illKliiifiml A'A.-""V Y3f r s :? :.trX--;i HEW BIBM, N. C, SATURDAY MORNIHfl, MARCH 21, 1903. -YOL. XX-NO. 302 TWENTY-FIRST TIAR - r . .... V-' ' 1 ; ' A' mm Absblutely PurO THERE iS HO CVDOmVTE Insurance Company's. Good Bosl ness. Raleigh March 20. The Innmnce Uommlssloner hag received the annul reports of the life ni fire Inenrancc buBiness done la this state. The re turns show aa a rule, a very profitable business. The State companlei hare done very well Indeed. There are now quite a number of these and the list Is growing fast. The legislature at Its recent session broke all the records as to the number of insurance companies chartered. Un der the new law these can get charters nt an; time, this applying to life as well as to fire insurance companies. See Hackburn's new are just lovely. Applique. They Hackbarn's Prices are Persuasive and coupled with the extreme ly high grade of dry goods we Bell, they are most convincing. People who come here once never go any place else. Why should they? Travel the world over they couldn't find better prices speak for themselves. Look at these : Beautiful Foulard Silks, 24 inches vide, good values at $1 00 and II 25, THIS WEEK for -59o and 88o. Cut only in waist or drees patterns this is a chance for those who are lookipg for an Easter dress. Something special in Tahle LineD.oheapest thing ever put on the market, a look at these goods,wiU convince you. A Mercerized Table Linen, beauti ful design, at ONLY 60c Nanking to match, Size 19x19 inch, per doz 11 50. Towels, we have them at 6o to 60c. Think of this a Towel 46x26 inch, at ONLY 25c oHvvnmmnnnnuniHHHnuuiunnnno John Grocer Begs to call the attention of the l Complete Stock ot staple and Fancy Groceries. ;; 3lt Kvery steamer is bringing in some delicacy to be added to 25 .U stock. ... -J 27, A .f .am. .ilA an)lr!Uil Vim fUvtaMrf Slrlll UL ' 5t A share of your trade is solicited. Tour order! will V'Y, receive careful attention and a PROMPT DELIVERY. 1- - 35 All orders small or large will be appreoiated.' ,,., t '1 Phone 74. 74a4AAA4Mi XAtSpda Fqvhtiins.1 Exhilarating, Dlntig- .OTating.irvt:f :J: Aids Digestion.';;'; , fi Eastman Kodaks and tPbotognphk. Supplies mm WHISKET DISTILLERS Preparing: to More to Incorporate4 towns From Covntry. Rilbish, March SO. The whiskey dis tillers are making arrangements to more and In the next sixty days quite a num ber of them will have their plant! In towns. There are already three at Hamlet, and three at Hoffman and two more are go ing to the latter place. It Is said several will to to Hamlet. 1 It does nolappear that many In this district will leer Mus State, bnta few will go out q business. Yon oan find what yon want In fancy Hose at Hackburn's. -Ji ff VuT 9 " -. Housekeepers to his Fine nd 9 :: ''AC'- r... a J8i:0l7 OPEN FOR BUSINESS. UpsUlrs- Cot. Petted , WhcrO ha Trill to I goods at rover prioea. The tJ T nn i ivi iv! BURGLAR Aim MURDERER. House Owner and sister Shot. Lynching: Threatened. . Military Protect Prisoner, 6r4er of Governor. Special to JoornaL RiLiisK, Ma.eb. JO. Gov. Ayeock to dayracelved a telegram from the Bherlff of Rockingham county, that last night a burglar entered a house In the county shot the owner dead and shot the own er's sister three times. The burglar was captured and jailed at Beiasvllte. Open threats of lynching were made, so that the Sheriff called on the Govern or .for troops, who pat the Beldsvllle company at the Sheriff's service. The Bherlff then asked permission to remove the prisoner to another place. The Governor gave leave and directed that the military gnard accompany the Sheriff and prisoner, The Governor will call a special term of court to try the prisoner for burglary and murder. UNCERTAIN RALEIGH. As to Its Talked of Hotel and Audlto rlum. Ralkioh, March to. There are no new developments In the hotel situation here. It Is understood that the present management of the Tarboro will contin ue until December 1st, when Mr. Oobb's lease becomes effective. It was reported that the Park hotel would change hands, and .there Is an option on It, but so far nothing more has done. There Is some Inquiry here ai to the status of the auditorium matter. It Is very difficult, in fact one might say Im possible to find out anything about It. The Academy of Musle has been bought by the Auditorium Company, that much Is Certain. The present lease of he academy ex pires April 1st, and It Is Intimated that the building will 1e remodeled before the next theatrical season begins, but as to this no- positive 'statement can be made. An Importent Witness. Raleigh March 20. Mention has been made of the fact that some members of the legislature would be witnesses In the Haywood murdor trial. It Is said that one of these Is representative Harry Stubba of Martin county and that he came down the postofflce steps with Ludlow Bklnner nst before the latter wu shot. Take a bath In Hancock's Liquid Bui phut. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all sklndli For sale bv F. 8. Daffy. Our line of ladles shoes la complete, Bluchers eitenilon soles, Oxfords of all kinds and the swellest line of aandels In the city, prioee all right. B. W. ARMSTRONG. Go to Hackburn's for new dress trim- STATE LAND GRANTS. Important and Valuable Amendments By Legislature. . Bixtiea, March ). In the course of an Interview with Becretanr of State, Grimes, regarding the amended raw, s to grants of Btale lead he said that the amendments are all of special value. Under the new tow the charge Is 60 oent Instead of Ml cents en acre.' If the Secretary of State thinks the laud Is worth more then CO cents he can charge more. - Under the old law entries-! of the very seme iao were omemes. maae within six moa the of eeeh other. ' Under the old tow a ana would enter say 100 lores la another man's 1000 acre tract and the latter would not be aware of It cThliwaa because uader the old law adrertlsement of entries wu re quired to be made only 10 days and the chances Were that BO . one saw the Under ' the new tow notice must be posted at three public places 14 the town ship where' the 'toad la located. : there must he el advertisement . posted at the Court House' and also W days publica tion lo tli county newspaper. The title must he clear' befor the Secretary of State' toiues- the jretti. Then too, the Warrant sad the survey must correspond TUT secretary of flute Is given dlscre tloa to Investigate so to be sore that the toad belongs to the State. . The lumber eompanlee have had a wa of having some' other person eater lands and would then go on the lands and cut the timber, letting th matter end there, not perfectlcg title end paying the State ao taxes. Kow It Is made a mlidemeanor td do sack a thing as this. punishable by S line of 1100. - tr the legtsuinre bad enacted two years sgo this law, as above summsrlMd, ' the additional revenue Would htve been about $10,000. . . - , 'CA on i a i Jor I far r s ani C A WISGO Recommends Pe-ru-na as Being Worth its Weight in Gold. Xlon. John Paulln, Sr., a picnecr of esteem hy the residents of that placid Ho letter he says: " have used Peruna with good has also cured my catarrh which with but a slight cold. I am recommending Peruna because It is worth its weight, in gold. "JOHN PAULIN, SR. . a i ,One Night Only. Monday Men. 23 CHA.S. BOYLK A9 ODAUNCY DEPOT The Star Boarder In a Jolly FAROE in Three Acta BREAKFAST DINNER and SUPPER, AlQTnat'i ENJOYABLE In Polite VAUDEVILLE. See the Big Band Parade at 11 30. PRICES Reserved seats 75c. Gallery 25c." Masonic Opera House! Tuesday,Mar.24 ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ' Otis Sue & Fred D. Fowler's , . ' Beautiful Production. S I 1 I -Evidence. . .... . v ... . Superb JPlay AU Special Scenery-- 8 tar Chat. Acknowledged the Strongest Drams In the Engtith Language, I MttpES-Mc, 00a, 76c. - ' 50 Operatives Wanted at the 1 ,60 girlsand boys over IB years"of age can find employment iat .the Knitting Mill at once. Work Light, clean, and profitable. - AJl-r'piece work. Bright boys or girls can .earn from $3 to $5 per week, after they learn. ; , ' ' . ' r Apply to J. II. Ved clcll, Cupt. Cout horn Circumstantial Knitting M PIONEER Port Washington, Wis., is hold in hiah is one of tho oUest citlzcn8. In a recent ' results for coughs and colds. It always became worse when affected HIT? What more can you get anywhere in addi tion to Satisiaction P We guarantee that.1. Suits cleaned land pressed 50c. CHADWICK TAILORING CO , Corner Middle and ollojk St rsets gangert Building. MS 5EEDS !j I ONION SETS, white, yellow and red varieties just roceived Large consignment ol Spring 'fieeds from Bnist, Landreth Ferry. Co. ,BEAlH AM'S PHARMA0T. ' Cor. Pollock 4 Middle Bta. IseiVGo! - For Wliatr " To' Get the Best Birbecue ' ,. and Oysters in the ( tfltjv ; v All Eight, Come on XV- HI8 THE PEXOS.' Opposite Henry's Pbarmaoyv; Get the Best. ''4 ... . . t :y The Best Oyster Stews-Crooks " The Best Carbscne Brookfc ' The Best BandwIchet-'-Brooks. K Apples, Oranges and Csndlel all good Brooks. , CoolDHnVs. ";' Meals Served. ' , ' Mr. A. Howell, Marietta, Go., writes! " I have been troubled with catarrh In hoad, throat and stomach for eoveral years, and from accounts that I have read In several newspapers of the good effects that many had received from Pe runa, and whose veracity could not b doubted, caused me to grvo It a trial, ana 1 bless the day that I did make a trial It has made a new man of mo. "I was all my llfo up to about Ave years ago a very healthy man, and about that time I was troubled with catarrh. I tried a number of prescriptions from different doctors but none seemed to re lieve me until I commenced the use of Peruna, and from Its uso I can truly say that I have been greatly benefited. " am now In my eighty-seventh year and can walk and get about as well as many much younger than my self and attribute It greatly to the use of Peruna. I keep some on hand all the time, and consider it the cheapest medl cino in the world." Mr. A. Howell. J. R. Prince, East Leon, N. Y., writes : f Peruna has saved my life, and made a strong, healthy, Jolly old man of me. Peruna Is Just what every family should not be without. I have taken very few colds since I bare used Peruna, but when I do catch cold, Poruna la my medicine. "A minister came te mo last summer and said that he had seen my testi monial In the paper, and began taking Peruna. He said that It straightened him right up-(he R e'itvX- was troubled with kidney trouble) and Poruna cured him. I cannot express my thanks for the benefit your mediclno has been to me." J. R. Prince. Abraham Zlegler, Piedmont, Wayne County, Mo., writes: "My wlfo who is now eighty-seven years old, suffered for about sUtoen years from severo catarrh of the head, wnicn aiiocted her sight and hearing. I saw Pe-ru-na advertised In your al manac, and testimonials similar to hor case attracted my attention. I got ono oottieand it helped her so much thot sho Is now using tho second bottlo and sho thinks it is something wonderful. Her hearing and sight are both in part restored." Abraham Zlegler. In old ago tho mucous membranes be come thlokened and partly lose thoir function. This leads to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste, as well as di gestive disturbances. Pe-ru-na corrocts all this by Its specific operation on all the mucous membranes of tho bodv. one bottle will convinco anyone. Once used and Pe-ru-na becomes a life-long Ktand-hy with old and young. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho uso of Poruna, write at oneo to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your caso and ho will bo pleased to givo you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. BRANCH OFFICE Commission Brokers, Stocks, Cofton.Grain & Frovisions 17 Craven Street, Phone 233. NEW BERN, N.C. Main Office, 61 Broadway, New York. Moderate morglns. Excellent service. Private wires to New York. Highest banking and mercantile ref rences. Brutus and Casslus Would Turn Qrtcn with envy if they ooald seejtlie garments worn by the men in New Bern and made by F M Ohadwick. Well fitting hand some and swell In style, and showing a man with s perfect form to perfection, ot making perfect form in the -man that is defective, If yon haven't ordered your Spring salt ot llgnt overcoat, let ns show yon what a swell yon ean be when ws have made your garments. . ' ; SI Clmdwlck, yall Paper, : Wall Paper.! - Nrw 1:8 Sample Book Ja L .- ' , Received. , , . X ; All styles and all prlies-to $10 per roll. -' - X Room Moulding le to IQ loet ' ' I. GIvetoes trial. aU work gnat Z anteed. - , ; w.-: ,'.,.1 EDOAR T HOLLOWELL, f , Faintet Paper Hanger. . 'Thzrmzc:;':?r: is ko'.v ores ron bubik: ' 'i i v r V c' d 1 r Nice lot N. C. HAMS just received At J. L McDaniel's I havea few gallons of Nice strained Honey at 20c qt. Fresh lot Ontario Buckwheat, Clover Hill Print Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses, Evaporated Peaches and Apples, I'mnea, Codflsh and Irish Potatoes, Peanuts, Canned and Bottled Goods of all kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas and KoastedCoffee. Give me a call. 2! Yours to J. L MtDAMEL, r I 3 Phone 91. 71 Broad St" 600 MEN KILLED By carrying away so many goods from S. Coplon's for less money than they could be bought elsewhere in the city. LOOK AT THIS: 75 Mens Suits rtl, 10 50 fo 8 00 " 5 00 " 2 00 " 1 25 " 1 00 " $0 H'J 4 74 2 98 1 79 98 74 43 1 98 98 89 93 " 100 Cliilds" ' 100 " " 126 " " 100 " " 150 prs Mens Pants 1C0 2 50 1 50 LADIES DUESS GOODS Cashmere in all shades, worth 50c and 75c, for 24c and 48c. 1000 yards largest assortment of Dimities, worth 10c and 12jo for 7je. 1000 yards all kinds Percales, yard wide, worth 10c, for 5c. 1000 yards Hamburg worth )0e and 35c, for 4c to 24c. NOTICE By return of tin's advertisement and purchase of one dollar, each customer will ho rewarded a nice serviceable present. M F WARREN, ) ,. , JIM UA3K1LL, ) lesn.on.. 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill Gaskill Htlw.t Mi I lrp Supply Co., Successors to Gaskill Ildw. Co. and J. C. Fulford Supply Co. HARDWARE 73 Middle St. MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 147. Phone 216." Keep a full siiMjiy of lluilders Material, Hasli, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Stoves and Iianges and everything kopt In a llrst class hardware store, A full line of Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Pul leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nuts, Iron, Belting, Packing, Ilose, Etc. Having consolidated the two houses we are prepared to furnish High Quality goods at Very Low Prices. Thanking the future patronage we are, Vours truly, Gas! Hardware and JOSEPH GASKILL. P. A. A TENDER REGARD for the feelings of our customers and our own reputation induces us to sell only tender MBATB Chop, the toothsome Pork Loin, and tho dainty Veal Cutlet are to be had here at moderate prices. The Oaks Market. Diuik M SODA f v ' DELICIOUS, 1 lIHILABATlnr MfKKWiisv f,S5.:-( ;. i., :r r ' Most pleasant, eftectite. and certain re-: 3 Jr, , lief for disordered digestion; and keeps :t t; v: , the stomach right. A true tonic. Ee--' : : lieves heartburn and flatuleney, ;:; Drives " '. away the owes 1 uairies wors easy. iu : : habit. Pleaae, 200 prs Mons Tants 150 " Hoys Knee" 1 200 " ' 150 " " " " CO rs Mens Hlioes 80 " 100" 200" Ladies " 200" " $1 25 for 70 " 40 " 25 " 3 00 " 2 00 " 100 " 1 50 " 1 25 " 79 48 24 16 2 17 1 69 98 1 14 98 S. COPLON. Hdw. Ci., New Bern, N. C. trade for past favors and soliciting your Mill Snpply Company, WILLIS. JOE C. FULFOHI). REMOVAL ! We have moved from No. 69 Broad Street to , No. 75 Broad St., in the store formerly occupied by Archbell & Co. We have tho same Bargains and polite attention as heretofore. Call on us. Delivery Prompt and Free. M. E. Land & Co. Phone 162. 75 Broad St. Health FOMTi T. W WATER8. " DAVK PttAEMAOt. '1 a : agency!!.' BU4DnA'.r-3 'rHARMACY, F. 8. DrrfY.

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