; .-V;v. .; AdatPrtrjaralianfarAsA ungmesiDinBCDS Promotes Digestttfeeriyk Ol HI IKJIAAfUIUUU IUUH . , Orrltim MnrnfiinAAnrtv'MinMAl r; WOT HABuCOTXCi'f; '" ffinlrfr TT ' ADerieclRemedvforonsBt-! uun; suur luuiauwuiarxnuea Worms ,Corwulsions,Fewislif jvss and Loss qi Sleeps facsimile Signature of NEWxYDHK. u -- fcXACTCOPYCW WRAPPER MISS IDA Mi&SNYDEIi; Treasurer of the Brooklyn JtaaC Xa4 Art Club. ENSTRTJAL irregu larities areTgener ally the beginning of a woman s trou- bles. With the vitality at a low ebb, the blood weak ened, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and hag gard, a piteous contrast to the blooming health of her former gelt But over 1 .000.000 women hare found health again by taking Wine of Cardni. As a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Cardni has never been Known to fail . It has seldom failed to restore perfect health, even in the most persis tent and aggravated ease of weakness. Miss Ida M. Snyder, of No. 635 Ber gen Street, Brooklyn, N. T., has used Wine of Cardni and she says it helped her into a new life. Health to Hiss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies the position of Treasurer of the Brook Ivn East End Art Club. This Doaition marks her as a person of UteUect.-cul-J tnre and rennement ana it spean nigruy of the respect and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes: "If women would pay mote attention WINEofCARDVI THEXELEBRATED Garland Vood Heaters Wejare the agent. Breech Loading, Single and Double Barrel, Haramerleea Shot Guna. Full line Ammunition for Sports men. . . j Sash, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. Under Hotel Chattewka, The Farmers & JS BANKSm Capital, SurplM an4 Frtfltt tll,aSe.M ApRnsoth, iml:v;;V,.. - . ,; ,.' . r , M vVhat Wt Hero Don. Do, Will Continue to Do.'.., -:.? This Bank conducts lb) baslaest ipM 'un-to-now" method.- .. f.-V 5 ; 1 Itlaourparpo to deal Jastly and .ilx-ra'ly with alii --:-.' i- ' ' Wo carefully tafernard thf lntoMeU of nur puntomers, Moreover, we fre innily do itlunknown to. themi a op' portunitle often come to la oonOdim tlal ways, end yon nnotovMppeciaU nnch consideration.' ? We ate not dlapoeed to overlook the fart that the InUraaU of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, aa enaaot ey any mean bt enarated. '.v -.. ' I' This Bsnk act a a repository for Wills, and afly keep; Un till the proper time of torrender.. 111 !so H an the custodian Of money or put nra i t with ns In escrow,. ' Mo oharg fur these service. 1 ' . We procure LetMr of Credit for In tending traveller. .. : ' We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. - . , . , - :. In the matter Of ooommodatlon, tW Dank meet every requirement within the limit of prudent bank In. If yon have nevet been Identified wl'h us as a patron, w ask you to consMor the advisability of becoming one. In the early future, we pmrmo " " a novel, yet subntantlel t'i.v feature to our already- s tltutlov i - ' , IL Wt Oi lliCwnLi o -.14 l .- r- Oft "Yi rorTr"-' -1 Children. ; i Bears the In Use For Over Thirty; Years to- thdf health w wooM haft mot happy ' wives, mothers and daughters, an If they would tat mom hrtel Ugencelathcmattce of medr sues observing icywrhv-thty, wwdd find that tha doctors' titer ate ftvta credit fen, f.-T oosm wfch r dVottWhsadvbedMcEWs Whiol Cardni and Thed- foRTs BladbBraught, and so I took it and have t my reason to thank him for a new hie opened p to sm with sestorcd health, and it only took the snonths to WW Miol - ' ' Ton may secure the tame relief as Hiss SnyS.ifyoo take Winaof Cardul as the took ik Thedford's Black Draught U the companion medicine of Wine of Cardni and it If a liver and bowel regulator which assists greatly in effecting a core. If yen take these medicine according to directions, the relief endear it simple. ; Some case are eared quickly and other take longer because the dues has iim longer. Remember how Kiss Snyder took Wins of Cardui and has health. Th tarn medloln are offered yea to-day. ...u' , A tnillioa sufferine1 h? " have found- relief in Wine of Cardui. Btadham's I 13 NOW OPI8 FOB BU81HE88 with anew" ockof drag and new stock of see Opposite the PostofBce If otice of Summons, Horth Carolina, 1 In the Bnperlot Court n..w.n-,.t. rBeforW:iIWaUon, j. , I). H. Rob.D Johnson vs. Polly Rons Johnson. NOTICE. ,Th defendant above named wUl take notice that an aetion entitled a abore has been commenced' In the Superior Court of Craven cOonnly to obtain a dfc Tore absolute from the honds of matri mony and tho (aid dafeadanv Will fur tkr take nniice that she is reqnlred to appear at the May term of the euperlor Coart of said County to be held en the 4tk day of May, 1008, at the ennrt house nl said eosnty In th City of Nw Bern, N.. O, and answerer di mar to tbeeom pUInt In id aetion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief desuaad- 1 )a aia eompuini. yxv.ai, ' ' ' W. M. WATSON, ; v y.i Ckwk eaperior Court. " 2 Ihl the 33d day of March IMS. g. Kotice ta hereby given that 1 will ap ply for deed for lot of land No. 8 Bragg' Alley ptrrebaeed by me at Sheriff lal of land fold for. tax on 15th of July Vi-..;: :-vu: GEO, XUBARK. f Mrch nth, iv08.-'.,;''5 1 0B EOXt VS1 Clo, pure whotosome, p"nted to be ci omii ily made fromd .uu4 watt d free from Impuritie. fpecully tn tm 4 and prepared for human eon. sui , lion. ' - ' -.. .' "' ' L d ivered dally (azoapt Buacurys) a m to e p m. - ' ' iindnys (raUtl only) 1 a m It noon. for i-,oo ana Otaerniarmuu,j :, , : ' Addre.:.' : r' Vz j ilerns Ice Co. A rrn , i-i'-BXVlCS 13 A BDSINKS ' K2Cr"".:TT, ' A ' coxa r:. coNvr:;is:JCX cc BI" . of fjl j,. . -ill IF FOR .THE , CHILDREN ' A Bov . Toem. i v William -Cunrfiryat, the famou American poet, hegai writing verse at tb early age of eight -His father was a doctor, heing also" very fond, of tbe rtridy of tjorany; and bad accumulated quite ft .complete library, of volumes detotsd to theso tw: eubjecta.. Toung William was a great fender, devouring everythlns that came In hi way and of coarse rc ry? early explored the eon tent of this Ubrary. Thue he was in tromited to the study of natnre. but.if was the subject of death, with which he was confronted' In.. the jhedical Works, wUch mad the most profo&nq hnpresslon npon him. - 8a deeply was he stirred by It consWeratton that be composed a poem, for which-he coined a name, calling It "Thanatopsl or a Viewof DeaUU.ff?,'"' After having completed It, why we do not know, he did not show it-to-ttny one, but hid It away in his father's desk. Doubtless be soon forgot its Where boot,- fo -eoon ' afterward he left home to study law and then to practice his profession In a neighboring town, aever having disturbed the com? poaltlon.y Meantime the North Ameri can Review had been started, and Dr JBryant, happening to find the poem in a pigeonneie or ms aces, sent it to toe editor of the new publication. He was delighted -with it and showed it to the well known critic, Bicfaard H. Dana. He immediately exclaimed; "You have been imposed upon. No one on this side Of the Atlantic. 1 capable .of writing such verse.'.' , - But of course- it soon beenmo. known that this famona and inimitable poem, so well skuowsv and dear -to all, the equal of which, It is claimed, has never been writteiv,bsoB6,ee Toung.- was Composed by young Bryant before bis 'departure from bomcand when he was but a boy, less than nineteen years of ge. Robert B. Buethom in American Boy. ' The 1 PaMlnsr Ptace. I have to go to the Fusslns Place When I'm very bad, And mother has such a sorry face, ' And her eyes loohaW -But she says, In Just the firmest tons, .'The boy that fusses must stay alone," , when I hav been bad. At first I pretend I do not care. -And I hum a tune And, walk off quick with my head In the X. air. But pretty soon I begin to hate the Fussing t'lace, And to be there seems a great disgrace, 8o latop Bylun ft : And then I thlfilt of mother's eyeB, With that sorry look. And soon I think It Is time to surprise i; Her over her book. Bo I hunt up a smile and put It on For I can't come out till th frowns are gone). How happy she'll look I The Fussing Placet Oh, It's where you're - sent ,,. . . ... When vou'r nattghtr and mean, And there rou piust stay till you're good j. again - And nt ss be seen. ' If a up In the attic or under the stairs Or seated on one of the kitchen chairs, And, oh, you feel mean I Bat It doesn't matter much where It Is, .This old.FuMlng Place,' gtor the very spot that seems so bad -UTtian vmi'm In tlm&Tmrm t f. Is sles knosgtv when you're loving and true; So It's not where you are. but how you do. s That makes It Fussulg Place! Aanle Willis MoCuUough In Youth's Compaaloa., .. , . . . . . . V--r-T H- iGlrl and boys, especially girls, don't allow yourselves to get into tne iiqdu Oat many grown people nave of, when Called upon for an opinion of somebody or something of whom or which they Inwardly disapprove, drawling out "Y-e-t-y n-i-c-e." Tbe attempt to hide disapprobation, envy (d fault to which Boor human nature Is aaaiy prone) enc several other disagreeable things un der the thin veil afforded by these two Words h most transparent Better tell an .honest falsehood. If I may use the expression, and accord an emphatic approbation,- than to. employ this week, half wax onev which U so easily seen through. ' Or, hotter yet, come out boldly with tbe truth, trwon't sting a bit more than ; "v-e-rfy n-l-c-e.' Detroit Free Press, 4 1 Terr We .Fancy's mother bad company to tea, a gentleman with whom the child .was la Wieat favorite and at whose request the little girl was allowed, -contrary to the genera rule, to have a seat at the tawe. .During the progrea ex tne meal tne . little woman, we nufortunate enough to tip over he bowl.of bread and milk. Tbe disaster, was sotaPMU ng'that she settled back in her high chair and gased at what seemed to her utter ruin,. At hut, a K the full extent of the cstaatrophe had .utt. dawned npon her, the drew long breath end aid, And the best tablecloth toorV Ntw xoni Tnoone. . - ; . , ik. .- - .. . - t, r ' . ban who lisped wanted to put two. eow and two pig In hi jwlgbbdr hen. Tbe way he asked was this: have Jutht been JpurthiTthlng thotne thwlne, two thowth and plgth. 1 want to put them In your pen till I can lis a plalth for them.''. The neighbor remon- atrateiv explaining ' tnat ms ,. pen wouldn't bold 2M0 plg"l didn't ttay two tbenthand pbrtb, but thowth and plgth." 'And thus it went on for some, time until tbe Uspw declared that be meant hot 2,000 pig, but two thowth -One day tbe teacher asked the third grade-to tell some of tbe sure Indica tions that spring bad come, Silence? -a ..... MAmM. .1 Tnhn. nv said, "It 1 always a sure sign of spring -when w change our under wear." Uttle Chronicle, : -' ,-,-. t::Tr." -:n:a stomach diseass rermsnently cured by. the wastorly powor of "Sooth AmriC Nbbvwi Tokio." Inval.ils need tuHor no lonirer, becaus tills gnt remedy can cur them sJL It I "" ' ' VB whole world of tftni -" 1 Ir.-' ' The ' - i re- ENGLANQ'8 COAST 4.INE. , The War H Hin Dem Batteveol Back Tbe" variation of the Hue of the Eng lish coast i attracting some attention Just now, having been, brought to gen eral notice by a new survey. . since toe last fBcial -surveys. ;sqme'tMrty-nve year ago, the process of land absorp tion ha -continued without check at the rate oX-about a thousand acre per annum, even wnen uue ueuucuuu jb made for reclamotiopi s-' ' It to on the eastern littoral tnat urlt- ain's defender and fish supplier Is most exacting. Hasting, Folkestone .. and Dover have, it is true, to fight hard to keen it back, but their efforts are fairly successful at all events, whereas there bJ no stemming the assault on the Buf folk, Norfolk and Yorkshire shores. ... ' During comparatively modern tune several once thriving town-have- van ished as completely as that romantic land of Lyonncager which in tbe day of King Arthur knit Cornwall to what are now the Scilly Isles. But the sea Is sometimes forced to retreat in Its turn In . Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Chest. Ire ana near Bomney marsh. Is it not a matter of history that a Danish fleet once sailed right op to Appledore and played sad havoc there after the usual Danish manner? New Roinney, too, still ranks as one of tbe original Cinque ports, al though the Llttlestone golf links and two miles of land now intervene be tween it .and the snd sea waves. Dun geness point is also advancing France- ward at the rate of eight feet per an-, nunj, and the water is so shallow on both sides as to facilitate systematic reclamation. But. in splto of these and other little gains the balance of loss is greatly against the land, tho area of which in England alone has shrunk -by over 40,000 acres since 1867. Better Tham Quinine. A discovery which is considered of great value in the medical world and clsewhero has Just been made by Dr. L. Restrepo of Mcdlllirj, tho capital of Antloquls, In the republic of Colombia, South America. He has successfully demonstrated that the husk of tbe coffee bean is of great Utility in the treatment of several diseases and that In cases of malarbr)- lt has succeeded where quinine bed failed. Dr. Restrepo first used an infusion made with forty-five grams of crushed coffee in the busk and about fourteen fluid ounces of water. This wns boiled for five minutes, strained and taken In one day In six doses. With this medicine he successfully treated five patients, of whom three suffered respectively from Intermittent malarial fever, chioule malarial fever and pernicious fever, and two suffered from enteric colic or chronic dysentery of malarial origin. Caleb Coalilns'i Dress. Cnleb Cushlng'r peculiar manner of dress nnd his eccentricities were fre quently the aubjoct of newspnper arti cles. Although quite a largo and port ly man, bis clothes always 'seemed to be two or three sizes too largo for him and of the c-bcupest material. Ho al ways during both summer and winter wore n large cloth cap pulled close down on his head and altogether look cd anything but the brilliant jurist and diplomat. Ono day, after reading an unusually caustic comment upon his dress, no remarked to the writer,. "I guess by the time that fool Is as old as I am ho will care more for comfort than fashion." J-- " uklOTHERS, DO YOU the many so-called elrth medicines, and most remedies for wouiea In the treatment et tar delicate organs, contain more prloas opium, marphlae and strrohnine t -, De in Knew that opium and morphine m rfiiaifrlnrilftrMtlflnAluM) t 5e von Knew that In moat oonntrles drugv giats are not permitted to sell narcotic with- nut labeling them ir larniinn-inernnnisnnar -i tn- & Da Yen Know that yon shoald not take Internally any medicine for tbe pain aoaom- ti Yen Knew that Mether Friend ta a nnrel v vecre table DresaraUoa. and that It ie applied externally oolr. .- . i.-r-Dn Yea Knew (hat Mother's Friend Is a celebrated prescription snd that it ban been ,la nan otot forty years, and that eah bottle of the genuine bears the name of The Brad- naiaKegulatorco.r - ":,' uo yon know tna,-wnen yon nee nawi. they are fact. Of ilrumrlatt.!. Aeeept o subaUtntn, Our book " Motherhood" free. THE BHAOnnLD PJE0ULAT0R CO. '; ATLANTA.. OA. .; -. , full line of Drups tnd Medicines : Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, elcj also th following Mineral Waters- Matchless Mineral Spring; Buffalo Llthla, liunny. adi Janos, Hunyadl Matyas, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Red Raven Split, Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, ' ;. ' . -i ' Pastcrhte-Tooth Paste. ? COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. - Creolum, the Owrnt Disinfectant n Bed pug Destroyer, ,... --. . t .. . -i .... i -v:-';tai r . i t : : Henrys rMfmacy, 1 L.-fWISJlWsnannsnnaiiayn I e new mmt edemlfle eaemeand mndn efltlMr mmtmtm nor netaona. It nnrluen rheumattns nnd ail bleed disease. Anyene caa take RHGUrtAClOa Witt I inu saanyv uses net ioir u aigesnve ergnn. ' - r.'"'',',,"" two cuRci- t . : S runumm, fl. (U Aug. M, teat. -OejB tinmen r-1 txfn to enfler from rbeamaUim about three years aa-o, and had It reryta4 In my limbs. At times I eould hardly walk. Was treated by phyaloian without benefit. H oro than a year aeo, Mr. Oeorge Wilson, an engi neer on the Osast Una, Itvtns to Flor nnoe, told m that " Khbumao trja " oared him. I tot bottle and It bene Stted ssev I took Ave bottle and am now as well as I ever was In my life, t retard "BHrtJMAOlDl" as a great mndlolne. I knew of other It has eured, . Truly, B. T. BtmOB. told by PrugBlttt. Will be sent . Bobbftt Chemical Co., Summer' hnnt unou Teathlna Children, mall 2S oenU to C. J. MOFPETT. M. G-ood as 1 rr dr. mo r FETT'STrn : Cores OholeraJnftHrtum, Dtarrhoea, Dysentery and th Bowel Trouble of Children of Any Ape. Aid Oletion, Retulata the Bowel, Strengthen the Child and MAKE TKCTHINO EASY. Cure Eruption and Sore. Oollo,rllvn anT fhruah. ltmova and nravanla Wnrm. TECTHINA Countnrnats and Ovawoomnn th Effaet of th Atlantic Coast Line's iooo mile book Good over 18 Prominent Lines, Aggregating 13,000 Miles. They Sell for $25.00 willbe forjndaConvenifnt and Reasonablejmeang of travel. Apply to any Junction Agent. ' WM. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N 0. and A. Oreen , Pro. R. H, Meadow, V. Pre n. M. Ororea, Oaahler. CITIZENS' BANK, Doing Qeneral BaDklnc Business March 1, 1901, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $10,000 00. Prompt and careful attention Riven to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board at Director. rrdlpad-PI,, B. H. Meadows, Ohas. Dntty.Jr. James Kednaond, slayer Hahn, Thomaa A. erea O.B.roy. t. A. Meadow a, aamael W. I pock Chaa. B.rowier. I. W. grain iter, . W.SmaUwood. 00. n.ive. w.F.uroeastt. Hark Ditoinsy. .V4 SO YEARS' vVr V, EXPERIENCE mm TRAry Marks - nrMiAMt. OOPYRIOHTS AtttoM Widftif tkteli md deMsrtptkm may aaloklr khwcertoln oar optnton fre whethw ui raTttwKrfi to probablf ptvtetiUbta. Conninnies tlrvna sslriiTwvtfVIyntiai. IlendivVkk nil FavLatntat Mm. irea utoeas van Paifttittj tsvkn thro rwtrllottat wlthoat irougn Kunu m gvuwwf n)tion of any ctfiUII fMimiJ. Termi, $S I fmnrt war nvuniov, fA Dutuaiui Htrtrvatwhan. MUNrt&Co1B- New Tort . Mae Ome.SAr 8t- Waetnunon. D, 0. Russell Hqusef .While fa Beanfoit be nre to top at the Bull Houie, Flrtt-Olatt Board. Ahoai for tMVUlng people. Fishing and hunting unexcelled, . Term 1JW aj orW.Wrjwweek,;'Ji v''. -7::--'.V---; A .'O BU8SSU.. Proo ' r-JTo Whom it MtT t'Oucerii ' notice I hereby given that having lost certificate Ndi 688 for one thare of ttook of the Atlantic and.' North Caro lina B. R. Co., appllcattoQ will be made for a dapUoate ' certlfioat according to the rale of the Company. VCt'."- m- - V K , B, B. WAB3INQT0N. v .'Match nth, 1908. vk, 7t. NOTICE. Certificate Wo. 1M for oneihare Cspltal. Stock A. ft N. C, R, B. Co. Issued by Balph Bell havtng been lost, I will make application for duplicate,:,' - March 16, 1908. 1V. K"'" " . ; . ;!. - a:d. ward. .. Assignee J. U.- Mann, Adm. Ralph Bell deceased. .-"..'"'"'" '!.''' ? j A-dExinistralors Notice ' Having this day qnallfM as Adminis trator ol fie entale of W K Drown, de ceased, notice Is boreby given to all per sona having claims spulust the Bald es tate to pr nt theiwine, dulyvcrlOed, to the umluiu ined for psyment on or before the 6ia day of Kiarch 1004, or this notice will be plcmlrd In bar of re covery. All persons Indebted to said et tn'oare requested to make Immediate "I li!s 4lh day of March, l. ii. till -r?, A ! ' v.!or, - from nets, herbe nnd 1 Uie nloon and mmoveetha . DALremir, & O, An-. Vth, IMS, , Gentlemen r-r-About two rears ate I Had a very sever attack of Innmms tory rheumatism. I Buffered treat pain, and was confined to my bed for Ave week. Dnrlnv th time 1 urn treated I by two PhyaloTans without permanent reuei. jw. naraer, n wnauotor om the AtbtBUo Const Line heard of my condition snd seat me two bottles of "BBSOMAOina." I began to take It and in week I fot up and walked on erntohe. After takinf three bottles of the remedy I ot entirely well sad Went baok to my business. I personally know of a number of other bad oases that were cured by the us of your medtolne, to this town and vicinity. It is all thai you claim for It, Truly, , . BISKBOIt. ezprcn paid on receipt of fi.co. Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A?. nnd oast only 23 OMlt at DruaSiat. or St Louie. Mo. a Pass. A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABU HO. 28 To TakB Effect 8unday, Nov. 9, 1909 at 7:05 A. M E. b T. doing Eas-t BOHEDtru- OobigWeu No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY, Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 80 Ooldsboro 1105 8 69 LaQrange 10 89 4 29 Kinston 1019 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 00 6 60 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 05 No. 6, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. Ar, r, i 8 sTATioni SDAIL1. Lv. A. M, 8 00 "8 18 8 96 8 87 8 48 902 9 18 8 80 9 50 9 56 .Ooldsboro. . Best's 8 08 LaQranfre, 7 57 7 47 787 ...Falling Greek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek . ...Tnscerora,. 795 717 700 650 6a 680 ..Clark.... 1010. .Ar. Now Bern, Lv. 4 TNo; 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. . 2d Claw, SUNDAY IdCbu Lv, am Ar, pm 8 00 , Ooldsboro. 5 40 688....; Best'.... 600 7 00 LaOranM 4 85 .718 Falling Creek 410 880 , Kinston . 945 8 40 .oatwell..... 9 88 .9 49 .....Dover 919 007....,...,.oorecreek.. ........ 119 10 82. Tuaoarora .19 48 iuo.,..,,M.,..olark' ...........1240 1195 .,..,Ar. New Bern, Lv...., 19 10 H0.9,f I Nov 10 Freight I WATtom: I . Freight Only, . I .1 Ottlyy r.v. A. at. 1 80.... ..Lv. New Bern Ar.. .10 48 818.,.....rRlverdale.. .,1010 .990... .,.... oroataa. 968 9 40;, .; Havalock... '..,.,. 940 8 09.:...:.... NewnorlLv....... 906 8 20IL,,.,...,Wlldwood.;. 847 8 28.,.(,.....Atlaatio..i. ....... 888 S 68 ... .Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 90 400 ..Ar. M. Cilty Depot, Lt..... 990 ri;i.:i.ti;:;,'i A t. Monday. Wednesday and Fridaj'. . tTueday, Thvreday and Saturday, ; B. A. MSWLAND, - ' Q. P. A,' .Matter Transportation. - ': V t,.; n 1. 1. BlMien, -1 O. War! .SimONS A WARD 1TT0BMY ail C0VNSIL0BS I us, -' KBaV. B. Office Removed aero Street to Second ;8tory of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of- s flee) Booth Front Street, next to '" "!;,. ,., i flotel Cbattawka, .;; v ' Practice la the counties of Oravaht Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Cart ret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral (Jourta, and Wherever tervioe trt doslrea. - -1 :.'CIarIc 'R.; Tlsbrtasel ATTOENBf & COCNBELOB- AT IiAW, . " New Bern, N. 0."' i - Odloe removed anroa South Fronl Rtrwt to Mot. ( I snd 61, KoW Brlnaon Bullilhift, elmve hew Burn : mcory (Jo. on " : of t oii'h t ront l vll I ' 1 i . . .i,j,;v..l biiniuont oi at l ..'-, r ' TlUt 1AIILE NO. 5, ' iDKtfect V dnei-day. Vnt, 7. DaiU ExO 'l'l .-".iin.tBj . Going South aoufPUi r.- Qolng North No, 63, raSHongerTrai.il. 'No. On, Lv. a m, stations: . Ar. p m 9 011.... ...... New Bern- 5 40 Pollwbsville .... 5 0s Maysville 4 4t ... .Jacksonville 4 10 9 86.-... 9 61 ... 10 02... U Ob 1 WUmingtoa, 1 I Union Depot I 182 l18. . .Ar. WUmingtoni Lv ... U F Passknoek A FRnanr, No. 1 Nf. 3, Leave Wilmington Monday.. Wednee- lay and Friday. Lea c New BerneTuee lay, Thursday and Saturday. U, A at Ar. P n 7 80 Lv. Wdmington, Ar 1 46 8 40 Scott's Hill . ..12 65 ..19 16 .1140 ..10 51 ..10 20 .. 946 .. 8 55 .. 880 . 8 05 .. 720 .. 680 .. 800 9 80 Woodsido.... 10 05 Hollyridge . 10 61.. Dixon II 20 Verona 12 06 Jacksonville 12 80 Northeasl 21 55 Whiteoak 1 80 Maysville 8 15 Pollocksville 8 65 Debrubl's 8 40 Ar. New Barne, Lv . . . . Daily Except Sanday. J. R. KENLY, (Wmoral Manan-r Henderson Telephone Toll Rates. The following Toll Rates will bo in effect on and after May 1, 1902, subject to change or correct Ion. From New Bern to Aydcn 30c Littleton 55c Boydton 70c Loulsburg 60o Buffalo Springs, 70c Morehead City 30c Burlington 80c Nashville 45c 25c 65c Beaufort . Chase City Clarkesvllle 35c Newport 75c Oxford 70c Plymouth 40c 55c Chapel Hill' uac Kaleigh Dnnn 50c Roanoke Rpds 50c Durham one icocky Mount 45c 50c Scotland Neck 45c Enfield Frankllnton Ooldsboro Greensboro Greenville 50c Belma 45c 45c 50c 40c 55c 55c 50c 40c 40c Smlthfield 00c Spring Hope 30c Tarboro 40c Wake Forest 80c Warrenton 60c Weldon 195c Wilson 30c Winston Hamilton New River Henderson High Point Kinston $1.00 F. V TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Supt. Sale of Land. The National Bank of New Berne vs. J M Spencer, et ala. Pursuant to the judgment In the above named action, rendered at the February term, 1903, of tbe Superior Courtof Craven county, North Carolina. l will sell at the door of the Court House of said Craven county, In the City of New Bern, on Monday, the 4th day of May A D, 1003, at 12 o'clock mid day at public auction for cash. That part of the tract if land which Ie situated on both sides of the Trent Road In said Craven county about seven miles from the City of New Bern, and known as the "Rhem Seven Mile Place" which belonged to Jo eph L Rhem at the time of bis death. M.-DoW STEVENSON, Commissioner. March 28tb, 1903. Eastman Kodaks and Photographic Supplies AGENCY BRADHAM'S HARMACY. CAROLINA DISPATCH LIKE -AND- 0(1 Dominion Steamship Co PALLY LraH; fRIIBHT & PASSINfllB. For All Points Xorth. The Steamer NEUSB I scheduled to sail at 6 p. m., Monday weanesaay ana many. The Str. Ocracoke OnlTuesdays, Thursday and Saaur ya8 p.-in. 13"" Freight reoeivecf not later khan one hour previou to tailing. , For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt 11V K; KOTO, Gen. Mgr., H.O. HtrD8iirB,Gen.Frt.4 PMhAtf "i- Norfolk, Va. Hew Bern, N. C-Ang. 1, 180. Notice of Summon. NORTH CAROLINA, ) J In the ": 5i . Craven County. : f Superior Court ;y. -':H"' Clara L'-Johnaon '; , " ' F Johnton. The defendant above named willtak aotloe that n aotlon . entitled as above hs been commenced In the Euperlor Court of Craven county to obtain a di vorce absolute from tbe bands of matri mony and th said defendent will furth er take notice that he I required to ap pear tt tbe May term ef Superior Court for said County to be held on the 4th day ot May 1003 at Court House of said County In New Bern N 0, and answer or demur to th complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor relief demanded In said complaint, , j - . -. 7. , ,.W M. WATSON, . 0. B.Oi ', :sxe ix rdictieiv - ATTC2KEI ATLAr,---:. Middle Street, Lawyer Brick " '-4 Bnlldlag, ; v.- ; Wlirrtitio-n th CrmtiHan of Caven Carl.rf!. Jn.fl, Oimiow ninl l' mHoo. KJ. 0 UuuitntMew t itrue aad bupieme dour ; Post Office Examination, '. The United Htate Civil 8ervlce ComJ mission will conduct an examlnatlent for tbe positions of clerk and carrier itf the local post office service, on Wed. : new) ay May 6. Title Is a fine opportunity to ambltt ons, energetic young men who ar not afraid to work. The subjects that candidate will he examined for will be spelling, arithme tic, letter writing, penmanship, copying from plain copy, United States geogra phy, reading addresses. No application will be accepted for this position unless filed with tbe un dersigned prior to the hour of closing business on April 18, 1903. GEORGE A. WOOD, Secretary Postal Board. Mil ?jjjE-"Sa; COMHWorFsnSlf PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and ad-rice. Rnnr fin iminrw 19m htnfbM ntlnt- Write i to WJm 41 m Amu IV Patent In-aWTera. Uiuim n.Tr m n f BRAr HAM'S IMPROVED ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS are nature's mildest and most effective remedy for a sluggish liver and disorders ol the digestive tract generally. They remove Impurities from the blood and clear np the sallow com plexion often seen in persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases. Price 25c per box, 8am pie box two doses for 5c, BKADUAM'B PHARMACY, 'Cor. Pollock & Middle Sts. Important Notice Regarding U. S. Hail Boxes. Whoever shall hereafter willfully or maliciously Injure, tear down, or destroy any letter box or other receptacle estab lished by order of the PoBtmaster Gener al or approved or designated by him for me receipt or aeiivery or mall matter on any rural free-delivery route, or shall break open the same, or willfully or ma liciously Injure, deface, or destroy any mall matter deposited therein, or shall willfully take or steal such matter from or out of such letter box or receptacle. or Bhall willfully aid or assist In any of the aforementioned offenses, shall for every such offence be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by Imprisonment for not more than three years," The patrons of the New Born Pos Office and the Rural Free-Delivery route of this County should feel a personal Interest In the abore law. It has been enacted for the protection of your mall and It Is your duty, and to your Interest to report promptly any depredations covered thereby. Every effort will be made by me to apprehend the guilty violators and prosecution by the United States will surely follow. Seymour W. Hancock, Posthastes. Directory ofthe Mailsatthe New Bern Post 'k0flice. Mall for all points North, South and West via A. & N. C. R. R. and A. O Line close at 8-80 a. m. Mall for all points East via A. & N. O R. R. close at 6:30 p. m. Mall for all points North and West via A. & N. C. K. R. close at 6:00 p. m. Mall for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Btr. Nouse close at 5:80 p, m. Mall for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Btr. Ocracoke close at 8:30 p. m. Stab Routes. Mall for Olympla, Grantsboro, -Bay-boro. Stonewall, Vandermere and Orien tal close at 6:80 a m, Mail for Bellalr, Lima, Goddy, Chip and Dobbs close at 9:80 a. m. Matt for Asktn, Ernul, Zorah, Wasp and Vanceboro close at 1:00 p. m. Mall for Whitford.cloue at 1:00 p. m. SnvMOTjB W. Hakoocr-, P. M. D. lie WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 So. Front Bt,;Opp. Hotel Chattawka' NEWBERN.N. 0. Craven County Attorney, Circuit, Craven, JonesOnalow, Carta ere, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Court. BRADHAM'S LITER and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can he given to very old people and children. Mild In action their effect Is fr-rech Ing. No pain or discomfort follow their use. They have been called Health' Housekeepers,' which U quite true. Doe your liver hurt you t Better try these pill. Price 26a at BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Bndluun't Antl. BOIoim Uver Pilli, . are purely vegetable and not by stimulating th liver, causing increased flow ot bile and producing natural more mente ot th bowel. They do not pro duo griping or tick stomach. Bur cure tor Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn etc Price M ct. - Manufactured byO. D. Bradham, wholesale and retail drug-g!t.'- . : : . INotlpfEnt. - .f'BWfir ntebrf ' . lker for Craven oountyi The ttnderilgnad Peter Ghspmaa of Craves county, North Cra Una, enter and lays claim to the follow ing described piece or parcel of land In 6th township, Craven eowtty, State of . Horth Carolina, th tame being vacant . and anappropriated land, ui subject to , tntry, yl Lying at th head), of Mul- . berry iwamp and Jolalrg to land of . Wo, Morgan and Joshua Taylor on the., s North, land of Jacob Cvpm on th East, -land of Nero Croom tat th Booth d-' West, and known uUladheretofore ol aimed by Jacob Cop and being kboah-' (1) one mil from Adam Creek eoatala lot; by estimation tea (10) tor ' Entered this 3 dny of March 1003. -- r:. ;nu cnATMAJsr. .

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