A f" 11 "I v,' - -f s KIW BISSTIC; S1TUEDAT U0SSIK6, FKBRUARYi;28r' " XX-NO. 284 TWINTY-FIRST YIAR :a- 4 1 1. T 1 r VilUhavoTbriDisplay X Unnrlflu', Fnh 93H It in Foreign and Fancy ) m Dress OoodjsJ , , , ;, J : m I extend a Welcome toAlI. It's not U A a question it you want to buy or not 7 Marked attention-shall be paid to each U and everyone Ube V f ; " r ' r JJ k 'New thMRa ln each department y m Ask to seok the WSW Goods. ' T ItECEITIKO NEW OOODS OPT A ETEBTHOil!. 4 John - Qtocet : - t Cegs to call tbo nltention of ths Housekeepem to bia Fine and . -J Tomplete StocV of ? , . -. : V;, ; ' ' Staple and Fancy Groceries. X Every steamer Is bringing in omt delioaoj to 1m added to . 55 bis stock. 1 A share of your trade is receive careful attention and a X All orders small or large IJOHN 5 txfocef v Gaskill Hdw. & Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. HKDWARE 78 Mildl St . Phono H7. .- FhoM Stw.t ..' Keep a fuU mpply of Builders Material, Hth, Doori, Blinds, Olan, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Store asItages and everythbkept in a firs cUm hardware store. ...V ' ' .V"''?1.';.-: :' A full line of Railroad, Steamboat and MID. SappUes, Bnflnes, Joilers, PaV leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, YaWes, Beltlne. Packine. Hose. Etc ' - Having consolidated the two hoases -goods at Very Low Price. ' Thanking , future patronage v are, - Yoarstrory, GaM Hanlware anl . JOSSPH GA8KILL. IX A. J, A. JONBSi Livery , Feed Sale, and Exchange ; -tRt .(-i.AnaE8T.AKo i- ' ever offered for tale in this h ;-; AT complete Una of Cnggiee, Tfagoni," Tames Robes, TfTilps, Cart WbeelBrAoi '.r1 :- Inflamed Eycr - Inflamed eye, .especially panted with doll ache over the . shoot, and drowsiness after close work ' or reading are' a sure stga of defective TlaJo.ny which nay or may not be mani fest to yon, and Imposes a severe tat on the nerve and muscle of the eyo,g1e es are the remedy and practically make the eyes perfect. . (Special study and the proper Instruments make It potiS'ile to fits child as wallas an ailult. Csn be . found In the oM DuJTy itnml, J. o. I ' " : 2 ?FJi ' ' solicited. Your orders Trill r. PROMPT DELIVERY will be appreciated. 7 " BUOTi Hill Supply; Co., and J. CL Pnlford Snpply Ooi; ' , MILL 8UPPUXS 44 Craves 8t. Fitttafa, Wieaekes, BolU, Huta, Iron, . -.''d-ilA'S-- ' T:- we Are prepared to famish Blgh -Qaallty the bade for past favors and soliciting year Kill Snpplt Ccupann "rYILUS.. , ; JQl q, TFLfORD. si I - n fl : mw racBOT btocjc or eity, f A ear load of eaeb jut in '.:- ; For tli Keit Two Vcfks will give wi A each Eo TV, I a . A rr .-7 U 1 I, . :i w ' i r " r. r.;:L:.;: : ; t'.' v.' ni. c " ' 3E 4 -vtol r .. l:o;:j:.;ehb cuirheu Ofef Those ef ".Generals Wash and - Davidson. " f -j, - . tantltAte for GoTerBor,"; Code Com "iilssloasrs re$atlsfactry. -O Changes ii Pension Law." new JJliliniruautea. V Charter firaaUd.--. ' HitwoH, reb.'. the Daughters, of Jlevolntlon had a' nieetlng today, which they adopted rtsolotlon urg ing Governor Aycock to recommend that the monament to ttenerais ysywson ana Nssh be erected In Raleigh. ' In 1898 the Daughters of the Bevolatlon' took the lest action they say la regard to 'these monuments. One of them stated ,. today that Congressman Kitchen of, the fifth district would be here to urge that both monuments be erected on the battle ground of Guilford Court house. ' The Daughters thlhk that both the monu ments should be here at the capltot as no particular place In the Btate can just ly lay claim to them., . v. ,. It Is said that representative Augustus W. Graham, of Granville, is an. aspirant for the next Democratic nomination for. Governor. He has been very prominent st this session of the legislature.. , ; 5 ' ; A number of Eobeson : county people were here today to appear before the commlltee'on counties, cities and towns, for or against a bill to remove the coun ty seat of Robeson from' Lumbertoa ..to Pembroke, the latter , place being she point wiere the S. A. h. and Atlantic Coast Line Intersect. ;- ' A charter was granted to the Acoeler. Ine Chemical Company of Warrenton, to manuf actore, lei! and buy chemicals and pharmaceatlcat and medicinal prepara tionii capital 15000, TL Kr Hunter and otherf stockboUiers. . f '. v . ; One of the legislators in speaking yes terday, on a pension bin, said there were four ex-confederate veterans In (he coua ty home here, pne of the officials of the home said tocsy this was true, and that two of these men had been . dismissed from the bom for drunkenness and dis orderly condnot, another one for steal; lng,ad that the fourth was deserter. There' appears to lie very gehoral satis faction at the selection of N,'. Y. Galley T. B; Womack and W. B'vRodman as cbd oommlMloners.'' -J, i Govefmor Aycock received a petition from cltiiens et HashTllle, asking' ihat the meaument to General Hash ;bef lo cated there, as the town has been named after him. Another letter'? stated f that the bill as' Dsssed by congress for : the monuments to Nash snd Dsvldsba was with the understanding that both 1 were to be located on the QuUford.' Battle Ground. 't:-t?i , Xt is said there will bfsef oral applica tions for charters for places where, whis key distilleries ar, located. ..The first application wis made today, and was for the Incorporatloa of ;WllUms; .Yadkin oouaiy, where for three generations the Williams family has had a distillery, Mr. M. Glend IfUliams wai here tod y in re gard, to the matter, and Ur, HUsen Intro duoed , the s'ii'Wft' z in tne course 01 ,aa jnterviewi witn Auditor: Dlson today .rwegavdiug the amended oenslon law, he j said ' that It sude someValaahie fhanges. JTJndcr H the county pension Board-, which up: to this tloM have beenToomposed d-the county eoitunlsstoners, sbarULsind clerk, wul be eomposed of three ex-confederate veterans and the clerks ht other, words, what has up to this time been known a the advisory board I now the pension board. The veterans on the board will be appointed by Dr. Dixon; the Auditor, HesayS many counties have no advisory board at alL B wlU-OonsuU the, repre- senUtrves, M wejl as the shexlif ad clerk, before le appoint the board, as he U determined to get the best men u each oounty.i The WU as tntrodaoed , al lowed 3 a day to each membet for not more thai three days la Uhe year, .but the Boom cut this out,' as the 'county commissioner get paid al theeame rate. it really seems bard that the . veterans should not do S04 that they should . have to do the work, pay their own,, expense to the oounty town, and got no ..allow- ance, Ths bill originally provided nhat they should bt paid by the eounty.,- As Other amendment of the taw has been specially referred to before this being ths widows of soldiers, who remarried after April 1st, and are again widows are en titled to pensions.. The present lawr bar red all who married after April 1st, 1865 Auditor Dixon ys h looks for' an ' in crease In the number of pensioners; that more soldiers W.I1 be added than will die and then too, that there will be an in urease probably of 200 jpr 800 widows. The auditor was asked about toe desired appropriates for the sbldlors borne, and said the reu'ar appropriation of 1 13,000 annually was asked to be. continued, with special aanaitl appropriation for improvements; to be usod In placing the ootu" ;cs la proper condition, enkn-h.j the dining room, etc ' . Toil, y s do Mr, of nnoiit at Pen dloton, Hertford county, was saked for The fienn'e will tnlie npsi: O! r toii.orrow Uouwlu will to pre- Vi't,t flro wato, nd e"'nWI;-h Bro l!i In liifn ..It-... .of nvorl,' J j Jn t! " 0 f ' " -t. -l-.v S n.. 1. W j.w a ii"ni-i isw s tA&stluicly Puro: . - THERE lG i:0 those of the out going mayor. Benator Pharr tells me the members from Me-k-lenburghave agreed on .this bm ' : Thus far the number of House bills is 1641 At the session, two years ago, It ran over S,300. ' The calculation made by the finanre committee , is that the new revenue act wDI raise annually J50,0D0 more "than that of 1901. - A bill introduced today required the superintendents of all State institutions to file plans and specifications for all improvements and- extensions, - and to also file bids made to do the Work, ao companleuS by. the bond of contractors who do bid work. INCREASING NUMBER BUJLS Rushing Through Legislature. Barring Republican Counties. Oyster -Law Amended- Special to Journal. - : Ralbiqh, Feb. 27. In the Senate to day White introduced ;a bill for the bet ter regulation of fire Insurance and to Increase the publlo revenue, which Im mediately pasaed. Other bills were In troduced, to incorporate theSouthport and NortlfEaatern rallwar,' to esUbllah and improve the road from KInston to Jacksonville, to make railway furnish free trahsportatloa to - certain State of-. flclals. v ' ' - Ths Code Commission bill mu so amended a to contain the names of N. B. Galley, T. B. Womack andW.B. Rodman as commissioners passed final reading; Goodwin's bill; regarding the prevention . of "fire was-to come up as special order and though. White stated! it would save at least 175,000 annually, ija Insurance premiums, It was tabled. t Sill' passed " to enable Norfolk and Western Railway to build an extension bt North Carolina; to . inoorporate ytr glnlaand Uarouna rausysf to appro priate 15,000 fo?fluit Arseial and hail of records; r to 'allow coroner to make post mortem,; when they tr physicians; tosutboriw'.Sute Board of Educalion toiend State literary fund whlch.is now t00,000, to county v boards for building aehool houaaai bill to nrovids for hold ing municipal election designed to ap . , .... - ii'.- piy to : Kepubiiosa town csme up, ana was amended so as to exempt nearly all counties sav republican one.: Hoey said thle bill jiai absolutely neoessory, lorrepuDuoan, towns, woma register .''. ."'; . Si? every body and easily ,, test oonstltutloa- al amemdmeni rThie bill passed. f3i .The following bills were lntrodnoed Iq the House; to Tepal law regarding use of Dutch nets In Lenoir; to prohibit drunkenness) to prohibit killing deer and partridge U Jone to tax traveling hid and egg purchasers; to prohibit hunting on lands.of another without consent; to appoint magistrate la Jones; to glr Justices power to sentence persons to work on publlo roads; to regulate public road work In Craven. '.; " ... Bills were passed prohibiting the sale, oisoafacture and Importation of liquor la. Gaston,' Cleveland, XIabarrns and Mitchell Counties. -The oyster law W taken up cutting oft five tub-oomtu's-slonors who reoelred 1 100 each under the old law, Snd providing one assistant at 700, increasing commissioners Salary from 700 to ('J')O; total being $1103 loss thn old law. Frpcnse of conducting service last yor wan 27,CC0 and roc!it t I," 3. TUe bill pauocii second and lb lid resulngs. . liuffrnio I'll c i) u.i on tli'ui r'-R V 1. 1 A it CUDOTTtUTE . ; .Baywood Court Trial. Special to Journal. RiiiiOH,' Feb. 87, If Is currently rumored that Judge. H.R7 Bryan, who is an uncle of Mr. Ludlow Skinner, and who will not preside" at the Haywood murder, is endeavoring to secure an ex change of courts with Judge Shaw, by which the latter will hold theorlmlnal term here, beginning March 13rd. CASTOR I A 'For Infant, and Qdldren. . fba Kliunoo Hare Alwajs Bongbt ' Bear the Signature of I ' Attmores Condensed .Mince Meat 10c pkg. at J R Parker Jr. Nice lot North Carolina hams 15o at J. R. Parker Jr. 3oiida;II'Ight,lIelsv 2, BeiGTilif Special Bept : The Big, Bright Musical Success The With A Big Supporting Co. of V; 3d PEOPLE. 20 PrettGirls,;; ; . V 10 Ftmny Obmedians, . . ;;srMajifloent Scenery, ''J'4ji Eandsorno Wardrobe, and ADMISSION e0c,: reserved-without extra charge. . Gallery Xt, . . ; -'-;..' : ,-. And alcoinpanj pi "oleyet playe'rt in ; The Trick Pantomimlcal Ftrc f1iirfni P I1F7 & WIlVMs JIMil IChallensre Band- mXfiMi, :r!" ?'r Superb Orchaitra. All Special Trick Scenery;' ' 'i- ; - vXHeohanical Effects, t -'-A j ;'.vr Bright Uislcal Rambers, f - : v-r t ; ... BpetUkltl. 3-ACH Of lADGETIR 3 . J Innocent ISeatiUes AT THE HEAD OF ALL TOBACCO FERTILIZER.-; . - . .--.' if EBDOSj' - al'y jtc; iirr ,1 f,r t' 1 1. , I :i V.'i; , i'vss Pml . ;r ; . ' i t . ,1 1. -m " . U u 1 V IT ' pool ciin Everything In Wood: Chopping Boardo, Spoops, v Rolling Pins, - Salt Boxes, . ' Coffee Mills, Towel Racks and Roller.-, Potato Mashers, Scrub Brashes, Butter Paddles & Mould?, - Lemon Squeezera, Wash Boards. - Clothes Ping, . Mouse Rat Trap, Croquet Sets, &o. WHITEHURST, 45 Pollock St, Flinch ! Flinch I! Flinch!!! The Latest Popu lar Game. INEPTS BOOK STORt i e J. W. WOOD, (Successor to Foy dsJWood) ' Practical Tinner, PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING All work guaranteed to give sat isfaction. ' Can bj fonnd at the shop on South Front Street formerly occu pied by the firm. J. W. WOOD. Phone 220. . BRANCH OFFICE A. E Baxter & Co- Commission Brokers. 17 Craven Street, Phone 233. NSW BERN, N. O. Main Offloe, 61 Broadway, New York. Moderate morgina. - Excellent service. Private wires to New York. ' Highest banking and mercantile ref- rences. When your are ready WziorjmB bi our - s walk Hghi In and tel t 1 4 " us. Beautiiul "goodsv 7:Suits cleaned - and pressed .6Qc. CH111M lULOMS CO.,. , Bangert Building, Middle Stroet v ; ""- GOLD LEAF .'.-f ri-Hh .- -iii.x-'V'..- of i..;...a C.iullni, -. I.iuun.a a Your rr:se.'. " . ' ' . Natty mm iJUU Ciltif-r T'u and' not rcehlpnod, .we ''" .1 C'l-Iiu, llllll. -. . ..,.''( :;.'" ! C." nCarmo, ';' Extra Fancy FuU Cream Cheese, just received At J. L McDaniel's I have a few gallons of Nice strainedJHoney at 20c qt. Fresh lot Ontario Buckwheat, Clover Hiil Print Butter, Maple Syrup New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses, Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Prunes, Codfish and IrisbPotatoes, . Peanuts, Canned and Bottled Goods of all kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas and Roasted Coffee. Give me a call. Yours to Please, 'Phone 91. LOOK ! 8. Coplon is now in the North ern markets buying his Spring and Summer Goods. We have a lot of BARGAINS IN FALL and WINTER GOODS TO CLOSE OUT AT REDUC ED PRICES to make room for our Spring and Summer Goods. Come one, come all selves and see what BARGAINS are in store for you. Yours Respectfully, M F WARREN, I a 4T ffTT fTVT JLKQA'iKILL, . J 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill New Bern Grocer; Company, Successors to 1. A, Parris & Co. Moved to New Building 63 & 65 South Front St. CL McSorley & Cofs iery S OG00D CONFECTIONERTf. ; ' Bo s-ood that th baby can eat Its fill of It. ', What Is there In pure, delicious con fectionery to hurt eithet baby, child, or growa up persons U 1'bere are no purer materials tnan the one we use. There ts no cltaner way of making confection ery tha oar. v is a rail from the most crit ical man, as to r- mnmilfi, In this city, bf lunn t,lut in i we will plj and he will Ml ' .- rool -Hijit!o for us, . We . i.,t tit Qvvrv lmMw" d;iy - r T i on :isilll.S. mm id - ft -.dpfp :-. OCS.T4 ' sasTeaajss MssVsfliiiiiiMl1sssWsi Wholeimle ft BetAll 'Orooer, 71 Broad St' and look for your LJL1 Hdw. C(., New Bern, N. C. thefr Aiew ears of the cel ebrated Thacker lump Splint Goal.' The best substitute for hard coal on the market. Also steam & smith-, ingr ooaL : ' The best quality Oak, Ash; Mixed .and ? Pine Wood. Prompt . and " quick . ELir COAL i .WOOB TABk y. Phone 47. s.- union Point. Pic-Ni& Hams W Jnt received Ho Ibf PtckUd Pork. lOev"" I lb Dry SalkMssUlOettsv - . ', ' 4rFrehTrironhPlckledJTrlpBnv, PlffretBoO,PteklI0g do. ' ;.... ', Old Fashioned Buolcwhcat 10 pkip J . - Codflsh lOo lb, I lb Hek-.Vi.' J V- ' Fox Rlvr Prmt Butt Mo &Y Freshv. ' '. Elgin Batter KM V-'v.Mh'- , ., Fin Prune so lb.'? !.-' . -..-J Corned Beef ISO can, l 'cans 5o, fcntp'4 Md Dmf llbt Mb: t Mu IBM' " All kind Fresh rackar CraoVersi ' " v, A lot of Roasted Coffee., Try a pound; :: J of ear Me Coe .-A '!'; t ufC,. ? Tobacco Bnuff, Cigar and Cheroot,!, W- ' ; ' rYoar to please, - , '-".5 'H. La Ha lsi..l k" ... . ticr.o'lCJ. ' C3Er..-J r n n.-.r,-y 1 i . f r ' "n t Vf-1'.'i-A 4. -V i ' :'!'' ;

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