T. ..- t .. ... I ; 1 a - .i i la u. bh.--a It :. -i, fc"-:- tre-, at 71 J .Lei It. LnL I'r, "at: - J. : ta rr AiTcrt3ptats, a Chocolate. : -I: t ic Opera House, , -,i 0n Dunn -Printine.' . ' ''vi J F T?ylor Bndweia beet. - ' .. J G Dunn & Co Shirt sale. - . Hackbnm Mid summer sale. i ' A J J ISaxter fJpecial sale, etc. Cfll Ennett's Book store Hammock Simmons & Hollowell Co BpecW, Business Locals. FINE CHOCOLATE and TartUe lIc Cream to fce found at Daweprf 108 Mid die street, yjidne 809 j V ' i W Hughe Is-havlng i Middle street, erected' on rOCKBT . BOOK LOST, jtonUlning completion the trick block that DrF check of Bow ana Vorney, , jwumore also 55 pent" )d eaperv- Payment 0 check Is stopped. Reward for retprn ot pocket took and contents to- J Z.VR Davis, CovattO.V'v:kT i :r . : a c: . ty :i :s. H. s 1 Ctu'z la L...r c , r-r.a-ir.-s J. W.Tat-' son, ofKew Bern, . : .. .' Gaatonla G&sette, July 17tav Rarely does Gastonla. society hate sa opportunity to participate la so pleasant and brilliant an occasion as was the re ception given Tuesday evening .by Kr.J and Mrs Thomas Lee Craig, In honor of n. Craig's brother, Mr J W Watson, and his bride, of New Bern. Mr and Mrs Watson were married two weeks and are the guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Craig on their return home from an extended bri dal tour In the mountains cf Western North Carolina. ' ' -"- - - The hanftsome Craig reaidence, corner pf York and Main treetswa brilliant with njany lights, which shone ym a large assemblage or nappy young society people and the fleet-footed hoars sped by nil too quickly .The lavish hospitality of the Craig home Is proverbial and this oc casion was no exception. - " -. " -The guests, who numbered Uo hun dred In all, -came in two sections, the hnnra helne- from fir.ld In O R) - anit f mm lower .n,ft i.i-.fc , w. I V, . .. . . ,.--.. 4.""""", -r:' -7 , I t ID IU UCUTB DI nftiniR 1DHI ODIMnfl IDA The juvenile population of New Bern I front door little Miss1 Lillian ' Watson, are 'slili struggling In' the throcs lofj dressed In pink silk r assisted, by little r k t ..'j replug low tt Co , ' ..a s;ronrJ. " , ' two r..ted . schooner Sanaa , A I i Is ca tLs ways for repairs. 1 1 c!ty r-cct. J-f -.is are digging op ie su wer la ! .-ns' ' " t.ley. It was In a itij bad eoiuUdon. ' ' Owing to the absence oT the pastor, Rt H d Eradshaw, there will be no ser vice in the Presbyterian church to lay. Capt John Cotton, is on the A. 0. L. run between this. city and Wilmington, la the absence o Ospt. Oea.Mj.Craponj who is enjoying a ten days vacation. ; ? Joe Bryant 'and Banfoid" Jones two colored boys wer before the Mayor yes terday charged with, disorderly conduct. They were taxed the costs, 13.75 each. The E. CD. Line will sell tickets to Baltimore and return Monday, (tomor row) for I&50. TlckeU good for going on Monday only, and: returnable July The T. J, Turner Furniture Company wEl only occupy the bnlldtng next the Planters tembbrarUv.- that Is Until the whoopfng cough. The disease Is said to 1 be more annoying and serlons than ever ; before. Beverl grown people: are snffer i Ing with It also. . 1 -A ; The weather during the past, week has been almost perfectv; iithougu .-maoy . other' places hare suffered from the heat, : It haa been mild here, the mean tempert BTOKE For Rent-Corner Broad and J fin being 88 degree;; The forefast' for FOR Klce Bogue Bound Cuban Sweet Watermelon, go to JB Pwkw Jl LOT of Treshv Bogue 5 Sound' Cuban Sweet Watermelon at Barfield'i Fruit . Store. Try them, Phone 08., Middle rtrwft. ; Apply to Oak Market I today J fair weather. " Tha tharple Pauline T. Capt. Banders, arrived here yesterday with a load of yeiy nice , Watermelon, trom Bogne Sound.' It Is said ."thitlthe "cool dry weather almost mined the early orop.but the late crop Is more promising. The knitting mill here closed yester day at noon for Its annual vacation, and will noV open op again nntn Monday, August' ' 8rd."It I a "custom ' with the LEWIS.. WASHINGTON, ' the well known house mover will be In New Bern for next 80 day, v Any one wish ing hi services will pleas fluff him t work corner Middle and new Knew, between the hour of 7 and Sv .v . AN easy way to accumulate aomething. . Bnv real estate by paying a email tarn in . .hort time from;whIoh an Income "' "S l f Z nil- niwed. faereral lM for al I operative. a4yactlpi of o or three by the New Bent Invertment Co., B A week, every summer . . -Nunn. Attorney. - r . Mr Robert Alexnderroi Jersey Qty ' ' " who Is visiting Mr T F McCarthy. y WB GUARANTEB WllkiMon match- that DevUn, third baseman for Newark less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia I a Bsstern League, Is one of the wars ol and stomach troubles, or money refund-1 theLesgne Mr .Alexander say that Dev." goes after everything that comes hit way; and hU batting I a feature. f AlnX everybody that could'get away, .went down to Morehead- and ed. ' Davis' Pharmacy. I RECEIVED Friday, aeveral coop of fine tat Spring Chicken, which I am of fering very cheap. Harry Saltan, next (o Hahn' Ubles. : c v. " BRICK W have a large quantity of , good hard burned building brick and can ship promptly. Brick and Tile Mfg. Co. Phone 63 and 200. : FOR Sale or Jo Let-The Commodious Residence of M. Hahn, No. 18 Pollock street. 'For information and term ap ply to F. M. Hahn. i .'.1''- FOR RENT 106 East Front street, f room hoot $1150 pet month with water Inquire at Blade Lumber Co. ANICElotof rlpeTomatoe at J. B, Parker's Jr. CZJ. --'; MRS. JANTE BXBBT haa aaoved her Boarding Bouse to No. U 3 road itreet Mr Fowler old stand, aatd it prepared to take few more regular boarder. Meal furnished to fimlllea. Transient trade ollclted. ,'i. vv . ' ; V FRUIT JABS, Fruit Jar Bobber, Fruit Ju Cape at J.C, Whltty ACo'. AfuD line of Hardware at popnlar price. YACHT LTJLTJ. tohlre for SeHtag t FUhtng Partlea. Apply to J B Dawaoa, orCaptWFMMyott-'- :'' ' rAKCTCrsaachaeeeJast reoefvedfcy J. R. Parker, Ju Broad street p . HOTEL MONTREAT at Black Monn ti!n, near AaheviUe, H O, ' Deration 0 T.lght in the stcwHUla. Mod . itnX pba'aU Ntiosi Two ssUas froas !rpot, Bo. By. For booklet and taUe, .1Jrf. Vf D PurUm. Montmt, K C UUT0OA Spring Water yaat reoefred 1 1 Jc,.Vs Cafe. 1 ' Besufortlastnlght.Thosethat didn't go last nUbt win ' probably do ao this morning. A few stay-at-homes wui re M las, Sarah ? Mellon dressed jn ' w hlte orgstdlB received the cards and . the guests were greeted at the door by Miss Addrla Chrltsberg. From the front halt, which was prettily decorated In car nation and palms, the guests were ' in troduced int the parlor by ; Mrs. O. XW. Regan where Iheyr met the receiving party nilr. ind Mr.X,raIg, and Mr. and Mr Watecrfi, Here the decoration coo slsted of carnations, fern and amllax. The guests wenrthen ushered Into the library. The colors tsed In decorating the library,' which .wa originally in oriental colon, were red and yellow.v . From the library the guests were ush ered into the sitting room, beautifully decorated with rhododendron blossoms from the mountain whero Miss Lottie Blake, uslsted by Utile. Mist Florence Edna Watson, dispensed punch from a handsome bowl resting on a bedot fern and panslet. The guests wen then conducted to the dining room where ) freshments In heart shapes were served. Here the color used were white an l green, a profusion of fern and pa'ms furnishing a most pleasing decorative ef fect. A large bed of aweet peas formed oen let piece for the table. . The gown worn by the ladle of the receiving partiea - were handsome and costly.:, Mrs Watson wore a gown pearl grey pole de crepe richly embrold red with pink rosea,' her Jewel being pearl. Mr Craig' gown was of black i -v...-::- i. lover dlv J at ., c .r ct I-.it Front and i t. u, it 5 o'C .k a. m. July li.i,i:.3. I--r slvinet was of brief dara.n, ar.l her saiuea death came v.l.a s great Siiock, and spread gloom ssl sorrow t' roughout tie CBtiie com munity. -.. - - - ,-'' : : ; . E ach wss the deep feeling enforced oy thesuien cec&rture of this loved one end friend thst these words fitly describe the conduct of every one In its presence: "I wss duuib, I opened not my mouth; bscause Thou didst it.". , , . , . : ' Silence almost sllll prevails, when we would speak a word, adequale'y setting forth theYitollenc ot her charaoterad the bssutles of her sweet life... v. .' f. - Sh wu of the noblest type- of the ex empllflcatloa ot modeat, christian worn, anllnesi. . A (ublime almpliclty charao- terlxed all her life and ways, which I a greatness above the possible expression of tongue or pen.-- - -. - Her praises are on every Up, and will live an abiding memorial la the ; hear ! of all who knew her and loved her, -' She united with . the Presbyterian church In the '00's. and Was from . thtft time effectually Interested, )a,(.and lden tilled with, .all chnrch life and - pr Jg- re., v v ;-.V" i ' ..v..x" v For many years teacher In the Bab- bath School, she maintained a continu ous devotion to the welfare of the youth of the church and community. - la her heart there always wa found tender sympathy for toe Buffering and needy, ahd heisglfta were equally ready land liberal. - She bore in her person the graces of the Bpltlt, and expressed , the principle of the Gospel In-her practice. now, she rests from her labor,, and her works do follow her.' At the rising dswn of the Sabbath Earth' (lea were severed, and her Spirit was called home to Uod, where ramuy tie no more are broken, and, where ssb- baths have n6 end. She, Is survived by two sisters and two brother, and a number of near rela tions. May the heavenly . Father deal very tenderly with them, and give them peace! ' 8. . .. , C. , : ; L . .. s II i 9 ": i x ir- --v i"' C :. ; t:.l . v I ..1.1 C t Ti.?y are too weU k-,cB fr any xp!ia atlon. AH tie ne . -t style are here, 3'ist come rigLt Is k-1 U'J o what you waoC . ";. Tour truly. - ' r-sy j r'A.it four-la- riv.-;s: It. '.tcclor, tie J .... t tit cf rt?-tu."4 nechrtu In U ' far l:i ."e are not ve-y far dov . t treet Coce on. . . . '.' : . -s w aksth: -t A zauafitl Face . j. Depend! on healthy tkin. W can help yen attain this by Belling you pure soap unreliable toDe 'arttdeA Many preparations are more deterlons than beneflciaL - Fnrity and 5 beneficial results are rhat we sMtw' for.;Beflidei 'ndnut's goodstfor'e7hich we have the agency here, e, cany4h stoc; $ x!m7j - ..""--"Ar ''.' '''' sva? . . k vuusx dwuuuu Muicu piwpaTaoons, v- DAVIS' PHARTIACY. $ ' ' '" - ' ' PHoW . . iv . ... ? -C -CCOOOCOC OOOOC L c . lihr !i$W SALE ? o 4 THIS YEEK - la aoz:n CI CO 17effUtreo flWrta. sizes 6 9 14.to,lCVin nea.t stripes andXflguresr$ . cut thpric::ta make room for Fall goods. v I S- .fci OS t V ol urn ine n ew Mteei .way iiair liosf q You'll find both kinds here-lPlain and O .VwwvyvvvWVVWWV9999CCS3U i x? Comti Wear for Itteii, 1 STi aPollocls: Street. o u o o S0PEiS7ELL"PATTER.J8 , . SIILiCS ! jtj - - j. - y Open Work. p'V Price S O o o o S5c & 50c the' pair. . Look them oyer. C - , . ' ; HATTIR AND HABEBDASHIB, . ' , FH0NF IS7. V, ' " ti MIddl Street, '1 , Wejare oflering this week our entire line 'Ss, V5 cccccspnococococococcccCwJl , , " f 3 Kyt 1 -TW J . OASVOHXA. BMustas- 1 Ktai Yw Haw alway BoqgBt Blfutus -. ef k t f.V main, ia order to twit the other en their I lUk yoU with point duchess lace, with retva aooat tna aauxnuat Dreesef inai i diamond. prsvaCed here dnrlnf their abwnce, :; Ja oar Polloduvjue letter Tbnrsaay, the correspondent reported the death of "Mr Bryo Boott, of Palo Alto.;xt shoald have read "Mr Bryoe Trots, of Palo Alto." Mr Trott wu ooa' pt Mr B W Trott, one of Onslow county" 1 I moat worthy, and prominent citlsensnd the Journal extend I la sympathy to ua bereaved father. t- - ' Off For CoBTcntlott. Messrtr John H. WeddeTl and To a a Daniels, delegate from New Bern lodge kave tonight for Baltimore whsi they will altead the Grand Beunlon of the Stkl b that dty-.Mr-.-?,:-;-.'. - m few line pt Panama Hals Just received aw J Baxter'. , t .- : Special Sale of Ladles Handkcr- We have jut purchased US dosen ladles handkerchief at a bargain ' worth from 85o to 60c. V All to be ald at 10c I each. Bala to begta next - Wedsdsy morning July IS, at 9 a m and will last only on day. These handkerchief oaa be een b oar window."- Beept, s "2 ! mm . 't V vTrriM ki t . inn l 1 c e - ' '; 1 ci-uwisi a4 to per rollj to v'.. TW ft 1 13 0f per ftlf, HaMivle ttiii in vnei farms 1 j t , .iicrd U Kemory ef4Vera Bond - Ca Saadar aftaraooe.1 July is. 190S, at 110 o'clock, the life oa earth of Jlule Tera Bond, the seven year old dauihter of Mr aad Mr a M Farrow, earn to a aloe. Ten wa a child laUHectotllj brlxht, qalok and active.. Tbe atroeg Im the bad for her parents mad obedW eaoetethcir wlahea a Joy. Bne wa happy erery dsy aad we feel Ut hr Bule Ufa wa eoasDlaia. Tht seed of trath sown b her yooag' mind 'tpraal p aad bore fruit to perfection. Bee Ufa wa permeated with the mellowing la loeaoeof thekvor7eso..Ofiea b abearviag this we rsgarded her a almost aagsllo, ah I not dead her laJoeao Uvea, aad wul nve f oreter. i There wa aa Ascl hand b Heave.' -1 aai was aet qaiie ooaipieie, Bo Ood took darling Vara --. , i-Te 111 the vaeaat seat . JW Tnutt KcaorUl tuUdicf. Charity aad Chfldrea. . r 1 Mri.awaluy, of Hew Bera.hetdf kemladtobiUdho atth DiplUl Orphaasfa Teoesaevtn, la memory of hie beloved danhler' whohaegoael freea her earthly heme nape y as It was to the hoes not made with heads. Brother WhiUy eould hardly have soae J a wortuet ot a wise latag. we nope he wQ fset ta fcts heart taw flew ol e h!hst joy Usa he ever felt befvv as. he tfcae hoeor U dead by hslplpg lb i; All Headaches I ' fTITfllRIh PBOMPTLTand ; i i " t " ,fl,cto bT, ' tv' Drag Store . ;;';-r4 --r. .'ih. - "(Uruid) ? New York .Grand Opern Sliicer cmuERU nusTiciiu ; and ; ; flartha Under the direction of MB. FRED till J BY BOBELL1, oa ranSDiY.irAi Jul! 22, ; M1S05IC 0PIEA EOUSI. 61AT8 can be reserved at Water's I Monday July, KXh. - - wriira throughout tho stock. Before we move to -Out New Siofe 5?oUo&StteetM merDress Goods, Ojtptf Ties, Etc,, $$(fcaJ. to Hose -atdnci. BAR FOOT -BROS. Cost lit ;fjVyje? also offer Borne very pretty Novelties in ' ; ' ' UhitcanrJ Colored Wash Silks Our Nainsooks and Egyptian Dimities are I unsurpassed. BEE HIVE, 61 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal Church. fces.-' MeMeMtMtoteeMy --n- 11.:-: I.-:-: Hl---';w ."3 ,r':V V'j.OKK of the oiot laiportarit aerrloee ef our perfectly, ap- t X pomwa ana treu etockea drug itore u tue . . : - : Prescript Cor. Pollock I. MMJle $u.' ion Department. Filling of Prescriptions.. - WtlEU joar iysiclan wrilce you a prcacTjptioOj'ocime here ior the medldne, and joa will jet purf, ondilatcd 4 rrjgi I of Iceled and proven itrtnjth, pat up for you. We 'alwayi carry ont the p hyaldan'a dirt ctiona eiacUy and prrfeclly and WE CIIAIiOK Ton THE 11EDICINB ONLY, FOU CUII TIME, V1AJ3 COST OF IKCIlEDntSTd. tlUB riHCKS AUE ALWAYS FA1U AND JU3T. .1 AlHunm'ilCl llkldle EU, Hume 03,: " I I U I i t U arid. V -mafia - t j a 1 1 1 r t llocui ty IU Bosrl ef IMcrtnca i t; ; htsthef VsUsc Joit, :t-'-. Wherrae, Aa all M hts a It I te lake fiom or asmber troiixt Wl'Im Ro. Pel rlvs4 ty U B r4 ef AMra In !b ee- fed. - X '; t I. TW we ora t-i lr 'r, ! sr.! d-:'r. sl 1 : ta m.' u ' ftvtil la UMb '-i f.-'-n r.. I. Win 3t sr.',-: ir;at-, tst. lie as wse e Utif.ful enl ?:;'c.n WcxkH frjf IbelaUrMl of ll'l rr.ir.' n Wss'A. - t,7kUHif1til!i!' "! ' o' 1 i i t't '' 'tlf'-f't II trr...-.-. ! ta l i f -. ; '5 l Jarasl e&l ; - . : t i '. Hvxtcrs Canfa a aw Fjr Supply , Ezstmzn KcJ.zks A VKJ. . - Qualify--, a 3 o I t ; m v t A'r rr" .- it M I rs il aSprcM Tried of - 1 1 4 Tellers si 4 X I ! ' ': ' II t . . t 4 . - . . just n::.iiv:iD l ir ) .aas . . aStam iday'ln the year. Orders "received by 10 o'clock A. II. will I be delivered same day. Seal Presses, Wax Seals 'Aluminum and Brass Che ok s and Badges, Stencils, Inks Pads, Bubber Type, Sign. llarkers, and ev: erytblng in this line. Dealer la Biorouss Pra-uaia, aid Au .roe Sroama Good. Job Puanao Bmaa Brawn. a KUoleSL, m 1EMI, H. C Some Stunts can be accomplished whan you've had a glass or two of Bodwols beer which mlf ht be deemed Impotslbl l&e. It gently stimulates, exhilsrates and puts new life into the veins of those who partake of th.t altogether delectable btverage I'udweli beer. At wholesale hy J. F. Taylor, NIK I'KkN. N C Ageat for Prospect Brewing Co. of Phil adelphia. Fresh Tar Loed every w k BnitM aai Caaahaf .. Wottll Tani Oraea with eirry if Cbrj m'td m thegajwaecei wore by the asaa ta !wBm sad jawde ky F M Chedwtck. WaU fitting head. soeMsod swU as asyla, e4 abevtnf a m wlih a perfnc fnria to ferteelioa, fwenakrnf a trfr fcras t she fta thai ts dWactire. IX yo havra't evdared yemr Spring nit ee tig ht ovwoa, H as aiow jr hatt wU T eaa he whew we be aaade yef gmviaeBtft. . , '.Tie II. CiAdwlek4 ' V. J! ;rt tI;::o 111 tk llr i j'l t f ' a. v. Special Sale Of Home-made Lard. Parties that wish some thing pure and sweet can get 6 lbs. lard for 65cn Send your buck et to tho The Omka llarkrl. L'aU.UUUUUUi 1 . Uat4w He44 Caattawha. GENERAL;.'! .. HARDWARE; Screen Wire , Doors and V71ndoT7i. j Tho led Cavicfj Gla zier Hcfrljcrators, r.. tc'.Vr, fw m fKd, Ar-rt f r U a Fsmpf CIrt and r 7 IV k. e loves, an4 f W rWvoo'a I I a-! Tatnt. we 1 1 1 ! "I r 1 1 H w "s'l r I - f. L a. v. , -... p. n.. 1 fin:: . ? r Ml !.!' i A !i 1 : r