l- 5 "t&tszzf v V J THE JOURNAL 71 Published arery day U the 7 ear, except Moaday, at N Middle street " from No. 8. CHARLES U .STEVENS, aonoa amb rmopKnroB . SUBSCR1PTI0H RITES' One year, la advanoe 4. -One year, not la advanoe 5 00 ' Monthly . ty carrier la the city SO ' A. Advertlslrig Rates fnrolshed on cation. appll . Entered a the Pott Office, Hew Bern, R. C ai Keond elaaa nutter. Official Paper of New Bera Crajea Coaitj. aad LAXITY IN STATE'S CRIMINAL LAW. The recent murders and homicides. which have taken place In North Caro lina, are not merely of local horror, but their frequent occurrence is most dam aging upon the State's reputation away from home. Coming so quick and fast during the laBt few months, a shooting now must 'involve persons prominent in social and commercial life, to attract any special attention. It waa only a few years ago, that a wilful murder took place on the Fair Grounds In this city, and the shooting Which took place at the time Jeopardized ' a hundred lives. The murderer was given an impartial trial, and sentenced to a term in the penitentiary. He waa fully entitled to be hung, but the verdict was In keeping with the often openly expressed senti ment that "you cannot hang any one in North Carolina." The laxity In the criminal law of the State is really responsible for the fre quent shooting affairs which have taken place. The concealed deadly weapon, carried by so many persons, in violation of the law, makes the opportunity for the second violation of law, to shoot and at tempt to kill, upon the Impulse of the moment, upon what can afterward be construed ,by a court as "Justifiable shooting." Let the law punish in its utmost sever Ity, the pistol Barrier, and there will be few "Justifiable shootings," but while there Is no attempt worth mentlpnlng to suppress the concealed weapon, to cause It to be kept away from the hand of the person, ready to dispute or quarrel, be cause of the seeming protection of the pistol In tne pocket, there Is likely to be only a oentlnoatloa of these local "hor rors," with the murderer finding easy escape fox his crime. With pistol carriers going unmolest ed and unpunished, there will be shoot Ings, and with the laxity of the law In punishing first the pistol carrier, there Is certain to follow the same laxity In the punishment of the use of the pistol, even If murder takes place. YESTERDAY'S MARKETS ? Cotton,' Grain, rWrltiODj aad stock. Ranee la Price. Receipts tad Shipment. The following are the market quota tlons, received by private wire to J. X. Latham Co. New Bern, H. 0. .lifter, TwentyThree leafs of Ei- cracfauuif Agonies and Suffer- ' lips Mrs, Welclfer is Cnrei By Paine's Chicago, March to. Whiat: Open High. Low Close. May 78f M. July 71 711 Bept 69 W OoRH: May 44, 44 July 431 43t Sept 42, 434 Oats: Bay 94J M July 31 81 Sept 28 88 I ork May 1807 1815 .July....... 1725 1786 Sept 1712 1710 Lard May 1005 1013 July 890 992 Sept 990 990 lilha: May 990 . 990 July 962 860 rtept Celey Compound The Life-Saving Compound is The Trusted Spring Medicine in Millions of Homes Through out the World. From time to time adventurers and speculators without conscience or soul, actuated only with a desire to make money easily and fast, resort to the com pounding of worthless and dangerous preparations, and advertise mem as cures for the common diseases that afflict man. and women In springtime. Would $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleated to learn that there Is at leae.t one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. , Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. HalTa Catarrh Cure U takea internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature In doing Us work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. . Address, F. J. CHENEY 4.00., Toledo, O Bold by Orngglsta,;75e. Hail's Family Pills are the best AatMMr miXer Heart. iara-uosrir, irf tbr cliurlty again. . mm rear wnat IS it this time? iron-we are going to distribute cheap copies of Ileothoven'i eym- puomes among trie poor. Music is such an old to digestion,, you know New xor weekly. Mew York. March 20. Stocks; Open. Close Amr.Sugar 127 120f Union Pacific... 91 1 VM. Mo. Pacifw 1091 Hi So. Pacific 641 641 Manhattan HI I 141 Gieat Western.. 251 26 Money H t Amr. Copper. ... 721 731 Teias Pacific. .. K81 391 Wabash pf 50 501 Erie, 1st 681 671 Colorado So 271 Anaconda Cop. . 1231 Southern Ry. . . . 33 33f Southern Hy pf.. 951 LouIsvllle&Nasb 123 1231 Brooklyn R.T.. 671 671 Penn. it R 144 1441 Atchison 831 Mi St. Paul..... ... 1701 1711 Erie 361 361 Atchison pf 98 981 O. S. Steel 371 371 Reading 62; 611 People das 10S1 1031 0. & 0 471 471 B. & 0 941 3 M. & W 721 721 Tenn. Coal.lron. 671 671 N.Y Central 137 1381 Rock Island 45 461 Western Union.. 88iD 88 Ontario Western(31 1 31 A. C Metropolitan... 184 137 Coal, Fuel, Iron.. 67 68f Va. C Chemical. 631 61 Canadian Pacific 131 131 C. & A Amr. Ctton Oil. 42 45A U. S. Steel pf . . . 87 87 111 Central 140 140 Republic Steel.. 20 20 Am, Ice 71 T Del.& Hudson... A. L 0. 8. Leather 12 12 Amr Car Found. 40 40 U 8. Leather pf . . Pac Hid 89 38 MRS. H. A,. WELCHER, Kingston, Tenn., Had suffered Agony for Years. to Heaven that the cry of danger I dan ger 1 1 could be sounded in the oars of all who unthinkingly buy and use such de ceptions and frauds. Fortunately honest druggfits despise such worthless remedies and refuse to sell them. They will tell you with can dor that Paine's Celery Compound Is tho spring medicine they can recommend. They know Its composition, are acquaint ed with the facts of marvolous cures ef fected by It, and have seen Its happy re sults amongst their personal friends. Can you, dear sufferer, hesitate to try this disease-curing medicine 1 It has re stored to health and the full enjoyment of life tens of thousands whom doctors were unable to cure. Mrs. H. A. Wei cher, of Kingston, Tenn., says: "It gives me great pleasure to tell the world what Paine's Celery Compound has done for me. For 23 yearn I have suffered with chronic flux or ulcsrs of the bowels. I have had eight or nine of me Dest physicians or the state at dif ferent time to wait on me, but never bad any relief. I was treatod by several of Knoxvllle's best doctors, and after see ing so many testimonials and so many that I knew, I was Induced by my son to try a bottle, and before I used the first bottle I could feel quite a dlfferenoe that I was getting stronger, and I en joyed my food more, and after taking four bottles I was entirely curod. I only wish that the medicine could be placed In the reach of all suffering humanity." v , FOREIGN FACTS. - ... " ! : .'- a - ' The better claw of Japanese take warm oath every day. ' There are now over 700 women uni Terslty graduate In Ireland. The new civil code drafted for Bwit terlnnd allows a woman to dispose as sne pleases of the fruits of her work. ... 'For colling a policeman "an orphan" a Viennese cab driver has been sent to Jail for four days for "insulting an offi cial." It is becoming customary In Vienna to decorate the graves of relatives with Christmas trees after they have done service for the children at homo. The progress in the scientific treat ment of beets in Qormany has resulted in raising the percentage of raw sugar extracted from the root from 5 In 1840 to 13 (u 1001. The ground floor of John Knox's house in High street, Edinburgh, has beeu transformed Into an old book store. It has been in turn a hairdress er's, public house, grocer's, restaurant and tobacconist's. A millionaire named Galland left to the city of Geneva all his property ex cept bis desk, which went to a lawyer tunned Couchet. When this desk was about to be handed over to him, 222,000 fin lies were found in it. The city cluliiivd the money, but after a legal, contest Com I ict got It. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not n ir ly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by ut ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy Is Immediately employed. There's noth ing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Eleotrlc Bitters. It's wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest alt around medicine for run down sj items. It dispels Nirv ousncss, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c and 'atltfaclloo guaranteed by C.D.Bradham Omyglst. iM LUNGS Weak lungs are mosuy due to a neglected eough. Only a small par cent, of the mil. Bona who have consumption In. nenui, A slight cold.ailckUmror basking rough Is the beginning, and after it ha reached a certain advftfMAt aaM SlMM l .nilln. a. . -" Aav case of-eoruumntlnn lhai la maakui that Is, any one having consumption whose family or friends still hold cn to a ray of hope, may take comfort in the knowledge of uiq lata mat juo Minuio UOUgtl GUTO Wtli give Instant reUef and finally cure. Thls tenons remedy doe not pus limnftJUMr Into tho stomach, but Itoeeri Ions In tho thru saast 111 Reams tho couth. in was mo Dreaming . viisvui 100 pnieiro. Draws out tho Inflammation. Kills tho germs (microbes) of disease. Strengthens tho mucous membrane. Clears the head. Relieves the fererlsh mnriiHrv, RemOVeS even, causa fit th. na.nV mwA Mm WWII vii tfto lulls. (10) Enables the rungs to contribute nt rmne and llfe-sustalnlng oxygen to the blood. Cures vvuii ana au uougn, i.ung ana uronc&lal Affections. CONSUMPTION CURED. Mr physician told me one year ago that I wouH ate Of consumption Inside of a year. I commenced talcing One Minute Cough Cure for my rung trouble and It cured me. I have gained 20 pounds and I am a pretty lire ' dead woman.' One Minute Cough Cure wcu I1IO. H1AKY F . OULU VAJf , OraiHl fUPldS, SllCB. Pleasant to the taste. Good for Children, Good for every body. For Coufhj.jColda. LOroup, WhooplngCough. Bronchitis, Asth ma, rneumonia and all Throat and Lung ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT a CO.. OHIOAQO F 8 DUFFY Slniacr Trllie of lOklmna. A r iiniiiiit of a ntrnnj.c tribe of Ks klMKH luis bi n discovered on South iimjtlciii island, at the north end of II ml nil b.iy. These people hiul never Reel) n white iiiiui until recently. Their huts are built of the great Jnws of whales, covered with skins. In the middle Is an elevation, ou which Is n stone lamp, used for lighting, heating, cooking, melting snow nnd drying clothes. The tribe la almost extinct, only some slsteen being left. The best pill 'neath the stars and stripes It .cleanses the system and never grlpeB. Llttlo Early Risers of wordly repute- Ask for DeWItl's and take no substl tute. A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take and essy to act, but never falling In re- suits. DeWlll's Little Earlv Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to tho liver, curing permanently. Duffy. A Droail Hint. Rtnylnto Do you brllevo In !on courtships, Miss Annie? Miss Aunle Well, I'm In favor of six hour limit on each session, Chlca go News. ... . , , POULTRY POINTERS. OABTORX.. Bern the A The Kind foi Nm Atari 6wM Signature of OOTTOK; Maw Tola, March 20. Open, High. Lew. Close ttch 10.00 10.01 9.8 Apr .. 9.03 1.86 Hay 9.91 9.93 9.86 June 9.78 9.80 9.74 July 9.77 9.80 9.73 Aug 9.S1 9.M 9.45 Bept 8.87 8.9S 190 Oct 8.0 1.97 1.80 'Nov IJ!7 8.57 180 Des 1.52 1U 148 l" a i -V ChlUaaadreTerlsabotMe of Gaora's j TastgLiM OanuTTotio; It la simply v iitw and qnlabat ta I taateleat forat. Ho ; rairo pay. raa to. '?tr&;- - Avi u Aavasstteisre. V;.;' arm KlDgaiey-Yon say you like cot- ore -servants better than white b i .: eaose hey are alower; How U that t f,. ldisw Bingo It takea then) longer to : Mavvxeira and Oonntry, '- BtVff abanrtntt "Wta' a champtoo to oeiasjen, ror arsar la always talkattv. aHOotdtmltta,- ''"" TOO XSOW VaUTTOV AMI tAKOW Whnyo Uk40mrVirTstleai Chill Tonic, aaoaoa the) fonnnla Is plainly' printed oa ervery bottle aawwittaf tkair it Is simply Ire aad qttlaiM ta tafflets Tom. No cure to ay. Price Wo. Unryaei hlrarpeel eettea market eloaed today. Mid. 8.40 Bales 7,090 .Receipts 38,000 Open Close March ; 8.94 Mar-Apr 5J23 gJM Apr-May 5.28 8J5 May-Jane 8 .28 J June-Jaly 5.18 ,1 Jaly-Asg 8.18 i Aig-Sep 6.18 i.i 8ept-Oot47 " 4,( A Full Hand. John," said Mrs. Norton as she seat ed herself nt the hotel lnctikfnst table. "did you cull n waiter';" "Yes," suld Norton, looking up from his paper. "I cnllel him, mid he had tray full." Prickly heat cured In one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. li will also cure'Eczcma, Fetter, rimp lea, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, and all skin troubles In short time, when used as directed. For sale at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. llrathmaue amd Liroay Mr. .Toiiiitbnn Hutchinson, who bp. lieves that leprosy N caused bv eating Imperfectly cured tlsh, Is not disturbed by the argument that leprosy prevails among the vegetarians of ludhi. He does not believe tliut the Urnhiiiiuis really Ibstaln from fish, but accepts the Hindoo proberb that "where there are no eyes there Is no caste." Total ports esltaUted today 11,999 vs 14,000 last year. Estimated reoeist far tesaerrew. Galveston 9000 to 9000 ag alast 4,887 last year. Hew Orleans 5000 te 8000 against 1008 last year, itoustoa 8,500 to ,008 against tN last year. bast w-k 144J0I This arses. Bat. lfOOO Moa. 18000 Taea, 19900' Wad. 18000, Than, loooo - Frt . nooo of 1 -f ir 3 102909 V WU 29 Trie Generais Kecommend Mystic Cure ForiRheuraatlsm. Gen. John Ludwlg, of Winona, Minn., ays: "1 contracted Rhumatlsm during the Civil war, and have used almost every preparation known for -its cure and hare also taken treatment at differ at hot springs. I am pleated to say Mystic Cure for Rheumatism Is the only medloine that has given me Immediate relief. I gladly recommend It to all snf farera from Rheumatism, Sclatlo qr like ailments. No medicines that I have tried are anywhere near its equal." Sold by T. A, Henry, Druggist, New Bern- Chlaeie "Hew Weaua." . Bleb klngklng, called by western ad mirers the Oblneso' Joan of Arc, has arrived in Ban Francleco to get an American education. Mho is a young woman whoso opinions are entirely oc cidental. She bait allied herself with the: Chinese reform party, and the aim of ber life Is to secure the social and political jooonstrvctloa of China. 8he xefased to call upon Mrs. Wu Ting fang simply bocanse tha latter repre eota the offlclar class. , ' . -V lie Stomacli Is The Man. 'i h A stoaiach weakens the man, eeaoaa It eannot transform tha food ha tat Into aoortshment, Health and strength cannot be reatofed to any sick man- or weak woman wlthnnt Krai a. storing health and strength 'to the stoat aea. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive tha tired and ran down limbs and organe of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purines, sweetens and Strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach,- and cures indlrostlon, r" tD(i ,11 stomach troubles, f B iuUy. . . - . inn will nnd that the mere retsolv iu oe usck'ss anil the lionest desire to help other people will, lu tho quickest nnd most delicate ways, also improve vniiraapj j use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin dleeates. For sale at F. 8. Duffy's. niraapd wifh a Wife. A former vlcur of u country parish not far from Sheffield was n Kcntlcrjwn dlstlnculMhul for his learning and for the luisltlon he took at CaiiibrldRc. One day ii visitor to the village got Into con versatlon with one of the parishioners, and tho tnlk turned to tho vicar. lour clei-jrynian," said the visitor. "is n very nlilo man. Why, he is wraiiRler." I never heard that," was tho reply or the villager, "hut bis missis Ib. London Tit-Bits. What's in a Name ? ureryinlng is In the asms when It comes to Witch Hszla Salve. K. O. De- Witt St Co., . of .Chicago, discovered some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that Is a speciflo for Piles. . For blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding Piles, enema, eats, barns, bruises and all skin diseases, DeWItt's Salve has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless eounterfelts. Ask for DeWItt's the! genuine, F, Daffy. Can Ce4. winds from the east are brlnrrina- unuer aiarming rumors that the Atlan tic Is boating so flercctv uoon tha classic sands of Capo Cod that the fa nious bulwark of southeastern New England Is shrinking steadily. Pronhets of evil nro predicting darkly that the crooned qrm of Yankee land thrust oat so boldly against the surges may ahrlvel up and disappear before -many centuries have come and srone. Where then will a lamenting universe look for Cape Cod cranberries, for Cans Cod skippers and the. famous specimens of other salty Capa Cod folkt-Ne York Tribune, - -. . ; A RemarkaUe ase'C One of the most remsrksbls oases of a oold, deep-seated f n Ue lungs, causing pneuraoots, is. that of Mrs.: Gertrude E. Fanner, Marios, lod., who wu. entirely eared by the Bee of One Minute Cough Care.,. She isys: "The eoutblog aad straining so weakened me that I raa down In weight f torn 148 to 99 poaadi. tried a number of remedial to ao avail antUIused One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this Wonderful remedr cured me entirely of the conga, strength encd my lungs and restored me to my ormal we';;ht, health and strenffth." F I " A. healtliy fowl will drink fifteen or twenty times a day. Sharp gravel should always bo sup plied to fowls that arc fattened In close couUnement. Box uests arc all right if made large enough, the size depending upon the breed of fowls. Linseed meal Is excellent as an egg producing meal, but it should bo fed In connection with course or bulky foods. Soft eg;s laid before the shell has formed nre ciuiwkI by overfeeding. Qlve less food and more pounded shells or Umen ater. A varied diet for poultry is a neces sary help to their general health and bin much to do with their valuo as breeders. If disease appears nnd resists reme dies, It is better to begin with new stock than to brwd from those that hove been sick a lon time. A light, sandy soil Is always best for a poultry yard. A heavy clay soli is al ways damp and, unless caro is taken, will cause roup, while a sandy soil, be ing dry. will promote warmth. Cures Cancer and Blood Poison. If yos have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcerp, swollen glands bumps and risings, burning, Itching skin copper colored spots or rssh on the skin mucous patches in mouth or throat. falling ha r, bone pains, old rheuma tism or foul catarrh, take Bontanlc Blood Balm ;(B. B. B.). It kills the poison In the blood; soon all sores erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, ache and pains s'op and a perfect cure made of the worst cases Jof Blood PoiBon. For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B. B. R. It destroys the cancer poison In the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors or suppurating swelling). Thousands cured by B, B.JJ, after all else fails. B. B composed of pure botanic Ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful Itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thorough ly tested for thirty years. Draggists ft per large bottle, with complete dlrec tlons for home cure. Simple free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co. Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and spec ial frei medical advice sent id sealed letter. For sale New Bern by F 8 Duffy U u liradham. "STANTON'S. JM6H4TVV. A ite-ay f Ik 'NeetsrT svs Tali fcr BBS B-yna4. ' A attempt by fJacttfcry OfWar pranton to cook an Irish stew while holding the war department office against the removal order of President Andrew Johnson is one of many anec dotes related by Loais Koerth, at the period mentioned the- great watt secre tary a bodyguard. Feb. 21, 1868, Preahtetrt Johnson ap pointed general Lorsnso Thomas sec retary of war ad Interim, but the now er of removal having been taken by the tenure of office act from the presi dent, Mr. Stanton refused to resign or to vacate the office of secretary. He camped in tbe office, determined to bold it until the result of the im peachment proceedings ogaliist the president, which were then pending in tbe senate, Bhould be determined. For sixty (lays Mr. Stanton held "tbe fort," and during that period his faithful bodyguard, ei-8crgeant Louis Koerth, (hen lu tho United Stutes general scrv ice. assigned to the war department, kept htm company. On thg day lu which Mr. Stanton re ceived tho official notification of his removal by the president be made im mediate preparations for a siege. He dispatched Scrgunnt Koerth to Mrs, Stanton for blankets and pillows, but that ludy refused to send theui. Insist lng tliut the secretary Bhould come home and give up the office. Mr. Btanton smiled on receiving her message and simply said: 'Koerth, go to your own house and bring blankets, pillows end such cook big utensils as we may need." The Irish stew was the first effort of tlie secretary and his bodyguard Koerth, being a Gorman, needed in structions in fhe mysteries of prepar ing tho suvory stew, nnd tho secretary named tho various ingredients, which he ordered the servant to purchase. Both men had spent a bus mid la bortously exciting day, and both wero tired out when the pot was put ou. tbe nre to cook the stew. The conscquenco Was that tho groat Wax soeretory and his bodyguard fell asleep. Tlio secretary was the llrst to be awakened by the smell of tbe burn log stew. "Koerth, Koerth! Wake up, man!" shouted Mr. Stanton. "The stew Is burnlngl" Koerth sprang to his feet, but, alas, too late to save Mr. Stanton's Irish stew. It was burned and smoking, while the pot was a glowing red. Rue fully tho secretary rolled himself up In his blankets ou the sofa and went to sleep for the night supperlcsa. Wash ington Tost. raaalag Plate In a ( hank, There was a very hirge congregation. and the -rector seeing that there was only one alms dish made signs to a rus tic from the chancel cntrunca to come to him and hade him go Into the reo- tory garden through a -floss door Into the dining room, where there had been sugnt refection before the service. bring a dish from the table, -take It down one aide of tbe north assle and up the other and then bring It to the clergyman at the place from which he started. The rustic dlaanoeared. rean- peared with the dish, took It as he was ordered and presented It to the people on either side of the aisle, and then ap- proacntng tbe rector whispered In his ear: "I've done as yer told me, ah. I've takea it down yon side of tha aisle sod up rother they'll none of 'em. 'ave any." No order had been aiven to empty the dish, and It waa full of b cultal-Dean Hole's "Memories." Saellaa la Chtaaae War at o AaSa By softening shellac with beat It may be drawn out and twisted Into al most white sticks and of a fine silky luster. Extrcmo beauty is irlvea to Chinese works of art by tha tat of shellac Some of them are very ancient and of great valuo. They are chiefly e'wcbow boxes, tea basins or other small Objects made of 'wood or metal. They are covered with a coat of shel lac, colored with vermilion, and while tha layer of shellac Ja-eoft and pliable it la molded and shaped Into beaaufa! patterns. Some of these works thns ornamented are so rare and beautiful that even la China they coat fabulous sums,' , . ,,.- ' !t.T - .. . Forking Orerttatv " : Eight hoar laws are Ignored br those tireless, little worksn-Dr. Klot'a Haw Llfa Pills. Millions trtfalwavi at work. Bight and day, caring Indigestion, BIU ousness, Constipation, Sick . Headache and- all Stomach, Liver and Bowel trotii ' -a. Ea-y, pleaosat. safe. !sure. On. Vet to Ktasj l.lkd Boaaa'a rjaaA. In the words of the song, who is Sou- sa, what la be that all the agents com' mend him? lie la the conductor of What Is called a military band: he Cornea from America, tor which great country! so I learned from a press para graph lately, ho has written a national hnthom or march, arm ho has been and tnay be now playtng In London. at tended one of his concerts recently and am now slowly recovering; pot that his pana is at all a pad one. Uu too con trary, it seemed to me quite as good as those that play by order of the London county council to public parks. Tbe Americans are, they themselves state, 9 great people, nod apparently they like great poises. In no other country la, tbe yrorld but America could Sousa and his band have gained tbe reputa tkn they hove there. Musical Critic Loudon (Saturday Itovtew. Orlando, Fla., Oct 9, 1901 TheJHancock Liquid Bulphur Co., Balti more, aid. Gentlemen: I take pleasure In roc m mending Hancock's Liquid Fult hur to any onenfferlng with Eczema. I hate had lt;for ten or fifteen years, have trie 1 many remedies and found no relief until Iwaa Induced to try your "II. L. 8." Hare only used It s short while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth fully say that after fifty years a prac ticing physician that your Liquid Sul phur Is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I have ever known. Tpurs respectfully, DR. W, W, LEAKE. For sale at F. a Duffy's. Humility is tbe virtue all preach, none practices, and yet everybody is content to hear. Heklwi. Mind is that which percerv remembers, acta and la oaM continued existence. es, reelsJ sous of r - " - A nervous, rrfttkble mother, often on the verge of hysterica, is Bnflt to care lor children; It ruins a child's disposition ami rends upon herself. The trouble between children and their inotln-r.4 too often is due to the fact that the mother has some female weakness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her m-m-s that wrraraing & child involves ; it is imprmsible for her to do anvtliii"; cfcrrnly-. 'She cannot help it, as her condition is due to sull'ciinf; :,., shattered nerves caused by some derangement of the uterine sysi. in with backache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and nlie is on (In- , it ,. of nervous prostration. When a mother finds that she cannot tie calm and quiet w iili lirr children, she may be sure that her condition needs attention, ami sin- can not do better than to take LydlaE. Plnkhaiu's VogetuMo Coiupoui,,!. This medicine will build up her system, Htrengthen her nerves, and enable her to calmly handle a disobedient child without a seem-. 'I l children will soon realize the difference, and seeing their mother ttiii I, will themselves become quiet. Mrs. May Brown, of Chicago, III., says: ujeam mm,. nn&HAH : Jionor wo Ylnmi honor is due,' and you deserve both the thnnl,-, and honor of the mothers of America whom have so blessedly helped and benefited. 1 Inh,. used Jjyain n;. X'lnkltnnrH Vcfrctnll rum. I pound when I would feel run-down, ihm. m-. and irritable, or have any of the aches ami nniM which but few women escape, aud 1 Imvc f, ,u m 1 that it relieved roo at once anil pave me n,-w strength, ftcveral ladles, members of our l.n crary Union, speak in the highest praise of v, ,ir Vegotable Compound, as they have been eiu.il rrorp serious Icmnle troubles. One l;i,ly, who thought she must submit to mi operiv tion, waa cured without usintf uiiythlnj.' in the world but Lydlu K. Pink him i'h V i f; c table Compound and SunutlM- Wash. You have hosts of friends in rhiciiL'o. i,n,i r - if you came to visit our city wo would dclijrhl to lo Gratefully yours, Mng. Mat Bbowm, R7Grant l'lnce, Chicin'o. 1U. How Mr. PInkham Helped Mrs. McKinriy. " Dkab Mbs. Pikkbah : I feel it my duty to write and let you know it,, good you andjycmr Vegetable Compound are doing-. I had been sick ever Kin, n tny first baby Was born, and at the birth of my 6ocond, my doctor, u U , , myself thought I should never live through it. After that menstruation n m, -t came regular, and when it came I suffered terribly. I also hud womb ni l ovarian trouble. A friend of my husband's advised him to pet I.vdin I-:. Plnkham's Veffetable Compdund for mo. At first I had no fulth in ! but now nothinfr could induco me to bo without it. Menstruation lift Ih',-,mui regular, and I feel like a new woman. Your medicine Is a dod-send t Mill, r inp wimen. I hope this letter will lead others to try Lydia K. IMiiUlian'i Vegetable Compound. Yours truly, Mas. Milohkd McKinny lm , ;,, l 6t., San franclsco, Cal." (March l(t, 1901). , - FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. If there is anything In your case about which you would lllo poclal ndvice, write freely to Mrs. PInkham. Address is I, win Mass. Her advice is free, and her advice Is alums heh.ini m swnr 1 -aT IV AST? you honor. $5000 FORFEIT U wo cannot forthwith produce the origloal lottom anil Mxl.nin atiov tontlnmulals, which will pro,e their absolute genuineness Lydia B. PInkham Medicine Co., l.jnn. .M M The j.x fortune i lector of would l arithiiM , the leiist Tho lin.-ii, the cnlle. bo Icvli must i: i. : r ! Alt the ilulv Hk. DlKloH. i ! i::h,v tlnillk ' i Mexieiin col i If he were he 1 1 1 1 prolilelliH ill w : : I. i.uM innlic llnillng co;,:i.:',n ini:lli';li- seem easy. . l.iml-ler recently told lois I hut to llnil the duty to .1 I In i.y ulveii lnslialce Ihcy oi c In: IT of I he lllllolllit i:ulcil at the pri-viiilinir rate hy VJ-S 7 V., . I lie i nto of exchange for gold, and divide the iirodm-t hy im This will give the amount uctuallv uav- Jkblc lu Mcxicuu money. Notice ! Notice Is hereby given Hint I will n ply for deed for lot of land N o. s Hi'u'i'' Alley purchased hy mo at Shcrlll - .-i land sold for taicB on irnh .,f lu!v 1IW2. OKI I. Kll'-ANK March 17lh, 190:1. PLAINPROOF What Thli Qentleman Sayi Ii a ' rurq tatemeart a. Fa da. Ho one can have any leason for dls- eatlni from the partlonlara and proofs which follow, for verification of the same Is within easy reach of every real dent of thta vicinity. That Doaa's Kidney Pill promptly aad effectually ear kidney eomplainte lis substantiated aotonly la this partlcnlar ease, but by all who!hara alvea them a fair trial. Tsttlavoiy likewise shows that yoa do aothava to take them Indefinitely to be Cttred. Walter KcLachlla a machine hand, aiployad at J. Holllday Bona planlni till, WheeUnf, W. Vs., addreat 803S Js aob street, aayti "Had I aot need Poaa'i KMaeyPniawaea I did t would aot be aura bow, , I waa la a terrible condition allhtrack 1 took onarU of aMdlolna I -lot ao batter,, bat worse, friends poM of my bad appearance aad thous ands knew abottt It. I eoald hardly (at aroand, and fell aad looked like a dead ataa mora thaa a living oaa Qoaa Kid aeyPDla were a blasslof to ma, half a boi relieved aia, . three aoiea antlrelr arad aw aad adw I feel a thottgh my naoa waa at atroag as Uat 6f my horse la Wheeling. .1 would father kaVa a boy iwaa'a Kldaer mil thaa Ike tar- yloea of all the doctors la tha Bute. foi tale by all dealer. Piioav CO eeata bo. FoaUrUllbora Co., Baffalo. K. T, sole tjreau for the U. B. -' . tfemer- r the bc 9Doa'i and A Good Thine. German Syrup la. tbe special Drescrlo- uon ot nr. A. Bctchee, a celebrated Ger man Physlcltn, and Is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries ia Medicine. It .qalclily cores Coughs, Oplds and all Lvg iTowhla of the sever eat nsture,remolng u It does, the cause of the sffecllon and leaving the parts" In a tlrong and healthy condition. It It not as experimental medicine, bnt hat stood tha lest of years giving satisfaction In every case, which Its rapidly Increasing ale eve,ry season eonflrmt. To ml. Don bottles told aniMlly, Ooathea't Qeiman Syrop wat .Introdaced In the United States In 18(8 and It now told In every toiwn and vllltge In the civilised world. Three -d oi ei will relieve any ordinary oovh. Price 20 and 75 ctt. At yoar dragglst's. ' To Whom il May 1'om rin: Notice is hereby Riven that l.-.m lost cerllflc.ste No. (1:15 for one -hrr, stock of the Atlamlc an, I Nmlh ( Ho R It. Co . apnllcallon will lie in -,. for a duplicate certificate aceooi,.,, tho rules of the. Coinpaiiy. II It W'ASIIIM, I UN. March 17ih, lima NOTICE. Certificate No. Ififl f,.r one hloir,- Capital Slock A. Ai N t:, i:. K i . Issued by Ralph Hell havlaK la 'n 1- sl , will mako application for a dap I ii March IS, 19U A. I) WAlili Assignee J II. Mnnn, Adm Knli.h I:. deceased. OABTOniA. Baan ti, jy lhe Kind You Haw Umft Rmifh AT THii PtAfrW 4VLlTOBACCO FERTILIZER. IIMW LEAF iinn .mill 1 1 . lot fiii laudt of Eaatern CJablln. Inauroe rood euro, makes Wrapper, and illa y0ir PurWv' ' hiStttWi not reahinpod, we ilaim rreauneaa and OtnA atw,.'.! njut:.- . nigVprodfl CrijbAgoi rotato, AHqrop and Cotton Ouano. . Uae o.r good, and hm Wiwrwti;' -V;Z nnmrn. J f C. I). Pr " d-r. i tnketiot " r. , ,'