y - , ."-, ; ! ..." - " 0 ;wWir..XV; V VW BERN, S.C.TURDAY M0RSIH8, -APRIL U, 1903." VOL 1XI-I0, to. ; 1 TWIHTr-SECOMD TIAR .r"-. -V a, 'bi.a. J1 wik. mar ar m wi x-an vj I V LI II V J f I V " It 111 .1 V J I . . -; i i 'Lli V ! v Hit. ll Absolute! ItavaKM of the ' '" No plncc luis Itoen more transformed by the rnvngeg of the spa tbnn Dun wich. In Englnnd. Centurlea ago It wns a InrRp oltj1. with a flue harbor, and n-ns the capital of the eastern counties. Now It Is a little. decayed village, with only one cbnrch and a few broken down houses. The other sixteen churches have been washed In, to the sea. and the sole remaining one is now perilously near the edge of the uliff. , Grammar mmd Conncteme. Would you say, "This la some one else's umbrella," or "This la some one's else umbrella r Or would youlast pre tend tlint It was yours t-C r Globft. 4 Where are you going sir," she said. And ahe did eomev bay, bat looks about Oar Stock of i. dresses temptsrery woman Into adding aBothar te her waailrobe.""" : k cooa atoea oi arr Booas, vvanow ti eiaiosiOTerveoo- w In town knows Ik Do yon? How can waiting for yon, if yon don't, eeme and 49 lad Black Henrietta at 7BC 41 iaoh Black Henrietta, extra 44 Inch Black Henrietta, aUk warp, on inh niulr R&tlstA a if vairhk yn 44 Inch Blk Borah Berge, weU worth AIM, onr price only 1 28, ' f 2ii 88 Inch Blk Otra. fancy weae, new thing oa the aaarket, ask Y W specially to see It, at 78c, , t . , ' Jft j ; 10 pieces Albatross, way below the regular price, all shades, nayy.l V At garnet, sea greea, light Wee and black, at 48o. i ) 'P Taffeta Bilks In evening shadea, at t 00, 1 X J V TaHeta Bilks in all shades at 80c , W OWN YOUR rii a A, Millionaire's Advice, to Young Men? t ' a ..it Vnnwn miUlofjairav arith a aatlonsl maaatloa rWennserratUm. said - eonveraatlofi the other day "If I weat . nnld Invest cot tavtaM in a saH tleoe-ef for I would put the deed away and forgetjjhaA tt-.tii'lteaj i,(mid begin paying onanother." .Htf VOU.J-T. , vV'.' ' '!!?k"P VM J' Doubtless every mail has felt at some time that he Would tike to be a land hihler. That he woold like te have klieUepieee ol alita earth of this great country that he eookl call his own. , This la a worthy aeatisaank, bat to eeteet kkLpleee el land in the heart of a aopaloaa eommunltv where the mer preesore o rjapadaSrow Is thtre to inoreate the value wl but hpbllngv perliapa jgam fold-thia la ,eentlnvnt 'combined with business. ' -,i -k - , - Hi It nnqneaUooably atrengthens a iistf s ehanrMot to own property Inereases his responstbillty. 11 be can tie himself ap, and b obliged to aaate mralM paynteata ' ha it sure to tav. .1 he trouble is a allows ths ehaaes ( psat. . He la aag to hrin nr.it month. Rich men talk of the Importance of a maa! flrat Thoaaand Z. . . a & rr 1 1 1. UOllarS.;. VVny BO DIS aric aanurvu vr h. wAii iimE sum bo lima UMt step so WMpenoenoet The New Bera Investment l ompany time awl easy monwiiy pajm-aw. ;' y;r$-il:,?K':- ' What more can you get anywhere in jpLddl ' tloh to. Satistaction f v W guarantee that!, i .. ki ; . r j : Bulta Cleaned and pressed Corner MidKe aid olio Street; ' . ." : ' Darigert Buii'ling I , v i - PurO . Ay) 1 tnked. Rauiod, April 10. Bepnbllcans r turning from the Qreeniboro aaeetlng where Thoa. & Bolllnii ea-8enato( Prlt ehardfS aon4n4aw, waa elected (State Ohainnaa and ox-Jodge.' W I. 6. B. BoUnsoa National OoaaMtteaflMui .tell Tery eoafllctlng stories. '- j Pot the saoat part though they agree In faying Bolllas' eleetkw was forced beeanM of sobm dlaeradltabto enethods need against him and as a rebuke to the antl-Pritchard nea, .';' '. - 1 ... lT;mT (Hit 8. St i. ' aa. g my pretty JiiaidP'f 1( lit 19 ' ,1'l, M , " ' , . ,l, jf.i.-1-U.' f Coaaee regnlarly DoesalalWayS r dainty light boda to 'eaamMa' ) yon tell what valnee are, here IV see. - , good talae. at 1 00, ft 80, a-' f or snrhv sad nanw. at kim. f ytwag uaa aakm, tor Independence,' I good taal estate." WhM I had It paid uni pn, ion u pnini v. firar BUI 1 a . mm . a A. All ins iui ij iw n is THi TIMl TO DO 1' KOW., offers twenty eiea lots lor -aatt oat long unu vvj V::;H. A. mmM,'$eeretary.j r:i!cSorh&Cofs mom K.'.ltn'. Ifat.lalKA Hi 1 I aa A a i e " fyal r-tf in ' 31 TO SIT AEOnu tYOUUSv ' fl 1U Wefro'ke Rises to korC Shoois an4 is RaLwcih' ADrU 10. Poltoemkit ' Rot? rtton tod negro 7 unfit Bnioe.jbpli thU mornlnr db k ibaaltl tnla ufl both now rlle taEex, Ho8pltlr 4eepertely Bpttk,lroM ihowd In Henderson lut ntf ht.v Brno: botfrtt i Mierrsd Mtttaket indited en HUng'mong tkelrUte people. ' Pbltoenwa Bobeitton ordered Blot W1ot. The negro etme Infurltted tnd snot the offloer twloe, the mosfkerions wound Mag In the bdonenjOTer the, Ujtf, policeman Oioekett . oma to the tesene of Polioe- BUtpbertM end Wh tod' on the ne gro, one bUt entered the , p Pdomen ana majr'proTe fatal, Elalaoe ,,vas erqahed by a blow'froni the' offloe.r'a bill;. "'Po- In (he cheat bot will. reooTer. '' f ''..'" 'reached here oa 0jpec!a Uala at ioir EDDC1TI0WALBEQUESL mil Htilstnce Sou Vake Forest College Rrnarth ' ' ; f. r i" ' i Rauiqh, April 10-Jadge O M Cooke of Loaisbarg was here today -returning BobesoBJi-where' ho .held-a two weaka.olvB term." The worst stjlt waa a eJrll action, lasting Ova days,- to oon- deatn thesaU neat' Borland as a nul- The mill on Ifaek after next JadgnOooke'Wlll hold the apeolel term la Alexander to try the famous divorce all of Moore against Xoore. '' Hr B D Heath of Charlotte, through his pastor, Be. S V Hut, has given Trinity College 2,000 to be known as the Heath.. 8c holarshlp Fund, and used toald worthy poor hoys In securing an oJsbIom. " ttt ''j- ftX ; Profiiao.aVOarlyleef Wake Forest OoUege eaya there are now 014 student, then. TTheoommenoemeat wlH be Hay t-S7th. Ben. & O. Daagaa. of Louli TllleYKy.,wUl preach the sermoa op Soadayi , Monday; Ceagreaunae Claude Kttohem delivers the address to the law ejtas.v TaesdayRer. D. K P. JohnSon, of the :i Fifth Avenue Baptist charoh, Near York, Will deUver the mer- ary adlxeaayi Taeeday alght Mr. J. 'VTm. Bailey will ths alamsl orator "and a kanqo -wltt JoUoiLWodnesday,: the gradnatlag eaerelses will be held. 1 , .it f i i ill lllaali, I 5 tArxeertero'a tfOtfilhg ir like better (ban hard work. r '' i rorrla--TBeroaoBtIiln8-Vou like ttct te;wbaaiet)odjr elsa it doing It I invoe iff hara-uoaeratooaj i-a-uopt yon didn't think 1 was such a fool; as to like to do .hard work myaeir, or any Other klndror tliflt matter.- Boston mMsaipf""""""""' -. MAeTaU.-fa-iJaa-e-, Maarsmae 1 "Beauta ef sscknW 1' bad to send "That lfeft,'me,'ahVM,doa-eTa landTleln rhiikt.""1" ' " 9ha aforld haa a -mUlkm Toosta for a xoaa, bweonly emesmtti O.'W. Holmes ; Tor Inlkrit ind CUiirrju eara the, 4pia4wofJ AUiHinistrators W iwttwnth ivj! IP"jiJ .Wt'aT.ft Will expose MpnbUo sjioUost,' for cask to the highest . bidder oa i Tuesday the8thdajof lAprlli J008, at . the late resides oo and place of buslaest of w. E. Brown, doeesed.xw, yaeeea,N. C aU of Ids personal 4Popertyi eearUUnf or .. , - - . v . jtiwHikj, AJkMttl am1 :-tv' Beretc hmUL". .;': one heifer.'-,l rr. ,"fam oarb)nj9jr t f , 4 bagglea. t, r,j( j' One carriage, ,u. irt;i- vi !";:a of lb erfcmltoral 4mplesaeats AO of his household Snd kltchoV fur atture.' ' '" " ; 'Bsla will, Wla .a the, hour ,oHl , TlJ the oth day or Apnl, lOOir ; h H. CUfLEK, ; i A(!mtnUtraor of W K. Browa, dcoesstd A;n;. rxt:fo Co., ,'1 -. i . r, c:. LjtUn I I JK I LX - a--aav , wis a To lAlhat And ChilfW , s ! DISGUISED lA l Stealthy, ' Jnsidioiis Weakening . (! . It 1 fcnemy to RET. HABBIET B. EDWABD8, CLINTON, U. Ber. Harriot B. Edwards in a recent letter from Mt. Pleasant Park, Clinton, la writes: " have found that Peraoa A m wonderful tatdklne to ate la diseases peculiar to women. It quickly and permanently restores health and rigor ami sett s a natural tonic to a worn-out system. I have so tar never observed a castrwblch was not greatly aided by Its asc"HEV. At?. H. R. EDWARDS. THERE are a multitude of women, especially housewives, and all other : wmwH nWlffnH ft bA nn thnlr fnnt constantly, who are wretched beyond de scription, simply because their strength and vitality is sapped away by catarrhal discharges from the polvio organs. Thosa women get up In the morning tired, 'drag themselves through their dally duties tired, only to go to bed at 'night aa tired aa before. Peruna Is such a perfect spociflo for each case that when patients hsvonee used It they can never bo induced to quit it until they are permanently cured. It begins to relieve tho disagreeable : .Latest Edition of i : : Prayer Books i MOTS BOOK STORE, f l MMMtMSMMIMMSm J ' Waiter, another i u i": of the Same." Not a surprising order when yon know it waa Budweis beer .which waa "en oored." "It's a sure sign of the excel lence of the Budweis brand ot beer that once used It's used again, as its ihcreaa Ing sales show. . Try it, If you haven't tried lb oraer again u yon nava , SJ; Fv Taylor.' mK'V!'H:sW IIIH', K''C r-n- ' ' PONT AI'3TA!H from nii-Ht. Tlifire U no lontrer snv why It should not be enlun frc iy ind ninny rpnin why It lhould be.Hif line u'isllty of tie f -T3 wo )!T.T Is rcii's iry strc rri ni!ur"ii(-!il nr ti-!r cm'!' 1 '-in. i .-! p'" " :"" If-. , y-.-. ,. . i 'I Bpnals ana CATARRH. N women. ; symptoms at onoe. The backache ceases, the trembling knees are strength ened, the appetite restored, the digestion made perfect, the dull headacho is stopped and the weakening drains are gradually cured. These results certainly follow a course of treatment with Pe runa. Jos. B. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes from Robinson, 111. : "iMrs. Crawley has taken a number ot bottles ot Perm on account ol nemos troubles. It has proven a strong ionic mod lasting cure. ' I can cheerfully recommend It" Joe. B. Crowley. . Brutus pad Cassia - -J Would Tom areen with envy If they eoald seethe garments worn by the men in New Bern and made by F M Chadwlok. Well fitting hand some and swell in style, and showing a man whh perfect form to perfection, or making a perfect form In the man that is detective. It yoa havrn't ordered your Spring suit or light overcoat, let as show yoa what a swell yoa can be when we have made your garments. ?; V F. M. Ciadwlob. ' era have fast ftOtl Vlsl M r BMOrt" . siMt of aastsr aerSisna, , . as the mtoa of irlnf pmfaaKS sad . lewtnat Xastcrtidt at a irewtnf m,w have Mcarrd sans ef the ' thofetat' of KUrs CaltSlfaMl aiarlaama, v tadBliat M oengkt. ,-fWl men eda "aMrt iTloWa,". , i r Seavsalrs la the ' form af parniBue rV "Irt koattoalma te fee ftviato aafrtisstfs thai eva edor.aw 'lhould V xif have . yoa ei'-, '-'t"X . 4 For Salo by i , rlJcnry'g Pharmacy 3 127 Middle Et Wliurf f rnj i r!y formerly oorunled by O W P in.iUon as wood yard. At'i to d. -tiaVe or.ros In second simyofni-w hrh.k Imilillng 00 Bouth I-"r:nt An 'y to mm fl e7 Mrs. Wm. Hetrick, Eennard, Wash ington county, Neb., writes: . . "I am fifty-six years old and have not felt well since the Change of Life began ten years ago. I waa in misery some where most of tho time. My back was very weak, and my flesh so tender it hurt me to lean against tho back of a choir. I had pain under my shoulder- Modes, in the small of my hack and hips. I sometimes wished myself ant of this world. Had hot and oold spoils. dizziness, and trembling of the limbs, and was losing flesh all the time. "After following your directions and taking Pernna I now ,eel Vke a different person' Mrs. Wm. Hetrick. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis, writes as follows in regard to Peruna: "For years I hove suffered with back acho and severe pains in the side. I doctored so much that I became dis couraged. "A school friend told me how very much Peruna had benefited her and I sent out for a bottle, which did more to relieve me than all the other medicine I had ever taken. I used it faith fully for two Weeks and It com pletely cored me. I have not had any pains ''since, anywhere, but feel like anew woman. I am truly thankful for what Peruna has done for me." Barbara Alberty. Mrs. D. W. Mason, 602 Dauphlne street, New Orleans, La., writes: " I have been taking your Peruna and M anal In and can cheerfully recommend It to all those suffering with the same trouble that I was. I have been suffer ing for the past two years with female weakness, palpitation of the heart, stom ach, kidney and liver disorder, and above all a dreadful cough with smother ing spoils. I waa completely run down. "After I had taken one bottle of Pe runa and a few doses of your Manalln, I could sleep soundly, my heart was better, my cough left me, It acted Imme diately upon my nerves, and after tak ing four bottles according to your direc tions, I was entirely cured of all my troubles. "I can truthfully say that there is nothing to equal your Peruna and Man alln. I was a different women after tak ing the second bottle. It is without a doubt the best medicine in the world: Language falls to express my gratitude for this cure. May God bless you." Mrs. D. W. Mason. - If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Pornna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your oaso and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratia. ( . Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. iSfilo. MT - Job Printing don on short notice JAT LOWEST PRICKS. Call and get my prices, you will8ave by it, Owen 0. Dunn 69 POLLOCK ST. We i are: receiving daily a new line of Spring . . . Fumituret : Have also just re ceived a very fancy lot of ; flattings, - Rugsr Leath er nntl Velvet Couches ; At Prices that - you. ' ; Givo us a call and Jjfv Barbara Alberty. cr-.r-ino cur ttccl:. ITo trc ' lT to c':3T7 CCOd I Snow Drift, and Admiral Flour Just Received at J. L. McDANIEL'S. I have a few gallons of Nice Btraincd Honey at 20c;qt. Fresh lot Ontario Buckwheat, Clover Hill Print Butter, Maple Syrup, New Orleans and Porto BicoMolasses," Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Prunes, Codfish and Irish Potatoes, Peanuts, Canned and Bottled.Goods orall kinds, Headquarters for Fine Teas andJBoastedHCoffce. Give me a call. Yours toPleaae, a. 3 'Phone 91. MnllAwPT HiUUsUUlU Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. and J. C. Fulford Supply Co. HARDWARE 78 Middle St. MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 147. Phone 216.J Keep a full supply of Guilders Material. Hash nnnm Rli nfis aOlnect Pa info Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement Stoves and " - - , ' olass hardware store. A full line of Hailroad, Steamboat and MiU Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Pul leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valves,' Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nuts, Iron, Having consolidated the two hoilSAS goods at Very Low Prices. Thanking the uiiuni imiruuage we are, I ours truly, Gasl Hardware and JOSEPn GASK1LU P. A. Hei e As For Every Man, Woman and Child to Dress up tor Easter. MeiiH, Boys and Chlldrens Clothing. For $10 50 we will dress any man ffom head to foot. We will dress an? bov from head to foot for $5 98. Wo will dress any child from head to foot for 8 48. MEN 1 suit 10 50, 1 hat 3 00, 1 pr shoos 3 25, 1 shirt 75c, 1 tie 60c, 1 pair sockj 10c, total value $16 10, all for $10 50. BOY-1 suit $5 98, 1 pr shoes 1 50, 1 hat 11 00, 1 shirt 50c, 1 pr Hose 10c, total value $8 08, ail for $5 98. CHILDREN 1 suit $3 49, 1 pr shoes $1 25, 1 hat 50c, 1 pr hose 10c, total value $4 88, all for $2 49. DRY GOODS. We havo just received a big line of Dress Goods in Bilks. Cashmeres. Plain Lawns, and Dimities, for this week we will give prloes that others cannot give. We will give you a price on Diniities-2503 yards worth 12Jo and 15c vd. your choice in this lot 7c for this week only. We have Just received from the mill a from 12Jo to-80c yard at a price you never ?JoWASa,eamen, 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill Berock s' Studio IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Upstairs - Cor Pollock - and Middle St Where he will be glad to see his patrons and friends. 4k AAAAiaA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtti44al44A y f f TTf TfTTTTTTTTTTTTTf TTTf f t t t tttttttfttt f V , , a- Set a a. ::. ; diliciods, ixhilaeatina, ; uiRKsisa. --sjt Most nleasant.enective.and certain re- ! : lief for disordered : : tho stomach tight. a iw . : : 110VC3 neirtDurn ana naiuiency. i.nvc3 ; : : array tho blues. Hakes work c7. I7o : - White Frost Wholesale g ft Retail , Oroeer, e 71 Broad St Ranefl And AVArvfTlinfy Ironf in a Aral. O J & v,rv ... u.ow- we are nrAnflrAd in fnrat.h Flirrh nifkllln trade for past favors and soliciting your 11 Supply Company, WILLIS. JOE O. FULFORD. a Chance big lot o! Remnants of Hamburg worth heard of before. Look for your silver S. COPLON. Hdw. Cc, New Bern, N. C. Paints ! Before you buy your paints In vestigate Heath and Milligan Paints Strictly Guaranteed, looks better, covers more and wears longer. For sale by Foj & Simmons; General Hardware, 19 M Street, NEwomoTtir. c f I f . "i'.4 :..''v.a --"'.:-:sr digestipn, and kccp3 , ' A true tonic. Ko- ; ; n a n . eirf - v J v F. R. I-VFFY. T. W W'ATEng. D.VYIT r r

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