TUB JOURNAL, New Ben, H. C, Arll II. 1908. LODGB DIRECTORY. ", CRAVEN LODGB NO, 1 ERIGHTB or HARMONY. . Heeti tad mnd tta Wednesday nights in etch month In Bountree't HalL Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock, tiamnel B. Ball, President; J. v n. Bmlth, BeCy, B.B. Hill, Financial Beoretary. Index t Hew Afrertbemeats,,, ' Hackbum- ' , ' -J Flaylorbeer. J S Benton-Ia the spring. . ' T J Turner Furniture Co 1 J M Spencer Disk wltlvatort. ' : r Bushes Ltcals. FOB fiALK A lot of coal tar, cheap. B. B. Davenport. FOB SALE A-tot of corned mullet. B. ftB Davenport. 8TBATED White and black tetter pap six monlht old, Reward V retornea to No. 70 B. Front St,' . FOB 8ALE One iteam boat In good reonffltlon. Capacity 80 ton, Price 8, ' 600, apply to J. B. Harvey, , Vaneeboro, ' N.O. FOB SALSA genUe (addle pony. M. Harks. SITUATION WAHTBD A young lady : detliet a posttloa u stenographer, com petent and tellable. Enquire at Journal 'offloe,'?': f ruvau aann on ncase mor, o uuu from New Bern, by Lorento Staton, af one matt schooner. Owner can hate the aame by applying to Lorenzo Staton, 8 'Green St., PaTleffown. CALL on McBorley for Temple's Old ' Jrnanion puck vanuy iu i ju pure, dainty andorjsp. Price 85c FRESH NunnaUys Candy received last night by express at J B Dawson's, -f- COULD anything be fairer after you have used a Phoenix Dmtter for one year and ere not satisfied return It and we will give your money back. They an going rapidly. J. O. Whitty & Co. FOB RENT House No. MMetcalfBt. 8 rooms. Apply to O. T. Watson. SARATOGA Spring Water just received mt Jacob's Cafe. - To the Democratic Voters of Me w Bern. I desire to return my thanks to the voters of the city for their support in the primary on Monday last, and to re quest their support again in the primary to be held on next Monday to decide between Mr. McCarthy and myself. If I am nominated, I reiterate the statement, that my time and personal attention will be given to all matters Involving the interests of the city. WM. ELLIS. To The Democratic Vo J ,tera of the Citf of New Bern. I desire to thank allot my friends who so loyally supported me at the Primary Monday, April 6th, and desire to request their continued sepport at the primary ; to be held aext Monday the 18th. loan ' mature the citizens of New Ben that - should I be selected m their choice for .': Mayor, I will to the ataoet at my ability : ive them an adatlaitt ration that will re- s lams Mtftv ann awrmniw nrwin ua miw. a r t-i- si. . m rtu.! Tr'tr;.;,' . Keepeetiolly, rv: Till III W MAf 1 A H'l'M v uvw m wwe ' nctsfAVif twAtkirth Attre .f ,4 LiwviiAi' rtuuuisauudf . ?9 :' Mr. a 0. Morton vent to JscksonTiUe "V nctardsT. J . ' . Mr.l.V. HIbm al Dover, it vialtlne I - m -s " . - inueaiv. , m , i-Ut. 1. D. Graves of PttUburg, if regta tend at theChaUawka. WSiUUpyW Mrfl 1. M VMrta tu MhflflMM AM til Jtr.r, uortey oi viaounau, u m j guest of the Bilto.i-v", 2:i Mr. C.J, Covlngtoav of Baltimore, to ; registered attUHatelton. ,.'-i:ii',J . 'xJIr.G..M. Wagnei of'SalUasorels 'MfflatiMd a the ObaiUwka. r- '" '.. : Mrs. Or B. Cole of New TorkClty.U Visiting Mrs. M. t. HeOowelL , ;. .- : ' Mr. 0. D. Wilson of New. tort City, is a guest at (he tttowtt.-?;-iS4 Mr. P. M. Ashiord of Wathlngtoa, D O. It a guest of the Chatlewka. ) -Z ,i Mr. Jamet B. 8teen and 'wife of Hew To.k tCIty, an guests at the Chattaw- La. ' ip. .i- ; i:r. Frank Nath of BlUtboro, to the frurat of hit brotherla-law, Rev. H, 8. I,:r. Ralph- Davnport-4e spending Taster with hit titter, Miss Elide, who ; GJ-LD'-ryn.xA. . ' 1 ;tt ') I. TMATUT"' '. IJDIN AROUND AND ABOUT. New peat were en the market jester- day at 40 cenU a peck. M U..L.1 -kltk 111 AVAt1rt of I " All BlIlUll' V 11M w wjiiw I Liverpool will be open" Monday, ; The Broad Street Fruit Oo have moved their store to Tolson's old stand 69 and 71 Broad street, ' . .' - The Atlantis Messenger to now under the Editorial control of Rev. M P. Davis pastor of the. Tabernacle - Baptist church..: , Biell orchestra will furnish the mptlo for the Easter danoa Monday night, A large attendance la expected. The pub lic are cordially lirlted.- - ,. The steam laundry ; at Kiniton was burned yesterday morning between ten and eleven o'clock, fire originating la the drying room. - The lots Is estimated at $3,750, with only 11,675 Insurance. The congregations of several of the colored chnrches will unite In a baptis mal service this morning at the usual place on East Front street. About one hundred candidates will be Immersed. v There will be special Easier services at St. Cyprians Episcopal church this morning at 11 o'clock, and tonight- at 7:30. bpeclal muilo by the surplke choir. - Beats free, and the public are cordially Invited. . The Feast of the Passover, began at sunset Saturday and continues seven days. The beginning of the feast this year, for the first time In history, fells on Easter eve. The feast was Instituted by Moees to commemorate the deliver ance from Pharaoh, and Is celebrated from the 15th to the 81st of Nlsan, at the time of the first full moon in the Spring. During the period unleaven bread Is eaten by orthodox Jews. Letter to Henry Bryan. New Bern, N. 0. Dear Sir: There Is going to be, from now on, In New Bern a good deal of painting done, that will last In good con dltlon from 8 years up 10 years Is com mon; we know of its good In IS; and we know no limit It seems to be likely to last as long at the house., lasts, In favor able conditions. The painter that usee this paint will get all the business he can do. Devoe lead and zinc It the paint. It looks as good as any; costs no more; and It ready no tinting or mixing to do. The zinc Is ground In with the lead by machinery you can't do (hat; Test it yourself, If you like; but there's plenty of evidence for It. We take the risk of how It tarns out there is no risk. Do you want this work f Tours truly, F. W. Divob 4 Co , New Tork. V. a; E. W. Smallwood veils our paint. Nordlca, Her Easter Bonnet and Her ' " Needle. N Madame Nordlca has a genuine New England thrift combined with the taste of a Parlalenne. Often she has had a handsome new bonnet sent home to her that the has pulled to-plecee and - made over la an entirely different ttyle, and In a style Immensely more becoming to her than ever before. Again she has dis carded her new hat entirely and with an old frame and some odd pieces of ribbon has turned out the swellest of hats. . "I wet taught to use my needle when I was a little gUV says the eantatrlcc. and my brain alto, and many and many to the time I would have gone ' without pretty things If I had not known how to make them myself. No, I believe moat thoroughly In the divine use of the needle." This, the greatest singer la all the word, the most superb drematle soprano ever known, to to appear at the Academy of Music In WOmlngtonN. C Saturday evening, May tnd, at soloist, with the great Dues' Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra and Band of more than 100J, artists. Truly the musical and dramatic treat of a lifetime ,; , Mr. T. W. Waters, to Mr. JsaK. Col lier, the manager's personal representa tive, hen, who will be glad to have any one call at hit store and subscribe for their seats In the "New Ben section.'' The Atlantic Coast Line will tell on May Ind, good to return tfatU the . 4th, one rare lor me rouno. trip. - . . : ?c: xrfozt Announced. The Journal has received from Mrs. Thenea Roberta the announcement of fine marriage of her daughter, Theresa Lillian, to Or Clifton B Lord, ' on April Dth, la Philadelphia.: Mn Roberts was a resident of New Bern a few years ago, and Mist Roberts wfll be remembarejby many friends In inic ciiy ana viowiiy. - r '-'-"J- O ABTOniA tun (be ,; ' yV Kim rut Hn Inwfl fcmjj 1,000 lbl North Carolina Hams, Bhoul den. and tide bacon, . lust received from 'Ooslow County at J R Parker, 4 c AT AI, ft'' f V'MMeMtaWaWtww4B ' PRIMARY PCLLKCLLERS. Cliy bcmocratlc Executive Committees Is :V. Session at City Halt Saturday. Pursuant to call, the ward committees elected at last Monday's primary assem bled Batuiday afternoon to agree on some plan of selecting - pollholders to hold the primary for Major, on Mon dy. , s A question was raised at to the right of the newly" elected , oommltteet-to take any action In the matter, the coming primary being held as only a continue tlon of the one last Monday, or In other Words, a completion of unfinished bus! aesi of ' the former committees. This question ' evoked e goodr deal of discus sion, In which It was declared that for the new committees to resent the rights of the old "committees to complete Its primary, was an innovation, and estab. llBhed a dangerous precedent The meeting organized ' however, by electing B. S. Gulon Chairman and V. T. Patterson Beoretary. It wee agreed that only members of the committees should bo allowed to Vote In the meeting wbloh practically ; installed tho new commlt- itees. i The next question was as to how the pollholders should be appointed, It being tacitly understood that three were nec essary at etch precinct, and that the two candidates appoint each a man, but who should appoint the third mad was I problem not so easily solved. J O Thomas, Jr., moved that the com mittees appoint the third man, but the committees being all of one faction, It wss deemed unfair to the other faction. Several motions and withdrawals of mo tions followed, unlil Mr McCarthy and Mr E'lli did the most eonslble thing that could be done by laying their heads to gether and agreeing that their appointees should, in each precinct, choose their colleague. '. "" The following are appointed as poll bolderf: . 1st Ward-R R till!, Guilford Lenfe.A H Bangert. Snd-H h Hall, W B Planner, S C Rad cliff. ' 8rd-Elwd Clark, W J McSorley, D H Siyron. . 4th DS Jones, Wm Paris, E TQst- kllL 5th R T Smith, B D Hamilton, S 11 Howard. Oth-W E McKay, J S Miller, L U Banks.! The committee took recess until Tues day IS m. when trjoy wllPtneet at the city hall to canvass the vote of Monday's Dilmary. The Easter Rabbit. One of the delightful 'traditions of ancient folk loA Is that at Easter-tide the rabbit lays beautiful colored candy eggs. He is not only credited with laying .Easter eggs in America, but In Asia, Africa and some parts of Europe, if ho doesn't lay eggs, he does some thing just as remarkeblo and, notewor thy. One of the South African legends Is, that Bunny once lived in the moon, and Imaginative people 'ean yet decipher his shape on that planet. The moon once ordered the rabbit to "Go.l Oo and say to men, Our Lord, the Moon, declares that as he dlee and arises again In each month, so shall ydu die and be rated again." v Bunny with a weird tense of humor and mlschlevlons, withal, published the message to the world that even "as the oon died' to rise no more, eo should men die and be not nlted again." The nbblt thinking he had made a splendid Jjke, reported It as such to the moon, whereupon that resplendent ' planet seized a hatchet and' with a stroke split poor Buriny's Up In twain... Binoe that- tlme the rabbit has lived on the earth, It very timid and lives In holes. If one to curious enough to make the- examina tion; It can be seen - that the little ani mal's upper lip U still split.' In China it Is said, that one day the great god Buddha, after fasting for tome lime, perhapa ha had been keeping Lent became very hungry, and then being no tettaoranU at that lime la the Celestial Empire, hit search for food was father unavailing' A Utile rabbit seeing tit eMsgutted and famished condition hop ped p to the mighty god and exclaimed "fiat me. On Buddha; .eat me."., Buddha being touched by such unselfish devo tion transported Buany to the moon, where the credulous ben still' see him titling under a giant cassia tree, pound Ing la a mortar the herbs from Which are distilled the waters of Ufe. . The custom of giving Easter Cakes, moon shaped, and bearing the Impress of a rabble's fig are, prevails nnlU this day la China. : ' Germany to not without Its legend about Ibe Easter Bunny.. Onoe upon a time strolling along a beautiful country road, Brer Rabbit earns across a nest of eggs. The poor hen bad Just been do voared by a greedy fox sod the rabbit being tender hearted decided to take Biddy's place, and slept upon the eggs until next morning. When on awaken ing, Imagine bit astonishment at Adding the aest full of fluffy, yellow little chick ene,, ' Benny was. oo way dismayed j but ran around and provided for his Jit- tie brood until they were large enojgh to Uke care of themselves. "Since that time fbe rabbit hae been the presiding genius tt Easter time and no Easier bo'.l day Is complete in the land of the Ktlior without an "Easter Dare's neat."- - - .T and In- c - VCICB CP TII2 PEOPLE. Extract or Secret Charier Amendment. BoJoimitAL. "That for the purpose ordering the sanitary condition of said city, said Aldermen may require the citizens living along the line of the sewers of said city to connect their dnlns premises or piper with said sewers, . aud io all cases when requlredlo to do by said Board of Aldermen, the citizens liv ing along the line of said sewers, or own fog property along said lines, or la the vicinity thereof, shall neglect or refuse to connect their premises, drains or other pipee with said sewerage, then and in that event it shall be lawful for said Aldermen, after Bolloe etc., to 'cause said pnmlset-to be properly arranged etc, and properly connected etc., with the city sewerage pipes, and tho expenses etc,, and said expenses shall be a lien on upon, said property, premises, and lots, and if not paid on demand, etc, such lot and premises may be sold by the Tax Collector of the City of New Bern to pay said expenses and costs. j : i CmzzR. c Easter Music. , The following musical program wUl be sung at Christ Church today. - Processional ,. - k Welcome, Happy Morning. ' Knox Anthem;'!' y. ' Christ out Passover. Cramer Gloriat. . " H P Danki TeDeuminF. Dyket Jubilate in D. AdamGribel Introit - Hymn 121. Paleetrina Kyrles.' Gilbert Gloria Tlbi. Danks Hymn 116. 0 F Roper Offertory. v--' "Alleluia 1 Christ to Risen" Dudley Buck Ter Banotus. " J Camldm Eurharietlo Hymn 118. - Elrey Gloria In Excelsls. Old Chant None Dlmlttls. Gregorian Gentry's Snow Tuesday. No event happens within the calendar year that attaches more announcement Importance to the hearts of the "little folk" than does the Gentry Bros. Famous Shows which an soon to exhibit In this city. Hardly a child Uvee In the length and breadth of thlt broad land who has not beard of Gentry Bros, and their fa mous animal acton and the simple an nouncement of an exhibition day In thlt city playt havoc with the plo-nlc sched ules and other things which are Intended to delight the hearts of the little onee. ror aimoti a scon oi years, oentry Bros Famous Shows hare been successful In amusing both young and ld and thlt season by combining their exhibitions a programme exactly twice as long and meritorious as before to presented. . The combined etreet parade will be given upon the morning of the day of exhibi tion, which has been definitely announ ced to be Tuesday April 14. Bpeclal A A N C excursions. Services Today. Centenary Methodist church, Rev R F Bumpat, pastor. - Easter service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 8:80. - Presbyterian Church Preaching at .11 a. m and 8:00 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. H. 8. Bradshaw. Sunday School at 4. p. m. Christ Church-Rev. T. M. N, George rector,; Easter Day. , Holy Communion 7.49 e m. Service and Holy Communion Children'! feetlval service 5 p av A cor dial invitation It extended to all. ' f Tabernacle Baptist C&areh-Preach- Ing at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. by peetor M.P. Davla. Sunday School at th46a. m. Boptv T. J. Mitchell. AU'artoor dlally Invited to attend any or all of these servloee, . Christian Church M. 8. 8pear Pas tor, r reaching at ir jl m. and 8:00 p.m. by the paator. Buaaay, School 8 p. u A eordlal lavltatlpa to att. .. ' Easter Sunday, U a fa. The Resurrec tion of Out Lord and Saviour wDl he celebrated with special pomp at St. Paul's church.,. The servloee wm be pro ceeded by voluntaries by Rlel't Orohea tra. The eholr will render Roaawlg'i Mass In F. The Affertory will consist of Millard's 'Ave Maria. The eemou by the Rev. Paetr wlU be on the text "Let us rejoice and be glad," Pa. 117:94. Ret tont why we should rejoice. At the oon- elutloa wlUbe meg, "Reglna CoeH," "Queen of Heaven, rejoloe." The flnalei yoluntarlee by Rlel't Orchettria, Xveedng services at 7.80 Yes pert, Sermon. Bene diction. AU are cordially Invited to at tend the serviced. Thlt to the day which the Lord hath made. Fa, 117. . . . . First Chunk of Christ, SctentlsL 87 Craven street. .8ervloes Sunday 10:48 a, m. and 8:00 p. m. BJble Lesson 8er mm today, Subject, "Doctrine of Atone ment." I Corinthians, 1:18, Suudhy School after morning service. Teetlmony service Wednesday 8.00 p jb, Reading Room to, open dally. All an eordlally Invited to attend. . - , f " Afri Kola told to the trade and to fam ilies Crown Bottling Works. Phone 106. L J Taylor, Proprietor. n. Pe Te U. t ( t C't -'.t. Un t Oxfords, Oxfords. " We have just received our E P Reeds, and Oxford! in Patent and Kids. . AH styles, the prettiest, line we've ever had. - - ; . J.J. BAXTER. J.J. Baxter is agent for the Cotmopo- HtaB patterns, they an standard pat terns made With seam allowance only lOo each or patterni furnished free with all dresses bought from 1.60 up. 1, ' Drink Hoibrau Beer. - A iuU and-complete line of Interna- al stock and poultry food for sale at J, K. Parker Jr.- - -- At 'Davis ' Fresh supply 1 .,-, u ccccooooaoDaoDoabDODCccoo ) 8 O o o A MAN'S FAHCir (5 iviiiia TO inOTGIlTS S All the Good Thines Summer HATTEB AND FH0NR 167. ! ) '. FHONB 167. 87 Middle Street. g ccccoaonononononoDooocccoo Beautiful Easter Millinery. Tfiis is the season when our Milliners pnt forth the great est effort of the year for handsome hats, This season finds us prepared to offer ym most delightful and advanced styles in millinery. We study YOUR STYLE as well as THE STYLE. We work to please and work until we do please. Wo will be glad to show you onr designs and find the "very one" that was made for you. BARFOOT BEOS, t Easter Attractions Throughout the Store, Kid : v - We alwnva nlnn to hhvtf evMvl ajuuvtmont nf oar i Z ; 1 00 QuaranteeJ Gloves y (1WIJVU WUk .. Ribbon A big purchase of Plain and Fancy Ribbons ha ' ' been made, for Easter selling. v These Rlbbong ydu can" 'boj atjnuoh im 9m regular priotv' f 'ViSfi' All Linen HatiM . ; ;.They :are not exactly what vxiuwx)uld call -Qreat J; ' . Bargains, " but the quality ty patterns 1 Special 16c Stockings v- I'or These stockings are --the kind for everyday use. are strong and durable. - .4 J ... This department springs into full bloom. The very newest crenlions in V,romon and ChiUIroni Eat. Tricca very ratfoimble. Fpeci.l let of 4o T. l:s. Turchnse now for your Summer rcadli'j. Tlere'a enromy iu it - - . X Our line of ladles "shoes to compleU Bluchers extension tolet, Oxfords of all, kinds and the swellest lice of saadeli In the city, prloes all right ; - X. W. ABMBTROHQ, ; -. A full and eomplete' line of fancy cakes and crackers at J RPaikcr, Jr's. ; Don't buy anything In'Ntha follpwInV Hnee tffl you have teem our stock Ladles fine shoee, resa goods, la all grades Jacetllks, aotlont, hoeelry, table linen, towelt, white gooda a specialty, ribbons, ate. Win save yon money, see ut and be oonvlnoed. -v ., - -, r ' Reepectfullyi ' ; " t J.J.lAXTEa GAUDY tPbatmacy. just received. OF UGinm TDOflS. q in 2 Fxirnishings for Men. q HAVEBPASHIR, 87 Middle Street D At no time or season is the store more 'attractive than at Eastertide. Every department teems with new merohanlte, the attractiveness of which in en hanced by its price reasonable ness. ' Easter is looked upon' as the official opening of Spring business. This store puts its" best foot forejnost You'll find the wanted things here. Gloves on hand. "See if we hare X X . .. G)0Qtcfe is reliably very pretty, dala-, Boya nd Girls. the tough wearing sort. : Jasi ;' Z Bought them because they X . ' aw t -. J ft M r.cccoooooo4eeeeccccr) r i , We have lust received a lare-o line of Negligee Shirts in bosoms. The new shapes oitti now ptyies. The handsomest shown here. Everv shaoe included in our line. Half Hose in every color and combi- T nation of color. Our 25c and 50c lines I cannot be equaled. Suspenders and and nobby colors and widths. Low quarter and shapes. . The ever had. A guarantee with every pair. New Hats in Derbys, Soft and Straw e goods. All prices $1 to $3. Some very nobby shapes. - In fact our store is full of new goods T and we invite your inspection. Prices T right and quality the best. DON'T FORGET our 20 per cent, re duction on suits this week. We can save you money. g c. G. "Dunn & Co., O Correct Wear for Men, 5 57 ollocls: Stxeet. occcoDODonpaoDoooaonoroDoi T. J. Turner Furniture Co. j O Have Just Received Five Cars o o fl over the A. & N. C. R, It, and will continue to receive g two cars per week until stock is completed. O Send in your orders. UCCCOaODOaODODODODODOOOOOl OJHvvvtvvvvUvvvvUvvvvUvvvvUvvV John Gtoce z t. Begs to ciiU tho attontion of the HoasekenperH lo Iiih nc and o Comploto Stock of I Staple and Fancy Groceries. Il Every tteamcr U bringing A share of jour trade is - AU orders email or large i jeHW 5 teocef. ;5 Phone 74. FOItLOCK ST. unHmmmiHmHHnHUvUmivUmvUvO Crown 'Bottling Works. 4- 11 ! Having enlarged and House, second to none in the the Best and cleanest . . Beer, and ii ever jput on thlt marker. We 'in thii linev'V" 'i'w : i. rtr-SHofbrau Beerthe BEST Beer re'vn - . ri I in - the World. ' OUR MOTTOr-aeanlineBs. , ; v ' -ItEC el. TAYI.On, Proprietor, Phone -105, t.t--:t e4ee4ie4 : :-i?cr r7!:nt?;;; To Get the Best Brlecue end Oysters in the city. i:;!?:t, Ccno on -;-i J3J4 o alter CI o o o o o plain and pleated T in fold collars. Sev- 2 line of Cravats ever v a Belts in all the new imits. Shoes in all leathers T best $3.50 line we have Z of FURNITURE: Dunn, in some tlelic.nv t lo iulled to solicited. Your orders will will be appreciated. DUNN, equipped my Beer and Bottling state, I am prepared to furnish Soft Drinks put up the best of everything ';.. - for. Qaeei k Bern Streets. T J. W. WOOD, (8ueoteso to Foy A Woo4 ' D.4J..4I TWM' , rLOMBIia AID HAS riTTIKQ i All work gnaraateed to gire sat- lsf5tte''-;,?'.'K;? Hi'H-n-Can b found at tho (hop on . CXJIHU rivii. oircri suruiuri uucu- ( plod by the firm, I - "', J. W. WOOD. . rlione 220. ' -.: '.

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