V r . . r rf-i - ; " - 1 , V; !C HW BIEN, C, SiTPRDAt, U0EIII8, APRIL 18, 1903. YOL. 1XI-HO. 16.;;;V, TWENTY-SECOND TIAR ft 1 we cm nzJAouz ' I - - . i : ,,v .UKW A .ol riEisirJiioa: , t - ri - Vw t vLrv - ill For Coming !unl6pal Bectioas L SUt Iwi Frimtlnr Omi Slowly. - SleUi For tdneU8Bl -i Improrcnokta North Da koUBesdAiiU. Con- - Abs&Iutc! Piiro THERE iO tlO CUZOTnWTE 4 -ry Market Letter on Cotton. Bj private Wire to J. B. Latham k Co. hir at 10.80 or 10.40. Th cotton stock ban la owned by tho Kay people and la to be dellrered on contract. We are not diapoaad to fafor Bulpnlatlvo opera lion of tWa kind but- the poaitioa Is -4 . T- ..111 T1 tVim J , . ... v ..Mn-(V. "..' :r . rrC- r:Z ened. Would aeU Angtut and iinivrHHi mi 1 1 i iih BKiira 1 nil iim in r.0 -t r -nl-fc -lit. . n n I All .1 . i 4"'.l'""'w" utauu. ail uina 1HMIII uvifr u vsbici I - . . i.ii. .v. ....Li. I v. w. eeotvo. WUIIU .U UlUTIilUQUl 11111 WW It iome 20.000 bales oyer last vear. thla lsnotenoueh to weaken loot cotton.! Mothera, Qaakoro, Hooker and Leg- It la dlfficnltto bring 'coit n to New I foU Oat flUe 10c. package at J R Par- . . a t t York with New Orleans ICJc aod May I ri r- daetsrt Chanja - Jtuas. ' B3gb; April It, -Poatmaster Tom Bailey when he applied for registration In the JSewnd Wart ; for., the coming munloipal election informed the Inei- perteooed registrar with feigned aerioni- neta that !nce he wa, Federal office hoktei.be might tberefore be dlaqnall- fled from TOtlogln North Carolina. The reglatrar ihe declined to record hU name. , Alter dtacnaalon a compromise waa reached and thepoatmaster register ed Bpon tba agreement ( that hi name abonld b erased if Democratic chairman Jonea said.. that bo' wu dlafraochised. Only 500 bare registered for the elec tion and registration closes next; week.1 Chief Clerk Haokett aays the worrof printing the law! la progressing . tery slowly and they may not be out In ever Prosperous, Pastatonablt), Well-dressed People those who are particular and economical trndo at aod lots of them, too. They know that If we ask ten cents, or ten dol- , . uln 11. t If I. wnrfh (h.t mni.1i TTlAPA la Ml lmAnfc tA tars, lor n ii.iiiv - . j. chance when yon bay here. We haye Just receWed a Now Bapply of V Bed Linen, Laoe Our Ins, Curtain Laos by the ymi-4, Window Shades, Table Damask, Napkins, Towels, Sheets ready mad cheaper than yon can buy the goods by the yard. Pillow Cases, hemstitched siexM.at 18 and Me Pillow Cases, plain hem, at 10,ltTA15e Bed Spreads, lC-i, at 05, 16, l 00 and It t5. Extra heary Harsaloi, 11-4, $1 tO, I960 and 5 00. 46c 86o OSo leach Sheets, size 54x00, at ' " " 81x99, at " " 90x00, at Anchor Brand, extra heavy 70c Hemstitched, aize 90x90, at 70e Unbleached, " 90x90, at 550e Bolster Caaea, " 45x78, at 0o Bolster Cases, hemstitched 83c Disk Made by Johnston Harvesibr Co. Gultivator 4 I liare Just received a car load of these Cultivator aad ant prepared U fill order at once. The prle with two extra dUk Is $3100 cash. Tbey ars the . greatest labor saver of the kind known to man. Ton only hnvo to set It work to appreciate It '. Write m for eatalogaa. t.I also sell sfowora, Rakea, Binder and .Tt om Harvester maae oy tut same eompany, r : '. -': fefe ' , rJ.ja. SPENCEE, New Bern, N. 0. ..1" OWN. YOUR HOME, V 4 irllllnnnlM' 1 tlwlia tn , Vaiivii Tfnn ,f y i a. nuiuvwuis a iuivb w a vuug s.vu 'i"A well known millionaire, with a national mmtation for Conservatism, said eonvenatton the other day "If I were a young man anxious for tndependsnoo. vnnkl Invest mv aavinsn in a Small niece of rood real estate. When I had It mid for I would put tho deed away and forget I had It. Then I would begin paying Doobtless every man ha felt at some time that M would Ilk to be aland holder. Chat he Would Ilk to have a little pleoe of this aurth of this rreat country thai he could call hia own. This I a worthy sentiment, but to select his piece ol land That he Would have a little piee of this earth of this great country tht In tli heart of a nculous community where the mere eressure of population there to increase the value of hia holding, perils ps many foldthis Is sentiment unmhlned with business. ,,' ( . , , . '. It unqnmtiosablr strengthens a man's character to own property foereate his '-responsibility. If he can tie himself op, and Is obliged to make rnilr payments he is inre to ave.r! 1 he trouble is ne auows tne cnanos to pass, u is ("ling bepln next month. Blch men talk of the Importance of a man's first 1 iimisnml Dnllam. Why not his first Hiindrml or his Hmt Ton? The vlnr of j'"'T int f may beyonf flrat step to Independence. TUB TIMS TO li ii n i.vnV. Tbo New Bern Investment Compny offnr twen'r-sevna lots fur s .io on long time and ey montlily pnymrit. i or turn n :i in month. AU the copy. Is with President Winston of the A. & M, College speak la Washington, N 0, to day where an election I pending on a $88,000 bond Issue for aohoo'i. Gov. Ay cock, Sapt, Joyner and Commissioner Patterson will complete their local taxa tion campaign In Alamance today. Re ports from 53 conntiei show that 4S lax dlatrlcta bars been established, elec tion are pending In 15 eni the ques tion la being agitated in 79 districts. Conductor J R Stevens and baggage masters T J Jones and K L King of the S A Ij have been moved from here and placed on the run between Charlotte and Wilmington with headquarters at tba latter place. Mr J A Londeen of U 8 Army at Fort Caswell wl.l probably begin his Inspec tion of the N 0 State Guard next month. Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes is eonflned to his room with a severe OOld. Ex-Ohlef Justice James K. Shepherd ha not returned from Washington where he argued the South Dakota land suit. Ho remained over to argue the famous Stanly county land case early next wock Lawyers, here believe If North Carolina loses ths Booth Dakota ault the fee of Marion Butler and ex-Gov. Russell will bo 8100,000 each for over a 81,250,000 Is Involved. Attorney General Gilmer confident North Carolina will win. Says Ppyerty Causes Drink. Bbkmsh, April 10. The German Em peror has telegraphed an acknowledge' mentofthe message of greeting and homage sent to him yesterday by the In ternational Anti-Alcohol Congress in session here, laying: "I tak a Mvely Interest In the work of tho ooDgress." During th general discussion of yes terday's papers the total abstainers, who ar largoly represented, earnestly alien ed their views. Dr. Holonins, of Helalngfors, Finland, road a paper today on "Ths Economic Bote of Alcohol la the Life of Nation sad Also In Worklngmen' Budget." Admiral Thompson, commander of the WfJhelmshaven Naval Station, ostenta- Uoosly withdrew from tho An tl-Alcohol Oongree at Bremen yesterday while Dr. Frohl!ch, of Yiaana, was. arguing- that the poverty of the people mast b - re. moved as a step toward eradicating ' el- Captain Gridley's Mother and Brother Restored by Peruna. DEWFPS FLAGSHIP OLtHPU-CAPTAIN GBIDLET, COMMANDER. Mrs. Qridley, mother of Captain Qridley, who was la command of Dewey's flagship, at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila, says of our remedy, Peruna: Mr the solicitation of a Mend I used Peruna, and can truthfully say ft is a grand tonic-end Is a woman's friend, and should be used In every household. After using It for a short period I feel like a new person." MRS. QRIDLEY. Mrs. Longstrect Is tho wife of the tar moils Confederate General, Lieutenant- General James Longstreet, the only liv ing ex-Confederate officer of that rank. She writes as follows to The Peruna Medloine Co.: 'I can recommend your oxoellent rem edy, Peruna, as ono of tho best tonics, and for those who need a good, substan tial remedy, I know of nothing bettor. Besides being a good tonlo It is an effec tive cure for catarrh." Mrs. Jivmes Longstreet. Hon. Lucius E. Qridley, brother of Captain Gridloy, also speaks a good Word for Peruna. In a letter writton from 1511 T Strcot, Washington, D. O- hesays: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemen "Your Peruna bat been thoroughly tested la my family. My mother and wile used It with the very best results, and I take pleasure la rec ommending It to all who want a good, substantial remedy, both as a tonic and a catarrh cure. "Lucius B. Qridley. Hiss Mary J. Eonnody, manager of the Armour fe Co.'s exhibit, Trans Misslasippl Exposition, Omaha, Nob., wrltos tho following In regard to Peru na, from 812 Wost Sixty-second stroot, Chicago, 111.: "I found the continual change of diet incidental to eight years' traveling com pletely upset my digestive system. On consulting several physicians they de cided I suffered with catarrh of the stomach. "Their prescriptions did not seom to holp me any, so, reading of the remark able cures perfected by the use of Peru no, I decided to try it, and soon found myself well repaid. " I have now used it for about three months and feel completely rejuvenated. I believe I am perfectly cured, and do not hesitate to give unstinted praise to your remedy, Peruna." Mary J. Ken nedy. Congressman Goo. W. Smith of Mur physboro, 111., writes : " I take pleasure in testifying to tho merits of Peruna. I have taken ono bottle for my catarrh and I foci very much benefited. To thoso who are afflicted with catarrh and in nood of a good tonic I tako pleasuro In recom mending Peruna." Geo. W. Smith. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the nso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hortman, giving a full statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuaBlo ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. US 1 . EYE STRAIN. It is generally bellevod that goAd vis ion means perfect eyes, this Is by no means so, the contractility of the achlrg muscle of the eye Increases tho carvc ture of the chrystallne lens, as much as I necessary to maintain clear vision, but the excessive amount of nerve force needed to keep up their abnormal state, cause a constant drain on tho great nerve center, the brain, resulting In bead ache, sometimes extending down the back, Inflammation, granulated eye lids, twitching or jerking motion, sometime this muscle of accomodation become cramped, then comes severe headache, distant vision more or less bad, close vision I not much affected, the eye are aggravated by every little thing a healthy eye would not notice, such as wind, cold, light, etc. Those who do not know the troubles, try remedies suggested by frionda and flndlv spend large sums to a special!!, who you win always notice-ms-a pair or spectacles, alter relaxing tne muscle oy artoplne special study and the necessary convenienses wiin ine proper instru ments enables me to do the work a ac curately as possible. Every pair., of glaaasa fitted are guaranteed to suit or s new pair inroiuea mw oi enarge. set wjj,' ' V" J. O. BAXTER. atAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsVsa WWWW WW WWWW WW W WW WWW WWW : ; iLatest Edition of : i Prayer Books ; ii and Hymnals iDffllff'S BOOK STORE. 1 VTho Doctor said h had found 88 child rea la a Vienna school ont of 40 who i sever seen a bed. Dr Froohlioh wu la tempted by protests against "talking polHIes,"bat thscli airman ,Dr Delbrueci, said ho could not .draw Barrow lines. Admiral Thomsei thereupon faros lad Said! "If yoa wast to hold a political meet ing permit ms to leav th ball.". Th Admiral left amid a great eommo- tloa, and Dr Froehllch continued his re marks, arguing that aupporting work ing men's onions aad political organist tlons Is a hygUnlc necessity . Jt,t: CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children, v. Hi JteJ. Yoa Rare Always BcugM Boan tho Blgnaturo oi NOTICE! Ifotlo Is hsreby given thai having lost certificate Ho. 83, of Series No. 19, for n ihare of stock of th New Bern Building and Loan Association, appli cation Is mad for a duplicate certificate according to th rule of the Associa tion. MlJZBITT Unfair. April 18, 1008. ' f IMPORTANT. 'Very Important that thoie who hay not paid their City Taxes, Real.Perscnal and Poll, for 1908 and Lloente Tai np to data (bonld settle tame at ones, ths Urns Is at hand for me to settle wtth the City for the Taxes, t do Insist upon yonr not potting thl matter off. . ' If yon ar elled upon for . settlemeat do not turn me down empty bunded. have ben as lenient with yon as t pos sibly could be. Pay lha tax and v (ht advertising and cost, f vj.-, .C AJ -'r- City Tsa Collector, J. J. B0YED, .VETRINARIAN. AU diseases of the hone successfully treated. Spaamodlo and other forma of Colic cured, Blind Stagger permanently relieved, Mo Core, No Pay. ' Address, ;j.J.BOYED, Cove, N. C.; L. B. Habicht, Lagir Beer We are receiving daily a new line of Spring Furniture. Have also just re ceived a very fancy ot of Mattings, Rugs, Leather and Velvet Couches At Prices Hint will Jfttonisli you. Give us a call and examine our stock. No trouble to show goo d Very truly, Tie Disosway & Taylor Co. ; Best In the Stat. Cold and Fresh. : The Finest Liquors and Wine. i Habicht's Key West, Eablcht's Porto BlcanOlgars,';'4,;:'"";.'' "' . L B HABICHT, 1 Corner S Front aad Hancock Streets, Kw-.te v-itei ew Bern, N 0. For Rent.. f.. .. . . Wharf property formerly occupied by Q V7 Hamilton as wood yard. u y "Also two desirable offloea 1d aeopnd story of asw brick building oa South Front tfet. A. ''',l': '( K Apply ':y-' nArr.:s Lrniu water on df"rlit, tarlionnNnl, the strongest natur.-il lillila wa'or known, So lnrj-r TITA! TACVi Brutus and Cassia ; Would Turn Oreea y with envy If they eoold se the jfrments worn by the men In few Item nd marie by T M Cliadwlck. Well tlUIng hand some and swell In slyln, nnd shuwlnir a man wlih a perlei-t form to prfi-aiin, i if- n-'ikii'T a t1''1"' t tf rni In the Tii:in fmt is il. I. '.P. JI V"ii linvrn't iiii!. m-i r 1 i . BRANCH OFFICE v A. B. Baxter & Co., Vv.: Commission; 'jvv Brokers, ISicclo, Ccttcj.Graiii & PrbvinicEs ;J17 Craven Btrnet.j; THE TIM CO IJust no I Received A Nice Lot of Harvey's Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams from 6 to 8 lbs. New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef, Fresh lot Fox liiver Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, Atierce of Nice Country Lard, Complete stock of Nice Fresh Canned Goods. A real Good Table Peach for 10c, 3 lb can, Nice Prunes only 5c lb, Split Peas 5c qt, Fresh Grits and Big Hominy, The Best of everything in Staple and Fancy Groceries the Lowest possible prices. Yours to Please, at Wholesale efc Retail Grosser, Bread Hi I J. L. MtDMlEL, 5 'Phone 91. 71 C.J. McSortey & Co's Confectionery Store Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., Successors to Gaskill Hdw. Co. and J. C. Fulford Supply Co. HAHDWAItE 78 Middle St. MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 147. Phone 210.J Keep a full supply of finilders Material, Bash, Doors, Blinds. Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Lime, Cement, Stoves and Ranges and everything kept In a first- class hardware store. A full line of Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Engines, Boilers, Pul leys, Pliafting, Gearings, Pipe, Valvee, Fittings, Wrenches, Bolts, Nuts, Iron, Belting, Packing, Hose, Etc. Having consolidated the two houses we are prepared to furnish lligh Quality goods at Very Low Prices: Thanking the trade for past favors and soliciting yonr future patronage we are, Yonrs truly, M Hardware aod Mill Supply Company. JOSEPH GABKILL. P.A. WILLIS. JOE C. FULFORD. Here is a Chance For Every Man, Woman and Child to Dress up. , A Man of Dollars itill usually be found to be of an Invest! atlntr and savin? nature, wnen ne Doys, o bnys at the best place In town, If It Is ten miles on. uetore ne Days yoa may know that he has been about to other places found which store sells the best and most for the least money. When ou are out prospecting, don't pas as y, please. We may be able to save you money. The Old Buck who ... knows the taste of rood beer is anr to celebrate Easter tide bv drlnkinc his Allot Budwels book beer. Be Is not only healthy and wise but wealthy as well, In the knowledge that this Deer is uie oess orewea, sua contains no headaches of blllloasness. The best bop and the best malt only art wed. . - ZZH ' ' J; F Taylor; Phone 233. JSBW.BIIUT, N. 0. ' Main Office, 61 Broadway, NewjVork. Modorate morglns. Xxcellent service. Private wires to New York. 1 Ighc.it banklngjand "mercsntllefrof-rimres. PALIS. 1 i' l" . a,- - com Tto . beef Is elly distinguished by lu bright er color, finer grain and more attractive snnesranoe. . v Consumer need not bo put to the trouble of picking out (he good from tho Inferior. Come hers or (end the order snd we will supply the choicest grade Of prime young for li'.IHnir. ronniinif aid stemlnp. We i -V i t t, i.:-- I. Menu, Boy) and Children Clothing. For $10 50 wo will dress any man from head to foot. We will dress any boy from head to foot for $5 98. Wo will dress any child from head to foot for t8 48. MEN 1 suit $10 50, 1 hat $3 00, 1 pr shoes $3 25, 1 shirt 75c, 1 tie 50o, 1 pair socks 10c, total value $16 10, all for $10 50. BOY 1 suit $5 98, 1 pr shoes $1 50, 1 hat $1 00, 1 shirt 50c, 1 pr Hose 10c, total value $8 03, all for $5 08. CHILDREN 1 suit $2 49, 1 pr shoes $1 25, 1 hat 60c, 1 pr hose 10c, tola value $4 88, all for $2 49. DRY GOODS. We have just rccoived a big line of Dress Goods In Bilks, Cashmeres, Plaia Lawns, and Dimities, for this woek we will give prices that others cannot give. We will give you a price on Dimities-2509 yards worth 12Jc and 15c yd, your choice In this lot 7 1 c for this week only. We have just received from the mill a big lot ot Remnants of Hamburg worth from 121o to 80c yard at a price yon never heard of before. Look for your silver M F WARREN, ) . 7 araTWVt afNKT JIM GASKILL, jfj - .WrLWl JK.75 Middle St, next to Gaskill Hdw. i'l,, New Bern, N. C. Job Printing done on short notice ;at lowest pricks! Coll and get my prices, you will save by it, Owen 0. Dunn. 59 POLLOCK ST. Paints ! efore y ou buy your paints In veatigate Heath and Milligan Paints Strictly Guaranteed, looks better, covers more and wears longer. For salety Foy & kills, "GeneraTHardware, 79 M M Street, A Joyiul Acceptance Is always given to an invitation to rids In a Watersr carriage, as they ar renowned for their easy riding qualities, a well as their stylish appearanoe, Thl combination can only aoorue from a ve hicle that I perfect In construction and finish in every detail. A better carriage cannot be bnllt than the genuine Waters' burfv, robber or steel tires. W bnild anything you want. Lowest price when quality Is considered. .- fl. IT. rntrrs A' Ron, r -., ? r l t n c mm What more can you get anywhere In addi tion to SatlalactlonP We guarantee tliat ...Bulta cleaned. -and pressed V?;, 0 C CHiOWICE T11LG3IG CO;,..- Corner Middle and ollock Street ' ?r.y: ' Bangert Building ; i DR. PRICE'S I Lilu .... J il. , l ii V I ir-7

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