. i IT ' "A. t : ;. 3.. 3i v.. ' A?.oxt no 1 All Counterfeits, Imitations and The. Hind You Ilx.e J la use for over CD j r Experiments that trifle with and endanger tLe I ..at - Infant and Children Errciicsce esr4111 Xlx? CastOria is a harmless substitute for Castor Ci , Tz c....-5 "forlo, Drops and Soothlngr gyrnps. It is Tlea:: it.- It V-'T v eon tains neither OplomIorhine nor other : rc y substance. Its age is its pnarnntee. It ' 7cridh" and allays FeverlsLness. It cures Diarrhea JV.'Iail" ' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipaoi -: " and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tLo Stomach and Bovehu"s4Tins The Children's Tiir.acea The mt: : yf i w. - n. - me Ainti lou nuvo In Use For. Over 30 Years. . m amrraua ooaMa; imuM Brainr, m mm mi Uv9f?Ttfttttf1t?tftttttttti Ueg to call the Attention or tbe lioaBekeeperso hid J in ftna f" Complete Stock ol . . Qf r 5 c Slanle and Fancy Groccn 1 .f- m- his stock .3 A share of jour trade T . MAD! ttttfttff f f 1 ttttf t II The Faraers & BANK. Cp4Ut, Ssrplu Ml rrefltt $ujtuM What We Have Dooa. Do, WUlOeotlaiMtoDa. This Bak eoa4eU Its buhMM Spoa 'p-uvBcnr" lxl. - itenny with au, ; : : . WerfuUy ckftrtaud Ike Utwwta of ar nMomer,' hwnw, fr .Matlyd knm to Umih ; fonaalUM orua too to ci la ootU- tlal wsyt, yoe etaaol rwpclit - sek SMtldcmloa. . ; W m ot dUpoMd to rrlok ti tact Uu Utf taurwu of 1U fiok lad Uom of U posr w eioMly komad to- IiUc, m4 ousot ky My Mil bf pMrtel. " - if.', f r !. -TKU Bk art M r-rxwliory for Villa, M4 .Mfsly krtMt lh Ull tk M(MfM(wlU M or MMN bit ' wlU m le menw, M Urr mx Um4 idleK tTIUr, c - . W ! to b prottrt, mttmdr M4 IUak kmu Try rqHfwt viuia , iv. uiu af aradaat basktar. - : II yo mvi Brrcr MmUS4 !tk "! M rlro, k frr eomtlvlar tM lrWUlhv l krxatf m i , nt ft t f c . a wi smm. as4 fe trm rr t rlll frrjTly k rl an4 JTjr4 I kooiaa . , faaiptlrta. , Ins iMrn4 laflv (at- rWa4y i n 1 1 - a - . ' . . . j t" rw-,u t (rH ' ti 1 s II aoaa. " 1 " for aTca a4 ni rmtbmt f,t.-." v. ' 14.1- -' - , Hot Ucrci Ici V. . Mr v , :;. rs, h o. Sjx'.of t r Ilnl 1.1 tl !? A 1 Ul C 1 : wal fit t; A ''" t" f . ' V '- if 1 ( tie crv.a tlace i.i c a t3 . cdi e j Just-rvjrool" e healthy and natural sleC3 v ;- II other' Friend. I vIeX3 cjT i - j t f i i , - Ainays. Bo-iyi 8J 1 p. 7 TfiA I? ft It li it it . ,, -J V. I. ilasiiK TTiuanoNS ATTOUtll -aa C0CKI&XCS8 at Offloe lUworad across Street Story ef Ha. 61 (abov TeUfrtpk OU - sos) tkntk rroat Btraet. mi I Va t 1 ilotel Ckatuwka, t 'ZA ara . a. ' ' t- " a 1. I m end if ska, ( tMBopraaaS as4 t ftnU0otrrU,M4 wkartTtr aartrtoas art wiraa.-f. -it . Attaroey at Law, f - r 74 fa. Froei Bi, Orr CoW ChUwlJ Clrmtk, Cimvfta, Zoom, Oasto. CVH HapMaa4 faaaiai Cowls 'T T J'aMlcatlori ok flini KartV CafeUaa, lis U f Cart a.a fi; WHaoa, ; I 1 - o.a,u ' ; C J, atoCavtky, aAa. of v.' rrlaas TJioert ; - ; -tBft. ; i Kniak Iloaaa, Hom, 1 tr is ; kaad,0ntf rKsat. Frsk I .1 4 4 ' f k'n Uw l f- ; - : " -- -t ' - Ur ri i VI i A bringing in tome delicacy Jo ba added to is -aolicitedv Tour "'Orders will re-l .... rt i .-Mi 1 I ... . 1 mnm 1 iiln t tMi t I A. iWa'rl H Meoad vro.' vi, . t c He c 8 . i 3 '1 ' i tl1 !'!(, t'-e Bteel f w . i v i e i ' 1. , Me .e . ! C bouse giilfs of the rnpitol since con- gre. s 8:jo .;. a. iTynbly (vJ,0UU was gppnt or wl'.l b srent "in ench work, TLe boiler C. . aclty of tlio euglne room of tbe senaia wllf be lucrcased from eeventy-flve to 127 horse power, as tho faciuueg la tliat respect were found to be Inadequate last winters T-'ai .Jf Iq' the galleriee of both . tbe senate: and bouse of representative? inahogany benches will take, the place of hairs. The purpose ef tils; ehauge Is to -Increase the seating capacity of the two hon ips. ' Tlie'c!,,. i will Increase the seating capacity of the bolise 400 and ftfthe "Senate 250, The floor of the limine lobby fWlll bftcoverwtlth white marble instead of the old' English tile." 1b theneartfotures it la -proposed -to have bronze doort the Uouae-sMe to correspond with (bose of. the senate. Allegorical -.figures on, these .doors will represent agriculture- knd 'h-ade Tb designs have ;not - been finally rieter-4 TIM Wktlt Haa ChUa. " 3 To those who are inflnenced by "the; OUt superstition of altUng ddWfi'to table thirteen la number, fin iuvltatlon from the- president " to dine -at i the 'White HonseoftN tBe; ftew-rstaTO " aer vrcei of hlna may VeB5 be" looked at askance. Wbetl4nfetttknalIyot ly'accldent, the mystic number la curiously repeat ed in" the crest and oven In tbe transac tion Tj.v which' the ser-ce wils ordered, j To .begin with, there are, or. .course, thirteen stars H ud' thirteen bars in tho shield. v fepeeeTitJni"' tte 'righwf thll teen states of the Union. one war tho eagle grasps thirteen bolts, and in the other an-oilve- branch-upon which are thlrti'M leaves anil thlrfeca b..err!ea The irlnk ns'tf tLe eairte.;too. have this. toen eaUera,'and y.ia'baioun'itliat there ar thirteen letters in tiie motto, m Pluribua: Udum,"ft-fe.;.S - Further; tUereaw thlrteeu:: letters la tbe Cnrlstiaa autea f tne ptsiaeoJf. ha& bit Vifa-Tbeodor apd. iAnnie--and thirteen! letterf ahbinv8bfldWl. shire, the cMntlu igbtdnr which the Wedgwood ware la munufsctnred, but rferhapsthe most f niflcU fact fit. aU JuTthls- respectMs; IliH tae jwrve watt delivered' oa Friday,- Vti.jSS.jt this year. 'itfy. eenT to require, ouiy a party of ur- teen teraMk nr tfusVtwnsrti ve 1 ;uch mtters. search nla'nTlnd'dlugently for rkeiircu Us mind diligently for ( izoum to ibwst liimseif frpmVthe re U peruopi aoleVntor la 'the in excuse, to ahaest wlinseit. table; There U. pevbo pi world more exclusive thau,flj.nt.provlil ea atlhe cspUoJ fpr the raprene;)Ort of ta Unftai JBtafea,jTha -elevator can be used" by exactly. eleven people,--atul uo -aaa-i-lM-i would -foe "uieweut consider entering It except ai'a guest of one of theae eleven privileged gen Uemeni TBf YoHunsto eievefi ar the ' nine justices of tbe United States so--praiM coortfU cterV and- tha "hiarsbar of the court -;: Tbe elevator goes from the groond floor of the csplloi to the mala floor, on which la located the u pram court of .the TjDlted fitatea. . It la a small atevaiorl a ihat, . yHth its ooDductor, tb toe portly fotuisof Jua Ucea of the' sui xme court of the Unit ed F'ntea ouM mi f."It lifMWI Of the iu Wi. otctrte alevstora la flnlsbed In msgnlflcent style. Tbe interesting thing about this ax ehadva alevstnr Is the f set fbut the Jn ttcea, wad J ' ey ary to pwt cue. toma, kavs dm yet got ant of tboir habit tonnwl ; ure ibe tmw elevator WM pot l;i r's- ' r"i front the groond wr ia Um auua fiuw by means of tha aeoat elavator. ;...,.' i aiiaa Caaaaaiaai aaawkaa.; Ttey ara Isofftlng In ..ITsiUngtou. 6vr a'rabuli that a sentry rt oot of the oepartioeota adatnletercd ratealty to the Boesisa smbsau dor's coacboian. t Tk eMrbmaa. it appeara, wUbed to drtva biamaster'a-carrisra- along a rasawij tbet f :! Jrta" rea40 ws barrad. 'tuu tba sentry refused to kt the carriage pass the eoachmsa rvtnon atratxL . 1 crire," be tMld, aa RomUs mbv fctr. - 1 cast klp lt,T Waraaa ft sen try. -..' f Tt a ft mlr ,t. ' th' " fb Bukh. "Tr r r la 4 . C- alol, i a-.:. .r ait.am.,....y 1 ailti!i;f plmipotrutisry of aa rtr tf aa a lioakiM." "i'mw-by." fr.Il th sentry, ! WooUa-t M r - ,.-(,-'; e . ! .r tasr tu t fr- X, i ; Captsia Jolia R. rnxi-f, Jr. of Km- tOfky, One IlnrvlrH r 1 r rrTt- May, On i - j ..-'..i-l t4 ) 'a He rr. , tj at k!t.: a.4 -i t.i't aa tb 'T it (': trtl 1-. ' 1 In i' I I,.;;' " . i i trtl. 7 r,i if ( i ' r-n . i r i f it rt I . U a f-- ('-. f V t . ' -I r. . f t t ' f f -1 : t t ' s .. i t i -! t s . n k ; - i " " - I T -i -!,,- HI- - .' - i t ' i f I ' .. I -'if ; r . lie '. sli.--.r oaJ almost 1, ... :...; iuirr.ttive is vu."!i(-.d for as I- :;;e trutLful ly several citizens of r.ta, Jlr. E. Mlze K-.iong others, and ty nutnerons resWi-nts of De Kiilb, In w !-h county a:.i but a few miles from Atlanta the locus In '!o of the remarkable manifestation. described be low Is situated. .' ' j Ko attempt Is made" to account for tbe phenomenon on either natural ef supernatural grounds. . v , "."I llye. said the farmer. as he slowly cut a huge hunk of tobacco from his ping, about a mile from a place which in times before the war, was knows as the Burt place, .because a family by that name had first cleared the land and built the bonne" on it -1 . was a boy then a v-iry Bmall boy--but I remenv ber well - the elder Burt i He was a stent; -dark man with" a most. violent and j tfndlctive temper. - I remember one Sunday at meeting when he nearly wore out a-big black snake whip on one of his mules. His family were 'all afraid of him, end his neighbors avoid ed pirn when be got into one-of. his fits of passion. -And yet, outside of this, he. was tt good cltlnen, i good father; a :uevuieu iiuauuiiu ..auu.?uuu3u. w - t ope Jiandea vUberaliryr It was his J. fiendish temper ;Wlilch ruined bis-whole fife. lit olden times I reckon they.would liave-said, nnt he was possessed of a aevll, and lie wasr-a devil of a temper. i-"WelL resumed the farmer after a Jmoment's rumWaflonythe Burts owned fwVeral.ulRgerS,"gnd among them was a. HUelyllvcly gat named Jude, who Was aiklnd of house, servant and.mald to Mrs.- Kurt Verhaps It was the. con tsclousnessof her -superfotlty to th reg- jilar . field hands,'' perhaps sympathy with h6r misrrass, who-usually received ibe fulforcof Burfs wrath when one of 'nis ppl)s overtook 4,tdm,Vl)ut' what ever the xinse hifty'haVo ,1)een the ef fect wn8 ' that Jod" gave her master some Impudence and. earned his dislike. Fron that on Whenever he fle Into a rage Jude me,. tor-for riTnrbe share o the storm ana was rronuentiy . threat' 'I'll thrash tho life out of yott,Burt is reported to Have said to her one day. i fEf.-ye do I'lLh'unt ye,' she's my natatfa-Judo!! tle impolitic -reply la said .to nave K-:i Z'- 'Burt flew Into a paroxysm of rage. Insane in its violence.-' Ho had the-un happy" ghnstruiTg tip' and blmseff beat her until his strcngtU was exhausted, and he was m6tt of powerful tra "When-she-was taken down Jude wis senseless. Bna. was" puin au -empty corncrib 'and given no food.? In a. day orrtwo'sbQ Sicd.' probably front the et fectsfof thtf beating,-tnoybef from the "want of ' attention. -and "..food. "-perhaps .from f-botU 'jcauses.-: Well," Mw comes the singular part of this buslnessV Juds r was. buried. Jn-a little clump of pines, ust across a creeic .wiucn ran in iron; 4 of tbe Burt manijon, abotit 200 or more yarox distant' judo had- saw that V Burt executed hl threat she would ,'bgnf Itm?.. Bhe kept her promise; f Oh, you needn't laugh.-T don't attempt to aeconntforttt but If s a fact, and there are joopcopie in my coopry woo win tell you the same tiling. ..1 . a - ; .VW arasn'tjk tnoothVafter Judo had been burlod before . rumors ix5gan to circulate about a wonderful ball Of fire ikaU SPpekreaafilghl at: tha Burt place. Investigation followed., Then th jrum ,cemaouT,' ana iue - eomm unity. was almost ready to lynch Sort I bo- iieve legal proceeding's ii ore tnken.'. At any rate, vhe changed so that no bus would have known him. lis grew thin. pale, wlth iC trrror ,atrlcken t look sK wayp on bhr face.. One day he suddenly picked up, aold his place and! with his family went somewhere In Booth Cany lloa. But tha wonderful light did not -eeaaa when tha Bnrte left It is seen even now,. and, although all trace of J ode's grave has long since .tanlshedV tha ItRht serves to show tha exact spot in which she had bcea burled , ' ,"IIrw la tbetr . UK'. -Tveii,tht light, which la a osU af le red lira about tha also of a cocoa rut, moves along about five feet above tha ground and never' falters, or hesi tates." ' " ly : f. ' J -. ... -. 3isyoe us s.marsu weni, - "Marsh lights dnuf anil along la tb teeth of high wluds afid stand atffl ta partVrular placaa. Not Jra- m marsh tight, whatever it is, Tha poopls who lived llw aome years ago-tn 1 think a meat rvspvctflble family, were cot a bit afraid of the IIkM and fct to watcb for its aptxwiriinoi. They Wcra aD fiU-p one night sfur lty bad )uat moved thfra when tbey wra awnk by a r-i'isr aenMtloa. Ijooking out Ima ti.o j -srd, thy saw this bufl of Debt l.-V.)i; a pale glow imotd and jvif.-ctly u :..iiry. Tbe bend of tha m; mi Wnl :t iO InVMitlsnte, WKil t' liiflit nwiKl liwly atny lownrd Vji rri. It W hlrif a"-rfs Iba up to I'v Mil la tho rfnmp "f lln i 1 d.fcr;; arct in lite n,l lifie Juda WBt t rUA. It b.-H ftc.t pprvl !ti.- i -.l tlrf-nrt ttrs f-'i.l" !i cftina f- i ! ar's to " It rV-nt!!lc fpn l..o fc..--n If and fjM- r.waj enrzlrd. Hint bi 1 !.!:!k It UJ Vm. I t'.tnk It's p'it? lug n '.-fa f.-r ! tUn J 1'.!. Tlisff sit i.jSr hss rrrr ff it. rnt if a f..-1 :i u. b-w t t' t i tKh, r.ft- r i '.-.h tut- prcat'.-t. t of i.mrrj-Iiii" o sirl -C ber parents.; luuUjt hls arpearanco NVhfca a suitor he says nothing to tlie uialilen, who eften do-s not fcnow who he is. but her", parents inform ber that she Is sought v lu marriage. ' Shortly afterward, on a' i day appoluted, th5 plrl, her' parents,.; frlen4s anir suitor nil "hieet together at . s feast, and the young mmj'and maiden are placed opposite, sd that they an ' look at each other freely and can talk with comfort After the meal is oyer the company j-epair-to a? open space, where. "the race for awlfe" js run. The r.sual distance Is about s quarter of a. mile,-and fhegid is -placed a . third of the? distance from' the starting,- point If ishe b fleet of foot she can easily J reaeU-tbevgoaJ before -her suitor; . and- ln that case hft may flever trouble ber again.';. If,- however, he has found, fa vor In her eyes; all she has to-do is, to lag somewhat in :ter .flrghti so that he may overtakevJie "lt she .flesJrea tv Intimate to Inm 4hat his love for Aer 1 returnel she ija'rua 4 Uttle way and tbcn tprn with,opcH arms to ac cent hinf. O - 4 " 'V" - , . ....--im ja . . ' I., Mi...m ?I a f French Manual" mny'get some sat." Isfaction from the thought that with their own language they are revenged upon: the; -Parisian.-. ruetnods Avec Frononcifltlon" m . little; book which makes straight' the. way of the, Eng lish language for French - tongues." Does one wish to say, "How Is It, mlsst- one so- charming .and pretty, walking alone 7". rwhlch, of course, would ho one Of the first remarks a French trav eler woufd have Occasion to make)' it is onlyjnecessarjr to consult the "Nou- velles ; Methods."",: "Aou lslte, miss; oueune so tchurmlungue- annde pretij ouaklnngue alanine ?"; If the -traveler goes to the theaterjhe man at the. box office may say, "On! have onll orches tre stalls Vaifte, beute-allow me tou Wroarqne- sat- se ; are se- best sites f or Sinngeule .:dgeentlomcne,".L Evidently "th" is given up as a bad Job; and "J" is as difficult for thd Frenchman as for the German, though a German manual gives John Bull, as "Dschonn Bool.", Oreat Ataahroaa Gnrdea In. Fraaea. :The . strnngesE. 6t the ' underground worlds In France which I visited was one devoted, to tbe raising of tnush- rnoma' Iht- llmftn sopmnd nnhonndnd. Ss indeed they were, for It pierced the We entered through. an-openlng under ail orchard of cherry tteesi During "harvest time" I crop .Is gathered every twenty-four hours.:; Throe men, with their great baskets, make the rounds of this under ground farm every' morning, and every daj-lirth year can count on an Im mense crop, which they ship-to tbe jargccUfes hear hy and even several miles away; The discolored and inferi or mushrooms are sent to the canneries, but f or his .best growth tho producer receives only 20 cents a pound. Scrib- pers Magazine. '""S , ?I "Paatml. Caacaaaloa. 6b Walter Scott was asked why he bad made Ellen Douglass, tbe lady of theUks.J W 1 V'-f X .; :( , Because.'' he renlled, "If 1 bad made her the.1 lady of the river there might have been g run on the bank.1 t Beallalng the poefa pecuniary condl- ttons. hi friesaa oongratoiated him on his foresight aw York Tribune, , .j HERE'S AtBABY m MUTtika Mother's Friend; aatna: FHaa4 U i-wathl, rtt4, rtj ir 9-L, faasaawaaf sMsvaar, tar M Okas f rat -rawi as. at a-akr- aaw aM arrfo venar Nrs W A 4Mawns at4 ITwl- M SSI SS) awl fas) cirMa fr. k ass vttr l"r 4 Saaof tarUI o4 tkt aWmga a0 ImlfarM ai a L m aa et tK I- atarfe-f fMM,' ? 'r-. (-hS 4 : ta'i) a a) at .u a fx) tjt of t -1! 11 hi t -4 V t k, a-t , BV-4 f l"'na. f ft-arai, 1 4 a- M , a t at-f I ) -d a4 !-' Hva5 4taa4 - i k I X l-Sf! waarvy a. - v ( - . , tl-ae M ra-0' I a rr-i - , M nrf - a V rWa4 f a4 " a p aj (ia-arir.f 4 r SiiaiftJn a. av . a r f r 4 . sMaa anaai.F a ' ... f. a-4 4 Wa.Uaaai iff Watai f ,, , k.4 i ra twaar fa a4 fvjusaraa 4 . f .ia rr i i arwt Irk'MU 6s, . Thi rrt no rrcuUTOH Co. -I VP1 I i 1 . ! t I. is j..,:.. tMVfrtty is t' :. fi.- :..-t tl.e w is wrLu ., . -1 I Th I) Villf ft n ffwtet UijM I Ha avalM mi M parti II I nil CYNICICMS. Ttey aay that every oiau is cractcd ca some subjeH. - J.ook youm'tf t-i"-. What Is jour speHnltyt -- - When a fatW asks a girl child how much money the (seeds ; her , mother soon teaches her to fmake it enoofh.", f Hidden away in -every breast la the instinct of a slave; thelnstlnct to cringe before power and beud the knee to it. We don't know of any f&tt irho baa harder time wKh his consdesce than an onselflsb man who carves the TDeat for -his famiiy-. js-A TThea yoiTflud a mad Is not as mean as you had always heard .said, ivhat la the feeling you havel Now. coot ess, a It dlsappointmeutt' ,- Vjv-" The only difference between a grada- atlng dress and a .wedding oreas, so far as' we "can see,"7s that the latter la worn with more confidence, -. -..v- Some men are so -confidential that If they wre going .to fljea- aw tbey would tnke every man in town off to omrslde and tell him about It Atchi son Globe, .t v ,unere is tnw.s ainrerenca oetweeo a house and a wemant 'A ooat of paint Improves the nouseAtchlson tJiobe, 1 ! V A. Bone Pallia, Itching, ocaW 8kln DlaesMa. . . - C S-walllaas, Cartranelas, Ftnplat,SaoBla FsrmaiMnUT oared br taUov BoUoia BlooS hi. B StroT tin ictw PoUob la tot Wood, Jfrtrnkan adwt ana puns m Sonat, tack ana, lotett, JtotiiD BawDf okio, JUoog fass not tc tnui, aa-autn ultadai awngl anS Bonrotjon tba gktB, Hqam tudm la llpttts, Sort Tlnow, rtmplM, ot tBa4Tt anoStoss, OotilMf-Coloml Spot, at tuH am Skla, Ml tvnAvw. a nwroo. Hi w any Bit at lb Mr, Saw at Ert- aielMugcat,iftaBeiaief Bom.ur Botanic Bloed Balm, suarantaod tecmsaiwUiswomiBilBinaaiistaa.il laaawStra aoaVa,ptjMBitdltBaaaaM Bads BUtoiaaaUaehwtnflBtiiatoaataa mka Uoo4 jtart and Mat, avawhwlr thtBstna Ut antlrt body Into a ! ntlltiy aaaoitloa, B. B. B. bMeoTBltBoniB(a)MOlBl mthlnsUwlMtaattl. r- -i.'- -f- ... , OM KhaasiaUsBSk Caasnk. Tfnuna an otaMxl by a awtnt yotaontA. aMSItka ot tba Blood. B. B. B. ttopt Eawkinf tad BoKUas, ltekloa and brttoUns,AoBudraUittant thiiiBitllaB, CtUirht hetlt aU Batba, Sttha, XrojCionl, Wtbry BUitCT, font fnWrliUBoflol liiMj by striata Vttrt,baMoodtttorat . j v--- canoor Cured BoUaV) Blood Btla,.CBM ttaajai at alt Ktasa, Boyooiattnf BawVltnta Xttnt Bona, Hut, aUr Pltaa. UkUlttMCtaawroaaaaaaWtJslbaaM ST wont auaw BtrMly, It TO btrtasaaatat FtaipW, Wait, BwtUhisti ateeUaK'SUaslaa rabn, tU Btood BlMtttwUldtiiair tWort laty omlop hao Onam. Many aiiaaraalyknariiaiaftaia SI Ctnoartorta by tauac BotaoM aiooa oaiav tof a lar bsu r i U.alamyt. Jrben ttoa rttbj auaiUr a tavaaa. If mat ar.4 y.ar aMaaw.aruk ' a Botanlfl Rlood Palm fB.B.B.) la rtauantandtaftlatakti Tboroathty aated Im BTyis. OompoaMl ol I'ur. Botaaat Inrradiaiaa, lomuat mm Contplota dlrtoUoni ar ta.j wrMiaT treabla.and aiwaal . ; CAHTUI( CiBOUHifBEFATCH FRIIfiflT rissiiaxK. i i. , A For All Polnti ZforUi. The Steamer 211SI7021 to schadalad to sail at I a, av, Vooday wadneaday and maay. : - - . k. , -t I m VmrA,i aalA hat lataa tban an boor pravloai te aaillai. JfoT farther ULiomaUea appij te V OZOTjKlIDKBSOll, Alt E.G. HllMlYirCraa.Prtt Paas.ArJ V aw Bari. H. C," i a X 80TICC OF ADMIHISTR1TI0I Usvlsg Ikti fltr adaVautaaaa spoa tha aststa of Wallaoa Koaa oicasnj, all paraoBf iBiUbtad to said aetata art aoU ted lo ataka laaMdlaia payaant, aad aS parsoal bolllt( ctaM affalaal I etttta ate aetlSad to praaaai tba a dolt ver-tltted oa or bafor Jsm 17U I irtii, or this aotloa wlU ha plaadad la her of recovery. TOO 1. KcCABTOT -. ." 'Adaitatatraioe. Admlnlatratorti Hot! HirtDf UI day e.ns1 aa amlais. Irtwrel IMSautaof aitfus (Imi daraaaad, all paraoas katinr ciaUsa afatstt stld atuta are raqaatal lepra, east tba state to taa tnrtra-A fof ptymaal CB ev Ufora tha SV.a Cay ef Jsaa 1''A ov iV.t aot.'na wt'l ba rltd4 Is Kr ot brit r-oTrr. l rrauas la )t'..iH to t: I ! wl.l ciaaaa atake 1 sl t" ta ey ff J " 1 c J. k. cautiit. ' A-l;r 'i'',rlOli( llf!at lUoQat 4a- ."-la.. V: - V t a . !. ' n t . ; ii y rl Jan. ! - r r t l M.- I -- it 1 a a 1 ' f - -. t - r ; I a 1 t -. 1 a-, s. t Inula S 1 1 sr i. r. t: I l air r. a. "1 H- v I it Uora nikl taob bottla, Jlaaiala aa TPaaialilaa Oaat fm b lood B1ib CAUaaMh-Oa. iMtarttaayaay xl nu tVriWuaai aalialt N tut wa MM la Kld HUW. r. am - . Od Dominion Stensbip Go : or B I BT pmn win I tu a pcn0 miq I. VMM, t Wa lja.lwndiuMka d.rv.n4 4 U!ic tht V. u Buara ana imauioie cure for RHEUMATISM and C andorscd bjr tho highest, medical authoriiiea, of Euror Series. - Dispensed onr In spherical capsulea, whiLii solve" in liquids of tha stomach without causing' Irritatio di8ameableaymptoms.vMce, .Sl,.pr Lottie., , Soli -rufcgtets - Br sura and get the genuine! , - - - ; y i i.h a aw -urtfc v,, - cirxjuajta. Aawv ' taW- Pr I v.. b . . toll I - -; ,-.-.,, : -V, .- - - " -r 1 - -r wc 4 1 ' y -V aw a, . -f ... - W ' I fV Aua-Mcncken Dra THE NOHT1I STATE NORMAL & INDUSTRIAL C0LLEG. -.-' COURSES 7. ' v Literary Classleal Scieallfle Pedagogical Five courses leadina to Diblomas. Advanced courses leading to Decrees.- We equipped Practice and Obtervation BchooL toi ion, and fees lor use of text books.- etc. State 180. Twelfth annual session begins tn the dormitories all me-tuition applications should be made before July lot Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenograj. era. For catalogue and other information address ' "- i-.:-- A Good Telephone BKKVICB IB A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED ;?,..,.. NeeeMi,ty, CkinTenlenee, Iauxury ! Ordor.Youf Phone at Once!; Very Low Rates ANNOUNCED, VIA Vary low rates are Mnouaced via Southera Hallway from potata on lis Unas fw tha followiag special oooaakms: KNOXYILLE, TE KN. Summer School JM 88-Joly It, 1908. MONTEAGLE, TINN, Bible School, July 1-Aagast 80, 1908. BAN ' FRANCISCO, CAL.-NaUoaal Kaceaapaeat Q. A, R., August 17-88. 1908. TDSKXOXX, ALA. Bummer School, Jaus 86-Asguet T, 1908. Bataa for tha above oceaataaB opaa to tha public TfcieuwillU aoidto these poiaU froai all atatloas oa Bouuera Kauway. - Datallad laforasatloa aaa ba had upoa appUeaUoatoMy-Ticket Agaot ol Ua itoaiaaraiaaiiway, or Agaau of eoaaeov las bBaaor br addrasatag Us uadav Bigaad. - ' B. B. BARDWICK. Waahlagtoa, D. O. TO TUt , Qiorious Jrlaatntalag el WeaUra ' Nortli Caraalaa Southern Railw&y tavtlaatae aUanlioa of aU OaaUh c -,. Flaasva toaaara. ,;! ,. TUB TOURIST 5EA5pN , opaaU JtML, ItOS, aadM pX eala Uv-taU IsBtstarSiaaralsaTlGlstl waat M sale free) trtaei pal poiaU la li (oath aad BoaihaaaVto the aotad raaorta looataa oa sad reached kv MOan Kail way. Ttekata oa aale ap to aad laaladlsg Septoaihat 10, 1KB, (as ret era. : -The Uai a4 tha Sky" , AJB . . Sapphire Ceatetfy, 1i-tCW . t. lad 1st I Brtar, K. C. offar "avarv altracUos to the ItavMr - Travalat or Is valid. - '. XM Usi Tcaacuca t4 Tvuumrt . BaaJA aad rUHMfa," ; J; t t . ' ' - - I ' w. . . ,a, A.kMf rV.lWs TUl.a.y'Agaa fo Ki'-y V I Rtaiat BsaN atir, daacrtrtlva OfOetftur I fat B-movlS t'JrtttJ lit-: , I 1 ararkal iy Boathava " L J" ' -1 - Waal 'a A. A H. V. n. niEDwior,' i-it . , .i : , t - 'O. T. i- I'lfvaHf ' ' 1- a. 1 .1 P, llf MMl r J V-S II f I ".' Ml T ' ' ' ' " " ' , , A . A V. C J . .. . . ! ' i V 1 f ? ( . . . . -1 r - 1 - " x . t. rw.., 1,1, 414 food 1 tin nimiiHiii. ciBOMNA; f Commercial ' , , Doatestie Scleaeo t" Maaaal Traialair s' Masle , ' , Faculty numbers 40.' Board; lauudrj SHU a vear. For non-residents of Ui September 16, 10081 - To secure boar CHARLES D. McIVEB, fteflidenV.T'. ' Gbxbksbobo, If. C. A. & N. C. R. R. TIKI TABU HO. 80 " ' . To Take Effeot Sunday, June 7, 1S0C at 0:00 A.U., K.S.T. Going Eact Bohxdulb: Going Wo No. 8 Passenger Trains No. i i DAILY. - Lv. p ra BTjiTioirst Ar, a t 8 80 Goldaboro.,. .11 C 80S LaChaage.. ...... ,.10C 4 88 Klnaton. ..,.,....101 5 0 Ar. New Bero, Lv,...., 8 G 5 60 Lv. " At...... 8 8 T 10. ...Ar. Mocehead city Lv C No. 6, Paaaenger Train - No. 6," ' Paaaeager S Traia. -,-1 Ar.J".K STAnoaui . DAILY. Lv. a. M. 8 00....... 8 18 886 8 87 8 48 9 08 918. ... 9 80 ... Qoldaboro,. 8 Beat's... 8f ...LaOraage......... ?b .railing Oraak.. ft . . ..Elnstoa... 1 87 ....Oaawell,.'.. ...., IS Dover:.,...,..., 7 ...Con Oraak. 7 9 00 ...Toncaron.......... 6 9 98 aarka.... ...... f 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv....... ' 10 SO. ... Lv. New Bern Ar...... 6 10 40 BiyetdaJe .......... 84 1048 Oroataa.... ..8 4 10(0 Havalock .....,. Oi 11 08 Newport.,.,.,.,, 6 2 1114 Wlldwood ....... 81 1140. . . . Ar. Morehead Ottr Lt.;. 4 A.M. . I tk FREIOnT. - A No.1. DAILY EXCEPT ' INc, tdClaat. 8UNDAT IdCi Lv. a m a a . Ar, b Oil...... .. OoIdahorOa,. 1 6 40 Bears........... 9 918 ....LaCnaiigs... 8 1-Ulag creak.,,...., 1 7 88 Kiaatoa.., .12 7 40 OaswaO, ........ a 1 9 00 Dover. ,...11 9 40 ra Oraak. Y 10 10 TnaoaoiiM(.,,,...10 . 19 88 ..dark's 11 00 .Ar. New Bera.La-,,, 18 80 Lv. rTawBera Ar. aa an' B I tit.... BJvardal,, ...7 1 90taa,naC-i'BVtV ft 140 Haralook,..,; 71 C8 ... Newport Lr.,.,, 8 f 990 WUdweod........ar' 8 98 ....aUaatU. ,T IM ..Ar.af avail tt.1 tfty.Lr..... 8 r 6M ...Ar.KatyDapoa.Lf..... f, , . ,,;'..- -: a. " - ' .U DILL, B. A, ttWLlXD, ' tiaal Bopt Atartav Tanaer ortatfan. t,A,eila,rVaa. B.M. Kaaaawn, T. rr Citizens' Br: ;' jaaravnr.w.o. De Ckaaral r-- ipvfl9,190S,e ; t dadrtcf u, t We wfl! gtvs t t; ; sVmj to ail baiM -W la vtu y oar ae-... - awa w 1 tar4'aaa tflnafe I I. a. a 1 c;...c. : -twr- . K..1 1 . 1 "--i i' A. a : .1 1