V -A Ifc i fir WWW ;; NIW BX5, I. C, WIDNISDAT M0RNIN9, JUNE 3, 1903. TWIHTY-SICOBD I UK p " I . , r ft - .-.". Hill IFOR'S DAYS -r.londay, i Tuesday, Wednesday. Ladles Open Work and Lace Hose at & & half their value, Jfv A First-class Up-to-date Hose, Lace w j All Over, Both Limh and Foot, woritfiM; jk 76c-, Special 45c; W $ Fancy Knit Work, worth 40c, this ; A sale 20c. p V 20c & 25c Drop Stitch for 15c & 12c. w Plain Light Weight for Summer, 25c 9? value for 15c. & These gdods were Bought at a Great 7j iteauction, nence we Si Pleasure P to know tliat what jj you drink is Cle a ana raucauie. j uat is the wny with all of t)f onr Beer and Drinks. We use only the Best and Purest of everything. Soft CROWN BOTTLING WORKS LEE J. TAYJLOB, Proprietor, Phone 105 Cor. Queen & Bern Streets. Of all the games ever devised for the development of healthful exercise, base ball is the best To be able to play ball successfully it i necessary that yon equip the team with best supplies. . I am prepared to furnish up-to-date base ball goods, and piy special atten tion to mail orders. Will fill your order same day received. Write for prices WM. T mix. Dealer in Bicycle", Firkabhs, ku All Kinds Si'ortino Goods. Job rBitmsa Rtjbbku Stamps, 91 93 Middle St., NEW BERN, If C ' RACYCLB ROADSTER X . I the RENT WIii!cI It pushe 25 per dent, easier and Is worth two bicvclei of any mate. I. ' - '7-&t& hRSt'e J0161 at 25 00 M good '. you isao get at any price. ' , ' f ' ' -;. v ;..f,"'iif". I taw proper material and can imake ''ay : repairs' eatiBfactory on .' " any' wheel at catisfactory prioot.-, . L M. EDGERTON, ('nr.: Pollock & Cnveo fti., 'V NEW BtRI,; f.IJ,-;. i,: Fine StcrUng SifaerX j A new line ol Sterling Silver In the latest piece and designs. The .Raleigh; Raphael and Virginia are the most popular on (he market.' ;Y , ;RlCfl CUT GLASS In elaborate and extensive line of the most artistlo cutting. ' I he Silver Leaf and Myrtle are ht latest ; . ' . ' ' - - ' 41 : W divide witn you. Don't let your Carriage run down for want of a. little repair. Taken In time the cost may te trunng. "i won to the wise U sufficient" We do car riage and wagon repairing In all Its branches, at lowest prloes, and warrant all work to be strictly first-class. We will make yonr Teniae equal to new in appearance, aaratmur ana motion. JobbuirrromptlT executed. We put Kubber 1 ires on yonr out or new wheels. We shrink your loose Wree in a machine without cutting them. Everybody to Invited to see the machine at won putting new bolts in, out ptacse. G. II. Water fc Son, ft Broad Pt New Blta. N O : Special Salo Of J Home-made ? Lard Parties that wish some thing pure and sweet can get 6 lbs. lard for 55c Send your buck et to the :7i. ' The Oak ilarket BRANCH OFTICB ' A. B. Baxter Q Co., . V ' Commission : Brokers. I . , 1 Cravon Etrcflt, . none 2S3. ' ke',v rr::?r, n. c. Jlaln 0!Tlc, CI Frond x ny, i:ew York I Moderate m:' ;.!. V -"' '.tkcrvl. fl. Frlvn'e is ' i t i v Y- i:', ' 'si! -, r Haywood Case Decision Today. Special to JonrnaL -' .- Balbxsb. Jane 8. Argument In the Haywood, habeas corpus case ended at noon John X Woodard and Walter,, Danjel speaking for the State, TM Argo closing for Haywood. : K JosUcea .Douglas and i, Walk'err an- noonced that at boob tomorrow, they would render their decision, whether to grant ball or not- Supreme Court Opinions. , L Special to JonrnaL BiuiaH, ' Jane - 8. The following opinions were handed down by Supreme Court.' Hlgdon tiWD TeL Co., from Meck lenburg, new trial. State ts Hall, et al, from Robeson, new trial . Lyman ts Southern Railway Co., from Buncombe, affirmed. HoltonYsA&C Railway Co from Mecklenburg, per curiam, affirmed. We Help the Widow and Orphans. The improved order Heptasophs, New Bern Conclave No, 486, was organized March 80th 1897. Daring the past three yes re we have lost three of oar brothers who hare paid the debt we all have to pay tome day. Bat oar deceased brothers left a protec tion for thelt families. We have paid oat a total of elz thousand dollars In New Bern the nut three yean. On the 28th of May 1803, onr treasurer Mark Dlsosway paid to the widow and child ren of onr deceased brother John H. Lokey 12000. Brother Lokey departed this life the loth of Doc. 1902, and the claim would have been settled by the 15 of January 1908, bat we had to wait for the court to appoint a guardian for the children which was not done nctll the latter part of April 1908. Any one wishing to protect their fami ly would do well to ree the secretary who will be pleased to give them any in formation they may want. Gbo. D. Gobdbb, Bec'y. New Bern Conclave No 486. June 1st 1908. Textile Workers Strike. A general strike of workers was inau gurated in Philadelphia Monday, Involv ing about 90,000 operatives. Of the 800 flrms.engaged in the textile Industry here 47 have granted the demands of the union and their plants, employing about 15,000 hands are In operation. Thirty-nine branches of the textile trade are affected by the strike, and the cap - tal Invested In the mills la estimated at 1 100.000.000. The dally loss in wages will amout to 1125,000. Tents tor the Homeless. The United States war deparment will aealst to the extent of Its power In ef forts to alleviate sufferings In the flood ed districts of the west Orders to this effect have been given to Major general J O Bates, commanding the department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska. The supply depart ment at Leavenworth, Kansas., will be availed of for the shipment of tents to the flooded regions should these be found neooessary. List of Utters Bemalning in the Post Office at New Beta, Craven county N. C. June 1 1908: fan's ust. B J D Bradford, Route No. I, BB Brown, 808 8. Front St., L OBrog- dssv v 2 Matthew Edwards. G JWOray. - H-Willie Harris, Jos Hawkins, Jacob ' J-GUbert Johnson, Sdward. Jllea. 08 George St, K Henry Kennedy, Bellalr, N C, IfHenry -Lewis. . ' - M-N B Mania, 8 H MeDanlels, Wil lis Moore, X L Moore. ' 8-TT, Ballade, Aaron Speck, J T Stewart, A M Sinclair, W B Blmmons, Jasper, N 0. Xiljah BprallL '- ' W-Jno O Wllllanw, 118, Hancock . J" t voxii'i tie." . M AMiss Llllle Adklson. h -&i-J B MUs Pennle Brown, Mrs B Bar bour, Miss Nicy Best, Miss Mlttle Bui lock. -, -': : C Mrs Martha Cordett. Bellalr, N C, Miss Mary A Cordon, Mtas AroonisCog D Mil Clarlef Dodloy, Clars Dud' G Miss Ids Green, R F D, -. : J Miss Mary Jane Joaee. i 8 Mrs Martha A 8ngg, ears of Mr A F Brlltaln, box No, 1 - W Miss Deilor Wsrd, Mrs Margaret WQson, Mrs R Willis (3), Mrs Genpta Whltaker, 87 Wan 8t, Miss Mary Wil liams, Hubank 8t Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list . : , The regulations now require that one (1 cent shall be collected on the delivery vt each advertised letter. 8. W.ncocl,P. M. tcr Ir.f.iB's f -1 C 'r'l. . 1., BIG WHISKEY Distillery to Be Built at Hamlet, North Carolina. Question of Skinner Striking Hay wood. Agriculture Bosrd's -Badvet Looks Like Ex hibit at St. Louis. First Confederate: Soldier ElUed. Raleigh. Jane 2. In the Federal court here a case is up inwhlch F. A. Lockey of Hamlet la defendant. It in volves 11,000 gallons of whiskey. Mr. Lockey says he will build at Hamlet the largest whiskey distillery In the State It will use 400 bushels dally and will turn out 115 barrels of whiskey. The largest distillery now In the Stale is at Marlon, capacity 107 bushels. Next Monday the North Carolina mer chants association, will meet here in an nual convention. Interest In the Haywood habeas . cor pus case continued practically unbroken for six days, it being the longest hearing of the kind on record in North Carolina. The main contention of the defense was to prove that Skinner struck Haywood and that it was the latter's first shot which It was claimed was fired at close range which caused death. A strong contention of the prosecution was that after a return of a true bill by a grand Jury there Is no power to grant habeas corpus. The State Board of Agriculture fin ished its work today, and passed the budget for the ensuing six months amounting to (99,000. It also passed the college budget for the year ending next June, this to maintain both the ag riculture and mechanical departments The board adopted new quarantine reg ulations, these being entirely designed to carry out the - law more thoroughly. It Is hoped and believed that daring the year 1903 three or four more counties will be gotten out f f the quarantine dis trict. The experiment station budget was adopted, this covering the $14,000 coming from the hatch fund. It now set cm to be regardod as reason ably certain that North Carolina will have a great exhibit at St. Louis. A very large part of the material Is ready for Immediate uee. The first Confederate soldier killed in battle was Henry L Wyatte of the First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers who fell at Big Bethel June 10th, 1881. He is burled at Richmond. Marshall Robert Q Bradley of the Supreme Court each year sends a fUg there to be placed upon his grave and today sent one for this use. Did you ever try the famous Bohmer Export Beer. Call for a bottle You will find it a fine beer. Shreaded Wheat Biscuit at J R Par ker Jr's. Schedule B Tax. The law requires that during the first ten days in Jane, BehednlajJ Tax shall be paid and License obtained for the following: ,- Agents of Breweries (or breweries), brokers (merchandise, ship, stock and pawn brokers), blcyole dealers, billiard tables, bagatelle tables, bowling allies, coal dealers, collecting agencies, cotton compresses, cigarette dealers druggists selling liquors, dealers In deadly weap ons (pistols or pistol cartridges, dirks, daggers, sling shots, etc ), dentists, emigrant agents, feather renovator, dealers In furniture, fire 'crackers or fire works, gilt .enterprises, grain dis tilleries, hotels, lawyers, peddlers, oc ulists, opticians, physioians, (Including osteopaths or any person practicing any prof eased art of healing for fee or re ward), photographers, dealers In prlie photographs (or prises of any kind) real estate agencies, second hand clothing dealers, slot machines (with fixed re tains, trading stamps, undertakers, Itln erant ocniisu, ittnerans opticians. GEO. B. WATERS, Register of Deeds. : V- MEADOW GOLD In I vll i f II '.I VeV aUvsU'sLUX CREAMERY; " V '.. - . t Put up in' the j famous INEE SEAL package, Dust and Odor Proof IS .THE BEST YET. One tx'conytapes;you.c For Sale by E. B. Hackburn, 7no. Dunn, J. iC Parker, Jr4 .McGehee A'WUliBana -Lucas Sc Lbw.;)':V:'ly - "SUITS MORE PEOPLE THAKg AYJOTITER BBAND. , lljlSoLD "iiEt:nY;i5ll: STHAU0, GUKGT CO., Proprietors,' :n::r:c::;n, VA. ""T QUAI.ITT r ' T ' '.' rCFULAll r:'c. .. j Dress Goods. : . . . If you need-any thing In the line of Organdies; Batiste Piques, ' Flannels, Silks, Ginghams,' Percales and White Goods, why wehsve them.; Will show them to you and make the price .suit you. - "'. " B. W. ARMSTRONG.' A full and complete- line of fancy cakes and crackers at J R Parker Jr's. We are in receipt of a big line of Tor chon and Valencenes Laces which we are selling at about half the regular price. The 10c, quality is going at Sets per yard. Come and see them. J J BAXTER, Mothers, Quakers, fleckers and Leg- gets Oat flakes 10c, package at J R Par ker, Jr's. : '' A fine lot of 8a ear Cared Hams. Gold Band, now at the Oaks Market. A mati nee girl's calendar given with each ham. A full and complete line of Interna- al stock and poultry food for sale at J. R. Parker Jr. If what you drink Is put npbythe Crown Cork it Is clean, as the Crown Cork Is used but once. Crown Corks are used exclusively . by Crown Botllng Works, Phone 105. All our colored Lawns have been re duced. We have a big lot of them that must be sold. Come and see the pretty vstterns you can buy here at 5o to 15c a yard J J BAXTER. Just Received 500 dozen fresh eggs at J R Parker Jr's. Belfast Ginger Ale put up by the Crown Bottling Works Is equal to any domestic or Imported. Try a crate of 3 dozen for 50 eta. The Crown Bottling Works has Just received another solid car of Portners famous beer direct from the brewery In a refrigerating car. Summer School for Craven Co. Teachers will be held at Dover. It will open June 22nd and continue six weeks. Attendance is compulsory. For circular of work or any in formation concerning places to board, etc., address 8. M. BR1NSON, New Bern, N. C. Or L. L. IIARGRAVE, Dover, N. C. Beautifln pat terns for Shirt Waist and Center Pieces and Stamp itJg Outfits at one half the usual Z price. I mm book s toes. I t A fine line of Pens now in stock CaU and examine. Owen G. Dunn, vTTlir PASTEURIZED Ahbther Fresh Lot Harvey's - Small mm? JUST EEOEIVED. Try one. They are Strictly first quality. Yours to please, j. l mm 'Phone HML Gaskill Hdw. & Have a full line of seasonable goods at this seasons price. White Mountain and Artie Freezers, Water Coolers, Ice Planers, Ice Picks. Lawn Mowers from 12" to 16", Fly Traps, Mouse Traps. Matting and Carpet Tacks, Bill things needed for refitting or fitting Car load Sash and Blinds and sell Masury's Faint and Lewis' Lead. quality. - Prompt delivery, Goods Guaranteed. Gastlll Hardware ail 11 Sulv Goiany, EIDWARE 78 MiddleSt Phone 147. Delicious k MwMw is the Ice Cream ii we sell yon We take the greatest care in 4 making onr cream, and only the IT'S PURE AND WHOLE SOME, and can be eaten by the most delicate person without fear of injury. 860 per qt. packed in ice, deliv ered at your house at.any time, lYIcSofley Give us a Call. We would be pleased to have yon call and examine onr line of BUILDERS' MATERIALS, Paints, Oils, Refrigera tors, Water Coolers, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, JTinware, Galvanised and Enameled Ware. LOOK US UP, Foy 6 Sinimons, General Hardware, 79 Soulk Front Street, 4aAAAi4444l44M4; 3E 4 Us-Nothing , for doing right. The druggist ', who desires to grow In the ; confidence of his neighbors ' has no other safe and sure '. . way pen to him. ' . ' ; We simply solloit your pa- tronrge on the grounds of pure; ', drugs, rightly handled, at fair ; prloes. ' .." ' - '' " ; .r' , On this basts : we" have '. grown) on this basts we will ; eantifiue to grow, K ,' ' '. We are in buslaes to make ! money, but know full well ; tliat we must earn your confl- -dunce before we can get your ". Isttronjige, '. , Vnfffs I . ill Wholesale A lletail Grocer, 71 Bread Ht Mill Supply Co., Window Screens, Dcor Screens, Poster Tacks, and many other up the home. full stock of Builders Material. We Try either, both are of the best MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St Phone 216. And our prices will play the tune and get things on a boom dur ing the first days of June at S. COPLON'S. Dress Goods. Big assortmet of Organdies worth 26c reduced to 114c Big assortment Figured Lawn worth 7c reduced to 4ic Big assortment of Dimities, all colors, worth 10c reduced to 7o Big lot of Andrasooggin Bleaching, worth 10c reduced to 7fc. Big assortment of Bleaching In short lengths, worth 60 reduced to 8fa Big lot of Percales in short lengths, worth 10c reduced to 5c Only 10 yards to a eustomer, each customer must do their own buying. Big lot of Hamburg in short lengths, worth double what we ask for it Big assortment of Ribbons in all col ors and widths, worth 8c, 10c & 12,c re duced to 4JO. Ladies Waists. Big lot Ladies Shirt Waists worth $1 60 reduced to f 0. Big lot worth $1 reduced to Me. Big lot worth 75c reduced to 4So. Ladies Muslin Under wear. Big assortment at aQ price ard all oaallttes, examine them, you can buy cheaper tfaaa you can buy the materials and make them. Ohildrens Hats and Shoes. Big assortment, era mine them before yoa buy elsewhere we win make jron prices that will astonish you. S. COPLON, 75 MIDDLE STREET, Next to OaskH Hardware Co, Few Ben. raifii, June is Here! , Udder HoteJ Chattawkst, GENERAL -HARDWARE. Dcrcen "V7ire Doorai and 7indOT73. Hho Ico Cavingr Qla cicr Ecfrlacratoro, noiir H ;1 better, low as gooJ, v .i,, ?''. Agent fortho Farmer Girl ind i;oy COOK stoves, ana it v juevoe , Li I and Paints. . V- . . .. .1 OS DISPLAY IN t 3. O. BAXTEirS WIKDOW. ntttttifiiit?? ?