THE journal; New Ben, H, C, March 24, 108. LODGE DIRECTOR!, CRAVEN LODGK NO. 1 KNIGHTS , OF HARMONY. KhU tad and 4th Wednesday nights In each -month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 I o'clock, Bamoel R. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Poo'ft &B. HU1, financial Secretary. '-,. -v ' . Index to Hew Advertisements. 4 8 Coplon For Easter, r To the Democratic voters. J O Whltty ft Co-Duster. ; J S MMer Go-carts and carriages, f ,Mr A. B Ferebee Pupils wanted, Bee Hive This .week. ' Blmmons ft Hollowell Oo Wash fab ric ' . i Bullet Locals. MRS. A. B. Ferrebee, would be glad to have a few pupils, either primary or In termediate. Please call at 17 Johnson street. ; " - 3, 8. MILLER has just received fine line ot up-to-date Go-carts ani car riages, made np In the latest improved .1808 make. We would like for you to see them If you do not purchase. J.S. Miller. THE Phoenix Duster sells for 16c and win --outwear any 78c. duster. Full; guaranteed. J 0 Whltty ft Co. . NEW ARRIVALS Limes, for Lime - ades, Fancy Applet, Oranges and Ba nanas. Nnnnally's Candy, fresh. James . B. Dawson. 108 Middle street. Phone SARATOGA Spring Water jast received 1 et Jacob's Cafe. TO RENT The lower floor of the Bmallwood borne No. 116, corner Craven and New streets. Apply to Mies F. B. ' Smalllwood. FARM FOR RENT Or sale on Pem broke Rosd, about mile and half from New Bern. Mrs Anns Dlnklns. Advertisers ! JDlianget of ads. must be 'in this office by noon to Insure change in the following day's Issue. List of Letters . Remaining in the Post Office at New hell, Craven county N. C. March 23rd 1908: MEN'S LIST. A Isrell Adams, Elm City Lumber Co. B A F Oreen Bryant (dead let ter). C George Collins. . H Marvin Hudson. J J H Jonea, - K-Capt Thos J ElUlan, Barge D F . Bush. M-J L Miller, J F Mitchell. P Henry Polk, Bellalr, N C. 8 -Charles Smith, Bellalr, N C, Mr . Btelnehepper. T James B Taylor. W Peter Wykoff, Hotel ChatUwka (5), Wm Webb, John Washington. WOMRK'B LIST. BMrs Elisabeth Brlnkley. D-MIss Blanche Dawson. V Mrs Rebecca Fields, Mary Fore- man (col.) Lima NO. . fl Mrs Halloa A Green, Mrs Eliza beth Oaskins, Mrs Esher Green,13 Broad Bt. " H Mrs Victory Hill,' M rs Martha Ha f anson. ; T Mrs SB Pickett, Mrs Susianor Polk.'. . B Mrs W H Biggs, Mrs Monerva Bell town. ' . - 8-Mlsa Delay Bpensure,14 Queen St., Maggie Simpson, Miss 0 Herrey Smith, ear of H Carrie, Mrs 8 A Bmith. " To anyone knowing Mrs Jennie Tay lor, or Wm Addl Eastland. County seat of Craven county. . Persons calling for the above leturs wtn please say advertised and give date of .. The regulations nowvfequlre that one (1 tent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. . S, W. HAXOOOK.P. M. "f-OA'n?in,tA.' 'r sWst;"TIoIMfalliwleiiiBooj)t .. ' I Chloride of Lima at Davis Pharma- 38 Bbls White Bliss Seed Potatoes for sale cheep at J. R. Parker til's. , . ' , California evaporated Peaches and Apricots 10a at J.R. Parker Jr. , I , ; ' l '' ' '' ' A fun and jcomplet line of Interna al stock and poultry food for sale al J. It, ratter f&&$i!faft v;.' it ...!-. , . j-' "a i s i 0 Tun. tov wait. f CAPUDINE ; ' ) ; "X CN THE HEART. ; lit :i rrrsteret, '. VOTfi FOK SUBSCRIPTION. The SMclal election ' for .the 050,000 bond Issue is on today. The polls will open St 7 a.m. and close at 7 p. nn It is urJ to the people whether this very valuable railroad enterprise Will be buUt to New -Bern or not, Sveryoody Ik Interested In the welfare and wish to see It grow and prosper. " 3 here are Immense advantages in nav lng this railroad. It will surely be built, If not to New Bern, as, will be de cided today, it will go to some other place. Tne-queetion is, Can the people afford to lose it? Voters should not shirk a duty where there is so much to gain t success and so much to lose by defeat "It all depends upon the voter. Let there be no apathy In this matter. The ballots in favor of the Issue will have the word "Subscription" printed on them. Mske no mistake and be sure 4o vote for subscription. Contract For Cemetery WalL Thos F. McCarthy, chairman of the Cemetery committee, of the Board of Aldermen of the city, who recently ad vertised for bids to complete the wall around Cedar Grove Cemetery,' has let the contrsct to H A Brown, Jr., of this city. The well will have a foundation of one foot, and be four feet high, and one foot thick, and in addition there will be two Iron gates. The wall will be composed of live shell rocks, and when it Is built will prove a substantial ornament to Cedar Grove Cemetery. Go to Hackbnrn's for wash goods. Tbe Star Boarder. The farce comedy The Star Boarder, one of the funniest shows of the season was played last night before a large and appreciative audience. The Star Boarder, Charles H. Boyle, Is a very clever comedian and is supported by able artists all of whom created a good Impression. The imitation of Floradora and Souse's band were features that were especially enjoyed. The singing was good. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Father George went to Goldsboro yes tcrday. Rev. HightC. Moore came last night from Chapel II 111. Mr. E. C. Potter of the N. A S. rail road, was In the city yesterday. Mr. E. H Meadows left yesterday morning for a trip to New York. Mr. C. T. Levlnees, Jr. of Baltimore, la a gucBt at Mrs. Kate Richardson's. Mr. J. A. Patterson left for Savannah, Ga., yesterday morning on a business trip. Mr Raymond Jackson of KlnBon.epent Sunday In town and returned home yes terday. Mr. M. B. Gowdy returned Sunday from a week's visit to the oyster Indus tries on Core sound. Messrs. M. D. W. Stevenson, A. D Ward and W. W. Clark, are In Raleigh on professional business. Mr. James B. Blades came from Ral elgh yesterday, and Is the guest of his brother, Mr. W. B. Blades of this city. Mr. Will Morton of Beaufort passed through tbe city yesterdsy morning en route for Wilmington, on a business trip. Mr. W. C. Newland, who hu been visiting his brother, Mr. B. A. Newland, of New Bern, left for his home at Lenoir yesterday. Rev. J. W. Reynolds of Wilson, who conducted services at the Christian church In this city Sunday, returned to his home yesterday. Honor Roll Miss Ida Hargett's private school, at Beaver Creek, Jones county, enrolled the following pupils on the Honor Roll for March. S Misses Eunice and Belva McDanW, Wauolta Wetherlngton, Ruby Heath, Pearle Harrison. Ruth and Laura Tyn dall, Masters Claude Health and Klrby TyndalL OLIVERS. . March Jl. Farmers are progressing finely with their crops. We are glsd to ssy little Nellie Parker Is getting well sgaln. She hu been very m. - : Mrs. Carrie Davis of New Bern, and Miss Mamie Jones of Wilmington, have been visiting friends' and relatives In this place. Messrs 0 M. and J. D Heath and John allium, Went toNew Bern' today.. There will be a nice school oommsnoe- ment at Scott's Hill school, house Friday night, March 07. Every one Is Invited to attend. " : ''i? r '-. Miss Bessie Ketchum of this place is spending this week with friends and relativetof Pollooksvllle. 4 '" Vi' IhlallUKwKmmmnBBtf ,. Chlldt en's new slippers at Htckbum'S 'Foi1. Bale! - 50 oordl, ot less, of either Oak or Pine Wood. C0.S0 pet 'ord at A. ft N. O. Trent Warehouse. 'V? ' ' '4 yf, PRIMROSE AND DEWET. J ' Mspls Syrup OSe qU at J. R, Parker ' Moth Balls st Davis' Ihirmacy. Attmores Condonsed Mince Moat lOo phg. at J It rarhcr Jr. V .OEZt AROUND AKD ABOUT, C Vote today and vote right. ' Go see Circumstantial Evidence to night. j , . - , , ' Vote for Subscription and all will be ; Fresh pork : it being brought In from the country. A load sold here yesterdsy for seven cents the pound. " ' The interests of tire city win be vastly inoressed by the P-04 W. rallroai. Go to the polls and do your duty. n . Mr J W Reynolds a student la the Atlantlo Christian. College at Wilson preached la the Christian church Sun" day. - Every person who enjoys a Srst-class drama should see Sun ft Fowler's beauti ful production of Circumstantial Evi dence. Circumstantial Evidence Is rich In comedy, pathos and fine acting, beaatl ful special scenery and stage settings. Do not fall ts see It. The Berfoot Bros received a handsome show case and counter yesterday which will measure 18 feet in length It was made In Grand Rapids Mich. During the severe gale yesterday morning the boat lying on tbe upper deck of the steamer JPerlle May at il e foot of South Front street' was blown Into the river. The Vernal Equlno commenced Sun day with its usual unsettled weather and continued during most of yesterday. There were several quite violent gusts of wind and downpours ofrs'o. Tbe forecast for today Is fair and cooler. The practice the boys have, Jumping on and off the trains as they psss through town, Is a very dangerous one, and should be prohibited. Moreover, their ellnglng to the steps of the cars is s great nuisance and .hindrance to pas'en gers who wUh to get off at, or near the stations. The prelnall our neighboring. cil lea speak In the highest terms of praise of8un ft Fowler's production of Clr cumstantlal Evidence. Judging from the tremendous buslaess it has been do ing In other cities we are safe In predict Ing an overflowing house beie. In Order to secure good seals patona should buy them early thin mornlig at Waters. Bnntla BlgnatTiK j ins wao you Haw mm bough First Game of Baseball. The baseball se&son will be opened this afternoon at the base ball park when the School team and the Rrgulars will cross bats. Following Is tbe line up:- School Regular! Tucker c Gasktll Patterson' p Uardleon Armstrong 1 b Eafer Prettymen F 2 b McLschlan Dill 8 b Bell Hanks s s McSerley Lasslter 1 f Arnold Pretty man C c f Williams Thomas r f Hoirell This will be a good garnet The teams have dope very creditable woik at prac tice. There will be no charge for admis sion. Fewer Gallons- wears longer; Dei oe. Cosmopolitan for April. Among the series now running In the Cosmopolitan may be mentioned "How to Administer a Household" the April instalment deals with tbe pert exercise plays In the preservation of health. "Making a choice of a Profession Med. tclne" is discussed in the April number. "Captains, ot Industry" the sketches In the current number deal with Jacob Henry Bchlff. the great financier, and Henry Osborne Havemeyer, the sugar king. "Mankind in the Making," by H. G. Wells; "The Young Napoleon the Genesis of a Great Career," by Field marshal Viscount Wolseley. K. P.; " Roman oes of the World's Great Mines, The Calumet and Hecla," by 8. E. Koffett, forms the subject of the Aptil artide and Henry Beton Merriment novel, "Barlasch of the Guard. We have Just received our spring line of clothing serges, -caehlmeres, flannels sad wool erash, also line of pants, swell patterns, also all the new things in Pat Lea shoes and Oxfords. . ." , X. W. ARMSTRONG. .; See the new Pat Sandal tot Infants at Haokbora'a. .v,., v.; ' v hi r.Pat JHack bum. has tbe ne1 Gibson Ties.. f : ' SXasonle Opera IXonsel Tuosday,C.1ar.24 ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY . Gun Bar. ft Fred 1). Fowler's: ' ". ''Beautiful Production Evidence;-; Superb riayAU Special Scenery Star Cast. Acknowledged the Strongest Drama In the English Language.' " ; PRICES loo, 60c, 75. . DAVIS' PHARMACY, BOLE AGENCY FOR . St i Circumstantial Are you going to miss THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME to : secure a ' : ' Come now..' - A325 Piano' for $225110 cash and 7 per month. At STIEFF WAREBOOM8, index Stanly Hall. ' ArtUU&tnnirjg. MMMMMMMIM t To tbe Democratic Voters of - the City of Hew Bern. ' V I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination for the office of Mayor ot the City ot New Bern at the primary to be held for f that purpose. I hsve occupied the X office before and pledge myself to z a strict enforcement of the laws and that I will give my personal attention to all matters in which the Interest of the City and Its im provement are tnveivea. Wm. ELLIS. To The Democratic Vo ters of New Bern. I respectfully solicit your suffrages at the Primary election to be held In April for the offloe of Mayor. An Intimate knowledge of the City's needs snd affairs acquired during the past several years as Alderman, aided by my knowledge as a citizen for many years, qualify me I think, in some meas. ure to perform the duties acceptably as we'l as to the best Interests of the city. To apply business methods to muni cipal affairs, and Impartially advanco and safeguard the City's Interests will be my earnest desire. Very Respectfully, thos. k. McCarthy. CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. To the Democratic Vnteis of tbe City of Nik Uern. 1 hereby announce mjself as a c. ndl for the Maynialiy of tlie City of New Bern. riatfi.rm Good sheets an J sldewtilks. Sttlct cnforcrnirM of the best sanitary concilti.irjp. A business like and thrift; administration of the public affairs for the benent of all citizens alme. Econo my In public expenditures. Very lie; pict fully. JAMK8 W. WATERS To the Voters. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of Mayor of the City of New Bern, subject to the action of tho Democratic primaries. e. R. STREET Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for renomlnatlon by the Democratic primary to be held In the city, for the position of City Tax Collector for the ensuing term of two years beginning May I0C8. Most graciously thanking, you for your support In the put, I ask your favorable consideration again and if elected will perform the duties pertain ing to the office, to the best ofsmy ability and satisfaction of all. Most Respectfully, J. J. TOL80N. To the Democratic Vot- er.s of New Bern. I shall be a candidate for the office ot Chief of Police of the City of New Bern at the coming Democratic City Primary, and ask your votes In behalf ot my candidacy, I propose to serve the peo ple by good publlcfservlce not Ay prom isee. Respectfully, . RICHARD P. MONTAGUE. -Uum. - The finest bf tonicsr. put up X ; in sugar coated ? tahletst Guar-;V r anteed to cure . 'chills and fever. .The: greatest antl-malarlal "remedy ever in- vented. Honey ..refunded if it' does not cure. , , Price 23c4rkg. .. Pormnla submitted jrour " pbyaiolan on request ; ' 1 Cor. B. Front & Middle St. ummun jnmrm n. fie ffe a Oat Got C Ceagat Cured. 'nl Cure f? tnm tl i j.a.c. I ".vi.frtm' 4 f - I lUiu SI ( i i 4 r tot Hi, ' i : 1 1 j- li i i PIA3STO Iro We hate just in a fine stock of Mens boys and chlldrens shoes, neck wear hats, elothlog collars, ; etc, - All In the latest style and cheaper than any firsti -1 . I. . V . - .1.1 1 1 uiww v0 iu iup ,-tuwu ever iiuug guar anteed. ' ' w v ; . Respectfully, 3, 3. BAXTER. ccccoosoaonnonononocccciD 8 "THE DEMPSTER HAT" 11 O 3.00. o o "THE BENTON HAT" $1,450, $2.00, 2.50 3.00. No Higher. .None Better. ' o o o o a HATTER AND HABERDASHER, 97 Middle Street, occc3aoooDODoaoaoDoaococ3 GOOD UMBRELLAS At X'nrlv T . . For Idiaa Anil O An f.l a tn -wwwvu no AAA TO JUBb IWOITDU UUWl irom one of the beet manufacturers 10 dozen (120) Fine Twill Silk Umbrellas with all the new handles in the assortment, in eluding Pearl, Silver Oxidized and Crook, these umbrellas wfm mrwl a tv oall .vM i or a., ai srv i . w ovi aiviu fi mi spi oj eaoOf I Our Special JPrlce OSe each. 1 BARFOOT BROS. Saving atfhe Spigot Wastrng at the ftungn JK'fiPr power the save, ssSherwin-Williaus (Made to paint buildings with. mm SOLD HlMAJf SUPPLY COMPANY. The Finest Expo sition of New Wash Fabrics Boer attempted by this store. It pays you to make your selections early for by so doing you get the pick of the styles. Every piece is bright, fresh and crisp and prices have been made so reasonable you will be tempted to select your Summer Outfit now. - Handsome line of Zephyr Ginghams, all fast colors i very newest ootor combinations in stripes and checks, a Z une Binooin iaono, irno Large stock of FJrle A Double fold Madras, 1 i :2fC FmeSoftFmi8hedChambray,aneolors,121o. Beautiful line of Una Pine Quality l6ov: We are ahmorln th v X Class nosiery we have ever Iw stripes fo Init v Very Special Values in Fine Imported Lisle Special Values in Ladies Plain Hoie, at 15o 19o. X 1 Our lOo ChlWa Hose n - For Sale or Keni; k The convenient and pretty home on National Ayenue, neit to my own, and formerly owned by Mr Ben 8 Gulon. Prefef to sell and will do so cheaply and oneasy terms. " T.W. DEWET. o o llnir a 'JS-awa m Jt. m mW "BV An wa- 4mj. -aa j:-4. That's what buying poor paint means. Faint may bo low-priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to the poor covering and wearine Quality. After paint is applied it's too late to start agut gaa use The Paint: X BV go. F 0 Ginghams 1 Ac. very fine cloth, Special Prion Mercerized Ginghams, very f . n.nrf iin. truh .. e , Wwn,; :tK&i:i:t.:t ICaM'knd 'UOk.-tk 1 1 todies Fine laoe' Striptd ' t i Thread Hose, 89c.:'.'' vf V ' t- are unnaaal values. . - -.' In all the Latest Fabrics and Designs have Just Arrived. A Handsome Line from . 17,50 These suits are made right. Coats cut in the New "Varsity" Shape; Pants full in thigh and knee and small at bottom. Suits in regular sizes, stouts and slims. We can fit anvone. We also call special attention to our line of Extra Trousers. Swell patterns all wool goods, in fact equal to the best "tailor-made" in everything except the price. We urge you to inspect our line. We Can Save You Money. IJ. G. Dunn & Co., Q Men' & Boy' Wear, ( g 57 olloclr Street- j IT WILL APPEAR REMUS Bill mmm True To think of selling Embroideries at the prices we are going to place on them for THIS USES. Edgings worth 25c to 75c all to go in this lot AT 10c TO 25c. All New, Fresh Goods. The Bee Hive PATTERSON & HILL, 61 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal Church ccsoDODODoaoDODODoaoDoaoo O u ID to a o : a o n o T. J. Turner Furniture Co. g The only Exclusive Wholesale Dealers and 'Jollors of q Furniture, Mattresses, Cooking and Heating Htovtn, Htnl Q Springs and Feathers in New Bern. g . All goods shipped direct from factory in solid cars. Q h II Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Q Salesroom and Office: Planters Tobac- O co Warehouse, 88 Middle St., Opposite B Out Old Stand, NEW BERN, N. C. Open 7 a. m. , Close 7 p. m. 2 ; Phones: Officer 272, Residence 254. g o o CCCSCODOaODQDODODOOOCCOOO AT THK HEAD W ALL, TOBACCO FERTILIZER. ft; J 4: Specially prepared for the iands good cure, makes Wrappers and Fills t .as oar goods are manufactured near - yon ana not resbippea, we claioi Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. " ' D!gh Grade Cobbage, Potato, Allcrop and Cotton Guano. . Our Mottw "Not How Cheap But How Good.", Use our goods and have nd regrets. ' . . . j E . C: J. A. HEADOWS'Ca, IVn'frs, r.v. ' ;y ca !.. 1 rjyer. ' . " NEW JJERK, N. C, " ',: on (i mm t 10 SIS. 4 o 1 1 , 1 1 1 ! I m 'of Eastern, Caroling v Insures Tour Purse. .