i IV' V intfiu.l.-c, soSDirMoasnai'Miacjfr, 1003. ".VOl, XX-KO. 809 TWIHTI-FIBST TUB j - 'i'-v v. '.7 ? 1 .- 'iA,V.'.:. ATlHACimURW'S Solid comfort and die height ot huhlon ten be combined in mod- et ete priced shoes but the fact remain! that thai U nrelj done. . A? Too many tnanobcturen and dealen hare the ahort-aightetl habit Vf of sacrificing prestige for take of large profits. ' ' K Our profits are small Out shoes reach the maximum of comfort J and style. We buy froin conscientious asanufaetaren. ' Infants Fandata at B - 1 'J Boys Oxfords, slues 91 to 11 at $1 85V ? ' ' " lHtol,at180. Tf Ohtldrens Colonial Ties, sices 8 to 8, at 1 00. 1 A " " " U6i.attlK. V Childrens Oxfords, alaes S to 8, at 90c.- " " 0 to II, at 1 00. - " " Hi to at $1 25. niillHmns Strati Sandals, sizes 5 to & at 966. Childrens Vici Two Strap BandaJa, siaes 6 to 11, at 1 85 ( hildrens Fat. One Strap Bandals, slsea 10 to 11, at 1 60. Misses Pat Strap Sandals, alzes 1U to 18, at $3 00. -Chlldreas Pat. Bluoher with ribbon bow, slies a to 61, at tl 85, OWN YOUR HOME. A Millionaire's Advice to Young Men. A well known millionaire, with a national reputation for conservatism, laid in conversation the other-day : "If I were a young man anxious for independence, I a small niece of rood real estate. . When I had it raid for I would put the deed away and forget on another. Doubtless every man lias felt at some timethathe would like to be a land holder. That he would like to have a little piece of this earth of this great country that he could call his own. This is a worthy sentiment, but to teleot his pieoe of land n th hnart M a aomilous community where the mere pressure of population it there to increase tli value of his holding, combined with business. It unquestionably strengthens a man's ihilitv. Ii he can tie himself up, he is sure to save. 1 he trouble Is he allows the chance to pass, lie is going to begin next month. Rich men talk of the importance of a man's first Thousand Dollars Why not his first Hundred or his first Tenf The saving of yonr first 10 may be your first step to independence. THB TIMS TO DO IT IS NOW. The New Bern Investment Company offers twenty-seven lota for sale on long time and easy monthly payments, jror terms apply to NEW BERN INTESTMENT CO., R. A. NUNN, Secretary. What more can you get anywhere in addl tion to Satisfaction P We guarantee that. Suits cleaned and pressed 50c. CHADWICK TAILORING CO, Corner Middle and olloak Streets . Bangert Baildtng. ISNOWOPEN FOR BUSINESS. Ilfierocfe Stai fVpsUirs Cou Pollock and Mm St - K Where he will be &i k glad to see his patrons and friends. InHighEegard,; Yunt bevenure to be nsed in onlanctlon with a roast or steak, because it's of the ' satisfying kind-satisfying for tlie rea " sen that it's pnre, palatable and leaves , v ' no bad aKre(twU. Bndweis beet is a (ood beetle drink 103 days per annum. ::j;;F.; Taylor,; 'Vfv:.;Tor Itcnt'v.?'-; ' Wharf property formerly occupied by O W II am i I ton -e wood ysrd. . - Also two desirable offices In seeond story of new brick . building oa Boulb Front street, ' Arr'r to ". R. M. T.::'.::::-?. TV V I had It. Then I -would begin paying perhaps many fold this Is sentiment - . i. character to own property Increases his and is oblieed to make regular payment Brutus and Cassltu ' Would Turn Green j with envr if they could see'.the oarments worn bv the men in New Bent and made by F K Chadwick. Well fitting hand some and swell In style, and showing a man wit n a penect form to perfection, ormaklnva nerfeot tons in the man that is detective. II yon haven't ordered your Spring suit or lightoverooat, see ns show you what a swell yon can be when we nave made your garments. ., , V. tL Chadwick, v BBABOH OFFlOJt v- i A B. Baxter Q Co., Cqmmhsbn r Brokers StocbCottGSfGraio & FtotMqu , - w Craven Blreet, - - i- Mala ' a oe, 61 Broadway, Mew York. . Moderate morglns. Xxoellent service. rrrvate wires to new xork, ; : Highest banking and. soercanUle f erenoes. . hsv . . To. Get the Best 'BirbecW ; pCuA Ojsten' in tlu dtjVV" ; J All Eight, Come on ; ; 4 IS THE PLACE. Opposite Henrj! Pharmacy. I ee iRomm Increases tha circula tion tialica rich,; red blood, cure 3 that tircl tho tcnuo nni clcare tUo ccr"!-n. C : - CHRISTIAIT SOERC3B ; K m LEGISLATURE Bakes Frkad end Secvcs Prominent TAtteatUa.; KiM Harfson'J Ar . . : - fcTunent Mr. Seir speech : lio-more. lmporumt legtitatloit wu framed, so the Christian Scientists think at the present assembly than that which In defining the meaning of medicine and surgery gave them proviso, thus plac ing (hem under the protection of the law thereby relieving 'the people who wish their services free to choose them with- eat uy chance of Interference or con. demnstlon by their orltlos. It was notice able thronghont that no attempt was made to show that fatalities under Chris Man Bclenoe were more numereai than under other methods, but the frank ad mission of Df Lewis, the promoter, of the hill Against them, that seventeen out of twenty-four would get well snywsy four under , , intelligent treatment, but three would of necessity die, at once dls armed nU. ertttcism against them. In making a complete list of deaths under their cere daring the eight years Chris tian Science has been practiced In thli State, not even a half, donen could be found, whereat thousands of esses have been keeled, , Including, many given up by the physicians, as Incurable. So it seemed wise that a class of citizens so prepared to help humanity should bo protected and not condemned by law makers. Their representatives were in telligent, cultured, consecrated Ohrls- from their first appearance at the hearing before the Joint Committee on Health It was seen that Christian Science was neither a fad or a fancy, and al though it was a new subject to the' ma- ority o( : those concerned It was soon recognized as too vital a part of life of representative North Carolinians: to at tempt to deprive the State of Its uplift ing benefits, or limit the freedom! of those engaged In Its holy work. It wu proven that concerning conta gion every precaution was taken, every Scientist being law-abiding In reporting such cases,' while under their care. ' The hearing on. February 17th before the Joint Committee on Pobllo Health was a notable gathering. Scientists were present from Buncombe to Craven. Oat of the twenty-three present seven were men. The Senate Chamber wss filled to overflowing with interested speotators The lawyers, Mr. C, M, JJusbee, Judge T B.WomacV, of Raleigh andMrW. W. Clark, of Ne w Bern, made most effective speeches from the legal standpoint, de claring the bUl unconstitutional and Miss Mary Hatch Harrison, 0. 8.B., of New Bern,, as' O., spoke by request of the Committee from the Christian Science standpoint' Dr. It. HJ Lewis spoke for the State Board of Health, refusing to consider amendments ; offered by the Scientists, demanding that the bill be passed as written,' -. . " xnnreaay, jreoruary jwn, ua oiu was fsvorably reported by the Joint Commit-1 tea on PaMIo Health.j This . wss not surprise. , Still as it had already passed the House and wu in the Senate before it was recognised to be such a drastic measure. It wss fortunate that ft oeuld be pat before be Aseembly to get Its Judgment on lt, The spirited bat kindly discussion 3 lasted en , hoar, and by one o'clock the greatest , victory won in the House .wss declared for , the Christian Scientists of , this State when the fol lowing proviso, was- adopted with nl ssost onanlmons rote less than a doaen Toting sgsinst the bill . u amended by their request through General David son. , i- .s.:fi ' -Provided that ,hle act skill not ap: piy to any person who ministers to, or cares the sick by prayer to the Almigh ty God without the nee of drugs or any material mean ' Ui'P As the BclentUts" Went over.jo the Senate QuCIouowIng note was sent to the leader of the moyemehiToar prayers have won,, ; The bin has gone to the Jndlclary Committee of which I am chairman." ,. At 8:80 p. m. the committee met, and be R said to the credit of Pr.H H. Lewis, who skw the victory on the floor of .the House, and' who admitted "be ootid not longer fight both' Cod and the women," that before this committee Be advised that the bill be passed with amendment protecting the Scientists. Bo the bill passed" Its final reading in the Senate soon after t o'clock wlibont a dissenting vote by any oe present. Mr: Self met the objections raised by the doctors, (for the laymen aald but lit tle) With the Word reedlftg and convinc ing by argument therefrom their right to pray ana to oe psia tor ii, idis Tig' oroas appeal to those present to know If the Word was believed wss met by yes, yes, sad bis questions on the state ments of Jesus meant to delude srhea stating the laborer wss worthy of bis hIrebT iio.no. ' r ' . Xhus tne moss snumpnam victory was won, although it wu stated that at least twenty In the House were ready to speak for them, and the Benate, even more strongly fortified against the ene my. So the Christian Bcleniists feel grateful to the coble men of the Genoral AssemVy who guarded Hie rUht as well ss t'' r! Itts of all entrald them. The H' x'X'Iifs m!9 by liarrinon at the and hf "r. Self on the Boor of t e '. ri.etlie mrntn point ' , ' 'M ft. : ' 'i rV-,t;. n and GRAND L0DGB MEETING.. AnriasJSctsloaat Wilmliigtoa lil Jane. -v-V- Some History 7 if air.h 88 The Grand Lodce of Odd FeUows meet In annual session at Wilmington May 12th. It was In that cit that the first session oi tne wrana Lodge was held In 188. No member or the order is now llvinir Who attended the oneninsr sau Ion of the Grand Lodge bat there Is a member or tne oraer iiving who at that time was a charter memrjer of Weldon Lodge number one. , flranfl Treasurer "Jones of Wllmlng ton was first In the Gland Lodge in 1848 Tn 1RS1 he waa elected . Grand Treasurer and has held thai position eveT , since with the exception oiayear or two when he was Grand Master. For some 8 or H veava ha waa n&Id the Terr unusu al compliment of being at the same time both Treasurer and Grand (Representa tive. Haokburn's csnned goods are tie best. Neit TeacnersrissemWy Ralelirh. March 28. The session of the Teachers Assembly at WrlehtsvilleJune 9-14 promises to be one of the most valua Me and Intereatlns' the teachers have yet held. The attendance Is growing and the sessions are made of real value- a program has been prepared which will be passed upon by the executive com mittee. I. X. L. flour at Hackburn'e. State Guard Uniforms and Rifles. Raleigh, March 23.-Khakl uniforms have been sent to all the companies of the National Guard of the State, except four. The troops like the Khaki very much. A new Issue of bine, shirts hu been made to nearly all- the companies and saddles have been sent to the field and staff officers. The Krag magazine rifles are ready for Issue to the;State, vand it Is -raid the Issue will be made as soon as an army officer comes here to inspect the rifles now In use. Revenue and Machinery Act. Raleigh, March 88. The revenue and machinery act was issued today. Among the other copies sent out wore those from the State Treasurer to the various sheriffs with an accompanying note re questing the sheriffs to- make a memor andum on blank pages Inserted In the act of any suggestion which they may consider to be of value. The act is not quite so long as that of two years ago, some of the sections having been drop ped. Scour iT. Haokburn's teas are delicious. We have just received our spring Una of clothing serges, oashlmeres, flannels and wool crash, also a line of pants, swell patterps, also all the new things in Pat Lea shoes and Oxfords. K..W. ARMSTRONG. Making fortunes. The Money of tne Market Hot Far the Man With a Theory. Fortunes hare been mado In the Chi- enfto board of trnilo not by men who entered the market with a preconceived theory as to Its course, which they nt tempted to Dinko good through thick nud thin, but rather by those, who took things as they came, watching tne Aritt shaping their way from day to day, like prudent merchants, according This Is contusing to the novice, for the f novice 'almost always comes In with , rrreeorteelred theory, t 8otn time ego e young man vdtn a large hopef a moderate fortune and consider ablec social u prestige we , snown we enormous possibilities In"- December pork. It looked absolutely convincing, but be called upon a great packer with whom he bad a personal acquaintance. Yes; the. packer -thought- very wen or Dork-was. buying Itrln fact- Thus doubly .assured the young man bought The market went his way, ana oe bought more. Then the market turned. The young man "reviewed hie convinc ing statistics, remembered the words of the packer and stood stubbornly upon hie line; when be was getting near to the end of his margin he was borrir fled to learn that bl friend the packer had shifted to the otherside of. the arkot two weeks before. -He visited him, recalled -their conversation end explained the situation. . Tho packer stared. ; i "Do you tuenn you've been holding 2,500 barrel of pork nil this tlme7' he demanded. - "Xes," said tea young man.."and I have It yet Now, what can I do-with itr. "i aon i know,"; sold the packer, "unlee you can eat If-Wlll Payne In Century. . .', .'ii l 1 11 U ' I'ti I Brutal Treatment et Wile. : ! Ilusbftiid Don't you think that you Bfe rather nnrcasonahlo to expect me to toko you to a ball, stay awake until o'clock and then got tip at 8 to go to my work? y -. ' '- Wife I may be a little unreasonable, but If s perfectly bnital of you to men tion It Now York Weekly, , . i e J I k ill i Ir I ' 'i r.. If'"1 'x - ' . -Services Today," v Presbyterian Churoh Preaching at 11 a. m, and 7:80 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. H, 8. Bradshaw. Baaday School at 4. P. tt. i "f ... .: Christ Church-Rev. T. M. N, George rector, 6th Sunday la Lent Holy Com munion. 7:45 a.m. Bervlces, 11 a.m. and 7:80 p. m. Sandsy School 8:80 p. m. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. - i - First Church of Christ, Scientist 87 Craven street Services Sunday 10:45 a. m. and. 7.81 p. m. Bible Lesson Ser mon today, Subject; "TJareality." Psalm 1:16. Buoday School after morn lag service, Testimony service Wednes day 8.00 pm. Reading Room is open datlyi All are cordially Invited tost tend. : Hackburn's routed coffees are grand. Scour iT. Kindergarten Opening;. Misses Mamie Brown and Maud Smith vm open tneir rvinaergarten in a room at Mrs R.'B. Nixonsresldence on Craven street Monday March the thirtieth, Moth Balls at DsvIsWharmacy. Maple Syrup 85c qt. at J. R, Parker Jr. J. i. BexUr Is sgrnl for tne Ccimop lltsn patterns, they are standard pat terns made with 'seam allowance only 10c each or patterns furnished free with all dressee bought from 81.60 np. California evaporated Peaches and Apricots 10c st J. R. Parker Jr. X full and complete line of Interna- al stock and poultry food for sale at J. R. Parker Jr. Our Hoe of ladles shoes Is complete, Bluchers extension soles, Oxfords of sll kinds and the swellest line of sandels in the city, prlceB all right. E. W. ARMSTRONG. Split pe8 8 pkg for 85c at J R Parker Jr. Chloride of Lime at Davis' Pharma cy. . Candidate For Alder man. Having been appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr J 0 Scales, Alder man of the Second Ward, I respectfully ask the voters for their support In the coming election, for the same position. F. P. AVERY. Altmores Condensed Mince Meat 10c pkg. at J R Parker Jr. Don't buy anythlng ln the following tines till you have seen our stock Ladles floe shoes, dress goods, In all gradcs.laces.sllks, notions, hoselry, table linen, towels, white goods a specialty, ribbons, etc Will tsve yon money, see us and be convinced. Respectfully ,-. J.J. BAXTER. Ha! Ha! Ha I. We Are Here. Keep your eye on the Date, it Is not too late for you to witness Prof. Ass Bryant who won first prize in Madison Square Garden, New York 1809, who will render" some ;pf his professional Skill of up-to-date cake walking at Odd Fellows hall Monday night March 80th, 1903, accompanied hyJUs brothers Henry and David Bryant and other ladles and genu of Raleigh, Wilmington, Chicago, I1L, and New Bern.J' ; . - ' - - Also Prof. Bryant and his guests will sing some of the Istest rag-time and also show some of his highland fling and solo dancing. V) laughs la 98 minutes, clos ing with a grand march by every one Admission 15c, two for 25c. Music by String and Golden Link Band. Special seats reserved for white people .;r.; ,-pBOF, HENRY B8TANT, ,; V;-'i-i:.Maneger tifj(ifc$oiiey&&$ - ' rrt pft.'T r'fM , u '-v So rood Hint the bal yenn chI Its fill of It. hat Is tlinre in p1"'", nnlcloni con (cctloncry to hurt en "r baby, child, or grown up pi'r i niif 'Uiure are no purer maturxi s tu in liis onus wenBO. lhnre Is no r,;' iincr way of malting confucllon- nrv t h " n L.VV I ) 1 uAUMAC If, duLIC Aut.xuk , DC ST.. 7 j; -BLANK' BOOKS. Jnst receired a large lot of Single ancTUouble Entry Led--gen, Journals, Cash Books, ' Day Books, Grocers and Butcher, Pass Book j, etc. Owen G. Dunn, 69 POLLOCK ST. Glass Marking Tens. Used with Indelible Ink and. will not spatter or corrode. fflETT'S BOOK STORK e h eeev DEALERS IN General Hardware, Etc. 79 Soatb From Street, NEW BEBX, X. V. J. W. WOOD, (Successor to Foy &JWood) Practical Tinner, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Alljworkjguaranteed to givej sat isfaction. Can bi" fonnd at tho shop on LSouth Front Street formerly occu pied by the flrm. J. W..WOOD. Phone 220. Get the Best. The Best Oyster Stews Brooks The Best Barbecue Brooks. Tho Best Sandwiches Brooks. Apples, Oranges and Candies all good Brooks. Cool Drinks. Meals Served. BROOKS, (.Watson's Old Stand.; We are receiving daily a new line of Have also just re ceived a very fancy lot of Mattings;;;, Rugs, Leather and Velvet .: .. . Couches- .At Prices that ', ' . will ; Anion ls!i you. - Qivo us. a. call and cxr.mir.o cur Etocli. ITo iiiTi bprtng tEwmturei New Bbl. Fulton Market Horned Beef just received At I L McDaniel's I have a few gallons of Nice strained Honey at 20c qt. Fresh lot Ontario Buckwheat, Clover.Hil Print Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses," Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Prunes, Codfish and Irish Potatoes, Peanuts, Canned and Bottled Goods of all kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas and RoaetedJCoffee. Give me a call. Yours to Please, J 'Phone 91. L. MM, HOT SALE FOR EASTER Only 13 Days Off. We have everything for Easter for Ladies, Men and Children. All Jew Goods and Latest Styles. CLOTHING. Men's, Youths antl Childrens Clothing, Latost Styles and prices that cannot 9 boat in Eastern North Carolina. SHOES. We iiavo just reeeiwd our Spring Line of Ladies, Mens and Childrens Shoes and Slippers, i.p-to-clate styles, and prices DRE83 GOODS. We have just recoived our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, latost st Ies and colors, in wool and wash goods, HAMBERG. While in the northern markets I bought about 10,000 yards of short lenetha of Hamberg at a sacrifice, and wo invite tho ladies to take advantage of these goods and prices. We also carry a large assortment of Ladies Muslin Underwear. LADIES SHIRT WAISTS AND SKIRTS. AVo liavc a large assortment of Ladies Shirt Waists in all colors ami all stvles and all prices. We also have a large stock of skirts. DOMESTICS, We have a big line of While Sheeting, Bleaching, Calicos, Plaids, that we of fer to the trade at factory prices, come ). JIM OAKILL, ""nim.: 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill Gaskill Hdw. & Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. HARDWARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. Phone 210. Keep a full supply of Builders Material, Bssh, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Faints. Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Stoves and Ranges and everything kept in a flrst obss hardware store. A full line of Railroad, Steamboat and leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nuts, Iron, Belting, Packing, Hose, Etc. Having consolidated the two houses we are prepared to furnish High Quality goods at Very Low Prices. Thanking the trade foy past favors and soliciting your future patronage we are, Fours truly, GaM Hariware M 111 Supply Company, JOSEPH GASKILL. P. A. WILLIS. JOB O. FULFORD. sr ivzrr ti i iu i r A TENDER REGARD for the feelings of our enstomers and our own reputation Induces ns to sell only tender MEATS The lulcr Bteak, the sncoulent Lsmb Chop, the toothsome Pork Loin, and the dainty Veal Outlet are to be had here at moderate prices. The Oaks market. lr : AIL SOW !: duicious ixhilaratins, ;i eiirishiiq. : : llost pleasant, eftectlye, and certain re- :: :: liof for disordered digestion, 4nd keeps " tho stomach rights A true, tonic. . Re :: :: lioves heartburn and flatulency; Drive3 :: : r.T7ay tho blues. yllakes work easy. slTo : : T. w WATrr.?. Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 71 Broael Ht cannot be beat anywhere. prices about half. see) and be convinced. 47" TVT NaT L.UrLUl . Hdw. Ct ., New Bern, N. C. Mill Supply Co., and J. C. Fulford Supply Co. MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven SI. Mill Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Pul REMOVAL! We have moved from No. 69 Broad Street to , No. 75 Broad St, in the store formerly occupied by Archbell & Co, We have the same Bargains and polite attention as heretofore. Call on us. Delivery Prompt and Free. M. E. Land & Co. Phone 168. V 75 Broadest. r - 4 t . I'. , X.t.X SmS t a - mmm . y S .- rn.fi ?, FGlTiBS teO davit r