, , ' s, St -i -lift'.4 NEW BKBN, S. C, SATURDAY MORN I US, MAY 16, 1903. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR VOL. aXI-NO. 40. I V i WE OLD i i i i i i 0, v1 Absolutely Pure THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE Mill Merger Report. Wiualon-Sslem, N. C, May 15 It 1b staled tojay that the Southern Textile Company liai been formed of cotton mills In Alabama, Georgia and Tennes see. There is some doubt whether the mills In North and South Carolina will accept the terms proposed by the com pany. The Block of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry ami Silverware that will be of fered at I'ubllc Auction N from the well known firm of ,1 1! Iicnnjtt & Co., of Norfolk, Va. Tl;la firm Is one of the largest and most reliable concerns In tht, South anil their guarantee that tho goods are so'd urnler, p put aa good as the bank. No prn-! iced have any hesi tancy In biiylnq anything from this Great Hale. I LACB EiROD SALE f I F0B3DHVS I Thursday, Friday, Saturday. f Cotton Torchon n insertion, regular price was 10c to 20c J This Sale 4c to 8c. T A Slaughter in Embroidery, New Up k to-date, width 2 to 6 inch, made on A Cambric, good values at 20c and 25c, sfo q This Sale tor 4c, 7c, 0c. $ PORTlsTERS BEER m 1: sj is iniuli' from hire Bavarian Hops tin' I rue Imp ll ivor, which is the most essential thing in good Jf beer Hwi:i-l lic.er i8 mud from rice and docs not have the ben 3 dii'lul (iiiililies of a good hop heor. f(i I have ilia liitt improved and bent machinery ever in the iiiy for li ittliiifr ami putting up export beer. M Anyone U welcome to visit my bottling house. 1 will be J-M gliid I) kIio yon how clean we do everything. All our stop 2m pers arts mod only once and cannot carry germs. I CROWN BOTTLING WORKS liKK J T.lYIsOB, Proprietor, Phon Kid iWWMM IIIMNC1I OFFICE A. B. Baxter & Co., Commission Brokers. Ml, CottOQ.U & Moiii 17 Craven Street, , ' Phone 233 NKW BIRN, ft. 0.1 Main Offloa, t Broadway, Mew York Moderate margins. JCxcellent service. ';, Prtvatt wires toKewYork., ' , Highest banking and mercamfle ret- renees, 1 , : '.',, - RELIABLE 7Ak Cannot Reach Wainwrlght. Washlngton.May 15 The state depart ment has been obliged to Inform Govern or Dockery of Missouri that It cannot grant his request to prosecute the extra dition of Kills Walnwrlght, a millionaire brewer of St. Louis, who la wanted to answer a charge of bribery of the city council and Is supposed to have fled to Prance. The obstacle lies In the fact that the French extradition treaty does not enumerate bribery. Rip! RlpH Rip It! That boys suit wasn't bought here, or it wouldn't act that way, our boys' suits arc built to stay, the styles are right up to the minute. Prices to suit. Let us dress your boy. K W ARMSTRONG. Lace Edge and $ and Canada Malt, and hat 1 Cor. Qneen & Bern Streets. The Rock Chrlstlal Is light and 1 extremely dense, the .beautlfal 2 scroll as4 bold cutting makes It t work of art '! .' The "Silver LeaT and 'MyrHe,, X are the eorreet styles la eat glass. 1 V OM DISPLAY IK,,: I J. 0. BAITER'S WINDOW 1 MS W iiKooD m Busy Time Serving: Subpoenas on Witnesses. Attorney eeieral Ctllmer'sBeslilence Bnraed. School Tangle In Cum berland County. .Negro Murderers. Notice to Sher. Iffs. HiLBian, May 15. Deputy sheriffs were today serving subpoenal! on wit nesses In the habeas corpus hearing of Ernest Haywood for the killing of Lud low Bklnner. A lawyer of the prosecu tion remaiked today that If the defense Intended to make an effort for habeas corpus, they had to do so before the next term of court because after two terms have passed tho accused cannot apply for the writ, because he has then had two chances to try his case. Hence If the defendant should for any reason have the case again continued In Jnly he would have to remain In jail until the September, term of court. This shows why it Is Important to get out the writ and secure ball If possible before July. The delay at the Corporation Commis sion office In sending out the printed statement of the banks at the close of business April 9th, Is duo to tho failure of the btate printers to yet furnish tbe work. Attorney General Gilmer learner! this morning that his residence In Waynes- vllle, formerly occupied by him b,ut rented since be came to Halelgh, wai destroyed by fire last nlgiu. He linn learned no particulars. State Auditor Dixon delivered the commencement address at Eagle R k today. The situation of the Cumberland emu ty public schools Is In a tangli-. The State board nf education, It will lie re membered, reelected Supt 8. I). Cole who had been removed from ollke by the county board. Now chairman 8 II. 8trange and II. U. Bolton, two u( the three members of the county board, have resigned leaving only one number and he cannot count himself a quorum to elect successors to the other two. How ever, the now county board, cleetod by the last Legislature, will go Into office July 1st next so the Cumberland schools may not be Berlously embarra'sed If they have no county board during June, Senator R. B. White of Franklin loft here this morning to speak at Dunn where an election Is pending on grsded schools. Sheriff B. D Julian of Howan, brought CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of jictAi Don't let your Carriage run down for want of a little repair. Taken in time the cost may be trifling. "A word to the wise is sufficient " We do car riage and wagon repairing in all its branches, at lowest prices, and warrant all-work to be strictly first-class. We wiu maae your vehicle equal to new in appearance, durability and motion. Jobbing promptly executed. We out Rubber Tlrei on vour old or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires In a machine without cutting them. Everybody Is Invited to see the machine at worst putting new bolts Infold placse. O. IT, Waters & Hon, Phone 19, . 78 Up ad l Maw Biai", N 1 I Don't Think .V l. ii.l , . n xuu iibvv tried an oi our ppiw. ii riavors oi uoia poae wa..'4e ter.. There are several ol them that will refresh yon In any -old weather. ' For Instance have Ton ever tried our well- knowa Cnssm Phosphate t It you have. s Yoit KnoTto & A ft Good Thing " Ml'-H 4..r u ? '" m. irrma i ninn. -wu ' If ,l tnuult U . real treat yet In store for you. Our reputation of having the ' best soda In town most besus ;ataed, and -that Is-why we ' . nse only toe best pure unit i Juices for our syrups, and why , we are never "just out" of the , it and why our ooW soda Is at- 3t I; way OpLD.ty-i.,H'if- 4sis Vor. 8. Front A Middle Sla.t ' -" lltlitltllliMiHltlM VHMttfttHMitlflMlf two negro murderers to the penitentiary to serve respectfully twenty-five and three years, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Flagler arrived from Wilmington last night and are at the home of Col. T. S. Kenan. Btate Senator Chas. Webb of Asheville arrived this morning. Will Mangum.the Durham man whose throat was cut hero last week, 1b steadily Improving now and the negro O'Kelly will be given a hearing next week. Prof. E. S. Brooks of the Supt. of Pub 11c Instruction's office will speak In Mecklenburg today. . Some young men here have recently been made sick from beer drinking. They finally decided to have the State Chemist to make an analysis and he found that It contained so much forma lin and salicylic acid, as preservatives, as to nauseate and cause Indigestion. The State Treasurer requests all sher iffs to see that no piauo and organ dealers and horso traders do business without a State license after May 81st. The tax of firms and corporations deal ing In oil Is hereafter payable to the Btate Treasurer direct Another Bridge Smash. Thursday evening between five and six o'clock, a tug boat with barges In tow while passing the draw of the county bridge across Trent river struck the bridge knocking the draw out of p(. sit Ion. Capt K I! Jones, chairman board com missioners went at once to the scene of the accident ami with tho aid a tag boat and persons passing, succeeded in making such temporary repairs as would allow puoplo ho hart been cut off from their hrmes liv llio accident, to cross over. Mi U A liiown went out yesterday to complete Hie repairs, and il I thought that the bridge will lie ready to allow passing by today. They Are Needed Here. Halelgh Pon. The three hundred and nlnty-odd Por tuguese who wore literally thrown upon our shore and hospitality by adverse wlndd which caused the rosscl In which they were seeking a home In the North to be stranded noar tlatteraB are having a comfortable time down In New Bern, and have learned that tbey are among a christian people at least If they cannot hold sweet converse with any of the na tives oilier thai) ISro. Stevens of the Jour nal, whoTs equal to all demands. These poople, however, will not settle In this section They worn offoied good wages by a railroad contractor, but so far have pa d no attention to It. Possibly 11 Is well. Let the North have them. eiai?iifHrrf!s r Save money by buying your files and all kinds of stationery from Owen Q. Dunn, 59 POLLOCK ST. THE We are receiving daily a new line of Spring Furniture, Have also just re ceived a very fancy lot of Rugs, Leather and Velvet Couches t; At Iirlt3et4 that '.VrwllI.AtonIJi4 ;.;,fi-.-:.yu. Give us a call and examine our stock.) No trouble to show good Very truly, r 4 "'TlsIl&ajiTaftr Co.- Lcitc Files DiSiM I mm go Mattings A COLLEGE One of Georgia's Useful Educators Grateful For What Pe-ru-na is Do ing For Suffering Humanity. F. A. Curtrlght, A. B., Principal of tho Georgia Normal and Industrial Insti tute, and editor and proprietor of tho Georgia Holplng Hand" writes tho following glowing words concerning Poruna, and Us efficacy In tho euro of catarrh. Ho says : "I was Induced to try Teru- na by tho advice of a friend, and cer tainly believe that suffering humanity would be relieved if they only gavo Po- rnna a fair trial. Would that I could framo words sufficient to express my gratitude for tho benefits derived from tta uso." Y. A. CTJKTRIOIIT, Oroens boro, Ga. Hon. W. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota, in a letter written from Larlmoro, North Dakota, says: "Porsuaded by a friend, I havo used Poruna as a tonlo, and am glad to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength , vigor and appetite. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably effica cious as a euro for tho almost unlvorsal complaint of catarrh." W, N. Roach . Senator Roach's wifo recommends Pe- runa also. Sho says ; "I can cheerfully ALL PERSONS wishing to connect their dwellings, stores, or other buildings with water or sewer system of the city, upon appli cation to the Superin tendent may have the work done and the pipe furnished at actual cost. Water Linht Commission aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia HI Special Auction Sale for Ladies Only B avery morning at 10 o clock. Handsome rrizea uiven Away Daily. Every lady attendin g receives a ticket whether they buy or not. Grand Auction Of High-grade Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Sifoerware. This stock is from the well-known, reliable Jewelers and Broken J B Bennett A Co , Norfolk, Va , consisting of the finest and most complete lin ever before offered. All goods will be sold under a FULL GUARANTEE. This is a rare opportunity for securing High-grade Jewelry and Silverware at your own price?. Every article will be of fered to tbe highest and bnet blddor. Hours of sale every day at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p.. m, takes place at 59 POL LOCK ST. Opp. Episcopal Church., DAVID ItAUir, Auctioneer. 5H1 "SUITS MORE PEOPLE THAN ANT OTHER BRAND OLD HENRY RYE WHISKEY. : STRAUS, OUNST & CO., Proprietors, "!'', Richmond, va. ;r'';,:"i;y II05IST QUALITY HONEST - , . For Enid by AU PROFESSOR. is rocommend your excellent remedy, Po runa. Indeed, I know of no other rem edy as good as yours. It Is a grand tonic, and many1 of my friends have used It for catarrh with good results." Mrs. W. N. Roach. Tho most common phases of summer catarrh are catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Peruna is a specific for summer catarrh. Mr. Wm. Hebley, Duquesne, Pa., writes:-"! am cured of catarrh of the stomach of two years standing. I had It so bad that I could not eat anything but milk. I doctored with several doc tors and tbey could give me relief for a snort time only. I saw Peruna recom mended and thought I would try It, and I now think I am cured of catarrh. I have worked two months and did not lose a day. ' ' Wm. Hebley. Mr. Moses F. Merrill, Columbus, Cher okee Co., Kansas, Rural Routo No. 3, writes: 'I had been troubled with systemic catarrh, which affected the lower bowels especially. I was troubled with running off of tho bowels and troublesome catarrh of tho bronchial tubes which caused spitting of thick mucus. Since taking Peruna my Improvement has been wonderful. My bowels are regular as clock-work. I can now eat like other people and my vltuals digest." Moses P. Merrill. Hon. Willis Brewer, Representative In Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman : Houso of Representatives, Washington, D. ('. Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen "I have used one bottle of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending It to thoso who need a good remedy. As a tonic It is excellent, in tho short time I havo used It It has dono me a great doal of good." Willis Brewer. If you do not dorlvo prompt and satis factory results from the uso of Peruna, write ut ouco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuahlo ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Hanitarlum, Columbus, Ohio. Valuable Stock of Goods for Sale. I will for tbe next (en days receive bids for the purchase of stock of goods wares and merchandise of tho Bee Hive Company, Bankrupt. Bald goods etc., are now In the store and warehouse lately occupied by said Bcc Hive Company, on Pollock street In the city of New Bern and consist! of dry goods, clothing, shoes and millinery notions and various other kinds of goodB. I am prepared to exhibit the stock to prospective bidders and give informa tion in regard thereto, call on or address JOHN DUNN, Trustee. 55 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. LMS 1 1 MEASURE, POPULAR PRICE. Reliable Tealer. . ' '; a u.o u jl s 2 New Lot Harvey's Small Sugar Cured HAMS, 5 I 1 i English Cured Breakfast Strips, Big Hams to cut. J. L r 'Phone !91. MiJIANm lUWaUUUli IT PUZZLES THE PEOPLE. Will ? Because we sell goods cheaper than others can bay them from the manufac tures .lust look at tho prices. Did yim ever see anything like them .' Look at the Clothing Department and all other departments, at the prices quoted below: CLOTHING, HI! Mens light and dark Suits, worth $9 00, our price $! !W 24 " " " 7 50, " 4 79 45 " " " " 5 50, a 2 98 9(i pr Mens i'ants, light and dark, worth $2 f,0, our price 1 OH 135 pr " in stripe, worth $ 1 25 our price 79c 150 pr " in all colors and stripes, worth $1 00 our price 119c 125 Hoys Suits in light colors, all wool, worth f2 50 our price $1 (HI 103 " all colors, worth f 1 50 our price 9?c 75 " wash goods all styles, worth $1 00 our price W9c 500 pr Hoys Knee Pants, size from ) to 18 years, worth $1 00 our price 41)c 150 " " " 3 to 17 " " 40c our price 19c LADIES AND GENTS SUOEH. ;!C0 pr Mens Shoes in latest styles, worth 2 00 our price $1 'ill 440 pr " " 150 " 9Hc 75 pr Mens Slippi rs, wortli tl 0) our price 58c 300 pr Ladies Slippers wortli 2 00 our price $1 SO :t50 pr " " 1 25 98c 250 pr F WARREN, c , , 1 00 JIM UASKII.U j lb Middle St, next !o (Jaskill Gaskill Hdw. & Havo a full line of seasonable gootla at this seasons price. White Mountain and Artie Freezers, WaUr Coolers, lee Tlaners, Ice Picks. Lawn Mowers from 1 'J" to M". Fly Traps, Mouse Traps. Matting and Carpet Tacks, things needed for rclitting or fitting Car load SaBh and Blinds and sell Masury's Paint and Ijewis' Lead. quality. Prompt delivery, Goods Guaranteed. Gaskill Hardware anil Mill Supply Company, HAHI)WARE.78;Mildle St. Phone 147. Delicious Hefeii f u In the Ice Cream we Hell yon. We take the greatest care in making our cream, and only the best materials. IT'S PURE AND WHOLE SOME, and can be eaten by the most delicate person without fear of Injury. 88c per qt. packed in ice, deliv ered at your house at any time, McSorley. J. W. WOOD , Practical Tinner, PLUMBING AM) GAS FITTING Ordejs for Tobacco Flues Solic ited. All workjguaranteei to give gat iafaction. Can b3 found at the shop on South Front Street formerly ocou piedjby the firm, J. W. WOOD Phone 220. For Rent. Wharf property formerly occupied by Q W Hamilton ai wood yard. AlMtwa desirable offloM In second story of new briok balldlng on Sooth Front street." -Apply to ' " . S ' 8.M.BR1NBON, - cuci v tJU. Shoulders, Wholesale A Detail j Grocer, 71 Dread Nt 69c S. COPLON. Hdw. Ci., New Bern, N. C Mill Supply Co., Window Screens, Door Screens, Bill Poster Tacks, and many other up the home. full stock of Builders Material. We Try either, both are of tho best ;MILL BUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 21C.; Paints ! eforj you buy your painti in vestigate Heath and Milligan Paints Strictly Guaranteed, looks better, covers more and wears longer. For sale by Foy & Sinons, General Hardware, 79 South Front Street, NEW IIEIttf, S. . THK SELECTION OF BTOOK for the best trade tl made with great care, lhe paokeniend THE BEST DBESSED BKEF to their particular customers and wo are numbered among them. Our customers. In tarn, can depend upon us for highly satisfactory cut foe roasting, broiling, etc '? The meata we offer are always hi pei faot oondltioD-tender, Juicy and dell Spring Lamb, Dretaed Poultry. :,,. The .Oalw SXarkef, If othara. Onaksnra. Bankari anci Laav f eti Oat flake lOo, paokagt at J S Par f. Hi-'

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