i if sfi - ! THE JOURNAL. , . . . -"' - " ; - Pub Jibed erery day ba the year, exoepl Monday, at M Kiddle strata. Pmoaa Ho. 8. CHARLES Li STEVENS. boitoi ajio noramoB ' ' ' SUBSCRIPTIQH UJm - Oat year, la advene....,... M.H Dae year, not la txtvanoe.. ....... IM - MontMy, by carrier! tnaclty..... JO i , Advertlalnir Ratee rnraUUM on eppu ' i: :r " t - Intend at the Poet Offioe, He Bern, . H. C, m eeoond elan nutter. 0ffleltl Paper af New Bent aid Cravea Ceaaty. r ' THE question op temperance PROGRESS. , Theptsttgt of tht Wattt bill by the Legislature, the time to go Into effect Jaly lit, 1908, U variously lnterpretated by the strong temperance people, those favoring temperance, bat not radically, and the political temperance people. The liquor dealer, are as ususl, very quite on the subject. , Under the new law no whlikey can - be mannfactared or told In North Caro lina except In Incorporated towns, In towns and cities where whiskey Is made and sold, elections can be called by a petition .signed by one-third the quali fied roteri, the issue to be prohibition or dispensaries, such elections to be held not-oftener than wry two years. In the evtnt of a city or town Toting for a dispensary, the new law provides for the conduct of such dispensary;. It is hardly surprising that strong ad Tocates of temperance set Utile totntl progress in the Watts measure. -. The leu radical temperance people be ll ere that some good 1 accomplished, while the political temperance people say It Is a step forward for the cause of temperance. - ' If there is any real advancement in the matter of temperance, aa provided for under the Watts measure, it must be accomplished by the to tan favoring temperance, going to the poll in their own towns and effecting it by their Tote. Whatever the evil there is In liquor selling is a matter to be judged, and acted upon accordingly, ' by each com munity. It a local abuse, then it may be checked and controlled by the local sen timent and power' of those citizens, favoring thrright, and no community exists where the sentiment for right does not prevail over that for evU. It is only that the right may be leas positive and self-assertive, and lacking In these, th eftl may temporarily pre vatL As the Watts bill brings the liquor business into Incorporated towns, it is left with the voters in these towns to de cide for or against the saloon. There is more '.Catarrh la this section of the country than all other ; diseases pat together .and aatll the last few years v , wm supposed rfb Incurable. Tor a - gmtmaUyeadocrsr6ninoedit a local dlteaet and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly failing to cure ' with local treatment, proaoanosd It ln " ' curable. Bdeno has proreackUrrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore ' requires oonslltutlonai tieatment Hall's . Oatantt dare,1 aunufaetured by T. J. ioheney'AOoi Toledo, tWo," Is tte only ' onsUttftlitircara oa nWavraet "It It 'r takea Internally la dotes fdm 10 drops to a teespoonfuL It acta directly oa the . . blood aad macoas wirteeesof the system ' jw They ef er orM hanoed-doners fer any !' -.J' cast It falU'to eura,i Bead forabreulars and teslmorJal.w- .u V'v f Aaoraaa, AV X -'...-- ' F.J.tJHWKOa, Toledo,). I Bold W Drtrggttta, Wo.V.'J ' " ' HalTs Family PHI are the best! The thumb JatAweairerittnit aU the - ather flDgere tegetherc 7f ir It has aftm beei attempted to blind batt by tytng a bandage orer tbel yes, but this does not prevent' them ' ' from flylnk abeut a eioaed room at wen at U tiwfkcA evoWluf an obeta Het, aooh at1 ktMrtoMd ttrtngt troatnt - m t ' 1 U Tat On hm hrM at f ttrVX tY ' -f i.Ot m:: - Mta nmbuwyrhw ' A remarkable bird found In Mexico It the bee tttrtta, which has a trick of ruling np the featnert on the top of s bMd Into the exact semblance of a I . nutlful flower, and when a bee cornea ti' t to tip honey trom the supposed r wor tt It snapped tip by the bird. ; ' ' VMlUntM Italy-''' 'hore are nearly 14,000,000 adres of 1 In Italy 'ttUl aacalttvated- Which .. 1 boar good cropar -r -r." ;)H, ,' . , ! , i .. .'. ' : rrcscdptlol for sudarU.' ' r ' r tbt It a bottle of Caova's i, T'-d H Is ifropty i t torn. Ho TESTERDATS EAJ2STS. - Cotton, (trala, fftvUlfltitaad Stock. Kaaga la rrkea. Bacelpti tad s r ' .Ihlntjeata.';'' " "C : The following era the market quota Uens, . reoelved by private wire to J. S. Latham ft Co. Hew Bern, H. a ; ' Chicago, Feb. tt. WaaxT.- Open High. Lo w. Clot May 77 T7 July 74 .7 Sept........ 72t m Comb May 46 47, July 44 45 Sept Ml 44 Oats: May 85 86 July 82J Sept &t Ijrk- May 178t 1800 July 1785 1745 Sept.... ... 1690 1898 Lard.... . May T 847 3 July 887 867 Sept 857 ' - 887 Rite May 880 885 July 80 80S eept 850 Mew Tork, Feb. 87. Stocks; Open. Close Amr.Sugar 181 180 Union Pacific... 88 871 Mo. Pacific 111 Ul 8o. Paclfio 82i Sl Manhattan 1401 141 Gieat Western.. 88i 81 Money 81 Hi Amr. Copper.... 72J 78 Texas Paolfic. .. 48t 4CT Wabash pf...... 54 04 Erie, 1st Si 08 Colorado So 884 88) Anaconda Cop.. 1814 181, Southern,Ry.... 841 841 Southern Ry pf.. 85 94, LoulsvUleftHash 18t 1884 Brooklyn R.T.. 87, 67, Penn. B;R 1474 147, Atchison 854 85 St. Paul 175 174, Brie 87, 7 Atchison pf 101 99 O. & Steel 881 881 Reading 81 001 People Oat 108, 102, o. a o m 48 B. A 0 971 91 M. A W 78, 7?f Tenn.Coal,Iron. 60, 65J H.T Central 146i 1461 Rock Island 47, 47f Western Union.. 89 88 Ontario Western 8t) 884 Metropolitan.... 186, 188 Coal, Fuel,Iron 78 78 Va. C Chemical. 64 844 Canadian Paolfio 184xD 184 C. A Amr. CttonOU. 44, U.S. Steel pf... 83 87, HI Central 148f 1484 Bepubllo Steel... 81 814 Am. lee 10, iJel Hudson... 178 ITS, A. L U. B.Leather.... 18, 18i Amr Car Found. 40 40 U B.Leather pf . . Pac Mid to Haw Tork, Feb. 87, Oottok; Open, High. Low. does Feb 10.18 Mch 9.99 10.14 8.97 10.18 Apr .. 10.00 10.11 1000 10.11 May ;8.99 10.18 9.88 10.10 Jnn 8J0 ' 1 " 9.88 ' July 8.80 tM 1.77 8.88 Aug 9.47 8.54 8.18 tM Bept IJ8-IJ8.1.88'" IM Oet 8JW!8J5y8JlA 8.64 Hov 8.90 8J"8.46 8.58 Dec 8.44 8.55 9.44 8.5) : 40 .-'' " ! Umeeel liverpeal oolton market closed today Mid. 5.40 ; Sales 8,000 Reeelpte 6,000 Open Clot Feb FebMar 5.15. SJI Mar-Apr 0 85. 5.88 Apr-May 5 JS 6J7 May June 5.87. M JanJaly5J8. ' 5.88 Jtly-AugSJS. &J8 Aeg.Sep5.16 5JI Total porta .estimated today 8S,9H yaiAJ0,Iea8tji Xrtimsted rtttipti far Matwi, Oalveetoa 5000 W (808" agaTasl IJSO lajt year. '.:' H HtW Orltau 80Q0 ta 8080 ageiaet 1,488 laat'yaar," :-..-.-".';" HoaetoaBOOO la 8509 agtlatt 4A88 ltstyaar. . , , Wt " - ... ..... .,";rar :.', Basse vtok Last wk in flu 7 " ' U, 7 . This weaa. Bat. 83000, ' Moa. t . ' Taet. MOOO r " c Wed. 19000 ,y Thurt. 80000 ' " : , r, 80080 --' ? 84000 FrL 88000 1 A . L 188,000 ' V- it: -a 84X0 8- 0 84oO 14000 to cuna a coi.o in ok a naff Take Lsxatlve Trn o ' ' n bo i Piiliic's i Gclcf y MiiliPtfisi ' t :. Wasted, i Tissue, : Pats It In Finn Coialtioo, an4 Expels Waste Poisoiu From the System. ' . " - ,v i. .: The tissues of the human body art rapidly waited by fevers, and great quaa tttlet' tf waste poison are poured Into the blood. The rapid break, down of Usree and the charging of the blood wjth poisons, bring unfortunate victims to a condition of weakness and helpless ness that It pitiable to behold. Thous. andsof young and old who have just patted the critical stages of typhoid, In flammatory! gastric, typhus, Intermittent and other forme of refers, demand the closeet attention and best treatment If life Is to be saved. With true candor, honesty, andeut. tetnets we' suggest and urge the use of nature's : aerva ' food ' and nourlsher Paine's Celery Compound, the only medicine In tne world that has proven its value as a builder of waated tissue, a bracer of weak and irritated nerves, a new Trailing blood purifier and en richer Paine's Celery Compound has made tent of thousands . well and strong; it has saved' afflicted -"ones from the grave where everything alee hat failed . Ho other medicine to quickly fortifies feeble men and women; It gives them that ro bust health that makes life a Joy. DIAMOND DYES are made especially FOR THB BOMB. They are for BONE ECON- f HT. and can be used to make any- Z thine look, bright and new. Dl- W . tiMlltM Kaab akatil 4K d vawl tamnlaa 1 free. DIAMOND DYES, Burllnc ton, Vt. i Fi lei Climh Muni M.iik-. : Jacques BnlniHt, it gnlde. wns the first man to climb Mout Blanc. He climbed it In 1780 and by so doing won the price offered by Horace de Saus- ore. Mysterious Circumstance. One waa pale and tallow and the other fresh ' and rosy. Whence the dif ference? She who Is blushing with health nses Dr. King's Hew Life Pills to maintain It,. By gently rousing the lazy brgant they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 89 cents at G. D. Bradham Druggist. Tk Battfea Bar. 1 Mamma-Johnny, did you wipe your feet on the mat when you came InT i Johnny I couldn't get my shoestrings nntled. They were in a hard knot Mamma But what have shoestrings to do with it? , Johnny I couldn't wipe my feet .with Mtjmkmg off nur, thoes, could ITHoB Itanicrlpt A Weak Stomach causes a weakjbodyand Invites disease. Kodof Djipepsla Cure cures and strengthen! the stomach, and wards ofl-4- and overeoaaea' disease. J B Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chrleeman, Tel., says: "I oould aot-aat because of a weak stomach, I loet all strength and run down la weight. All that money could do waa done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cares effected by the use of Kodnl, I con eluded to try It. The first bottle bene fitted me, tad after taking four bottles I am (ally restored to my usual strength, weight and health." F 8 Duffy. A teacupful or lima" beans, green or dried; a cup of tomatoes, three sliced carrots; pepper to taste. Boll an hour and a half, then add a pint of tweet milk, scalding hot Serve at once, add ing salt just Oefort tending to the tabfe fast Htnoock'a Liquid Sulphur, for Xcsema, Plmplet, Hlngworm, Dandruff aitltHskmffitaaoet. For sale at F. 8. ?r . i t nm RMiri 1 let each day take thought for what It. liquidate Ita own affaire respect the day which la to follow. then we abaft tlwaya ready. know bowte btkeady tsatthebot- to know Bow to die. 1JISTIH Ik Often. Hade by the I p Wisest . Peppier iv tvfatal mlstakt to neglect back- backache It. tar first symptom of kld aeillis. ;, Si:';.;,, ;, . iHofit'eompllcatknt follow. ? " ' Doan't Kidney Pills care them prompt . Don't delay until too latv 1 -; , '. . TJaUl H beootnt dUbetet - Brlghft ftmm. , '? i :' l- ' Bead What this gentleman eaytf ;, ; Capt D. ' W. v Welsh, keeper of tbt Wood County InflrmeryV Parkersburg, WTa, saya '1 had to go around try ing to evade pala oonsUntly, awart that ttalst ttep, Jerk or twist would bring punishment, and I waa afraid to hspdle aaythlng for fear pf reminder la the thapt oft twlnft tf pain. . I trade at Dr.'J. H. I jrJnch't drag store oa Third street, and bars tiling to get In tbt drug line r I' I come In. It was there I '1 " i' t jut Doiin's Kidney Pilai't 1 1 1 . a aupply borne with me aad i4 tM.ia." My wife used thtn and my sitter, Mrs. A. Amlck, of N 1.615 Vvtnth street, need them. They cured the three of us. I am here In the city every Urn days aad can tubalsutlste the rmrks I have made." ' .: "" " For tale by all dlcrs. Price, 00 orals a U'jt. Foujr Kilbarn Co.', Buffalo, H. V., )!- for the U.S. r tlie name Dord's I 1 - Om ( the Isfmn. 'V Woman of the House What 1 tou one of the Veneauelaa svlfferersf -lot? dont talk like t foreigner. y i -a Buffroa Wrattt He, ma'am. I'm not a fuirlner. ' I'm an Amertkin, But Tva had aeveral spells of despondency aver them troubles down tbar, ma'am. "Chicago Tribune. . ' j . ? -au war. ':. "I ' was yust telling my daughter," said Mrs. Neidore, '"that tt'a wrong for her to play the pin no ou Sunday.". "Why Sunday particularly 7" queried Mrs. Pepprey, "Ifs; wrong; to make people ewear on any day." Philadel phia Press. . " Wtutaer te Oblla-fc - ''Can you tell me the nearest way to reach Buffalo street 1" ' ' "C-c-c-certainly. It's -J-Just op tb-tn-thlB a-a-as say, I can, I can go with you and show you quicker than I can tar It Cleveland Plain Dealer. No to it. - Too s the doctors disagreed, and o he died." "Oh, well, of course the autopsy let tied the question for acience?" "No. They disagreed at the autop sy also." Chicago Post Cures Rheumatism and Calanh Medicine Sent Free. These two dlseasesSare theresult of an awful poisoned condition of the blood. If -you have aching Joints and back, shoulder bladea, boat pains, crippled hands, legs or feet, swollen muscles shifting, sharp biting pain, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rheumatism or the hawking, spitting, blurred eye sight, deaf nets, lick ttomact-, headache, noises in the head, mucous throat dis charges, decaying teeth, tad breath belching gas of eatarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). It kills the poison In the blood which causes these awful symptom, giving a pure, healthy blood supply to the Joints and mucous membranes, and makea a perfect cure of the worat rbeumatlamor foulest catarrh. Cures where all else falls. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It composed of pure Botanic Ingredients, good for weak kidneys. Improves the digestion, cures dytpepsta A perfect tonlo for old folks by giving them new, rich, pure blood, Thorough ly tested for thirty years. Druggists 81 per laiga bottle, with complete direc tions for home euro. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble and spec ial free medical advice tent in sealed letter. For salt Hew Bern by F 8 Duffy 0 D Bradham. Bow FrmlU at The Medicine Brief thus rrammaiizei the various usee of fruit in relieving diseased conditions of the body. The list it worth keeping. Under the cate gory of laxatives, oranges, figs, tama rinds, prunes, mulberries, dates, nec tarines and plums may be Included Pomegranates, cranberries, blackber ries, sumac berries, dewberries, rasp berries, barberries, quinces, pears, wild cherries and median art astringent Grapes, peaches, strawberries, whor tleberries, prickly pears, block currant! and melon aeedt are dluretlca. Ooose berriea, red and white currants, pump Una and metona are refrlgeranta. Lem ons, llmea and applet are stomach ted- stives. Good Advice. - The meat miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dytpep sta and Liver complaint Mora than seventy-five per cent of tht people In the United Btatet are afflicted with these two diseases and their effectMuch as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habi tual Oottlvenest, Palpitation of tht Heart Heart-barn, Weterbrasb, Gnaw ing and Burning Paint at the Pit of tht Stomach, Tallow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste la the Month, Coming np of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc Go to your Dnrggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 85 or 75 ott. Two dotes will relieve you. Try tt All druggists. COLLEOK JkWaL'ACHOOL. Dr. O. Juel has been appointed pro fessor of botany In the University of Upaata." The Hew Jersey state board of edu cation reporta that the cost of running the public schools of the state last year exceeded $8,000,000. . . - . Professor EepbaOlah Hopper has beta teaching mathematics ia tbt Central High acbool of Philadelphia for forty tight yean,' In eome rnstancet to three generations of the tame family. He la seventy -eight yean old had la act be lieved to hava missed a station of hit claat la tbt last two deeadea " r. - nearly Forfeits mi life, , - A runaway almost . tndlag fatally, started a horrible, ulcer oa the leg of J, B Orner, Franklin Drove, Hi. ' tor four yean tt defied ill' doctors and aU reme dies. Bnt BucUena Arnica Bajvt had no troublt to' can hln Jqutlly good for Buret,' Brultefv 8kla 7 Kruptlont "and PDet. 86o at C. D. Bradkam's Drug B.w'... ' , riant "That IUm mV tUtfT. tVia'y two pUiots iKluif MJ unrrli udly that the- niere .nelgbborbaod of on It death to t brother! Yet tluit 1 tbecass with two well known Brltlab . plants. These are the thistle end the rape If tho nld tt infestod With hlntu-a. which tame up' year after year and rulh the trope, all you btve to do Is. to sow It with rape. The, thistle will be tbeoiute ly aunlbilateOL-London Standard. C L !" '. Better That Gold, 'i',. ' ' I was troabled for several years with cbronlo Indigestion and nervous de bility writes F. J. Green, of LtncasUf, H. H 'Ho. remedy helped me untH began using . Uectrio Bitters, which dW me mora good that all tht medicine I ever used. They have also kept my wife In eicellent health for years. She tyl Eleotrlo Bitters are Juit splendid for female troo birr; Dm t they are a grand tonlo and Invlgorator for weak, run down women, No oilior medicine can ttN Its pfsi'-m In enr fnmtly," Try htn r r . r ' ' :. 0 r- - UyO. -fx- Weak hingt art mostly due to A neglected cough. Only t small per cent, of the mil ,afSr' lions who hava consumption In fcsrltit; A slight oold,AUckUngor hacking coun is Ci!fflrfflin5t'!I; sdvanosd im ISere It no ending eacept the grave. Any case oi consumption that la curable ; mat la, any one having consumption whose family or friends still hold on to a ray of hope, may take comfort In the knowledge of the fact that One Minute Cough Cure will give instant relief and finally cure. This famous ramadv doas not pita tmmadMaly tntotha stomach, but Uneera lone In tha throat, ehast Ind huts, produdnc tha followlni raaulu : 1) Rellavea tha coueh. 2) Makes tho breathlnr easy. 3) Cuts out tha phletm. 4) Drawa out tha Inflammation. i SI Klllatha tarma (mlcrobea) otdlioaie. 6) Strantthenatho mucous mambranaa. 7) Claaratha haad. 81 RalleTaathaferartsh conditions. (9) Ramoras niy causa of tha couth and the Strain on the hints. (10) Enablaa tha hm(s to contrlbuto pupa Ufa elvlnt and Ufa-auatalnlntoxTtan to tha blood. Curea Croup and all Couch, Lung and Branchial Affections. CONSUMPTION CURED. "Mr phrslcltn told ma ona yaar atothat I would ale of oossumptJoa Inside of a jw, I commenced takmf. Ona Minute Couth Cure for mr hue trouble and it cured me. I hare gained 20 pounda and I am a pretty Uto 'dead womtn.' One Minute Couth Cur sand ma." Mast P. 6uixitam. Grand Rapids, Mich. Pleasant to the taste. Good for Children, Good for every body. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Bronchitis. Asth ma, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles no remedy Is so good as ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE. Prajwrsd by E. O. DeWITT a CO.. OHIOAOO F 8 DUFFY A Hornet! Simkr. A very linmlsoine kjh-iIi'S ol snnke la the rhinoceros Ujior. which lieara, as its nnme sugKi-sis. burns on its nose. It is most Iil'ji nil fully colored when freshly puioi-Rlng from Its cast skin, but Its form la by no niciins elegimt, being very thick In IkxIv. with n bulkloglike head. It may ntlnln n length of more than six foot and Ix n very deadly anl tnal. Quarterly llc lew. DeWltt's Witcb Hazel Salve. Tbo only positive cure for blind, bleeding. Itching end protruding piles, cuts, bu ns, bruises, eczema and all abra sions of the skin. DeWltt's Is the only Witch Hazel Salve that la made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel ell oth ers are countev elts. DeWltts Witch Hazel Calve Is made to cure counter felts are made to sell. F. 8. Duffy. GEORGE ELIOT. a tferr t the Author mmd the tlaaw- e'rlpt of MDsmlel Deroadm." George Eliot was conspicuous at a person wbo was kindly and sympathet ic In a high degree. She was "ever ready to be amused and Interested hi all that concerned her friends." 8b bad also a keen sense of humor and sometimes made ber friends laugh as well as laughed with them. She was solicitous about ber manuscripts and waa afraid she should lose them. Black wood bad occasion to send her the man uscript of "Daniel Deronda." Bht would not hove It Intrusted to the mall, and Mr. Blackwood said be would tend it by bit footman the next day. "Ob. don't," tbo author said. "Hi might atop at o public bouse and forget itr Mr. Blackwood explained that this footman waa a perfectly sober man o Ugh character and went on to pralsv the man's virtues, but this did not reaa euro her tt alL "If he Is the sort of chivalrous Bayard that you describe," aba tald, "be is Just the kind that would stop and help tt n fircf This was a contingency that He Blackwood could not bear to coriander He promised that some member of hit family would bring the manuscript, and Beat day, in fact, Mr. Blackwood drovt with It Bow Uaataiaa Kills, The cause of death- by lightning it tha sudden absorption of the electrit current Whet) a thundercloud which It highly charged with positive elec tricity hangs over any certain place, tbt earth beneath it becomes abnor mally charged with the negative efc trie current, and a man, animal or oth er object standing or lying directly be neath alto partakes of the last men tioned Influence. -If, whoa the man animal or other object la la thtt condi tion, a discharge takes place from tht ekmd above, tha restoration of tht equilibrium win be sudden and violent, or, is. language that wa can all andep Mud, the negative current from tbt tarts will rath up to join tha potrtl aloud current, and In passing through tha object which separates tha two eurrenbfj if It be an animate thing rMQ do to with sueh force at to almost Invariably produce Instant death, -- According to the above, which teem t tenable hypothesis, to say tha least g person la reaUy ."ttrock" . by tbi round current and not by tha forkto! fgrjr from above at aU, u TtmswpwrtMloia VaMtiltleav, ' Merits Gottlieb Sapbir, a Journalist and on of tht wittiest men of the Jew ish race In Germany, once crttlcleed King Ludwlg'e verses to sharply that he waa ordered, says Household Words, to quit Munich within twentyrfow bourn, . - 'v-v- 1 The court chamberlain wilted upon tha Journalist with the king! com. maad and, having delivered It txmahV erately aaked: -. ':.;,,-'.', "Do you think that you can get away la that timer. i " ' s - V "Tea; I think to," Bapbtr tald, 1it If my own Jega can't take mt quick enough 111 borrow tome of the tuper floous feet la bit mnjcaty't last TOlum of terse.'' -;"..-', v 't taaaaasaaseamWaiW ' i Tha Jaaastawe Itakle, ' :'r''' We can learn from tbt Japanese a thing or two tbout ttabltng horsea. . la Japan horses are backed Into their stalls; then a door It closed it tht bead, Which baa a grain and hayrack con veniently constructed, to which the dag Is secured. . When needed, the door It swung back and the horse led fiwtb. Ko ot gets kicked, no rofune nmtti la .viable to the visitor, end It to lean wny to t , ' t r- " - rftie:::viaw4 At man.U) the slave of a qog, woman it the .slave of furniture. If women only knew bow much more praceful and the only way is to appeal to their vanity they would be reclining on the Boor, they would never sit up on chairs or round a table. That this la funda mentally true ts proved by the fact KVJi B?vef V, l!PP M t a tables. I really believe that the crate for putting everything on aomethlng above the floor by which I mean ta bles, sideboards, etc. grew from the custom of sleeping' In ugly, cumber tome and dirt cplBptlng beds Instead of on the floor.' Of course the reason why women do not sleep on the floor Is be cause they are afraid of beetles pi mice and other harmless things! Wom en, therefore, having Invented the bed. Invented the table tO stand by It, and thus spread ,tbc habit of putting every thing above the level of the floor. Woman's original sin of being afraid of black beetles and mice costs man mote than all the royalty, armies, na vies, 'pension lists, prisons, poverty, schooling, national debts and Vrars of Europe,. ' I am sure I am not putting It too high when I say that the average cost of fur niture per house Is f 1.000, and If the Worl4(Wouhl only, agree not to cumber ttt rooms with beds and tables, side boards; cabinets and chairs our ground rents would be about bulf wbat they are, and .the overcrowding of our cities would come down proportionately. - "Domestic Blunders of Women." Orlando, Fie., Oct. i. l'l. The Haoro k Liquid uulphur On., Haiti more, Md. Gentlemen; I take pleasure in recom mending Hancock's Liquid, Sulphur to any one suffering with, Eczema, I have had It or ten or fifteen years, have tried many remedies and found no relief until I was Induced to try your "B. L. 8." Have only used It a short while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth folly aay that after fifty years aa prac ticing physician that your Liquid Sul phur is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I have ever known. Tours respectfully, DR. W.W.LEAKE For sale at F. 8. Daffy's, The Chteese Cheegr. The Chinese nave a slugubtr Instru ment called cbeng, or mouth organ. It it a circular bundle of small reeds of different lengths pierced with finger holes at proper distances and commu nicating wltb a common air chamber beneath. The notes are produced by stopping the boles with the lingers. . ,'I,?P,P0.wer , L1 B PUakktMn'! TeteUble Compormd cwor the dltoaatw of wnm,m SSi1!f,?Ur VS" P04 J0.U8 P've, but tlmply boontwe it tlut must mi.l:rnvau whole ttteriuo 8y8ten1' IX,Hitivl ly Mirviuret are reported from all parte of the country by women who hnve lxn euml, tMim d nartea who tove witnessed cures, and physlclnna who have recognized the virtue lit i.ydUt i:. Plna.ham't TatjaUbla Compound and are fcdr enough to give credit where it ia due. One, of Many Women Cutd by Ljdia E. Plnkham' VegeUblo Compound, Without 5ubpitt!ns; to.an Operation, Writes i - I riv" Dx I I wae great BttlTerer for three ywn. had tome ol the Wading phy Bit-inns, nd they all tald nothing but an operation would care jne, but to that I would not eubmit. La 4.vi! yoM.vSnnt and made up mv mind to try your meli( ino. I lfei mw 0fi?eb 5'' wUte,U 6m pains acrcit tnutll of 1 ,u k, AttiJWr 7a,Vlt to 10 "&J& I ach 1 your in,;lic i.,c ; After three antht' use of it I felt like a now womanv I gtiireound the pndaa of Lydla Pinkiiuin's Vefetable Compound." r-Mrs. Wh; A. Cowan, lfcW bridge ;.8t,; PrAladelrAla; R A raiiatevNui.Coiivnced by, E. Pinkham s - Vegetabte Compound."" he Wrttest-, 1 II D' MB,,Pnntirati Muutterlng to the tick I have had numerous Chances to eomnaro Lvtiio pumber of ctiret reoorded Whew your medjclna waa used convinced, me that t U the aocst and tiin-Ht merJiaint) for a tick woman. Doctors certainly must knpvf the VfUue e( fcydla E. Plnkbam'a Veiretiliiin propound, J run convinced that you detervv the Wendld rewrd you have madT-YouA wr? tiv Mm flmaania Iinranv MO IWiiMon Mt ' TlL,tirf tt, jn-T j.-.i- i? . very irui, i AK; j''M FrT?.,. vpr" a t-vesiaent Uctrt.it .y. PMcWM 'Mtofc Mt no Medicine Known tothe Profesalon Equals v Lvdla E. Pinkliam'a Comnound for th Cum nf uAm.. m. w tuiu ,vv are - - - - V, ?2"i Ma .RiraHAir-It glvea me great pleasure to state that I tsril ronanannil wnrr fflnuininL anil hira nftan nnnrlvl It. 4 X w sv - sr 4 mww iH vawsi jawut taJvu jay KJ IfJ I II t Ita tJlQpiIII.lMl ... . Myoldeat daughter faundjt very beneilclfil tor ufiBrine troublo aome two-yeart ago, and my youngest daughter It using It for female weaknew, and aa tottlo, and it .lowly but surely giinngth Tald JbTalth. I freely adTUoabt It aa a most reliable spMlflo in all dltordor which worSan anf ft honeat endorsement, Your very tnUy, Satutl G UnioHatt, M.1) 4 Brlgham litrtCritchoifaae. ZL JiL71!! fere4 to be frank and open, hundredg of them wwnld acknowledge that they oonatantly pnMoribe Lydia E.rPlnkhm't Vegetable Compound In severe caaes.of female Wat they know Ly rpernoe that it can be relied Upon to effect a cure.-'. ' ' - . ;;. v . Tv", T ,Trf. T? 7 ' Woihfln who are troubled with painful or Irregular menstruation, rkachA bloating (or flatulence). feuoorrhoBa, tilling, biflnmnmtlott or ulceration of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that bearing-down feelltiff rjlr.7.hifis, fahitnoss, IndigeisiJon, ncrvout prostration or the blues, should take Immediate action to ward off ' Wo scrloiii cmHr-'icnrvs, n- 1 be rentnred to poTfcr t hr-alth and tftrngih by taking Lydla E. Plnkltam'i c r CVnn-'tiiil, a.-id then wrile to Mrs. llnkban Lynn, Mass, for further free advioo. No Uvm f- " 1 ' 1 V!"t nd surxmsfnl evreHr-nr-n In trn.pr f(.-mtli Ilia, fche baa guided thousanda to i . ' : Twv-n ehoultl a i i'.ir a I f j-.y 1 r tivl-o, T - ' liYjijuF Oanoney EiacCi. Iff yon are not MUtffM DO TOU SUPPOSE that s ooenpeny with a eaptktl of MO,t0t.t, patt la ton, sad tht UoSt toUie'StM?? n ' ')0,"iI'uou, auocees, would msJu auoh u ofies aad no, oarrj DO YOU 8CPPOSS we would Icnnurilm n tfulh. k -v.it- . .v 1 Of still mater sueeeaa by f snlns to f ulfll any ,1 .f.'lr.'.iij? " " ,554 u we ass sot aave we utmoat oonn- Oeneeia toe satutfylns Quality of our eoooe 1 MfMZSiSlSJ'XnTJlI?' "P"8 HATMIB WHISKEY foes cireet rrom our Glatlllery toyou, with all ItaorWlnai rtebneeaaDd flaror earryliur a UNITED TATB8 BTCISTBRED DISTILLBB'S OUAUllTUgt FDBITY aadAO aidl WTlug IS" SaeMsptoata of the dealsrs. That's why It's best for medtotnal purpoeea. That's why ., ,PTe"?S 'or other uses. That's why we are regularly aupplytnf over a quarter of a million satiate, customers. That's why YOU should try II Orcct fpottt our dlotlljcry to YOU Still SmIiii' (refits! hmitt MiRantln I PURE SEVEn - FULL $ UAHT8 Wo will send yon POTJfB FULL QUARTS of RAYIfBR'9 SEVEN-YSAR-OLD RYK for S8.20, and we wul pay the extnesa charges. Whee you reeelye the whiskey, try it and tf you don't and It ell right and as good aa you erer arank or can buy from any body else at any price, then send It back at our expense ana your vs. m will be returned to an offer be fairer? We take all the risk and stand all the expense. If the roods do not please you. Won't you let ns send you a trial orderf We snip in a plain sealed case: no marks to anew what's Inside, Orders for Arts., OaL, OoL, Idaho, Moot.. ITev., N. Hex.. Ore.. Utah. Wash. orWyo., must be on the basts of X tsuurte for asZOO by Etareaa Prepaid or quarts tor aie.OOby VrelaM TrtpSuT Write our nearest coot and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLJ.fQ COSSPANY ATLANTAi CM. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, BO. ST, PAUL, MINN, ttctt TVwsaswm ajusi tltsa n A - - - - au Wm awataa.ttaiitaate.i a.tava. v afltawXtaJtVtBUD 1000a Short on Paint. In some country districts of Ireland It is not unusual to see the owner's name simply chalked ou carts and oth er vehicles In order to comply with le gal regulations. i Prodactlreneas of the test. Every square mile of sea Is estimated to contain some 120,000,000 fish. YOU MOW WHAT YOU ARE TAXING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle ahowlng that it It simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless f jrm No cure no pay. Price (M)c To i I.-UM or;, I. Soak It hi kk::i ::ml v.-.iti i for i.mie hours; thru make a l.-itlnr of soap and With a soft IiI'iikIi ruli the coral lightly, IcttliiR the brush enter nil tin- Inter stices: pour off the water and replen ish It with clean constantly, ami then let the corn I dry in the sun. I r , - 7" , fnpnniiiea 10 froioiisn tne r oiiowlnz i , . . . ........ promise wi make t nr?n5f,pn7i"inian,?t7 YEAR - OLD RYE 10 EXPRESS PREPAID you by next snau. How could Attar of Ylnnsr-yfno-. Attnr of yliiiis-ylaiiii. which rivals the altar of l-i.sis as an t xqulsltc per. fume and wells at $40 to $50 or lucre' a pound, l the product of an Asiatic tree that reaches Its holiest development in the Philippine Islands. Take t bath In Ilimcock's Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of tho moat celebrated Pulphur Springs, hmln the additional advan'agn of being made any desired strength. They will r.me Prickly heal, Eczema, and all vfcln dis eases. For sale lv F. 8. Daffy I .ill In .!i,tni. 'I lie value of tin- -,:il inin. .1 in .Inp.in Is almost equal to Hut ,,( ol... r Iiilncixls i-oinlnecl. It :niis fiom Hie hardest mitliiacite to peat, lull Un qualify Is imiiiuly Infuioi- to thai ef American coal. Modern inacliiiiei y and methods have been Introduced In the operation of many mines. . vaiuui m sssa have found lydln E. Plnklmnft T. j. . m