r ' VWW BIRI, ;,qH'8DHDAI MORIIItf,'lIBKUiBY 15 1903. TWENTY FIRST YEAR TOLMX-HO. 171 WHERE "? ii At WHAT IS THAT ? I It's the Royal Worcester Bon Ton Long n una uulu urttue, xuriu turn vum j tort. See our Display of Jewelry, we hare Waist Pins, Belt 3? Tins, Waist Sets, Gibson Blouse Sets and Sash Pins. jK Waist Bags and Chateline fl All New and Up-to-date. f John Dnn, Gtocef I'egs to call ihe attention of the ( omplete ' Lock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. 6. very steamer is bringing in some delicacy to be added to his stock. A share of your trade is solicited. Yoar orders will re receive careful attention and a PROMPT DELIVERY. All orders small or large will be appreciated. I JOHN Gfoce, Phone 74. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. and J. G. Fnlford Supply Go. HARDWARE! 78 Middle St MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St Pbone 147. Phone 816. Keep a full snpply of Builders Material, Bath, Door, Blinds, Obit, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Store and Ranges and everything kept in a first class hardware store, A fall line of Railroad, Steamboat and Hill Supplies, Engine, Boilers, Pul leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nats, Iron, Belting, Packing, Hose, Etc. Having consolidated the two hoases we are prepared to furnish High Quality goods at Very Low Prices. Thanking the future patronage we are, loan truly, Gasiill Hardware and JOSEPH GASKILL. P. A. Great Reduction pr!ces nb mm WE WILL SILL 3 lb can Stand. Tomatoes 8 for 26c 2 " Corn, . 26o Lemon Cling Peaches,26o value, 18c Yellow Peaches, 20c value 15o al. Apricots, 26o value 16o Tomato Catsup, 15o value Qo Heinz' Baked Beans, 15c val. 12Jo Pie Peaches, 10c value 8io Lima Beans, 10c valne 81c Com and Tomatoes, 10c valne Sic Oottolene, 60o, Value 40o a 26V 20c Oatmeal, l6o valu ' 10c ooyai Diiiuug jrowutr, f iu c Good Luok Baking Powder 4o KEMEMBER this offer Is for cash only. " Archbell 76 Broad .-v- -' .Inflamesl Eyert,' , , Inflamed ye, especially If acootn panted with a doll ache om lb tyw or about, aad drowstoot after eloM Work at nadlog art sure tlga.of difeetrrt t tvaa mva aaasa ya ismbj uv ipv mmmr tMt to too. IM liDPOMt ft tevtrt tax oa lb ttrtvi ftftd ocIe of Iht mt,clatM- mm. m.m tVH sUJ .-J .S M ' " w ' A Mm ... 1t , "-- lv ' DTOuvr lDiirBiaimiu in u bohidib ui a i vaiiu w WfH ' sjh MUUlle VUi W foaiid lo tht oM Duffy ttand, III Hip Corset. Bags at 26c, 60c, 76a and $1. Housekeepers to his Fine and-; DUNN, ! 4 POLLOCK ST. 4fc trade for past favor and soliciting your Hill Supply Crapy, WILLI8. JOK 0. FULFORD. FOR CASH : Octagon Soap per cake Best Weak India Molasses, gal. 80o Fancy N O Molasses per gal. 86p Best Patent Flour per lb 2io Second - 8c Can Coffee, 86c valne for 29o Qaart Jar Jelly, 20e valne , 12c Fresh Roate4 Coffee lie vaL lie : 250 16c " ' 200 17c Pearllne, 6c value -v" ..' 4o Heal per peak- . v , 20o With estc p 00. purchase we ell 10 poanai of Granulated Sogar it ' ZxiiM. 517 IS t)!3 ? ,V: For the Next Two Weeks 1 will giro Vila each 80 Tablet a '?-v A-FaiiBy Lead Pendl -J"'-' ;;-f "r-'-wiiji rutben; :V' IIE1IE1IB2II this last until Fcb'ySSth. " -TJ j X-S v. E IXegLstrairs Xoflees., . TaC Registralloa' books for the First Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 8th day of March 1903, at City Hall for the regis tration of voters at an election upon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Ballrosd Com pany, and wQl be kept open by me at said place each week day from date to aad Including Saturday the 16th day of March 1903 . from the hours of eight o'clock a. m. to sis o'clock p. m. R. R. BILL, ' Registrar February 14th, 1908. The Registration books for Second Ward will be opened by me at; eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903, at Court House for the reg istration "of voters at an election Upon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pam Uoq, Oriental and Western Railroad Company, and will be kept open by 1 at said place each week day from said date to and Including the 16th day of March 1903, from the hours of eight o'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m. D. F. FOY, Registrar February 14th, 1908. The Registration- books for Third Ward will be . opened by me at eight p'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903 at Street's stable for the re gistration of voters at an election upon the question of subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamli co, Oriental and Western Kailroad Com pany, and will be kept open by me at aid place each week day from date to and Including Saturday the 16th day of March 1903 from the hours of eight 'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m. . E. 8. BTREET, Registrar, February 14 1903. The Registration hooks for Fcurth Ward will be opened by me at eight I'dook a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903, at Hargetts Shop for the registration of voters at an election upon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company, and will be kept open by me said place each week day from said date to and Including Saturday the 16th day of March 1903, from the hours of eight o'clock s. m, to six o'clock p. m.. D. 8. JONES, Registrar. February. The Registration books for Fifth Ward . will be opened by - me at eight o'clock a m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903, at McCarthy's for the regis tration of voters st an election npon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company and will be kept open by me at said place each week day from said' date to aad Including Saturday the 16th day of March 1903, from the hours of eight o'clock a. m. to six o'olock p. m. C. J. MCCARTHY; Registrar. February 14 1903. The Registration books for Sixth Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a. m, on Friday the 6th day of starca isus, ai ttosgn ana Jtteeay noox aad Ladder House for the registration of voters at an election npon the question of a subscription by the Olty of New jsera to ue stoea or ramnoo. oriental aad Western Railroad Company, - and will be kept open br me at said place eaen wane oay uom oat to ana includ ing Beiuranr tn iwn aay ot Karen isus, rrom taa nours or want o'clock a. m. to six o'olock p.m. 1. Registrar. February, 14th 1908. ST0LB WATCH AND BICYCLE" A Megre Gets Himself la Trouble Through Misappropriation. , About a month age 4 boat captain, Q. CChanneV reported at the Otty- Hall that his wch had bees stolen and gave Chief Harget a, minute description Of ab Urns piece, the Inslds, and outside aumbers, the initials engraved and other feature.7 , :- ' i Friday a negro, named Nellson wm ar rested for -the theft of a bicycle from Capt, Knpetrlek, of the tut- boet.Golds boro. The wheel was found In hU nossts siosu - r-r-iziy BwM ; learned that he' had sold a watch to a man Up town and ufoa team tng the ' name of the man to whom he sold U aa ameer ascertained that It Wat the same Watch which Was reported stolea bt Capt, ChaauelV'iiH ira . ITellsosv admitted, having sold ' ihs saaa the watch batsayshe founlltjhe also tried to tall twp ,or: three other stories about his oouneotlon wlthths watch but . the Mayor, thought the evl denoe against him was so strong that be put him under f 100 bead for his sppear- aaeela Court' J?.. The stolen Watch Is how at the police station awaiting 1U owner. , ; -, 'lci&r6riK Pot Ixf r.ts and C: ::.!rca. furs t' SOME REVENUE CHARGES. SoBvenlrs For Hall of History. Cruelly to " Convicts Report. Telegram, of Condolence Engagement ' - k Announced. Balelgh, Febraary 14. The Joint com mittee on finance today reported the revenue bill to the House, There are some changes of the bill of 1901. . Most or tnese nave already oeen reierrea to. The last changes made were In what is known as the merchants' purchase tax, This Is fixed by the committee -at 40 cta on the $1,000 up to 860,000, 25 cts. up to 880,000, and 80 eta. above the. Utter fig ure. The privilege on dispensaries Is put np 8 per cent on gross receipts; on distilleries a license tax ranging from 825 to $200; on retail liquor dealers $150 for each 6 months, wholesale dealers $200, and beer dealers exclusively $50; druggists selling liquor $25 annually in stead of $50. The tax on photographers is made $5. Persons can sell wine of their own manufacture at the place of manufacture In quantitllies of not lees thsn one gallon and brandy In original packages not less than 5 gallons. One half of the liquor taxes will go to the State Treasury, the other half to the school fund. Today there was received and placed In the Hall of History as a loan from MrsJE Tornbull of Littleton some highly valued souvenlers of that most distinguished' North Carolinian, Natha niel Macon, her great grandfather. These relics are a silver ladle and candle stick and two books with his autograph. The State has had up to this time no relic of this great man. The sub committee of the legislative committee on the penitentiary has prac tically ooacluded its examination Into the charges of Cruelty to convicts, and will make Its report aa soon as Its steno grapher has written out his otes. The investigation has been very complete. It Is said that the maker of the charges stated that his witnesses did not testify as strongly when their testimony was given as they did in the affidavits, which he had secured previously. It Is expected that during the coming week night sessions of the legislature will begin. 8o far that body has kept up with Us work exceedingly well. Oov. Aycock sent to Mrs. J. L. M. Ccrry at Ashevllle the following tele gram: "I beg to convey to you In behalf of North Carolina the sympathy of all her people With yon In the death ot Dr. Curry. A friend of humanity, having completed his work, rests from his la bors.'' Mr. Fred C. Olds, formerly of Raleigh and a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Olds Is to be married in the spring at Waco, Texas, his present home,to Miss Florence Walton Baker, of that city. Settled Again. Special to Journal. New York, February 14.-The Venc znelan quarrel has been settled, the pro tocol signed by the poweis and the blockade will be raised at once. BIG VALENTINE BUSINESS. Cupid's Little Messengers Make Entrance To Many Homes. Anyone who ssys that the custom of sending Valentines Is a back number, doesn't know what he Is talking about. In the local trade the Valentin market was cleaned out and postofflce officials ssys it was the biggest Valentine day ever known. . There were more of the large artistic creation than ever while the miserable little eomlo held Its own very well APPETITE COAXING. Rob Recessarr Whca Proper Food-Is Used. Coaxing pp an appetite Is bard work aad unnecessary when a little thought I given to scientific feeding. T ; Fill the stomach with the wrong stuff and It is not long before the palatal too Is affected and area the sight of-food is nauseating. Stomach and nervous (lis of all kinds soon come and the body t left without nourishment. '-'. .. , Then take on Grape-Nuts for a few days and see the dlff renoa, lEatlng Ja ao longer a duty bat a delight, for "the food is mad of 4h proper grains pre pared In a natural, sdeatuo masqer, and tht flavor la delicious. The ease of a ichoolma'am of Cedar Mills, Minn Is interesting. She wrlteti JI used to go without lunch many a day, not finding It tasty. a eouseqoenee I usually had severe headache before the afternoon session wet over -end felt, nervous and erosirT ,, , " V Mlhad almost onolodedvio. give ap teaching oa this aeoout when a Mend Induced me to try Giape-Nots. I will say frankly I did not ear for It at first but tried It two or three time and then found myself beginning to enjoy the crisp nutty flavor. . , ... r -'. "The food has changed the order of my life. I carry l for lunch every diy now. . The color has come back to my cheeks and ltps and I have no more headaches or nervous r--'. ",Vy body is full V,f t jr a 1. new !!'. snir'er ' ' i t '"''! r 1! row Notice Bids Wanted. Bids are hereby asked for to furnish provisions for Inmates of County Home and other County poor till first meeting m Jan 1W4. - Bids to be made" for rations per day ana to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting first Monday In March, all bids must be sealed and sent to me. Rations required for twenty Inmates 81 days as follows; 310 lbs best side meat 810 " best bolted meal. 810 " best floor. 15 gals best syrup or molasses. 40 lbs fresh pork 4 weeks. 40 ""test beef 4 ' 40 u best kit lard. 40 " good washing soap. 6 " Granulated sugar. 8 pk yeopon. 10 lbs best rice. 10 gals peas. 10 plugs good tobacco 4 to t lie lb. 8 pks table salt. 8 lbs good ceffee. 5 ' good yeast powders. 10 pks Irish potatoes. Delivered at Count Home. J. J. Baxter, Com. of Poor, Have You a Cough' Or Sore Throat ? Duffy's Cough Killer will cure you. Antiseptic, healing and sooth ing, uuaranteed. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. Isel m Oo ! Where ? For What ? To Get the Best Barbecue and Oysters in the city. X All Bight, Come on t laSZCOST'S ! IS THE PLACE. Opposite Henry's Pharmacy. COPYRIGHT. What we want la a call from the moat critical man, as to garments, in this city, because that is the man we will please; and he will tell his friends a good clientele for us. We make olothes that fit every business day for business wear, or festive occasions. Out patrons prove it, F. 31. Chadwlek, Horse 1 Horse If Horse! 1 1 I wish to ssy'I have leased the stables on . South Front -street opposite Hotel CbattawW aad propose to run general livery, sale, endjboarding stables. Par ties wishing -their horses boarded and their rise given careful attention. wil do wall to call 'npon me. My livery service Is new aad up-to-date. ; - '.-'j.b.watson, ... - v " Agent. . AT THE HEAD OF ALL TOB v.r :.4 Tm' Cn--' Specially prepared for the lond. gboi cure, makes Wrappers and Tills . As our goods are manufactured bett yoo and not reshipped, ws claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition, :;teJ?4 ' nf' TTIrk flmln niLl.hnfn. fntaiL Allnrnn .nil f!r.t.Tl flrmnn '? rt? o : , , OurlTolto: "Xot How Cheap But How Good, " U-..-1 cr-t fwltt and have no rcn-fs.. ' The London Bill MAY NOT PAH3 but we wlU continue our of Ewerj and Basins, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Lamps, ' Tinware, Spoons, Knives and Forks from best triple plate to the cheapest grade for CASH. Speoilas in every line Monday, Tues day and Wednesday. - WHITEHURST, 45 Pollock St, THERE'S food for thought In onr prices. Call and be convinced. Ennett's Book Store. Smart Dressers WILL FIND Our Spring Suitings and Overcoatings Absolutely correct in style and quality Prices Extremely Low. Tailoring unexcelled. CHADWICK TAILORING CO., Bangert Building, Middle Street. Coal, Splint ior use in grates and stoves, and best quality Bitumi nous for all steam purposes. Wood. Oak, Ash and Pine. Prompt delivery Hollister & Cox Craven St. Phone 34. BRANCH OFFICE Commission . Brokers. Mi, CottoQ.Grain & FtotMoiu 17 Craven Street, Phone 288 . NEW BKRN, N. O. Main Office, 61 Broadway, New York. Moderate morgins. Excellent service. Private wires to New York. . Highest banking and mercantile ref rences. CO FERTILIZER. nnnnn o of .Eastern Carolin.' "Insures a Your Purse, U' ;lr f t - . . VVVVVH v. t Tr.; Cheap Gash' Sale :TTCnMAItt Fresh Sausage Just Received At I L McDaniel's I have a few gallons of Nice strained Honey at 20c qt. Fresh lot Ontario Buckwheat, Clover Hill Print Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans and Torto Kico Molasses, Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Prunes, Codfish and IrishJPotatoes, Peanuts, Canned and Bottled Goods of all kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas and Roasted Coffee. Give me a call. Yours to Please, l i. huw rsr U. LI. UMULUUUU, .Clroeer, 'Phone 91. From 1st Feb. 1903 For a Few Days Only. This Sale will Big Money Saver to you. LOOK ! LOOK ! ! 500 Mens Suits at half value. 00 prs Heavy Pants, value $1 25 for 79o 350 Boys Suits at half value, 1500 Mens and Boys Caps, value 2Tc and close out at this sale at 19c. 475 Mens and Bovs Shirts, value GOo. $1 00 your choice at this sale 39. 50 doz Mens Suspenders, 25c value, must this sale at 12ic 50 doz Ladies. Mens and ChiMrens Hose, will closo out at this sale, 8 pairs for 10c. 760 yards Table linen, red and white, must go at this sale at 24c. 2600 yards white, garnet, black and blue mere, 60c value, to go at this sale for 24c. 8HOE8, SHOES, SHOES, Shoes of all kinds and all sorts to lit everybody. LOOK! LOOKI! We invite the public to attend this sale the best bargains ever offered. M F WARREN, ) JIM GASKILL, Salesman.' 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill New Bern Grocer; Company, Successors9 1. A. Parris & Co. Moved to New Building 63 & 65 South Front St. C.J.McSortey & Co's GOODCONFECTIOnERY. Bo good that the baby can eat lis fill of It, . What Is then hi pore, delicious con fectionery to hurt either baby, child, or grown np persons f There are no purer materials than the ones we nse, There is iao-oleaaer way of making-confectionery than oars, J. W. WOOD, (Suocesaor to Foy A.TVoodj pajJmet, f ilJMBIHQ AHD GS FITTING AUwork'gnaranteed to give sat- Wabtion.:l;; ,?7 Can bi foandjatths shop n South" FrontStroet fosmerry'' ooon fled by.tho W'4-J-" J. W. WOOD. Cwiiery Store Pork 71 Bread Bt f be a pr. 50c. to 75c and eo at valuo 50c, Casi- and suit and eet S. COPLON. Hdw. IV, New Bern, N. C. theb Alew cars of the cel ebrated Thacker lump Splint Goal. The best substitute for hard coal on the market. Also steam & smith ing coal. The best quality Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Wood. Prompt and quick delivery. ELLIS' COAL & WOOB YABD, Phone 47. Union Points Pic-Nic Hams Just received llo lb; Pkkled Pork lOo lb; Dry Bait Meat Welly..: v rreab Tripe 60 lb Ptokled,Trfoe 5o lb) Pig Feet 6e lb) Pickles 10 do . r .. Old Faabloned Buckwheat 10o pkg. Codfish 10c lb, a lbs 8o, k', :; tox Klver Print Batter Ms lb, rresh Elgin Batter SO lb. fin Prone lo lb. t- ! f; y ' Oonrnd Bed Wo east) cans Wo, Chip pad Beat 10 as, I oana IBet a ' - - s; AU kinds rrs& Paekag Oiaekm. f ' A tot ot Boasted Coffee, Try a poaad A nJtm. 1 s . ,i ' yooaeeo, enuo, wigaxs ana uueroots, .' -v f 4.."'-Tours to please, - 'Phono iBt. C3 r 1 rt. - ' Seeds tt Cavls, t)aT'S Pharmacy lias J'!t rw-s fresh 1 'y cflfdfVsf ' la mm b a Coal and wood! . : J. o. rxr

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