V 7:4 THE journal; New Ben, ft. May . IMS. . L0DGB DIRECTORY. ' CRAVIN LODGS HO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets tod and 4ta Wednesday nights In each . month In Eonntree'i Ball, PoUck, street, at 7.80 o'clock. tunnel It Ball,Traldent; J. H. Smith, Secy, B.B. Hill, Financial secretary. - ' , , falex to Rev AdTertJtnicnts. ' Betted proposals.. Oaks Xarket Heats. . J. It. McDsnlel Pig hams.- Barfoot Brot Special oSar. ' Dawaon Nunnally'i Candy. Broad 81 Fruit Co Strawberries. ,, Simmons Hollowell Co. New Ox fords. . Business LtcaU. PERSONS who have purchssed Hons Collectloa boxaa will take notice that Carrier) will make Section bom laid boxea beginning with Monday 4th Inst, The boxes ahoold be placed In position atone, & W. Hancock, P. H. FRESH Nonnall'ys Candy received lait night. JTanoy Bananas, Apples, Orange and Lemons, Glre me your order. J. a Dawson, 108 Middle street. Phone 09. v ICB Cream Soda at McSorley's today. FOB RENT-Large and desirable rooms, with or wlthoat furniture at 106 Craven St . WANTKD-Plaln writer to copy letters at home. 915 paid weekly. Bend stamped envelope (or sample letter and particu lars. Veritas typewriter Company, 84 Park Row, New York. LOST A pair of gold spectacle on Omen, between Pollock and New . f streets. Finder please return to this office. WANTED 100 Boggles, Hacks and other Carriages to paint at $5.00 each. No. 61 South Front itreet, New Bern NO. FOUND Up Nene river, 2 miles from city, a skiff, painted green, name "Star." Apply to Abner Paris, No 11 Bern St. WE have just opened np a line of the Celebrated Llsks Antl-Ruit Tinware which Is absolutely guaranteed not to Boat Milk Pans, Pails, Dish Pans, Tea Kettles, etc. Call and examine. Prices are Bight. J C Whltty & (Jo. "Phoenix" Dusters are popular. FOB SALE One steam boat In good condition. Capacity 80 ton, Price $3, 600, apply to J. B. Harvey, Vanceboro, N.O. FOB BENT Hoose No. 64 Metcalf St. 8 rooms. Apply to O. T. Walton. SARATOGA Spring Water just received at Jacob's Cafe. WALL PAPER FROM The Cheapest at 6c per roll TO The Best at 18 00 per roll Samples lent to your hojue. Guilford lewis, At Dawson's 108 Middle St, ; Phone 209. V. S. CUSTOMS BUILDING, NewBem, N. C.SxALD Proposal will be re delved at this building until I o'clejck P. at., mday. nay in, iwn, tor furnuhing fuel, lights, wataf. Ice, mlsoellaneoD supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes, and sprinkling streets for this building daring the fiscal yew ending June to, 1904, or snch portion of the year as may be deemed advisable.'- The right to re ject any and all bids is reserved by the Treasury Department. DANIEL W. PATaiVXrOostodiaa. ':C ' try oar snoaogram Java and Mocha '..'it? ' Coffee. 3 B Parker. Jr. , ( ;';. Wa hats jost In a fin stock of Men H'J ' " boys and ehfldren shoes, neck wear .4.. kts,clothJag collars, sto, All la the SV 1te,t Style and cheaper than any first '1' class store to the town ever thing guar-intesi'-f-.ir r 1 P-itM jon want good , bread, buy yokr "'Booi bos J B Parker, it.;:-:-,- ; . i Take ' notice sad retreat or Bog Death win get yon, for sal by I S Daffy, also , Paris Qreea and Aero Powder flam. ' j7j. Baiter Is agent forlh Oosmopo Jlun pstterns," they are standard pat- " tern mad, with , seta - allow aao only 10b each or patterns furnished free with 1 all dresseiboaght from 1.60 Bp, :i A foil and complete Hat of Interna . al Stock and poultry ; food for sals at J. " a Parker Jr. , I'iV-if'v VoADTontAt ' . tt cu;.::d iiiediatelt by ' ' THU TJSB OF.. m m m a J?" I W t V . . . . .... m s . AROURD AW) about. . The Wertmlnater League rave an en joyable social at the Presbyterian masse last night ; - : - Member of Baby Boll, from firs years up will please meet at Chnrch FarlOn, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, bring your contributions. Tks painters annoanced the. location r Geroca'e Photo fitedlo.ln large letters on the building at the comer of Pollock and Middle street yesterday. The Daughters of the Confederacy met at Cedar Grove cemetery yesterday after noon to mark the graves of the1 soldiers retting there with the colors for which they died. This Is the last day of registration The man who is in donbt about his reg istration should lose no time to see that hi 1 Is properly qualified. Monday will be challenge day. Mr. Will HInnant treated a dosen or moreTJf his gentlemen and lady friends to a (traw ride and pic-nic at the Oak yesterday evening. They reported a de lightful occasion. The deputy Marshals took the prison ers sentenced by Judge Purnell to serve time in jail yesterday. Three were taken to Washington and one to the United State penitentiary at Atlanta, Ge. The Crown Bottling Works, Lee J. Taylor proprietor, yesterday received another aolid refrigerating car of Port- nera famous beer. It looks a though Mr, Taylor l doing a very large beer business. There was a marked difference In the weather of yesterday and the day before The skies were clouded and a brlek north east wind blew. The mercury dropped to 60 degrees, a fall of more than 25 degree from Thursday' record. The game of base ball' Monday at 4 p. m. between the Chicago Star, Champ Ion Ladlea Ball Club and the local teain will be an interesting contest. Every one should attend the game. Encourage ment now, by attendance, mean more game at Athletic Park. If a man want to know the value of an ad let him consult Mr. J. E. Latham, who advertised a horse for sale In Thurs day' Journal. It was Bold before noon ofThursday and yesterday Mr. Latham Begged us 10 -aae me aa oui Because no it as worked to death answering ques tions of would-be purchasers. He says that aa ad In the Journal Is worth a dol lar a line. At the regular meeting of the Gaaton Literary Society of the graded school yesterday Prof."Spence made the ug- geitlon that the society have a large por trait of the late Judge Gaston prepared to hang upon the wall of the Assembly room. The society wa named In his honor and for this reason and for the reason that he was a great man, one of North Carolina's most famous sons, the idea Is a good one and the society will probably act upon the suggestion. Buy your berries today from the Broad St. Fruit Co. A Sprinting- Match. A long haired, long etred mule came ambling up Middle street yesterday af ternoon at a rate of speed unusual to that much abused but respectable beast of harden, canting considerable commo tion among the leisure one on th itreet The animal wa checked In hi career near Pollock itreet by a long legged ne gro who proved to be the beat (printer. The mule appeared to be, and no doubt waa surprised at hi conduct. Wanted 1,000 customers to buy straw berries today at the Broad St. Fruit Co. Phone 83. Deputy Marshal Jewell Discharged. Mr. H. W- Jewell, who ha been deputy TJ. b. Marshal for the Eastsrn ' district of fWrth Carolina has been dla-' charged for reasons which he claim he' Is not responsible. ( He has servel his Ur.ltory faithfully. , Good people, both demos rats and repub licans r willing to testify to th same; but he doe not desire to act longer in that capacity. He is prepared to defend himself on any charg msde against him. Ha thanks his fisends for the favors shown him aatfuon. H. 0. Dockery for th sppotntment. ' sWstht yiiliM'iHwAljriBoi Tk limit. Mr. Crlbb Mr. C, I have borne With tealgnatioa nay, even cheerful nem antique chairs that wabbled, an tique clocks that were always thirteen hours behind time, antique rugs that soms prehmtorlo Turks wove, antique china, antique bowls, pans and kettles. AB this I have smiled at, but when you givs me antique egg for breakfast I draw tbe lino, tnndrnn-1 draw the lln. 1,000 quart berries for sals today at Broad. 81 Fruit Co. .i, ' ' 600 dotes frssh eggs st J. B, Parker, Jrt. ,;'.-.,':iV'.'!i:.;:;,s'' 1 y-.r .,-Wi-, Delicious, Healthful, ; y ; vigoratin Tho meet Cooling - ' ?t? ) ::-"n'Wt- and Call-fyinc:. . r -i i PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. .u Mr V H Lowe went to Beaufort last night, Mrs Jennie Ire of BWerdale (pent yesterday In town. ' Mrs E W Rosenthal end little sou went to Raleigh yesterday,. - Mr L Harvey of Klmtoa was here for a ihort while yesterday. ' . . s. , Mr J E Latham Went to Philadelphia on the steamer Neuee last night. -- v Mls Hannah Wise, of Oriental is the guest Of the Misses McLachlao ' , Mrs Gay Potter of Beaufort is visit ing here, the guest of Mr E E Perry. Mr B L May of Trenton who- haibeen In town on business for a -few day, r. turned home, yesterday. 0 . Miss Fannie Stanly has returned from KluBton where she ha been attending the' Convention a a delegate for the Methodist Chapel Sunday School. . Mr Amos Heath, long a well known farmer of Jones county, but now a resi dent of Onslow, k after spending a few day visiting friends In the city- left for home yesterday. . , Mr Joel Patrick, wife and chl:d, who have keen visiting Mr and Mrs Eugene Tucker, of this city, the pa-ents of Mr Patrick) left for their home al Orifton yestorday morulnK- Mrs O B Coif, who has tjcun vlslllng the family of Mr M L UolloweD, went to Wilniiuglon yestonlay to spend a fiw day wiih friend-, but will rciain to the city Ixlore hoi final d.arture for home. MiLJ Mrnt!, ivii.I .!a 1 jli V;-, MU May Moore, luft yestvrday inor. log for Chase City, Va , where I hoy will sojourn for a momu or more. "f; trip Is taken for the boutfliof Mr Moo.Vs b alth, which hU many fiieuds hopu will be speedily restored C. Federal Court A short seasi n of tho United S ate Court wai held yesUr la'. The business was mainly devoted to hearing various motions and order. In the admiralty proceeding of the schooner Fannie Brevard aga'nst the tag Swan for damages sustained by reason of a collision with tho tug. The case was referred to Oeorgo Green, special commissioner to take testimony and find the facts. A report was made to the court yesterday and evidence 91e 1 with Judge Purnell. The. commlssloneiV findings favor the tug Swan. The Interests of the owners of the Bre vard were represented by Messrs W D Mcjver and Mr R B Nixonj Mr W W Clark was attorney for the Swan. Ia the admiralty case Henry Washing ton vs the schooner, Ida G Farran, an order waa made referring the caae to Mr Chaa P Dy of Beaufort who will take testimony and report the facts. A Big Shipment of CabDagc. &The largest shipment of cabbage so far this season was made last night on the stesmer JNease. There were about 8,003 crates, most of which wore con signed to Baltimore. There was also a large shipment of peas. aU:;7t?::j A GREAT So far the SPECTaL SALE By THE CABLE-COn PAN Y, TZ have been a great success. WE ARE STILL ON AH0THER1C ARSLO ADll g of the Matohlees Cable Pianos lnd Organa arrited today.! Ji i From now until we get into onr store roont next door to Barfoot's, we wUl offer a few SPECIAL BARGAINS. W BtW lead, as we always do. :-,-:''ry:Sr!0':t': -2' - ' When.we say we won Diploma on our pianos. It was for -BEST Upright Pianos, NOT nothing; nor for a grand, when exhibiUon.. Do you catch .on? I ' Thanking the publio for a wtjri, mum (urn jui a visit kiiu your unuoiBiu. - - PZ ;iV are respectfully, ' , lPECABLECOnPAtlY; CHICAGO; 'Af,. Hcfrcchinff and In- TH HALL OF FAME. Gorjre. Dv Unwortu,. lnr.;ntor of the first corn planter, and other agricultural implement, died In Decatur, 111. ' It (a reported ia Boston that Oeneral Nelson A. Miles will again make that city bis bqsfie Upon bis retirement from active service in Augutt nest ' ; ; , Jame Albert4 Washington Green of Nottoway couniy.t ya who with bis seven eons fought on. the side of th Confederates, 1a still bnlo and hearty, Captain Talbot- the new British con sul at Boston, has been in the consular orvkrs of his country for thirty-eight years, hating served in Tahiti. Tagan. rog and CorunaT- Clnreuce Slocuhn who has been ap pointed consul general at Warsaw, Bus ela, by President Booaevelt, 1 a-on of the late Major General Slocum. . He was 4 classmate at college of Joseph H. Choate, Jr. ",; ' ii ; . : Kev. ' Dr. Hiram nutchina, pastor emeritus of the Bedford Avenue Bap tist clmrcb, Brooklyn," has Just cele brated the fiftieth wedding anniver sary with - big third wife. Dr. Hutch, ins will shortly be ninety-three years old. - - , Alfred Belt, the richest man In the world, I recovering from bis recent se rious and supposedly fatal illness and has gone to Homburg for recuperation. Most of bis vast wealth was accumu lated In the diamond1 fields of South Africa. v General. Manning, who is in com mand of the British forces in Somali land acting against the Mad Mollah,. lias taken part in ten similar expedi tions and is probably one of the most experienced officers in the army in this respect General George B. Davis, judge ad vocate general of the army, haa been designated to represent the army at a conference to meet in Geneva, Switzer land, on B9pt. 14 for the purpose of considering proposed changes In the Red Crass convention of Aug. 22. 1804. tTTTTTTTTTvTTTfTTTTTTfr Time Honored" it d For over Half Century the Stieff Piano has taken the Prizes over all others at all North Carolina Fairs, and throughout the United States, wherever exhibited. The "Sweet-Toned" Stieff is the only "Art" Piano sold to the retail trade direct from the manufacturer in North Carolina, .Prompt attention given all mail orders. 8ole Agents for the Cele brated Cecilian Piano-Play-er. Investigate rhe Stieff be fore buying. Will make 4 4 'Z prices and terms to suit. A postal card to us may save you a hundred dollars. IIS. 1.1. STIEFF. it 40 4k NEW BERN, X. O. W G FARRAB, Factory Representative. 4 aruBbw Auuiugs PIANO PARLORS, Middle J St next Circulating Library. ASAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, OF PIANOS AND.ORGASS .;.-'.. -j BROAIi STREET and will bs tt for best display, wblch means it there was no other grand on ' ' ''vivV-Ni ' generous patronage the past ten ! Z C i- - ST. CHAIILE3. x ' n. tt . if r 1 9 r ' 1 1 oil ,. Remember Vou can . get Harris' Llthl and Vade Mecum Waters 85o per gallon and don't forget 'we keep Bed Baven Split, ApoWaarl, BunyadI' and Swim, fords Aerated water and Harris Ginger Ale, BofCs Pabtt and Crown Halts st v -' DUFFTBPHABMACY.' ' Drink Hoibraueer. Davis' cPharmacy. occooononoivntinonononcccoo 3 Florshetm Oxfords i! o o Require No D O o o o o The only shoe as easy aa an old shoe" when first put on. 1 have three shapes for you to select from. PRICE $3.50 AND $5.00. Are you interested ? 3V IB. BE-iTTOILT, HATTER AND HABEBDASHBB, PHONP167. 9 Middle Street, o occcononononononononocccco Special To introduce the every family we will of charge a pattern with every, dress bought from our store costing $1.60 and over. Over One Thousand New Patterns just received. Fashion Shfiotn pattern counter. BARFOOT BROS. 1 New Line of Portsmouth Shoe jCo's Oxf oris jnd San dais for Children and Misses wear just received M - n - ''t&. Just:tecettedt mpsticompku, line, of Shoes, Oxfords 'andfi 'Sandals' in soft soles v)efave$'', ever .sholtn. Bezdiful' Shoes - for the til!? fcUis.: x t ,,;:t.;HtieaShocstCosf., - Coming to' being over stocked in Pat Iea Shoes and Pat Lea Oxfords, 'for th next0daylwm ell5.00 shoss for tSM. They are nw good, sad good stylos. , . ' IV ARN8TB0NO. v A full and" ooBpteta Uns of fancy cakes snd cracker at I B Parker Jr's. Breaking In. o o o 8 Offei ! McCall Patterns in furnish fnr Jiitia fro nt. tho - i I m a C) () O Our third shipment pf Monarch Neg ligee Shirts has just arrived. We have had no warm weather and yet Monarch Shirts have sold just the same. We want vou to call and examine the line, then you they outsell all other makes. is here and we are showing a large line. Any shape you want at any price, from $1 to $ Come in now and take your time to se lect the best shape. Don't wait 'till the best have been picked out We have something brand new in Knox shapes. IJ. G. Dunn & Co., correct Wear lor Jfien, 57 ollocln Street . g John Dtmn, Grocer Begs to call the attention of Complete Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Tt Every steamer is bringing in soino delicacy to lie udiled d his stock. A share of jour trade is solicited. Your orders will ic receive careful attention and a PROMPT DKUVKKY. All orders small or large will be appreeiaied. JOHN DUNN, Grocer, Phone 74. OnnOvvvHvvHvvvvvvvvvvvv Have You been to Nixon s ) YES! And I got the Tost ( lain Chowder I ever tasted. NIXON serves the Beet Meals in the city. 128 Middle Nt., Opposite Henry's Pharmacy. L. B. Habicht, BIJDtVEIS f East In th 8tU. Cold and Fresh. ' The Fines Llsluors and Wines. Habicht' Ke j Weak, Htbioht' Porto Blou Ctnrs. . LB HABICHT. -Comer S Front snd Hancock -Street, Xw Cent, h O. .... .. - - - a i Bratos and Cassluf "I - Would Turn Ofies .; with envy If thejr oonld th garment worn by the mnn In NewBem and made by F M Cliadwlck. Well fitting hand somBiul annll In stvle, and showing it mnn wlih a perfect form,. to lrfeotion, or making a rrfi't term In tb man that l (li fHrtlve. If von haven't ordered your Bprfno; suit or I -lit overcoat, let u show y n h .t a sweil yon can b when ws Iwve n.'ii yonr irtrmmtits. . Beer Laae v it o o o o o will understand why AAAAA.A VVVVVV' tt - the Housekeepers to his Kino 11(1 4 4 tt 4t it X it It POL. LOCK ST. tt vvvvvUvvvvvttvvUvvO C.J, McSorky & Lo's AMan of Dollars will usoslly be found to be of an Inveoti gating snd saving nature. When be bny. bnvs at the best place In town, If It is ten mile off. Before he bnys yen may know' that he has been about toother places found which store sells the bent and most for tbe lesst money. When you are out prospecting;, don't pass us by, please. W may be able to sa?e yon money. J. J. BOYED, VETERINARIAN. All diseases of th horso socccu fully tCMted. Ppaimodlo and other forms of Colic euroil, Blind Stsigers permanenily relieved, No Core, Mo Cay. t Address, J.J. BOYED, Covo, N. C. PILES I PILB3 It PILES ! t t tr William Indian Pit Ointment will ear Blind, BJeedlnj, Tjloe rated snd Itching Pile, v It absorbs tb tumors, allays th luhlng at once, acts as a poul tie, givs tost! rlll, . 8oM by. F A Duffy.;...; '-'V--iX,:-v' - Doa't bay snythlDg la- th followln; J -tine till yon asv seen oar Mock Ladles fin shoe, dr goods, 111 f grade,1olik, notion. holry, Ubl linen, towela, whit .goods atprtslslly, ribbon, etc Will tsv yoa mosey, se as snd b oonylnotd. : i t'f u Eespectfully, " '' ' J. J. BAXTER.