THE JOURNAL; ,C- Published every day is the year, except r Jbmdty.atMlflddteitiwl pHonHo.8. CHARLES Ls STEVENS. ; SUBSCRIPTIOB RITES 0 OnijtH, la advance.. $4.M . One year, not la advancs... MoatMy, by carrier la ths dty SO AdvertMiig Bates farniahed on appli V... . .. - . 1 . EatiedataFoftOfficlNaw Ban, . O, u aeeotd clsst nutter. Ofaelal Pater af New Ben aaa Craven Caaaty. TAX PAYER IS ENTITLED TO IN . FORMATION.; : Taa maJneseof taa vote east for the new board of aldermen on last Tuesday, at the dty polls, cannot be aaed as s comparison tqprovethe interest the tsz payer has In his atnnldpal affairs. The primary contest some weeks ago determined the nomination of the alder men, at the same time practically elected the nominees, Tuesday's election being merely the legal vote. With the aew etty officials e lee ted, and only wilting to be sworn la and enter upon their municipal duties, it would ap pear time for a public municipal ao- counting of the various city properties, aa sooouatlng which should not "be simply' a' perfunctory one at a board meeting, but an accounting to that soowwlat important personage, the Taz PXe. ' - If tha present city administration quietly dissolves through time limita tion, Is the Tax payer to look to the incoming administration, and hold It re sponsible for the outgoing administra tion's sins of omission and commis sion? Granting that the new board of Alder men and Mayor, are willing to accept whatever burden of obligation such a preoedure might give them, yet this does not absolve the present administra tion from making a public accounting of Its stewardship to the Taxpayer. Twenty or thirty thousand dollars, or - whatever sum It may be In taxes col lected, and their expenditure, together with various city properties, are not matters of light concern to the Tax payer. There Is much to be learned of the ad ministration and conduct of these mat ters, and very soon, a few days, and there will be a change of city adminis tration! an' accounting can be passed. , r the Taxpayer to ask for a public acoountlng of this city's affairs of those who have had these affairs In charge, appears reasonable and rational. The Taxpayer Is surely entitled to full In formation on this matter. Deafness CiBftot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa Inflamed "con dition of tha mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube Is inflamed you have a rambling sound or Imperfect hearing, and whan It Is entire ly closed Deafness h the result, and un leas tha (pflatrnrialloa can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever) nine cases out of ten are caused by" Catarrh, which is nothing but an In ' flamed condition of the mucous ser vices. ' We will give One Hundred Dollar for any oase of Deafness (caused, by catarrh) that cannot he cared , by Haffa Catarrh Cure. ; Beadfof rhtalars, free, . F. J, OStKEY ft CO, Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall'p TamUy POU am thsjieat. Uukt IM Marrarr Cmt. "I understand roar sod has decided to go tsi for. literature." 1 s - Tea, and" he's made a splendid start already." ' "Ton don't say." "Yea; be went to an auction this morning an4 bought a secondhand writing desk fpr only ."-Catholic Standard ad Times. , . ' a irtn -. Tbey.aay them's aa tslaad la the Paciflq with., OOOtahabttanra where drnnkanneaa, atUO jaila, police and court are aakaewlt - Is that sot try a" wonder some body hasn't starttf In te dvUbe if- Brooktyp Ufa . .1. ' Ivery seven days the Wood, maaclas aad bones of maa of average aba lossa ' two pounds f Worn oat ttens. This ' waste canoe W -replealaaod and the health and atreagth kept np without perfect digestion. Wbea the stomsch ami digestive orgeat fall to perform their functions, tha strength kUdows, health (t'Tts wy,' aad .diaeaaa set up, godol Dyspepsia Pure eaablm the atoev act and dlgeeUv organs to digest and assimilate all Of the wholesome food that may be as taa Into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and atreagta of the mind aad body. Eodol cures Indigestion) Dyspep sla and all stnmach troubles, It is aa Ideal sprlrj t "a Sold by 1 8 Duffy. TESTEKDArS.IAKKETS. " - T""" u i If"''" Cotten, Graiav MiWhi tail Stocks, t Kaaga la Price.' fcacetpti snl -r $BlplWiMk," Taa following an ths mark hjiou tlous, received by private wire to J, Z. Latham A Co. Hew Ben, V. C Chicago, Hay 6. Open High. Low, Close WnaTt Msy... July... Bept.... OOBK Hay... July... Bept... Oats: May. . . July... Bept .. lerk-.. May . July... Sept... Lard.... Hay... July. . Sept... Ribs: Hay... July. . . Bept .. ...7 .. 73 . 70 i .. 46 44 . 83 . 83 .. m 1850 1705 1862 78 781 70s 14 44t i 84 811 m 1880 1718 1679 895 907 910 917 930 902 918 917 930 988 Mew fork, Hay 6. Stock; Open. Close Amr.Bugar 187 127 Union Pacific. . . 91 OH Ho. Paciflj 1114 1U So. Paclfia 56 i Hsnhattan ' 142 143 Oieat Western.. 88 23 Honey Si 21 Amr. Copper. ... 64 K1 Texas Pacific. ... 86 381 Wabash pf.... 47 48 Erie, 1st 68 68J GolorsdoSo..... 85 85 Anaconda Cop.. Southern Ry.... 31 31 Southern Ry pf.. 92 02 LouIsvlUeftNasb 119 119 Brooklyn R.;T. . 67 66 Perm. R R 135 135 Atohlton 81 81 St. Paul.... 102 162 Erie 85 35 Atchison pf 89 93 U. & BteeL 85 35 .Reading 56 56 People Qas 104 104 0. ft 0 45 45 B. ft 0 98 93 H. ft W 72 72 Tenn..Coal,Iron. 64 64 N.Y. Central..... 181 183 Rock Island 44) 45 Western Union.. 85 85) Ontario Western 80 80 A. 0 Metropolitan. . .. 134 134 Coal, Fuel, Iron.. 64 64 Va. O Chemical. 68 63 Canadian Paolfio 188 138 0. ft A Amr. Otton Oil. 42 48 U. B. Bteel pf . . . 84 83 111 Central 188 188 Republlo Steel... 19 19 Am. Ice 9 10 DeLft Hudson... 179 179 A L U. S.Leather. ... 14 14 Amr Car Found . .40 40 US. Leather pf.. Pec Hid 88 83 New You, Hay 6. Oorroai Open, High. Low. Close Hay 10.69 10.77 10.69 10.76 June 10.07 10.08 10.07 10.08 July 10.01 10.08 10.01 10.07 Aug 9.67 1.78 9.67 9.71 Sept 9.00 9.01 8.95 8.99 Oct 8.79 8.78 8.S8 8.68 Kov 8.68 8.68 8.60 8J1 Deo 8.63 8.64 6.S1 8.68 Jsn 8 63 8.64 8.68 8.68 Liverpool cotton Berket.cloaed today. Hid. 6.S4 Sales 10000 Receipts 4000 Open , Hsy 6.85 HsrJane 6 85 JuaeJaly 8 83 July-Aug 1.85 Aag-ScpTSJM Bept-Oct 4.90 Oot-Hov 4.71 Kor-Dee 4.64 Deo-Jaa Close. (.36 8.88 8.88 0.98 4.89 170 4JS Total -porta estimated today 11,000 9,608 last year. Xstlssated reoeipts for temarrew.' Oalvastoa 4,000 to 4,800 agalast 1,988 last year. . ffaw Orleaaa 8,400 te 309 agalaet 8,069 last year, . Houston 3,000 la 8,308 agalaft 1048 last year. roar mmmx9i. f '' . . .' Same week , '). Leal -i-k 89 0J lest taar 80,000,. This Bat. . 8000 Ho. 8000 Taae.' 14000 Wed.11000 j Thars. ; 18000 000 , J AV, .w HOOD ;:t:vv":'"':'",";;:nooo f ." 7 J,i:' ' -' ':';,' 1""" ' ;L'. Li-. J 970 87000 ' 'lOAOTOnjCA. " ' Better Than Years of Doctoring ruin CELERY iootd. 4 ,' 1 " 1 1 L ' 1 j .J.. Best Authorities in Medicine Declare it the Only True Spring Remedy. The sleeplessaess, nervous prostration, weakness, general debility, functional Irregularities and despondency from which thousands of women, young and old, suffer, caa be quickly removed by proper feeding the nerves and replacing the unhealthy blood by a fresher and more highly vitalized fluid. The happy change from Ill-health and misery, to true womanhood and happiness, can only be effected by the use of i'alne's Celery Compound. The present spring demand for Palne's Celery Compound, woman's friend and life elver, Is enormous In every Slate of toe union, inn fact alono, amply proves that the great Compound porosaoa vir tues and powers unknown to other remedies. Dear wife and mother, do not FIRST OCCURRENCES. Envelopes were first used lu lb39. The first Rtcel pen was mndo In 1830. Postofllecs wore first estnbllshed In 14G4. The first lucifcr mnteb wns made In 1820. Kerosene wns first used for lighting in 1820. The first steamboat plied the Hudson In 1807. The first balloon ascension was made In 1783. Omnibuses first appeared In New York in 1S. Tuo first locomotive wns run. In this country In 1820. The first watches wero made nt Nu remberg In 1477. The first English newspaper was published In 1588. Tins were first manufactured In this country soon after the wnr of 1812. The first complete sewing machine was patented by Kilns Howe, Jr., in 1846. The first Union flag was unfurled on Jan. 1, 1770, over the camp at Cam bridge. The first newspaper printed In the United States wns published in Boston on Sept. 25, 1790. The Oldest Mbrarle. The oldest libraries of which we havo any certain knowledge are those brought to light by excavations nuiong the ruins of the cast. Among these ore the Babylonish books Inscribed on clay tablets, supposed to have been pro- pared for public Instruction n!out OoO B. C. It Is said by Aristotle that Btrnbo was the first known collector of books nnd manuscripts. This was about the year 830 D. C. Oar Cdmmftii Woe. "Beg pardon, sir," remarked the man who was hunglug to strap No. 1, "but do you get off at the next corner?" "I don't sec that It is any of your business," replied his fussy neighbor. "Well, no," admitted the mild gentle man, "but I was merely going to re mark that I get off there and If you Will be so kind ns to lift I'd like to take that foot with me!" Baltimore News. The Artlat. Palette Dc Auber is the most ego tistical chap I ever met. Brusher How's that? Palette Why, every time he paints a landscape he Imugliii's he flutters na ture. Chicago News, Deceptlre l)arlnr. "To hear that young clerk talk you Would think he owned the place." "How's thatr "Why, be never says a word against bis employers." Kansas City Journal, tMlss Alice M . Smith, of So. Minneapolis Minn., tella , bow woman7 monthly Buffering is permanently relieved by Lydla E. Ptokbam's Vegetable Compound. 't have Mver before given my en dorsement . for ' any medicine, but Lydle, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has added so much to my Ufa and happiness that I feel like mak ing aa eaoeptloB in this case. For two Care every month I would have two ts of severe pain and oould find no relief, bat one day while visiting a friend I rsa across Lydla C Pink barn's Vegetable Compound aha had used it with the best result aad advised me to try It I found thai U worked wonders with me 1 1 owexperteaoe no pain, and only had to use a few bottles to bring about thla wonderful change." Miss Atlca U. Smith, 804 Third Ave., South kUn neanolla, Minn, isooo fcrfM if wm tf If fin y women suffer silently and see thol r best gif ts f ade away. Lydla Ii. I'lnkham'e Vegetable Compound makes the entire fe molo org-uri buu benltby. FREE ADVICETO WOMEN - Mr, l'lnkhnm will fflve every alllnd woman expert advice en tirelyfrw. she line helrMl thou I'suds. Address Lynn, ii uss. :MWa not procrastinate; listen today to the voice of reason, and the pleadings and testimony of the thoasands of your sex who have been made well and strong. Mrs. Jennie Harris JHarlow, Indisn Ter. joyfully writes about tha medicine that makes womea wells she savs: "I have used one bottle of Palne's Celery Compound, and am satisfied that one bottle of this medicine has done me more real good than any other-medlctne that I have ever take I had iheuma tlsm of long standing, kidney disease and female troubles, but since taking Palne's Celery Compound I feel alto gether a different person. I hsve used lots of other medicines, but never re ceived sny benefit until I used Palne's Celery Compound." Om E Experience Baooath. "My man," said the parson as be came upon tbo tired looking fanner tolling under a tree, "why are you not plowing today f "Do it tomorrow," was the reply. "But don't you know that you should not put off till tomorrow what you can do today V "I've heard so." "And don't you think it good ad vice?" "Nope." - "What makes you think so?" "Oh, little expeerience I had." "What kind of an experience?" "BulidUY a shack." "Did you keep putting it off until you flnally failed to build it at all?" 'Nope; built it too soon." "Too soon?" "Yep. I wanted to watt till the next day, an' my wife wanted tt built right away." "And your wife had her way?" "Yep;" started to build it the very day we struck the country in the klv ered wagon an' had it done by dark." "And then?" "Oh, in jlst about a half hour after it was finished a cyclone come along an' blowed It off the face of the earth. If I'd a waited till the next day, it 'ud been standln' yet an' I'd been $73 worth of lumber an' the nails ahead. B'loruf ' Indianapolis Bun. Made Yonnp Aaln. One of Dr. King's Mew Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me In my 'teens' again" writes D H Turner, of Dempseytown, Pa They're the best In the world for Liver, 8tomach and Bow els. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 85c at C D Bradhsm's drug store. CbUtlrm rifj Cromli. Hi." of jrreait'st .ruwili In boys Is t! o .v'Wiiii'i'iiili; In glri i. the four t'.'i nili. Wli'l girls rc-iich full height In their lillit nil: J ;ir. they nciilire full weight nt II e iige of twenty. Itoys are stronger tliim girls from birth to the eleventh yenr; then girls become supe rior physically to tile seventeenth year, when the tables nre again turned and remain so. From November to April children grow very little and gain no weight; from April to July they gain In height, but lose In weight, and from July to November they Increase greatly In weight, but not In height A SprintJnt Match. A long haired, long eared male came ambling np Middle street yesterday af ternoon at a rate of speed unususl to that much abased but respectable beast of, burden, causing considerable commo tion among the leisure ones on the street The animal vai cheeked In his career near Pollock street by a long legged ne gro who proved to be the best sprinter. The mule appeared to be, and no doubt was surprised at Us conduct. The Paaaioaa at! Health. The passions' effect on the health Is not sufficiently regarded," says a phy sician in the Philadelphia Record, "The passion which Is beat for the health la avarice. It keep one eool. encourages regular and industrious habits, leads to abatendonanese and makes against all ox-oaaa. And hence the avaricious, ,tbe misers, llre to great age. Thetnlaera of history were all noted for their longevity. Bage Is very bad for-one. , The passion causes an Irregular, lntenoittemt heating of tha' heart; and the intarmtttency In tun may become-chroole. Hatred cre ates fever. If we hate, we grow Jean. Thai hot peesUw eats na ilka a flame, Fear Is bad for the nerve, the beat nd th brain, and therefore we should never permit ourselves to be afraid. But the strangest effects of all have been caused by the passion of grief. The medical books record cases where, coming suddenly In violent abock. It has caused a lose of blood from the tongs In one person, paralysis of tha tongue in another and a failure ef eight or temporary blindness in third." t ; '-. V',' -!.; ' I . '.,'"' 1 ', ; 'rhrM Shla la tha Wl4,".' ' "What was the origin of the phrase for drunkenness, three sheets In the wind? a landsman asked s sailor the other iaj. "Well," said the sailor, Til explain that matter to you. - The two lower corners of ft ship's sell art held taut by two ropes, one called tack and another called a "Sheet. The tack Is always kept vary tight, but tbe sheet Is loosened according to tbe wind, and the looser the sheet Is the more freely (be al swings. If the sail la quite free, Its sheet br.sald to be In tbe Wind.' '- Kow, suppose thai all three ef a ship's sails were qnlte free. They won id then fly about very trasHy. and tbe ship would wabble,' , Tbe course pf the ship would be a slgsag one, and th reason for this w6uld be that she bad throe 'sheets In the wind.' ' That, 1 gaees. Is why s tnnn, when be slgzags in bis Connie, Is snld to be 'three ilic-nts In the wind' a!so."-rii!ii ' rec-c-1. . .. . . , AT A HOKSE AUCTION. , .... ...... thm rvcelaa m VUttcS Vasa ' i the ' Hom'i Standpoint. . '. Skipper was a police horse and tha pride of the mounted aquad until he acquired a spavin. Then he was sent to a sales stable Hie experiences there as told by Scwell ford in "Horses Nine" wore aa follows: Skipper was led into a big ring be fore a lot of men. A man on a box shouted out a number and began to talk very fast. Skipper gathered that he was tu Iking about him. - Skipper learned that be was still only six yeara old and that he had been owned as a saddle borne by a lady who was about to sail for Europe nud was oloslng out her stable. This was news to Skipper.. The man talked very nicely about Skipper, lie said he wns kind, gentle, sound In wind and limb and was not only (r:ied to 'he '.4dle, but would work eitliet .4le or double. The man wanted to know how much tbe gentle men were willing to pay for a bay gelding of this description. Some one ou the outer edge of the crowd said, "Ten dollars." At this the man on the box grew quite Indlgnunt. He asked If the other man 'wouldn't like n sliver mounted harness nnd a lap robe thrown In. "Fifteen," said another man. Somebody else said "Twenty," an other man said "Twenty -Ave," and still another '"thirty." Then there was a bitch. The man on the box began to talk very fast Indeed. "Thutty, thutty, thutty, tha try I Do I hear tbe five? Thutty, thutty, thut ty, thutty. Will you make It Over "Thirty -five," said a red faced maa who had pushed his way to tbe front and was looking Skipper over sharply. The man on the box said "Thutty Ove!" a good many times and asked If be "heard forty." Evidently he did not, for he stopped and said very slow ly nnd distinctly, looking expectantly around: "Are you all" done? Thirty five once; thirty-five twice; third and last call-sold for $85!" When Skipper heard this, he hung his bead. When you bare been a $250 blue rlbboner and the pride of the force, it Is sad to be "knocked down" for $35. From a Cat Scratch on the arm, to the worat tort of a burn, sore or boll, DeWltt's Witch Hezel Salve Is a qnlrk cure In buying Witch Hszel Stive, 1-e particular to get DeWltts this Is the salve that hesls without leaving a scar A specific for blind, bleeding, Itch ing and protruding piles. Sold by F S Duffy. tioumid tbe Alan. Gounod was one of the most fascV noting men I have ever met. His man ner hnd a rim 111 that was Irresistible, and his kindly cyca, as soft and melt ing as n woiii.m's. would light up with a smile 11 m tinder, now humorous, that fixed Itself lucffaceably upon the memory. He could speak English fair ly well, but preferred his own lan guage. In which be wns a brilliant con versationalist, and he could use to ad vantage a fund of keen, ready wit He was at this time Influenced by a re crudescence of that religious mysticism which had strongly characterised his youthful career, but his tone, though enmest and thoughtful when he was dwelling upon his art, could brighten up with the lightness and gayety of a true Parisian. Hermann Klein in Cen tury. Solving, m Mjaterr- Llttlo Tommy-rnpn, what Is a bi ped? Papa An animal with two legs. For Instance, a man Is a biped. Uiy boy. Little Tommy - Well, what's Uncle James ? tic's only got one leg. Colum bus Dispatch. Better Than Detrmetlea. "There arc worse things than ego tism," says the Mnnnyunk philosopher. "It is better to talk yourself up than to run other people down." Philadelphia Record. Under some conditions a man can make more noise In tbe world by keeping his month shut than In an other way. Chicago News. SO MEEM lots of Claims Like Thia Bit 10 Different Local Proof is What NewBero PeoplfjWtBt. There are a great many of them. Every paper has lu share. ' Statements hard to believe, harder to prove. . Statement from far-away places. ' What people say In Florida. . Public expression from California. OMtmes good Indorsement there, Bat of little service here si home. -New Ben people wast local proof. '-The sayings of aMghbpn, friends and cltlseae. .: : Home Indorsement counts. , It disarms the. skeptic Is beyond dls pats. " , . " ;. U.r ; . ... - This Ii tbe becking that standi behind very box of Dota's Kldpsy Tills. Hers to sous of Hi-'.- . . . ii-Ji-?i.; v.; Charles 7 Earget, a ear painter at the A 4 K 0 R B shops, residing at 47 Bern street, say "I have found greet relief by nstng Doaa'i Kidney Pills. . My back has bees hurting me for a long tuns, of. tea so bad that I oould not work. The kldasy secretions were very dark aad cloudy. Since aslpg Doss's Kidney Pills tbe secretions have regained their nature) color sad J do not suffer from the pslnaja my back at sit. I eaa sd vtae all Who are similarly troubled to what I was to go to Bradhsm's Pharma cy, procure Dose's Kidney Pills aad give them a trial They will sot be disap pointed In the results." ' Por sals by all dealers. Price, 60 coats box. Poster-llllbitra Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,'sole stoU for ths U. 8. I' 1 -r the same Doan's S"l -HIGH PRICED COFFEtUi tt" . as-A ..V f Tee 4b HaS el BSawaWI .V Owa We Mopatate.. , Xr ."So yon- think we charge toe touch for coffee, do yonr asked the steward of one of New York's fashionable ho tels In response-to a mild complaint from n gneat Ton paid 85 cants tor a small pot of coffee with cream, didn't you? ion admit that there was noth ing the matter with tha coffee, but yoa say yon didn't nee all of the cream. Maybe- yoa dMn't, but some other guest might have wanted more than yon did. The coffeepot, pitchers for hot milk and cream and tha sugar bowt were of silver. Your eup and saucer were of the very beet china. It costs something. to make that coffee, and we have to get some return on our Invest ment In the silverware and chins. There are two cups of coffee in a small pot, and we would loee money if we sold it at 10 cents a cup. "There is another thing you moat consider when you go into a high class cafe you are given a table by yourself . No matter how badly we are crowded no one la placed at the table with you. Suppose we sold coffee at popular prices. Don't yon know that hundreds of people would be dropping into the cafe Just for a cup of coffee in order to see tbe crowd? They would monopolise all the tables. Don't any a word, but one reason why we put up the price Is to keep the coffee drinkers out, so that you may have a table when you want to sit down to champagno and terrapin." New York Press. 4Sood Advice. The moat miserable beings in tbe world are those suffering from Dyspep sia and Liver complaint More than seventy-five per cent of the people In the United B tales are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects,snch as Sour Stomach, Blck Headachs, Habi tual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Waterbrash, Gnaw ing and Burning Pain at the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste In the Mouth, Coming np of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your Dnrgglst aad get a bottle ofAoguit Flower for 85 or 75 ots. Two doses will relieve you. Try It. All droggliti. Mauahter Roaae BrproSuols. Some of thu uses of byproducts Of slaughtered animals: The blood Is used for the production of albumen, the bones for knife handles, toothbrush handles, chessmen, etc.; the horns for combs, backs of brushes, large buttons, etc.; the hoofs for buttons, ornaments and fertilizers. Neat's foot oil, extract ed from tbe feet, has a high commer cial value. Tbe fat Is used for glycer in and butterln. Gelatin, glue, pep sin and other articles are obtained from slaughtered cattle and sheep The value of such articles made every year represents many millions of dol lars. A Little Early Riser aow and then, at bedtime will core con stipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWltt's Little Ewrly Risers are the fa mous little pills that cure by arouslag the secretions, moving the bowels gent, ly, yet effectually, and giving such tone' and strength to the glands of the atom, ach and liver that the cause of the trou. ble Is removed entirely, and If their use Is continued for a few days, there will be nonreturn of the complaint. Bold by F S Duffy. Se pr Oeaaa. The Homnna, following the Greek mineralogists, divided gems Into males and females according to the depth or lightness of their color. These terms are thus alluded to by Thcophrastus: "Both these (beryl, carbuncle, otnphax, crystal and amethyst) and the sard are found on breaking open certain rocks, presenting certain differences, but agreeing in name with each other. For of tbe sard the transparent and Mood red sort ts called the female, while tbe leas transparent and darker kind la termed tbe male, and the cja una also Is named one sort the roslo and the other the female, but the male la the deeper In color of tbe two." The ryanas, or cyanoa, of the an cients Is said, though probably Incor rectly, by many modern mineralogists to be identical with our sapphire. T t tin" la Hatha. It has been pointed oat aa a curious fact that tbe letter M" tn ajteoat all known langoagea English, french, Latin, Bpanlsh, Greek, Hebsaw, Chi nest and the others Is to be found In the word which stands for mother or nurse. Perhaps this ts owing to its representing a sound which exists In every spoken speech and has tbe same pronunciation In them all. It Is also exceedingly easy to utter and, (a, one of the trst sounds that chlldrea make, and t therefore naturally enters into the appellation given to the narslag parent hi the first cries of recognition nd affection. There la no doubt at sit that "ma" and the other babe names (or mother originated directly from the bltd. . - , aewseaaawaaesBaaBSSaiaap .', Am Qa llaapCStU. , ' One nun In New York had soctsl as pirations which somewhat warped his admiration of his homespun , father, The father actually aometlmet rslapess Into the barbarism Of anting with his lfe..L Put the maa has nute ton whose eyes seek and And oat the truth. Tbe other day the nttle bay licked some mashed potatoes (Mm his kaife, nnd hjsinotberchldedhlin, "lammy, aear," she said, "only stupid sjseple est with their knives. How can yen say that mammar cried the ehild. "Grandpa eats with his. Wfr Aa4' he mads sj urinoneyr ;V -"'"'V v. . - -v I ' mi 11 .ml i "-'M . Metunaflsm Caret ' ft i, bay .ty ';; Ifyjtic Cure Por,Klicwngtisni,; w. Myitis Cars" for Bbeaawtlam and Venralgta radically cares In 1 to days. Its action npon the system, b remarka ble aad mysterious. It removes at ones the cause aad the disease Immediately dtaeppears. The first dose great! bene- Ola. 75 cents aad 1. , Bold by T..A. Henry, Prog' t'tow Bern. 1 r Ol APOOR CRUTCH. Experience la a dear teacher, ss those who pin their faith to Mercury find out sooner or later. This power ful poison combined with Potash, is the treatment gen erally prescribed for Contagious Blood Poison, but failure and disappointment lathe invariable result. These m i n -rals drive fa thesbreS and eruptions, and apparently the 'disease is none ana the patient believes the cure perma nent, but soon learn better when return almost as soon as the treatment ia left otf . You must cither keep the system-saturated with mercury or endure the tortuu j of sore mouth, ulcerated Jhroat and the mortification that one naturally feels when the body ia covered with disgusting sores, rashes, eopper-colnu 4 splotches and other aggravating symptoms ol this vile disease. Mercury and Potash are poor crutches, and their use eventually breaks down, the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to do .iv '-i 'V. :'--J 3 & guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, is the of the disease, seen: ' Nor ia the taint ever transmitted to others. ' WeiviU lend free onr book on Contagious Blood Poison, which is iuu r eaflng and.cantaina full directions for treating yourself at home. Mc.1h.i1 advice or any special information desired given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Preferred Ban to Laal. They toil a (rood one on a prominent real critntc mint of Waurlka. Some time ago he carried a prospector over on Beaver creek to show him a certain claim. He told the man that it was an exceptionally line claim, that the land did not overflow and that be Would sell It to him for $4,000. Tbe man looked around and discovered some red mud way up In a tree and asked the real estate man what Mused that mud in the tree, tops if the land did not overflow. Tho ugent promptly replied that there was a kind of hog raised over in the ChickaBaw country which uneVl to range on the creek nnd that they rubbed the mud on the trees. Tho nroapector took a look over the lanaTKlanced up In th tree again and told the Waurika man that he wouldn't take the claim, but be would give hlrj $4,000 for a couple of those hogs. Kansas City Journal. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. Q. k'e.rllt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa made a startling test lesultlng In a wonderful core. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera tion of the etomsch. I bad often found Electric Bitters excellent for aoute stom ach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the flr-t and has not hsd an attack In 14 months.'' Electric bitters sre positively guaran teed for Dyspepsls, Indigestion, Consti pation and Kidney troubles. Try thorn Only 50c at C D Bradhsm's. It mnrr. lit the Houth of Ltiropc tin- niw-timry ha.: Ion),' I1111I limbic iiiupcrtleM awi llieil to it. The Spiinlsli lniliiii lined to wear It us all iintiilotr aaliMt the evil eye. and the I'ortueiicKv ra!!i'd II the ellln plant nnd dedicated it to tliu full '.om The Idea of tbo nntlilote may have heeu duo to a confusion of the mini'' With that of the Virgin; but, ns n mat ter of tnct, the rosiiiiirlniiH 1h frequent ly mentioned by old Latin writers, In cluding lioracc and Uvld. The name. camo from tbe fondness of the (ilunt for tho seashore, where It often gcta sprinkled with thp "ros," or dew of the sea that Is to say, sen spray. Another (ause of confusion perhaps was that the leaves of the plant somewhat re semble those of tho Juniper, which In medlieval times was held sacred to ths Virgin Mary -All the Year ltound. A Sore Thine. It Is said that nothing Is sure exespt death aad taxes, bat that Is not alto gether true, Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption Is s sure cure for all lang and throat troubles. Thonsanda can testify to that. Mrs. 0. B. VsnMetre of Bbepberdtown, W. Va, says "I had ri evere case of Bronchitis and far a year tried everything I heard or, but got ho relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It's Infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consume Won. Try It It's guaranleed by O. D ttradnam, dragglst. Trial bottles f rea. Beg. Ixes 60c, gl.fjO. A Hella-toa That anwa. Tbo Idea that Mohammedanism is stayed oul" would bo dangerous one fbr statesmen to bank upon. It isn't Mohammed began bis career as a prophet more than 000 yeara later than the beginning of tho Christian era. At , sjMopt he, he lT0,0oox disciples, ! more than one-third as many as tUct re ybristinnl fen the' world,; ; Nln;hnndre4 psora ago there ware In India no Mohammedans. Now there are 6O.0OO.U00. antMber ara inimaalne In number eonstsirtry. They are by all -odds the most eneracrki auhlaora in iDritrsh India. ) The western wave of Mohammedan ism roiled an to. the farthest earner of ppsm. up to ine wane or Vienna, and then began to recedo, but the shrink ing process waa' accompanied by ex pansion elsewhere. In Africa Moban pMdaalsm Is steadily proselyting. Bus US IA Europe haaOotMIQO followers f be. prophet, mere than there' are la rha.t a caie( t-Turhey ta Europ- - , Asia, however, the realm of, future irowth, Is the Mohammedan Strang, loid. To kws than ifiOMM native Christians there are ,100,000X100 Ma mmuana.r-Nsw.Tork. World.' . kal ala tatve ' fU-k, ' An Ingenious Timekeeping arranah- jnent exists today which was designed fey that famous Juke,ot Brtdaawatst who laced South, LaAcaabfew with; ea nals an4 dlad hnadred yeara ago. The duke waa a great sttrkler (aw pan tuailty, and M was- sanepeei that th weakmen en his estate at Woraley did not settm U, work ftey dinner as promptly as rbefjeft eff When the flock struck! When he retnoastrat d. be wss told that .while tha work men always heard the dock strike U, they often failed te hear the atngla Stroke ef 1. The Duke of Brtdgewator quickly fnuad a remedy tor this dim ealty. - lis had a dock - toads that Would atrike thirteen times an hour after noon, and that clock proclaims 1 e'clrwlt !h a bnker' dosen of anno r' s a ;! to this dy. The ''thir- f 1 C ' " 1 ! ( f , f-l'-'-,!''S Of the old symptoms only antidote lor contagious Bioou roison. it u atroyl every atom of the deadly virus, overcomes tin bad effects of the mercury and cleanses the 1.1m, .1 ami system 80 thoroughly that never after are any si;' ns Aa Ii luh i)lirl. The nnnals of the KiiiciiiM Isle lr tie With lucldeuts ( f (liielln In v. In Irish humor. If not i;t nil tlim- hi bravery. Is cousplcikiUH. mi "mc i cuslon Sir Jonah ltan ini inn I-. 1. 1 1 . 1, duel with a barrister nuna-d M. N lv The latter had une U-n sl..nii-i- i!i 1.1 1 Other and bccnum- It a lil h .1 When III a hurry to take lun Hi n j. i stepe with the Hhort Ick to l.rin- ii. 1 space blade by the Ioiik "ii-- he nlckunuied "due Pound Tv. -i." MrS: ly could (ret no one of hi; l i rn ii him, and so he cb:illi-:i; 1 ii I'.nn In.-I. wl'.o fcood i:aturo!ly rr!'-:i-i :l ih. In the I'liiinl.N iui 1 U. Tbe bnronet hit hi.) oji; u.-n t In I bruccx. tlieu culliil the "kiiIIuw.V mi feared ho hail Kllli-1 him !.,-n l result was uiude known, nf 1 seconds shouted, ".Mac, you arc 1 III- only roK'io I ever knew who wan wi by the gallows." The X-Rays, Recent cipcrlmenta, hy pritnt Irnl trnlH and examination wlih thu aid i.fila. X Rays, estsbllsh it as n fuet tint 1'iiUriii of the Stomach Is not a illaeane of iim -if, but that It results fioni n-fi air. I mnirln of Indigestion. 'Mow Can I Vnru My Indlgotllon ?' K !! Iyn p-U t'uic In curing Ibou-amU. ll will euro - - 11 . . f Indigestion anil ily pdu, ami .n vi nl or euro Catarrh of li e Sum m b Kmlul dlgeata what yon eit-iinikeM 1 In- hi.. m ach aweel. Hold by F.S. Dnir, Aklns n (i:o'i l.-.til, "Ilow about the rent of thin luntK' nf yours. Flitter? Jm.-sii'l II,., lamllcnil ask a good dea) for It)" Flitter-Yes; he often auks live nml III times a month for It. - New Yorker. OA;. Oil taa th. 1 Kind Yuii H-w. Iwap BojI i'o.l- k.iis ' . , 1 ,, ,, nl some tie- . 1' . .im'i.l.'iti-.l. a n! any w.rl i f laml-i U- .. I. - n . i InHtemt. Willi ra'.rldll" s.n- an;, gcstlon (if pnetry l-i held I..- l a 1 1.1 suc-cvhh. It Ik pnibnble thai In mi. er ten years some (.f Mli ment will lntriMliiee 11 Nhurt hill inul. tho production of any other mn-t poem a criminal offense, and it la lmiHMslble that tho iiicuiIk-i- of par ment will boa publlsher.-.Mm inllla Uaguslno. Quick Arrest. J. A. Oulledge of VsiWa, Ala, twice In the hospital frrm a severe ckhi of pllea canals! 84 tnmnra. AftordTctnra and all remedies failed, lli cklen's Arnica Salve quickly srreated timber Intlnnm. linn and cured him. It conipiera aches snd kills pain. ?r)0 at C U Hradlnin'ii, drngglat. lro,r I'tfalll,-. Mlwt Charcoal I ti ll y'. Ml.' .nil n line, dese henh patent in. dh ia. Iniln'l no 'count nt nil I've li- . n ii-.ln' illr Illy balm face aleneh f.r a y.-nh new n It 'footed ate none. K, han, .- Not Svltli-d. Jones Does he love her aHII Jobnaon-Ne; her father k-pi him an tbe Jump all tho ( lly Independent. Like a Comet to the sky oemes tha ssr of health te the veak and dasslormesianv weary oeapon- eah that which II anablelodofor lyspepflo. oaring all hasH. avaa M but a I o m sea sUghUy disordered avef burdened. ttouhiaaaBd dlfestlve aiaoraers. Lodol appnes the eetttrs! I luloasafdimeaonaKi doss tha work ai ike SUaaaos, Hlaxkig the narvsas tanatoa. hlla M laflamad maaolea aa mambranss af that Sfaa are allavpag te raa4aa4bea, Hearas IndlaaaHo flatuleaoe. paktitatiea at the aaart. aarvoos dyspspsla and all atocnacii IrvaMaa ky eManatng, parHrlog and owngUMrang ttte glanaa, atambransa of the ston. .Mi " - --I Ly'VwiXaal, 1 , - tiwiiifci tea SaaaV Tarn, ' Mnx . 1.00 nn koMk ji taeaula.iick .i .1 twssssi ir g. twin t tx, t""toW I - J -. ja . , I? 6.BLT7Y

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