the journal; New Ben, V. C, Afrfl 2, 1HV LODGB MMCIORT. -ORAVHT IX)DGK HO, 1 KHIGHTS OF HARMONY. Merttad and k - ttr -JS JJ lVa In ur nAntB IB Rountree's Hall Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. Samuel . Ball, rresiaenn H. Smith, BeCy, B. B. H1U, Financial Secretary. Into to Hew UTertUements. ist;j Wanted. Dawson Baiter eggs. ' McSorley Easter offerings Owen G Dnnn-Job printing. The Bee Hive Millinery opening. Simmons & Eollowell Co Books. Business Locals. BARTER EGGS In manv sizes and de stens at James B. Dawson's, 108 Middle street. Phone SOS. WANTED First class Indastrlal lnsar " anoe man, mnst be good collector. Good salary. Address Box MS. ., . LOST Yesterdav. Dalr of ladles rim less eyeglasses. Finder will be rewarded by returning them to No. 115 East Front street CALL on McSorley for Temple's Old Fashion Stick Oandr In lib Jars. Is pure, dainty and orlsp. FOR extra mild cared hams call at Oaks Market, 16c lb. COULD anything be fairer after you hare used a Phoenix Duster for one year and are not satisfied return It and we will give your money back. They an going rapidly. J. C. Whitty & Co, HAVE Just received a fine line of ham mocks Jardiniere flower vases,for spring . opening, and also a line of cheap clothes baskets. J. & Miller, 87 Middle St. FOB RENT House No. 64 Metcalf St. 8 rooms. Apply to 0. T. Watson. 8ABATOGA Spring Water just received at Jacob's eafe. TO BENT The lower floor of the Smallwood home No. 116, corner Craven and New streets. Apply to Miss F. B. Smallwood. FARM FOR RENT Or sale on Pern broke Road, about mile and half from New Bern. Mrs Anna Dlnkins. EASTER OPENING. The First Suggestion of The Easter Hat Breaks on the View. Coexistent witlfthe gladsome Easter tide Is the thought of personal adorn ment, especially In the matter of attrac tive headwear for ladles. The year of 1908 offers no less beauti ful designs in this line than preceding years, in fact, the styles are rather In ad vance in the art. The Enter opening at Bartoot Bros, store yesterday revealed a perfect dream In tasty millinery and those gentlemen teallted the largest sale of millinery goods that they have ever enjoyed. The display of ladles hats was most attrac tive. They were the productions of Miss Hurtt and the lady displayed admirable taste In their construction. Conspicuous In the display was a large black picture hat. It was trimmed with fruit and plumes a very rich and tasty" specimen of the milliners art. The predomlnent styles are hats trim- sued either in green and white or white - and violet. They are all gems which , even the men may admire. The windows presented an attractive - appearance. They were arranged by the MiMia Hnrti and Rowa. The lsdlm da- " serve much Credit for their artlstlo taste ." Id dlanlivfn. the roods to so flne am advantage. The arrangement Is very pretty. : ' - " , School Team Victors. Quite a crowd gathered at Athletic Park yesterday afternoon to witness the . game between the High School team and the Regulars, the former winning by a seore ot 11 to t . - The features of the game waa the splendid pltohlng of Cannon Prettymaa of the School team, and the heavy bat- duplicating Randolph's old trick by . swatting the ball over left field fence for v Tour bases. . - . : '.. oping Into a good pitcher, as he Is left - handed and has plenty of steam with food control. He Is conceded to be the . "champion" of the amateurs around town. Mr John Gaakin ofldated as um pire and his dedsloav were received without ahlck. - -; ' ,-.'!' Boors by Innings: " 1 8 7 8 9-BHK nigh School 0 0 4 1 0 1 J x-U I I Regulars , 00 00 0001 M i l ATirtejrfatrUrci. The Joemal hae received from Its Swansboro corrsfpondent, the bears' of what must have been, a veritable pa- trlaroh la the wild turkey world. .& ; , The turUf was killed near Swansboro by Mr Dave Ward, Jr. a noted hunter of that place, last Saturday morning, h - Tim bird was the largest ever killed la Ui at section, .weighing , fully ' twenty rounds, and sported a' beard eleven Inciioslong, The appendage Is on ex la the Journal's "private museum" Kiidcaa beaten by all wheare eurleus to oe lb i ' t4000000000 ; .war awrna ,, , , urapachb ob u snmt ' cuius Tounsnur wnrar - ? Y I CAPUDINE ro vm ; ! ! '.I t nrtt. ' AROUND AND ABOUT. The cornices of, the First Baptist church are being pa'nted. Four "Sunny Jims" were distributing packages of "Force" around the city yesterday,' y y . ,.- The Children of the Confederacy will meet Friday afternoon at ;80 atthe home of Mrs. F. C, -Roberts, 'i Next week the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases will be held here, Judge Garland 8. Ferguson of Wayne county will preside. ; - There will be a game of base ball at the base ball park this afternoon at. 8:80 between the Down Town Juniors and the Little Potatoea. Admission free. After April IS the Jasper post office will be discontinued and the residents be served with mall from the rural free delivery route No. 8 from New Bern, There are a number of people in town, strangers for the most part, who are making a house to house canvass, asking alms. Several of them look able to work and some become insolent, If refused as- slstance. The ladies ot the St. Cecilia Society will sell at the residence of Mrs. Mary O Wlndley on Saturday afternoon begin ning at 4 o'clock, a large assortment of handsome fancy articles, and home made candy. The public are Invited to attend this sale, Solicitor L. I. Moore has authorized the Clerk of Craven county Superior Court to announce that the criminal cases of the State vsD. L. Taylor and (he State vs H. C. Lancaster will not be tried at the coming term of court, wit nesses please take notice. The Clerk of the Court will today hear arguments on the Tobe Hsnll case In re gard to the appointment Jof a guardian for him. Those who are acquainted with the man and recent Incidents In his career are anxious, not only for his own good, but the safety of the community that something of this nature be done. An unusual sight was seen on Middle street yesterday, a large white sea gull tripping along the sidewalk, The bird was wounded In the wing and captured in Pamlico sound, by Eugene Lupton who brought it to the city and presented It to Mr. James E. Gasklll. These birds areeully tamed and the one seen yester day was appearently as tame as any old jjoose. The district meeting of the Knights of Pythias will be held In Washington, Tuesday April 7. A special excursion rate to Goldsboro of 13.40 for round trip can be secured If ten persons can be secured. The fare from Goldsboro will be two dollars. The excursion will leave this city at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning and return Wednesday at 10:10 a. m. All intending to go will please leave their names with Mr. J. J. Baxter. Letter to Mark Disosway. New Bern, N. C. Dear Sir: You own several houses. Tour reason for painting Devoe lead and zinc should be several times as strong as the man who owns but one. Lead and oil was good enough paint till the merits of zinc were found out. It was profitable to paint lead and oil It was then but not now. The addition of zlno to lead makse Devoe lead and ztnc last twice as long and cost no morejoosts lees a trifle less, not much. Lead and oil la mixed "by hand; Devoe lead and zlno by . machin ery. Might aa well make one's shirts by hand as mix paints. Bay It costs 100 a bouse to paint lead and oil; and It lasts three yeara. Say It costs the same for Devoe;whIch lasts six years It will last ten years, In favorable conditions, unless you want to repaint to change the color. The coats: lead and oil about $80 a year; Devoe 1S probably lesa. Tours truly, F. W. Divon A Co , New Tork. P. S. E. W. Smallwood sells our paint. VALUABLE TIMBER LAND Passes Into Possession of the Elm City Limber Company. An Important real estate transaction was made Tuesday by which the Elm City Lumber Co., becomes the owner of some very valuable timber land. The deal Is one of which the Journal has had Information for some time but has wait ad until its consummation to publish. It Involves two tracts belonging to the 0oL John Whltford estate and Hardy WhKford. It comprises 8,500 acres and Is located la Jonas county, on the Trent river. It Is eight miles from New Bern. The owners consider that they have parohssed the best timber tract la this section. ' It consists of the finest quality of original growth trees end it will re quire several years to ass up the supply this tract affords. It Is estimated It wUl cut lp 00,000,000 feet, v v ;" Ths price paid for the property was 45,000. ; , ii::y-fr2.. ''! Stents f IttWlM Hm kbnjt Bn j; r f ; vVVr' - "' '' J ' ' '- : ; : ;X ;',;; ' AT ALIj GODA roUUTAIKS. ; , Delicious, Healthful, Refreshing and In t . . vigoratins. Tho meet Cooling; -4 . ' and Ctirfjins. DON'r SfiOOTI The Joarull Makes a v Warning Jig- i - gtalion. ; ' ' As a matter of nreoautloa we feel ft our duty to suggest to our city sub- scnDers to tie not too eager to shoot when they hear noises about their r rem ises during the early morning hour. DO not be alarmed as It might be the carrier delivering the Journal. ' ' Out Jim Stanley sometimes makes his rounds shortly after midnight, and It might enter the head of soma parson that almrslar mar be trvinr to .vet in to the house and): shoot an Innocent Hence, we say to the subscribers la be half of our faithful helper to look before yon shoot and keep the dog chained. OASTOniA, Beano, f A 'M ana Jan Always Boitjt Bigaetut V af SOUVENIRS FROM PHILIPIPNES. A Box Sent by Z. V. Babbitt to His Father. Mr C M BabblltShas received a box of Interest soavenlrs from his son, Z V Babbitt, who Is In the government mili tary service In the Philippine Islands. Ii was placed In the" office of the revenue collector. The box contained some bolls of cot ton which Is different from that raised In this country. It 1b not so white but Is of finer texture and longer fibre. Its fibre has a silk like appearance. There were other articles there taken from the ocean which for beauty, dell cateness of texture, ahd exactness of con atructlon defies anything of human workmanship. It Is said to be spun by a small warm in the sea. It has some re semblance to a spider's web but Is much more Intricate and ha more beautiful appearance. There were also sevoml photographs of military maneuvers and native scenes which are very Interesting. A full and complete line of Inteina al stock and poultry food for sale at J. R. Parker Jr. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ex-Bherlfl Joseph Klnsey is in the city. Mr. W. B. Murrlll of Jacksonville is lp town. Mr. Will Bell of Newport was here yesterday. Miss Hettle Sawyer wunt to Elizabeth City last night. Mr. W. B. Allen wont to Elizabeth City last night. Mr. T. J. Copeland went to Elizabeth city last night. Mr. J. 8. Rice of Marlbel was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Powers of Oriental was In New Bern yesterday. Miss Sirah Davis of Beaufort spent yesterday in New Bern. Mr. M R. Sabiston.of Maysvllle was a business visitor here yesterday. Messrs. M. Russell and Ed Holland of Swansboro are visitors In the city. Mr. J. E. Latham returned from a business trip to Norfolk yesterday. Messrs. G. A. and Arthur Mldyett of Frienlal were in the city yesterday. Mr. W. E. Patterson has left for a commercial trip through the South. . Mr. T. D. Hewitt of Newport, N. C., was In the city on business yesterday. Mrs. J. Council Brown and children left yesterday morning for Greensboro. Messrs. W. H. Powers and Charlie Griffin of Oriental were In town yester day. Messrs. J. C. Holland and T. A. Bell of PoIlocksviUe, spent yesterday In Jhe city. Attorneys W. W. Clark and D. L. Ward returned from Trenton court last night. . Mr. L. 8. Grant went to Littleton, N. O., last night to attend a wedding ota relative. Mr. Fred Plttmaa returned tohlshome in Swansboro yesterday from Norfolk where he has been for a few months. Miss Kate Plttmaa of Swansboro. was In the city yesterday, enroute to her home from Oriental where she has been visiting friends. f Mr, Leo Sultan left last night on the steamer Neuss for New Tork, where he will spend his ana u el vacation allowed him from the post office. YJ- '-, ' '- Mr. and Mrs. James 0. - Hughes, who have been guests of the Patterson House for several weeks, returned last night Via the steamer Neuss to their home in Brooklyn, K.T. '' X'- Commencement at Littleton. 0 Littleton Female College Is preparing for a great Commencement the last week in May. Bishop A. Coke Smith wUl preach ths annul sermon. Dr. O. F. Bee,' of Neshville, Teon., will dellvtr the Missionary Address and Gov. Aycock will deliver the Literary Address. v ' ; V' t stjww om Sot wwmlty V ' sWan oMtnf onld, IU nuns b prnT-DolMntt For Mayor, , At the request of many friends I will be a candidate at the coming city prima ries for the office of Mayor of the City of New Bernv-s; f - ;a "' GEOBGB 8LOVKR. For Alderman Second Ward.' We, citizens of the Second Ward de take pleasure in naming for a candidate for Alderman of the Second Ward, Mr B B Blalock, a man whom we believe would make a very excellent, alder man. . DHhocbatio Votxhb. For Light and Water Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Water and Lights for the City of New Bern. I am already on the board by appointment, and If elected, for the term I pledge myself , to use every effort to give good service. J. C. SCALES. To tbe Democratic Voters of the City of New Bern. I hereby announce myself scan- dldate for the nomination for the office of Mayor of the City ot New Bern at the primary to be held for that purpose. I have occupied the office before and pledge myself to a strict enforcement of the laws and that I will give my personal X attention to all matters In which the Interest of the City and Its Im provement are Involved. Wm. ELLIS. To The Democratic Vo ters of New Bern. I respectfully solicit your suffrages at the Primary election to be held In April for the office of Mayor. An Intimate knowledge of the Clty'a needs and affairs acquired during the past several years as Alderman, aided by my knowledge as a citizen for many years, qualify re I think, In some meas. ure to perform the duties acceptably as well as to the best Interests of the city. To apply business methods to muni cipal affairs, and Impartially advanco and safeguard the City's Interests will be my earneat desire. Very Respectfully, THOS. F. MCCARTHY. Candidate For Mayor. To The Democratic Voters of the City of New Bern: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Mayor. Platform.good govern ment for best sanitary conditions and advancement for best Interest of affairs pertaining to good government and streets sprinkled when needed. THOS. BOWDEN. Announcement. I hereby announce myaelf a candidate for renomlnatlon by the Democratic primary to be held In the city, for the position of City Tax Collector for the ensuing term of two years beginning May 1908. Most graciously thanking you for your support In the past, tjk your favorable consideration again- and If elected will perform the duties pertain ing to the office, to the beet of my ability and satisfaction of aU. . Most Respectfully, J. J. TOL80N. Announcement. I desire to thank my friends for their hearty support in the past, and I again present myself to the Democratic voters of New Bern as a candidate for Chief of Police, at the next primary. If elected. I pledge myself to use every effort for the advancement of the Interests of the City of New Bern. Trusting to be favored with your suffrages. I am Respectfully, JOHN M. HAKGET, March 27. 1908. To The Democratic Vo ters of New Bern. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of Now Bern at the primary, election to be held la April X kindly ask your rapport, and If elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of thu office to the best of my ability, end to tbe Interest of the City at large ' .' . - VsryBeepectfuHr, 'i' ' t '.CLUPrON.- To the Democratic Vot ers of New Bern, v ' I shall be a candidate for the office of .Chief of Police of ths City of New Bern at the coming Democratic City Primary, and ask your votes In behalf of my candidacy, I propose to serve the peo ple by good public servloe not by prom Ises. , s ' Respectfully, ' -RICHARD P. MONTAGUE. .' W. & L. Commissioner. t hereby notify the citizens ot New Bern that I am a candidate for the posi tion of Water ft Light Commissioner, subject to ths decision ef the Democratic primaries. W. A. McINTOStH. Candidate For Aldcr . man. ' ; Having been appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr J C Scales, Afilor. man or the Second Wsrd, I cppi-ctfu!!f ask the voters for tliclr support In the coming election, for U'D '( pn!!(,n T. V. AV V. We have Just In a fine stock of Mens boys and children! shoes, neck wear hats, clothing collars, etc, AH In the latest style and cheaper than any first, class store fat the town ever thing guar aatesd. J::v-v'r:-;H' '-'-tv Respectfully, ? v : -0 ."J. J. BAXTER. ccccoeabaonp li Submitted to tho Man II S Who Knows a Good o o o o o o JPrlce. g MONAROII PATS Great Shoea in every leather, q The Price $3.50. g HATTEBAND s vj.jaiaaiezstreet. OCCC3DODODO0ODODODODOCCC3O Dry Goods, milinety, Shoes. BARFOOT BROS John i Gfocef 2 Begs to call tho attention of the Housekeepers to his Fine and Complete Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. X - Every steamer is bringing in some delicacy to be added to his stock. 3 A share of your trade is receive careful attention an4 a PKOMPT DELIVERY. All orders small or large will be appreciated. JOHN DUNN, Grocer, Phone 74. POXsJLOCK ST. mm I Fine; well L by Best Authors. . u. . J For Bael 80 cords, or less, of either Oak or Pine Wood. taO new cord at A. AN. a Trent Warehoassv .-; - p ' - V ; l PRIMROSE AND DEWEY.! r --. -i Nice lot North Oarollnst'kama ISo at J. R. Parker Jr. . . - . ; Article at a Fair S o fl HABERDASHER, O Dttim. solioited. Your orders will re- bound books i f Ja V f C, o z . i ll . i - aO i u max m At a Not 'only $oat figure but your purse, i This season we line of $10.00 Oood suits, too. Thev fit well all wool and are cut shape. . It is no trouble to show you through our line, it is a pleasure instead. We are proud oi our Spring Suits and want you to see them.. Every suit sold Don't forget that we can fit the hard ton fit, we carry stout suits tor short men, and slim suits fit them all. If you want something a little bet-T ter than $10, we have suits at $12 50, T $15, and $16 50. You are bound to find something here to your taste and all we ask you to do is to examine our line. IJ.G. "Dunn & Co., O Men's e& Boy's Wear, Q g olloclr Street. 2 pring and Summer Millinery OPENING THURSDAY, APRIL 2. The Bee Hive 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church CCCCODODODODODODODOaODODOl j T. J. Turner Q Tbe only Jucclnsire Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers of g Q Farniture. Mattresset, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Keri Q . O Springs and Feathers in New Bern. Q Q ., All goods shipped direct from factory in solid cars. 0 ? Q ... All Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Q p Salesroom and Office: Planters Tobac- O ' O co Warehouse, 88 Middle St., Opposite B I n Our Old Stand. NEW BERN". N. fi. O f JJ r Open 7 a. m. , Close 7 p. m. Phones: Office 272, Residence 254. iCCCCODODODODODODODODOOOOOi AT. THE HEAD OF ALL TOBACCO FEUTIMZKIL IISUEADOWSi a. iKjKD I ... , m. i,- ! -. A, ! Spcclallj prepared for the lands good cure, make Wrapper! and Fill I As our goods are manufactured claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Jllgh OradelDabbage, PoUto, AUcrop and Cotton Guano, '.j . '. Our Motto: Not How Cheap But How Good.' ', ' -v . Use our goods an J have no regrets. ": " "1 'j.' ',' v-'v '. r. r- j. , rZADOVS CO'mfrs, o 8 o o : are showing a large SUITS. in the new varsity is guaranteed. Your T for tall ones. We 4 Furniture Co. GOLD LEAF of Eastern' Carolin. Iniuiea Yon Puree.' - near you and not reehlppeJ, ire Condition. - ' V , - .--

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