YOL. XXl-KO. 81. ::V. C, FRIDAY HOSXISS, JULY 3, 1303. 'yd ' , TWIKTI-SICOSD YIARi 1 ; t i ( ( i , U to GO ' n n i . -a a,, j For UJd-h'ucHsr, Goods.; l Special Sale This Yeeh in Bed LinenK J tin - t : y y rs neauy-maue cueeia Anaroouoggui aim ikuuwuu wuuy u y y "i 21 yards at 60c. : 5.v A r- "V--. ) v. Anchor Brand Hemstitched, 2i -x 2 yards at 70c,- , - ) ' ' fiV" ? ' 'nese hranda are well known to everyone.?:';," - ( y A Bolster Cases size 45 x 72 inchj; plain hem, at JjOo. - Hem. ) - A ; -V Pillow Cases, size 86 45r Hemstitched "at ' 20c. S Plain O A HeoL&t 10c 121c lSe : Extra Urge Towel at 10c, J ' . 85o Value Large Turkish Towel, at 25c ' . fv ueavy votton;iowei. gooaynaucy, omy 60 - , ' CPest linen Crash bleached and tmbleached, either plain tor ( M ' iplaids,'at 10cy2ic, lSo'yartC ; ; . - s . Vi f- A v" As the wasou advances we bnt down prices, r - ' A' . Pew pieces Wash Silk lef torth 50c, to dose out, at. 25c.' "SUITS MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY.OTHflR BRAND," old: HEriRY v ALWAYS x -UNIFORM. : ;, V7H1SKEY; H STRAUS, dTJNST &iCO., Proprietors, ' ' 'RICHMOND. VA. , nmaanm nnlltr . tlAVVOm nun ho 1 l(uai ll i i . uun nut,, For Sale by All TBB BICYCLS FACXM1KXB. NJL. tooth " : :The Easiest Rill Climber la the World. Only 11 All T ll Lt : JO lbs more .strain on ehala than on pedals..- v. M ; . - . . . ' A 8t 1HDAKD BIOB-OB1DS BICTCLX. Ty- ff - 2 201 IBS. f, ITote thi snormoorincrt In Ihs slnln ' ".' smaller sprookeu and a S-iooh lower gwt. SPECIAL , " v We are paas U sdboo ikt t un cr4 tbe rjj AfMty for Kt . IT8, ;f. C, for thi roroUr "InTl!! Lc!d" Cori, and we hrlu Try , l1y, who dlrrs ptfttoe of tr! . cimfilBjd wtili solid cm.rnrl It rH b : ti nd tiunla tbs (!. from th cut Si i o r( tbe Sp(tU f olnU of B.!Tnls' , ttir ! 9 BOtlmd. ; 1 . ' " k S S rtfivl'y f tl ,rfr t- th I. ' ' -1 ntiu I-!Bfs to ! d Of t "'! t' 9 t fjV ( , i fit r rr.rl. C i ; -.!rf tl. r..-. -ff i '.--v ! i-.'n .f rri V TO ' J . :.. . i ? . ' r ?, i at V handy! nillr PACKAGE. llHIOnT) ' nnntlf I 1 Tl Did jujuauvun is iviubaii i nivm Reliable Dealers. : 'T ;. y.,-i I HAVE -. IK STOCK l rtbune, -. 1 '" ' - '' . ..'v,'- Cleveland J1 Latonta . F BICYCLES. 1' . Kacers, Eoadsters ana raceniajriers. . ; I can ;repair any y. v'make of wheels ; . - r a. xuu line oi au v vJsinds of Sundries. j! 7 Cor. Pollock & Cruea B(i. FIRE WORKS For 'Fourth 1 I-'. Otlj Lot In Tbe City Ana limited in Qnantit. .T. t , . . Uny KarlTf Tou Want To ; HcSORLEV; 'BttAwcnbrnci '-' ""i A. B. Baxter & Col Commission .: Brohcrs; ' f :, C:::::,C:::i6lVj;:::: Utn;or.r, el rr.iy, NW Vf.rV r. V, ft l. ' t It 1-llliHK I III J .l'C;I:r$ ci F.:t;-:s Act v . ; Ealcb, July ?. Clate Treasurer Lacy h&i recclrtd ieyer;4 oi 'nioni from attor ney gsner&I Gilmer, coTerlcg poiaU ln- rolved In tie reysnne act. One decla Un is thatpureley Interstate sales of pianos and organs are not subject to the 40 eta. tax imposed by the revenue 'act, but that such sales to be exempt-must be entirely within the provision of the In terstate commerce law. . ,V .... Another decluion by the attorney gen eral is that the tax. upon. dealenQa fet tQlzers under section 67 Qf th6 reTenue act, this being what Is known u the merchant's purchase tax; In other words that such, dealers are liable to the mer chant's purchase tax. V f t, ; - . . Kerenne Districts Chaiijei ' Internal ReveftM Collector B tl Dun- cenluubiade teTlsions ot'the a8U.rn diatriot, of which he Is Chief, the district being thus tar subdWIded Into eight dlrlsiona. i - ( Under Che , wlslon,' the lollowlng counties are embraced In the Fourft dl Tlsloni with. John- D drlnsley deputy, headquarters at New Bern, Craven, Car- teret, Pamlloo, JoneSf Lenlor, Green, Onslow, Wayne eight counties. - 2'- POLL0CKSVILLE. Tnt 1-Tha last faw warm davs have wrought a great change In the corn and cotton crops. 'V -" ' ITe learn there Is some of tbe tobacco farmers In this section' caring tobacco this weeav:-.. : h There .la - some real estate .transfer? or sales taking place la our town, fhls week.: Mr VI White has sold hls'propr ertr here to Mr Zeb Cotton of this place. Mr White will move to Core Creek next Friday or Saturday,1" v. Cr Frank Rammonds of Trenton, who has just finished a medical course at the Rtchmond TaT Medloal College, was here this, week, prospecting, he probably will locate here soon. , Mr X H i Barms . o this plaoe ...has bought of Mr F M Bowden Us stpre and stock of merchandise - at - this place and will continue the business here In his own name,,' V V v " 'il-lv v. Mf there b any one outlog abQtt.t for. a fine heap p!eot u property Ihey will do well. to. 'communicate lwlth Bender Bros, here -who-, has a: bargain ior the We are glad to .eee thai, there Is on person la the upper part of J0nes Coup ty who has soul and buslnese enough to see ike savliig thk tUt payers' that aa'1r at th he. -.!'i:v..-5.tf -v-V- Mr t r Beaded 4eft 'this -p- m for Morekead City where he -goes to spend some time tot health and pleasure. .. ; Miss Berta BeU of Philadelphia to vis iting her parents here this week..' She will rretum , to Phlladelplda;in. about three weeks to finish her course there as a trained none; she ftolahee la Deoeav ir next. 4..v-- 'A-yJS i: u Mlse Xetelle Frost of Boonsvtlle N O Is .ttolUng Xtas Bessie Bollaad, of this PlaOeb-l J't'-J -J, v! bh'."; . i ( S : MrsB A Creagh aad-'chlldree, will leave this p m for Norfolk and Frank- (own oaths eastern shore of '.Ylrglnle, where they go to spend the summer. C ASTOR I A Tor Infante and Children.. m Usl Ym Ean Ahirsjl Ecztt 'Beers tke , Elgnatareof j Try our Mouofrani Java and Coffee, J B Parker, Jr. -'- ; Kooha Ebreeded Whet loulit 3 B Par- kerJr's. . ' .... . A fuQ and eompteter Ue of Hmey cakes and crackers at J R Parker Jis. AfaQejU eoaplete line oflaterna- al stock and poultry food for sale at J, R. Parker Jr. . .- , . r.: .'-.Special Kotice," '- Te a Ceaeruus Ptib!!r.Tle ' Hew Bin Oor.fi'sT.vNitiUi InsllloU's cal ciaruiT w!J c:ica you to.'.7 la said school's Internal Tera L!m aol ay eir.pty fcsn ls-1. Tot snoc U bo wrJtfca ea our fcteanr. Tie U'.nt to. on JiortWa (lif k LkS saWr"- t fW, Fsnker en, wt !'.!i'.srl l j joa. .J.'tAO ILf '.'.ITU, . r, ." '-.iris; ii 'u ij-t.u Ir nt hrf I. ! ' 1 '1.9 V't USD ' ' V.i. It t I" ( I. Vi ! t " Petition For Anotlier Pardon. - EaleJgb, July 3. Several prominent citizens of Catawba county hare called on the Governor and nr?ed the granting of a pardon for J T Mehaffey, who' was convicted of assault upon a girl a little over 14 years of age. The girl was one of his employed eottoa pickers. " 8,000 persons have signed the petition tor par don. There Is also . opposition to . cle mency hi the case. ; Mehaffyj a well-to-do farmer, is 55 years old. , ? ARAPAHOE. July 1 We are having better weather. and farm work together with other busi ness that was hindered because jot the wet weather hai started, up again, uur crops la swamp land "are ;very badly damaged but It tEe Weather -continues good as It U now, people will make ? more than, they thought for.' ya, are glad to learn that the heavy rain falls have not reached a very large scope of country. ? Yesterday was: the Brat flue day for work we have' hai lor some time.V f ur ; Elder "VbtUtt the Free Will Baptist minister of this" district., preached. at Arapahoe Saturday at eleven at m. and at nleht. also Sunday and Sanday night, the meeting was well attonded by the surrounding nelghborhooa. , Oar Methodist and Baptlst.Sanaay Schools -of Arapahoe; .-.togethBrlth s6me Sunday Schools from other places hate a grand plcnlc atiKershaw today, some of our young people are going and anticipate a good time. ' .... " :Mr. Levi Waters of Arapahoe, movec Into his new'iouse yesterday, he has purchased land and ballf back of the Christian Churoh, V Mr. Hennr Belanclo- and Mrs. Rhode BroUKhtofu both fif the vicinity of Arap ahoe were united In the holy bonds of matrimony last Thursday evening. Mr. Belangte U a y bung bachelor-while the bride was a young' widow with five ohlldren; "We hope them muoh Joy on their voyage of life.'. -' 1 " Mr Charlie Dunnr returned from new Bern last Saturday evening much pleased over the results of bis potato crop.-' He sold them ' for- ti 00 per barrel." - Who could nelp from feeling good.- over such fancy prices t : A.B. Communicated.' lEDJoowiAi.ir-In theprpgiamt the exercises of tha. Confederate Veterans reunion for the Fourth. I fall to see any appointment of a speaker for- the day. I would-suggest that, some good old soldier or soldiers' toe invited to address the TJamp: 4 Ei-8liMlfr J WelRfi den, bherlff Blddle and James F Clark, could no doubt give us some Interesting remlntooeaces of those davs that tried men's'sould,',''?.;"' ; ' Attention eterans Headquarters, Camp NewBern, Ho. - The members of thts Camp are hereby notified that the regular - Annual Meet, lag will be held at CityHall,- July 4th, 1008 at 10 a m, to transact such business u msy come before the - Camp,' and l tend the dinner to be : given by the Daughters' of the Confederacy. Veterans will wear their badgee v;. ;;:r- By order: r -' -: "i i -v- - JJWOLFENDES, V-v-;7,-i"i.KotlCcVk -AU who have promised to contribute to the Veterans dinner are requested to send their contributions to the Armory, (Stanly Hall) by 10 o'clock, on 8atordsy morale July 4th, , V ,:. '. -. CIcdcT Dyspepsia Cut! c;t.t wnat you ant. -;TICEm . All claims' Bjilnst the - City mast be banded In to CUv Clerk on or before Monday precedlog the first Tneidsy Is tach month, othrwUe Her win not be aotd upon until tbe nit month, Py order of the Board of Aldermsn.' - , J. J. Totso. ' - . - CItf Clerk. S 1 00 Reward ! A rewsr 1 of f.rf) 00 I ofTrM for tI--rc ' t i f r.vtrt th rcrna Of : , 1.1 U:t ( ftt.I wish tf.e lr,g!lit r !!!.! r 1 1 ', ' t riMit on tfic -1 r- E. ill i 1 m lozi; so:? The Vcrld's Greatest , Skin Soap.-:; Tt3 ld:i cf Every Katlcii Sals Greater Tliaii tlie Worlds ProSM t)I Otter Stla Soan ;; F t Sold'herevcr Civiliz::l5T Has Per.:lrat:i Millions fit the world's best people use- Cutioura Soap, assisted bv Cuticura jlntmentv lor preserving, ? purifying ana oeauurying tne sun, or cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff; and the stopping- ol falling '.hair,' for softening, whitening and soothing red. tough and sore hands; for baby.rasb.es, Jtchlngs and chaflngs, in the form of baths tot annoying Irritations and in flammations, or too, free- ore offensive 'perspiration, In the form of washes foe ulcerative weaKneeses, and many sana tlve, antjlseptlo purposes which readily suggest themselves to women,-especially mothers, as well as tor all th purposes of the toilet, bath and nur sery. . --- . . -.r Cuticura Soap- combines delicate emollient properties derived from CutlA cura, the great skin curt, with the pur est of cleansing Ingredients and the most refreshing of flower- odonn No other medicated soap ever compounded' is to De comparea witn ior presem' Ing. purifying and beautifying theskln, soalp, hair and hands. ffo other Ion elgn.or domestlo toilet soap; however) expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. :Thus it combines In one soap at one price the. best skin and complexion soap and the best toilet and baby soap ever compounded. Sale greater than the world's orodoct of all other skin soaps.,' gold In every part vi urn wvuusu world. Think Before You.Drink.' Suppose, lust u vou were about to lift a glass of your favorite beverage to your ups eomeooay snouia ezciaim: . .-. "btOpr :(; ! . - . - 'Twould seem very DresumDtuons. wouldn't It! - . .- " ' - , . It wouldn't De.thouKh.lf lt were a note of warning concerning your health. -Now. these five 'minutes besta. Ins vague sort of a wwyvHsofttMhey-f . Mevtr- tneiess, as you wiu aucover, tney mean a very serious talk with you upon a very Important subject. And yet it's upon a matter, to which, in all probability, you nave never siiven a inougni.'. . Every household buffet and wine closet noids various Beverages ol a earbonated or fermented nature srlnwr ale. mineral waters, neer, soca ana tne uxe eome- . v .... - tning wnion nas to M corked, .r - : , To begin with, let's Uke tbe old-fuk-Ioned.pressed-In cork, with Its wired re tainer.- How a man . labors, perspires. nets ana lames,-trying- to draw with - the corkscrew I And with what success T-' - --', 4 : If he hu musole "to burn."- and the cork doesat break, he finally gets It out Perhaps, in the struggle, the bottle head or neck is broken endThli hand to severe- iv cut.- . - '. . Suppose, thouch. that a -lady ome tweaker member of the fsmlly tries to a raw me core oy me same process. , one simply cannot do it at all I .- . Thea there are other styles "of stop pers) some with permanently affixed ar rangements to the neck of the bottle, the Intent of which to to prevent the stopper from being lost tad to enable Its repeated nse. , The repeated use of stoppers Is attract Ing widespreaderloni consideration, for nygtenw reasons. ... ; . ' -Two minutes are i one. Let's employ the other three mlautes Uikleg of tne stopper or all Stopper. J It to never used txU once I - . ' : , ll cannot be used but once I . J -" - It Is abMlotely hermetlcal I '.'. It will not blow off I - ; ' MothJor comes Into contact With lbs beverses but stenllsed cork u- .' Ilaodrtdsof pouods of pressure sffi it to me nouiei . The band of a child caa remove It I Isn't it easy T Look at It I Doesn't lis simplicity make yoa smile t now quickly wi pfraimj HJDTfnm w waai is nao festly for cor good I ' ;- . . Us the Crow a Cork! " " It renders ny laniperlof with theeoa tents impo!t)!, btwocn tbe tlmetb bottle Imyi yonr bott!or nd ft arrives ob yonr UIjIa, . slai(ily tJinM If lbs Crown Is or rrmof nl, Boltloj and bo txxly csb ertr refit It ia to aeybot- " oa remoTB ll - , - ' - 1 hat's th end of It. lt' the only s'f'rrw ktfh dosIt work without a fultsnd t CwkI tia J Tfry li l',Vf In Amr!r knows th Rif-i'f of t). frown, still th'o ib r-.:y value thflr tra-Je Use It eidmlre. 'll 't i :; .rt J !r.t fit t -".S e- ri' lit' r f- it r T ' ('rf n, f f r '-!' r n. ' 1 t m '.'t I. ' 3 ' T ! 1 t t ' ' ? - JUST RECEIVED ' if v If you want1, tho always find it1 tresh Gaskill Hdvv. & g - - 'Phone-91. j i 4 71 BroM fit Have a fall line ot seasonable goods at this seasons price. White Mountain and .Artie Freeiere, Water Coolers, Ice Planers. lee Picks. - - tawn Mowers front l2' to 1GK Blj.Trapdj Mouse Traps. V " Matting and Carpet Tacks, Bill Poster Tacks, and many other things needed for refitting or fitting up the home. Car load Sash and Blinds and full stock of Builders Material. We sell Masury's Paint and Lewis' Lead. Try either, both are of the best quality. ' .- Prompt delivery, Goods Guaranteed. Eaffl Hariiare and HARDWABS 78 UiddleSt . Phone 147. Stamps Made every working day in. the year. :Orders received by 10. o'clock A. JL wlU be delivered same day. Seal SPrisses. Wax Seals Aluminum, and Brass Ohecks a n d Badges, Stencils, Inks, Pads,- Rubber Type, Sign Markers, and ev erything in this line. TIFM. T. HBLX, Dealer la Biotous. Ftaaimifs, asm Au, Kan firosrno Goods, Joi Pmrrote . '-BcsBxa STAxrtV . ' ' " yi-vj VUdleSW REV BEM, R. C eeeeeeee 'taste:!! C wilt be snfllrlmt to gain ymir jifr Th rrmm ww uks is dxliclnns la erry nse of the word. - It ta made ot erorrUiing that tMfis to snake it cUlUilou, If yon lik a smootft, rich ermm try fmtn. - m E-'fl rr qt rfi U Ice, dallv , rvl tt your hnu4 s'iiiy tlavs, ' x LicSorhyv L0 l!3 o Cr.lle v,'. -.ii t : 1 1- I ts j ti'l i . r i'ne r. i i ir.t'i '-T ' ' ' I t- i 1 ' . -.. "... f ' In I'-iWfil, Ir ! "-.1 -fS ! ' t very best you can and cool at Wholesale eft Retail . GrfMser, 2? ftlill Supply Co., ' , Window Screens, D.or Screens. 11 Snpplj Company, HILL SUPPLIES 44 CraTenfSt Phone 816. Get Your Money Ready We have "been through our stock and have selected many Bargains for you. Clothing. Mens Light all wool Salts, worth $11 60 for 3 74. Same as above, worth $10 for $3 96. Same as above, worth $8 for $4 09. Mens Black Clay Worsted SuiU worth $11 60 for $3 54, Bam as above worth $10 tor $8 49. Same as above worth $S for $4 14. Same as above worth $3 for $3 98. Boys Knee Suits. Boys Knee Suite worth $8 tor $4 U, tfeme as above worth $4 for $ 48, Same as above worth $8 for $198, eallor Wash Bulla worth $1 for 43o, Boys Knee Pants. Boyi Knee Pants, worth $1 for 4!, ' Same, as above worth 50c for 39, Same as above worth 8o for l&e. :' ' Xiawns. lArsaaexirt&ritPI(uredLawn worth lbe ft 0fo yd, Same u above worth Tie for 4,c, , : Larfe aasortmenl 40 Inch White Lawn worth Wto for 7o, : Larje assortment Oallooes worth tc forlfe. ;. Larfe aasortmant ot Percale BemnanU worth lOe for 60. - Juat ireoefved mrf aasortmeatt of Ilambarg Semikants blffeet bargains ever offered, price them. Slippers, Shoes, etc. Ladles fOlppen worth fl M tot Wo. Ladles fSUppers worth 1 00 for $1 M, ; istt received a ear load of Shoes that we cm suit and fit everyone with,,' . . Come eoa, eosne all aad ft bargains, S. COPLON. 71 VIODLI 1TB EST, Put H Gaakkt Uardwaf Co, Hew Bar. ? . ) i " 1 1 ' - m m 1 it l 11111'' Mi I 1 II si.. ... .ti I s I fill 'Br- VsSn Hotsl ClilUwU, .4 j I'rr