j ,v - , T - heournal; iVewJBera, H, 4, Feby. M. IK I. :i .,; " iODGE piRECTQRT. y 3RAVIH MJDGS KO..I KHIGHT8 ;0? HAJUtOHT." Mt and end 4U " " Wednesday sight la eeeh month to -' ''t-- Bounties' Ball, Pollock street, at MO v o'clock. Bamwu it. pan, rreeiaentj j. f H.8mlUD; 8fi B. a0Ul, Hnaaotal 7" Secretary.: . v - : ;'?; J . ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ., '. 1 ; Jnflex t Tew AflTertisemeiits, 4 4DW-Vutti'" ' ' " - ' TJnoeleHssCW f ' iG Dtaa aSCoSpring snits, "JU" J L HcDaniel Fancy creaat cheese. " r8immonii & Hollowell Co tt day " ol ipeclal ihoe Hie 'Business; Locals.: rOBSALI-Flne Family .Hon per- lctly nU, and oond, ' Alergaln to any one dulrlng inch an animal apply 'to, it. uarnum. - T OTJ WILL FUDFancy Applet Seed Jen Oranges, Fins Bananas and Lemoni rat James B. Dawson' 109 Middle itreet T. J. TURNEB Furniture Co., excluilTe wholesale dealer la furnltare, hare told tiro mot ear loads of furnltare to .their nooessors, The Dlaosway 4 Taylor vo. , JOK SALEOne large canoe, inluble .tot fishermen' ue. Apply to Mrs.J. P. "iVdTlTa, Mo, 8 Spring itreet. FOB RENT Three dealrable roomi tor Tent at M Hancock street No one with children need apply. vJLOSl On the Academy Greenaimall open face gold watch. The peraon find' Ing aame will be amply paid by .return ing It U) me, J. J. Baxter. : 8 ATB for aale, moderate size good con Union. F. F. Matthews, MILCH BOW FOR B ALE One good milch Cow and Calf for aale. Apply at noe to i a Reel at Reelaboro IT 0 .,, THE entire honie. both floora, contain ing twelve roomi, No. 84 Pollock itreet will be for rest after March 1, 1908, Ap ply to J. W. Btewart, 94, Middle St. COOD HORSE Blanket! at Thomai J Mitchell's at reasonable prices. : FARM FOR RENT Or aale on Pem ttroke Road, about mile and half from New Bern. Mn Anna Dlnklns. THIS WEATHER Your horse needs to be -kept warm with a Blanket from Thomas J. Mitchell. Advertisers! Changes of ads. must W In this office by noon to Insure change In , the following day's Issuer-' ',. t NOTICE I All bill! agalmt the T. J. Turner Fur niture Co., or T. J. Turner, will please present them at onr office Mo. 81 Middle treet, where prompt payment Will be made. T. J. Turner Furniture Co. ' Territory tad Contracts To Agents. ' iHavUfg accepted the agency for the P. JEten District of North OeroUne'fbr the twit Mutual Life Insnranoe Co. of Philadelphia, Pa I can offer good terrl i: tor and llbsral con tracts to a few repre n 'enUtlTe agent. -Orer elerea' million A doOart of insuranoe written In December nd January. r V'v OOTJNOIL BROWN, ; ', r District Manager, New Ben. N. C Smftptas? pkg ;ot SSo at J R Parker Exhilarating; Invlg - ' it.' 1 V' . ;' ' -f t- . ,? '' - , w f .'. . y At Sd4jF6ifak&is, ' . salt chei.?rKjfSwkeir lityy&fc ' T ' - -. 1 '-' i ; " We hare J oat 1n a Ine stock el Mens " boy an"d chadreni ihoe, eck Jrear "hats, clothing ' collar etc, All H the JaUif style "and cheaper than lay first class store n the town erer thlpg guar ' nateedV- a. . "jautot Atmoaa JfeaL .t v . Violet Almond Meal, made by Richard Iludaut, U pure fleur of sweet almondi delicately auggesltre of Wileti fnshly picked, a4 ateg wtierf! doed to water, n; tapky: 1iah for.the fact and handi that .softens,, raflaes and bsantl. flee, . Hi dally nee lasarae soft white ikle?Oa :eaU.M'; Daytir Fharmac, agency for Hadnit's Pttf umes and Mall . lard's Candy, .. i . . Bt'n;rnEa ' ' ; KADAcnai on LA .RirrK AROUND AKJ) AEOUT. Efforts U rocQTer the rest of the bodies of Tlctims of the steamer Oltre, which was annk istihe Chowan rlrer lut week ha?ej)een abandoned for the present, .- The weather yesterday , was .Of that kind that made moat people ill n tared. A aonth east storm set la abont noon and a drizzling rata fell . all , the afternoon. The forecast for today will be rain, with stationary temperature, '.J' .- , The wedding of one of the youngest couples ever married In -this .State, wu solemnised at Ktniton Thursday eten lng. It wu the marriage of Mr. H. W. Cnmmlngs, Jr. and Miss Eta Smlthj neither one of whom are oret 17 yean of age. . - - . r. -71 DeWltt's tittle Early Blsert do not gripe nor weaken the system. They care blltoutneis, jaundice, constipation' and Inactive llyers, by arousing the secre tions, moving the bowels gently, yet ef fectually, and giving' such tone and strength to the glands of the itomach, liver anil bowels that the cause of the trouble Is removed entirely. These fa- moua little pills exert a decided tonic ef fect upon the organs involved, and if their use Is continued for a few days there will be no return of the trouble, F 8. Duffy. . - Gorton's Minstrels. A full house greeted Gorton's Mine- trels at the Opera home, lut night, and applauded liberally throughout the per romance. The overture singing and the dancing were the best features. Prickly heat cured in one application by using of Hancock'! Uquld Sulphur, h. will also cure Ecsema, Fetter, Pimp- les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Outs, Buna, Old ;Sores, and all skin trouble la a ihort time, when used u directed. For tale at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, A little Scrap. Ferd Ulrlch and Pete. Draney, two well known young men; became envoi' ved in a dispute in the street in front of G. N. Ennett's store lut night and Ul rlch iBsaulted Draney. The latter ran Into Mr. Ennott's store to escape Ulrlch who followed him but he wu prevented from doing any Injury by men tn the store and polloeman Lupton put Ulrlch under arrest. Ulrlch will have a hearing in the Mayori court thli morulng. He gave recoglzanoe for hli appearance. Innamma'toiy Rheumatism Cored In l Day By Mystic Core For Rheumatism. H. Seott Donnelly, of Helena, Mon ays: After lying helpless with Rheu matiim for two weeks, under the physi cian'! care, I wu induced to try Myrtle Cure for Rheumatism. In leu than S4 houn I wu able to get up, dreu and go down stairs. 1 can heartily recommend the Mystic Cure to any on suffering from Rheumatism. Sold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. An Innotatlon. , Ths Western Union Telegraph Com pany will establish their A merican Dis trict telegraph service, or what ia popu larly known u the "A. D. T. service" In this city. The system u It Is operated in the large cities is similar to any eleetrlo call system. Boxes are plaoed In subscriber homu and place of busloeu and ; when I messenger boy is wanted to get tele gram or deliver a message In the city or perform any errand all one hu to do is to ring up the Western Union over this system and the messenger boy doe th rest. The subscriber may send the mes senger on any other errand he my wish the service Is not sicluilvely ; tot the telegraph bualnen but lor any call for an errand that he may. need, Thla fea ture will be found to be very oonvenlent The payment will be reckoned on th amount of time taken for th errand, or a stipulated amount wIU b charged, f 4: t Th company does not ordlnartelly es tablish this service exospt in title where they have eompetltlon and NeWHern I very fortunate in securing It. : f --Msw)issansMnSPBsssBs.w ! personal .Paragraphs, 4 fMr. D. Cotton, of Whit Oak, was la thcltyjreterday.:-';' Mr. John Pearceof Pollocksvlll wu ln.theelty yeterdayj.,-'y:'.::;yc , Messn.G. A Connor and W E Moor of Harlowe, were 1o New" Ben jester day. .SVvIr ' Mr. and Mr. E. t Wolf nd oa, of Cleveland, Ohio, are gueits of Mr. M. M. MarkhV rMr.Frei8oott returned to. Philadel phia lut night after several week vistr wlthjjl parent; V'v'. -ViT-v. :-), j MK f, ,6. Jones, of Cedar Point, who hu been visitor her for several days, returned to hi horn lut night...;.. -i MUt Kttl Whltehurst, who hM been th guest of M1m Nslllc Davis hu re turned to her home in EtnstonI f v '; : . 'jf.. 4hKt$ciie4 an Awtul Fate. ' II.. Daenlni of Melbourne, Fie, wrftM, ' M) , dietor told.m I bad Coa sumptlon aud nothing eould be dune for me, I wu given up to dle. Tb oZat Of a free trial bottle of Dr. KIng'sKew Discovery for Consumption, lnucfd me to try it. Reeultl were startling, I an' now on th road torecove-y and owe all to Dr. King's New CI otery Itiurely isved tty.llfe." TMl g f t cure Is guaranteed for all throat lung dlsetaei by 0. D. Bral!sm Dtvx gist.. Price 6O0 A1.0a Trial bottle f -e . ; , ' - :- t . i r"- ... - r a. . J t j F03 TVVENTY-QNE YEARS Catarrh Remedies and Doctors ; .Failed Pe-ru-na Cured. v L ELOIN, ILI In t very reoeut eom nrauipaUon from this plaoe eomes the ew .tht Mr. Arthur IE meat KlddV a Well-known architect of that city, hal made complete reoovery from catarrh of ,the head from which he had suffered for nearly e quarter ot aoeatury. : He writes troto 18 Hamilton ave.j - . ; I am 41 year df age, and have had oaUrrhof fee head for over half of my life, as result of scarlet fever, followed by typhoid fever.' I got so bad that I n almost oonatantly coughing and 'tiearing my throat. The eatarrh greatly Impaired my' eyesight, and the hearing in one ear, and reduced my. weight to 110 pounds. " v-i:.. "I tried nearly every catarrh remedy advertised, besides a great many differ ent physiolani' treatments, all of which failed.. 1 v:, - - i "I had heard and read of Peruna, and finally decided to try it two montns ago. J have now taken seven bottlee, and weigh 173 pounds. Never fell happier' or merrier, reel Up top." A. E. K-IDD, If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the.nse of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Sr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Bntv ThtJjif''i Haw hwys 8ay ps',.i THe Aanntafe of Being Finy. . Today th most ufluntial factontn tocial life are the women of fifty and over. They are not alwayi th leaden of the great world who are motlnvt. dene but lt4 their featl Which count They givtt cachet, the final fillip, to any entertainment. For a woman to b real power In th octal world require a more comprehend iv rang of gift! than In.almoit any other field. She suit be a tactician, a diplomat quick judg of human nature a- faultleu orgaalzer "Madame la Re source" at Try point 2 ; v ' - At the present time, the professional women of fifty, at the very aeulth of her power, if stretching out eager' hand to the future. She does not sit down and rut, but look wall after her talents that they may bt burnished and polished and taking on n ever-new luitir. Bh bring to her work a ripened knowledge of life and of the emotion, and pusions upon the character Which could on1? hav been gained after yea-a of observa Hon and clos ifady of man and woman From "Th Woman of Fifty, In the March Cosmopolitan. ,: f , - v ; ' H0 JOKB " Bat 99 Ibi. of Solid Flesh If Mark Twain should writ a itory about a peraoa wu welghed-60 pound and Increased her; weight to 180 pounds (or double) in on yea? by quitting ooffee and dringing'- Foetom; coffee, -everyone who read It would sy,s"Thre's a ok behind that aomewher ;, v '; There Is wall-known lady in Coraop 011, Pa, who actually made thli gala in weight M the direct result of leaving off Ooffee and taking ap Pottum Food Oof. fe. It wu. . "veryarst miliar and far from - 4 - Jok for her. "-Her gain m general Tioalth kept iao with tb In mm in weight,- .:- .'-'4 .-; Bh say, 'For many years I uttered With itomach derangement .and violent and oft-recurring headache.,.. It wu not an unusual thing for onr family of four to u 21 to S pound of coffee a week tmu susplclooi that my trouble were du to ooffee, but u I did not Ilk tea or oecoa pr chocolate .there seemed no pel- atabl hot 1 drink' for - m to tak it my ."Then It wu I heard of Postam and decided to try tt. I wu Juit eonvalescldg from a icriou illness, and wu very weak and emaciated. I know It eonods Ilk what people would call a 'fish itory1 put I actually went from ,0 poundi to 180 pounds weight In One year. All ths sallowneu disappeared from' my skin and I now oarry my 40 years very light y maeca. my onsoge in nealtn la so great that maayof my f Hands make a Jok of It to thli dsy but my nerve are good and I am hippy and contented so can afford to laugh with them, . "I first learned of Poitum from a fami ly, la Mdlanapolli Where I -law th mother of ill children emerg from la valldlim to perfect health en Tostam after leaving off Ccffne. Soon ifter thst other friii, J l, . 'a s remslab!e re oovery by dropping coffee and using Poitum f 'l !.n Imo' 1 1 B'-'.-V bor lho k 03 C"" e tud oervna (Ijb; p I'a and l'.::t i:. ult p on t)a food d.Suk. Bo I heird of one after another mi'll 1 don't know bow many I hTe known of vi ho have rscovored fmm d'. rue of . e sort by lcvltg off tle dr'-j '" 1 1! g 1'. ''im Food f 9, ! I B t.l J, ... t,) r 1 i- j .. . '. I' . ' il-ylv -: Earriajre At PolloctsTllle. y PollockivUle, Feb. S7.-Mr 'iohn Whltty a prominent and p'rogreielve merchant of thli place wu married to MIu Lizzie Harper, daughter of Jacob Harper; of Oliver lut Wednesday Th ceremony wu performed In the Baptist church by Rev Samuel Garner. - - 1 Th affair .wu - kept .very quiet and wm hot known to the public but a short time before it occurred. . . , - We hope there wTJIbe no more cloudy days ahead of them than they have had tn the;pul .which hav beeatttutjnry Zy$-' r AFrlendV s" Death of Hrs. E. E. Hartett Mr. Sllubeth S.'Hargett, mother of City Marshal J. M. Hargett, died at her horn yesterday morning atlO:4Q o'clock aged 60 yean and aix months. - -h ihe lanerai servlcea will be held Sun day, March 1, at the Centenary Metho dist ohurebx" The hour will be: snnonn. ced in tomorrow' Journal, L '" One Minute Cough : Cure give relief fat one minute," because tt kill tb ml crobe which tickles the mucous me brane. - causing the cough, and at th same time dear the phlegm, draw out th Inflammation and heal and. soothes the affected part. On MtnutsV Conga Cur trengtlMni the luaga,! ward off pneumonia and I a hrmleu and never falling cure, In all curabl ..ca of Coughs, Cold and Croupv On Mlnttt Congh Cur i : pleasant to tau, harnt leu and good alike for young and old. 'fcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiaAAAAA V:W !.K: ':' a ICBUT Ot"THKHAKIER8 AND aATsHp i t INVESTIGATE! 3 NOW I 4 -w 4 C;- "The piano with the 4 2C,' oweet tone" bas stood for -; all that wag BEST ia ' SC.. piano conati notion, It ZZ' stands for the same TO- s Is. p DAY. Zt . " .The,ArttotlC' 11 GUTiFMil -4 4 a has bsen STANDARD for . sixty year, -Itis reoog--nized as one of the sweetest toned and most durable . instrument in America. " Investigate! STIEFF. .. This PACTOBT SALE ws a It a 11 It win m.rsp. tw a prw sp DATS, so COMK ON "SOW and get them AT , YOTJB OWN FIGURES 4 as they will not be ship-.- 4 it it ; W. G. FARRAR, Factory it. RepresenUUrctnaer jtan-2 ; ley Hall, Craven St, rhones fc 3K. 133.: Arflsae timlar. i VTTTTTTTTTTTffTTTTTTTTtV ...'ty .sssvi,;- -i'-r-'-'-'i,;- I -UUttlA TheVfinest pt tbnlcslpiit up' : in sugar coated., tablets. - 7 Guar-; ..anteeol torcure ', chmsandfever The f greatest 3 anti-malarial: tremedy ever; In-J f vented;;? Money, refana;ediil:.tl: ? does not cure,; Price. ;25c.Pkg.'; '. formula mibmitted to yoor . physlolan ca'request.n' .-'. Con 8. Front Middle Bta. DAVIS1 PHARMACY, 80MB AGXNCT "A f reih supply Jait rr celved. ; ; LIMITED QUANTITY OF JfO Thla ii to remind those that have neg lected to pay their City Taxes for 190, to please call and settle tame, one paid and IV over with. Please -do not put thli matter off longer. -". ,. " , itMpectruiiy, , , ,.- J-J.TOL80N, ? w ' -t City Tax Oolleetor. O nas an mainanauty aints owiu O of fashion in design and flnish fJ7 H has the workmanship and materiali that a' cttstom shoe O iQAker would put into a made-to-measore'shoe. It has a repu fj Jation for goodness It wean well it always gives satisfaet- O tioitr, SPRING STYLES IN, - J - - - . 2 beittoi?t, Y HATTER AND 1)1 -V- : - ;" v " Middle Street ) CCCCOqODOaODOQODOOODOCCCOO New Fnrolture Boose! Dint! & nm co., 85 ' Middle Stf Turner's 08 Stand, ; House Furnishing Goods J At Prices that have never been knovn before. I Call and see us before buying. I Special Clearance Sale of SHOES. At 50o and 75o a pair; ' .. ' tftft T J- 1,' yiiu.ro imuee, musava nuu vnuarena onoes wniCQ are samples and odd lots. The prices of these shoes were from 1 85 to-12 00 pr. Two lot, choice 50o and 76c pair. More la lies aire in each lot than anything else. All sizes up to So, BARFOOT BROS. ,; -"'-. '' - i.--vV''"'- v ' t w. - s: - ; - - - it ;.;"w7o haye soJd hundreds 01 pairs.': I Tboso' T7bo do not buy hoT7" t7ill rerc It. Asiyour neighbor: hotr -j i Eho'liked the pairs the bought . : 1 for EC If unci children; " ." i: 1 1 Dc:i't D:::.:VC:it Cc::ic Z - si I - J.J. Baxter h agent for the Cosmopo litan pattern, they are standard pat tern made with swans allowance only 10c each or pattern famished free with all dreaaea bought from 11.60 ap. x. vr i " r c - California evaporated Peache and AprlcoU JO at J, B. Farket Jr.' , . i "It isalwayg the tery limit Q - rit is shaped to fit Derfeoilr o a o a O o o HABtRDASlBB, j I. J tmi , 'I '''' - ' " , . U. wr''""1 "FSfflNG SUITS. it ' You want well-fitting olothes. There are two ways to get aamo, ,,yne way is: ,,ray tn best tailor very fancy prloes." The other way is to "BUY CLOTHES FROM US." $10 00 to t8 00 for suits made by the best manufacturer in this otmtry. Your money back; if the snit is not equal to a 180 , tailer-ntadts . Spring Suits have jaat MONEY? J. G Vhitrn & Co., Hen's & Boy's Wear, . 57;lolloc"ls Stret- In Smyrna Rugs & Art Squares AT THE BEE HIVE. They are Moravian Smyrna. The colors are guaranteed last. At nearly one-halt the price you usually pay. 27 x 55 at $1 00, 36 x 65 at 1 75, 4 feet 7 inches x 6 feet 6 inches $2 75. This makes a beautiful hall rug. Art Square oi the same 9 ft x 12 tt $9 50. The Bee Hive PATTERSON & HILL, 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church Fii & hum, DEALERS IN General Hardware, Etc. 79 Sulk Front Street, NEWIIEBJf, nr. V. i Wall Paper, Wall Paper. New It S Sample Book Jait Keseived. " All sty les and all prices -Sc to fiu per ron. Seorn Moulding lc to SSo foot. Olveme a trial, all work guar snted . i '::;.. EOOAR T. HOILOWELL, :Z ' . Friaier A Paper Hanger. i ONION, 8KTS, white jellow and red Tarietie jost reoeived 'r Largs eonalgameat oi Spring Seeds from. Buist, Landreth .rerrj,Co.' ftoit iTT A liw mtipirir v 1 i Cor. Polioek A Middle 8U. , .; teeeeeeee aeeeeete Xv' flsets Al - , 1 371321023 f ' Te( Get the Best' B rbeoae. J ?ats'09isftt1i1rdtKe5 All Eight, Come on f t '-izt IS THE XUh&Ka; t ' Oppoite lltnrj'a fbarmaor TVTVTTTTTTTTTttTVWWVT ,- r " (Watson's Old fitaad) l.nnchss ao4 Until served In Ant-class style. .' ' ' .'. " OYbTEU.S SandwU.be, Paladi and every delacy of the seasoa s. Wsyi oil hand, - " . C C! and all other oool o o o o a o come. WE CAN SAVE YOU Eastman Kodaks and 'Photographic Supplies AOrN. Y BRADIIAM'S PHARMACY. The Illglit way Is Ihe Only way to turn out goo) work and the riht is the only waj we do repairing fur y u. Whether it is blaoVsmitli work or var nish word, or an; kind of work, it is never slighted at Waters' carriage re pairing shop. Hring us your work, we are headquarters In this business aixl want on to come and sre ths lareeest assortment of Buggies ever ihc.wn here . All visitors are welcomed. . We put Rubber Tires on your old or new wheels. Ve shrink your loose tires hi a machine without cutting litem. Everybody is invited to see the nutchine at work putting new bolts iu old plan s G. II. Wafer A Kmi, Phone 188, TO.Broad St., Nrw ' Bradham's Pharmacy 13 NOW OI RN KOli I U-INK.-H Ilk I MS Slock of drill! atol row Stock f seeds. ()iHi lie ilu- Con. (To i. 1" ET20lOJ.,l' .!;.J'Vjfv;,V "Willi Ilia imuiilu a WnUU S llk - " beev such as he knows Budwels to be beet Is go'd for the family belts than f Wk " nest anadiclnes. and vou ourtil to have , a ease or two In the house rteht aloti What d id von aav vonr stmit nnmha ' ' ' i : 5 CAPUDINB ! T "J ft AH In-;:.. 'tiKv? was -,-. . ' , ' v ' " '"'-Y diii tn t. "'ii:, F.-;;Taylor;-K-