- .7 - TWENTY-FIRST YEAR Vr ' 1X-H0. ,JfiB ' - ' '.,.' ' -V-ij VlKWJIMi IT. C, 8AT0RDAT UOWIHfl, FIBEUABY 7, 1903, 1 I si . '3 I. 6 W a'. .'".i.T W THERE ID KO UTLEY SURRENDERS. Claims Escaped From Jail Unassisted. $1,000 Reward For His Capture. Special to Journal. Faybttevillk, Feb. . Edward Utley the escaped murderer of Hollinsworlh, surrenderee! Thursday ulght to farmer McGirt, at Wakulla, Robeson county, and came here today with McOIrt. Utley saya he escaped from Jail, unas sisted, spent mo it i f his tlmi In the ewampB, nd.1 ha 1 bou; lit a borso from McGirt, when he sur ordered. J. J. Bailer U ciSerlng for the ncit 30 days, heavy doul ,e breoatcd fleeced line underwear at Kti, heavy ribbed under wear Km:. A I, winter goo Is at some re 'diictlon. Fresh nod p'ckled I'eef Tripe 5c at J It Parker Jr. Irc-Quin. Tho greatest tonic and bnlldcr known. Knocks malarial condillonj every time, formula submitted to your physician. Guaranteed by Duffy's Pharmacy. Extra line Western Lamb at Oaks Market. Freeh I'ork SauBage 121o lb at J. R. Parker Jr. Inflamed Eyes' Inflamed eyes, especially if accom panied with a dull ache over the eyes or about, and drowsiness after closs work or reading are - a sure sign of defective vision, which may or may not be mani fest to you, and imposes a severe tai on the nerves and muscle i of the eycs.glais es are the remedy and practically make the eyes perfect. Special study and the proper instruments make It possible to fit a child as well as an adult. Can be found In the old Duffy stand, J. O. BAXTER OOCOOOnODOnDOaODODOOCCCOO o o o o o HATTER ANB J 8 vt jaianie Direct. . (, sccoEonononononononoccoao HRANfjn OFFICE A B, Baxter & Co., Commission Brokers. Stocb, tttoii.Graiii & Moos 17 Craven Street, , Phone 238 f, KEWBtRH, JL O. r MftlnUrtloe; erBroadway.'New York." ModerUOrXlW..!xceDMtiservion. Private wire to Hew York. - v ... . .. . t i ' "'.r' f . ' HifRtex pasta iiik mnm snereaciu eei- - i - :r - -pr t-r -:. ' - j i Borated'i&'tPerfumed 11. V . it a , si vvvrx 'o ruAuuAux 'lift W4 5 fU While In Beauforlb lur l6 stop 1al the Kuoll Hone. rirst-Clasl' Board. a ton i for tNTi-ltnr peopio, .ruoiiug aidbnni'nganexoelleiii Tsmwtl-.5' r. i or f ' ' 0 ptir wk CUnOTITUTE FRIDAY'S LEGISLATION. Respect to Congressman Moody.. Wilson Dispensary Bill. Reclassification of Pensioners. Insuring Lives of Infants. Special to Journal. Raleigh, February 0. The House adopted resolution In respect to the memory of Congressman Moody, whose death was announced. Bills passed leaving to a vote of the people of Wilson, whether a dispensary shall be established there. To restore local self gorernmant to Pi rqnlmans county. To shorten the time of notice of publication from six to four weeks. In the Senate bills were Introduced to Increasepenslons for Confederate sol diers and .their widows and reclassify pensioners. Nearly all the session was devoted to special orders. Justice's .bill was up rt qulrlng railways to give warning of ap proach of trains by ringing boll or blow ing whistle, when ever person Is seen on track. The bill was finally referred to the .Judiciary committee. The bill passed amending charter of Jackson ville. Gov. Aocock sent In a report of the State University wtth Its trustees re quest for 39,000 for permanent Improve ment. Senate bill making the Insuring of lives of Infants unlawful, was tabled. In the House bills were Introduced Incorporating Haisell and Hamlin, Mar tin connty; to give Justices of peace Jurisdiction in cases of carrying conceal, ed weapons; to permit persons travel ing In the Interest of duoatlon to use free passes; to authorize county com missioners to fix the salary of chairman of board. vrftf liars o are Warranted 2100 Linen and will S outwear the average 15o Collara. m Made in every shape. "There's always something new1 m for bojera at the Toggery Shop." q o 8 HABERDASHER, Splint lor "use in grates and stoves,' arid best quality Bitumi nous .for all .' .steam purposes. f,Oafc ASh' arid ttne, ; :ompt delivery, h f ;iiomter& COt 1 " ' . P 'A ir C vrnvcit nt, vBRAbHAll'S IMPROVED AHTt BIUOUB rULS Are maVore's tnllde ana snoeteneethr remedy for a slurMab liver tot sTlsorr of Dt dtgnetlve tract Jnelly. .They remove tmparttle from the blood and elearnp tlie sallow com plexion often swm tn -peTeotif suffeiin from llrer or bowel dis'v Trli e por bv, f " ' lov d- i f'-r r 1 ' t I Goal C i. , -.v a- .a it-1 CHinOR BILL Mill People Expected ' to Oppose .. lt ., ... , , State patomologUt fladt Sm Jose Seal. Trinity College Wbrary Opening. - State Guard Convention. Reward . For TJt ley. Ri leiqh, February 6. Stat Labor Commissioner, Varner, was interviewed today regarding the Child Labor law.the first hearing on which was had yester day before the Senate and House com- mttteea. Mr. Varner was asked whether he thoueht a labor bill would pus. He roplted, "I think so. I feel more hopeful than I did last night. The mill will make a desperate fight against any law. think this is united action on the part of the mill men, and through the organ' Izatlon they have. They oppose any leg lslatlon because they say it is an entering wedge. The sentiment of the State is greatly In favor of a conservative law regulating this matter." In the oourse of an Interview today with Franklin Sherman, the State ento mologist, who has Just returned from an Inspection of orchards. He was asked if there was much Sin Jose scale In the State. He replied; "There Is plenty of scale so far as I now know, It exists 'n about 80 different localities, on about 150 premises, and on something like 60, 0)0 trees. Peaches tare most affec'.el; pplcs next. I know of Bcale In three localities west of the Blue Ridge, these being, HlUsboro, Waynesvllle and Mica found plenty of scale la the Hughes Peach orohard of 4,000 trees near Greene boro; I also found scale pretty nearly everywhere In the vicinity of Ellenboro and Shelby; As I have said It Is pretty evenly distributed over theHlate." The formal opening of the Trinity College Library at Durham, the gift of Mr. J. B. Dnke, of New York, takes place February 23rd. Hon. Armlstead Burwell, of Charlotte makes the presen tation address; President John C. Kllgo, the address of acceptance; Mr. Walter H Page, Editor of the World's Work, of New York, the dedicatory address. The exercises occur In Craven Memorial Hall at 8 p. m. and will be followed by a reception. The total amount of reward for Ed ward L. Utley, the murderer of Hollint worth at Fayettevllle, Is made $1,000 by the 400 which Governor Aycock of fers. Every company and division In the State Guard will be represented here at the Officers Convention next week. Great Interest la manifested In the New National MlUtla Law. The Illustrations of the new uniforms for the army,whlcL later on will be those for the volunteers also, have been received by the Adjutant General. Lawyers generally appear to endorse the bill ot Senator Webb giving Judges power to limit the length of speeches by counsel, exeept In trial of Capitol case. The Raleigh bar has formally endorsed the bill. Hotel Bill Liability to Guests. Special to Journal. Raleigh, February 6. The Hotel bill will be reported favorably to the Senate tomorrow. It limits the ' liability . of guests to f 100, antes an Inventory of article Is farnUhed, : ' TritwiaA t1ffwr Hwr.' Wlllinn Qalan of Marlee r ith a cone. panlon were Ina 1maTf 'boat on New River Thursday and were overturned off Cedar Point.. When the boat upset (he men managed to get on the upper part, Mr Qulnn eonoluded to try 16 iwlm aahore s he felt confident be would te able to do It. The water was rough with a tlff wind blowing,' and lhe'tak wonld bar been a &lt&o$letO for ea rxpert , swlaimer and. the rlyn U.,Try wide at that point v V Qnlu. h be- for rOaeetBg share wkUe aWocopankn wm ' aavedl ' the besw f rifted sAore after a Vejiiu",f e J -li'iTi'a ,-! ant fvU . ' TM ton na IluwkH. ,, . Tha .Iflaa of a lun anahoa . cxertad tremendous Influence la the biatacy bd reign of Henry ,7U. of England. Aft er the fall Aihe jAolem the papacy prepared overture of reoonclllarion eo favorable o the king that be coperoded to accept tUcm, j A representative ,w senj com ,uom ,wvn ue oispatcnea. and. Whea only a' dy Journey from Calais tn horse cert s sbee.anaeU lame; '.As ;lh'.borseT was a favorite animal' "ttiA mpuommw tint arming tA jwralt fof a day, rather than, take tbe cnanoes or losing ue nerae. J, ne jmvx ,flay the Jounwy was resumed and loo flori wn jreacbod. . to find - that Henry that ,Btty..had ' Jeen WrrleoV to, Jane Seymour, a rrotcrtnnt. that Ann bad been "beheaded, .the' day beforeand all btM of a reconcUlatlott sral lotT Tb meeeengqr was a day too late, and the borseabo bad cbangod the bent of the nation' blrtory. .. ' ( . . .-, ' - '' y, " 'h" ' '' '.. fy t'l ! ,VV.' CASTOniA f Tit' ln'ut't a:,J f "'rri.' , j Pa r-i Y'" r r I"tl t...ci I.J . . I 11 1 rrs the PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Chares, of Greensboro, 6a., and Its Pastor and Elder. THE day was when men of promi . nonce hesitated to give their testi monials to proprietary medicines for publication. This remain true to day of most proprietary medicines. But Peruna has become so Justly famous, its merits are known to so many people of high and low stations, that no one hesi tates to see his name in print recom mending Peruna. A dignified representative of the Pres byterian church In the person of Rev. E. G. Smith does not hesitate to state pubUoly that he has used Peruna in his family and found it cured when other remedies failed. Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor of (he Presby terian church of Greensboro, Oa., writes: "Having used Peruna in my family for some time it gives me pleasure to testify to its true worth. My little boy seven years of age had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels. Other remedies had tailed, but after ia king two bottle ot Peruna the trouble almott entirely disappeared. For this special malady I consider It well nigh a speoLflc As a tonio for weak and worn oqt people it has few or no equals." REV. E. G. SMITH. -Hackburn Has Just Received his Spring Line of Gents Dress Shirts To Sell for 50c & $1.00. ALSO NEW LINE OF PATENT SHOES & OXFORDS Good Value at Gieat mm PRICES 1 't!,iv. WE WILL BELL FOR CASH : ft lb can Stand. Tomatoes 9 for jtio 2 -rM j : '".TCony V;; .;-25o Laq'u Cling Tcachosjao Talus, 18o Ysllov Mtohw, 20b yaloe -r.iSo CalkAprioOta, SSo vlBTjil5o Tomato CaUnp, l5o 'talaei 'fJlh Heioi Baksd Beau, 15e ni. 121o Ha Peaches, IOo Yaltw .".'f.- 'J. 8jo Lima Beans, IOo walae ,? '. file Com r4 Tdmatoea, IOo talue : to Oottolene, tOo'vdw -:''j?iH:40o : 350 , f i . 20o Oabieai, l5o ralno-"-J;...-; 10o Boysl Baking Powder, lb 84o Good Ltiok Baking Powder , , 4xj REIIEIIBER this ofTcr la for cash only. I 1 s PASTOR PRAISES PEA, Mr. M. J. Rossman, a prominent mer chant of Greensboro, Oa., and an elder in the Presbyterian church of that pl.n-e, writes: "Eor a long time I was troubled with oatarTh of the kidneys and tried many remedies, all of which gave mc no relief. Peruna was recommended to mo by several friends, and after using a few bottles I am pleased to say that the long looked for relief was found anil 1 am now enjoying better health than I havo for years. It is certainly a grand medi cine." M. J. Rossman. Hon. S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the follow ing in regard to Peruna: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbua, O. : Gentlemen Peruna la an excellent toale. I have uaed It auffklently to ay that I believe It to be all that you claim tor It. S. D. McEnery. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving n full statement of your coho and ho will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. ' Address Dr. Hartmau, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 15 00, sell for Qotagon Soap per sake 4e Best West India Molasses, gal. 80c Faney N" P Molaaasri per gal. 85c Beit Patent Flour per lb " 2fo 8eooad' iVp?: '; ;'-;v t'o Gs'(Xiftee,'tiMl Wti'ptti 29o Qaart Jar Jelly, 20o value. -.. 13c Fresh Rosted Coffee lSorftl.1 11c 25d; 'M9c Pearllne, 6o tm. '-pj-.y.- Meal per pock 'YVi;? i iH' 'SOc With .each" $2 00 purchase ;we soli 10 pounds of Granulated Sugar for 60o. o. ction mm JIMS Henty-s Books ! Kooka by G. A. Hen ty and other writers, bound in paper, for Only 10c per Copy. OWEN . DUNN, 5!) I'OI.MH'K ST. Tbe Old Reliable News Si Observer I ii for Daily Reports of the Legislature. ENNETT'S BOOK STORE. J - ee Have You a Cough Or Sore Throat ? Duffy's Cough Killer will cure you. Antiseptic, healing and sooth ing:. Guaranteed. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. VET SI-COLA At "The Fire I There was sufficient of this popu lar drink saved from flro on Monday night to supply the dealers' needs. The factory will be in operation In a few days and then expect more business for New Bern. Salad and Cake Plates MARKED WAY DOWN , Tbarsiay and Friday AT Whitehurst's 45 Pollock Ntv Phone 228, I Brooks' date. (Watson's Old Stand) Lunches and Meals served in first-class style. OYSTERS, Sandwiches, Salads and every delacy of the season al ways on band. Coca-Cola and all other cool drinks on tap. Brooks' Cafe. NEW BBL. FRESH TRIPE just opened. Be lb, Pig Feet In vinegar 5c lb, Ploklos 10c do, Pickled Pork 11c pound. Dates 10c pkg, Violet Brand 8eeded Raisins 13c pkg. Old Fashioned Buckwheat 4c lb. Fox Kiver Print Butter S'c, f resh El gin Butter tOc & 85c. Quaker Oats IOo pkg, Mothers Cats 10c pkg. Miller & Miller Best Pure Lard I8o lb. Compound Lard 10c 8 lb can Tomatoes 10c, 8 lb can com 10c. An kinds fresh pkg Cracker. A lot of Fresh Roasted Coffee. Try a pound ot our 20o coffee, Tobaoco, Snuff, Cigars, Cheroots. M.E. Land &'Co. Phone 162. 89 Broai fit. ONION SETS, -white, yello j j 'and Jed yarletiei'jnst rK)eved ! ! ;.tnfe conslgnmeBB ot Bprlna-J.' , . Seeds from Balst, Lapdntb ;v! , .TerrvJACo. -tM:i-i,.-(iV ', BRADHAM'S PIIARMA0T : ; ; k, Co. PoUookl MlrMb BtS,'" W"; ; "JPharmzcy 13 KOW OriCS FOB BUBINK33 v 1 1 h a new stork of- drnr-s snrl now Fine China. 5 Fresh Pork Sausage Just vrii At J. L. McDame'i's 1 liTvc a IV v nitl!,iii.; of Nice slraiuid II rej at 20c qt. Fresh lot. On : . i. ll.iclv wli-al, Clover Kill IVim Hut;, v, Maiilc Synic vcv OrUnmj and Porto Rico Mol.i&es, Kvaporatcl l'ci, ;ml Applt-s, l'runef, Codliah iiii'l Polal'n-, IVannls, t'iinned and :;! K (l (ii.ods of all kinds, Ileiidquail! is f.,r 1' ine Teas mid I'oasted Coffee. Give iue a i all. Vi'i:is tn J. L f 1 1 a.i a i i ii mu 3 'Ihi5 -'M NEW BERri Successors to J. Our connection with Manufacturers, Im porters and f"aek"vg makes us Headquarters on everything- in the grocery line. We buy in oar lots bing business. Try us tor prices NEW From 1st Feb. For a Few Days Onl v. T .! S., J. Big Moin-y Saver to ;, mi. LOOK : i.oi'K : : 500 Mens i-'i.Hs at li.iii v.i'..r. COO pra Heavy I 'ami. xahie " ; I" 350 Hciys Sails at half ali,r. 1500 Mens and I)os ( ai-, - la- : , close out at this sail- at !'.' . 475 Mens and Uoy:, M:lrl-.. 1 00 your choice at tin , .ale a . 50 do. Mens Sii..;'ailTv '-.-'i this sale at liijc. 50 doz Ladies, Mens iia-1 L'liil i closo out at this sale. : l air f I" 750 yanls Talile lini-n, reil aed must go at this sale at 2-i-. 2500 yanls white, garnet, M. .: mtre, 50c value, to go at t!i i . a 1c i i HIIOE9, SHOES, Mlu, Slices of all kinds and all soi ls to everybody. look: i.ooi;i: We invite the public to attend i'n the best bargains ever oflen-l, M F WARREN, ),,.. ... JIM GA4K1LL, j 75 "Middle SI. next C.J. McSorley & Cos n r ini) OEST GOOD CONFECTIONERY. Bo good that the baby can eat lis fill of It. Whet Is there in pure, delicious con fectionery to hart either baby, child, or grown up persons T There are no purer materials than tho ones we use. There I bo cleaner way of tnaklog confection ery than ourr. j, 'w; wood, (8nooessor to Foy fc Wood) 3 Practical Ttnntrpx PUJMBlSfl AND GAS J1THNG South Frohf FlJSeTTormorly , oooa- t ?r A -t f .f VVyyi yJ.' Wi WOOD. .; MIC Wk guarftntoed to,!glve. jat ,"'Oan -tfoandXftt.thd shop .on rinnfi 220. '-. . ; Piea.io, IffTlf Wholesale hi is1 A Retail LJJy. grocer, S ' mi' 71 Broad Nt' GROCERY CO., A. Parris & Co. and do Strictly a Job and be convinced. BERN GROCERY CO, 1903 at I m nnnnnna iMt OnUliKiklfl mi tsUiii stu awm mm -mw mw bbssjbbssj bbsjsj ssssw WejsV I S. COPLON. ii 0 a skill Hdw. Ci ., Kcw Bern, N. C. Coal and Wood! Atew cars of the cel ebrated Thacker lump Splint Coal. The best substitute for hard coal on the market. Also stoam&Jsmith ing coal. The best quality Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Woof. Prompt and quick delivery. ELUS1C0AL &';W0QD YABD; Phone 47, Ther ta Gat: r c'.lon , on the Horn tA she man who drint Butt. Weis beer atlfelon wuh tliet seerv mtlsraotion with his ui m,i tn leetlng so Rood afl article t r wliieMfee Cay so small a price. J 1 1 thlnrf t are abont ihs tons, t i we f t foqaoassl!, J. F.lTi .. . . ..... It

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