jj "TWim-SECOHD YIAB Vr i - 5 f 'I 4 J 5?'' I if i' Each day brings New jn lone "wajf or another; g A TO We liaye Just ltcccired Wew Appli- v Hif w and All Over i) Appliques at 10c to $3 per yard. y AIL over Chifton Lace 76c.to:$2 60, yd. y s uorotny JJoaa bnoes. , .: '( Each Shipment we have Something t New. ' - , . i a Patent Leather Three: Strap French' vr ) Heel at $2 50. " This m beauty ornament of black velvet" and 'fi niAlrol fViia fa a mnst wanafill onH rloinfv . conception for an evening slipper, . M 9 We are receiving daily a new line of Spring Furniture. Have also just . re ceived a very fancy lot of Mattings, Rugs, Leather and Velvet Couches , ,.Ai. Price flint', will Antdnlftlr Give us a call and nwiy & TIM CO. -examine our stock, No!i;MtMvMM trouoie to snow, gooas. Very truly; Dtai'ri'TajIofCii;'. V BRANCH OFFiOK " ' A B: Baxter & Co., V Commission ;A Brokers. ft - Stocks,' Cottdn,Grain & ProTlsIci:? ' 17CratenBtreet, ' - Phon 233. , KflWBCIIN.M. 'o. " " Maln Ufllcv, 61 Btoailiray, New York. Moderate margins. Eicellentservloe. Trlrate wires to New York. 1 ' ll!it'i"t banking and mercantile rf- bomctnmn Chiffon Itoce. ; M one is a special & The Crown Cork Kjat t v no Germs or dirt, used exclusively l,y the CKOWN BOT TLINU WOKKiS on all their Popul r Di iiiks. LEE J. TaYlQR, Prop. Cur Queen fe Ifcrh Street, PHONE 105. Have You been to J:: Nixon s n YES! And I got the Beet Clam Chowder J ever tasted. NIXON Berves the Beit ; X Meals in the citj. 128 Kiddle St.,- Opposite Henry'i Phanpaojr. :J, - , v.. v-- .. ie, At ill It it not hall io harmful aj . counterfeit medicine. When yonr doctor write "take" on a preBoription, he doea so with ihe nn derstandlng that eaoh in-, gredient shall be ia lodi-j cated .If we cannot inp- pljthe precise lngredienU , written we wUlnot fll 1 the preaorlptioa -until ire hear from the physiolan. , 4 Cox. 8. Front A Middle 8ts, ALII v PERSONS wishing ,' to connect their dwellings, stores, or other buUdings with water or bo wer system of the city; upon appli cation to the Gupcrin tcndentjtnay; have the work dona and tho pipe furnished at .'actual CO t. ' ' r" - f 1 1 . ' ? r . , ConnterMi I Honey QB Soatbcra Koad Hea Rtlelch. Col. BortcJ o( Cblisboro ti!l Otfters ; ; " SfXJtioH, 'y 19. Th4 ' eait',l6and tfcloek; tolled dows tte'emUnknient at "Vfalhtt creek, two mile east .ojf here. AU Uree paaaenger coaone ana Dig- gage cat rolled dowa! the ambankment from teij to lwenty feet. ;irii8 engine dUf jaot teaVe the track, but w&i derailed Noune mi killed, bnt 001. W T Dortob of Qoldsboro, BepMMntatlTe H. B. Pat' ker Jr., Goldabpro. Sheriff Sharp of Wfl On, B. hi Flemmlng of Ratelgb and Mrs J T Ellington are' In lh hospital hate, ai raauU pf tbaaocldent. , v i Flemffilng seems the worst hbrt. Many others ware braised, Two pan aiw op- slde down and the others aretin the side. 15 " i" Engineer Rlppejr says the. engine Jumped the tracks -Others say rotten crosstles. Try our . Belfast OInger- Ale eqnal to Imported. Grown Boiling Works, Lee J Taylor, Prop, . Phona J06. , - ' m n.n.: J i - ARMY ROSTER ROLLS. State Auditor Dlwn Asks Co-operation of .all, HaTlng War Memoranda. -I Ralbiob, May 19 -Stste Auditor B F Dlion Issued this card today. "The last seislon of Congress of the United States made" provision' for, the pnbllostlon of "compit te Roster of the tfBcets nnd pririttes of the Union and Confederate Armies." 1 have been des ignated by the Governor of North Caro lina to nupi rlnlenrt this work for our North Carolina soldier, and to thll end I respectfully and earnestly solicit the co-operation of all persons who may have perfect Mils or companies or regiments, or who haVH tny menii.rnurtu lint, oould be nsed la perfeu tag tbe Hosier for oar State. "When I first catne Into the Auditor's office I wrote a letter to the Claris of the Court of the various counties of the Slate urging them to send me the nanus of 5 or 6 Intelligent ox-Confederate sol diers wbo would undertake the work of correcting the Roster of .Troops from their respective counties, Intending to ask the LoglsltUira of oar State to pub lish a corrected list as soon as I could get the necessary , material on hand. 1 have quite a good deal of matter collect ed in this way, but not enough to com plete the work, and as the United States government has taken the expense of publication from us, It seems to' ma that wilt be an everlasting shame if we do not place the name of the brave men, who held onr flag.ln the heavens for' four long years on this roll of hoaor. I fm greatly appreciate therefore, any assts-; tanca rendered In the work of preserving' memoile.oi some of the bravest men that ever met an enemy, upon the battle Held many land. . - 71 "Forward all papers to me at my office i the city of Raleigh. As soon aa'oep-' are made tbe original papers will be returned to the owners If desired." . SlDC Sine : prison Pablishes A t . Matrazlne. . ' .' ''' m Everybody's Magazine . There are ' over 70,000,000 people lu the United Sutea mostly wtiters.Even Slag Sing prion issues a bi-weekly maga sine, the Btaf, of -Hopa, a-well-printed, lnxarlous folio, brimming' with human mteresVf: Roland, 'Jj'MoIlntul who day! fa thb eath Boose- trat scribing what he jaw and felt In ihls grewsome quarters, Wa not the only scribbler wlthls the Brtson w.alh There are potential Journalists In Slag Sing. No l,S0v Is JSdltos-W-fhler,' and'; pthonert write, make Op, and print the whole publication, which has a circulation In side and outside tha prisoa of more than 50.;Women, too, are contribntors.Ni. 196 Anbnrn Is local editor. Tbe period ical Is a serloaa attempt at a' prison or gao, and Ja thla gulM is naturally wel come to what a Stir. of Hope note woqld probably salt "the resident f our oom munlly.'' Outsiders lad In It humor In recommendation, to a moment' study. Recently, for eiample, it contained this paragrapb:nTbe former gentleman whp walked otjaa out into the free world aome weeks ago wlthodt tho proper par- mission U' again oar jgueet - It Terse alio Is far from the mare dogg rl ope might expect; Not long age It published tha fofjowlngf . ' ';-t. ' '." ,- , But where tbeadson with majestic ' , sweep X ' . Rolls on It eourss to mingle with tht There stands a frowning! pile of brisk k and stos 'u"V ' fbi Whose massive walls were built for ;,v strength alone, 'J i ' r" T Who grim watch-towers and portals ., y strongly barred )J ; j , Make Freedom's way to': many long " and bsrdl s t -. - - Yet In that tomb of burled hopes for f' lorn m . "' " ' ' ' ' Three blessed years ago our Btarof s; Hope WM born. ' ' Try onr nn. Cr,r i. J H ! A f :i - I i i J iva and J'm-lia BIUGH. Hve jean Sentence for Killing Bis . Father. Graduating Exercises at Baptist Fe male University. Col. Pear- - salloaTrlptoeeorgla NaTaL. Recaltlng RALKian, Hay 19. The graduating exercises of the Baptist Female , Unt verslty were held this morning and Rev, Dr. Junius W. Millard, pastor of the Butah Baptist church of Baltimore de livered the address. There were eight full graduates, two special graduates and five received certificates. The board of trustees elects Miss Jessie L, Jones, a Ph D. of the University to the chair of English language to succeed Mrs, Stone, resigned. ,:: Col. P. M. Pearsall has gone to Qeor gia to settle up-the estate of his brother the late solioltor Matthew Pearsall, who was killed In a oolllslon near Qoldfleld two weeks ago. Sheriff Noland of Haywood -today brought a white boy, Bam Keith to the penitentiary to serve five years tor kill. lag his father. Old man Keith was abus ing his wife when Sam Interfered, Keith threatened his son then and the boy killed him. Senator F, M. Simmons has left for New York where he will tomorrow night deliver the address before the N C. Society of New York City on the race problems. A naval recultlnj station has been opened here. The officers In charge l l have an office open In Wilmington Mt.y 38 to 80. The Edenton Street Melhodlat Sunday School will plc-nlc at Chapel Hill tomo row. tin. S. M Fluger, wife of the late Superintend, nt of Public Iastrncilor, died yesterday. Gov. Ayoock has ritu rnetl from Oi ford and will speak at Lesvillc, this county, Friday. CASTOR I A For InfauU and Children. Itie Kind You Have Always Bought "Boars the Signature of List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at New Be, j, Craven county N. C. May 18th 1003: MSN'S LIST. A R U Arthar. B Clance Blangor, Archie Brown, Si Middle St.. F S Boyd, A a Bryan, Rev Henry Butler. 0 Major Cravens, Cilvester Chapman, WiUIe Cogdell. D William Davis, (dead letter). GThomas Green, Jasper, NO, W L Grime. . J Jack James, care of Samuell Dttt- als, Lewis J R Jones. ' - K Joe King, 141 Bern St L--Latharn Lnpton. . R Henry Richardson (co'.) 170 Broad ' . W-James Warrea, J W Winston 'i H WOMEN1 LIST. . V 1 A-Pen nUtt Allen, Jasper NO. . ' v B Ml Esther A BonhamJSirr Mary J Bryant; Jasper N O,. -e v ..f. , ' 0 MiaaMary M Cannon, B Fl Lima MO. .'.-& " i f- D-Mrs Nanoy J Davis,' Jasper, N O, Mr Susie Dunn. "' ' ' ' .! F Mrs Minnie E Foy. ,'H Miss Louise Bodson, care of John Ceston. , - , . , ;:, J--Mlsa Georgian Jones 88 Oommer 8U 'n 'A- . ' 1 , X-MlssMyrtalLwbv ' M Ml Mary More, t . ft--Mrs Jams M Nelson. ' ''7 '.F-Mrs P PUkb, Mrs M E pugh, V R Miss Elizabeth Roblnsdn.' ' 8-MIss Mionls Stanly, Bellalr, N 0 (9) .Jlnnle Bykts, 12 Pollock 8U, Mrs Jannay Sprulll, Eliza Btrod I Chapman BU,Mlss EJIziIe Solars, rt ,x ';.' ' " . T-Mr les Telley, . Mtsa Carri Thomaa. v:i i- j Wt-MIss 6 (Ilk ' Wflklns,, Miss Edna Whitley, U F D.: :( t' Persons calling for the above letters will , please say advertised aad gl v date of ..list,.-,. j . The regulations now require that one (1 ' "tent shall be collected on the delivery Hf each advertised letter. ' . - " r".-S.W.HAXoocit,P.M. Our Orange , phosphate and .Blood Orange Soda are delicious thirst quench rs ,Yon can have U at your house for SOc per crate, S doz, bottles, Crowa Boiling Works, Thoue 109. , .The people of New Bern can highly appreciate the opportunity 'of soenrlng hlph grade Jewelry etc., as being offered at 1'uhllo Auction every day at 11am and 8 15 p m, at 50 Pollock St., opposite Episcopal eliurch, V 1 Fipi Ripn Rip in ' - Tint b' ys suit v-fidn't bonfht hern, or t " 1 ''t I tt t way, Our boys' si!ts t t i ' , fe fi'j ' s ate r' ' I in ' , ' ! ' I 1 1 Concert Tonf. of Children from the ' , " Oxford Orphan Asylum. ' :" iA chapter of chlldren,',twelve girls and four boys, from Oxford Orphan Asylum Will enter upon a oonoert tour through the eastern part of North Carolina be tween the first and middle of May and through the west about the last of July, with an Interval of a month between the two trips. The children give their delightful con certs In many of our towns, usually at the Invitation and under the auspices of the local Masonic lodges. The program they render la always free from Impu rities, yet filled with humor, attractive entertaining, helpful. The concerts are of nnuaual excellence and would merit and receive the patronage of our people even If they were not given in the Inter est of this work of greatest importance. Tbe bright, well trained boys and girls themselves are a striking object lesson to our people of the character of the work being done in this and other or pbanagea In the State. No one can see aad hear children like these and think of what they would probably hare been had they not been blessod by protection care and training of such an institution, without feeling glad of an opportunity to aid In Its support. TRUITT. May 19 We are having fine weather. The Irish potatoes are looking fine. Prospects are good for a large orop, and a few have engaged to sell their crops already. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gasklns were visiting friends relatives in Vancebnro, last M.eek. Messrs George Gaskins and Lent Davis visited friends In Galilee last Sun day. BlueEyef. The stock of Diamonds, Watches Jewelry and Silverware that will be of fered st Public Auction Is from the well known firm ofJB Bennett & Co., of Norfolk, Va. This firm is one of the largest and most reliable concerns In the South and their guarantee that the goods are sold under, Is just as good as the bank. No person need have any hesi tancy in buying anything from this Great Bale. Mothers, Quakers, Beckers and Leg- gets Oat flakes 10c package at J R Far ker, Jr'a. Just Received 500 dozen frosh eggs at J R Parker Jr's. If yon drink Kola try our Afrl-Kola. It beats them all, 60c. per crate, 2 doz bottles, Crown Botllng works, Phone 105. Ladles, Ladles, Ladle. Special auc tion for Ladles every- day at 11 o'clock. Handsome prizes given away at every sale. 60 Pollock St, opposite Episcopal church. If you want good bread, buy your flo ir from J R Parker, Jr. t. J. Baxter Is sgent for the Cosmopo litan pattern, they are standard pat tern made with seam allowance only 10c each or patterns furnished free with all dresses bought from 1.50 ap. HAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAiAiiliaiilllinaillilZIIIZIIIIIIIR pes i tiioiil B Special Auction . Sate fot Ladies Only H -Every morning at 10 o'clock.' Handsome Prizes Given Away H H "Daily.,, Every lady attending receives a ticket whether they R M hnv m nni. -u "Of High-grade Diamonds, Watches, J . T - j '. Jewelry and Stfoerware. This stock is from the well-known, reliable Jeweler and f Broker J B Bennett Co , Norfolk, Va, consisting of the t finest and most Complete line ever before offered.-; All good' wiU be wad Bnderft FUJiL.GUARANTBB. .-,;' "i-x-f " This is a rare opportunity for securing High-grade Jewelry and Bilverware at yonr own prices, Every article will be . of-1 . .fcred to the highest and best bidder, , . "- .'V -; I Tlours of sale every day at' 11 a; m. b and 8:15 p. m, takes place at 69 POL g LOCK ST Opp. Episcopal Church. ' ' K 1 ; DAVID niUDT, AucUoneer. ' "SUITS MOIUC PEOPLE THAN, ANT OTHER BBAND.f V OLD IIEC:iW;;3Si' RYE '.J&fiS , ' W j k a 4 1 a 1 tm I i '" Kj JL .... I It Typewriter $35. "I wonld not exchange my Chi cago for one of tbe high priced machines." T. N. Ivey, D. D,, Editor Raleigh Christian Advo cate. . fflETYS BOOK STORl Valuable Stock of Goods for Sale. I will for the next ten days receive bids for the purchase of stock of goods wares and merchandise of the Bee Hive Company, Bankrupt. Said goods eta, are now In the store and warehouse lately occupied by said Bee Hive Company, on Pollock street in the city of New Bern and consists of dry goods, clothing, shoes and millinery notions and various other kinds of goods. I am prepared to exhibit the stock to prospective bidders and give informa tion In regard thereto, call on or address JOHN DUNN, Trustee, S3 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. :r Save money by buying your files and all kinds of stationery from Owen Q. Dunn, 50 POLLOCK ST. 3 Don't let your Carriage run down for want of a little repair. Taken in time the cost may be trifling. "A word to the wise is sufficient." We do ear riage and wagon repairing in all its branches, at lowest prices, and warrant all work to be strictly first-class. We will make your vehicle equal to new in appearance, anraotitty and motion. Jobbing promptly executed. We put Rubber Tires on yonr old or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires in a machine without cutting them. Everybody is invited to see the machine at work putting new bolts infold placse. G. H. Waters eft Son, Phone185, 78 Bread St, New Bias, N 0 CO., Proprietors, VA. rcrunr. r The "Chicaqd Auction . .tamValkVVAAA " i i I Just received IS ; I New Lot 1:1 : Harvey's Small Sugar Cured P I English Cured Shoulders, i 1 Breakfast Strips, I Big Hams to out. f J. L MEL, ISr 1 'Phone 191. 71 Broad Hi Gaskill Hdw. & Have a full line of seasonable goods at this seasons price. White Mountain and Artio Freezers, Water Coolers, Ice Ice Picks. awn Mowers from VI" to 10". Fly Traps, Mouse Traps. Matting and Carpet Tacks, Bill uiings neeaea lor renutng or htting Car load Saeh and Blinds and sell Masury's Faint and Lewis' Lead. quality. Frompt delivery, Goods Guaranteed. Gaskill Hardware and Mill Supply Company, HiRDWAREJ78Mildle St. Phone 147. I Delicious h in the Ice Ci'eam we nell yon. We take the greatest oaro in making otir cream, and only the best materials. IT'S PURE AND WHOLE SOME, and can ! oaten hy the most delicate tierami without fear of injury. 85c per qt. packed in ice, deliv ered at your house at any time, McSorley. . THE SELECTION OF STOCK for the best trade la made with great care lhs paokerasend THE BEBT DRESSED BEEF to their particular customers and we are numbered among them. Onr customers, in tarn, ean depend apon na for bighlr satisfactory eats tor roasting, broiling, etc The meats we offer are always In per feot oondiHon tender, lnler and deli- elona. , . ' Spring Lamb, Dressed Poultry. ,The Oak Market. Give us a Call. s .We would be pleased to hate yon call and examine onr line ,of BUILDERS' MATERIALS, Paints, Oils, Refrigera tors, Water Coolers, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Fretxers, Tinware, Galvanised and Enameled Ware.) 1 "5 v , " ' r Loos ca'tjp, Fof hm G rr.trrl ITr.rdware, . i ii I t. ,.uul ' " Mill Supply Co., Planers, Window Screens, Door Screens, Poster Tacks, and many other , We up the home. full stock of Builders Material. Try either, both are of the best 'MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St, phone 216 ii ! The new trent river bridge is re paired, and we are prepared to meet the people with low prices this week. Look at them. Men's Clothing. A big lot Mens Coat and Pants Suits worth $5 00 our price $3 08. A big lot Mens Rlue Sergo Coat anil pants Suits, worth $7 50, cut price $4 24 AU kinds of Summer Coats and I'ants worth $1 75, cut price 98c. Childrens Suits. Big lot Childrens Wash 'Suits, worth $1 00, cut price 58c. Big lot Childrens Sergo Suits, worth $4, cut price f 8 98. Big lot Childrens Light Cassimeres, just received, worth $3, cut price, $1 5J Shirts. Big lot Shirts, worth $1, cut price 48o Big lot Shirts worth SOc, cut price 24c Big lot of Boys Shirts,all colors, worth 50t, cut price ltfo. Dress Goods. Big lot All Colors .Organdies, worth 25c, cnt price 16jo yd. Big lot Figured Lawns, ail colors, worth 10c, cut price 7Jo yd. Same as above, worth 7jc, cut to 4jc. Big lot R & G Corsets, worth $1 (0 cut prioe 48c. Big lot Bleaching in short lengths, worth 7o, cut prioe 8Jc yd. Big lot PeAales in short lengths, wrth 10c, out price 6c. Only 10 yards to a customer, each person must do their own baying. Shoes. Big lot Mens Shoes, worth $2 00, cot price tl 48, Same as above, worth f 1 CO, cut 98o Big lot Ladies 8hoes, worth $9 OOont price fl 69. fame as above, worth $1 50, cut 98c Big lot Ladles Slippers, worth $3, cut price 91 99. Same as above, worth $1 25, eat to 88o Same as above, worth 75c, oat to 49c, ' Big lot Men and Womens Hose far close out 8 pr for 10o, this week only. S. COPLON, 75 MIDDLE STREET, Next to Oasklil Hardware Co.- If aw Bern. Ililppi1 J. W. WOOD, Practical Turner, PLUMBING AND 6AS FITTING ; Ordeje for Tobacco Flues Eolio ItetL. u i, 5j pit" - " ' All workuaranteed to give sat- ,- Ufaotion.'',,."., . " 'k. .Can b found ' ai tbe shop A ', South Front Street formerly oocn pled.by the firm. - CPhie 220. lV '; ; For Kent,?; "f Wharf property formerly ooonpled by O W Hamilton as wood yard. ,. AIpo two ' ' "a offloes In secon,! Fr t tit " i. fi 1 J,

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