t u : 1: t : sur:cr.iPTicn rites - lie vear. la advance.... . One yew, not la "advance......... Wnntllw. rt rtarrier In tha cltVrf... JO , .-v - Advertising Rates furnished o.sppu i cation. - ' Entered at tie Post 03oe, Kew Bern, - n. (L. u seoond eliH matter. ' -;: 1 -Taper of Kew Ear mi VtBIW VfMIJ .,'.'5 t.'- PROSPECTS vFOR LOCAL EDUCA-, " The foundation for the statement that there ia a distinct gain In the education- Thii f nnrtn annual renott of the weir BernPabllcSohooliecentllssuedj Is proonn.IUflguI8,llMllM BaucUUB I MoereM of this city Is a reality,; that it f t . . . ...:..' i I mm- mhiitB rt t i i in nnmnuiuir . muu uoiiibl i lunaercu iu w r - . ? al advancement of this , community, s I ia come parts of England thetap" s . . '.'. iv. uhlDliia; of a bird round the liouse Is ' 1 . j not osseu nutm uuyo, i r V"-'l T Z.k w nnMHnM a , I -t ' -v hi. anolt la ttlM MM. I . , . . . eigOiyTOB r fcre.slug-.pWt noai W , . .till M.tAr effnrfa &nd -eftde.TOr. fOfl r- . , educational Ufa aadj progress: Ja this rnmrnnnttvli r 4 2 , i hesnnad report for 1908, 01 fPL;&Swa c?ai; intendent Harding ; of ;j3& .Kow Beral tMU oi,f. "n.t,t m h nul hv the I umuu uuuwq w-B ' parents pi every lamiiy mw. v. I 5 it Is a report affecting the borne Interests I i,nu 1 -Tti.notoaly.ln the jrooa progress I made In these schools dnrlag .the, pan I ' ... .V..I-. v. i.v in I j vaa vaswsj ajusw -. this report, bat u acting npon iu recom mendatlohs and suggestions, ao that the -next year may sea still greater, .ednca- tlonal advancement In this ? eommunfty, The stability ot the edaoatlonal movc- menMn the pabllo schools hv this ndty, It seen la the fact that while a large 'en-1 ;- rolment of pnpQs Is sought, there . 1 no " effort to vain la enrolment at the ex- ' pense of inferior wor,..t I ff-V lTkat is the foil term' pupil's progress It not rmUted to be'sacrifloed -by the pupil who attends iatermtttently or asar the end of a school tara... e'Wfy Eipecially la th Blgh School PepuV ment hat there beea a biglii grade established til matatalaed, which cannot but prove of Incalculable educe- Lionel Vinlm, - ' . JBut wlfli the educational galas wilch vital factor for It strength in'soclal aad -material developninAlliigt f It Us matter wMc concerns every houichold, which tatars utd every clr els of society of, commerce, of raUf ' Fltafiood aat.plAgaa may, sacrifices bpoa the part of Che people of a community, bat so sacrifice eaa com-1 pars la u laiUng resulU aad beaests, te I iK. .uwM r BnBtiv to I v...Mii.MMM.tJhI An,t.? '.'1 j;iti eVtirP! i'-teul'. oms, aad I mors lbofos(hty eqalr-ped tasohera, vtS paid fof'lWt work, sspported by liberal fund from tha local tax payers, saeaas real eJecational advsaeament, and the people of New Sera' skoald be laspired 1 7 lh spirit f lilt . kind,; t fct tit mllf jreal reenlu frota their pulIU srbool edaoauoa, wblcb neaat erery- ,11181 that U truly protesefve for this eiiy's future.'; . Catarrh Caanrt fce Ccrci !A LOCAL irri.I0ATl0r:3, U lW r-.nno reach the seat of the ( -rb U a blood W eoaeUUlUal dis .4 fa orar te eare ft yoa matt '- 1 rtmedles. HalTs C'-r' 1 i-n tr.U'really, aad arts Ci t v.ixA and mseoat suiter . - . Jik Care ts not t cok B.r ',1- lt wu prcr1Vlby oat of tbt i Lvi',dns la IMs conttry for ywi ! U t r-- .Ur r ! '.lj. Il IsotiK-1 5 - t M Miloe kufcaa wa- ,,'a lit l' v 1 p ortHsra, act . -.' f en tn "; torfafa. . ; fartf . U.e two la 1 li t i prodaoes snck W0tt , 1 'scaring Catvr. tfW, .3. ( J i : - "I I '-Vs are oemg maas in uus eorumiuiiiy, u ,v f i -v c--, r: j . "vs-v-. . i ? . ' ' - tnnit l nn tiAniiauan amonc innsa ia I s: uv wuutnc, tbuajt ; 7.v?..cif r stao. -r. i .. wi -V.it t tba'faitaia la'ta I '.iH';rC itll MtlC iHs,4"5 1 -rl i MaJor CJefteral B. B..M..Toung has I ously writes - 1 i. 7- -ii.v l.ei . t I been fleaignatca as cmet or stai ot me i aia. i naa a T yr . """'' i I , w - "T" . . - y , s.; I army, io,Tase enecx rrom Aug. to, upoa i causing. I lnbllfl adncatloa la a eosuanaltt U S I From Saw Bern aad all stations. -' I the" rotlrement-of Lieutenant General I Rarklni i:: :::5 1. . 12 5 r 5 n s 13.43 8.70 9.70 9X5 . 9.57 8. 57 9.53 , 9.53 9.54 9.50 . 9 50 9.51 i 9 43 Ecp -.. 13.43 9.C3 9.53 9.5S .8 50 Oct......... "Not Deo.:.... .. Jib. ... A like of Hur Wondera. Lake Chad. In Africa, ia ls5 mi.es long and 89 miles wide, or somewhat larger In area than Lake u.ne, yet it is only twenty-five- feet deep in jts deep est part ana only nve reel in its eastern It has eighty Islands,' some barren, others only pasture land and some cot- ered with forests ana millet plantations and having a total population of about " Btorms irtse with surprising quick-. ness on the late, and the shallowness of : the water forces up fcig wave at snort ' notice, ' while treacherous gusts and puffs. of wind about' the" Islands mske navigation dangerous. s tr-?' VwrestaUiaa Fate' : A doctor was recently eummoned in hot haslt6 ijllttle WarwickaTUrf" farmhouse not, jnany mues rrom irr fadngham.'' X T 1? He found jan old man In DedTtntin perfect health. -and asked wh he'had been sent for. -vyny, sir." jrepueu uw uauKuierruri J?; JL" J - - Mr- I Bna wetnougnt it must newanrprrso i we put 1m ta bed and .... . . t J.'''J sent tot 4 -T 5." ' r in !th de- grees of liberality with which hey de- fine the word "family" when Hisea oh . . 1 I , .tnietfoi f the Paria-LvOns-Medlter raneah -railway -.bearing upon' the: sub- lect as a lesson m iiDeruuty. uuuui tor mother. cUldren, grandftu- ther. Igrandmother, mother-ln-Iaw, fa ther - ltt - law, hrotner, sister, orotner-jn- law, slster-ln-law,. uncle, aunt nephew,' niece and servants attached ,to the family. LLlllA "rt UUf WVJsal 1W JUSVa I f ldv-i-How' could von be so' foolish as to pnt anything on that newly paint-. ad tablet i tit MaId-But if W Mr,' Jones lay sev- on) utlcles there. lady What of thatt If my husband snakes a Jackass of himself he! has a tight to, bat yon. haven't, youi stupid creature. ' , -,.k t No manjtr woman' la the state will l hesltau to sneak well of Chamberlain's Stomach sad UTer.vTabiet-sft4r once I trying them'They - always preauce a i pleasant movement ofvihe 'bowels, Im-1 prove the appetite aad ' strengthen the digestion. ot kale by all Druggists., r t ' f.vt gj- , - f-;'; 1 - bp to and laclndlng : Dover tol - v V Norfolk aad retora 150 To waahlnftoa City or Ba!tlmore setnra- i-'h W W ffota sllastoa to Norfolk aad re- L ' 4rl-fOTnT:.t--00 from .Ktnstoa to . Waahlngtoa k " i City er IiaUlmort aad retara t From LaOrtags to Norfolk tad re r . r nra-i;..-A'r.-i.-y;f- i 8.75 FromUQraage to Waahlngtoa - City or Baltimore aad retura ; 4 7JS ChUdrea aader U years old "will be tAthsIfpll0e.-V',i J 7.. M ; a- W saaaip m- vuvvi wsa smvrait Tickets wUl be told by tall road eg toll I atrtewBera, Elnstoa sad LaQrasga. For other stations Uckstt wCl be told oa TlckeU wUl be good oa tagular :re- MBrr train, leaving New Sera TsesJsy I JB!y 23ih tt a returning on rrgu lar passesger train, leaving Ooldtboro FrUty evealng, Jaly Blst Ttt.3.. retersoa of 0oldibor ft C, wIU be oa Uala te fara'ak alt t'.e lnlor- r.lli coooerulag trip.". ' Those destrlsg to lecsre stait roomj la sJtsoos wUl please vriu mf su;': g altettei ay Uk logo l . Wk-l.Ir.j'.ca CJ'y 01 EU!aiore. ' - TbU eicwslos win give you two mj asd three e', ,i ia Ko:r.k,t.-i iaji la W-.! '-'r'.fB trt r.,'nor. f , ' .1 trrsr-'-rf:.!! l,Tf t - a B-4e ful L'jwJ,! bo J.2I will t ! rl to aiaktUlatrlo ewmou'.'s far r f-?irl saS eeJornieBl. tt; '.'a'.), . .... , It H fll KIM, k; i'r. ' L'.' ..". oJitwro, JI.0. call ro. z Ert'-t Ton "i cf Trs V '' ! I ' I L r.ty. 5.C. t (Hi f : r- t!,i V.ttw- f-- ". r ' 1 I ' ' . . '.-n 1(1, I I i k !.' r U ' ', ' f -'! ' t k tl , , i , Jl, it. 1 !, 1", 1 1 - ! ' ' (if t".e ' f X - :i ' . 3 ' ' f ';ii J-'y lit!'.: ... .. p.m-, wi.l.h l-r :.- i i'.a tofo In t:.e r i-i.t eii-ctwa to over j,-ju,- D jO. J Ma umli.-s It the btroi.gest po litical orn...;it!on In Gornianj-. with Ji AVOUST SKBEIi. members' In .-the relohstag. Ferdinand Augnsl Bcbel was born Ifl jaiOir ne entered political life as a So :falfst"In l8G7 and was a member of the flrsir relchstagijf the German empire In 1871, 4( With- Ltebknecht be tot years stood at the front of the Socialist iglta' tlon in Oermaoy, and since the death T . ,,brt,lf w,,f . -- a- ijiol ha been'th recognised leader' the A,illrf mM.Am.n it i-mamhur ftnm TT W.hiinw fltatulA Iia alsA lAflrlei thA t $h0 Hamburg district be also , leads the v - , . i Pany m we re.U8is. . . - n I fsBeoei una uevn Beverai uuiea jir t on: for political offensesrin au t naved spent fifty-seven months behind prison bars for my principles, he says. Bebel bas written several works on socialism and-one hovel.,, r H "DUeovered Kw llariaaatt.; t rrof essor - George j- PV Frankforter, flenri of the- BchooLv.of Chemistry of the Xmiveralty- of alinnesota, has dis covered a neiv Hiamlnatlna eas which, he clahns," will compete with Coal gas for, Illuminating' purposes. ''. The new gas Is made trom stumps. -vStumps of the Douglas fir tree cover an immense area t the-J'cut over", timber lands of the west Tle stumps have been con sidered of . bo 'valne and. have been burned out to rid the land for agricul tural purposes.-' Professor Frankforter has discovered that in theburntng the Douglas fir stumps throw oITa gas that Is excellent for boating or Illuminating, And the.byprodnct of pitchja so valu able that soma ot the stumps, so says the professor? are worth as much as $200 each." "This pitch,!; according to Professor ,' Frankforter, "if properly trearaa produces a inrpenune lunuui blyjsunerlor to that now obtained from the -southern forests,! the supply ' of which : ia - decreasing rear ; by year. While possessing all- tbe chemlca) and modlcinaj. qualities tof the -commercial turpentine, the, new Kind, produced from fir stomps, Is absolutely free from all disagreeable smell and taste. Miles. When he retires tor sge In Jan uary next be' will be succeeded ; as Chief of the ataff by General Adna B. Chaffee.' Ia 'Jua new position Gcnoral Toung will have more power than ever ooKaAbs. A M. Jum Ufors po"d by an olTlrpf of llae srroy. The rLf of alaff will alrb prartir!!y all the Important dtitlf ct tl. siljiitunt crural. Ttio tnirml ttuff will lisTt Jir!31rtUm or-r tle Piit!r army and while iowrft)l In pwir will le t rn rw.re ao tn wr, tit It will r!fn s!l camtn't'DS tnl f-rffv t ayttrmi f-it V ut'.;irjl!.e f all tba rntl inl far! ! tl. . , X'aJ it Gi'f rn fnrro), Rii 1 ln l n f W !,'. h l t ' f r i f art t r'J ,.';. 1 II. C O.rUti, erl'Ti l tn !' .' r-1 ' f ri-.i.; i. !. 1, , 1 ,r "; '- '!-- . 1. ( .-it i. 1 I rUf I !,t 1 11 :;t la 1 -I 7 . J iilnj It !" 1 , i: r r ; V t I ft.""- Kk J IC3 D C vll cncD to r.cLito. la sotuH blher city a story (Ik? lie fol lowing mtght kttract only paulog at tention, ia New R- n, bgtcomtnga.lt does, fnm prunilaeot cltlsen, it can not fall to. lrterett a large number of people, who will profit by the narrator's eicx rleoce. -". , - ;. . - . L. a. Smith, Superlolendent of Crys tal Ice Co , 10 QriUTth 8t , raiding St 19 Qilffltb Rt, aS: "1 nsed Doan's Kid ney PI is for my kidneys and back.' The sec e i'rt'X-fK-in 'he kidneys was all out 0 . 'Crtf, and 1o0 Treoueol in action. Doa' Kidney I'ills mupped all this. My JitUe wjts troubled with a kid ney wa sat nd ih Mentions . were h. gh1ycIored and full of sediment; -1 gave hfui omt the . pills and they cleared his secretions op to their natural Ojlor,.x I cannot;. bat consider Doan's Klduey Pills aa fieellennklilney cure and, do-pot? hesitate -Josey so. 1 Oi talaed them at Bradh im's Pharmacy. Q 'Tot sale by all "deali-m. Pricr, Al) ceats a hot.: FfcrT-M( b .rli Cnv-' .Iti.ffiUo. N. V sole agents for 4beU.'i.f- i J? : RmniOier th'nun) louy and Ukeaoother.: " ''" The beastly Tltellins, as 04b n calls him,:; spent nt least six mallons of money en table In as many mouths. He Invented, or tils took inrented for blm, a dish which he-designated ;''. e Shield ' uuw of Minerva."' One of its pKnrtpal to' W s- -rsrs- Ztn. iiint -n. flnthimrn-w' tn.i. M nf encomiastic terms.' DattiDler aav that the . fUimlncoes liv6 riarge tongues, and near the root is a- pleea' ,of fat which la- accounted a great dainty.'' When Captain Owen was Surveying the east const of Africa his sailors shot down hundreds of these beautiful birds la order , nrltb an extravagance Worthy of vyitelliusi to, make a; dish of the ungues atone.' . Chamberlain' - Colic, '. Cholera and 4!Dlarrhoea. Remedy' , This remedy is certain to be needed la almost every home before the summer is over.?; It eea always, be' depended npon even In the most, severs And dangerous cases. is especially valuable for sim mer disorder. In .children.: It i ls pleat ant to take and never falls to gfve relief. Why not bay It now! (t may sate life. For sale by aQ Druggists. ..., "Old Swaddleford nlwsys pri!ends to be as deet as a Ht. but I brieve he can bearaa well as anybody. ; 'tfi' w '."What makea you thluk sor; . ,' -r' "Nobody ever saw him walking along a railroad track Jn advance of a train," -BxcnangsVf'V,:;-:' . ,-A.TIr4 Blithe.. ..r-- . ' it yon gwlne to do w'tn yoa rlfa tar stlorrt r :';:v . , yic Nuthla' ."tali, but fles crawl ta en rest Atlanta Constitution, itr ShowTL? 1 fate was after me con' in u- F A. tlauedge. Verbena, Unible case, of Piles tumors,: When r alt failed 1 A.ralca Salvt oared me. Equal ly good tor Bams aad all- aches asd pains. Oaly 15c; at 0 D Brtdham's Drag BtoraT--" r -.' ' 'il.-K.c Facte Aalmat Smter.' The -oipUxlry oT anluinl d.r-tur Is marvelous.-. A wtenUllar 4ni:tlns more tbaa 2j00O runwJra. . Id a'bumaa body- are" eotne t.OOO.OOO'pcwplralloa glaada, comuiaotcaflnr with tUe sur face by ducta, baring a total h-iitth of some tea suite, while that of the s terlca. veins sod caplltartra munt be very great The blood contains niHNoae of corpuaclea, ftrb a strurtnr In Itself. The rods In the rtllua. wbUb are sup- poaod to be the ultimate recipients el Li'ut, are estimated st SOO.OOa sod ktaloert bss calculated that the' gray matter of the brat a ts built of St feast 000.fJOO.000 ceUa, ' .. ," . " Just Afeoot tedtlme '; Ukt a Utile Early lUstrU will . cure COBSilpaUoa, U'loaMCM -kad Urar trocble. DsVTUl't LIlUe Early l:irt trs different from oihtr pint, Tl'j 60 not fdps nd break doeA the ksooqs B!n.broe of lbs sUrnsch, IItbt sal botl, tot cn-e by H''f .rooting lbs secretions tad gliluj tueg(k to these orr,tn. BoU Vy t 3 I'offy, , ' '- .r , A rr-rUln kin. S tnl frm tli IVt.i.ni. a-li-.l an i(njl(.gi-r, "IIoW mmy )nn t.f l.f r v. r-i.H r '. !!-l. liln.v'f. itn U main Id tt-fV Tt. -T.-ii." T l.o a'r-j 1 I.I . ' V i' n ; 1 k th'.r. i . iM-i.t (t t' s r ! - ";"!. a' I 1 J .! ! I ' 1 :. , ' r , r r 1 prv (1 I. "'1 (-' . 1 I i ' JItjt t- r 1. ! t 4 1 Lit: l X.K': t. U.f! d Ctl-. . .at. with a c&la Lnii i c 1'3 t.-it Cel. .. 7 . fi-. ! '. language st L.t' been prui..ulttd ty slan govcrupuent ' -rs, FliiUad, hate order ot tte Eus- In Edinburgh the number of t ;t shops and tv.. Is larger CA some years, owing. It Is said, to the "rush to Canada." ; r The- cottase . at ChalTunt St"t.-, BttcklnghamsMre, which .i:"."'.. t lived Is to be restored at a t ct $1,500; . Tle building is use! as a r lie museum and contains a first eudon of "Paradise Regained,'!, T e Th lock to be placed In tie Danube Oder canal will be Ulfeet high and the highest la the. worlds 5 Tie-' A trlan minister of commeroe has oCred prises of 100,000 75,00( ;aad 60,000 crowns for the best plans for la ' Formerly: a Chinaman Jwbi cased upon the emperor and . empress ..while they- were being carried j along the street lost bis head.1 Since 'the, em peror's return from Stngaafa thta ralel has been revoked, Tnt ths-pepuiace bas aot yet mustered Us cewagsv and not long ago when the Imperial party were in Shanghai the streets) wee 4a Corel of Chronicr Dlarr&oe. After -i. icq lean oi sucenns. I wish to say a few, words, fa praise of ChamberlalnV Colic, Cholera: and i Diarrhoea Remwly aeys Uattle Barge, . of MartloiTlUe Va. "I .iuffared iroia chronhs diarrhoea for lea years a. 4 dat lag that tme IJed -MtoiUi eaediciaei wlthont obtaining an Mrmaaenti'9. I lief. JLait summer one of my ihJudrea4 waa taken with cholera morbttt, and I procured a bottle of Ibis remedy; Only two. doses rere'requlred juTglve her sa tire relief, tl then decided to -try i the medicine myself, and did notiea)f one bottle before 1 was wall. 4d t have never since been troubled wUh that com plain'. One cannot say toe much ft I favor of that wonderful mndlolBfv This. I remedy h for sale by , all Prng'glsti. - f t I"''--! SMllT. KxatolSMd. ' , " " ' . "Bay.pa.'' 1 ' I "."He's generally a dead tM laflsr the' first baHof-Chleago Beeord-Henld. f 1. V V r : :Cxrmar Barn CraaTSVf -i.w 'One bravo step makes tba next dm easier., True. tlte - road aeesie asore piled njwlth1 obstacles as eoe goer along; but" then, one Is rade stronger and more capable with every, step, so that relatively we have en easy Mad always before tMQi.t least tt. note actly easy It become more tatereetlBg -one feels, leas Inclined to gmmbte. , ()smopolltaBv.;r, hA I . . A . The buileat and mlh Util little thing that aver was mads Is De Klaa.JIlsw Ufa PUUvThese pills change weak intostiengta, Mstlessaess lata eaergy, brainfag la to saeata! powsr.Tbey're won derfut la building ep the haJte.Oaly SSo per boa .Sold by 0 D Bradaasa. - ' ' 'y "11 y 1 1 1 mmma&mn . . ni n I-''- ." "My boy says blambt loa Is to trow up to be a man Just tike hit fathe. ri wouldn't let that werrrmei Whea I was yoae boy's age t had beral desire to be a ptrata," Btray ttortea, - i - f .i-Vor a buy- liver, try CaambsrUia. Stomach aad Li vet Tablets. They ta- vigorate ihe liver, aid the d'gestloa, leg alate the bowels sad prevent,, bdloaa at. tacks. .For eale by all Druggists.' y, 'CMe Raiaral a H1SK.V '-"Oopoa , a arod fellow, but his vereatlorwl ; sblHtiea are" remarkably limited.. lie baa a tw stock phrases. sod that's aiLTU R's- j - rJ.f "Well, what- etae Ma Tom arpwHY OS's a stock broker."Cintaaati tnerdal Tribune.,,.,, .- . Jmm fl SHAe war ru-' Ilobeoo I endrntand your dsr?r Is taking great peine wiih her au r . The Poor Fatbr--Taktfia Is not t word; "firing" U moe Uke tt. ' yuttzwl tie Cttlirta. KotwtaiUBu!ng all list ta dosty boards of baallh aad ebartu'Jy Jn ';sl pertot,tba dssik rate saorj i-t'J chlUrsa Is very blgh darfog t. kc4 wtalberof the tommor motiiht Is the iargt title. Tbsre It sot probal'y eta e.ie ef dowi e.f , la at la S h- rz. kowtrsr, thai C".'J tot be orl If tie ttmc!y ee cf CUi-UtHt&'t C.." f Wrs tt, 1 1)larrlirw npueJy. Tof Si. 1 all IrBj;'j'- , Ta rr DmiIi,, t.r.!.'r w bf'it lo l 'l f 7 I?.!-'-!.! !' r Tl.t "It I" !. M Brt U' . 1 t.- .: i - .I J"1 '" t I ' t j n.r r I i '1 f III!, k v. ... i i, .,.. ti i .j-s :. :. l- i-me can ti sold .of r " i t : r ' r'.iU leri cr other a..-U c.-Le. . -ac anj a J..Ue oil or watsr will Uiier cert&la conditions 1 '.e e.ontaneoub'y. -KltrW acid and ."t: 'rr -""..-w-wi'.coaibaa-. t -. ! 'w f '"" ! oa paper whea U a pipe will lnltaj J-' ' zBol!ed linseed ot) and tappen- it. f-ri oa eottoa waste will ,-..0 ia a lew hours hador heat r " t.-"1 11 tlr.e creui en ' at to 4 rr' -.--oou8!7, . . t ifcsrs i s - -e.v I .tv"!r.o'JS to-uld not be -;A v b ft wt'l come In Contact v v. vof l. i ..'.oaa oreQlnmns or i dt" warm bollot eetUngS or steam I . "lUa 'coal should not be very &V If tt is to be kept on storage for a iutg perlwi" If piled far the basement sat-a boiidakg tt should be haUow and free from ,mol8ture-?an -u6der good eiitUtttlon.i- Toat rllable ' to absorb moisture fshonld bo JmrMft first... It on are a small Qoantlty,f.wter shower ed on this kind of .coal cokes It and re tards any great supply off water reach- tag the fire, thus necessitating the Over hauling of the pile. Iron ehfps, filings Ot-tusningB ShoOhl &ot "be 'stored In a abfltHaoodett boxes, hy oily waste wblcb Is not Infrequently v'ttirown ajaong tbeta adds ta tatfdiiger of Are from: this sonrce..sTh aveeeDinas f wt 1 tbe.raachin nhop.K,!kpt onL no, r . . l . m w lngcr'Tbis mass of . disintegraf"! ..oil -is enough to incite neat, Jbottibas. turn. -"iron ana steernungf ana turn' mga-wiwir mtaed- wtthoiliwlU ignit spiaitHneeojrr alter be&nhjg damp. A steam pipe against wbaVqi eaase the latter tr Ignite sporrtanawis&r after be- - - nl' PWaaj ir super- ,VH.uv.,iVT.ri rWhat.Woetbe troobler j He tuulda swlin. t- ' ttWha tn tif- tn SA aHth hla f.ll. nrer v ". . iiiiUti! to a. comnaax. krnere the Stock Was AH water.Exchhnge. Cr. Zlzztn' HucklE-erri Cardial Cure all Btomaob aiM 9omeH Trouble, auch aa Chronic Drwntnr. Chcdara Mora ' w-, n. uiwll wwunni niiMun ' " Bknd riux. .and i alao il 9 iu. ...mno w aw i owiuren teeming ji aeiaom laiia , u nana quicx anA permanent aura of all stainach and bowel 0 eaaM -:ea ..teaUmonlal or tbe dr. Umltmr A. Tavlar..AManaaJ Qa. 1 -ar llrl Thl la the Drat laartinatna, .any mad re In a. buW IJUM vaaaura m emmmdlna Dr. riagTrs';' "Awktabarry J-.t 1 hava avar ua-d la tn family MmnnveiM Bi0t -Treak- -bo-- .- jtad In a boUla of -till jiv Hjlna te be -i-act b -tha- AaahW -f i y atemaah juwa win. arun nK . j' . wan aa a Vi-oa eaters Mil. . ; .itnd whfttt 'sajatftl!' iO fit). Opfr- .Tvea."' i" 1 T a. T .'tckl iaoerrjr its. as Ojlstsr. anA AOe aar enHta. toe tr w ' (flgnad) inunaai - i HENhY v. a r J HAOY. AltanU. Oi. May 23. 1887. . H;.rtlwinuer-Taylor Drug frop. . Atlanta, Oa, J. -Taylors cWokca ftamady M Swaal Si'm and Maltaka VIR aart coufha. Crowp ann twuatnwouia.. rTwia4onJMii nootua. aVtute lot? Yoir- Voa-afi. sonref itinera Ati;ra- jr. Cr; for Yew Daagktep lXB.5Habiahtj ...-- i-,,Ta. I a Best ta the State, Cold aad frtah.; The Finest Lienors aad Wlaea ' " Habkht'a Key West, HtblohtV Porto tleaaClgaii; "T''S-T r.fi HiBicHi;' . - Corner S Ftoat aad rJaaoock ttreeta, -1. - u- -: Hew rem II 0. t a-1, ';V.: '.: '!- "- . .. f .... o-a,b-. --resiled-! inner . l -'4 -w 1 - - "t.J i iais.L.ie;j ' " . v '.t, v'.-i-. Vi lli woik fuaraWl to give sat- ii:uon..i lyy :i-.a- Caa be- fcund' at 'the ibfJp co fii iV Front trcei, ariacrly t&octf iMbytiie tra; ;- 1 X Tu.L:.' I:!;r;;:i Ln:I--tlo ... :i t Cczn " . T: ' rrl w'..!.!rg f frr;.ws fat txsnt ! ' t i .' 1 at oti, ta ts"r. 3.U t -:i",LID., ra Ul.r-a. ' , '-, .' -, ' --rr;l.!i. Twn'., fpt r ' it-. .'.'.jllii'-KlilTlfa. t'.i. Il U : I f r ', sil i ta I irtt . t i m In "All the YcarlluxTlDiseasc C v . T " aUieiunatism doe aot come and foiritd wintet : v N - time always ; in fact some u5er more during' tha ; J i Spring and Summer than at any other season. When 1 r thaLhloadlaeharredwithTMK AM AlVali tiMP - I J n. irritating poisonav then the system la in the right i 1( l eonditioa for Rheumatism to develop, and an attack; -t ia liablar toomeat. any time Winter of Snaimer. 1 TT"'Rhnawtiani,bnseitalta -v -2 tiebody and Ll sadden or slow ia its action, la given N ,. Various namei; such aa acute and chronic, muscular, 'ph 'J articnlar,infl8Jmnatoty,rnoBMda . j - ""v .s T icf""wvixia Lwastant sufc J4 ' only occasional spells of Rhenmatiain, put either ki. li wt the constitution, and in time prodocea ktifnessiath au .M j, and toaetime tha adds thrown off tar Rha blood aettl, np' ii it lv- i of tad Lsatttimdendarndaiiai liLlaHyi It wont do4i la Uteumatiam faaItia.dangeron.disee,and - uer;me' ; plasters, link, -"- if sf e a tiLg$ as produce; .sr....... aUa,' areraoothinff and'- t iay relieve the p .in temporasily, Kht tset pollute, acw f Diooa cnnnoi. oe. teacle.ljptteinal.applicaUoiia.- 1 Kheumatism must te created u- j sncn rroxpyt an wbii riki aa ul.. It r 'cka 4he disease in tha t! tsufc-Uzea the acids, andi teciov aj im: " $ poisons and j y. ; . rj, sire na ana enncnes me una acta mooa, ana, as it orcu LlvS tU jugi tie ."boCi-iae wooding, gnawin"; poisons and acid deposits k. j. ' a , . . 1 4 Mt are olsloclged and wnsned out ox ue about their case will receive valuable Sw tVT tkT-rjF' SSBBBBBBSBBBBBBr -. A .7"Bffi-SBSBB-. tJ aSBBBBBBBBBBS; physicians lot which no charge is made, we will matt tree our special took 4 fftn in thcyeanlt of years of practical ezperienee ia tieatine this disease. It contains much interesting information about all 127 Middle St. Full Une of Drnfisind Medicines ' Perfumes,' Toilet Soapt, etc., also tbe following Mineral Waters; Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Lithla, Hnnny- adl Janos, Bnnyadl Matyaa, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Ked Baven Splits. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, ' Pasterine Tooth Paste. OOLCMBIAIT TKSECTI0IPF, Oreolum, the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bug Deatn y ir. BrQmClii6ridum A.sureTBSVSNTATlVB of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA' KM A Lb POXii.ffiv, e, : . ' : -. flvslolans'TPraaoHptloTta a spfwailty TheUIVEgSlTY ? OF NOtrfM1 CAfeOL.NA Atldemtc Department cMcdictne, Pharmacy. One bnadred aad eight scholarshlpa. Free tallfoa te teachers tsd to oasof salalstera. Loans for jbe aeedy, (08 Stodtits. v Ustrodori - Mew Dormitories, Water Works, Cea tral fleatlag lyslem, Library' 40,000 vol- Fsfl term, academic and profeasloaal departments, begins' Kept,. 1003, Ad dreM, 0H4BT- WOOLLXNii ! i 'l, ' ' Iregletrar. -VV-aapelaTlll.SOr . ' TRJIjlTTCqiUEl. -AsaUHoe dollars lavteted taaedo. saeau aad qslpaAs4! Large library fadlltlea.; Twelve taoeaaad .voleavas added teilbrary'dsrtBg ; the peat year. Tsa'sUllclataralicarlee. OymsaaUst aader edeatlna direct loa. ISO esafetj gradsale ted gradaate eoartef pt stady Courses of atsdy leading to -eWft and aloorrkal eegtaaertag. , Btaay acboaar, sklpa aeartUd.Loas feed to sttwor thy yowag.steaV Trialty gradaaiet Is rraat daaaa4 for reapoaalbte poaltloea, Kipanan Vary SsotleraltV Tie ajai It CtrUt'.as sclucattoe wltAoet say -eactA-rlm spirit er tearblsg. Sons of sals ls tan aaJ yoaag tne stedytaffoT 14 snlnltt ry art aotsaargta talUoe. Bei foitaiaJogoe., . . : . ' i D, KWrKM, iWgtatrarV ' , a i t" r Derhaaa, YLC -r?r"t rtwaJe Csiyenitx u ' ct ina, tk'naea, aad Pkrioao tlj( t',hW Art; Xiprtssloat aad Baa. aeaa, Foly,ef e aaee'aad tea nrr.a, vfcnaa wbnl tlot. wKh t0 at- i ;Uua, S tvS to eat tetieot. kW f :! r-"''-1 ' k'ar saca. tl.000 r f aw t'atpinaalBf for fVpart- ts f t !.tr,y, r,:.,'. y, Fhytlot. l::.'tnr; st-1 IHatUaiatWa. Ksale De rar-r rT.Va"'e two of Ihe Urve Cla- i'-ti . a (-a'jalre taarLlag la IVa f v. ' ' r--'-Rita spt(!!t ( ' ' y I t '.f 1'i'ni '. ! f 1 .a, 1 ..'n Snd TVd i , i t r e t-''.-rr f iw la i'a I '" , a rt t. M. ... . -S Tt Vr, fr. -J1 LmLik kk':Ll KjJ ki , waoa uuu causes ail. csome-are . , -;. -,1. . - sHlaxTjd.,Jaa.iOflflO. ' ipp J" ! ,,d "S th wonaerfnl .ffu of s. 8., X eoaoiodsd to try it, aad am aaDnr to aa that I waa entlwra euied, and am able to work as well aiiiwato. " . oifdij r.nd8. 8.0. to . 1 1 jr7 ttnna the tMataaeat. aa ner dlzee tlona, they will find a permaaestt a0 ... rH.suMa., a.-.A-4 isi effete matter from toe system. it I.: II t S muscles ana joints, ana tne suserer is neppuy reuevea irora tne aiscomiorxa and nusery of Kheumatism. .--SS. 8. is a purely vegetable remedy, does, not contain any Potash or mineral , of .any kind, and can be taken with safety by old aad young. i aid and helpful advice from our Sale of Valuable Lots. City Phrauant lo the powers In tbe two mortgagee executed to Kobert O Mosley by John Warren and Mary Warren, hie wire, l win sell at the door or the ( outt Hoose of Uravrn county in the City of New Bern, N C. at public auction on Monday the 3rd day of August A D 1908 st 13 o clock, mlil-day. That certain lp.t or parcel of land Mtnated In tbe raid Cliy ol New Hern on Ibe northern side of New Kroot sum. Beginning at a point on Ibe nrtb side cf said street forty-one and a naif fret (4H ftet) from the corner store at tha Intersection of New Souih Front street snd Bprlrig St., runs thence northwardly snd parallel with Bpiing street one bumlrtd snd sev en feet and three Im bn (107 ft 8 In.) to the back line of tbe lot, tbence weet wardly and parallel with the said New South Front street, seventy-one and a half feet (71 i ft) to Odt-as line, thence southwardly and parallel with Hprlng street one hondred and seven ftetand three Inches (107 (I. 3 In) to New South Front street, thenoe eastwardly along aid street seventy-i.n and a half feet (7lf ft ) to tbe lirylnrlng, leing part of the Idt knows In the plan of said City aa I. I unuitier ln bunttn-ii mi (I thlrty-flve (8i) anil rnny. . it to en U) J..l n Wa-ren, 6r , hy John Wairrn, Jr.. anl ulteby deed record-) In Craven ct.nnty In book 101. folios 9V sod 100 Teims of vale, Canb. MART JANE MOTE, Executrix of Knta rt () Mnaley. Thia 21st day ol June I'M Notice le Appear, ele , nod of Lit Pendeng. NOKTH CAROLINA, I In tbe Craven County. Superior Conn Fall Term, 1908 Samuel W Btaallwood .vs Clara Jrrome, To Clara Jerome, defendant. TAKE NOTICE. T'Tbl-I ao action brteln the above aamitl Hamnel W 8mllod Is plaintiff, and a 1 tlaia Jeniane la il fat rtant, thai tha bHrpoaa of ,aM aetl, la lo compel be deMadaat to etecaiea sood and aafflcleat deed lo ibe platattlf for the iract of lead sUaated Is said Craven Oeeaty kaoea as the KVet Rprlag Lodge Iract. aad the stales, fareltare aad etbet peraoeat proptriy alteatrd oa said land aad ased I bar arris. Said land Mag the same which rebmvtd to O O Jetoase at the Hate of bis iWaih aad was eeelsed by the -ear 111 f said C C ierosae te ike tWenrfaac The drfmdaat will Aaae assise that the It reoatred to ap ptateitbetermef aaldeoart te beheld la New Beraoa tkedth Moeday fur the 1st Monday la BMekr I90t, aad satwtr oraWar Uiaeeoatplalat. The dafeedaatUfsrUMr aetUM Uataao ttceetHe. peacWae f Ikls aetloa bee bsaw ealy tod ta the nBeo of the Clark of aald eeert. . - TktsUJeyif'SreltOa. : W.M.WAT-0T,: Clerk lepetlcv Ooert ef Oavea eeeaty, Honk Ceroltea, . . TiSilitiii: if CfjailBBrxifp. - The eopetleershtp bsretofoteeiaatlsg betwtea Mayer Baba aad t M Bake, sader the aaase end style ef M Hakads loa le diai e tad Vy aaaieal eoesent,' M ayef Daka retliteg frees Ike bsetaeae, ; Tbe aeeiaeee wta he eeetiaeed at Ike tesae "Old Btaad" by F U Dska who 111 coeataa Oy keep oa kaad t ftU tieek' et bora, meta, bntt, wageea, wWkutaa,tte,te meat tad all kU eeasaada. -.; - ' .;"-? : AU proes UdU4 Ve Hake loewrcin ea Msj-v risks frt F bt Otka. tl same eld lUad "(lahk's "UMaa" htiirt rt. Kw iwa HQ- - , TiaaMng wr ntaaf frVade fof paat ratroaars sad e&Ueai trtearawllf " l 06.:nut if taam fof US li fiSA. ' ' ' ' MkTKrtBAQX f m tuns. . ;- J-: I -

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