinds fresh pkg Crackers. A lot of Fresh Boasted Coffee. Try a poand of our SOo coffee, ToMooo, Sons, Cigars, Cheroots. r.1. E. Land & Co. ' Phone 162, 69 Broad St. SEEDS! ONION SETS, white, jrelloir Z and ttd varieties; josi reoeived t urge consignment or spring . , Seeds from Bulst) Landretb rerryCo. v -v.,.;:-, . BRAinAirs fiiarmactJ i Cor. PoDockl Middle Bts. - -3 i r Brsdham's pharmacy XS HOW OPIIT FOB BUBINESB with a new 'stock of drugs and , new I'irk of '. OrTioe"9 t? e Pcotoffice. 5L o. ams '-to J3 H A few Nice ones just received and another lot expected today. I have a few gallons of Nice strained Honey at -0c at. Fresh lot OnUrio Buckwheat, Clover Hill Print Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans and Porto Ilico Molasses, Kvaporated Peaches and Apples, Prunes, Codfish and Irish Potatoes, Teanuts, Canned and Bottled Goods of all kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas and Roasted Coffin. Give me a call. Yours to Please, J mm. 'Phone 91. m ooaoaonaoDODonoDoooo o o Toggery Shop Talk. In Neckwear you'll find that the "English Square" Do Joinville Scarfs and Culross Ties are most worn. Nave some Novelties in Hosiery, too: you'll find all New Spring (ioorts here. When you want Mens Togs, consult nio. IIATTKR AND HABERDASH Elt, 97 Middle Street. o OOOOOaODODODODODODODOOOOO( rom 1st Feb. 1903 'or a Few Days Only. This Sale will Hij; Money Saer to you. LOOK ! LOOK ! ! .100 Mens Suits at lialf value. CHO pra Heavy Pants, value $1 2.1 fur 79c 350 lieys Suits at half value, 1.100 Mens and Hoys Caps, value 2x and lose out at tin's sale at l'Je. 475 Mens and ISoys Bliirts, valuo 50e, 1 0OJ vour choice at this sale 3D. 50 doz Mens Suspenders, 25c value, must this sale at 12)e. SO doz Ladies, Mens and Chil.lrens Hose, will closo out at this sale, !i iiairs for 10e. 7.W yards Table linen, red and white, must go at this sale at 24c. 2500 yards whito, earnet, black ami blue nire, 50c value, to go at this sale for 24c. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, Shoes of all kinds and all sorts to lit everybody. LOOK! LOOK1! Wo invite the public to attend this salo the best bargains ever offered. M F WAUUEN Saesuian JIM (1A4K1LL, 75 Middle St. next to Gaskill C.J. McSorley Q Cofs GOOD CONFECTIONERY. Bo good that the baby can sat Its nil of It. What Is there In pure, delicious con fectionoiy to hurt either baby, child, or grown up persons 1 There are no purer materials thsn the ones we use. There Is no cleaner way of making confection, ery than ours. J. W. WOOD, ' (Successor to Foy A Wood) ( Practical Tinner, PLUMBING AND 63 FITTING i, All work guaranteed to give sat isfaction. ' good stock of Uook and Heat tog Store trlgh prloe. -, ; . Can b found Jatjhe shop on South Front Street formerly. ooou plod by the tlmV"-- j - ' J. W. WOOD. Confectionery Store Wholesale & Retail 'Grocer, 71 Broad St" he a pr. S0c, to 75c and ro at valuo 60c, Casi- and suit and not COPLON. Hdw. Ci ., New Bern, N. C. Alew cars of the cel ebrated Thacker lump Splint Coal. The best substitute for hard coal on the market. Also steamj&ismith- ing coal. The best quality Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Wood. Prompt and quick delivery ELLIS'iCOAL & WOOD YAP, Phone 47. Union Point. There Is Satisfaction on the face of the man who drinks Bnd wsls baeit-Hatfisractton with the bssr, satisfaction with' his Judgment In se lecting so good an article for which he pays so small a prtoe. Bandy thing to bars about the Loose, - Shall frt send yon ease t i--. m,. J, RfcTaylor, w, 1 I v U and Wood!

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