" v. if 1 " ,.-4," v. THE JOURNAL. vt Mew Vara, . Karen 81, IMS. 10KGB DIRECTORY. .' ruiniinra.tinai wn 1 1T1TIOHT8 .. Of HAKMOflX. Wednesday nights In IS ma vh a Moa month 1b Rtreet. at 7.80 t o'clock, tiamnel H. BeU, fresicienr; . , t H. Emit. Beo'r, R & BUI, Financial , ,v , Secretary. ' , -.jf.nv . - . - Inaex .ta Hew A4TerU$ement$. ; t X Benton Hats. C Owen C Dann Inks. James BDnwson-Ltjnes, etc. '? f ! 1 Dann & Co. Two piece suits. : T ' Turner Furniture Company. l The Pee Hive-Not a tithe of bargains . 1 " JSimmont & HolloweU Co Anxious to . ,V eMeUyon. t .Bashiess Locals. 'Zl tBW ABBIVALS-Limes, for LimJ - . 5 adei, Fancy Applet, Oranges and Bv jama, fiannauy'i vauu, u -f - B. Dawson, 10 Middle atreet, .' ,809. . Phone SARATOGA Serins: Water lait recelred at Jacob' Cafe. IF YOU want a fancy number and name plate pat on you noose, .aee me after S p.m. I have the latest thing. JoiH. Helton. x TO RENT The lower floor of the Bmallwood home No. 116, corner Craven and New ttreeti. Apply to Mies F. B. SmalUwood. - THERE I I hare torn my pants, and where can I get them repaired ? At Wil lis and Chapman, Tailoring Eetabllsment , Cleaning, pressing and repairing; will ' also make clothes for yon. Give ns a trial and we will try to give satisfaction. Remember the number, 69 George street. ' ' next to Dr. W. L. Lassiter'i office. Tours truly, G. Slover Willis, A. Chapman. SOME very fine Oysters are to be found at James B, Dawson's, 108 Middle street Thone 809. FARM FOR BENT Or sale on Pem broke Road, about mile and half from New Bern. Mrs Anna Dlnklns. Chloride of Lime at Davis' Pharma cy. CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. To the Democratic Voters oftheC.ty . of New Bern. I hereby announce myself asacindl for the Mayoralty of the City of New Bern. Platform Good streets and sidewalks. Btrlct enforcement of the best sanitary conditions. A business like and thrifty administration of the public affairs for the benefit of all citizens alike. Econo my In public expenditures. Very Respectfully, JAMES W. WATERS. For Sale X GO cords, or less, of either Oak or Pine Wood. 13.60 per cord at A. & N. C. Trent Warehouse. , PRIMROSE AND DEWEY. We have just received oar spring line of clothing serges, cashlmeree, flannels and wool crash, also a line of pants, swell patterns, also all the new things In Pat Lea shoes and Oxfords. E. W. ARMSTRONG. Maple Syrup 85c qL at J. It, Parker Jr. . .. Moth Balls at Davis Pharmacy. Have yon seen the new Lace Hose at Heckburn'i. T That was a delicious cup of coffee. "5 fjf 'Tes, made from Haokbum's 80c oof- f " What grand rolls and bread. Buy I. X 1 Floor from Hackburn's. ' Don't bay anything.ln the following ' tines tfll yon have seen our stock Ladles Una shoes, dress goods, in all - gradesaoasIlks, notions, hoselry, table linen, towels, white goods a specialty, ribbons, etc Will save yo raoswy, see os and be oonvlnoed. Respectfully, v J.J.BAXTER. , Hackbarnhaa the Utost thing In all 7 V tr Chiffon. , ' , ; ..Baxter Is agent foe Ike Coemop ; . 'Jttaa patterns, they are itaadard pat ' term Bade with- seasa allowanoe only , Oe each or patterns farntsbed free with - all dresses boght from $1.00 . - Nloe lot 'Horth Carolina ham lBo at J.B.PatltatJr. ' , t fiickbarn's special tale . this . . week, s- : 44 BUs White Bliss Seed Potatoes for California evaporated Peaohes and Apricots 10S at J. B. Farter Jf, ; i.:. k fall and otapitU' Um f Interna. al stock and povttty food; for tale at J. Jl. Tarker Jr. c 3??h&fi&&C'. ; coitD'ttiii T VI'IS, faatl nll AROUSD AND ABOUT. V The frame work lor Dr Bhem'i new house la erected. wl ' ; ' : The guano factory la-making and ship ping large quantities of fertlllaera. Messrs G H Waters ft Bob have made S fine delivery wagon for E B -Hack-burn. - v r- - In a letter to the Journa the Rev. Eight C Moore, says he Is charmed wltll Chapel Hftl, fait new home. V -:; Reserved seats can be secured "for Monday night's performance 'at : the Opera house by calling at Waters store. - f- A new addition to the Henderson Tel ephone directory ft Mr F P Avery, fore man of the A. & N. C. shop whose num ber Is 858. The weather was showery yesterday with the temperature again above 70 de grees. The forecast Is for fair and much cooler weather. T.J.Turner Furniture Co, received first car load of furniture yesterday, and shipped half carload to Jacksonville and also made another shipment to Trenton. This Is a fine start for the first day. The cucumber proposition of the H J Heinz Company, has been received with favor by the farmers, who are stating how many acres they will plant. Let there be more replies and a big acreage, over 800 acres guaranteed. What Is thought to be an attempt to blow up the gas works was discovered yesterday morning when the engineer went to build the fire and found that the water had been turned off. Had the fire be n started there would surely have been an explosion. Whether there was a malicious intent to destroy or simply carelessness In leaving the valve open (or the water to run out, can not be de termined. Sunday School Convention. The pastors and Sunday School work ers of the Neuse and Atlantic Associa tions are to unite In a Sunday School Convention with the First Baptist church here March 86.39, which will be next Thursday to Sunday Inclusive. Committees from the two sections have united In the preparations of an Interest ing program. The meeting begins Thursday night when a sermon will be preached by Rev. Geo N. Cowan, the eloquent yoang Klnston paetor. Rev. T. Nell Johnson, Field Secretary of the Baptist Sundsy School work In North Carolina, Is to be present during the entire meeting and he will render valuable assistance in many of the discussions besides making some addresses. It Is expected that Mr. W A Cooper, the noted primary expert of Raleigh, will also attend. It Is hoped that Rev B W Spllman, so well and fav orably known all through our section, will be able to come, but some weeks ago he could not make definite promise to that effect. The program contains the names of prominent ministers, teach en, lawyers and business men from every part of the territory to be repre sented. There will be morning, afternoon, and evening aesBtons Friday and Saturday. Preaching Sunday morning and even ing, and In the afternoon two meetings In connection with and following Bun- day School; one for children, the other for Sundsy 8;hool officers and teach ers. Our people of all denominations are most cordially Invited and earnestly re quested to freely and faithfully attend the Convention. The meeting is de signed to be stimulating and profitable to all interested in Sundsy Bchool work and it Is desired that large audiences will svall themselves of the opportuni ties to be afforded. OABTOTtlA. Bun tat Tsi Had V01 Hnt Uwip BongH "The Stir Boarder." One desiring a few hoars of recreation willmake no mistake In attending a performance of the Star Boarder, which will be presented here on Monday nlgbt The play Is an np-todate farce comedy with plenty of songs, danoet, medleja, and high class vaudeville numbers. . Mr Boyle will be supported by twenty clever people and everybody will enjoy this treat of our theatrical season. Fewer Gallons; wears longer; pevoe. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. D. Ward wasn Klnston ytt terday. Mr. H. Percy Manson, Is In the elty on a business visit. Mr, P. H. Pelletler returned from Hew York last night, - ... ...V.r Capt. Ed Foster, of Bwansboro was In the city yesterday. William Cleave of Vtnoeboro was In New Bern yesterday, Mr. Charles G. Blade,' of Laurel, Del Is visiting relatives here. Mr. J. i. Morton and ton ' Clyde, of North Harlow, were her Friday. . Senator W. 0. Newland, of Lenoir It the guest of his brother, Mr. B. A. New, Mr. Bnaw Bonnet, horee dealer; of Aurora, was In the elty on business yet MtG. V. Rkhtrdtoa, of . Dover at tended the meeting of magistrate here yeswruay. . j -u e t". -cAr': -v:.::'i. AavoniA. lr : : .... . . '. Attmores Condensed K!nce Mert 10c 4 B Harreyi Commissioner.. The Board of Magistrates met at the court house in Sew Bern -en the :80th day of March 1903 at ISVclock m. pur suant to call of chairman, i .' r i 8 H Lane was nominated' and elected thalrman of the meeting, "and. Geo B. Waters, secretary, no other nomination being made.", : The question ol a quorum being pres ent, was raised, but - samt ' was over ruled and the meeting proceeded to but Nomination for ' Commissioner, to fill vacancy, being In order the name Of J B Harvey of No. 1 Township, was placed a nomination and seconded. . " There- being no . other nominations, lpon motlcn of O T Watson, Mr Haitey was unanimously elected by aoclama- t'.on. . '.V - ' On motion meeting adjourned sine die. GEO. B. WATERS, , " - 1 Secretary. March 90th, 1903. Circumstantial Evidence. Madam Janaschek, .regarded by many people as the greatest living actress, wtn much of her public favor when she wi 1 appearing In James M. Martin's "Har. vest Moon." Mr. Martin, as well tt scores of critics, contend now that his masterpiece ls"Circumstantlal Evidence" which will be seen here at the Opera House Tuesday March 84. In this piece will be seen every human emotion. Th4 polished vllllan, seen so often In everyday life; the beautiful araoterp Ruth Cast If ; Arthur, her be trothal, an Innocent man convicted on Circumstantial Evidence; the drunkard; the typical Irish policeman; the South ern negro, as well as many others. The play holds Its audience In wrapped at tention from rise to fall of Curtain. a . or .-c:. Mrs. '. :.';!. :..::..'! i 'HI 1 i:u'..'t at om :: ' Mrs. .)..". Ai.l 1 v 11s so vexed v. l cii I couldu't vome! You sco, our cook lind company unexpectedly, nnd she needed ns to fill out the' card tables Detroit Journal. 1 1 1 The eyes of other peopl? are the eyes that ruin us. Kraukltn. Carter's Inks Jut Beceived a Shipment of Carter's Inks. When in need of ink re member whore to buy it at lowest prieet. Owen CL Dunn. I 69 POLLOCK ST. C.J. McSoftey & Co's GOOD CONFECTIONERY. So ood that the baby can eat Its fill of It. What It there in pure, delicious con fectionery to hart either baby, child, or grown up persons f There are no purer materials than the ones we use, There Is no cleaner way of making confectloa ery than onrt. x t 1200 Cheap 'V : ion. s5 9 I, jil n Brln-f Qood Health dnea Budwela baer-owat madia" on uur. pose to do- so. ' Furthermore," it aoes more tban onoeae of drus to keep you m good haalth. Asa Spring tonic there is not remedy In the whole materia meutca nan so gooa as tiuaweis beer. p.; Taylor, .r i-'- v NEW EKttN, N. C. DAVIS PH A KM AOT.OtE AGENCY - -:-j-0R Inspect X 1 Are you -going to miss ; THE .OPPORTUNITY I OF A LIFETIMIJtq secure a -I'C 'Oome now. '. - 1326 Piano for 325, $10 cash and $7 per month, r At STIEfF "VVAREEOOMS, nndex Bttalj IlalL - Artiatio toning. ". I Iro-Qum. The finest of tonics, put . up . in sugar coated tablets. Guar anteed to cure chills and fever. The greatest anti-malarial remedy ever in vented Money refunded if it does not cure. Price 5c Pkg. Formula submitted to your physician on request F. S, DUFFY, Dmpt, Cor. S. Front & Middle Sta. Ai DEALERS IN General Hardware, Etc. 79 Sontii Front Street, NEW REBN, N. t . J. W. WOOD, (Successor to Foy dbJWood) Practical Tinner, PLUMBIUG AND GAS FITTING All work guaranteed to give eat itfactjon. Can b i found tat the shop on South Front Street formerly occu pied by the firm. J. W. WOOD. Phone 220. t Mf This space Reserved for Announcement of - Candidate for Mayor. t '1 Good barktnaT Horn 'v -:h r v v hitched to one of our lisrht and oomtortable buggies, runabouts, pbss tons, traps Or sarreyt on Sunday even ing In May makes a man extremely hap py when he has his best girl "but with Llm. it Ton select any kind of a vehicle you mat, iron a ngnt tea Dope to a three-seated surrey or cabrlolette from our high -grade stock of carriages, at pnees tnat yoa can t neat anywhere. tjjs put Hebbsr Tires on your old or new Wheels. We shrink yonr loose tires In wachint wtthoat catting them. Everybody is invited to see the machine at work patting new bolts in old placre G.Vn. .Waters A Hon, T?Z 5.:; ' - Phone 18. .r.-r t W Broadfc, , Hew Bnwi, N 0 U B. He -II V. a Oat Oat k C Cesx'Jt Cirti r C...e V c--e : :.ac lt4i fir v A We lave just In' a fine stock of Mens boys and chlldrens shoes, neck wear hats, clothing oollais, etc, All in the latest stvle. and cheaner than b flnt .class store tu the tovrn ever thing guar anteed. .-;- .. Vi .5 7 i'5- Retpectfollyr ccccooBoaonnoncaoDcuccCw: II "THE DEMPSTER HAT o o $3.00. "THE BENTON HAT" $l.SO, $3.00, $2,456, 3.00. No Higher. " None Better. o a o o o a o HATTER AMD HABEB9A8IKB, 97 Middle Street CCCC900aODODODOaODODOCCC3( GOOD UMBRELLAS At Nearly Half Price. For Ladies and Gentlemen we have Just received direct from one of the best manufacturers 10 dozen (120) Fine Twill Silk Umbrellas with all the new handles in the assortment, in cluding Pearl, Silver Oxidized and Crook, these umbrellas WAfA Tnivia n croll fvAm 1 OK 11 ri - mmv SA Dt.ll 1WIU SB a MM Ml tpL VKf COUily T Our Special JPrlee 08c each. I BARFOOT BROS. New Furniture House ! DISOSWAY & 85 Middle St, Turner's Old Stand, House Furnishing J AtPrices that have never been known before. L Call andlsee us JUDOS TO TEL TOO. We're anxions to tell yoa about the New Seasons Merchandise. Want to impress on joi the fact that this store is filled with the best products of the beat markets. Want to emphasize the economy of our prices; want to create in"yo the desire to yiait or store and make a personal investigation of all that's been nought for yon. This done the rest will bo easy. A fine showing of Spring Dress Goods. Careful buying makes profitable s?lling. Profit, able for us; equally profitable for yon. Our stylish gown staffs are all roost temptingly priced. JEtemlnes, Mohairs, Voile,' Crepe D ChlrJea, Pean De Crepe, are th stylish gown staffs. Let as show "you the prevailing shades, , i TbzBiMyof Oar Silks is in the ojaality and.tia Ttlue. Ton will find It very . ; satisfactory choosing from oar stock. " Two special lota ' '; we call yowattentiott tOc' 7(o Taffet io all eotora and ; 'i- the $1 00 Black .Taffeta,-a inches wide. SpeciaT val- ' "neBlniroulards. . - ) v. ;i riiTnink. we've got aWtewythuig thita newest and . , vbest In Wash Goods for waists and snnuaer gowns: Z SSpeofnJ lot of 10c Dimities and Batista, k " - r. " ueady for yoa in the Stocking -m'-Stock. i-Qva luceesa la. hosiery selling is jdrse to' thfct w .hosiery that we sell none but honest for them than yon would for- trash In soma sections."" Your attention Is Called to Our special : value In; ohUda ' ;and ladies hose 10 if hati. ire cosiddlhebest 18 " vjadlea hose on the swtofc'.lp;fr. :m Bpecial Offerings in 85o,'50'l 6q and i is Lace; Striped Ladies Uose.s 'Vv'-": . ..-t - .' i lA-t '.' JJeaaiiful Lisle Thread Hose, 8()o.valueic., : v, 'y; FfT Sal or Kent. t The convenient and pretty hoTna on National Avenue, next to my ewa, and formerly owned by Mr7Ben SQulon. Prefer to sell and WlU do so cheaply and on easy terms. ' - j T.W. DI WST, o o o i i 111 before buying. w ' - seUlnir roods and von tv no men TAYLOR u () UUP o ) ) o In all the, Ldtest Fabrics and Designs have Just Arrived. A Handsome Line .-from S7.50 TO S15. - These suits are made right. Coats cut in the New "Varsity" Shape; Pants full in thigh and knee and small at bottom. Suits in regular sizes, stouts and slims. We can fit anyone. We also call special attention to our line of Extra Trousers. Swell patterns all wool goods, in fact equal to the best "tailor-made" in everything except the price. We urge you to inspect our line. We Can Save You Money. J. G. Vunn & Co., Men's eft Boy'ti Wear, "57 IFollocife Stxeet- Not a Tithe of the Bargains we offer Obtain mention In our Ads. We are going to sell Boys and Child ren's Clothing this Spring. When we say SELL we mean SELL. Our line is coming in and we will be ready to show them in time for Easter. They are made by the Sykes & Abkirch baum Co., whose reputation for Childrens Clothing is national. Their advertisement may be found in any of the magazines. See ours before buying. Our Mr. Hill is now in the Northern markets and next week we will offer some surprises. The Bee Hive PATTERSON & HILL, 61 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal Church bcccoDODoaoaoooaoaotioooDoi T. J. Turner Furniture Co. O The Only Exclusive Wholesalo Dealers and Jobbers of , p Furnitare, Mattresses, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Yed ' Q Springs and Feathers in New Bern. 1 f " All goods shipped direct from factory in solid cars. 0". U Mail Orders receive prompt attention. jaws Salesroom and Office: Planters Tobac , O co Warehouse, 88 Middle St., Opposite ".Uur Old Stand, NEW BERN, N. C. O () Open 7 a. m. , Close 7 p. m. J5 ' Phones: Office 272, ccccononononoqonooonocccoi powtf 4 tht Aaaves, Irssi SOIO COO cnnnAno Residence 264. TTaMiVAUic UI IUW UUUK wnac paymg poor ptuni meana. paint may be low-priced by th gallon and be extravagant to naej owing to the poor covering m.r. ' v . . i i . . i . and wearing .quality. Alter pednt ia' applied it's too lata to 6uut tht tad om . .I'iUJUImI BY pVg. at J R Parker Jr. f Ci - f 1 'M