.'.7 V v, - :i 1 The Kind Ton Have' Always Bought,' aM vbicb baa beak' in use for over 80 ean. fcaa AU Counterfeits, ImitationB ftnd Just-M-goodM are baft . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health T 's , Infants and ChUdrenr-Ejpertoiice agalnrt. J3ierlinenfc Castoria is a tonnlesauhstltnte for Cantos ,011 Fare" gorio, Props and Soothing eyrapamlt U pleasant. ft , contains neither Oplnm, Slorphlno, pot other Norcotla ' substance, Its age la 4ta guarantee It destroys Worms : and allays Feverlshness. If enres Dlarrhoaa and iWintl r Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, ooref Constipation r and Flatulency. It asslmilates.ih Food, regnlotea the fSttnmnATi nn! tlnnrAla flr!wt liAnl1 anA iaatiis1 IaAii I ine vnuaren's fonaooa xoe GENUINE? Bss.w P"-. a ar.ssn TheKindiYouHaye Mrs. Fred No. 228 Territorial Street, "I un cleawd to efv mv experience with wine of Cardul as I am very grateful for its help. After my first baby was bora I could not seem to regain my strength, although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting Better I grew weaker every day. My husband came home ooe evening with some 'Wine of Cardul and in sisted that I take It for a week and sea what it would do for ma. As he seemed to have so much faith in ft I did take the i medicine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly returning. In. two weeks I was out of bed and In a month I was able to take up my usual duties, I am very enthusiastic In its praise," rlOTHEEHOOD is tho noblest duty Vl and highest privilege women ' 1 can achieve or aspire to. With out this privilege women donot pot all there is in life too often they ro through the world discontented, wrapped up in their own telfiah cares and troubles. How different li tho happy mother, watching her children grow into manhood ana womanhood, A mother lives as many lives as the has children their joys and sorrows are Jfn Jtmi direta WINEofCARDVIifi THE X ELE B RATED Garland Wood Heaters Wejare the agent . Breech Loading, Single and Double Barrel, HammerleSB Shot Guns. Full line Ammunition for Sports men. Sash, Doors, Blinds ' General Hardware Under Hotel Chattawka, .. NEW BEIWr, W. C The Farmers & BANK: Capital, Sarplus sal fronts M,IM.M amtt ' ait'rh:- leai ' T- i-i-.i';- What Ws) Hr Dons, Do, yuA WI1J OootlaiM to Do. C: i Tblt Bank oondacts its beslneselpoa 'oo-to-now" methodav .'-j-v Wr It Is onr purpose to deal justly and -iberally with 0,-''A.-i-.: ..ft . ' We carefully saferaard the IntereaU of our customers, Moroovor, we fret qaently do illanknown to them; as op; portunltles often come to 4s ia conflden tlal ways, and yoa cannot orer-appedate suoh consideration. -i ; We are not disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of the Bank and those of the peoplo are closely bound to gether, and cannot by : any meant be separated. , ' This Bank acts as a repo'Bltory for Wills, and safely keeps th-m till the proper time of surrender. Y til also aot u the eaatodlaa of money or papers Utft with ns la escrow.' No charge for these services.' . r Ws procure Letters of Credit for Ir. tending travellers. ; . " We airs to be prompt, progressive and liberal. - .-... ' la the natter of aecomrnodatlons, tMs Bank meets every requirement willtln the limits of pradont banking- If yoa have never been lduutlfln'l wiih as m a natron, we ak you to c.i r the advisability of beron 'inr onn. r, la theearly fnlnrn, ; i - t i SSOVel, yot ut, .. t i feature to ,o .r Itltutlcu. h 'li' :;ir borna thn Rltmfttnm ; ana dm Den made under 2U per 1 BotaX supervtrldn elooe its InOuiey. , - - AJlaiwnooDdtodooelfOToaUithls.' jqigASTORIAj jaoine ALWAYS Viirath, Benton Harbor, Mich. ben, as arc their ambition, trinmohi and defeats. Healthy women do not suf fer irdicairian nor does a woman who is healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It it the woman who is ail. ing who hat female weak-neef-who fears the ordeal of becoming a mother. Wine of Cardui builds op the wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains irregularities which - are re sponsible for barrenness and miscar riage. It makes a woman strong and healthy and able to past through pregt nancy and childbirth with little suffer ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wine prepares a woman for a speedy recovery to health and activity. Wine of Cardul, in re-lnfarotng the organs of generation, has made mothers of women who had given np hope of ever becoming mothers. Wine of Cardul will euro, almost any ease of barrenness except cases of organio trouble. How can yon refuse to take noli a remedy that promises such reliof from suffering? Wine of Cardui simply makes yon a .bong woman, and . strong, healthy women do not suffer. They .look for-, ward to motherhood with joy. tiffexinff women found relief in ' ine of Cardul. v - B Yoajiave .1 Rheumdtisiii Ttm. It alM snalJnt, Kldnsr udi BtoSdet dtsfsssa, cum) by an axetss ori Brio add, It am sails, and bauds pf lb tealUAsd strenvUi whU lns tt. ? rodittAiB Soetwok of wooHrftii etr-l tlAnMa. PAia. DM bottl. SSKI fcr dro)Hrti7if yonr drturelst esa Ml topriy yoa It lfl " "t1 wtwwV) sjm ' OMteMrsm-n-a tMuM l;ilruilKUes KNUlLi; IssMLI a vic 4 v4 mmi I wlttWMffMsNs. TfthMfa4kas PssSsH-1 IrtlllllDsSsI SUifl nnu r rr ur euua. a aasU 4a. m 1 tusH m ri iiswUt TsjsstteBawUlt is UOt IW aHsms uum, by i. ,tTfll HHSsl Ifcti f"JSt. kUsMstr Ch Mas m Cr v. WIT HMH as) ' I WW... I unrs 01 awrphlia, (ouium, . landuoa, pllxlref opium, eo- PAIRLtSat Mi: ifr sooi of pe UeulsnoakosMOi uatorliisi treat ment. addrms, B M. WOOLLKVOO, KMN.PrrormrML. auaata,. ttwtsiaT I0S tOU HOME U8I -.s... e Clean,' pore wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distlllod water and free from impurities. Specially - ia tended and prepared f of human oot sumption, ' ' . ; " - Ice delivered daily (except Bundayi) amtoopsB.-' .- - . fnvlxys (retatl only) Ta Bso ItBoott. tor prices ana otoorjnioTmauon, - Addrasa,:' -' V , "r Heme Ice fo. A .Gcod : BE:iVIC3 13 'nec;.' ;tt, cosvr ;-.: A BUBINKM8 A BOSS 72. A COM- ATwavs BouOit rAf! m FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Sasert-wtty at AlanlBtam - t'teMlla. lumluloin utensils sceui deelgned ex- Btcealy for the woman who elects to do her own housework.,,: . c (i.,-. Copper kettles Teqolre eternnl- vigi lance and scrubbing to keep them pure and bright," said a houBejnfe. of expe rience. BTen a pnrverteasel .ln Jwhlch eggs have been cooked, baa to be ovrd i get off the eraln, and tin rusts' and porcelain lining discolors. But ro msT boirplcKIeAor chowder or any concoction with acids In an -alu minium pot for hours and there wqn't be a spot to i showj It to as pure sapor, celeln. And S for the iontslde mi the platter, .Swing 'to its high polish the alrjmium pot, or kettle , does not get half as smutrv hs utensils of other wares; nnd therefore one nvolds much of the drudgery associated with the kitcheft sink, i fltid also that anything put on to rook In hn aluminium vessel gets done much quicker thon if cooked In copper,' tin or iron.'. Then I can lift and move tho larcest aluminium uten sil I have'ea'slly jwlth one band-Clevc- land rialn Dealer. . . . Tstar Unesw.... .-. nnenem fs itiot h. safe guide either for durability or lusting; beauty. Weight is the standard of price, and It is not advisable s to ' buy "table linen that weighs lees than four and one-half ounces per square yard. The compara tive merits of bleached and unbleached napery depend upon the use to which tt ! to be put and the opportunity for bleaching by the housewife, for common or rough use It-Is often 'well to buy the unbleached and also in the country or suburbs, where one can bleach it on the grass or out In the sun, but not all city housekeepers are able to whiten their linen. The Ger man llneg wears well, but It is not so snow white or varied In pattern as the rish importation. Meat Teadcrer and Senaoner. Borne beefsteak is so tough that the housekeeper prefers to subdue it with the hammer or. some other implement before submitting it to the teeth of fault flndlng boarders, and It Is prob able that even a tender piece of meat IS improved If the fillers arc broken up before it hi i-ooked. While n num ber of maclilues linve already been In troduced for dolnv this work it Is prob able that the one here Illustrated lias one feature not lonunoii to those In Use. It Is the Intention of the Inventor to have the ment Reasoned at the same time the fibers are crushed by the roll ers of the machine, thus Incorporating tbe salt nnd pepper with the meat omros tins condimsnts nrto ths meat4 more thoroughly than can bo done by hand. The-apparatus consists of a pair of toothed rollers suspended in a frame, with tho teeth of one roller en tering depressions in the opposite roll er to subject tho slice of meat to the crushing effect of the 'alternate sur faces as the rollers are revolved back and forth by turning the crank at the end. Pressure is applied to tho rolls while In motion by springs mounted to tbe frame, and tho latter opens on ono side to permit the removal of tbe parts for cleaning. After tbo meat has been crushed sufficiently a slide is opened in the condimvnt bolder In the top of the frame, when further revolution of the machine -shakes the salt and pepper down on the rollers and grinds it into the fibers.. , Ue ( Dealm. ' lightweight denim makes good, dur able work aprons, easily washed and ironed and always clean looking. Lightweight art denim also make s very serviceable crumb cloth under ths dining table ossve the carpet or mat Una from tbe stains of the men's fet Tack the corners down with brass headed tacks, which may be bought for 6 cents. - boas' four doaeu In a box. When badetiUeoV the -cloth may be taken 'up and washed. . Many, use heavy art denim, of which there la now a rirtoty of pleasing shades,' for Boot covering and chambers, sewing or din ing room. . Jt wears about as well as carpet and costs about 1,9 cents s yarn. '-r'jT'V5 ': '' ' ' ,: - ; '.','.' -: ''I f ' :-C M Parama. , -;';v Many housewives .who. do their own preserving are not ware that the par sfflsf wsjutsed-ln cbverlng tho Jelly lasses can be used again season, after eaaoo. One woman who is obliged to consider where the pennies' go seldom buys' hew supply of the wsx.:As each Jelly glass Is opening during tho whiter for serving at tablo the paraffin Is removed, washed clean end put away In a tin cup kept forth purpose. When preserving time comes again, there Is Uttle store ready at band; 'Jgfi A Jood thing for the housekeeper ts know aboer Is Individual chicken pie. For this use tbe remnants of tho chick en or turkey that are left from previ ous meaL ' Make S rich pntttry and line patty pans with It; mince the chhken, season It well and fill it into tbe pans, saoUterdng It Slightly with the gravy J put on a oover of the crust as for any pie and bake- Barre with .them the gravy Icff from tbe chicken. . Homo times children like these little . ptee for lunch st school. y-yy Lisrrrra TOAcabisEASfe, , Ter nsnently cured by the masterly power of "Porrrn AxmnoiS NsRvms Tohio," Invallili neod suffer'no longer, boc"" this r'-t retnody esn en re thera all. . - ' r t' i ' - orld of ' i. t ST AVLONQ SENTJiNCEy fte-tTir-DliieBte4.'ie ' Loajer '.m Kvmrts .Bres Ud. -- 4- Abram fL Hewltt.had a Terr hinjbie wit and dearly loved & Joke. Hs was once a guest at a dinner which Includ ed jtlecorder Smyth and Senator JSvarts. The recorder was poking fun at the Senator and read from g;; newspopei cllpplng-.whnt purported to be a sen tenee from a recent speech made by the senator, bat which was In reality' Wholly nctltkras, 'as the senator knew quite well. At: its conclusion the laugh was long and hearty et Mr. Evartfl' ex pense, and no one laughed longer or heartier than the senator himself. , ; '; As soon as the laughter had Bttosiaea Mr. Hewitt suddenly leaned across the table and, looking rather sternly into the smiling face of the recorder, said In a well assumed tone of reproach: "That certainly 1b a remarkable sen tence, your honor, but criticism of It does not come well from you .if today's newspapers are to be believed, for they contain a scntonce of much greater length which la attributed to you.'' "Why why, how Is that, Mr. Hew itt?" inquired the recorder, with con siderable confusion. "Because," said Mr. Hewitt, with the utmost -gravity and that grim- smile which always accompanied hts best savings, "you are there quoted as ut tering a sentence that was to last through the whole life of the prisoner." Philadelphia Ledger. The Vanal War. A man had a piece of news. A reporter beard of It t he reporter called on the man. And asked him about tbe news. ' The man played balloon with the re porter. He swelled noticeably and said: "Tou fellers never get anything right. Bo I won't tell you." The reporter did not get angry. ne knew the man was a fool. Ho had seen him before. He knew the real facts could be had from no one else. Yet the reporter did the very best he .could to get at tbe truth. V . n .1 V. I , 1 . ... . n. KA I. Then the man who had refused to give the facts arose early and bought a paper to see if the facta were distorted. They were. And he said: "I told you so." Query .--With whom should the nubile ycorn to get even the reporter, who did his best, or (the arrogant tool, who deliberately refused to help him? Bal timore American. Anlmnln nnd Rain. It seems strange that no'nnlmal, un less It be the squirrel, seems to build It self a (inciter with the express object of keeping off the rain, which they all so much dislike. Monkeys are misera ble In wet and could easily build shel ters If they had tho sense to do so. "As the creatures hop disconsolately along In the rain," writes Mr. Kipling in Ills ' Beast and Man In India," "or crouch on branches, with d:lpp!ng backs set against the tree trunk ns shelter from a driving storm, they have the nir of being very sorry for themselves." Rut oven the oinng outnng, which builds 0 small platform in the trees on which to sleep at night, never seems to think of n roof, though the Dynlis sny that when it is very wet it covers Itself with tho leaves of the pandauus, a largo fern. London Spectator. An Ait studr. "This Is a bust of papier mache." Visitor I swau, If he don't look enough like George Washington to be his brother! Town and Country. vrA vegetable liquid for governing or sqaalliing tbe flow of women's menses . which occur about one in every lunar , month. - v . .ICjambFIELD EemeJe Regulator i : '"'- '::- "f ' ' . Stha SSMnttal quality of powsrtal beets.' active, nliabl and harmless In Datura, : mnlloitv and aolaoa. - It is a eoncentratad waaaea bast adapted far woawn'i dalleata orgaolam, and put ia - anon form mat u in not onir paiataoie, nut otn be properly asslnUatad and taken lata BIO toppairaa, tflppraaetoa, palnltit obtlTo n. liraarularlty. of th nanaes and aloklv Sow are corraotad ad enrad by the rafrutar I. admioiatratloa-el this supMlor fmvuam ... lienitruatkm, av periodlo flows; aeoMSt ' tat breaking down of cells tlntna. the nucoue mambrana and a raoonatruottoi aftaf avery MsanaaL irolcn is aosompaniaa r ttb markad aoagaation and loss of blood, ach ohanuM are vary apt to prodnoe ohronlo oaurrh. Lqorrhaa or wallas, Is (ha reanlt ef theta Irrluting dlaohargas. taynlaiaf enrea thaaa trooblaa and reatoras to perfect health the patient who saCfered ihdebtlUating losaea, bay of druggists. ; p0ufua?4 booh,'"Parlae rlaaMh lar ' THS ORADFIEtb REQULATOR CO, .. ATLANTA. OA. :' 127 Middle St. . . full line of Dross ind. Medicine.. Perfumes, Toilet Eospa, etc , also the following Mineral Waters: - Matchless Mineral Bpring, Buffalo IJthla, Hunny. adl Janoe, Uunyadl tlatyaa, Carbaoa, Veronica, Apenta, Bed Haven rJplltsj. Combs, Cruslieri, Toolh Brushes, " . -" ' . . Tailorlne Tooth Taste. COLUMBIAN IKSSCTICIDP;.T Creolum," the (r(.' t I )!:;), fectant and - . l'"! I ; V- Ur.yer. j ,t 'VATssssr: . fgsw-- , - -. -.... - i j -.j The Great Spring Remedy. After the rigors of winter are felt you. are liable to feel the need of a tonic, laxative-and v blood purifier: 1 YO0; WANT THE B.EST OF COURSE; THAT IS RHEUM This medicine is scientifically compounded from the extracts of roots, herbs and barks, combined with certain other purifying and alterative products. A sura cure for Rheumatism, Indigestion, Constipation, Boils, Kidney Troubles, and all diseases arising from impurities in the blood. Ask yowr draggiats tar RHKtlMACmE and Inalat on getting U. Beware or snbatitntea or doubtfnl vaina. ' ' All Druggists, or Bobbltt Chemical Co., G-ood as Atlantic Coast Line's iooo mile book Good over 18 Prominent Lines, Aggregating 13,000 Miles. They Sett for $25.00 and will be found a Convenient and Reasonable means of travel. Apply to any Junction Agent. WM. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, ' Wilmington, N C. Order ot Publication. North Carolina, ) In the Superior Court Craven County, j Before W.M Watson, J. F. Goodwin, vs. John De Foorte and wife Rachel, Sidney Tsylor, J. M. Bragg, ct al. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above baa been commenced In the Superior Court ot Craven County for the parti tion among tbe tenants In common of a certain parcel of land situated in No. 0 township In said county, described as follows: Lying on Ihe east side of East Greek and both sides of the main rood leading towards Newport, N. C, con taining one hundred acres, said land is known as the "Jaby Taylor land." That said defendants will further take notice that l hoy are required to appear before W. M. Watson, Clerk Superior Court Craven County, In his office, on the 85th day of March 1908, and answer or demur to the said complaint to the said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In, said com plaint. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. This the 4th day of February 1908. . A. areas , Fraa. M. H. Meadows, V. Pre H. SI. Grovee, Caahler. CITIZJEJfF JSADTK, . or mjiw sssKrjr, xt. o. Doing QeneraJ Bsutklnc Business March 1, 1001, Surpltu and Cndivl ided Profits, lfl,000.00r Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to Us. Account received on favorable terms. - ' Boara t Dlaetora. rasMmaaS tnnes t. A. Meadows,' Saisnel W.Ipoek Cbaa.H.I'owiar. J. W. Uralnaar. B. a. ateadewa, Ohaa.Dnfly, Jr. -Jamas RedmoaS, mmjmm Iran, Tbomu A., braaa . w.omauwooa. v.m.roj, -9ee.ll.ive. . . r.r.Oroekett. - . - . Mark Disotwsy. f'-Vy 44 EXPJEBIKNCI mm Anrwt tmnAing tkotth nnd 6mmivtirm mat an kk lr MmrttUn our opinion lrM whtythor ma fnTtsnUfm la prohnblf psutilablx CorumunmsV ttoniRrietlwmnrtenUaa. Hsindhnok on Ptat lent rr, umn aunnoy lor sMmnnc pALssnia Wtfjnisi takM tFirouih Mnnn k 1S, rotif 'k hanrlavtmsilv flftisiffitTsfl WMfflr. fjafsMMt Hi '''tiltttttn of nr fflUntiao yurnJ, ' lmn.a wi f'ar montkiclt Sold byiJl nwimotjsjrsj. X 4; - . . -"" --' ", ,r -Whll in Beaufort be sore: to stop at ths Rasell House. ". Flrst-Olsss Board. A horn for trVJtng people. Fishing and hunting ttneioelled. Terms M s Tll per week, " v ' . '.-' O S. BU88KLL. Pros '? NOTICE!. Notice U hereby given that at 'th Sheriff snlo fot taxes on the 14th day of July, 1003, the underlined purchased 10 acres ot land sear ITiYolork In I'(, 6 Township, said county, llnted to Tcrrin Crynn as pr tns llt for 1!I01, and mill on or aft it I'd 1! h day bf Ju'y 1. 3, ; '7 tn t' I ff O'hvcu county v a .' ! t ' ' ' ' ACIDE. express prepaid:- a Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A. a Pass. A.&N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 28 ToTakBEfloct Sunday, Nov. 8, 1908 at 7:05 A. M E. b T. HloingEttft Schedule: Ooing Wcm No. 3 Passongor Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m btationb: Ar. a m 8 30 Goldsboro 11 06 3 5!) LaUrange 10 83 4 22 Kinston 1018 5 40 Ar. New Born, Lv 9 00 5 60 Lv. " . Ar 8 87 7 16 Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 06 No. 6, I No. 6, Passenger stations: Passenger Train Train. DAI Lit. Lv. A. M. A.r,.r, h 8 00 Golds bo ro 8 80 818 Best's..... 8 08 8 26 LaQrange 7 57 .8 87 Falling Greek 7 47 .8 48 Kinston 7 87 9 02 Caswell 7 26 918 Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 9 60 Tnsoarora 6 60 '9 66 .w. Clarke 6 42 10 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 No, 1. 2d Class. Lv, a m 6 00.... i6 88.... 7 00.... 716.:.. 880 ... 840.... 942.... 1007 10 82 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 2. 2d Class Ar. n .Qoldsboro 640 .Beat's 6 00 .... LaGrange. .... 4 85 . .Falling oreek. Kinston... oaswell... Dover.... .... 410 .. . 9 46 ... 2 .... 910 .... lit ....1848 ....1240 .oore creek. . , Tuscaxora. . 10 62 .dark's , 11 25 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9,t I I No.-10 Freight ratio SB: Freight Only. I Only. Ms. - A. at. 180 Lv. New Bern Ar......l0 46 2 12, ....... ,. Biverdsls. 10 10 ljM ...oroatan 9 68 940.. Havelock ,. 940 09.. ........ Newport, hw 906 :8 80...,..r.WUdweod 847 1 28. .......... Atlantio 888 866 ..Ar. Morehead oity, Lt..-.. 820 4 00 ;.JU.M. Oity Depot, Lt..... 780 r. m.-.-.y-. y.ulr . -a. m, Monday. Wednesday sad Friday, f tTuesday, Thursday and Baturday, -iifrit? b. U DILL, " &AVNKWLAXD, O.P?A, ,lls4ter Timnsportatton.,' ,. F. H. SIsisiosi, n . A. D. War! . 5IMnDNS A 'WARD, ATTOBNIi ssl COUJTSKLOBH at LAW. .'; SI't BBW ItsUia, ST. Offlos Removed across Street to heoond iBtory ot No. 69 (above Telegraph Of. . i .flee) South Front Street, next to ' . VicHotsl Chattawka,.,,., Practice In ths counties of Oraven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamll coand Wake, In ths Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services axe dosired. :. '..-; Administrators Notice Having this day qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of W K Brown, de ceased, notice Is hereby given to all per. sons having claims against the sala es tate to present theisms, duly verified, to the undersigned for payment on or before the 6th day of March 1904, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of re covery. All persons Indebted to said es tate aro requested tq make Immediate settlement. . - - - . This 4tb day of March, inns. " , L. II. CUTLER, Admlulntrator. .' PricHent! THE SUN Now Sells for 1 Cent, and can be had of Every Healer, Agent and Newsboy ut that Price. All Subscribers in District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia North and South Carolina As Well A r Those is Pennsylvania and Delaware and TnnoUGnorjT the United States, can get Tub 8tm by mall for one cent a copy. The Sun atl Cent is the Cheapest High-Class Paper is tub United States. Tub Sum's special correspondents throughout the United States, as well as In Europe, China, South Africa, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Cuba and in every other part of tho world, make It ine greatest newspaper that can be printed. Its Washington and New York bureaus aro among tbo best In the United States, and give The Son's readers tbo earliest Information upon all Important events In the legislative and financial conters of tbo country. THE FARMERS' PAPER Tui Sun's market reports and commer clal columns are complete and reliable, and put tho farmer, the merchant and the broker in touch with the markets of Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and all oth or Important points In tbe United States and other countrlee. All of Which Tie Reader Gels For 1 Cent Tins Sun is the best type of a newspa per, morally and Intellectually. It Is an educator of the highest character, con stantly btimutating tne noble Ideals In in dividual and national life. The Si:n Is published on Sunday, as well as every other day of the week. Ry mall The Daily 8un, $;i a year, in cluding The Sunday Sun. f4. The Sun day Sun alone, fl-00 a year. The Weekly Sun, $1.00 a year. Address A. S. A1IK1.I. COMPANY, 1'ubllflherB and Proprietors, Italtimore, M1. Henderson Telephone i oil Rates, The following Toll Rates will be in effect on nnd after May 1, 1 !)()?, subject to change or correcllon. From New Hern to Aydcn Boydton Buffalo Springs, Burlington Beaufort Chase City Clarkeavlllc Chapel Hill Dunn Durham Enfield Frankllnton Qoldsboro Greensboro Greenville Hamilton New Uiver Henderson High Point Kinston F. 30c Littleton 5c 70c Loulsburg Mc 70c Morehead City 30c 80c Nashville 35c Newport 75c Oxford 70c Plymouth 05c Raleigh 45c 25c 65c 40c 55c 50c Roanoke Rpds 60c 65c Rocky Mount 45c 50c Scotland Neck 45c 50c Selma 45c 40c Smlthfield 45c 60c Spring Hope 60c 30c Tarboro 40c Wake Forest 80c Warrenton 60c Weldon 05c Wilson 80c Winston 40c 55c 55c 50c 40c $1.00 C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Supt. JGASTJEBX" CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND Od Dominion Steamship C?o DAILY JaTNTL FREIGHT & PASSENGER, For All Point North. The Steamer NEUSB is scheduled to sail at 0 p. m., Monday yv eanesaay ana maay. The Str. Ocracoke OnTneadaya, Thursdays and Baur ays at 8 p. m. By Freight received not latet than en hour previous to ailing. . For further Information apply to ; GEO. HENDEESON, Agt, H,X.Xnr., Gen, Mgr., H.O. HrDenrB,Gen.Frt.4 PauA .V Norfolk, V. Kev Ben, H. 0 in S, 1908. Notice, ot (Summon. NORTH CAROLINA. K fa the . t Craven County, f Superior Court -5v ;'.;VVCUrIiohBon''" if-'l;:;.f '?''' ! ' Johnson .-' The defendant above named will take otlce that an action entitled u .above hat been commenced In the Superior Court of Craven county to obtain adl Toree absolute from tbe bands of matrt. mont and 'the said defendant will furth er take notice that he la required to ap pear at the May term of Superior Court tot tela County to- be held on the 4th dav of Mav 190S at Court House of said County la New Bern N 0, end answer ot demur to the complaint la said action or ths plaintiff will apply to the Court lor reiiei aemanaea in saia complaint,.,. ... v - i .-. . W, M. WATSON, V IM J. LYlletler. ATTCHMT AT lATTi ' '.iVt T'r'-'i, lawyers Brick Atlantic Coast Line. Wilx inotoh & New Bbekk R. K. TIMB TABLK SO. 6, !n Ktfect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1896,Paily EiceprBunday. Uoing Bouth boukdule: Going North No. 63, Passenger Traius No. 69, Lv. a m, btahohb: Ar. p m 00 New Berne 540 86 Pollockaville .. . 504 61 MaysvUle. IS 10 02 Jacksonville...". 4U 1208 1 UntnX"' f 12 16 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 8d No. 3, Pabsbhobb & Fbeiobt, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Lea re New Berne Tuee. day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a at Ar, p m 7 30 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 8 40 8cotfeHUl 1355 9 80 Woodside 13 15 JSJ? Hollyridge 1140 10 61 Dixon 10 61 11 20 Verona 10 20 12 05 .TsnbannvilU n . 12 80 Northeajrt."".'''' s kk 8t 55 Whiteoak 8 80 w Maysvllle . 806 157. Pollockaville 7 20 2 55 Debruhl's 6 85 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 8 00 Daily Except Sunday. J. R. KENLY, General Manager Important Notice Regarding U. S. Hall Boxes. "Whoever shall hereafter nlllrnllv mallcioUBlv Inlllrn. tnar rfnnrn nr Anntmr, any letter box or other receptacle cstab- usutu uy oraer 01 tnerostmaster-Uener-al or approved or designated by him for the receipt or delivery of mall matter on anV mrai freo-dnlivnrv rnnln nr al.all break open the same, or willfully or ma liciously injure, uolaco, or destroy any mall matter deposited therein, or shall willfully take or Bteal such matter from or out of such letter boi or receptacle, or shall willfully aid or assist In any of the aforementioned offenses, shall for everv SUCh OfTenm hn mmlahnH hv m finn of not more than ono thousand dollars. or Dy imprisonment for not more than three years," The patrons of the New Born Pos Office and the Rural Free-Delivery route of thU County should feci a personal Interest In tbo above law. It has been enacted for the protection of your mall and It Is your duty, and to your Interest to report promptly any depredations covered thereby. Evory effort will be made by mo to apprehend the guilty violators and prosecution by the United States will surely follow.'' Sktmouh W. Hancock, Postmaster. IiRADHAM'S IMPROVED ANTI BILIOU8 PILLS are nature's mildenS and most effoctivo remedy for a sluggish liver and disorders of the digestive tract gcnorally. Tboyromovo impurities from the blood and clear up the sallow com plexion often seon in persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases. Price 25c per box, sample box two doses for 5c, HltADHAM'8 PHARMACY, Cor. Pollock & Middle Bts. urn anrihlof von Invent or tanwovei alas rat CAWTJinoC-MRK, COfYilSHTorOeifea PiOTECTION. Bad modal, akatch, or photo, for frea aramtnaUon and adrloe. pnnr nn onpyTe fr hwwii vn isiiniu febafcrpataat. Writ o.A.stiow&co: to Patit Lawyers. WASH I NQTON, D.C. ajaaaayvavjvai Directory of.the Mails'at the New Bern Post Ofllce. Mall for all points North, South anil West via A. & N. O. R. R. and A. O Line close at 8-30 a. m. Mall for. all points East via A. & N. C R. R. close at 6:20 p. m. Mall for all points North and Went via A. ft N. C. K. B. close at 6:00 p. m. Mall for Oriental. Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Htr. Neuse close at 6:80 p, m. Mall for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Str. Ocracoke close at 2:30 p. m. Btab Routes. Mall for Olympla, Grantsboro, Bay boro. Stonewall, Yandermore and Orten tal close at 6:80 a m, Mall for Bellalr, Lima, Geddy, Chip and Dobbs close at 9:30 a. m. Mall for Askln, Ernul, Zorah, Wasp and Vanceboro close at 1:00 p. m. Mall for Whitford;close at 1:00 p. m. BiTHotm W. Hakoock, P. M. D. Is. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 80. Front 8i JOpp. Hotel Chattawka krw;bkkn,:n. a Craven County Attorney. Circuit, Craven, JonesJSOnslow, ' Cart, a ret, Pamlioo, Greenes Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Court. BRADHAM'S LIVZR and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and oan be given to very old people and children. Mild in notion ' their effect It far-reaching. No pain or dlsoonrfort follows their use. They have beta : called. "Health's Housekeepers- which, la oulte true. Does your livef htrl yoa tv.' Better try then pills. Prloe too, at 'v JBiadhamV AnU- ' 1;. BUIotu UvM.Piltfa . ireotrelT TeteUbla aixl act b ' stimulating tbe ltytr. oausuf Innresasd " now or one ana proaucint natural move. mentt ot the bowels. They do not pro dooe griping or sick itomach, Baraenref for Constipation, Flatulency, Beartburn ' etc Price ts eta, Manafaotared. br a" L Bradham, wholesale and retail drnt .' ' ' ' . ' . t 3 a. a o n x a, . ''-.,' -' Baantaa ylM t'wl Hw ll 9W, y d C. - ;.'s ',,v 'f " v-. r. . V?

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