THE JOURNAL. - tuiUhedsverydtytatheyow.sxeepI Moadsy, at H Kiddle street. ' . , ., Y Piowa Xo. I. ... V ; CHARLES Lt STEVENS.. - - wnroa aw nonannC -v -" SUESCRIPTIOH KATES1 " - Ons year, la ilmn, ...M One year, aot la advance......... I Monthly, by nrrtw is tha city.. . .10 " Advertising Ratal tonlihtd oaveppll tattoos vs"-i " . Entered at the Port Offloe, Hew Beta, . 0, as ssooad oUm uttw, vBeUl Fair C. Rew Bars' Ml ; A" CttvwsV TEE WK SPREAD THAT COUNTS. . ""It remslns for the press of North - Caroline lo show how atotissry and vi tal, for the Slate's bMt UUmlf, Uil this Btata should he represented atBt. Loots nsxt veer, and work towards this aa uonia ds, bow," eays tot new cera . Journal Too prats ii wllllaf, bat from tha wit ir BUU bond tuna remains on oar hands, -evea at 4 par cent H looks iits wasting uk. . , ;Tb abott tress owr tateeaMd friend the QraaartUa Reflector, tola nodoabt J), half Jest, and doca not sxpreas Its ran) , lantimaatirt nor-oaa the H deoiar'a reoord thaw that It believes la"on'li. , Tha Lsgltlstars's fallara to provldt an , - ampla fund tor a North OaroUna aihlbtt ; ; at tha St. Louli Biposltloo, in a weak . Bess, a shortsightedness, which In a business houas woald have bean a die- tlnet setback In Ita aaenagement and V probably Injury to Ita trade. , Walla thara la aortal analogy, per haps, yetoould aot a State's oredtt ba In Jared,' atlaait thara ha a hesitation to purohsse Its toads, wbea thosa who sack to sll Its boada, .refnss io adrartlaa lu rssosrost aad show Itt products to tha . world that is saaktaf lares taeat J Let tha merchant kaap his stora filled with tha oholoast articles, yet If he dots not make knowa what ha has, there will ' ba ao deaiwd or aale of his roods. . . Tha aaaaa may ba said of North Coro llas. Its prase boasts oontlnaally of Its Test rasoaross which will prove profit able to aay oaa seeking their develop meat, bat oatalda of the press there Is ao effort asade to "show the roods." Bat the Joubiml does not believe any printer's Ink la wasted, bseaate this eaastsabjeotajett bVoaght ap and as oftea rettereted, Tha aewspapara of North Carolina have aever at yet bean weary la wall dolag, aad this auktng North Carollaa i gat a good spirited, stove towards halp lat tu credit at home and abroad bt . showing what ha reaawrosa are, la aa tak , wjn aiawae iwa a saltan at woj aw aaJU. " HsWiTniS? We after OaalRaadrad Dollars Re ward for aay ease of Catarrh that can aot ba eared by HslTa Oatarrh Can. F. J. OHXNXT 00, Toledo, a We, the aadeiaiiaed. hare kaawa T. i. Chaaey tor the mat 18, years, aadbe Utre hba perfeetly hoaorahle la allboe- raass treasecUoaa aad uaaactally able to oarryjost aay ohUgaiieaa made ttftheir ana,.-, i - Him Taaav WholaaaJa Dragglsta, ToMo, Qvf . WiurMJCniua Mabtix, Whole- atJaDranU.ToMdo.O. BalT Oatarrh Care la taken later ally, acting directly apoa the blood aad mesne tajfaoes of the systsav Teatl. moatak at traa, Prwa 7c per koute ooaa ay au araggmaWv EalTa ramDy rnia are tha beat. Tea aay has wtfa had him arretted tar repeating! 1 dfcrat know aa took aay Interest ta pottrJoal akctmaar r ta poittkal aaaetloaar "Tea, dtdat yaw aay. aha aceaaed alas . af vapaaUngl1 ' " v ," i -r ecHMgaiafAhgai guadart aMllgaitltMMtt ' 1 1 i .u. ivonxA. . mnsswar ImMtalblhMWtwB A Iran a .Sw m Clwa.-i ' A ataa 4a Vtieaa 1 mm' a cut BtfarhMMM a M vtotw tuaaw eariy ta the auteaath wtoer. Ua tVaajM It waa wertMbawt tro. aay a etraa rrr ma ad envj fca M tat rt Ta taatr aamietd that tf was woHh that K aaiaat t werth asara, aa a tavMtb9tt4 ta saatsjte. neaaeara rt4 aa sTe of 94.000 fat ft aad toatty aoM It as ta aw. t;3 txQ rxAT TOBiAia uxm X im yea tak QraWa Tssaalaat CUD Tm'a baaaaaa tha trsaak m aktaty T ' aa wary aotUe ahewUg shot fe la ttxp'y hroa aad aetata ha a fjrrn Kaaara ayy.JPriaa -iSf wtfa fMad a pokar chh ha say r-eck aad I tuM hat St Waa a djapfv fa . - ; ... .-, . . "I hat area . " I m treaa ttl Eh awottrred tha i'A aad tk ataamrw hern rwt a tfeaa ta ttpot"-rtll. KrdL . . .1" ',.. - TESTTuIATS KAH&L7S. Cottoa, Oram, rrerUlo&t aad Stocks, kaaga la rrkes. ' Becetptt tal - , Shipments, t ' Tha following are tha market qnota Mobs, reoelred by prtrata win to J. B. Uthsm ft Co. Raw Bans, R. 0. ( " " . '-y ChloagoJAprnW WtaiTi JOpaa High. Low. Gloat. May.......... Ttl r',l7 July....;.-.' : r m sept.;..., ..j en , r - -' esi Oaajn ' - ' " " i 4. " - " Kay 481 U July 44, ( J :Sapt . ' 48 OstSt- . ' ' Msy.. 141 Ml July... 9H ' 0t Bept )L W lk-. . - - Msy 1797 1800 Jttly 1787 1740 Sspt.... ... 1705 .1707 Ltrd, . i ' Msy , V80 S3I sJaly. .....f V7 71 Bept 870 7S Blbsi V My 080 Jaly M7 Ml Bept New Tork, April 17. trrooaat Open. !i( i Amr.Hugar Ii0 1M Valon l'aoldo... DO. m Mo. Psciflj ll)7i JOii . PaolfioT.... Mi Wt HsDhsttae 137 lit, Oiaat Wettero.. U Hit Uey i ii A. mr. Ooppur. . . . Wt 01 riupoirio.... m m Wabah pt 4 45 Brie, lt ti (H Oolorflo 3u. . . 4r v4t AaaooadaOop.. 109 108 doathcraHy.... 80 81 doathera Ky pt.. 63 01 LoulstllleAMssh U0 117 BrooklyaR.T..&i o Pann. B R 180 181 Atohltoa 81t 81 SL Paul 16l 183) Erie 84 84; Atohlton pt 874 7 D. & BtaeL 88 304 Reeding 64 Off People Gas 1084 108 af 0 44 444 B. AO 914 924 St. W 704 714 Teak GoeUroo. 65 654 R.T Central..... 111! 131 Rook bland 424 424 Westsra Union.. 854 88 Ontario Wasters t9 I9 A. C Hatropolltaa. . .. 189 1994 Coal, reel, Iron. 59 3 7a. 0 Ohemtoal. 61 61 J OaaadlaaPaelda 180 180 aA Aaar. OttoaOU. 414 41) B. B. Steal pt... 864 t UOaatral...... 186 188 RepabUeBteeU. 194 194 Aaa. lea. 74 84 OeLm.Badaea...l66 166 A, A B. Breather.'... 144 14 Aau Oar Found. 894 84 rjB.Leashar pt.. Pea MM Maw.Toaa, April IT. Opea, Rrgh. Law. Gloat Apr May... Jaaa . Jaly... Aag... Bept... Oet.... Mot... Dee.... Jaa... IOlM lOJtt 10J8 ...,10J 10J8 10.94 10.99 9.8T 935 9.87 ....9.98 Mt 9J4 9.88 .... 9. 9.49 M 9.44 ..; ITT ftJBO 8,75 179 ... 8J0 8.94 1.49 8.49 ....MS 188 8,87 8.87 ...9.89 8.41 8.85 8JT Ufarpaal aattaa market eleaed,t4y. MM. 8.0 8000 Baaatpts 14009 - s Opea 'April 199 Apt-May lit May-tea 199 ;jeaJely999 , Jaly Aag lt AarSaplld ; acOet,lT9 "Oat-Rat 488 Oka. 184 184 196 198 819 ,:. ,,. 80 ' Taaal facts today 9.990 aa 19,909 mat Gelreetea 4,999 ta 199 agtAaMM14 matyaar. '-. Maw Orieaaa 1999 taa.808 aawAamLSN hmt fjajaajV -r ..Vfv. ' .v ST." i Hoottaa 1909 aa 10 sgoratt 1.017 atyeat. r Uatw-a'4;V-''2;.r lOAjtw-' ..... . i- fMt,F . 11808 i : V.- ;';r X ; 1999 19X9 IOK0 ret it .3 tX.3 tt;:j Moa. 1S009 .'V - Wad. 9001 Thane. 1 FA . t yaatv Km of BnrliDgton, Yt., Toea NtWsIt , for Sickness, " , 3. - . HE USES--'- v Painc's Celery Cbmpoand ' The Spring Health Giver, When-'-em He 'Feels Oat-of-8ort8, " and Thus Maintains Keg- " 'I ularHealtft and Vigor. ' v,. : ' Palna's Celery Compound It mote talked of lo the tprlpgtlme In each ttata, City, town and Tillage, than any, other medicine now before IUb public. It hat a place In the bomoi ot the wealthy, Influ ential and Intellectual; IUb the dltasse. benlsher thtt has the entire confidence of oar nit 0 .and women who toll daily la B M SUTf ON. workthopt, toret, office snd homes, Whtn the first warning tymptomtof physlctl wetkneit.snd dittaae are exper lenoea.wise ana oruaent men ana women InTarlably seek new vitality, health and strength In nature's health builder. Patne's Celery Compound. It the reader ot this article finds It difficult to obttln restfnl sleep, If nerrousneai snd weak neas are causing alarm, tr the blood It Im pure and tlngglth, It rhtumatltm. ntu ralgtt, dyapvpils, -kidney and liver troubles are commencing to snnov. fol low the sate and wise ezsmple ot Bi mayor ouiton, 01 tsurungion, VI., nto Palne't Celery Compound and promptly oaniu ine uuie 1111; ao not wait tin yon are tick. One bottM, aa a rule, will brace tha nerves, correct Impaired digestion, eleaase the blood, and make you robeat and strong. Read Senator Stilton't cheer mar testimony: "People have often aaked me how I manartd to Seen to well. Tor although out la aaarly all kinds of weather, and travailing eonaiaeraoiy, 1 nave no acnae oraickasss. My one anawer baa been, that Instead ot waiting until I am sick la bed and forced to stop work for a While, whenever I feel out-of -sorts the knst bit, I take Palne'a Celery Com. poaad, which keepa me well and atrong. It ta a great deal better, la my opinion. ao aaca a meaicine mat seeps one well, rather than to wait for tloknett and then hunt around tor a medicine or a doctor. I have beaa a hearty advocate ot Paine'e Oalory Compound aince It waa first made a great many yeara ago, aad have yet to near or a ease la wnicn tt bat railed to fulfill lu promises.'' .'Your groat min xUSn.s before the populace In vnln-r! thu ncwatw per. He uprtttd pfti.-K.t the cOnstUutloa ta veto without tuo ucwKpnpcr. Ilia Clarion voice nakrt up the nnlverae In vain althout the newepeper. Hit taoat aatoundtus; Unauclnl enterprise St ire him In vain without the newapa per. IIU tcfentlBc roaoarcbea and aehhtvetnenta are In vein without the newapaper. Ilia aocceee lu every walk af Ufa la In vain without the newaptv par.' The newapaper la tha fememaket of the age. Of courae, aom ot the tarn ta cheap, bat tt eaUsflca foe Irrtag Wearer ot tha cloak avca though noa iarity chaasja It-New Xork Preaa, - 17EAK LUfJGS I mostly due ta a a email par eaou of ana ml, heoa who have conaompooa If harttlt. Aanckrl coM.anckmtf or hacking coack h) the aegtnalng, aad afaw 91 hot a - advanced ataga 1 the grove. - -. tore M oa ussg eactct Qm rrsvo. - Aaveaoaef 1 iniiikio al I. 1 1 mat h), aay aa having eeomtmpaoa wheoe hmHf a trteode anil hold oa ta a tay af has, snay take comfort as the knewtadgaef ma fact that On Miiurte Coagh Care wtl gr hosturt rOaf en4 RmHy cm. . 1 am n rj mn art ewaaoo) M tarn Ma k lb ftlMt m ti Igsf? twtpFtisa mnsaaa m u inl i Hi (Kit t iM Im a mtUm m. Mb. fVfc .1 .mi. i. mini'. toA Cra Oowarfat Ctk.L HmntiiiiiiiMo GOISUK'TIOsI CURED. r tt "m - -a H I .... in j -4 rv- K limn JHIt., t-i". lun f . W. iu. k4 t rant to the ow Co-d lorC.-t if, t -4 I- rrrry t- -r. r Ccr -x Co.' 'V Cx- f-CeufV. Fiwm As1.- W-a, lTnr a 1 TSr-v oc4 Lr J t5' 1 1 rs'; k H U - mmm 1 lj. K urn Ite towk W.To April 15. The public school at Cullalr will close next week and Kiss Xdns Llneberry, the teacher, has - done . vary acceptsbis service. Bhs Is a faithful patient worker. . We would be glM to secure her services for next fall term. On Friday evening, April 4th. there wOl ba a concert at Bellalr school heoss by the school and young people of ths community. Public are cordially Invited to attend. , Ws do not hear of aay ad mlttanos fee, but It will be sat to bring a Utile cash for whaa you lean that tha school room aeeds seats and desks yoa will desire to hslp them. - The full moon ta April has passed sad ths predicted frost has aot come, se ths truckers ans rejolclngjthat what few peas they have will hot likely be klllsd this time. v,'. ; c-- .: ';' 4 Tha pea orop la very poor, poor ttaad aad pot foil of fruit Cabbage geaarally far behind the average, they divd- oat badly aad run to seed, snd a tew headed up so imall that they bould have bona mailed .la good site envelopes. The heavy rain did soms dsmsgw la a few bottoms'" where potatoes "are planted, consequently there li not s good ttaad hr wet places. - v, . - Early planted corn Is coming up aloe- ty, and cottoa planting will soon begia. It these beautiful spring Jays? floatinaa to dlapenso ther. bountiea of aunshlBe and gentle Sephynv ,Tha Strawberry orop will too, be ta Ita ptlmi 9 - few hVpm ate have already goaarforward. Our fiull-crop It thus fr aifa and promlwn to be bountiful one. Nearly all kloilt of fral- In our mid! eemt to uv tu ttiundoaea and-nntpvctt good thus Nr. The stwenoe of mi.eb a Ind hit markol Mdrcb thla year, and thus tar Arll has not done much borrowing. . Nail iUturday aad 8ualny 18. the sro'nd Quarterly meeting for Viiim oircult will be held at B cli Orov.-. Cures Blood Poison, Ctncer, Ulcers, . Eaema, Carbuncles, Etc. Wedlclrte Free. Hubert Ward, Uaxey'a. Oa., aayt: "I offered from b'ood polton, my bead face snd shoulders were one mass of cor ruption, aches In bones snd joints, burn ing, Itching, scabby akin, wss all run down and discouraged, bat BoUnlc Blood Balm cured me perfectly, heeled all the to tea end gsve my skin the rich gloWof-health. . Blood Balm pot new life Into my blood aad aew ambition In to my brain." Geo. A. Williams, Rox- bury, race covered with pimples, chronic sore on back of heed, supparsUag swell ing on neck, rating aloer en lag, bone pains, Itching skin cured perfectly by Botanic Blood Balm tores all healed. Botanic Blood Balm cures all maHgaaat blood troubles, such as ecsema, scabs and soales, pimples, running so ret, car bond et, scrofula, etc Rapaelally ad vlaed for all obstinate cassa that have reached the second or third stage. Im- protasthedlgeatlot; strengthens weak kidneys. Druggist, tl. To prove It cares. temple of Blood Balm seat free aad pre paid by Wrillag Blood Balm Oo Atlan ta, Gs. Describe trouble tad free medi cal advice teat la sealed letttr. For sale la Hew Beraby F 8 Daffy aad OD Bradham. Two ot sTKIb. 3enklna-Wbat aa egotistical feUow Jasper tal - BawMgh Not mora ao thaa Blara. TV hen the two get together, tt remlnda mo of the Uw of rataOatloai ha I fat aa I, yoa know. Boston Tranacrtpt Take a balk in Baseock's LlnnMBni phar.; They are superior lo thosa ot tha most celebrated Salphnr Bprtaga, having thaaddlUoaaladvaataga of la asade anyoesuad atraagu. Tbay WW oara mcsiy aaat,, rsiama, aadau auad For sale bfF. & Daty.: . The tolloo-toi ibose, Toe Loidslaaa rnrchaae coat ear aa Uoa 811000.000 la tha time of Presi dent Jefferooo,, The Leulataaa Paw- ehane expoattioa to celebrata thht PtJ enaaa ta do acta at el boast ta uoa will coat about 840.000,000. Tim groan aa which the fair will ba aeU as cowah sfl warn tlfjjBOjOOtt,,- . MdUyhaakawttat taoaa simScotio by astng af Baaeockt UrteVfloJahar. U will alto onra Trmma, Fatter, Ftmp- ma, raagworav Daadraff, Cats. Baraa, Old Bona,- aad all ska troubles ta a abort time, wkea need at abeded.- For eele el F. O. Duty's Drag Stora. . .. aog F low Aa a tola salt atoat tt aot adanrr4 ta the leqalmnewU of tMwvoaa pvophs aa aatrmoua Jutrea mt bate the brio to a grant oxttaL slab of all kinds at good for them. Raw egga, rontrary to the eomraoo opteloa, ore aot aa dlgcaltbta taoaa that hara bee wvti cooked. Good aread, awort batter aad kaaa t are the Wot food tW ta acrroa. Fwopat trembled with tnoomaU and acrvoaa atarUag from akwp aad aremv tlaaa of failing ma oftro a rareel hj BailttDg tXesotrroa ta a oVt of asllk aloa for a tUaa. Aa adolt aaoakl take a pint at a ami aad Uka foar sneam a amy. reopta with weakened arms to aalr ftoqaoaity a larger aaaatlt at Water thaa those whoa nerve aad brain are atrong. It eMe the dtavatto by. snaking the food enlahta, and eeecna to have a direct tonic effect -itcfeoce There waa a k'g etoMtlo ta Loro- vCX lad. Wbea W O Bro a of that P'tc. who waa ettt to i' had hhtfstanj hyDr K'.zft Kw eTy fi IV ; a. ne wtt I ei?rei lmtrii: a-mtca frota Asth mtttty-'Ot I' r 'OT-y to I " ' ' e F" t s.-.l a r - ' I It e ..' r ttrf- tf" . I ' I :" X EARLO'B AJTD K. HARLC'R'E. , April 18. Tuesday's rata storm was very severe, . tha wind leveled many of our fences, blew off the blocks of the nsra 01 sir J v Hsrdesty and stripped ths top from a shad aad did other daav age to aim. -- , , , ..-...- Mrs Jsns Harmers left Friday last for Newport where aha - goat to visit rela tives and f rlenda. - - : : , Bay Mr Poola has beta, spoaalng a few days la Hsrlowe takiac ordata for plctart to ba enlarged. Be spent last uuuaty with as aad filled Rat J H U GUas" pulptt by recuaet of tfij pastor, Who was also present. ."-Tha following Is the- roll of honor Of Miss Madia Ball's school for th past moatbi ,s . - v . " Misses Ada BoetoaiOla XoegvUlllaB BaUEattia' Ball, tlsath BeH, Alberta Bell, Maria JBg, Myrtle-Hanaock, iaurttta' Hancock , und Attlea Taylor, Jlsstsrs Unwaod Wardi Willie Beotoa and Carlyle Tsylor. . t Mr aad Mm F S Dkikrniooaad ahild. rea of Blades Milt, "war la Maw Ban Tuesday, we aapposa to taketn tha pony and dosr show.', MhmFearV Taylor who luaaposttioa wna ur uoitua at wiathopi. U tha great delight of her mtnv frleadm-anmit last tMtardaf aad Sunday at hoasev- Bar pitatmoaarSaada - Bebool aaeV-ahareh gave muca pioaeure to bar I rlenda who were glad in shake her hand after hat nwMmtsiesH'r.'. .- Mr Alfred Cbeistv Jr. Kho aaswa munir' trhstKU hero whtlo- oa she Bute tutvey 1 this stciki, pnhl ua a flying visit onu ilay lt week. Mt.arsM il 'ajloi- anil llarrr Bell mfthy ioai Monday for New Bern on busliieu. MuurtCFD Bell aad JRBeU.twO i-f our merchauu were In New -Bern TeeiKlsy on busiaeea, - Mr Herman, the popular represent live of Ollliert Bros & Co, spent S few dsys wlih us on hi round this week. A few small bl, m nis of pass are go tug off. Oi. y l-lnr- Pur. Illu. gome uitr- xutd (o l!r-tlwi Dickey: 'Ui-fi-'H u story of a inn 11 who I utc wives." Brother Dlekvy didn't reply for a 1 ond or two. Then be sold; "I s"hw rli.y'il kevp him dar all da time umvy "Kenii III in where?" "Why. In do nsytum, of co'sef" At- innU Constitution. TM riaea for It, "What are you snorting BbootT asked the youag walruh of tha old 000, Who wat perusing a scrap of newapa per. Bore's a dor tor irho saya tfe aa healtby to go Into the -water arte a meaL How would we get rt tf we dlda'tr-PblladcJpble Press. afilsMi. Be There la one woman la this world wbo can thank me for lag her beppy for Ufa. She Why, I didn't know you marrtedr Be I'm not I broke the engage- meat Ctndnnntl Gnqulrer. o sTSaaat Toavo. Claude Mtes Tblrtyodd seems to hold her age well. Maad-Hold her agel Why. ah basal let go of a single year staca tho'a beaa twenty-flTel--Baitlmora Herald. Robbed tike Grare. Attartllng laetdeat It aarrited hr oaa unvar ot railed el pUs, aa fouowa: I u la aa awful ooadlUon. Mv skla waa almost yellow, eyas saakaa, toagaa eoaled, pala eoatiaaally la bask aad aldea. ao appetite, growleg weaker day by day. Thrte phytlclant had given me a p. Then I was advised to as Ceoirle Bitter; to my great Joy, the tint bottle madaa decided ImotovamanL I aoa Uaoed their aaa for three weeks, aad am aow a wau staa. 1 kaow they robbed thaaraeoof aaslW WIm a. mm sswaid fail to try these. Oaty 80 aaata, iwiiwu, u u jiraaasavs arag All tha (oaia at Wasala Im hm rrownod 9a tb kaaatta, ka Moaoows aad la ta treaoary thara at tha thxooaa at all th aanrjotnta ad tk maat ana cm ajaaorss seweas amt the eksSasat plats asw swmfl tu nm aattaa ilaaa Xlmsa fc nao.000 worth at gaid aad slltar ana niwlmn .i...... ru treasury, aad thara are beats of gold mora warn at aa ug aa a aaayit beta tab aad tw cam! tables af aotidaUvaf wiucb aro worta a amga RECORD flF.THB PAST No fitronger: Evidence : Cain Be Produced. ?3 4 Look wall aa Ihatr rarard. Wang thaw have ooae many Usus ta years goae by m th bast gaaraatt . af fatar reaalu. Aay aaa-wrth a bad koee, aav raodor aaffarteg fraea arlaary troaklea, freat aaykldaey Bm, wfll tad ta the follow bg ertdoare oroof that relief sad rare la aoar at head. - .- Mr. O. M, Myato, tha wotVkaowa shwmaktr af W laches aw avoawaaad H k Strom, Aahlaad. Ky, taya "Doaat CMaey FBht Br Ut traa frtnda, th barer yoa kaow these the bettor they ere syprsdaleX I ca add aotkiag ta tha uatesarot I grot made la IS t aftar I protend th remedy at tha Vcatara Dreg Co . aad took a ooano of the treat ssrat, whVh cored BMt I was tlMo?sU?y he froa all ovkarKe far twaify three yveie. th I ansV4 a a!'aht ale at th rml tf a tv;.!, la cfWt A hot of r -t Ei'sey r; ; p-w ef r; I k.s 1. iwn , I IIU iret -j i . ... !t.e tr 1 i f r , PhA vntutaTfl nnwa aS tjLjii i . . . . . Mj??tJP?3asS 18 Btlmtlant, not-booauaeiiti a palliative, 5? Woongtraotor ever discovered to act directly upon CURING disease and restoring; health and vigor, jiuuvaiuun uures are reponrjQ nrmiea who ha-en vttiuami Mtn. Plnkham's Vegetable Comparand and are One of Many Women llaS.A3 TTiLiruutr uumiiung 10 an uperauon, w rues : . " DB Mrs. PiNraA : I was a great sufferer for three years, had some of the leading physicians, and tnev all said nothing but an operation would cure me, but to that I would not submit, u j . i.I P'oke? "P and saw your advertisement and made up my mind to try your medicine. I had falling and mflammatioa of the womb and a flow of whites all the time, pains across small of Wk, severe headache, did not know what it was to be without a pain or aa acho until I used your modieine After three months' use of it, I felt like a new woman. I still sound the praise of Lydia K. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound." Mas. Wm. A. Cowan, 1804 Bainbridge St, Philadelphia, Pa. A Qraduate Nurse, Convinced by Cures, Endorses Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. She Writes: , m. ,"PA .Mli- Pinkham : Ministering to the sick I have had numerous chances to compare Ly.lln, E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound with other medicines in cases of diseases of women, and th, number of cures recorded where 'your medicine was used convinced mo that it is the saf-nt ami Miir.-M medicine for a sick woman. Doctors certainly must know the value of Lydia E. Pinkham'H V if t.ii.i Compound. I am convinced that you deservo the splendid record youTiavo made. Yours very tmh Mrs. Oathbii Jackson, 769 Beaubien Btn Detroit, Mich." (Graduate Nurse and Iifsi.lcnt lvtmii Emergency Association.) Many Physicians Admit ithat no Medicine Known to the Profession Equals Lydia E. Plnkham' Compound for the Cure of Woman's Ills, and We are Permitted to Publish the Following : "PA" Mra Pineiiasi: lb gives me great pleasure to state that I have found Lydia E. Plnklmm s ce Vomp?und TelT "fflcMious, and have often prescribed it for female difficulties Mv oldest daughter found tt very beneficial for uterine troublo some two years ago, snrl my yonnr, -,t daughter Is using It for female weataess. and as a tonic, and is slowly but surely gaining atnugth un.l b.-ali h. I freely advocate it as a mat reliable specific in all disorders which womea arc subject to, an.l Kiv it honest endowment - ours very truly, Sarah C. Brioham, M.Dn 4 Brigham Park, Fitehburg, Mas.'' If physicians dared to be frank and open, hundreds of them would acknowledge that they constant !y prescribe Lydia K. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound in severe cases of female ills, as they know 1 y experience that it can be relied upon to effect a oure. . trVomon who are troubled with painful or Irregular menstruation, backache, bloating (or fiatul. n . ). hmcprr&an, falling, inflammation or ulceration of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that " bearing-down " fe hntr aiMliwsj, falntno!, Indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to ward off tw-wrioui consequences, and be WBtored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Plnkham's 1 eotablo Compound, and then write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass for further free advice. No living person has had such a vast and euoDessful experience in treating female ilk. She has guided thousand to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice. TM Ayrpknstll fake In s Dortncr When he started lit newrat get rich achenwr "Me; only the pronto who booght the etock." Cincinnati Tribune. BlabDa-Wlgwac boasts that be ass aever made an enemy. Bwbbe Ferhapa enemlee are born. aat asade.-miadlphla Becord. Tot liver troablee aad eoasttpatloa. ThetVa aothleg bettar la enalloa Thaa Little Xarry Rleera, taetaasoas Uttlapm They alwaya effect a care aad save Little XariyBtsers are diff treat froaa aU ether piUa. They do aot wsekaa the ay stats, hat aet as a teasa te tha by sisaslag tha ssetatloaa ai taeBveraatha fan part staiaaaa af tu awleat aatarafry. For tale hrF. 8 Daffy.-. "Bftaka ta a lraa bcaaTav katbatha- wry that tha eOoa aaek the TMv f 8awa. Bat hS alwaya takes rare as ssava ale address where tt caa be t :.- . ; i . .i DtuKatice b Sored. Daw aetata fchart&y served a the pabna geawrsBythal DeWItrs BsaelBalvekthatarysslvasaUa hat that b atada treat the Mam lad witch haast. DaWkfe Basal Balva baa aarad rtitiiiihi af aasat af pOsa that weald aot yield te aay sr nssisssat, aad an bfoaxht eat saaay waethlaaa Taaaeaavaoaawha aba get the gaaaaao Da WU"s Wtteh uaaat aalva are tsaraoiaasd, liraaaa a earee. ret sale ay w. av vmwj. tarry-now daw Marvtt break hla teal . , - . . . .. v sr Deswy trkiaasa taa liitiiH a wtpOoav ' ...... . Larry-Thwatl .'.- ' .'. . Iiir n- It barer eat av th aW, and. hTarpag wtot aftat tL-rhUa- avia Uatt - - . Cccl Tsr CtZin.. The rWsat to take aad hafmUee Owe t 'sate Ccr- Cere t'vea hnaw "- n r flatncvoafCox.Cn?slLa- -t !ld ti ao -ek- - 3- it-". ttt t. if . j. ; w. irom an parts 01 tno country hy coses, and physicians who have recognized the virtue in Ljdiu i:. j wsvhmi ii uv ua v w vvrtataaa.w am at) v as tu fair enough to givo credit whero it is due 1UI Cured by Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, ? - t A , . . . f j A Last Wrklac. Qoantltkv of ornamenta are lost each year at the drawing rooms or courts at Buckingham polnce, and only a very email proportion Is recoverod. A very arrange story la still told shout's diamond necklace which waa fonnd at one of the state balls eome years hga. It unppenod that one of Queen Victoria's lodtea in watting pick ed Bp a diamond necklace from the floor. Aa ebe stood with It la ber band a lady came quickly rorward aad claimed It The finder was very "Ann, however, and declared tt waa ber duty to gtva It tv to (he lord caanrtwrtafca'a office, aa this waa the rale with regard to any thing fonnd In the palace. The lady psotrated la vein, bat the oddest thing waa tbat thla necklace never waa claimed and la probably still at tbt lord chamberlain's office. Toe Geieriifl 7 Kecaauncad HyUic Care Par fcheimimm Oca. Joha Lad wis. af Wtnoaa. Hlaa- aay "l eoauaotatl Kaaaaatiata dartag tha avfl war., aag haW aaal alakaat tyery preparatioa kaewe for Itteara BMBBvesawiaaaa trealaseat at differ- 'K ... a at hot anrlaaa- t I m. - t. m-m Jlyatk Care tot RaaassaiWst ts theealy saanaiaa last aaa gtvea aaa Iwsssdtels relief.. 1 gladly rtustaiial It Wall eat resort frees nhsawsllsaa. fsHatie e Ilka Lnsaiart. Mo sit diets sa that t have triad are eaywhete bob iu eqaaL foldeyT.JL Baarri Draaxlst. Haw Betavv- .V' 'x- : - Taafls aV ott ray Wat-Jtat waat byr aaked the imrh aiasaniiu. , "Do els m wtd d dink rtur sapBed the edkse bay. .-Aw. hare do awaar af do aapor' :; ... Aawhw'aagwjrw,lsB-i... : ,"BU Doat t gayl . BoeJtfte gayi dwra tie sewtia etavr-aTha IktStaaatareU VVa- t. , Taarea awthtaar tha eVaW: a ivu. taetwaghly. Of aU the Balwta yoa ever atant at, Atachkaaa Atwtea etta a the Saeaa. Brstsoa, Oala, Rofla, IHcata. BUa awpooae sad ni . Irt only Be, and anjs4eadtegte eallafacrlosi byOD Brat taai, Ura;rr . ..- After hsaablrra 'or Is itrnzif a pair af trtah 1:,:' M ..v - mi . but simply because it is the most the whole uterino system, poniticly women who hiive been cured, t mined VmI Hdna la Talvphualaa. Borne fool Is snld to he trvlnn tu "rr form" telephone girls In (.MiU-ago ty teacblnK them to soy, "I sluill end.-avdr to ascertain what ts the trouble." when they mean. "I will try to And out wtiut the trouble la." Now, the shorter sentence In equally poUte. Is better English nod save time. Banyen, Kipling. Jervaiy Taylor, read what yon will of really vital lit erntare. and von Ond great iwe inado of abort Sezonjworda -I will" U corn-t where purpose la to be Indicated. -I ahalT tt Incorrect Faddtsea Should keep out of trte pbone exrhangea. They take tin . tax aatlence, coat money. Iolltene U aonabiteot wlib brevity. OrUadofla., Oct. 2. ISO). Tha naaaoek UtqnM Bolphar On , Balti Osatlssasai I take plaaawra la recnm ewWUaa: Baaeock-a UanM fmiDkor m aay owe sefferlag with Bswesaa. 1 ksvs had for lea or aflora yeara, have tried aay rassidlss aad foaad aw relief aatn I was atewoed to trv voar "ll L H - Have oaly asod h a short while tad u. taow alsaost enltrolv eared.. I caa trntk- faDyaaythat aftar Ifty ywara as prac tsoiag nhyslssta that year UoaM Hol- aharlsthe sasat waadarfal rosaady fur esassa I have avet kaowa. Totrra laspsetfally, DB. W, W. LEAK K gwrssloatr.aV,Dagyw. 1J' fcetwa,, KO-The aUaaava aaa a thankleaa Job Wrbv. 1 Mmtm a mm u . tVler yettitaaj rat aavaaa bat Ufa. Utvasutlastwaaanswtheoa which asr tw waaar stay be aahwMiod ta' mimrw no i tasai Hasten aw tas . as sate It Btsiia to a tsrssw V. aL . Aaatla af taa aaewwaattw aw fa the kf W ITaait Ik's ' I lawM awJphar, for immm, I awplas, aagwaita. Oaaadrag aadaatkta giaissis. far sale at rn. Daf y - - - j asaat k, fWaaad aw aa orewlaatlow of the eawcsaa, Tbasanaltgiatsaeaahustan- tetwpaat la stak aw ftaaL awwap4ot kVtaML Aa. U Baa CsMsanvlBlvti ESe wtfa hadiael aw taaawalaaaa i staaaarb tal Erer tro4La. r S it k. 1 er i ant a,- j I r. rs l'. 4 f M t c tt"7 - t r - -. , - (, -t t I 'a '.' . - -.

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