;1? If Bit it i 1 -ft. I 5i)lliO!-nl!l The Kind Ton Have Always Bought and whldi bos beee In use for over 30 years, baa borne the sinatnr of ...ari-jv and has bea made imdet bit pr-, Bapenrtelon sino tta tafiuvry. ADownoonfttodooelTeyoalntlite. '. All Counterfeits, Imitations and M JoiWMcood1 are bat 1 Experiments that trifle with and endanger the tualta'af Infants and CbJldren Experience against' Sxperiment t ., ' , j . .-. t.'sjt Castorta is a barmIessltitnteTSfCa8tor Oil, Par. goric, Drops' and Soothing- Byi-ups. jit Is Pleasant. It -contains neither Optnm Morphine nor -other Kareotie -substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys "Vforna ' and allays FeTerlshnesa It enres JMarrhoja and "Wind ' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Jt assimilates the Food, regulates (he Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panaoea The Mother's Friend. cenuinb CASTORIA AVAV8 Bears the The Kind Yon Hare In Use For Over 30 Yeara. MISS SARAH FINLEY, I Vice-President of the Palmetto fctab Memphis, Tann. J INE OF CARDUI ia a thoroughly scientific and mod ern remedy, meet ing the needs of the modern woman in the modem way without the torture of an operation. Wine of Cardui has cured them in the pri vacy of their hornet and it has found a place in the hearts ol American women that no other medicine has found. In their gratitude over 10,000 American women have written letter! commend ing Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cards! meets their wanti as no other medicine does. It sustains the younff girl at the shock of her entrance to womanhood. Women who take Wine of Cardui have little discomfort during pregnancy sad littlo pain at childbirth- When the change of life appears .they enter a happy, healthy old age. Every month it cornea to the rescue to asaist Nature ia throwing tho impurities from the body. Miss Sarah Finley. of Memphis. Tenn., vice-president of the Palmetto Club of that city, speaks for herself and many friends when the bestows the WINEofCAKDVI THE C ELEBRATED Garland Wood Heaters We'tiro tho agent It reccli I .ending, Single and rouble liiim-l, Hammerles Shot Gnns. 1 nil line Ammunition for Sports-m-n. f Sash, Doors, Blinds, - General Hardware. Uiuii! Motel Chattawka, NEW BEItN, If. G. The Farmers 4 Merchants BANK. capital, Surplus ant P rents $lMSe.s APRIL 30th, 1M1. What We Have Dooo, Do, and Will OaarJniMtoDo. This Bank eoadoeta its btttaats apoa 'un-to-sow" SBethoda.' ' ' -t It la our purpose to deal Juttfy aad lhll wlf k all ' ' We carefully wferaard the Interests of oar- customers, Moreover, we fre quently do Ifunknown to them) as . op' Dortnnlties often eoxae'tooe la eoaSdaa- tlal ways, and you cannot OTer-appedatt tuoh eonstderatloo. . ,j r , ' - Ws are not disposed to Overlook the fact that in interests or ine vaaa aao those of the people are closely bound o gether, ana oanoot oy say meant ,Df sepsrated.-' -i : - This Bsak acts as I repository fot Wlllt, aad safelykeept Ibem till tM proper time of surrender. Will also sot at the custodian of ssosey of papers left with st la escrows So cterge for them tenrlcet. ' ' ' ' We procure Letttrt of Credit for fn Undlng trarellers. ... .?r " . ' We aim to be prompt, progrsttj aad liberal. , , y'j ; In the matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement frlthla tha llmlia nt nrnilnnt hinktnr. , If yoo bar neret been Identified wttlrt , t at apatroai we aa yua wuun Ue advisability or becoming one. t Ia the early fotnre, we propose adding , taovel, yet substantial Serines I n feature to oar .already progiemlve ;io- Signature of Always Bought following praise on Wine of Cardui: "Among ttt sntdMatt placed btfottsoi feting women for their ttlitf aoat can touch McEbcc's Tins of Catdiil. It towers above them all aa a tefiabk fetnalt remedy. It simply derm pam and oaMatt away . and nstoMt health m aa Incredibly short period. I have takta gnat lateral ia this medlcms for tht past two years, sine It btoogfat health and strength to me. I hart also wcemmrmled it to a atnnber of my frleada and they who haw ased it speak of It to the highest terms tad I fed . that k b pralss well bestowed." If yon' are suffering from female weakness Wins of Cardni is the medi cine you need. Ton can have Ewlth the tame as Hist Finley if you will take the Wine of Cardni treatment. If yon aeed ad rice further than the complete direc tions given on the bottle, address The Ladies Advisory Department, Chatta nooga lied. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. A million snfferiruT nave ramus swiex us . Wine of Cardui. i . i . i 11 Have I&eiiMtism. ra. n ties earn Lirt, buodst cm 1 aladdw dlMMH, by aa timm the kaaltk sad sugey whUntlVgi, sptiy yom a wffl bassos (ispsidiBeai saeeldsaalMaL ' ' .-.- sras . w ui It-vnaSfMs Br-f EsulllfLT osuassl aws? tr altjBBj4iiETsjptisfjso3ssisW MSUSkl JtrTSifc Mr, 7 n. Jan Haiti ! tTlli nl i II, l-Mtr fta Trl-JtiBWTTRIl te an bit t, . n ef SMirphliML iiMi kmak . laudunau o ? in : eala or wklikitj, a lance seek ef par uaa I are OB aOBM) e ' tree: Add ma. a M. WOOLLSI CO, !lMM,Prjer8trMt, 'V!1 Yltam! CkUS to hohi vn CUasv pore wttoleeome, ruaranteed to be chemtcally mad from distilled wactr aid free trots imparities- Specially 4a teaded sad prepared for hosnaa osa. tOtSption. j . rv - lot deUveted dally (except Boadaya) Duaaayt (retail ooiy) i a m, so le oipsfc for priots sad otkerformUo, . .r-y... ---Addras.t v-c Kew Berne' Ice 'kt cV Good 4j Telephone 'l BIBVICB Ifl A B08WK88 :,.M HXCE88ITT, A A BOKI ;?! OOKYXNIIHOX. k COM. 0. iltTsjccs-nltj,; MM tACTS INlfEW pKES i Petrctemi has been discovered about forty mUee from Tttnls,' 'i.' Iitverpool haaJaat received Its Just consignment of mahogany from Aus tralia. ' ; ,..';','::; 'a There are twenty-one boys for every eerenryTJlne eamcn In the British Channel, fleet. ti Sj-'i f: -The fiti trea (Mg&Q'schoor boorq baa ganctlorfed tt purchase of a rock ing uorjiofor tn uae or inrant aenoiarB. ureal voina ware containing Hm d to 00 per cent of Iron have been discov ered In the neighborhood of Vadso, Nor-' Another, bottle nosed shark, seven feet In length, has been captured In the herring beta of a Yarmouth (England) fishing boat. , The promoters of the Jamestown ex position bavo determined to ask the state of Vlrirlnla" for aa appropriation of $200,000, payable $50,000 annually, for four years. According to Sir James Crlchton Browne the air , of London contains loftOOO pKtigrM .parts ot dust to Paris' 210,000, while in Argyllshire, Scotland, there are only 200. Ten cents a pound tax on color In oleomargarine hag reduced Its manufac ture from 30,000,000 pounds In the quarter preceding the opt taxing It to 13,000,000! In- the;, tuhsetraent quarter year. . 'J - ' "Woman suffraee is now a fact In New South' Wales," says Consul God- lng, "bt .as yet tlje women do not take kindly to it In1 this district thlrty- ntpe woincu only Tivo' taken out elec toral, i-lgute." The cultivation of onions In Egypt Is assuming from year to year larger pro portions, and Hiero are now lut few markets lu southern Europe which the Egyptian product does not control dur ing the earlier part of tbe season. . Many casas cf n now typo of Influen za arc nowsiindef treatment In north London, stntt-s the St James Garctte. The victims are attacked by severe rheumatic pains about tho body, ac companied' by a swelling of the legs and ankles. The sum of $10,000 was collected by the Hanover student societies for tho erection of a statue of Bismarck. The Droiect has had to be ubandoned for the present, however, owing to tne rall- ure of the bauk lu which the money was deposited. When llenry Marr of Columbus, lad., goes to his barn lot and steps npontt neatly carved slab bearing the Inscription "1000," he lias 18,050,000 people on all four, sides of him, for be Is the center of population man of tbe Whole United States. To lessen the risk of disease orders have been given that all Egyptian pil grims going to Mecca this year must accompany the holy "carpet, which la tent from Cairo to Mecca" annually With a military- escort. Doctors will travel with (he pilgrims. 4 The snuff users of the United States have Increased In nunibcr about C per cent a yerr for several years, taking tho annuat-contumptldfl 'of unult as the basis of calculation. Xlm uigcregate weight of pinches of euuff taken last year was 18,000,000 pounds, Mayor Helmuts ot ban )i rancisco re fused to grant the petition of the ladles of the California club asking the ap bolntment of a woman on the school board of the city. He. says that "such an appointment would be apt to create a spirit of unrest among tbo schoolteach ers, many of whom arc opposed to such an innovation. - An immense shark was caught lately by the marines of his majesty's guard- ship .Urgent at Tort Royal. Jama let. It wat jso big that the mosttalwart sea man aDoara couio nave passea inrougn Its mouth without touching tbe teeth No fewer than forty-nine yOUng ones. 11 olive and kicking, were found in the monster's stomach. A Worthy successor -to Uusallno, the noted Sicilian brigand." now In prison. bat arisen In tbe person of ona Varsa- loria, -whose fame ieven threatens to eclipse tiiat or tne otucr ronuer. Al ready 000 pcrsohs are' waiting trial for Siding him In various ways, but var Salons so far has succeeded In eluding Officers sent to capture him. TTh emperor of Germany la busy with- a unique project hat will be of alua; to tbe historical jm well as the salutary world. Some time ago he dis patched Colonel Janke dud Captains von Bismarck, yon Plessen and Ton Uarees to Asia Minor to make topo graphical studies and to draw up com plete charts of the famous battlefields of Alexander the Great Th old fashioned way of deciding a question by tossing up a coin is "now su perseded In England by an elegant paa- tlme 'whlcb It known at "tapnoto.1 Two sabmen have tbe credit Of making the new game public. Instead of "toss- lag for drinks" they set to work to spar, the man who first got In a tap on p opponent's note being the winner and baring hit drink paid tor by the loser: The last official report of Consul ttiomai Naat at Gnynqull before he was seiaea -wits ratal youow wver is Id answer to Inquiries about obportaot ties Dor the practice of medicine la Equadpr. He gav tht Information that the prsfeaalon It overcrwwded aattthat a ' medical exammailon copdncteer in the Spanish languare'.rotisi b passed to obtain a license necessary to "practic ing tbtr. ; .. v --vr i rrofeeaor Jaugena Sitter of TGonovt has wrltted a book1 on 'two. fotnale an eestoHC of jRoooseaa.vMuTa, Bourgeois and 'lima trnrant Mme. Botlrseols wtt touarttodit'ktjrl Wootrlc that when aearly sixty years old, the - was brought befors tbe'ooofta, fcbarged with being witch, tortured and banlahed from Qenova. Mm. Duront maltreated her chambermaid, who thereupon com mfttedtsulcld by , Jumping, Into- tjbs DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE ' Permanently cured by the ahastcrly power of "South Auiaic 1 savins Tojrio.TlnTalId need toffer no longer. because this great remedy can euro them all. It It a curt ff the whole world of ttonw-d'W' '" nnd IndlRM.Ion.' The cure!'""' '11 re- 1'a.f It k rpdi lni; liUlRi .ii No mh . . . i o v. . ; your ruTii n c n uinir t V cf t r- tl.-. , , ' f..r.- there Are Five Waya, So Yea Win . i :; Hadlr OX I Wrsss.W. The terrapin enjoyi on distinction that Is rather unique," said s man who keeps his eye skinned tor curious things, "and it Is found precisely la the (act that there are more ways to spell tbe name of this creature of the water than--ant , other I have any knowledge ot It Is almost Impotslbls to spell tt Incorrectly, and this ia some thing you can say about very few words to the English language. - By consulting be dictionary we will find that there are Ave ways of spelling tM word, and they are these: Terrapin, tcrapin, terra pen, terrapeae, turapen. Tbe preference is given to the first way of spelling the word that la, terrapln but if a man should happen to write II In tome other way he would not bt entirely wrong. There Is not much excuse for spelling this word Incorrect ty. Why. a fellow can shut his eye and hit tho mark almost every time. Ue can write it in tbe dark. The hard er etunt would bo to write It Incorrect ly. And yet it happens now and then that men bit upon the wrong way ol spelling this very same word. I have known men to spell It tarrypin, but not In print But the point I bad in mind was the curious fact that there are sc many correct ways of spelling the word, and at this time I cannot recall the name of a single other creature Similarly circumstanced to far as tht dictionary Is concerned." New Orleans Times-Democrat Aatlqnitr of Grata. Nearly all the grains now. in use aro of Unknown antiquity. Wheat was cul tivated In all latitudes as far back In tbe past as we have authentic knowl edge. Barley is thought to have origi nated in tbe Caucasus, but it was known and used everywhere hi the most ancient times. Oats, like rye, were unknown in ancient India and Egypt and among the Hebrews. The Greeks and Romans received it from the north of Europe. Had there been an early civilization on this continent the wllil oats found here and that would probably have developed Into the useful cereal now considered abso lutely essential to the proper nourish ment of horses. This continent It cred ited with having given Indian corn to the old world, but this useful cereal was doubtless known In India and Chi na many hundred years Defers the dis covery of America. You A Coming Mother? Are You Expoetaki? MOTHER'S FRIEND malm childbirth cut and ahnsat pataka, br preparing tha system lor parturition, that assist Ins Nature, and shortenf-ur labor. The painful ordeal nl childbirth Is robbed of Its terrors, and the danger thereof greatly lessened, to both motbar and child. 11m period ol confinement Is slso araatlT shortened, the mother rested, and tha child fully developed, strong and healthy. Morning sickness, or nausea arising from prat nancy Is prevented hy relieving the stomach from (he pressure brought to bear on H by the expand ing organ, aad by which U Is Influenfad uiroagn Sympathy. As pregnancy advances, the breasts enlarge, become swollen, hard and tight 1-ona before the child la born, they are preparing lor -fa secretion of milk. It Is Important to -niceesslal child nrar. 1 that these glands receive early consltlerarioa. other's Friend soften, tha skin, relieves the Euro, and iactlltatea tho secretion ol UB) d. Undeveloped and occluded dacta, aad t hard-caked shortly rte delivery, are Lea result ol non-treatment and likely to culnun ate ks Mammary Abscess Irons which the patient sut lers excruciating pam and la left with these fcnctJonai organs permanently Impaired. Moth rs Fti end Is always applied externally Sid rubbed Into the tosh over the region of pam. ftnoas. pliability and expansion an given to the muscles, tissues, fibres and sinews, allowing tha elasticity necessary to bring comfort while with heavy burden, and cause easy Issue of tha child. Try It. Of sH druggists Slot), Owbook Motlorhood " free. THE BRADFIELO RCGULATOrl CO ATLANTA. OA. Order ot Publication. North Carolina, 1 la the Bnperl or Court ne.war. f1ntir.lw WtOr W, M WSltOB, ) D.8.IJV- J. F. Goodwin. Tl. John De Poorte and wife Itaohel.Sldney , Taylor, J. ai. nragg, et ai. r. The defendant abor named will tak notice that an action entitled at above ha been commenced In tha Superior Court of Craven County for tha parti tion among tht tenant In common of s eertala parcel of laid situated In No. 6 township Intaid county, described as follows: - Lying oa ths sast tide of East Creek and both aide of the mala road leading toward Newport, N. C,ooaJ taioing on annarea acres, taia isna it known as ths "Jab Taylor land." That tald defendant! will further takt notice that theyare required to appear before W. It.. Watson, Clerk Superior Court Craven County, In hit offlos, on th 16th day of Kerch 1908. and answer or demur to tht said complaint to th tald actios, or the plaintiff will apply to th Court for th relief demanded In laid oom- plalnt.. , jir- 'i.r '.'X k-.-v . r a .. W. . WjVTBOJi. ' S yr ' tT' " J PlarW Rnnarlnr I Irwlrt. V ( Thl ths 4th day of February 1001. I niddle fit. Foil line of Drugi tnd Medlcinei, ' Perfume, Toilet Soaps, etc , alto th following Mineral WaUrti Ifatohless Mineral Spring, Buffalo LlthbV Bunny tdl Jan oa, Bunytdl Matyta, Carbana, yeronlca, ApentS, Bed Raven Bpllts. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, --v. . Pasterlne Tooth Patio. ' COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, the Great "Dlalnfectant and '' Bed Bug Destroyer. ; '. Ercn-CI:! cr.alun a lnrornUVnST.TlVE.f l..f. . t!nr, roi.' 'no of : . '-IA ' -"Tha treat ,' rtioumatlc remedy not only cttres every fon of rheumatism, but makes radical cures of Cttntagious Blood Bolsony t Scrofula, Sores, Boils; Catarrh; od all diseases arising from Impurities in tha Mood. Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where after thorough trial. , . DOE3 NOT INJURE THS DIGESTIVE ORGANS. . 2 Gentlemen t I take pleasure In bearing testimony to the oaratlyeproMrUes 3 ef your"EnDaAOiDs " Two bottles cured my sod ot a bad case. If It will E be of any benefit to yott in advertising your meritorious remedy, yon oan use It, Ui DruggitU, fi.oo; or Bobbitt CtMalcal Co., . G-ood as Atlantic Coast Line's iooo mile book Good over 18 Prominent Lines, Aggregating 18,000 Miles. They Sell for $ '25.00 and will be found a Convenient and Apply to any Jnnction Agent. VM. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Nbw Bbbnk R. K. TIMS TABLI NO. 5, InRffeot Wednetday, Aug. 7, 1898,rDiU) Ezoept Suadar. Uoing South sonaDOLi: Going North No. 63, Fat. finger Trains 'Wo. 62, l.v. a m, stations: Ar, p m, 00 New Berne 5 40 Ii8 PollocksvUle 5 04 9 51 MarsvlUe 4 49 10 03.. Jacksonville 4 IS 0H K 3 8, f Wsiausi a-rvrv IS 10 . Ar. Wumlagton; Lv ... 8 if TM No. 8, Pasbbhobb ft FanotTT, No. 1 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes tay and Friday. Lease New Berne Tuea lay, Thursday and Saturday. U. a si Ar, r a 7 80...,.Lv. Wtlmingtoa, Ar 1 45 8 40.... Scott'iHill 18 56 80 Woodslde IS 15 1005... ..HoUyrida-e 1140 10(1 Dixon 10 51 11 M Verona 10 no IS 05 Jacksonville 9 45 14 SO Northeast. 8 55 165 Whiteoak 8 80 1 SO HaytTllle 805 S15 PoUooktvUle 790 965 Debrohl'i 685 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 6 00 .Dally Kxoept Binday. J. B. KKNLT, Uetveral Maaarer.. A, Oreea , Tree. . H. Maaacfxta, V. Free Or arse. Cashier. CmZENW BANK, ... tsar ssJiw Jtarsus-,ar.p. Ooing (UtveraJ Banking Business Ilarohl, 1901, Bnrplu and Undivr- - ledProflU.IW.CXKUrO. - Promnt aad favrefal attentioa riven to all boain satTosted to as. Aooooatt raotlved oa favorable terras. faWbatad Olno 1. a. Meadows, Samael W.Ipoek. . H. Maadows, Obas.Dnfiy(Jr. Jaaaat Bedmoiitl, Mayer Baiui, Jka. H. rovnar. w. dr.4n.tf. . Tliiinisa i laiaaa . W.taaUwoe. O.S.ov. t)e.a.Ivaa,,, W.r.crookett.: T ',, ... r Hark Disoswsy. ; . A-dnilnlstratora Notice ; Eaviog this dsy qualified as Adminis trator of kh ttat of Samael Hollowty, deceased, notice It hereby given to all persots having olalmt tgalntt the said estaU to present th same, duly, verified, to lb oadertifned for payment, oa or befoiatbe 8Ind day of January 1004, or thtt aottca will bovpletded in bar of ro oovery All persons indebted to laid es tate ar Mounted, to mak Immediat tettlentent. . .. - '- f:.'- . '''. l This Slit dayef Janda, 1908.' -V: i', I , ,' :,.TH08.F.MoOABTHY. A i '' ; .y ' Administrator. A DM! 5 1ST Ei TOR'S NOT IC I. ' Th Soderslaoed 8. H. 8ootthMthl dty qualified aa administrator earn teita- mento anaezo of i.ieaor Taylor deotatea All persons having claims tgalnsVth tttatt of tbe , Kutator aforesaid ar re qntrad to present tuch olalmt duly au thenticated for payment to tald adminis trator la New l.rn, N. 0. on or before January ird 1904 ot this notice will be oletd In lr of their recovery. All who are indebted to tald estate must make pronipt payment, ; , . - ,-" v This Jansary 19th 1908. " ' &H.80OTT,'v' Admlntslrator with the will aaneztd'Of Elenor Tsvl' rlavaaaed. ExccuMs Notice. Having duly qualified at executrix of Jacob B. Tsylor, deceased, all persona having clii ns aalnt. his estate mrere- anlredto p ,. sm h clslrns to the nn orslgned m t of I in, N. O., for pay mint, duly authenticated, on or Ix-fore the i 1 i f of January ljflt, or tills no li 9 v I t ii I In I r of tlxilr rwnf fv. . I " 9 I "1 to p 1 etale Its r.mrrcm. w. G. prepaid on receipt of pries. . BaUImore, Hd. a Pass. Tunr Reasonable means of travel. A. & N. C. R. R. Tin TABLI VO. 28 To Take Effect Sunday, Nov. 9, 1909 at 7:05 A. ht, B. b T. OolngKatt Bohxdulb: Qolng West No. 8 Paatenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m BTATiORSi Ar, a ia 8 80 Goldsboro 11 05 8 59 LaQrang 10 89 4 23 Klnston 10 IS 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv ; 9 00 5 60 Lv. ." Ar. 8 87 716....Ar. Moreheadolty Lv.,... 705 No. 5, Paatenger Train No. 6, Paatenger Train. sTATioas: DAILT. Lv. A. M. 18 00 8 18 826,,.., 18 87 ,848 ,909 9 18 9 80 .950 9 56 1010 Arjp. a ...Goldsboro 8 80 Best's 8.08 ...LaOrange 7 67 .Falling Oreek 7 47 Klntton. 787 7S5 717 700 50 Oatwett , Dover Oor Oeek ...Toaoaroca Olarkt.. a Ar. New Bern, Lv, 6 No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 1 2d Class. SUNDAY Sd Class Lv. a m Ar, p 8 00 Qoldaboro 6 40 16 88 Best 600 7 00 LaOrange 4 85 7 15 Falling oreek 4 10 8 80,.,. .,. eesKinrtoa., ....... . S46 8 40 .....oatwell 9 88 49 Dover 910 1007 oororek 119 1089 Tasosrora. 1348 10 69 olark's ...1940 11 25 Ar. New Bern,Lv 19 10 No. 9,f I - I No. 10 Freight mnoas: I Freight . Only. I I Only. P. at. A. . 1 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 1046 SIS BJverdale; 1010 80 oroataa 958 240..., Havelock 940 809.... NawperLL- 06 820 ...WUdweod.......... 847 8 28 .Atlantic ,. 8S8 55 ..Ar.Moreheadolty,Lv... 690 409 ...Ar. atCtyDvo,Lv 780 a, at. ; 'Monday. Wdssday aad Friday. ' tTatsday, Thursday sad Batarday, - ' - B.L. DH.L, a A. NKWLAND, . . (J.P.A. Master Tranaporiavtion. F. 1. Slmtasas, ' v AD. Wart 1. SlirinONS Jk WARD, ; ITTOBNIl ant COUIfSILOtS at V-jr lAw.";.:W-.-''w suuansL, a. . ... Office Removed across Street to Beeond 6tory of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of-; floe) Booth Front Street, stit te '??'.: HotelChatUwka,;;.' Praotlo la th eooatles of CYavaa, DupllnJIonat, Oatlow, CarUrst, PaaUl eo and Wake, la lb Buprttn aad Fed eral Ooarta, sad wherever sarvlot art deelred. - r .''t. ...'; -i'vvT n I P. He PelletlCT, m. ! J-ift ! ATTOSNIY AT UJ5 Mlddls Street, l4tar Itrtsk :;.-- .,-' Baildlsg. 'v:';At,i- Till praettea ta the Ooaatiaa al Cravaa -arteret' Jonea, Onsl(rw aad ramiloo. D.S Joan M Sw Bane tad fcatnaat Oatara Adnilnltrator'a IToUee Th ahdertlgned, Harrison Cannoa, hat thli day qnaltfied a administrator of the ettat of John H. Lokey deoeated AH persons having olalmt airalnatth estate of the tald John H. Lokey ar re quested to present them duly authenti cated for payment or or before the 11th day of February 1904 or tills nl) will be plead In bar of their recovery. AH peitww In- '"1 to i-'i tta; Biust Appllcuiluu To Tote I'onds. Wutrear, pu.tum.i in Act of the Leg islature ratified the 27th day of Januany 190 J, ten residents., and tups-ers of tbe City of New Hrru h v.-made applica tion lo tho Mvvor an I Board of Alder men for a tub crlptlnn (;f yifty Thous- nd Lollr, to he Caplinl Stock of the Pamlico. O.b utal and Wcalein railroad U mpany. And Whereas H la tho duty of the Board of Aldermen, under the provis-1 ions of said Act, upon the filing of said application to order an election to be held upon tho question of 'Subscription' or 'No Subscription ' Therefore be it ordalner1. Section 1. That an election be held lo Hie City of New Bern on Tuesday the 24h day of March 1903, for the purpose of determining the question of a sub scription by the City of New Bern, in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars to the Capital Stock of the Pamlico, Orien tal and Western Railroad Company, the taid subscription to bo made in Bonds of the City to run Thirty Years and to bear Interest at a rate not greater than five per cent, in'ereat payable seml-an nnally, the said Bonds to be of the de nomination of $1000,00 and to be issued to the laid Company at par. Sec. 8. That for the purpose of hold ing the said election the following vot ing precincts are established: First Ward at City Hall. Second Ward at Court House. Third Ward at Streets Stable. Fourth Ward at Hargett Shop. Fifth Ward at McCarthys. Blxth Ward Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder house. And It It further ordained that the fol lowing persons be and are hereby ap. pointed Registrars and Poll Holders for the various voting precincts; First Ward, Registrar R R Hill, Poll holders Geo Jones, J T Lincoln. Second Ward, Registrar D F Foy, Poll holders, E K Bryan, Robt Hancock.; Third Ward, Registrar E S Street Poll holders J U 8mlth, W J McSorley. Fourth Ward, Registrar D S Jones, Poll holders Brlce Anderson.John Hill, Fifth Ward. Registrar C J McCarthy, Poll holders, C T Hancock, J P Btan ley. Sixth Ward, Registrar Ed Hollowell, Poll holders A J Oasklns, J no Wether lngton. Sec. 8. That at said election the bal lots used shall contain the words "Sub tcrlptioo,' and "No Subscription" and the polls shall be opened and the elec tion held under the tame laws, rules and regulations under which elections for Aldermenare held under the charter of the City of New Bern. Bee. 4. That If a vacancy, for any cants shall occur In !tho offlco of Registrar or Poll holder the said vacan cy shall be filled In the same manner provided In the charter of the City of of New Bern In elections held for Alder men. Sec. 5. That a new registration of the voters of tbe City of New Bern Is here. by ordered for said election and for the purpose of such registration the various Registrars shall open the registration books at the various voting Precincts herein named on Friday the 6th day of March 1908 and shall .keep them open to and Including Saturday the 14th day of March 1908 and tald books shall be kept open daring tald time from eight o'clock a m to tlx o'clock p m of each day. Bee 6. That the result of laid election shall be ascertained under tbe tame lawa rule and regulation! provided in elec tion! held under the charter of said City for Aldermen. Seo.7. That thlt ordinance ah all be pub llthed in the Dally Journal until the dty of election Tuesday March 24 th 1908. F. T. Patterson, Mayor. J. 3. Tolton, City Clerk. EASTJSItl;' caroidm' LINE Od Dominiop Steamship Co PAIItY IaIJIE. FREIGHT & PASStNOIB. For All Point North. The Steamer NEUSE Is scheduled to tall at 6 p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday. The Str. Ocracoke OnfTneadayt, Thursdays and Batur piy at 8 p. m. J Freight received not Iatet than one hour previous to sailing. ; i For furthr information apply to ; GEO. HENDEESON, Agt, It, "K. Km, Gen. Mgr., B.d Hrjsnra,aen.Frtft Pass.Ait i;, ;.-- Korfolk, Va. . Hw Bern, K. 0 Ant;. 1803, BRAD HAM'S LITER sad STOMACH FILLS art partly vegetable and eaa b givea to very old people and chlldrea. Mild la action their effect I far-reaching. No pals o .discomfort follows their as. They hv been called Health's " Housekeepers, " - which It quit, true. - Does your liver hart you f Better try these pills. Price- Boo. st BRAD HAM'S PHARMACY. , Bradtutm'a Antl-. BUIoiu Uveir.PlUs, . :a-i sre partly vegetable sad act by tttmulallng the llvtr. eaualng Increased flow ot bile and producing natural move menu of th bowel. They do not pro duo (frlplng or tick stomach. Bar oar for Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn eto, price 95 eta. Manufactured by 0 D. Bradham, wholesale and retail drag, glut. '.....' ,'; ;. ''" TA. KegUfrarriJrolIce. The RegUtratloa books for tha First : Ward will be opened, by toe at eight o'clock a m. on Friday thejth day of March 1908, at City Hall for the regtt tratlon of votert at an election upon th question of a anbtcrlptloa by the City ' of New Bern to the itock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Com pany, and will be kept open by me at aald place each week day from date to and Including Saturday the 16th day of March 1903 from the hours of eight o'clock t. m, to tlx o'clock p. m. R. R. HILL, Registrar February 14th, 1908. The Registration books for Second Ward will be opened by meat, eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1908, at Court House for the retr- iatratlon of votert at an election npon the question of a subscription by the City of New Born to the stock of Pam lico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company, and will be kentonen bvme at said place each week day from tald date to and Including tho 16th day of march 1903, from the hoars of eight i clock a. m. to tlx o'clock p. m. D. F. FOT, Registrar February 14th, 1908. The Registration books for Third Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903 at Street's stable for the re gistration of voters at an election npon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamli co, Oriental and Western Railroad Com pany, 'and will be kept open by me at tald place each week day from date to and Including Saturday the 16th day of marcn tvos rrom the hours of eight o'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m. E. B. STREET, Registrar, February 14 1908. The Registration looks for Fourth Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903, at Hargettl Shop for the registration of voters at an election upon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company, and will be kept open by me at said place each week dty from tald date to and Including Saturday the 18th dayofMarch 1903, from thehouisof eight o'clock a. m, to tlx o'cldck p. m. D. 8. JONES, Registrar. February. The Registration books for Fifth Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day of March 1903, at McCarthy' for the regis tration of voters at an election upon the question of a subscription by the City of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company and will be kept open by me at tald place each weekday from laid date to aad Including Batarday the 16th day of March 1908, from tha hour of eight o'clock a m. to tlx o'clock p. m. C. J. MCCARTHY; Registrar. February 14 1908. The Registration books for Sixth Ward will be opened by me at eight o'clock a. m. on Friday the 6th day o. March 1908, at Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder House for the registration of votert at an election npon the question of a subscription by the Olty of New Bern to the stock of Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railroad Company, and will be kept open by nje at (aid place each week day from data to and Includ ing Saturday the 16th day of March 1908, from the hour of eight o'clock a. m. to six o'clock p. m. E. T. HOLLOWELL, Registrar. February 14th 1908. Administrator's Sale ot Iiand. SUPERIOR COURT. Tho. F. MoCarthyv Administrator of th Ettat of Mary Banks, - vs Matilda Weill, Susan Nixon, Pater 0 Nixon, her hatband, Susan Heath, . Blmoa Heath, her haabaad, and Nora Odtav Pursuant to aa order and decree of . the Buperlor Court of Craven eoaaty la t the special proceed lac at abovs eatltlad, the nnderslgned Administrator will ex pose for sale and teU for caah tomaks assets, at tht eoarthoote door, laths City of New Bern aad County of Craven N 0., at II o'clock at. on Monday the 9th day of March 1908, to th highest bidder, th following described real Mtate lying and being sltuat In said City aad Ooun . ty, bounded at follow! On the sooth fast oorntr of Oak .and Oedar ttreett, , being lot No. 110 ia ths Joshus Soott T -Division, la the pita of the Olty of Kw Bera.lt.Ol. "" '."-- .ri-,.-;? Thl tot eoBteias a dwelling house. i. This 4th day of February. 1908. .. . X''i. THOB, T. MoOABTHT, t ? j( ' Admrnlatrator. ' -,: ' Adinhilstratrix Notice : Bating qualified as AlnUalttratrlx of Abner Nelson, dod, 1 hereby notify. ', -: . ' sll ptrson having claims sgalntt th -' tat of th deotaeed to present thomto-u . -. m dulv aathaatloated tor payment at Jj,-':' my raahlenot ia Mo. 1 Towaahlp, Craven - . county, N O oa or before th 6ih day of v ' -February, 1904, ot this aotlos will bs ' :.'; plaadadia. bar of tha lwoovtry of tuch - - , olalma. , i." . . All pertosi tadsbtsd to the said stUls . arqrilrd to ikjA?ompt payment to ' TliU Ftb. 8th, 1908. ' Admlalttrsttix at AhasrIlslsoB, de 'SIMi.T1V.Vi w ' ? . Attorttfy st U 74 So,' Front Bi'i, Holal C " . . ', ' rr.v; --r. a j r Craven Conr.' j ' -, c: '' c . j ...if:' ttltitlon.