L. ft 4. c t -Prosperous,' Pashlonabla, Well-dretsed People i those who am particular and economical trade at i j and lota of them, too. They know that if we ask ten oenta, or ten dol-( Vf liirs, for n a?ti9l tht It is worth that mtich. There fa no element of V chance whan yon bay here. J We have joat reoeiTed a New Bapply ot Vr -l,taeIe Cumins, Cnrt Window BhaAei ' 'lanie uamauc, aapKins, ioweis, oneen reaoy maae eaeapet wan yon t" J can Iray the goods by the yard.' ; ' ,'1' 'Jr , J- . .", v .., , j JC leach Bheets, sine 54xS0, at 45e " " " 61x90, at Kio " " " 90x90, at 63o " " " 80x90, i Anchor Brand, extra heavy 70c Hemstitched, size 93x90, at 70c Unbleached, " 90x00, at 550c Bolster Cases, " 46x72, at , 0e Bolster ases, hemstitched . 85c OWN YOUR HOME. A Millionaire's Advice to Young Men. A well known millionaire, with a national reputation lor conservatism, said in conversation the other day : "If I were a young man anxious for Independence, I would invest my savings in a small piece of good real estate. When I had It paid for I would put the deed away and forget I had ft. Then i would begin paying on anotner. Doubtless every man h is felt at some time That he wonld like to have a little pieoe of this earth of this great country that he could call his own. This is a worthy sentiment, bat to select his piece of bind in the heart of a -p ilous community where the mere pressure of population is there to increase tti value of his holding, perhaps many fold this is sentiment combined witn Dirtiness. i It unquestionably strengthens a man's character to own property increases his responsibility. If he can tie himself up, and is obliged to make regular-payments be is sure to savo. 1 he trouble is he allows the chance to pass. He la going to begin next month. Rich men talk of the Importance of a man's first Thousand Dollars. Why not his first Hundred or his may be your nrsrstep to independence, rue imi w uu it v xhuyv. . The New Bom Investment t ompany offers twenty-seven lots for sale on long time ann easy mommy payments, s or terms appiy to NEW 1IKKX IN VESTMENT CO., i B. A. NUNN, Secretary. " Disk Cultivator Made by Johnston Harvester Co. I have last received a car load of these orders at once. The price with two extra greatest labor saver of the kind known to appreciate it Write me for catalogue, I orn Harvesters asaio ty tht Barn oottfawy. 'TT ,T i J..M. SPEtfCER, New Bern, N. 0. ( ; Brutua. nd Csuslu ; .. , Would Turn Qroan with envr if thar eonld see the armaats ' worn by the men in New Bern and made by f M Cbadwlck. Well fitting hand some and swell la style, and showing a 1 maa with a perfect fori to' perfeetion, ; or making a perfect lorn la the -man that Is detective. If -von haven't ordered your Spring suit or light overcoat, let as ' show yoa what a swell you can be whan we nave mads yonx garments. F. JO. ChJtdwlck, 'ifOr VBBAMCH OFFIOB M B Baxter' & Col, ComMsston:. Stcch,. Cottcii,Gra!ii'ifi FrCTlcIrfs V 17 Craven Street, . . thona 833. .., JSiWIDION, H. C. Mafn Offlea, 81 Broadway, NewJYork. Moderate morglns. Excellent service. Prlvata wires to New York. n 'gho.it banklnp'ind Jmerranllla'r- f 1:8- T3I11 n 1 ui.l alee 45x88, at , 18 and SOe Pillow Oases, plate ham, . .at -10, m 4 15e Bed Spreads, 10-4, at 85, M, 00 and $185?- . ! Extra heavy Mamies, 11-4, 81 to, uivw von, maKHWuni ' t w ou ana f j uu. that he wonld like to be a land holder, first Tenf The saving of your first 10 Cultivators aad ass prepared to fin disks Is 38 00 cash. They aia the man. Too only hava to sea It work to also sell Mowers, .Hakes, Binders and Latest Edition of A 'i IHJHEFT'3 BOOK ST03t' I I i'O'.,.; -:...', v-i. v- ; -". ' .. J. J. B0YED, VETMNABIAN.r . All diseases of lha bono soooessfolly treated. Spasmodic, aad other forms of OolU awed, BlladStaggan pemsaeatly Ta,HoiKoPay.J:.;ir j S vt:i';"i Cora, H. C LVB. Habicht, er Dzet Best In the Stale, Cold and Fresh. The Finnst Liquors and Wln. naM. lit'l K-y Wnst, irl,l.l.fsrort liktaa C ' rs. I B !- - ::t,,. ' CnrSFri'tiul ' Vf'f'i Prayer Books Mvmnais AMfl CUM a.- Lag . SPECIAL REFEREE , eft it t ' f . J. In Bee Hire Baaltniplcr Caso. jnsbtc- ti-. f am ai state fiuari. i Special to JwnsV,, jsw , Bawo, lpriL18.-J adgo ParneU sp pofntt 8. M. Briniott;spat 'referee ,1a bsnkrtptcy Ut the case of Olaflln against the Bee Slve, at Jew Barn., i rf i ' ' ' yVs4.JL.Al Lnndlon,of,Fort CatweU b daslgnated by the Secretary ef I War to mspeol the North Carolina 'Guard ao- oorflln to' the Dick hill requirements. , KM iIewport j&dok clu6 , r-a'i.i'l-i !, ' ' BoUs An Jaterestuf Heetiog And Ws- M'MMalak- the InKiatory meeting of the Newport Book Olub er roildenos (o ,Elm Jetraet, Monday af ternoon, j Sh reoelvad her gnatta (members of the club) la a peoom tag gowf-OJ laok lUk;.and black polat r,The first thing In order wss the distri bution antongjhe members of their ten, happy selections of books, as follows: -The Bight of Way, Octopns, The Ken- tons, Alloa of Old Vlnoennes, To Hare and To Hold, She Stood- Alone, Truth Dexter, TheHtemal City, -The Valley of Decision, Eben Holdea. v.After the dlstrlbntion of books, the literary oonundrnmt presented furnished ajnusenentand required decided mental activity. To the most successful un raielen, a prise was awarded by the Next on the program was reading by Mrs White, secretary of the club, from Washington Irvlngs sietob book. After this mental fesst wo wore in vited, by oar hostess Into her dining room, where from a beautifully laid table dainty refreshments wen saved. The next meeting of the dab will be entertstnad by Miss Calls Mann. , ; CQVE. . April 18. Tha heavy showers that every day now and some hall farmers look very gloomy around hen.. ...!'.' Miss Annie-Mllllchamp and Miss Berths Matthews acoompenled by Mr Sam Pltunan spent a short while In oar Berg Saturday while en route to Sew Bern. Mr Walter King of Ft. Barnwoll was the guest of Miss Fannlo McCoy Satur day and Sunday. . MrKJ Hlnes of Wuhlngtoh wss a gnest of Mr L F Taylor seversl days last weak. Bev H H Townsead Is on an extended visit In the West. Mr WE White Is visiting his brother hare. "' Mrs W J Brothers returned from La Orange yesterday after spending several days there. . Mr It F Taylor hss completed his dwelling on West Bnd Avenue which adds much to the appearance of his place. ' Mr W J Brothers has secured the sati able Mr Leon Harper of La Orange as salesman In his grocery, department here. ' '7 . - , ; Jtev H H Townsead filled -his regu lar appointment at the M B church Sun daypm. " " Quite a number of our pooplo went to New Ban yeelerdsy to attend lh circus but "were sadly - dUappolnted, as there was loch a severe rain and hall storm at the time of the opening at two o'clock p that ltwss Impossible fpr the show people to raise their tonts, f H j Mf f i Boyd seemed to be very Duty yesterday extracting a Craven '.Watt, from a bona aaloagtag to Mr Gas Moore of Tacsrors.'.Mr ,Soyd well worth trying ,to keep in oar stldst, u he far anrpaseee aay horse doctor we have ever Xr-Tbuiwltemjbfri Mis Janle Sesth of. Cove, were happQy married at the home of the hrldea father Wednesday AprO 8th at tear w'olook p at, Bev J I Boyd- offleiatad f a wUh them a long end prosperous Ufa.'?"- 1 Mi W T MeOoy left hen this momma fot Olarks to put down t pump for (be Rlaaa tjmitiMi .!' ' Messrs J X Avery and N t Watherlni ton are the first to commence setting out tobaoco, Mr Avery baa about Ave aorrl and Mr Watharlagtoa about tbrauui! The lint pass shipped from this point left here this momlag. w"ft. rl ' x Aa Eaatef ealsrtalnment ' gtven by Miss Fannie Avery Bandsy night at the M I Church proved Quite a suoocss. The church wsl Crowded to overflowing, aad tne people war grandly ..ante rtamta with a few reoltatioat aad music, aapso lsi BMalloa will be gives to Arlmethea, a reeltaUoa by Miss i Jessie Tsrlorj the last Bynta by Mist Nell Is Tsylort' the song of tha Heavens by Mist Cents At-J ery.ahd a duet, Home Sweet .Home by Misses Fannie Avery and. Jostle .Taylor. The entertatnment lasting fross ?.80 to 1 1 . (,!( 4M'. .H! J 1 -..... ilUOl, . ' For IiifuiiSa and CUUren. ' " " r 3 r i Y:j r j .:..-,: ;.i r t- , , - iniR: TtiBSr Lani Case In Wilkes County Final- , If Settled. , Petition Against TJnloa Depot Dele- gateB to Boad Congress. Like - North Carolina School Donee . Plans. For Penitentiary. RAUian, April 16. A case was argued in the Supreme Court last afternoon that has been on' the calendar In Wilkes county fourteen years and has twice be fore been to the Supreme, Court.. It Is entitled L. D. Lowe and wife against James Harris and others. The suit was begun in March 1889 and has been stub bornly fought. The original plaintiff and one defendant have died In the meanwhile but tbe battle over this small tract Of laud claimed by au old negro went on. Last fall Judge HUrbuck decided for the old darkey and the plaintiff took an appeal. - L. D. Lowe argued 1t before the Supreme Court as his own attorney. W. Barber represented the defendant and he told the Justice of tbe Supreme Court In his argument that this had been the longest litigation In the history of Wilkes county but "at last justice has been done this honest old negro" and he asked that the appeal be dismissed.' The citizens In Madison, Bocklngbam county, have petitioned the corporation J commission against allowing the South, em Railway and the Norfolk and West' ern to have a union depot there. This Is the first petition to the commlssloneis sgaJnst a union depot. Superintendent of Public Instruction B C Barrett of (owa writes Superintend ent Joyner that he was so much delight ed with the pamphlet "Plans for Public school houses" that he would like 100 copies to send the County Superintend' ents of that State. Deputy-Sherlff W H Cox of New Han' over brought Lizzie Jackson, colored, to the penitentiary today to eorre 8 years for perjury. Attorney Genoral R D Gilmer return' ed this morning from Washington where he argued the South Dakota suit. Among the delegates from North Car ollna to the International Road Congress In St. Louis April 37 80 arc, Commission er of Agriculture Patterson, Secretary T E Bruncr, Prof J A Holmes, President P H Hanos of the N C Good Roads As sociation, Dr G T Winston, Ex-LIout, Gov. Reynolds, Gen. W R Cox, Capt 8 B Alexander, Judge A W Graham, Gen. J 8 Carr, Speaker 8 M Gsttls, Congress men Klutti, Page and Pou, Wm Dunn of Mew Bern, Geo D Green Wilson, .Paul Garrett, D McEachern, W L Spoon, J G Brown, R T Hayes, T W Raoul, O A Spratt, H A Foushee, Wm Gain, W C Mc Hsckln, J 0 Drewry, Caesar Cancel Van Llndley. The arch for the Raleigh May Festi val and Merchants Carnival May 4-10 Is now being built across FayeltevlUe 8t. ! DOVER. April IS, Messrs J H West anil Jesse Evans went to New Bern today. Mrs Maggie Outlaw went to Horehead City Sunday to spend several days. - ' Mr H P Daugherty shipped eleven baskets of gsrden peas' this morning. This Is the first shipment made fro: here, , Prof L L Hargrave and Mist Mlttl West spent Sunday In Elusion; it v A convention of puf clttsens Is called to meet tonight In tbe school building t aomlnate candidates for tha coming May eleotlon. Only a few aspirants la tha field. ' . ' j Mr T L Huirfflns Is anrjlrlna- the Dslnt brush vigorously fn" different portions sh tho town and bat coatrscts - several months ahead. Br the middle of tht summer Dover will make quite an at tractive appearance. -- ' t Hon O B Thomas win deliver the lit erary addresrot Dover' High School'on May 19th.' Qur people will'glve Mr Thomas a royal wreloome as they , all are numbered his friends.', Tha school Is closing one of the most successful years in Its., history undor tha management of prof. Hargrave and his accomplished Tha County Board of Education has dl rooted A summer Mormal school last-' luistx weeks to be held here soma time dttribg the summer. Prof L L Hargrave sndMIsa Ruebel BugfS hsva , been en gsged to conduct the sohooL Ample ar raogements bare been made for alt who W)U attend. JProf Hargrave informs as several leading edooatort Will be present daring the session to lecture tbe school. luPORTAtlT. ;' Very important that those who bare got paid thclt City Taxes, Roil, Personal tnd Poll, for 1903 and License Tax Up to date should settle same at once, tbe tlmo Is at hand for me to settle With the City for the Taxes. I do Insist upon your not putting this matter off. '" ' If you are called upon for settlement do not turn me down empty handed. I hato bi cii ss lmli nt w'.ih you as I poi iH.'y could bo. Pay the Ux ami savo tbe a !viillliig ai.'l c. t. Wy! "v, FOR WEN Much That Every Woman Desires to Know About Sanative Antisep tic Cleansing And About Curing Ulcerative Pains and Weaknesses. Too much stress cannot be placed on the great value of Cutlcura Soap, Oint ment and PUls In tho antlseptlo cleans ing of the mucous surfaces and of the blood and circulating fluids, thus affording pure, sweet and economical local and constitutional treatment for weakening discharges, ulcerations, in flammations, ltchings, irritations, relax ations, displacements, pains and irregu larities peculiar to females. Hence the Cutlcura remedies have a wonderful influence In restoring health, strength and beauty to weary women, who have been prematurely aged and In valided by these distressing ailments, as well as suoh sympathetic afflictions as anemia, chlorosis, hysteria, nervous ness and debility. Women from the very first have fully appreciated the purity and sweetness, the power to afford Immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy which have made the Cutlcura 'Soap, Ointment and Pills the standard skin cures and humour remedies of the civilized world. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandrall, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, In the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflam mations and ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antlseptlo purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. CLARKS. April 16. Mrs. Lillian E. Simpson of New Bern Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Jno. I. Taylor. Mr A P Wetherlogton went to New Bern Tunday. Mr Fredy Ipook was the guest of Miss Olive Cleve Sunday afternoon. Mr AO Lyon was at Claris schiol house Friday. Mr John M Humphrey and sister Miss Clara spent Sunday evening with the Hisses Lane of Bellalr. Messrs Claud T Lane and Boscoo O Lancaster were In Clarks Wednesday. We had quite a heavy rainfall Tuesday and some hall. Mr Jason T House of Lima, visited Mr Humphry Friday evening. C J. McSorteyS Go's A Man of Dollars will nasally be fonnd to. be of an Invest!- ffatinr and savins nature. When he buys, he buys at the best place la town, If It Is ten mues on. uotora no ouys you may know that aa has neon aooui to otner nlaeea-t-fotmd which store tells tbe bast tad most for tha least money. - When yon are out prospecting don't pass us by, please. We may be able to save yon atoney.;'j -v-i:-'",.AT wjV'.iw-. ,S p' For. Kent.! -Wharf property formerly occupied by 6 W Hamilton aa wood yard. V ';' 1 Also two desirable offices la second itory of new brick building on Sooth Front street. v 'j. . '. ' .Apply 'to" .""7v ' ' 'V- .-; V " ." ' : a. M. Bitmap Job Printing dune on short notioe . ," AT, LOWEST PRICES. Call and gnt voj prices, you will Baveiiy It, ' : Owen G, Dunn, S9 POLLOCK ST. T.'.t.: nn ilirr"', nn r.v v;atl: -i ) ;" 1, the S'Ki' v r 1 Administrator's Sale ! 1 will- expose tit public auction, - for cash to thi highest bidder on Tuesday the 28th day of April, 1 903, at folate restaenee and place 01 business nr W. E. Brown, deceased, near Vaucetro, N. O. all of his personal property, consisting of v About 21 oxen. Seven horses. One heifer. 17 hogs. (Uarm carts. 4 buggies. One carriage. All of the agricultural implements and All of his household and kitchen fur niture. Sale will begin at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. This tho Bth'dsy of April, 1908. L. H. CUTLEK, Administrator of W E. Brown, deceased we are. receiving daily a new line of Spring Furniture. Have also just re ceived a very fancy lot of Mattings, Rugs, Leather and Velvet Couches At Prices that will Astonish you. Give us a call and examine our stock. No trouble to show good Very truly, Tie Disc-sway & Taylor Co. The Old Buck who Knows the taste of good beer Is sure to oelebrate Easter tide bv drlnklne bis fill of Budwels book beer. Ha is not only healthy and wise but wealthy as well, In tha knowledge that this beer Is tha best brewed, and contains no beadacbes or blllioiisness. Tha best hops and tba bast malt only are asea.. . ''.;. corn Fxrx . beef ll easily distinguished by Its bright or oolor, finer grain and more attractive appearance. " . . Oonsnmers heel Dot be put to the trouble of picking out the good from the infnrlor. Come here or send the ordor snd we will supply tha choicest grade of prime young i tzzw for lwlllnu, ron !!' aid stewing, ' We ! -:a only the best kind. . - JL Jl r 1 DISHY & mm co fJust I Received A Nice Lot of Harvey's Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams from 6 to 8 lbs. New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef, Fresh lot Fox Eiver Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, S A tierce of Nice Country Lard, Complete stock of Nice Fresh Canned Goods. 3as A real Good Table Teach for 10c, 3 lb can, S Nice Prunes only 6c lb, 3! Split Peas 5c qt, FrcBh GritB and Big Kominy, The Best of everything in Staple and Fncy Groceries at the Lowest possible prices. Yours to Please, J. L MIL 'Phone !. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. and J. C. Fulford Supply Co. HARDWARE 73 Middle St. . MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 147. Phone 216. Keep a full supply of liuilders Material, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Stoves and Ranges and everything kept in a flrst class hardware store. A full line of liailroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Pul leys, Shafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nuts, Iron, Belting, Packing, Hose, Etc. Ilaving consolidated the two houses we are prepared to furnish High Quality goods at Very Low Prices. Thanking (future patronage we are, Yonrs truly. Gaskill Hardware anil JOSEPH OA8KILL. P. A. He?e is For Every Man, Woman and Child to Dress up. MenN, Jloyn and For $10 50 wo will dress any man t it no iir- .'ii.i MEN 1 suit 10 50, 1 hat 2 00, 1 pr socks 10c, total value $16 10, all for $10 BOY 1 suit $5 98, 1 pr shoes $1 60, total value $3 08, all for $5 98. CHILDREN 1 suit $2 49, 1 pr shoes nun, iicu.i w un, i, mr f j uo. yyu win uross any cuim irom nea to loot lor S3 48. value $4 88, all for $2 49. DRY GOODS. We have just received a big line of Dress Goods in Bilks, Cashmeres, Plata lawns, and Dimities, for this woek we will give prices that others cannot give. We will give you a price on Dimities-2503 yards worth 12Jo and 15c yd, your choice in this lot7Jc for this week only. We have just received from tho mill a from 12,0 to 80c yard at a price you never H F WARREN. ) . JIM GA4KILL, ( D""5mtn'- 75 Middle St, next to -Gaskill tack's Studio IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Upstairs Cor, Pollock and Middle St Where he will he glad to see his patrons and friends. A Joyful Acceptance is always given to an invitation to ride fn a Waters' carriage, as they are renowned for their easy riding qualities, as well as their stylish sppearanoe. This combination can only aoorua from a ve hicle that is perfect In construction and finish In every detail. A better carriage cannot be bunt tnan tne genuine waters' buri'V. rubber or steel tires. Wa build any tiling you want Lowest price when quality is considered, I:.- Wholesale As Retail Groeer, 71 Broad St" 5P the trade for past favors and soliciting your Mill Supply Company, WILLIS. JOE C. FULFORD. a Chance Children Clothing. from head to foot. We will dress any boy ..... . .. . . . n . shoes $2 25, 1 shirt 75c, 1 tie 50o, 1 pair 60. 1 hat $1 00, 1 shirt 50c, 1 pr Hose 10c, $1 25, 1 liat 50c, 1 pr hose 10c, total big lot of Remnants of Hamburg worth heard of before. Look for your silver S. COPLON. Hdw. C., New Bern, N. C. Paints ! efore you buy your p&inta In vestigate Heath and Milligan Paints Strictly Guaranteed, looks better, covers more and wears longer. For sale by General Hardware, ' 79 Ml Front Street, What more can' you get anywhere In addi tion to Satisfaction P We guarantee that. Suits cleaned and pressed 4.: ;V crmick pais CO., Corner MldOla and ollook. Btreeti ' Bangort Bulldlntf V V Jl." A O V r"nce S, r) v-- - l :